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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 154 KB, 256x320, Panzer_General_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5177339 No.5177339 [Reply] [Original]

whats your favorite /vr/ strategy game?
be it Civ games, wargames or old RTS

>> No.5177454
File: 292 KB, 640x480, moo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Master of Orion 2 is still the best.


>> No.5177463
File: 22 KB, 320x200, Master of Magic game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Master of Magic. I did very much like the "general" series, although I found Fantasy General a bit better than Panzer General. More focus on maneuver battle, and less on this gradual wearing down of entrenched forces. PG also had too many scenarios that were far too long, meaning you didn't have to hurry. AG was much more tightly crafted.

My biggest beef with MOO2 is that good strategy is reductive, not expansive the way it is in Master of Magic. All successful empires wind up looking a lot like each other; parlaying either a production advantage (more common) into a science advantage with research base spamming and lots of population, or a science based advantage into a production advantage by researching up the necessary production boosters. In all cases though, victory was usually assured by outgrowing opponents and making these tiny 1 pop colonies on shithole worlds building housing so you can transfer them continually to your planets that actually matter.

Ship design was also very standardized; missile heavy until you got to about +75, maybe +100 to hit, and then wholesale conversion to beams.

>> No.5177865
File: 114 KB, 640x480, 5226-4-emperor-of-the-fading-suns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wish I could get this fucker to run

>> No.5177883

>good strategy is reductive

Every 4x strategy game devolves into this.

>> No.5178025
File: 28 KB, 640x350, reach for the stars.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every 4x strategy game devolves into this.
Not really, no. Again, Master of Magic is hugely different in strategy and how you want to build your empire when it comes to book and race selection. Something like Fall From Heaven is built along very similar lines. Reach for the Stars, the game that actually coined the 4X term, would literally have an extremely tiny overlap in what sorts of worlds most races could settle, ensuring that a Human Empire and and a Trogarch empire and a Hive Empire all play massively differently with very different incentives.

>> No.5178210
File: 74 KB, 640x480, ufo_008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UFO: Enemy Unknown
I hate how googling the other name always brings up the new one.

>> No.5178340

Have you tried making a Win95/Win98 machine in PCem or 86Box and running it through that? That's how I was able to play the CD-ROM version of Ultimate Domain/Genesia again. Wouldn't work on modern windows, wouldn't work in DosBox, worked great under DOS 6.2 in PCem.

Brood War will always be my favorite RTS game. I like a lot of them, but BW is on it's own level of quality. Civ building games, my vote is for Colonization. It's basically Civilization re-skinned and made colonial period specific. The soundtrack is fucking great. Castles 2 is an underrated wargame.

>> No.5179662


>> No.5179983

>classic strategy games
>whats your favorite /vr/ strategy game?
>be it Civ games, wargames or old RTS

Total love for OP game.

>> No.5179992

Reminder that you can play Open Panzer on any browser with HTML 5 including tablets or smartphones.
Although there's a version in the app store but I'm not sure how far behind it lags compared to the browser one

>> No.5179997

I just tried out Panzer General Forever, the increase in screen real estate is a really big plus

how does this one stack up?

>> No.5180002

Open Panzer is pretty much vanilla Panzer General 2 and uses the same rules and visuals.
The plus side is that you can play it literally anywhere anytime without installing anything. It doesn't even need javascript to run

>> No.5180962

any reason to play Master of Orion 1 over 2?

>> No.5181014
File: 9 KB, 259x194, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Panzer General is the best strategy game of all time!

>> No.5181042

I actually thought the later entries in the same system were better. (Besides Star General, which was awful.) The original PG suffered from too long times in most of the missions relative to the distance and prestige; it was too easy to substantially break the enemy army and then roll all over them in a few turns as your mostly motorized and mechanized forces zoomed across the map. AG's generally smaller maps with fewer turns worked much better.

That and the reduction of all battles to 1v1 fights meant that attrition warfare didn't really work. Most of the later eastern front maps could not and did not develop into the air advantages the Soviets historically held, because the 1-2 highly experienced German fighters with their FW190s would obliterate literally every mig sent against them because they almost always fired first. They couldn't be worn down or mobbed. You see similar problems with the very late war tank duels. PG did a lot to help this with the +1 to initiative for each friendly to your unit.