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5166586 No.5166586 [Reply] [Original]

wtf, Saturn had THAT many good JP only games!?

wtf was Sega of America thinking?


>> No.5166594

>wtf was Sega of America thinking?
General consensus is they weren't.

>> No.5166636

>Saturn was famous for it's 2d games

>> No.5166639

3D was all anyone cared about during that time you retarded zoomer

>> No.5166641

Too much weebshit.

>> No.5166647

Theres also the fact that all the 2D games are inferior ports of arcade games. The vast majority of exclusives are 3D

>> No.5166650

> Video shows a steady stream of 2D and sprite based games with the odd polygon 3D game thrown in.

That's the problem right there. Publishers generally rejected 2D styled games in the west because they were looked at as "last gen" in the eyes of the public, who were generally wowed by shaky, low-poly, low framerate 3D polygons. Sony really set a precedence with the PS1 and their "no 2D" guideline, which caused console publishers/ developers to really focus on polygons and CG cutscenes. Sega of America was under a lot of pressure to try and stay competitive with the Saturn, so they generally focused on 3D in the west as well.Which meant that a lot of 2D games got left behind in Japan, and the Saturn was looked at as an inferior system in general.

>> No.5166658

Sega of America's CEO at the time was on record for demanding that only 3d games be ported/made for the Saturn in the US market. The Saturn was better geared towards developing 2d games and programming for 3d on the system was a notorious bitch.

>> No.5166671 [DELETED] 

I don't know why anyone is even pretending it's not because they just hated anime and thought cartoons were for babies and would turn their kids into animal hugging faggots instead of wife beating alcoholics.

>> No.5166673 [DELETED] 

They weren't wrong though, anime is pedophilia normalization. I have hanged out with hardcore anime fans and not a single one of them were a well adjusted human being.

>> No.5166674

Stolar was a noted Draconian who might as well have enforced an anti-2D policy on the Saturn, saying 'fuck games like Taromaru, Super Tempo, etc, let's get moar sports ball games xD'. Guess where he worked before. Sony. Didn't help that the lack of cross talk between processors made 3D development convoluted. The irony of you calling someone a zoomer, and not even knowing basic Sega history is crippling.

>> No.5166679

>let’s make more sports ball games xD
Take a shower you filthy fucking weeb. No one in the West cared about 2D. NO ONE. You can blame Stolar and Sony for the Saturn’s shortcomings all you want, but it was simply the wrong console at the wrong time. The Saturn was behind the times. 2D wasn’t the focus then, and hasn’t been since.

>> No.5166682

It’s easy for ‘hardcore gamers’ to look back and question why the Saturn didn’t have more locally released 2D games but the fact is that 2D *were not* selling during that era. During the mid to late 90s 2D were uncooler than uncool among the general public in the West with extremely few exceptions (Rayman, Metal Slug, etc).

Weebs can whine and cry all they want but the fact is that Stolar only did what made business sense. SoA’s budget was not his to subsidise the whims of a few thousand basement dwellers.

Maybe if the Saturn was better at 3D they would have made more money and been able to actually bring those 2D games out, which is exactly what happened with PS1.

>> No.5166686 [DELETED] 

>I have hanged out with hardcore anime fans and not a single one of them were a well adjusted human being.

Confusing cause and effect. they were damaged before anime. They just use it as escapism.

>> No.5166687

Stolar was one of the biggest reasons the Saturn tanked because of his fervent efforts to prevent 2D titles from launching on Saturn. Were you even alive to recall when he claimed 'the Saturn is not our future' back in 97? Or how about 'there is no more Tekken'? Not to mention his anti-RPG stance, and how his autistic mindset nearly prevented Resident Evil 2 from seeing the light of day, since Capcom was almost prohibited from releasing Mega Man X4 on PS1. Which was relatively highly anticipated by the way. And was a 2D game. What about X-Men vs Street Fighter on Saturn, how US game stores were stocking it and the 4MB RAM cart that came with it, since it was such a popular 2D game? Which was butchered on the Playstation by the way. If (((literally))) nobody gave a shit about 2D back then in the west, then why were Capcom's fighting games such big sellers and so popular?

>> No.5166691

Street Fighter 3 New Generation sold like SHIT and basically sacked the entire Capcom arcade department. Nobody but losers cared about fighting games.

>> No.5166692

I fucking knew it. I knew you'd be a goal post moving faggot and go 'lol who cares but this game sucked xD'. Go back to /v/ you daft twat.

>> No.5166694

>Stolar was one of the biggest reasons the Saturn tanked because of his fervent efforts to prevent 2D titles from launching on Saturn.
Yes, Saturn tanked because Stolar didn’t bring over Loli Dating Virtual Novel #73638 to the West.

