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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.02 MB, 2064x1161, 20181112_225321_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5160125 No.5160125 [Reply] [Original]

What did he mean by this?

>> No.5160127
File: 201 KB, 256x320, Ultima 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's a Paladin?
t. Paladin Avatar

>> No.5160142

Related, see the comments on this particular video.

>> No.5160216

You can pick any game localized by working designs and just pick quotes out of a hat for that

>> No.5160223
File: 80 KB, 581x472, workingdesaigns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5160259
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>> No.5160264
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>> No.5160518

11/10 bread

>> No.5160575


>> No.5160578

>that shader
Have you ever owned a CRT?

>> No.5160583

Holy shit, what? IS THIS EVEN ALLOWED?


>> No.5160593
File: 241 KB, 800x600, Fucks%20Like%20A%20Tiger%20Background[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5160707

Do fan translations count?

>> No.5160718

is this legit?

>> No.5160721

Don‘t act so surprised.

>> No.5160751
File: 104 KB, 640x480, v slash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grandia 1 had a goldmine of quotes and phrases like that, I remember playing it back in 2017 and laughing at some of the things in the game with friends

>Main character named JUSTin
>Red and Blue Pills are items in game
>Justin can use the "V-Slash"
>You can find weapons such as the "Ora-Staff" and the "Le-Shield"
>Twin Tower Ruins

There was even a move called "WOW" and the red devil enemies that sounded like they were saying "wow" in game when they were idle, which we just attributed to DSP. Items were the funniest for us, because of how they'd usually be abbreviated to "first letter + item" so you'd get things such as the "D Gauntlet" and such.

I still very much enjoy Grandia 1 even if it was a bit easy and that ending cucked us out of seeing grown up Justin and Feena

>> No.5161012

working designs i dont have to explain shit desu

>> No.5161018

What game?

>> No.5161024


>> No.5161059


>> No.5161063

People are posting working designs garbage, so yes.

>> No.5161131 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 862x228, 5809248587580932859028359082358258 shooting deus ex sam hyde niggers ghetto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5161138 [DELETED] 


>> No.5161204
File: 1.21 MB, 2064x1161, 20181113_214524_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm playing for the first time and really enjoying it. (thanks for using a spoiler for whatever that is), I'm only at Gumbo. Unrelated to the thread, but I fucking lost my shit when Justin's dialogue portrait was upside down here.

>> No.5161210
File: 1.20 MB, 2064x1161, Apologizing_to_a_transgender_person.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5161220

Not at all. Fan translators make the characters swear more than they actually do so it's not accurate.

>> No.5161226

I've never interpreted it that way. Guess I'm too innocent or dumb.

>> No.5161229

You meant "nine out of eleven" thread?

>> No.5161243

Ok, I'll bite. What monitor? Also you have your colors waaaaaay saturated. That or you edited your screenshot.

>> No.5161247

The spoiler is just a small annoying thing about the ending, but yeah don't click on it.

Also, the game spikes in difficulty near the end. I remember I didn't die until the final few bosses.

>> No.5161253

I giggled like a silly retarded the last time I played when I got to that part.

>> No.5161256

I edited it. My phone camera washes shit out super bad, so I tend to just max the color saturation before I post. It's a PVM-20M4U

>> No.5161264

kinda looks like you might have some sort of degaussing issue or something, noticed strange vertical lines across that screenshot of yours. Not educated enough with CRT's to know what specific problem you might have, i could be wrong.

>> No.5161278

there are people in this thread who were born without twin towers

>> No.5161338

Ah! Thought so :) Great monitor anon. Love that scanline look.

>> No.5161339

Betrayed me

>> No.5161343
File: 905 KB, 2064x829, 20181113_211355_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just my phone camera. It introduces all kinds of lines and distortion depending what angle I hold it at.

It's pretty solid. I was lucky enough to get it for free many years ago from a video editing company near where I work. I was told it saw pretty light use, but I had to replace the input board. Hopefully the rest is good to go for a while.

>> No.5161356

You are a gigantic faggot.

>> No.5161421

I feel like it's probably easier to get a blowjob than it is to make out with a chick now

>> No.5161491 [DELETED] 
File: 572 KB, 640x360, fap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5161496

these read like fucking dril tweets

>> No.5161737

>rgb mods

>> No.5161752

Rgb mods for what?

>> No.5161756


>> No.5161758

That is a nice detail.

