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5177204 No.5177204 [Reply] [Original]

Is Squall the most attractive/beautiful character in the history of video games? I can't get over how dreamy he is.

>> No.5177206
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I mean he's no Karnov but he's aight I guess

>> No.5177240

>it's another faggot fantasy episode

>> No.5177258

Nomura is a shit tier character designer

>> No.5177296
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>> No.5177538
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Couldn't disagree more. This with FF-IX was FF character design at its peak before everything went to shit with FF-X.

>> No.5177539

how many final fantasy threads do we need

>> No.5177548
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It's a key franchise for retro games that for two gens was called the "king-maker" franchise. Deal with it.

In fact I'd argue that it has more relevance in retro than in modern games due to how shitty the modern ones are.

>> No.5177554

>that for two gens was called the "king-maker" franchise
It was called so incorrectly. Literally mythology and fake news created by late 90s journalists that actually believed their niche tastes for JRPGs were shared by the mainstream.

FFVII is the most returned video game in history.

>> No.5177563

You're definitely younger. Almost every major publisher made RPGs after the success of FF7. There are 240 RPGs listed for the PS1, and 101 listed for the PS2.

It wasn't a niche genre at all.

And I still think it sucks that western devs managed to shift the demand to FPSs due to being shorter and easier to make during the PS3/Xbox 360 era.

>> No.5177575

>It wasn't a niche genre at all.
Notice how literally every single JRPG in 5th generation sold like shit except for FFVII, FFVIII and FFIX? And sales were massively down after FFVII anyway (of course they were, shitloads of people returned that game).

Lots of developers made RPGs because the industry operates like lemmings. Whenever one particular genre or style is "perceived" to be popular at a particular moment (whether true or false) the whole fucking industry tries to cash in on it, which usually results in studio closures as everybody goes bankrupt.

There was a period around 2008 where shitloads of developers tried to get in on the "user generated content" fad which had no popular support whatsoever but journalists had created a fake perception that "user generated content" games were in high demand. This is why games like Spore crashed horribly.

>> No.5177585

Ye that niche genre keeps dominating retro game boards even two decades later, and the demand is so high that Squeenix is re-making FF7 to pander to the people who want more. Funny how that is.

>> No.5177590

>Ye that niche genre keeps dominating retro game boards even two decades later
Are you honestly acting surprised that a image board dedicated to malaysian finger puppets disproportionately discusses niche video game genres?

>the demand is so high that Squeenix is re-making FF7 to pander to the people who want more
They're desperate and run out of ideas so they're just going back to an established property because it's safe.

>> No.5177593
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And how is it safe if there is no demand?

Kindly do explain that paradox.

>> No.5177598

It's safe because 1) they save on R&D costs by using an existing property cause most of the ideas are already developed, 2) compared to some of their other properties FFVII did OK, and 3) their track record in recent years is shit so it's more reliable to work off the back of the work made by a previous generation of employees

>> No.5177623

These games were also the beginning of the beltanzippah era of character design, but I guess it was still early enough before it got obnoxiously out of control.

>> No.5177626

They're not saving any money. It costs significantly more to make an RPG now than it did in the 90s.

In fact that long dev time paired with that high cost is why most devs steer clear of RPGs now. Just look at how long it took to make FF13 and FF15. It's not like a shooter or sports game where sequels can and do get churned out yearly. It's a high-cost long-term project to make an RPG these days.

>> No.5177632
File: 12 KB, 202x246, gacktfries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO he isn't even a quarter as attractive as Gakuto-sama.

>> No.5177643

decent games at best, let's not even compare them to non console story oriented "rpgs". It's a marketing/gaming journalism invention. and IF we were to judge the games by its fanbase alone, they're grade A cancer, just see how these stupid faggots spam the board here.

>> No.5177647

Stay mad kid

>> No.5177663
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>> No.5177665

FFX with Wakka's shoulder pad that just hung there, Tidus's shorts with differing legs, and other dumb costume designs is when it got bad IMO.