>Were you even alive to recall when he claimed 'the Saturn is not our future' back in 97?
Corporate honesty is bad. It’s bad when a company admits that is product is failing and will soon be dropped.

>Not to mention his anti-RPG stance
Every RPG in that generation sold like shit with the exception of FF 7, 8 and 9. Every RPG in the previous generation sold like shit in the West.

>how his autistic mindset nearly prevented Resident Evil 2 from seeing the light of day, since Capcom was almost prohibited from releasing Mega Man X4 on PS1
[citation required]

>If (((literally))) nobody gave a shit about 2D back then in the west, then why were Capcom's fighting games such big sellers and so popular?
Your brain is still stuck in 1992. Capcom’s fighting games didn’t have particularly good sales in 5th gen. The general public didn’t give a fuck about any Capcom fighter after Street Fighter 2.

You remind me of the people who sit in their Twitter bubble and actually believed 95% of the USA was against Trump because they only ever associated with people that hated him.

>> No.5166696


> There’s no shortage of monsters to mash for the spooky season. In Creatures, your righteous warriors kick and slash to eviscerate the grotesque fiends lurking in the 19th-century London mists. Castlevania, despite a gallery of god-awful beasties, has a flat, dated look, especially when compared with Creatures‘ 3-D gothic landscapes. Creatures: B- Castlevania: C-


I read this and it was a total eye-opener for me. All the actual gaming mags loved SotN, yet it didn't sell. That's because normies didn't like 2D.

>> No.5166703 [SPOILER] 
File: 229 KB, 377x400, 1542441448578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unique IP count hasn't gone up
>all 2D is bad
>redditpedia joke
>goalpost moving
Wonder who's behind this post?

>> No.5166704 [DELETED] 


>> No.5166705

>Your brain is still stuck in 1992. Capcom’s fighting games didn’t have particularly good sales in 5th gen. The general public didn’t give a fuck about any Capcom fighter after Street Fighter 2.

Totally wrong. they were reasonably big sellers. Nothing was gonna replicate SF2's success, and they were kind of running that well dry by making so many games. SFA3 sold 1 million on the Playstation.


>> No.5166706 [DELETED] 

>/v/ nomenclature
That explains everything.

>> No.5166707 [DELETED] 

That explains you're a cuck.

>> No.5166708

>Stolar was one of the biggest reasons the Saturn tanked because of his fervent efforts to prevent 2D titles from launching on Saturn.

Nah, the Sega Saturn was already dead in the water when Stolar jumped on board as COO. There was nothing that he could do to save that sinking ship. The Saturn launched in September 1995 when Tom Kalinski was still president of SOA. Tom Kalinski was already in a pretty bad position with Sega of Japan and bailed in 1996. Stolar took over in 1997.

The North American launch really helped kill the Saturn, it was released earlier than anticipated and had supply shortages and was limited to select retailers. Which caused some retailers to drop the Saturn in protest and reduce the availability of the console. It also didn't help that many of the early launch games were pretty underwhelming to Sony's PS1 offerings.

Tom Kalinski really pushed for a 3D sonic game on the Saturn, which he thought would have helped sales, and gave the system a chance to compete against the Mario 64 and Crash. But that ended in disaster. Developers didn't like making games for the convoluted hardware, and were not given adequate dev kits before hand. Overall, too many mistakes were made and you could say Bernie was there to put a bullet in the console's head.

>> No.5166709

>SFA3 sold 1 million on the Playstation.
How many of those sales were in Japan?

>> No.5166713 [DELETED] 

>Kek fucking epic, wait until the guys on reddit see this XD

>> No.5166715 [DELETED] 

So butthurt you've gotta have the last word. Have a (you)

>> No.5166717 [DELETED] 



>> No.5166719 [DELETED] 

Kek, thanks fellow Redditor, heres m Reddit gold, I hope to see you on r/Rick and Morty, it will be splendiferous hobknobbery! XD

>> No.5166747

Who is the cute military girl guys?

>> No.5166759

Sega was always a great developer, but they were inept as a business.

>> No.5166769 [DELETED] 


>> No.5166780

Damn right, son.

>> No.5166885 [DELETED] 

So you right right in

>> No.5166890 [DELETED] 

right right in

>> No.5166906
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>> No.5166947
File: 956 KB, 304x127, 2141.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one in the West cared about 2D.

Tons of us did. The devs just didn't listen.

>> No.5166951

>Tons of us did
Sales numbers prove otherwise.