>> No.5161759
File: 445 KB, 1280x800, wuCEI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5161775

Get it from a dude

>> No.5161785

I thought you meant from girls.

>> No.5161849

PS1 doesn't need RGB mods you tool. Imagine being so confused, daunted and triggered by the very existence of RGB that you can't even be arsed to learn how it works and you just lash out against those who did. What a fucking nigger.

>> No.5161870

It's still RGB, which looks like liquid manure.

>> No.5161875

rgb cables, same shit
who cares?

>> No.5161885

>too ignorant to get on RGB train while monitors were cheap
>too poor to afford one now
>pretend it's stupid and looks bad
Kek, every fuckin' time.

>> No.5161894

Even RGB Genesis looks better than PSX, what the fuck are you saying? Retarded checkerboard fetishist.

>> No.5161902
File: 242 KB, 1360x768, D1D05349-7714-438F-A918-133B48B415DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yanks need overhyped “monitors” to be able to display RGB
The absolute state of Amerifats

>> No.5161904
File: 96 KB, 500x428, aroused whale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5161913

>uninteresting cuck
>therefore nothing meaningful to spend currency on
>spends it on what reddit crt resellers tell him to
>lives by the motto "more is better"
>even applying it to "more small penis is better", just to calm ego
>doesn't realize his games look like shit because they were made with ntsc in mind
I also emulate everything, but nice try, you almost hurt me

>> No.5161932

Probably meant that's what they called them. Outside your bubble you might find that other people use words differently than you. Literally.

>> No.5161938

Good ol' Beruga and his arousal.
Though that one was bad already when the game was released.

>> No.5161954


>> No.5161957


Also, fuck you, Vanguard Bandits was good.

>> No.5161971

Go back to /v/ where you belong.

>> No.5161985

What a comeback!
Upvoted, my good gentlesir.

>> No.5161998
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>> No.5162000
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>> No.5162003
File: 94 KB, 1024x576, 2017-03-27-BK-Racism-3-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't realize his games look like shit because they were made with ntsc in mind
But I'm playing them in NTSC you great feeb. I think it's hilarious that, without fail, the people who try and make fun of those with a genuine interest in analog display technology always try and describe how it's somehow objectively terrible, and in doing so, reveal that they know absolute jack shit about it. I don't give a flying fuck if you emulate, as long as you're having fun, whatevs. And for the record, I got my equipment for free from an editing company, long before reddit was stroking over it, junior, because I actually have an interest in electronics beyond just plugging my games into them.

I feel like it's gotten worse, too. Years ago, when RGB was just catching on, people at least learned what the fuck it meant and how it worked before deciding whether or not they wanted to pursue it. Now, the anti-RGB butthurt has layered so thick that people are just parroting words and acronyms that they have no fucking clue about so they can feel justified in their ignorance.

>> No.5162004
File: 1.64 MB, 3264x2448, 1369880328635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screw the WD haters.

>> No.5162008

Clearly I don't spend enough time here to pick up on the memes. I never knew that hating WD was a thing. Why do people hate them?

>> No.5162010 [DELETED] 

holy shit that's some old school racism. surprised they just didn't call blacks subhuman apes.

>> No.5162013

Christ, what game is this? I feel like I need to play it now.

>> No.5162014 [DELETED] 

blacks are subhuman apes, all niggers are.

>> No.5162017 [DELETED] 


>> No.5162020
File: 123 KB, 500x417, 1411312579547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they weren't 100% script translation, they inserted jokes (like >>5160223)
and stuff that made the games actually FUN to play. Hating WD is pretty retarded.

Pic related, a perfect translation for autistic WD haters.

Albert Odyssey, on the Saturn. It's a great RPG, too!

>> No.5162026

Ah, that explains it. Weebs that want 100% accurate translations are cancer. Shit is always lost in translation and ends up sounding awful when transcribed, word for word.

The best way to translate a game is to figure out what the gist of the original dialogue was, completely scrub it, and write scenes over from the ground up. (Skies of Arcadia did this, probably why people agree it's one of the most immersive JRPGs around) The way languages work, it's more important to get the intent and mood across than the literal words themselves, and it's really a more accurate way of doing it since the genesis of most languages is dependent on culture, and since you can take literal meanings of each translated word, but not the culture behind them, they lose their impact. This is why things need to be re-written with North American culture in mind.

