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5162918 No.5162918 [Reply] [Original]

How do you guys clean your gamepads? I wipe mine down and maybe even try to scrape out the nooks and crannies when I can, but I know sometimes it's just pushing gunk even deeper and I kind of want to give a full cleaning. But I'm also scared of fucking it up once I take it apart and then having to buy a new one.

>> No.5162928

I rarely clean controllers regularly, but for my decades-old controllers, anything obviously grimy or sticky, or any used controllers I buy, I just take them apart, clean any gunk off with isopropanol and a toothbrush, and then get a bowl of warm soapy water and scrub them in that and let them steep for a little bit before washing off, drying, and reassembling.

>> No.5162946

A full cleaning indeed means opening them up, but don't worry about it. Just bust out the Q-tips and rubbing alcohol and clean both the rubber contacts and contact pads on the controller's board. The only way would could possibly break your controllers is to pull a wire out somewhere, and you have to actively, forcibly try to accomplish that.

>> No.5162947

I usually only clean them when I first buy them if used. I don't get gunk in my controllers, my hands are clean when I play and I dont sweat

>> No.5163737

I just buy good as new ones from japs for a buck when mine get clogged with grease and cheeto dust

>> No.5163742

Hell yeah, there is no reason not to and a good cleaning usually noticeably improves controllers. Sometimes you don't realize a button is a bit sticky until you clean the grime out from under them. I don't obsess over it but any used controller I buy gets a thorough going through. I've brought several controllers "back from the dead" with a quick cleaning.

>> No.5163796

what about failing wires? are they hard to replace?

>> No.5163812

>are they hard to replace?
Do you mean wires within the controller enclosure? There aren't many, if any, in most controllers. If you mean the cord that goes from the controller to the console, those might be harder to replace. Mostly due to the molded plastic connectors that go into the console. I think some can be pried open but I'm sure there are variations on all. Most, if not all, /vr/consoles have very simple controller internals and wiring. There's no reason not to attempt to fix one, especially if it's already bad or going bad.

>> No.5163816

>open up
>remove pcb
>soak all plastics/membranes in hot soapy water for an hour or two
>scrub nooks and crannies with toothbrush
>let plastics dry for a couple hours
>pull the controller cord through a baby wipe, that shit gets DIRTY

Works for gamepads and consoles alike of course. Made a grubby $5 sufami controller from BookOff look brand new. Really goes a long way to feel like you aren't touching 20+ years worth of germs, and helps buttons feel better.

>> No.5163934
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If I notice a performance issue I take them apart and clean everything with 99% alcohol, dry, reassemble.

>> No.5164325

Did this once with a half-functioning PS3 controller, can confirm that cleaning it up fixed it.

>> No.5164354

I meant the cord between controller and console
I've seen some controllers which only works when the cable is blocked in some position, just wondering if they can be repared

>> No.5164420

Just a tip I don't see mentioned often, but when screwing the controllers back together, turn them counter clockwise in the hole until you hear a click, then tighten it with a clockwise turn. If you don't turn it counter first, you run the risk of not inserting the screw just right and messing up the threaded screw hole in the controller so it will never tightly reassemble again (the screw will just keep turning and never get sufficiently tight). I've heard you can remedy this if it happens with some paper in the screw hole, but I've never tried it myself.

>> No.5164829

Everything is repairable if you have the skills or patience to learn them. A controller with an a faulty cord probably has a break somewhere within it or in the connector. Finding exactly where it is might be harder than fixing it.

>> No.5165134

I never clean 'in' controllers, but if its kind of oily and crap i hose it down in isopropyl alcohol, and spray my hands and desk (where i lean) down at the same time, then rub everything over with a tissue, cloth, whatever. Feels good to not have any oil around.

>> No.5165142
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>pull a wire out somewhere
I did just that to my DualShock 2 back in 2002 or some shit. It was for the heavy vibration motor. Just recently resoldered that I was going through and restoring my console. I think it came out great.

>> No.5165150
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>he actually bought the horizontal stand

>> No.5165152 [DELETED] 
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It was $10 back in 2000. I also have the vertical stand on this other PS2.