>> No.5166957

saturn had no gamez

>> No.5166959

It did. I guess if youtube was a thing back then things might have turned out different for it.

>millions of people never bought those games that were never made

>> No.5166962
File: 1.66 MB, 500x705, 31ca47edefe9bdd86767c085a75269c6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol "you didn't buy them enough" is a far cry from no one caring. Fighters have always been niche, and console ones especially in the days before decent online. But pick up any Gamefan from back then or look at the rection players had to games like SotN and it's easy to see why your rant is so riddiculous.

>> No.5166964

No, it really isn’t. In fact it’s more concrete than your anecdotal evidence.

This seems to be an issue of you confusing ‘tons’ with ‘my niche echo chamber’. SotN was a cult classic. A -cult- classic. It never was ranked among the likes of Crash, FF7, Mario 64, OoT and the like during its heyday.

>> No.5166965

SotN was a bloated mess btw.

>> No.5166974
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Not being the most popular thing ever doesn't mean there were no fans lol. 3D is also great.

Yeah the gameplay really isn't the standout feature of the game. It's popular because of the graphics.

>> No.5166987

I’m not saying there weren’t any fans. I’m just saying there weren’t as many as revisionists lead to believe. Would it have been nice if more 2D games were made and brought over? Looking back on things now, yeah. It would have. They would have held up better graphically and probably gameplay-wise as well. Appreciating 3D from that era is an acquired taste.

>> No.5166989
File: 988 KB, 320x240, 9B3A0A69-3CDF-4005-A075-DC318DD71140.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A very rough acquired taste.

>> No.5167073

they didn't want to be compared to the Atari jaguar which games like zool which were barely any different from the amiga version. I think the 2d hatred only last until mid 1997 at which point people were no longer deluding themselves that they had the most advanced hardware, parapper had a sort of 2d style that would have criticized if it was a launch title.

>> No.5167093 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 277x250, aaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gaystation was the choice of clueless individuals who love to be told what to think, what to play and what to buy. I had one. Still haven't fully recovered from all that homo erotic faggotry..


Leave the internet faggot. Like NOW.

>> No.5167101 [DELETED] 

The Saturd was a failure and so are you.

>> No.5167105

>No one in the West cared about 2D. NO ONE.

Well at least you tacitly admitted this just a bunch of weak trolling lol

>> No.5168665 [DELETED] 


>> No.5169924


wtf, why did you even consider buying a burger console in the first place?

>> No.5169930


I used to buy 2D games and pirate the 3D playstation crap.

>> No.5169938


Oh hi there anon. How does your never ending battle against the "historical revisionists" go, any progress on that front? Met any Playstation deniers lately?

>> No.5169942

>western trash
>worth playing
lmaoing @ ur life

>> No.5169962


I'm a revisionist, not a denier.

I don't deny that the Playstation existed, but I do deny the amount of Playstations sold.

>> No.5169973

>Met any Playstation deniers lately?

I have, people are denying that the Playstation 1 was called PSX back in the 90s.

>> No.5170053
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Yeah, absolutely no one was buying or playing 2d games in the late 90s. They were totally dead.

>> No.5170085

>You remind me of the people who sit in their Twitter bubble and actually believed 95% of the USA was against Trump because they only ever associated with people that hated him.

After the revolution, all blue arrows will be chained to boulders at gunpoint and forced to mine rare earth metals for our emulation boxes.

>> No.5170092

>Yeah, absolutely no one was buying or playing 2d games in the late 90s. They were totally dead.

The PC market wasn't really comparable to the home console market of that time. Sure RTS's and isometric/ overhead RPG's were generally still 2D because 3D still had its limitations. But generally, the market was loaded with FPS's and other 3D games. Console styled 2D gaming didn't exactly have the biggest window in the PC market because early PC's were incapable of doing smooth scrolling 2D and by the time PC's could handle them with ease, developers and publishers were pushing the latest 3D accelerated hardware.

2D gaming was still a thing in the Japanese market, though. There were also a few releases that came to the western markets as well. But publishers were mostly interested in pushing games with 3D graphics and CG cut scenes. Consumers in the North America market were losing interest in 2D gaming, as there were two previous console generations that were flooded with them. People were looking for the shiny new "next gen" at the time. 2D gaming was mostly regulated to the aging 16bit consoles and handhelds, with a few token releases here and there on the 32/ 64bit consoles.

The DC/ PS2/ Xbox and GCN era was pretty barren of 2D gaming as well, aside from the odd releases. At that point, the GBA was really the only go-to system for your 2D gaming fix. It wasn't really until the second half of the Wii's life cycle and the rise of indie and mobile gaming where 2D came back into vouge.