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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 32 KB, 369x270, EarthBound_Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5161257 No.5161257 [Reply] [Original]

Well I just completed my first play through of Earth Bound, and I gotta say...wow...I am emotionally drained...what a great game..phew..time to relax...

>> No.5161263

How was the gameplay?

>> No.5161271

It was magnificent indeed!

>> No.5161317
File: 86 KB, 203x224, 1513841774402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well I just completed my first play through of Earth Bound, and I gotta say...wow...I am emotionally drained...what a great game..phew..time to relax...

>> No.5161330

It is a good game though fuck reddit

>> No.5161337
File: 9 KB, 203x248, images_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good games leave me emotionally drained

>> No.5161410

hmm strange, I couldn't play more than 30 minutes of it and droped it. and im over 35yo and been playing shit since im 5, computers, consoles and arcades... maybe there's something wrong with you faggot?

>> No.5162220 [DELETED] 

Go swallow your dads cum faggot

>> No.5162232

Obligatory basedboy game.

>> No.5162234

How you DARE to enjoy a popular game.
Shame on you.

>> No.5162243

Go back to /v/

>> No.5162256 [DELETED] 

suck a dead niggers dick.

>> No.5162258

Fuck off faggots

>> No.5162259 [DELETED] 

do you like the way your dads cum tastes?

>> No.5162267 [DELETED] 

Come on guys, >>5162234 was ironic.
Anyways, who was the better daughter, Ana or Paula?

>> No.5162271 [SPOILER] 
File: 422 KB, 2728x820, 1542223538431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically don't understand what people enjoy in this game so much. I got to around half of it, but my entire inventory became full, and I have literally no idea what to do with it. It feels like I might softlock myself somehow, but I have no idea how. What do?

>> No.5162280 [DELETED] 
File: 117 KB, 1000x602, Andpossiblysoyconsumptiongavehimcanceraswell_d4ea5496c7d45da74f53c411632a59ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's not fight guys haha which is the better loli haha jist asking nothing creepy about it

>> No.5162326 [DELETED] 

Yeah your reaction pic fits you perfectly.

>> No.5162330

Maybe stop panicking about softlocking you.
Use escargo express to store/retrieve items.

>> No.5162341


best thing about Earthbound is the soundtrack. How can anyone listen to this and tell me it isn't pure fucking KINO:


>> No.5162347

Running out of space at Escargo Express also contributed to not touching the game for a year. Is there a list of items that I should _definitely_ not use? I got that magic shit from the hospital, and I was told to save that, but other than that, I have no idea. Or should I just say fuck it any play anyway?

>> No.5162467
File: 244 KB, 1024x672, 39817645544_9e7aed7e5c_b_bnh675tg4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...wow...I am emotionally drained...what a great game..phew..time to relax...

>> No.5162471

You're an idiot who got beaten by a children's game.

>> No.5162486 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 500x621, 1541984035430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not liking lolis
Get out, normalfag.

>> No.5162604

kys nigger

>> No.5162617

It is but this OP is exactly the kind of reddit shit that swarms to games like this.

>> No.5162671

Is there a more overrated game than Earthbound?

>> No.5162682


Ironically, Undertale.

>> No.5162683

By softlocking I assume you mean being unable to finish the game which is different than a softlock BTW. There is no easy way to do it. The only way I can think of is if you do a memory corruption glitch.

>> No.5162684


>> No.5162686

Glad you enjoyed it OP! Glad you weren't spoiled at any point, it's a really fun game to go through blind.

>> No.5162697

>awe bay rayted
Maybe the many games that are more popular than Earthbound.

>> No.5162703

mother 3

>> No.5162880

It's a perfect game anon

>> No.5162886
File: 20 KB, 300x400, boi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5162932


>> No.5162935

mods please nuke this thread

>> No.5162954

>/v/ begins to seep into /vr/ because popular game
Lmao you guys deserve the constant Smashposting if this is how you're gonna act

>> No.5162976 [DELETED] 

Tomoko posting doesn't work for calling out normies anymore, considering she's turned into one herself.