>> No.5162028

Do you think the japanese version of that text is about ebonics?
That is why people dislike them. That and they like to actually change difficulty and drop rates for some reason. They were proto-treehouse before treehouse. Just fucking with shit so they can feel like they "created" something when someone else did all the work.
They ruin the difficulty often, but still create less bugs than someone like NISA does, which is weird to think about.

>> No.5162035

>Do you think the japanese version of that text is about ebonics?
No. It's probably about something stupid that would make zero sense and be terribly unfunny if translated to a western language.

>> No.5162041
File: 37 KB, 494x376, 1411312731128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's your translation coming along, friend?

>> No.5162068

Working Designs didn't translate scripts at all, they threw the original in the dumpster and rewrote their own in house shit. They're the SJWs of their day.

>> No.5162072


>> No.5162078

Nobody cares about your vendetta against a defunct localization company, weeb.

>> No.5162079 [DELETED] 

>They're the SJWs of their day.
by stereotyping blacks as low iq criminals? I don't think you know what SJW means.

>> No.5162081 [DELETED] 

niggers are low iq criminals you fucking faggot

>> No.5162086 [DELETED] 

They change the dialogue to what their "superior" dialogue is. They think they know better than you and you eat that shit up. It's censorship.

>> No.5162096 [DELETED] 

I don't eat that shit up, it's fucking gross and racist, what are you on about? I'd rather a 1:1 translation than this horse shit.

>> No.5162098 [DELETED] 

sjw cuck

>> No.5162101 [DELETED] 

>it's only ok when we do it

>> No.5162108 [DELETED] 


>> No.5162112 [DELETED] 

ur mom gay

>> No.5162113 [DELETED] 

get cancer niggercuck

>> No.5162116 [DELETED] 

sjw libcuck faggot

>> No.5162117

Well this thread went well.

>> No.5162139 [DELETED] 

don't worry our libcuck faggot trannyjanny will come to clean this thread up!

>> No.5162141 [DELETED] 

I don't know what any of that means. I'm here because I like video games.

>> No.5162143 [DELETED] 

Cuck cuck onions cuck

>> No.5162145 [DELETED] 

>I'm here because I like video games.
sweet summer child

>> No.5162147 [DELETED] 

Stay here long enough and you won’t

>> No.5162153 [DELETED] 

I've been a /vr/egular since it launched, and a /v/tard for even longer. I'm just trying to be the change I want to see in the world.

>> No.5162156 [DELETED] 

thank you anon

>> No.5162157

Hope the fucked up mechanics and difficulty was worth it for the meme translations. Also kill yourself Vic.

>> No.5162158

as much as I enjoy the games WD brought over they made a lot of absolutely retarded balancing changes to a lot of them.

>> No.5162173
File: 27 KB, 640x400, 1537503103503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, and that's very annoying sometimes, especially in Silhouette Mirage and Popful Mail.

kys anon-kun

>> No.5162189

Albert Odyssey

>> No.5162212

>hurr not wanting meme translations means u want Engrish translations!
>strawmaning this hard
This is pathetic Vic. WD was shit and Gaijinworks is a joke. Kys.

>> No.5162225

I'm not talking about Engrish, but I would unironically rather have meme translations than typical, stilted, anime-tier dialog. I don't need to read
>"It can't be helped..."
>"Is this the power of _____?!"
For the umpteenth fuckin' time. The stories in most JRPGs are nothing to write home about, I may as well have an inadvertent giggle or two while I'm playing.

>> No.5162228

Nobody cares you still want to lap up Ireland's cum, WDcuck.
Best part is Vic now favors censoring content in Japanese games that would be problematic to "western" audiences. Hope his dwindling fanbase of strawmanning boomers that favor tampering with games for a cheap laugh and broken mechanics enjoy whatever cucked trash Gaijinworks shits out.

>> No.5162231

You speak almost entirely in buzzwords, don't you?

>> No.5162249

>I'm not talking about Engrish,
>posts strawman examples using honorifics thinking that's what people asking for accurate translations want
Quit being a disingenuous retard and understand you can make a readable English translation without completely pulling shit out of your ass. And no amount of sucking off Vic's meme scripts will justify his fucking the mechanics up.
>I don't need to read
>"It can't be helped..."
>"Is this the power of _____?!"
Then go bitch to Japan to write differently then you whiny fag. Just because a game has bog standard storytelling doesn't give you license to fuck around with the narrative.
>I may as well have an inadvertent giggle or two while I'm playing.
Then save it for the most unimportant background NPCs. Nobody wants some retard imposing their shit on an author's story. Translators are not storytellers.

