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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 28 KB, 540x280, GoD is dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
515851 No.515851[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Well GOG is no more i guess. I know some ppl wanted to support this model and translate it onto newer games but apparently thats dead.


original post on /v/

>> No.515876

Who cares, this'll only make pirating even more convenient.

>> No.515884

So? It'll still be DRM-free, if you're that against the DLC you can just buy the main game then pirate the DLC.

>> No.515913

Who cares? Nothing changed so drastically to affect you that you have a reason to be this dramatic.

>> No.515906

You can take it back to >>>/v/

>> No.515916

wat he said

>> No.515917

I'm reading this, I'm not seeing what the issue is.

>> No.515919
File: 145 KB, 523x428, humble my ass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is like Humble already giving up on the weekly bundle.

>> No.515925

>all DLC is bad

Holy shit please fuck off you ignoramus

>> No.516005
File: 115 KB, 480x342, 1336908723368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess what, you don't have to buy DLC if you don't want it!

>> No.516027
File: 15 KB, 266x288, terminator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh no they're offering more stuff that's optional and if anything would improve things because there's more things to buy

Stop the presses.

>> No.516039


Oh no OP! What ever will we do?

>> No.516063

Good. It was great for holidays or special occasions, but the weekly shit isn't sustainable.

>> No.516073

The Humble Indie Bundle was best when it was actually humble. When you could believe it was for a good cause and to promote brilliant indie games that didn't get the attention they deserved.

Not the saturated cash grab they've become.

>> No.516110

there's no dlc in retro games.

>> No.516323
File: 12 KB, 560x407, 1328307621397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't MAKE DLC. Just offer it.

If there's part of a game I'm missing, I think I'd want to be offered that. Especially since GOG isn't making that marketing method disappear by abstaining.

>> No.516362

Expansion packs are the ancestor of DLC.

>> No.516393

But they aren't the same. His point remains.

>> No.516452

Wait, it's bad that now we'll have another place to buy new games from?

Also, now we'll have a DRM free online source for new games. So... steam without all the extra shit and spergbait EULA.

I admit this could eventually turn GoG into money grubbing jew fucks, but if their previous track record is anything to go on, we don't have anything to worry about. And even if they do become money grubbing jew fucks, changing their DRM free model would be business suicide, so piracy will get much easier even if the jew in them awakens.

Seeing no downsides here. If anyone has any, I'd be interested in hearing them.

>> No.516473

(Psst. Yes they are.)

>> No.516490

Nah. Expansion packs were a massive addition. Not a costume or horse armor or a cheat code that should have been in the game.

>> No.516516

A massive addition of...usually a few more levels. Which is what you get from not-terrible DLC.

>> No.516524
File: 35 KB, 554x439, 1270233565818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you still had to specify. An expansion pack doesn't need to. So they really aren't the same.

>> No.516521

>My butthurts from Capcum's rape!
Get out.

>> No.516534

>Expansion packs are the ancestor of DLC.
Changes are allowed there, y'know.

>> No.516535

I'm fine with DLC as long as
a) it gives me concrete additional content
b) it ain't zero-day

gog can't possibly make zero day DLC, because they cannot into time travel. if they will create new, cool content, that'll be nice and I'd consider buying them. can't see why you guys think this will kill gog

>> No.516553

Which was said in reply to the fact there's no DLC in retro games. Both are true statements. Although that followup didn't need stating.

>> No.516549

OP is fucking retarded. They say nothing about shutting down period, only about offering some of the DLC for some games. Please keep your over-reacting shitposting on /v/.

>> No.516561

Take this shit back to /v/.

>> No.516564

The first bundle was best. We actually got source code for some of the games. I modified Aquaria to allow releasing mouse grab in windowed mode before playing it.

A pity it had the challenge-destroying cooking system, otherwise it would have been a great game.

>> No.516567

Expansion packs, you fucktard.

>> No.516571

>there's no dlc in retro games.

>> No.516580


expansion packs are, essentially, non-downloadable DLC

>> No.516582


Fucking Game Boy games had on-cart DLC. Get rekt:


>> No.516593

You still wouldn't call them DLC.

>> No.516603


so? a matter of semantics

>> No.516608

Then you admit it. Glad we can move past that.

>> No.516620

ITT: Anallyanguished fags argue that old DLC isn't DLC.

>> No.516621


But they are still the exact same thing?

>> No.516619


I'm a different person than your previous interlocutor

>> No.516626


ok, I just read your post again and I misinterpreted it earlier

>> No.516628

>exact same thing
>essentially the same thing
Make up your mind.

>> No.516625

ITT: Spergists arguing over the difference between DLC and Expansion packs

Come on guys, this is /vr/.. we're better than this.

Op's post seems like it was just a ruse, DLC for some newer games, that's pretty much how all games are.

Gog is a good site.

If it has no effect on the retro games, who cares?

>> No.516632

I haven't seen this much terminology circlejerking since the last time someone asked what a roguelike is.

The sad thing is, this thread would be dead without it.

>> No.516645
File: 87 KB, 900x583, GB40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What the shit?

>> No.516647

OP, no one has any idea why you're so upset. I think you're really just upset about your lifelong virginity and you're taking it out on gog.com.

>> No.516646

>The sad thing is, this thread would be dead without it.
That's not a sad thing. Take this bullshit back to /v/.

>> No.516643

I'm fine with them selling DLC as long as it's part of a complete bundle with the base game and not individual bits all over the place.

>> No.516690

I don't see how gog is "dead", looks like they'll still be around selling DRM free games to me.

>> No.516693

>gog can't possibly make zero day DLC, because they cannot into time travel.

This, it's not like they can do the PREMIUM WEAPONS PACK for Syndicate Wars or something.

>> No.516723


I would probably pay for that...
assuming that I knew that my money just wasn't all going to EA of course

>> No.516741

Lost a lot of respect for Gog after the whole "we're going to die" pr marketing.
That was a really shutty thing to do. And then they criticize steam but do the same thing they do

>> No.516754

>And then they criticize steam but do the same thing they do

Except not considering Steam is a huge DRM scheme that made playing offline dreadful for years until they got it right, and doesn't even give you a decent installer but it forces you to open it to play your fucking games.

>> No.516763

I recognize that, but they criticized Steam's 5 dollar deals and stuff like that, while do the same on their site.

>> No.516812


Well yeah that's pretty hypocrite on their part, even more considering that the reasoning was just wrong.

>> No.516929

GOG starts selling expansion packs/episodic content seperate from the official games.
/v/ panics
Op Is a faggot.
Better buy OWU Blood before it becomes DLC.

>> No.518087

Wasn't this thread on /v/ ?

>> No.518764

Price for price, $20 worth of DLC is equal to or exceeding an expansion pack on average.

>> No.518819

1. Why the fuck are you literally crossposting from /v/?

2. You're overreacting. "We remain committed to bringing you guys the best games from all of gaming history, on both PC and Mac."

As long as it keeps selling me Good Old Games, I don't really care what the fuck they put on the side because I'm not buying it. I vote with my money, and my money goes to their old things.

>> No.518846

Because OP thinks it's fine to talk about shit /vr/ doesn't care about.