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5158930 No.5158930 [Reply] [Original]

Honest thoughts on the RE2 remake?

>> No.5158965 [DELETED] 
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Not retro

>> No.5158995

remakes and ports are allowed

also, it looks like a RE4 that tries to take itself seriously and be somewhat spooky, which I like (didn't care much for RE4 and the games that came after, too actiony)
I'm really curious to see how tyrant will work in this game

>> No.5158997

Claire's outfit looks like shit.

>> No.5159001 [DELETED] 

we have a re thread >>5153593 ask there

>> No.5159020


I am okay with a remake that is wildly different than the original. I actually don't see the point of a remake that stays too true to the original. This way the games are separate enough that they still have a reason to exist. One thing I can't stand is this mindset that's come up that Remake makes Resident Evil 1 supurfluous and that it doesn't exist anymore.

Since it's a new game, I can't really complain. I do think it's too blue, and that they should have kept Claire's outfit. They kept Leon's but not hers? Nothing wrong with the old design. Also everyone has weird ugly faces, but that's common with Capcom's Face Capture tech.

>> No.5159046

Its gonna be bad, but I don't even have the energy to be mad at it, I'm already dead inside. Remaking good things and making them bad is par for the course for the current industry.

>> No.5159062


Why get mad? Only get mad at the lost opportunity. The original game stands. If it's different then it can't harm the original.

>> No.5159156

I would OF COURSE have preferred a true REmake 2, but I would be lying if I said that I wasn't excited for this. OTS RE has been god awful since 4 because they feel like Hollywood action movies directed by Michael Bay. That said, this game, despite the OTS camera, looks like it will be a true survival horror game. I'm stoked as fuck to play it on PC with mkb (the way OTS should be played).

>> No.5159172

They're gonna fuck it up

>> No.5159202

Claire looks weird but it looks pretty fun,

>> No.5159208

it'll probably be cool for one playthrough, to go through all the cinematics and set pieces
i don't have much hope for there being a lot of replay value though

>> No.5159213

Character models/costumes look like shit for the most part.

They seem to have suceeded in making the game a survival horror, even though it could just be the way the trailers were made and the game could still end up a brainless action fest.

I went from cautious optimism to vague interest but if the reviews are at least decent I'll purchase it. Probably not day one though.

>> No.5159324


Claires botox face sucks. I cant believe how they missed the opportunity to put Elza Walker back in there. And speaking of the later, the whole thing shapes up to be another crapcom DLC orgy. Might pirate it and play it for five minutes. But i wont feed them money.

>> No.5159325

>I am okay with a remake that is wildly different than the original. I actually don't see the point of a remake that stays too true to the original

pretty much this. i can only see it in a situation if it's a game that can't run on modern hardware without a sourceport or unofficial patches.

>> No.5159618

i'm looking forward to it.
from what's been shown i'm actually enjoying the changes and the stuff that's still there from the old layout of the R.P.D.
i'm not going to do something dumb like claim it will be the best remake ever, but considering what's there, and that the guys making it seeming like they give a damn, i'll have some hope to at least be able to enjoy myself.

>> No.5159659

I honestly dont care too much for TPS or FPS, but whatever. Still going to give it a shot. I hope it has some cool bonus modes, not expecting Hunk/Tofu but mercs is pretty fun.

>> No.5159661

it doesnt look or feel like RE2. more like a mix of RE4 and RE7 and These games where trash. real RE died years ago

>> No.5159663

hunk and tofu are confirmed.
i think built into the game, not dlc surprisingly.

>> No.5160114

If I buy this game, am I going to get the full game that I got from the original? Or is this going to be a retarded release like ff7 remake where it is released in 3 parts?

>> No.5160139

I miss the spandex and bike shorts combo.Why do all remakes feel pressure to make female characters wear more layers of clothing? I am worried FF7 remake will go advent children route as well and totally cover up tifa.

>> No.5160170
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DAE h8 sjw devs

>> No.5160172
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>> No.5160215

This video explains my feeling on it perfectly.