>> No.5177671
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>> No.5177679
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You really are a millenial or post-millenial who was just not there. NOT getting those JRPGs was one very large reason why the N64 never got high sales.

>> No.5177691

>NOT getting those JRPGs was one very large reason why the N64 never got high sales.
*breathes in*

There's a long list of why the N64 didn't win the console war, and not getting JRPGs is somewhere near the bottom of the list despite the journalist fabricated mythology.

>> No.5178053

Are you saying that having jrpgs would not have bolstered the n64 library and drawn more people to it?

>> No.5178089

Specifically look at Lulu's dress, which is a weaving of literally dozens of belts. THAT'S beltanzippah right there.

>> No.5178347

Wow actual Squallfags...

>> No.5178368
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He's pretty hot, true, but...

>> No.5178378
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Yes, Aya is hot. It really is a tie between Rinoa and Aya desu.

>> No.5178412

Only in the sense that the N64 would have had more games. But more games from practically any other genre would have been even better.

>> No.5178432
File: 125 KB, 614x1000, edgar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly prefer Amano's more crude, feudal Jap art-ish designs

>> No.5178435

as much as castlevania threads

>> No.5178438


You're not wrong

>> No.5179047

And Thief threads

>> No.5179103

How can one man be this wrong?

>> No.5179219

Some are very good

>> No.5179225
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>> No.5179413

this part of the game made me feel deeply hollow and depressed when i was a kid idk why

>> No.5179486

Probably because the scene creates a feeling of isolation. Rinoa is alone in space and could very well die. Extend this to real life, we are all likely to die alone, whether we are married or not, one partner usually outlives the other and the end result is dying alone.

>> No.5179573

It was my favourite FF until it became clear that there was no Quistis route, and they rolled out the forgotten childhood memories trope, and everything just got more depressing. Squall was basically a personality-free character, and I didn't like most of the other characters. The only character I liked was Quistis and she just got pushed to the side permanently.

I'm pretty sure FF8 was a good example of what happens when you have development teams with huge budgets and not enough talent. Square failed on this one, it had potential and they blew it. I stopped taking the Final Fantasy game seriously after 8 because of this.

>> No.5179760

>Squall was basically a personality-free character
Kek not even close kid. In fact, Squall is one of the few characters in the series that actually seems like a real human. His personality is that he is introverted and independent after losing Ellone when he was younger. He may not have remembered it, but it played a major role in his personality as he grew older and shaped who he was during the events of the game.

Honestly, I can't even take your opinion seriously due to you saying that he had no personality. It's like you didn't even play the game and pay attention to anything.

>> No.5179780
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Good choice, but I prefer pic related

>> No.5179787

Just because you identify with a character because he has virtually no personality doesn't mean he has a personality.

How do I know this?

Your post reeks of manchildhood. And whether you like it or not, the critical reception agreed with me about FF8 in general.

>> No.5179807

No, I don't "identify" with Squall. I did, however, play the game more than once and I paid attention to the story, unlike you.

The critical reception that you speak of means nothing when the majority of people give games a shallow playthrough.

>> No.5179814

The "critical reception" audience are the kind of people who ask for a remake of FF8 but with the junction system removed, completely ignorant of the fact that the junction system is set in the lore and that the magic that everyone else who isn't a summon or a sorceress uses is para-magic. The opinion of people like this can, and should be, discarded.

>> No.5180236

Did she actually say this? I haven't done the stairs in years.

>> No.5180927

I want this

>> No.5181052

Good luck. It's a pain in the ass to find.

>> No.5181061

50 bux on ebay

>> No.5181065

you absolute fag lord, go kill yourself now

>> No.5181072
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>> No.5181950


>> No.5181972

Some Visual Kei musician that an anon has been shitposting about for ages

>> No.5182123

wtf he was literally japans biggest male pop star lmao

>> No.5182472

I'm not a retarded faggot who pays attention to Japanese pop stars.

>> No.5183341


>> No.5183737
File: 132 KB, 920x1098, DQ6vS0fUQAA-Jwz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based seliphposter