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File: 486 KB, 579x453, Quack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5169404 No.5169404 [Reply] [Original]

Every single Quake map texture and official mission packs have been 100% re-textured and look very nice while still looking like Quake, you don't need a super fast computer to use them either.

It took 10 years to complete.

What do you guys think of this?


>> No.5169482
File: 14 KB, 369x300, quakeface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Adding super HQ textures with parallax bump mapping to old low-poly game
>it looks like garbage
wew who expected that

>> No.5169497

WTF is wrong with you, it looks incredible.

>> No.5169506

I wouldn't call it garbage but I agree there's only so much you can do with something where the source material is of low fidelity. It's like when they put 3D models in classic Doom but everything thing is still bound to the old AI, and it looks fucking stupid and spazzy.

>> No.5169512
File: 493 KB, 1280x720, quake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5169535

Again, the textures themselves are pretty but the underlying geometry is still simplified. It looks a little alien. lipstick on a pig

>> No.5169551

lel... 10/10 shitpost.

>> No.5169562

Did you literally just refer to the world-renowned, time-defying, legendary artistic original Quake graphics as.. "a pig"?

>> No.5169926


Anyone got a video of this in motion?

>> No.5169935


>> No.5170108

You can't fucking do that!

It would work if it was completely re-modeled from scratch, then MAYBE. But having high-res textures on simply polygons is like begginer's mistake in making 3D graphics! It just looks weird!

>> No.5170383
File: 30 KB, 320x256, 20101219_dp10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here, skip to 3,24

Also the guy playing is not using the " Item textures v.0.73 " which re textures the guns, ammo boxes, health boxes ect...

I also noticed the downloadlinks are not working when you click on them, this can be solved by:

1. right clicking on the download link

2. "Copy link location"

3. Paste it in the URL bar of your browser.

>> No.5170401
File: 213 KB, 512x256, 1525634832873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5170419
File: 133 KB, 460x215, quake__dimensions_of_the_past_by_wario64i-daf9njd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quakes 20th anniversary mission pack episode 5 "Dimensions of the past" Made by machine games also works with these textures because they use the original quake assets.

>> No.5170450
File: 54 KB, 447x350, duckduckgoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon just a quick heads up, you really shouldn't feed bread to ducks as their digestive system actually can't extract any nourishment from it. They'll still feel full but will suffer from malnourishment in the long run.

>> No.5170470
File: 22 KB, 350x250, 1745333-quakesupershotgun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better to feed the ducks my shotgun pellets then fry it with the lightning gun so i can extract nourishment from it :P

>> No.5170510

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.5170719