>> No.5162983

Earthbound is unironically one of my favorite games of all time. I played it back when it came out when I was a high school freshman because I'm old. I loved it back then too. A lot of people jumped on the eb bandwagon over the years and it's always a little disheartening to have a favorite game become some hipster trophy but oh well. I love everything about including the dumb shit like calling your dad to save

>> No.5162991 [DELETED] 

>Yet another interesting series falls into becoming a yurifag bait series.
Why does Japan have to ruin everything?

>> No.5163001

I'll tell you the reason why you all post these images non-stop. It's because the guys in these images remind you of who you tried to be when you were younger and failed. The people you see in these pictures are probably software engineers who make ~80k before the age of 30. They probably don't look at lolicon all day or hate niggers, but they are likely just as deep of individuals as you, if not moreso.

>> No.5163005
File: 100 KB, 1024x768, soi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The people you see in these pictures are probably software engineers who make ~80k before the age of 30. They probably don't look at lolicon all day or hate niggers, but they are likely just as deep of individuals as you, if not moreso.

>> No.5163009

>narcissistic twitter npcs that are mindlessly obsessed with following the latest schlock and bragging about it too
>deep individuals
>remind you of who you tried to be when you were younger and failed
wow everything went better than expected.

>> No.5163074
File: 83 KB, 720x542, v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5163126

OP here, yes mods please kill my thread it was a fucking mistake.

>> No.5163128

This is why we can't have nice things. Why live?

>> No.5163132
File: 7 KB, 150x150, 1e353w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o i am laffin
it's a very good game though op

>> No.5163137

no they're fucking bugmen who do exactly what they think they're supposed to and expect a god given reward for fulfilling their social contract. In a word, they're completely unnecessary to human society and do nothing but fill space and consume.

>> No.5163138

Honestly, in comparison to Mother 1, Mother 2 was a great sequel, even though sometimes it feels like a remake on a platform that could flesh it out to its full potential. I still need to beat it and Mother 3

>> No.5163264
File: 228 KB, 383x417, chitchat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5163276

Unlike enlightened gentlesirs like yourself advancing society by hanging out in the sewers of a nigerian macrame forum.

>> No.5163560

Ye autiste hath spoken.

>> No.5163628

how to tell the difference between fake and real carts?

>> No.5163662

Sadly, these soi.boys are e-begging pedos/paedos who would attack/harass women/nigger if they don't follow point by point the SJW bible.And if they have money they losse their job because his twitter chimp up.
A shame, because if they were like you say, it would be funny.

>> No.5164318

Unironically the greatest soundtrack any video game ever had

>> No.5164320

1995 EarthBound owner master race checking in

Fuck you Internet, you're never going to make EarthBound into Undertale, it never was, there was just an unfortunate sidecar of faggotry that glommed on to the fanbase at some point

>> No.5164332
File: 185 KB, 1280x960, 1520615749243_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I liked Earthbound before it was popular

>> No.5164334

Earthbound is fine if you're a stoner but Dragon Quest is the real thinking man's JRPG

>> No.5164357

Which Dragon Quest, because you can't honestly mean the first. That game is a perfect simulation of the soul sucking and mind numbing japanese businessman life experience.

>> No.5164384

probably 3 or 4

>> No.5164629

Yeah i remember that time clearly because it was in my first month or so of high school. Chrono trigger had just come out and i had been looking forward to it because all the magazines were saying it was the best rpg on snes. I loved final fantasy 3 (6) and ff 2 (2) so it was exciting there would be something better. I got CT and was disappointed because it didn't live up to the hype. It's still a fun and great game but it never stuck with me and still never has and I've never really understood why everyone canonized it. Not trying to start an argument...i don't take issue with anyone who loves it. The game just never resonated with me.

Anyway, i played earthbound within like a month of CT and i loved it so much immediately. Best game i played all freshman year. I remember one weekend my parents were gone most of the day and didn't get back until like midnight and i hooked it up to the living room tv, made a pizza and had one of the most fun/innocent Saturday nights of my life. The game happened around when i was making new friends I'd have for life. I didn't know anyone at the school because i just moved to town.