>> No.5160227

It should be pretty kino but the face capture shit Capcom has been doing is a joke. Their models from 10 years ago look better

>> No.5160330
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>constant Marvel quips
>horrendous UI, button prompts everywhere
>bad mocap for uncanny valley
>ugly faces
>zombies are now bullet sponges
>overly dark
>no atmosphere
>ink ribbons not needed to save progress
>casualized item system
>objectives telling you what to do
>dynamic difficulty (if you suck and die a lot the game reduces the number of enemies)
I'm personally not going to purchase it.

>> No.5160538

I feel like bullet sponge zombies and no atmosphere are a pretty retarded complaint. This time around you can actually aim for the head and take zombies down in less bullets than before (no including old school shotgun headshots) and the atmosphere looks pretty good. If they go full re4 with the action it will be disappointing, but right now it doesn't look that way.

>> No.5160553

Objectives on screen telling you what to do are pretty bad though :/

>> No.5160558


The game rounded up everything bad about games made for the masses and applied it into a beloved classic. Games are dead.

>> No.5160714
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You're expecting them to not go full on with the action? Have you seen any of the footage for this game?

>> No.5160814

RE2 is already a brainless action fest. It only doesn't feel like it because of the stupid static camera that makes the game awkward to control until you get used to it. At which point, as stated, it becomes a brainless action fest.

>> No.5160830


Zoomer mental gymnastics in order to justify liking the shitty lowest common denominator remake.

>> No.5160840

I don't mind it being completely different as long as it's good. Purists aren't going to be happy with anything but the original game anyway and the most minute changes would enrage them.

>> No.5160845

Is calling somebody a zoomer top of the "i don't have a real argument so i'll just call you a kid to assert my dominance, how will you ever recover" pyramid?

>> No.5160858


I usually answer to low effort posts or baits with low effort replies.

>> No.5160869

Anything that disagrees with you is bait and/or low effort now?

>> No.5160871


Not really, just stupid or misguided posts.

>> No.5161398
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she's getting this, but they also unnecessarily took away the arm parts of her black undershirt.
it's a weird decision

>> No.5161404

people always seem to forget how quippy leon was in the original.
go back and listen to all of his lines, the man was a snarky fuck even back then

>> No.5161412

have you?
pretty much everything that's been shown so far has proven that your character is not a one man army action movie star and there's no real way to deal with enemies up close outside of desperation shots with your shotgun, and that's only for zombies

>> No.5161446
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Looking promising so far. If everything else works, I'll forgive them for not using pre-rendered backgrounds. Really digging the fact that they're also bringing in some of the scrapped stuff that they were planning on using in the 1.5 proto, but then decided not to.

This is actually a chance for Capcom to redeem the series, and undo the past 15 years worth of shitty decisions made with the past sequels, if they decide to go the reboot way from here.

>> No.5161451

Leon can't roundhouse a zombie after stunning it so no.

Game is going to be, at the very least, decent. If you don't like it, go play the same RE2 we've been playing for the last 20 years. It's still fun as shit.

>> No.5161453

>This is actually a chance for Capcom to redeem the series
7 already did that but that's a discussion to be had on /v/.

>> No.5161460

Uh, no. 7 was their remake of the Texas Chain Saw Massacre. But you're right, this is a discussion to be had on /v/.

>> No.5161462

7 was actually amazing. And it was the first scary resident evil game in years. And if you are a fan of the series you would pick it up.
But this is a discussion to be had on /v/.

>> No.5161547
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How do guys think we'll unlock the Classic costumes? The reveal trailer showed a PS1 sitting on a shelf, I wonder if it'll have something to do with that. If we don't get anything for running to the R.P.D. without picking up any items then it's not a real RE2 remake.

>Really digging the fact that they're also bringing in some of the scrapped stuff that they were planning on using in the 1.5 proto
This is the main reason I'm excited about it. I generally don't care about modern vidya but this is the closest thing we're ever getting to 1.5, and the fact that they're bringing back so many of the old concepts almost feels too good to be true.