>> No.5162250

You speak entirely in non-arguments, don't you?

>> No.5162254

>faithful translations are bad because Japanese people use tropes

>> No.5162260

Yes. That's correct. They overuse them.

I guess. I'm not arguing anything. I don't know much about WD and had no idea there were people crusading against them for whatever autistic reason. I just like to play games and I prefer when the translations are funny vs. when they are accurate. Because accurate generally just means fucking boring.

>> No.5162263

>I just like to play games and I prefer when the translations are funny vs. when they are accurate
Working Designs does not translate games. They write their own script from scratch. Imagine some autists got the rights to Seven Samurai and dubbed the thing with their retarded memes. That's what Working Designs did to these games.

>> No.5162268
File: 174 KB, 473x355, 1487541959840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WD only deserves credit for importing Japanese games to the worldwide market.
Their actual translation efforts are often terribad, like some of the worse translation efforts of today. Re-writers (aka "localizers") who think they're part of the actual game's creation because of some shitty dub work.

Now I don't hate them or anything but people who want more of that shit in the modern day are delusional faggots to a man and more often than not closeted weebs. (at this point it's best to just learn japanese and ignore the whole market though)

>> No.5162272

>implying that's not what I want
>comparing Seven Samurai to a fucking JRPG script
Now we know you're a retard.

>> No.5162274

>implying games like Lunar aren't timeless classics

>> No.5162275

>Yes. That's correct. They overuse them.
Then go bitch to the Japanese to write in a way that appeals to you.
>I'm not arguing anything. I don't know much about WD
Clearly, hence your defense of them when it's pointed their releases often broke game mechanics on top of fucking with the script too much.
>had no idea there were people crusading against them for whatever autistic reason.
>not wanting games to be overly tampered with
>I just like to play games and I prefer when the translations are funny vs. when they are accurate.
So if a game is censored for western release with a funny meme translation, would that be to your liking as well?
>Because accurate generally just means fucking boring.
So if a game has an objectively well written story in Nip and is faithfully translated, meaning not Engrishy or filled with honorifics, would it still be boring?

You seriously sound like a fag from Treehouse or 8-4 justifying localizers imposing their bullshit where it's not warranted. Fuck off.

>> No.5162279

You retards do realize you can both write natural English AND convey most of what the source said, right? What is with this extreme "stilted or liberal dialogue" debate?

Source: French to English projects are noticeably always competent and I never notice off base shit when comparing.

>> No.5162284

>people who want translations to stray further from the Japanese original
>closeted weebs
You're dumb.

Oh man. You need to read a fucking book, sir.

Honestly I never knew that so many people had a hair up their ass over WD's stuff. I just found it amusing, but now I find it even more hilarious that some fucking neckbeard has dedicated his life to waging war on a dead fucking company. You're way more entertaining than any localization WD has done, that's for sure. Keep on, truckin'.

>> No.5162289

Nice argument. Trying to get a job in the industry I see.

>> No.5162290

>You retards do realize you can both write natural English AND convey most of what the source said, right?
I realize it CAN be done. The problem is that it ISN'T often done, especially in retro games. You tend to get either one end of the scale or the other.
>French to English projects are noticeably always competent and I never notice off base shit when comparing.
French and English are far more closely related than English and Japanese, you maroon. We also share a lot more culture, so there's a lot of phrases and sayings we use that are already literal translations.

>> No.5162295
File: 24 KB, 480x360, 1540432166846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This CONFUSES and ANGERS the anti-WD weebs

>> No.5162296

Fuck your semantics. The point is it's easy to write "stilted translations" there, too but it's only with vidya where everyone lowers their standards exponentially. Demand better from your publisher. The rest of the world has it figured out. I'm only bashing you both because you're fighting for 2 shits of different smells.

>> No.5162304
File: 117 KB, 780x639, Ken+sama+figured+id+upload+before+it+ends+up+on_177fd0_5172707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no argument for you because I have no stance other than "I don't care". You're butthurt and on a tirade over a defunct localization company that I have literally never thought about for more than 2 seconds until this thread.