Anyway, thanks for reading. Don't forget to subscribe

>> No.5164645

most DQ > EB = peak DQ (3-5) > peak FF (4-7) = mother 3

and eb is really really good

>> No.5164697
File: 104 KB, 235x290, fat fedora raging homo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I owned a copy of a cart and that makes me special

>> No.5164740

>most DQ > EB = peak DQ
that doesnt make any sense m8

>> No.5165180

So most DQ are better than peak DQ? What?

>> No.5165301


>> No.5165410

>EarthBound thread
>is full of pictures of "men" with peach fuzz beards opening their mouths and a fat guy with a fedora

>> No.5165640

As I read you pointing it out that way and looked through the thread, I couldn't help but uncontrollably kek for 5 minutes straight

>> No.5165812

You're not carrying around rulers and protractors are you? Also you don't need to stock up on consumables so you can dump most of those if they're what's taking up your inventory space

>> No.5165836

its fucking awful. its easy as piss, the writing and characters are shit and the setting is retarded.

>> No.5165874

>thinking mother 3 has worse writing than earthbound
fucking awful taste

>> No.5165880
File: 80 KB, 700x734, IMG_3764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to be a consumerist idiot living for collecting plastic shit and following twitter trends

>> No.5165892

It does trough. The final battle is a fucking joke and Lucas is a fucking pussy

>> No.5165912


>> No.5168159


Is this true?

>> No.5168167

>Lucas is a fucking pussy
how? stop parroting e-celeb shit
Earthbound's writing is irreverent as fuck. Its literally just 'go to this place for random reason. oh also this is where you get a melody for some reason. oh now its time to fight giygas. by the way you are robots now lol'

>> No.5168168

>anything in this place

>> No.5168178

Nigga can't fight his brother even if everything depends on it

>> No.5168203
File: 18 KB, 570x587, Retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5168212

Le funnie maymays and /v/ contrarianism aside, the mother games are genuinely good. I wouldn't say they're necessarily emotionally draining, but they have really good atmosphere and writing

>> No.5168219

What? You make absolutely no sense.

>> No.5168226

I thought it was because the recent fad of opening their mouths in photos looks stupid.

>> No.5168234

Did you even play the game? You literally fight Claus multiple times. Also the scripted end of the final battle is very touching, if you thought it was lame you might be autistic.

>> No.5168261

>You fight Claus multiple times
Lucas doesn't know and that wasn't the point
> the final battle is very touching
No. It was fucking bullshit. Lucas proved to be fucking useless, had no magical ghosts ever fucking appeared Lucas would be fucking dead. It was very disappointing and even more when looking at the unused content

>> No.5168375

And if Paula hadn't prayed and the NPCs and 'player' hadn't answered her prayers then they'd all be dead. Your reasoning is obtuse.
Mother games aren't about being a cool badass who owns the bad guys, they're about the love of friends and family and the power of people. I'm not sure why you'd hate mother 3 for having a soppy ending when earthbound does the same.

>> No.5168713

Unironically, Chrono Trigger.

>> No.5168717

You don't play a lot of games

>> No.5168973
File: 19 KB, 205x320, 27bc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway, i played earthbound within like a month of CT and i loved it so much immediately. Best game i played all freshman year. I remember one weekend my parents were gone most of the day and didn't get back until like midnight and i hooked it up to the living room tv, made a pizza and had one of the most fun/innocent Saturday nights of my life. The game happened around when i was making new friends I'd have for life. I didn't know anyone at the school because i just moved to town.

>> No.5169181
File: 55 KB, 350x350, 1526132989353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>software engineers who make ~80k before the age of 30.
Bitch, I'm 26 and I make $90k.

>> No.5169205
File: 606 KB, 1024x1024, 1528674249414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I am emotionally drained...what a great game..phew..time to relax...
this is the most cringe thing I've ever read on this board.

>> No.5169670

No you just have gay taste that runs toward the "epic" probably

>> No.5169939

>says the Earthbound ost is the greatest ever
>calls other people gay