I already know I'm not going to love it as much as the original, but it's the best reasonable thing to come out of Capcom at this point. I know people were hoping for REmake 2 but that was never going to happen after the series went OTS.

>> No.5161548
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>this game, despite the OTS camera, looks like it will be a true survival horror game
No it doesn't at all

>> No.5161550

>Honest thoughts on the RE2 remake?
It looks like Resident Evil 2 for people who don't like Resident Evil 2

>> No.5161551

RE2 is my favorite game of all time and something I keep replaying once or twice every year.

I can't be bothered with updating my PC to play it. That's how little appealing it is.

>ruined character models
>game hardly looks like its set in the 90s
>retarded HUD that ruins the exploration
>retarded frankenstein guns yet AGAIN despite the OG game getting it right 20 years ago

>> No.5161561

>game hardly looks like its set in the 90s
The 90s are indistinguishable from 2018 until someone pulls out a cell phone

>> No.5161578

Did you play ORC?

>> No.5161590

Looks fine to me. If you fags wanna play the original which isn't even half as good as RE1, pls no buly then it still exists.

>> No.5161592

Better story and art direction than 1. Better atmosphere than 1.

But 1 is more difficult and more eerie. And 1 is also better than REmake.

>> No.5161619
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Please explain your opinion anon, I'm interested. I might even agree with you, I definitely don't think RE2 is the step above RE1 many people claim it to be but I wouldn't say it's half as good either, maybe 3/4 as good since it is ultimately derivative.

>> No.5161620

>Better atmosphere than 1.
>But 1 is more difficult and more eerie
That's exactly why 1 has better atmosphere. It's actually the least bit creepy.
>1 is also better than REmake.
I agree.

>> No.5161628

Puzzle and map design were superior in RE1. Puzzles had you thinking a little more and the map looped around and progressed more naturally. I also feel like it had more variables to each scenario that played out more naturally than
>will you take this item?
even if the scenarios didn't affect each other.
Spencer mansion is one of the GOAT vidya settings and plays into the campy horror nature perfectly. It's been said countless times before but the police station being weird and elaborately designed with puzzles just because the police chief was "eccentric" feels lazy.
More than anything RE1 just feels like a game about horror to me where RE2 feels like an action game with horror things in it.
It's not a bad game and half as good is probably an overstatement but I definitely don't like it as much. It's not just nostalgia either since I know at least one of you will accuse me of that since I played RE2 as a kid but RE1 as an adult.

>> No.5161630

For me the atmosphere comes from art style of the prerendered backgrounds and music. 2's atmosphere is fucking divine but that doesn't mean that 1 doesn't have good atmosphere on its own, its just different and not directly comparable because they go for different things.

What I appreciate about 1 is that due to tech limitations you could never have more than 3 (or was it 4? I forgot) character models on screen at the same time. Which meant that you encountered less enemies per room, which further meant that even a single enemy was a threat to be reckoned. Like even halfway through RE1 when you get to the garden area and you encountered those regular zombies in those small rooms, they still make you panic the fuck out a bit.

Not saying that RE2 is going to be easy for a blind playthrough or new players, but its more of a "oh shit all these RPD rooms have 5+ zombies in them, I'm fucked no matter what choice I make".

And the last argument that I can make, just so you can know that I'm not a fucking fanboy with nostalgia goggles, I acknowledge RE1's save theme as superior to RE2's. Never really liked 2's save music and again, its my favorite game of all time. 1, Zero, CV all have better save room tracks. Zero is underrated as fuck especially.

>> No.5161651

DEmake 2 is clearly aimed at TLOU / nu-GOW audiences, who'd never ever even consider touching oldschool horror games. This is a 3rd person shooter, nothing more

>> No.5161653
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>It's been said countless times before but the police station being weird and elaborately designed with puzzles just because the police chief was "eccentric" feels lazy.
Yeah, same shit with Leon driving into work already wearing his uniform. It's a relic from the 1.5 days where they obviously didn't have much time and had to quickly cobble something together, regardless of whether it made sense or not. The zapping system is massively underutilized (especially considering how much it was advertised) and the G-Virus flashback FMV plays from Ada's perspective because they didn't have time to finish her model. I love RE2 and I think it's amazing what they were able to achieve in the limited time they had, but I also think it should have had another few months of development time. Compared to RE2, RE1 feels like a game that achieves everything it sets out to do.

