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File: 23 KB, 256x224, S3&K.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
516258 No.516258 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever find that you don't play your favorite game that often?

I really enjoy Sonic 3 & Knuckles but I play other stuff a lot more than it.

>> No.516303

S3&K is my favorite game but I've never gotten the super emeralds legitimately.

In my defense, those super special stages are tough.

>> No.516317
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It happens. Look at it this way.

When you play a game like Sonic 3 and Knuckles, you can finish it in under an hour if you're fast enough, and the experience will be the same every time. Which isn't a bad thing, but there's less room to play around. On the other hand, if you go and play an RPG or a game with lots of unlockable content, you might spend more time on it overall, but the experience might not be as good.

I'm the same way with the Sonic series honestly. I played the 1-3+Knuckles countless times when I was younger, and recently I've fallen in love with Sonic CD, but because the games are short I've probably only spent a fraction of the time on them as compared to other games, games that I wouldn't consider my favorites, or sometimes even good.

Kinda hard to put my thoughts together, so I hope this sounds alright.

>> No.516454

Do you know how to box?

>> No.516538

Some games just don't have good replay-ability, or that certain games just don't interest you in replaying it. I mean I played the living hell out of Diablo II than I have with some other games, and I still really like Diablo II, but I wouldn't put it in my top ten games personally.

>> No.516558
File: 38 KB, 256x380, Doom_cover_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I haven't played this game in a millennium.

>> No.516562

My two favorite 2D platformers of all time are S3&K and DKCR.
Also Abe's Exoddus if counting non-standard platformers

>> No.516578

Go play it then.

There's nothing quite like Doom. It's even more amazing when you haven't played it in forever. When I got a new mouse after like a year of not having one (fuck keyboard controls, and fuck touchpads), I played pretty much nothing BUT Doom (and some Quake) for weeks.

>> No.516595
File: 60 KB, 500x631, 1307007783698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll probably not play my favorite game of all time for many, many years. This would be Terranigma.

My reasoning is that I don't want to potentially ruin my feelings towards it for whatever reason. I hold it very highly in memory, and would prefer to keep it that way instead of playing it again for a long time, if ever.

Likely, I'll replay it one of these days, when age has stolen many details of the game from me.

Fortunately in this my memory is actually very bad. I can't remember anything but fragments 7+ years into the past.

>> No.516596

Try it out again with horizontal mouse controls and ASWD. After that go through all of Final Doom (TNT and Plutonia). It will leave you craving for more Doom.

>> No.516609

Yes and megawads! Requiem is really awesome, and I feel a bit underrated.

>> No.516759

We have a constantly cycling Doom thread on this board. Now's a better time than any to play it since they can probably guide you on ways to shake things up.

>> No.516930

enclose rings? it was one of the first things I remember.

I always got as far as I did ignoring perfect ring collection. when it speeds up too fast I'm as good as red.

>> No.516971

Well, he means box blue spheres with red ones to turn them all into rings.


FUK DAT 155 SPHERE STAGE. How are you supposed to get a Perfect on that?

>> No.516997

Which special stage is that?

>> No.517025
File: 181 KB, 1024x768, Shenmue 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favourite games are Shenmue 1 and 2, and/or Shining Force 3 trilogy. I don't play them very often because they are kinda long (Shenmue isn't that long, but SF3 trilogy is) and they aren't really convenient because they are on old consoles.

Having said that, I'm tempted to try out Shenmue on an emulator now, if only to see how it looks and plays with a 360 controller. I imagine the QTEs would do my head in though.

Shining force 3 series is just hard though, need to emulate and have the translation patch.

>> No.517035


I legitimately got all the emeralds in sonic 3 (didn't try for all the hyper shit in s3&k), and I'm pretty amazed, since now I can't imagine doing it without save states. Though I do remember being kindof stressed out when I did it on genesis.

Sonic in general is a patch of guilt for me. I sometimes play the music and dabble in the levels for sake of nostalgia, but can't enjoy the reckless running around as much as I used to.

I do come back to sonic 2 now and then and just bask in the glorious atmospheres, but again I miss enjoying the sort of pointless running..

>> No.517046


>> No.517059

Shenmue 1 and 2 could do with a nice HD collection.

>> No.517076
File: 59 KB, 412x360, Shenmue-2-Dreamcast-_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's on the cards, there's been rumours and ratings advice popping up recently.

>> No.517105

>(didn't try for all the hyper shit in s3&k)


I got all 14 Emeralds with each character.

>> No.517117

Sorry, I forgot we're supposed to be nice to each other on this board.

>> No.517156



yeah, I only did that under emulation (i.e., cheating with save states). the birds you get with hyper tails are pretty silly.

TRUE STORY I really enjoy the music to sonic CD. (note, sonic CD's bonus stages are fun and pretty easy.)

>> No.517157
File: 490 KB, 245x188, 1357669959098.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, so is a Shenmue 3 kick-starter.

It wont happen. Sega is HORRIBLY AND LITERALLY FUCKING RETARDED and will just let the license rot.

That's the only reason we haven't gotten a Shenmue 3 yet. Sega holds the rights to it, and will not give them to the creator of the damn games.

On a side-note, I'm getting an auto-spam reformat thing. I don't know why.

>> No.517241

Hahaha, that was the last special stage I cleared when I played S3&K back in the day. You can imagine my face when I got this last S. emerald months later of finishing the game, and thus unlocking Doomsday zone.

>> No.517452

I'm in the same spot OP. 3&K is my favorite game of all time and I hadn't played it in like seven years till this summer when I burned myself out on it playing Sonic 3 Complete and beating it like twenty times. I probably won't touch the game for another few years, but I'm looking forward to playing it again one day when my memory has fuzzed up a bit. I'm the same way with music too, I go months without listening to my favorite song, but when I listen to it again it just sounds that much better.

>> No.521469

I doubt we'll get Shenners 3, but with their recent re-releases of JSR, Sonic Adventure, Crazy Taxi etc, I think Shenmue 1 & 2 ports to steam/XBLA/PSN are realistic. I thought I remembered seeing some Australian/English ratings advice coming up for it like we saw for JSR before release, but I might be wrong.

Either way, yeah it's saddening.

>> No.521641

Otherway around. Requiem was highly overrated during its time. IMO, it was great until the 20's where the quality started to take a nosedive.

>> No.522121

Play Brutal Doom. It's like taking what's good about Doom--the tactile feedback from battle--and multiplying it by a million

>> No.522381


I've completed that game so many times. I got the Super Emeralds several times with all the characters. All this and I don't think I've even tried to seriously speed run it.

>> No.522404
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Brutal Doom is glorious.

>> No.522451

I am in a different situation.
I played S3&K so many times, the only thing left to me is striving for better times in perfect, deathless and 14 emeralds runs.
So, since a year I started doing as you : I force myself to play other games, possibly striving for the same skills I got in classic sonic games.
I have to say, the plan is working.
And I am discovering some great games I missed back in the day, like Shinobi 3:
after 2 hours of play, it became one of my favourite genesis games.

>> No.522850

Eh, Brutal Doom loses its steam after a short while. Often times I end up just giving myself berserk in console and tearing everyone apart until i get bored.