>> No.5165154 [DELETED] 
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It was like $10 in 2000 when I got it. I also have the vertical stand on this other PS2.

>> No.5165159
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It was maybe $10 back when I got it in 2000. I also have the vertical stand on this other PS2.

>> No.5165169

>wipe mine down and maybe even try to scrape out the nooks and crannies
that the absolute virgin way to clean controllers. You have to take them apart. Also listen to this guy, this is valuable information.

>> No.5165426

I didn't even know there was a horizontal stand. What would even be the point? You don't really even need the vertical stand, but at least it makes sense why you would buy one.

>> No.5165615

Bicarb soda gets rid of gunk like magic.

>> No.5165680

Buying the vertical stand was as dumb as 21 year old me got back on launch day. The horizontal one just didn't make a jot of sense to me and still doesn't.

>> No.5165686

the point is that it looks really fucking cool
I want one myself but it actually blocks the vents in some models

>> No.5165715

screw them apart, clean all parts in the sink with dish soap, scrape any gunk away with old toothbrush, dry, reassemble

>> No.5165731
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>screw them apart

>> No.5165930

I agree with this guy - if you’re nervous about breaking something don’t be. It’s not like a Switch joycon with all of its shit mashed into a weird oblong shape held together with ribbons - if you have a Dreamcast controller, give that a go - it was easy

>> No.5166308

I think he means he only has sex with one controller at a time. Not everyone is into gangbangs. No wonder they have so much gunk to scrape away.

>> No.5166424

>How do you guys clean your gamepads?

>I usually only clean them when I first buy them if used.
This is how I do it. I have a whole assortment of all the screw/bit drivers for disassembly. I take them 100% apart. Iso rubbing alcohol off the PCB(s) if they look like they got moist. Plastic parts that can get wet get soaked in a hot bath of dish soap and water and scrubbed pretty good with tooth brushes and plastic bristle pipe cleaners. Some controllers have parts that cannot get wet, so keep this in mind. I know OG Xbox Duke controller sticks out at as one of them. By the time I am finished, they are "refurbished" and spotless.

This exactly!

>> No.5166513

I have no idea why Sony lowered the vents in the revisions.

>> No.5168910

>I rarely clean controllers regularly, but for my decades-old controllers, anything obviously grimy or sticky, or any used controllers I buy, I just take them apart, clean any gunk off with isopropanol and a toothbrush, and then get a bowl of warm soapy water and scrub them in that and let them steep for a little bit before washing off, drying, and reassembling.
I've never had to do this with a controller, but I've done that with old PC keyboards before. Took apart every single piece and soaked it before washing/rinsing and reassembling.

>> No.5169040
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I'm waiting for my old dualshock2 to dry, I've took it apart and washed and brushed the plastic parts a few hours ago inspired by this thread
unfortunately two screws of a handle are broke (the plastic part with the hole on which they were blocked come off with the screw), probably after felling multiple times on the floor in years of usage, I didn't notice before disassembly, it was just loose enough to opens a bit when force was applied
any ideas for keep it together or should I just resort to duct tape?
unrelated, why the rumble motor on one side has only one "half-disc" and the other one a stack?
sorry for bad english

>> No.5169786

whenever they're not in use I keep my controllers submerged in an antiseptic alcohol/lemon jelly(not like sugary food jelly obv). When I want to play pull them out and let them dry for a minute. As long as I replace the jelly every three or so weeks and don't let clearly dirty hands touch the controllers (again obviously) they're always nice and very clean. Don't need to worry about gunk in the seams or nothing

>> No.5169830

I take it apart with a screwdriver and meticulously clean every surface. I wear vinyl examination gloves and a surgical mask, sometimes I also wear a sexy nurse outfit if I'm in the mood. Be nice to your electronics and they'll last a lifetime.

>> No.5170552

>it puts the lotion in the basket

>> No.5170575

different intensities.

>> No.5170604

>sometimes I also wear a sexy nurse outfit
No one cares you tranny faggot, go back home

>> No.5170612


>> No.5171636
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just the grips? don't sweat it, they're not keeping the buttons held down. but if you're really worried, i guess you'll have to look into epoxies, tho i've never had much luck with them.

>> No.5171726

Pics please