>> No.5161679

>For me the atmosphere comes from art style of the prerendered backgrounds and music
That's fair. Some of the pre rendered backgrounds in RE1 (see: caves) are downright gross looking.
>And the last argument that I can make, just so you can know that I'm not a fucking fanboy with nostalgia goggles, I acknowledge RE1's save theme as superior to RE2's.
Just curious, how do you feel about the Director's Cut Dualshock Ver. music? I know the Basement track has meme'd people into thinking it's a shit OST but the save room theme in that version is good too. A lot of the music is.
>I think it's amazing what they were able to achieve in the limited time they had
I can agree with that.
>Compared to RE2, RE1 feels like a game that achieves everything it sets out to do.
Yeah, it feels more like a complete vision. I don't think RE2 feels incomplete necessarily but maybe not as well focused. I'm not the biggest fan of RE2 but I have to admit it's a very good sequel. Good in the ways something like T2 or Aliens is.
I know this is /vr/ but when I was playing through The Evil Within 2 I got the same sort of vibes from it as a sequel.

>> No.5161693

Ugh yeah...you're right

>> No.5161694

Dualshock OST isn't completely trash. I'm aware of the controversy with the composer who was deaf and used someone as an assistant or something and I'm not going to go into that aspect. With that being said, some tracks are pretty good in DSDC. The dog window east hallway on ground floor has better music for an instance, its an improvement over the shitty MIDI metal beat in the original. Also this track in particular is great:


Save theme doesn't do much for me though it sounds eerie enough, but I do prefer original one. It's nice that they reused the alternative save theme for the music box puzzle in RE3.

But yeah largely about 40% of music in Dualshock version are straight up abominations without any musical theory. Shit that you could make just banging on random keys on a keyboard.

>> No.5161702

>about 40% of music in Dualshock version are straight up abominations without any musical theory
That seems a bit much though. Really only the basement track stands out to me as abomination quality. I mean I prefer most of the tracks in the original but 40% seems high. A lot of it is kinda hokey though.

>> No.5161704
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Not that anon but while I don't think the DC music is as good I don't exactly think of it as an affront either, if anything it fits the tone of everything else in the game. I've only listened to the OST seperately but I don't know, maybe it works in a surreal, dissonant kind of way.

I enjoy differences like that anyway since playing different versions of your favorite games can keep them from becoming stale.

>> No.5161709
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>this is the closest thing we're ever getting to 1.5, and the fact that they're bringing back so many of the old concepts almost feels too good to be true.

Official 1.5 anyway. Remember, the Team IGAS fan restoration of the old proto is still out there, somewhere, lurking, biding its time...

I'm just disappointed that the Elza Walker-costume doesn't make Claire's hair blonde. Now THAT would've been a nice touch.

>> No.5161712

Here's a pretty good example of another shit track


Mind you, its not that the basement music is that horrible from the purely compositional sense, its the shitty synth trumpet that just sounds extra bad in the context. I'm not an educated musician but to put it in simple terms, there is no usage of music scales with the harmonies (overlapping melodies that play the same piece but in different positions in the scale). You can do it within the music scale if you want to get an evil or eerie vibe, but when you do it like its done in the link above it sounds very ear scratching despite still being eerie because shitty dissonant tones sound eerie no matter what.

>> No.5161718

>its not that the basement music is that horrible from the purely compositional sense, its the shitty synth trumpet that just sounds extra bad in the context.
oh I agree with that completely. It's just a goofy sound.
I don't think the track you posted is terrible though. Like the other anon posted I think that one in particular works in a surreal, dissonant kind of way.