Pic related: you

>> No.5162308

>but now I find it even more hilarious that some fucking neckbeard has dedicated his life to waging war on a dead fucking company.
>he thinks the ire against WD is recent and from 1 person
Oh man, you're way more entertaining than any joke script Ireland shat out. Keep cucking for that dead company anon, Vic sure appreciates it.
And just because accurate translations aren't done doesn't mean they shouldn't be attempted you limp wristed faggot.

>> No.5162309

Nah I learned Japanese to not have to deal with your kind's shitridden localizations. I just want other people to realize that they're eating a gourmet dish with SJW feces as icing.

>> No.5162314

>have no stance other than "I don't care"
>posts defensively for a shitty company he claims to not know about

>> No.5162315

As that other guy said, I don't think you know SJW means. They wouldn't write what they put in those games.

>> No.5162319

>jrpg scripts are serious business >:-(

They are shit, nothing of value can be lost. Read a book, nigger.

>> No.5162320
File: 107 KB, 1000x1000, DleF-GQV4AAYva1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That smirk
Holy shit

>> No.5162323
File: 1.06 MB, 1365x767, 1329570058298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>closeted weebs
Yes, I know no less than three of them in real life.
They'll go on about american VAs (they don't like the brit ones) and shittastic localizations but literally only play new japanese titty games/JRPGs/MMORPGs.
Also pretend to be liberal by quoting the latest Last Week Tonight and the Daily Show but have zero genuine political convictions of their own.
Would be kind of annoying if we didn't share other interests and friends desu.

>> No.5162329 [DELETED] 

They think their writing is superior than others. They have the same holier-than-thou attitude and go out of their way to shit it down your throat. Them hating niggers doesn't make them not cut from the same cloth.

>> No.5162332 [DELETED] 

Yeah, SJWs (or what my pa called hippies when they were in college) or characteristically known as bleeding hearts that want everyone to have a voice and get mad when criminals get beat up because "we could have saved him". Nothing like dudes who think they're better than everyone. They're more akin to suckers.

>> No.5162335 [DELETED] 

>literally calls a black cop nigger for 7 minutes straight
Yeah, SJWs definitely aren't racist.

>> No.5162378
File: 30 KB, 266x281, cancer butts.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defending rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub translations

>> No.5162709
File: 6 KB, 256x240, garland-knock-you-down-e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aged like wine

>> No.5162925

>Bog-standard clichés have to be preserved with 100%, because I have more respect for authorial intent than the author had for his work!
Fuck you, you pathetic shit-gobbler.
Go read a book on translation, and maybe some good literature in general so you'd have an idea why it's bad to make your characters sound like they're alien robots which stumble over every word they say.

>> No.5162990

Girl (male)

>> No.5162994

its also a lot easier to give a bj than to get one, you should that you fucking faggot

>> No.5162998

by paying for a blowjob
you cant pay to make out with a whore, since it would be both a waste of money and not the same thrill

>> No.5163052

It's a bit of a weird thing. Japanese has very little proper profanity, and disrespect is conveyed through insufficiently polite speech. But for some reason translators love to use the harshest possible interpretations which results in tons of extra swearing.

>> No.5163075

keep your gay french le scart cable, fucking pins for days bullshit

shit looks like you could grate cheese with it

>> No.5163085

I disagree, but you do have a point. You don't want to have a kludged, nigh-unreadable mess full of useless honorifics and incomprehensible walls of untranslated terminology. But you don't want to go to the opposite extreme and have a hodgepodge of memes and jokes only tentatively related to the original dialog.

The best practice is to translate literally at first, and then polish it to make it more natural and fluid.

>> No.5163238
File: 43 KB, 339x435, 1502824951812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>majority of games literally run slower

>> No.5163265

I don't even use RGB on my PVMs and people still feel the need to talk shit just because I use PVMs (which I got for free long before this board existed and long before Reddit discovered them).

>> No.5163287

>never the same color
Amerifats btfo once again

>> No.5163290

The amount of autism in this post. Phew lad.

>> No.5163293
File: 37 KB, 300x293, roms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha, console peasants and their fixed framerate. how does it feel to be an adult now and run a patrician's gaming machine?

>> No.5163320

>aged poorly

>> No.5163631


>> No.5163635

That is easily one of the dumbest things ever in a game.

>> No.5163667

WD/GW insert memes up the ass into games and rewrote great portions of the games script for no reason other than shit up the game for lels. I'm not one of the muh literal translation fags, but the way WD did and GW does currently, it's nothing short of horrible and kills the impact of several scenes and dialogue in the games they touch.