>> No.5161738

Yeah but just die a few times,respawn at your last checkpoint, and the game will throw less of them at you
Im not going to buy it and I will continue playing the classic, it's just disappointing that we haven't gotten true RE in what 15 years? It seemed as though it was never going to return then all of a sudden
>we do it!
So the classic community is hyped, speculation for years as to how it's going to be, and then we find out indeed it's never coming back
>unlimited saves
>item pickup prompts
>magic pills that reveal hidden items
>shit "puzzles"
>cringe writing with tons of F-bombs
>literal walking sim and run/hide sections
>shit enemies
>DLC outta ass
>Hard mode is unlockable AND DLC-only
>zero replayability which is horrific for re
You proceed through the house in a very linear, pre-determined way, with no variation of any sort on later playthroughs. You are also funneled to the save rooms, and the game also uses automatic checkpoint saves on almost each door. There's no mapping out the environment, figuring out the most effective and safest routes to destination, no nothing

>> No.5161740

They are gonna disable all those things on a meme "real survival" difficulty mode, despite the game not being designed that way, and will claim to have appealed to both types of fans.

Its disgusting is what it fucking is.

>> No.5161769

Probably have it locked behind a pay wall too lmao

>> No.5162128

It was the only reason I bought a ps4 desu. I think I'm going to sit out next gen, unless the industry turns its shit around completely

>> No.5162130

literally cannot buy this because the giant spiders are going to be realistic

>> No.5162131

It really suffered from not having a Hard Mode like 1 and 3 but I would hardly call it an actionfest in the same vein as the later entries. Literally all they need to do to fix it is give the player less ammo or hide some of it better

>> No.5162132

>This is actually a chance for Capcom to redeem the series

you virgin faggots are so weird

also 7 and Revelations were just fine

>> No.5162151
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Hard Mode is unlocking the other two scenarios, it taps into Kamiya's arcade game sensibilties by encouraging you to go for the highest rank. Between Extreme Battle, Hunk and Tofu, that's a pretty decent amount of content you only get to see by mastering the base game, and it isn't tedious at all because RE2 is one of the most replayable games of all time.

I don't think it holds up against RE1 as a pure "survival horror" experience, but it's still such a heartfelt sequel regardless, you can tell the team really cared about what they were making which isn't something I feel like I can really say about anything that came after, besides maybe REmake.

>> No.5162207

I agree with most all of your post but I still stand that it could benefit with the addition of more challenging difficulty other than just Normal and Easy. I recently just played it for the first time in over 5 years on Normal and fairly easily beat Claire A with a surplus of ammo (not much health to spare though, admittedly).

>> No.5162605

was a snore fest with intentionally stupid dialog that was cringe. dat ass tho

>> No.5163298
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>I'm stoked as fuck to play it on PC with mkb (the way OTS should be played).

>> No.5163303

>dat ass tho
Calm down, Ireland

>> No.5163328
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RE2 is the game equivalent of ALIENS or Terminator 2: Judgement Day. Different enough to be fresh and similar enough to be a faithful continuation.

I can tolerate most of these changes as long as RE2MAKE gets the tension right. If you can disable the on screen objectives some way even better mark my words, there will be a mod to remove it that capcom will try to patch out

>> No.5163331

I'm really looking forward to it, it seems like it's finally nailing the balance between classic and modern RE that the Revelations series has been trying to do with mixed results and it's going to be a lot of fun just exploring the police station in 3D. In general I'd much rather have a remake that goes in a wildly different direction; straight remakes like SotC or Crash are boring and don't really give much reason to play them besides a quick "wow them modern graphics sure are pretty" and being easier to get on modern consoles.

I just dread the inevitable "original RE2 was shit play the remake instead" crap from retards.

>> No.5163332

>If you can disable the on screen objectives some way even better
You could do that in 7 so I don't know why you wouldn't be able to do it here.

It's like a lot of you didn't play 7 but were here to talk shit about it. Not calling you out specifically.

If this is anything like REmake, you should absolutely play the original first. And it's not so you can appreciate the original for its time--it's because REmake was a love letter to fans of RE1. I don't know why people don't understand this. I know you and I agree. I'm just venting.

>> No.5163338

I don't have it yet but its on my Christmas list.

>> No.5163371

It does have a hard mode, but its exclusively on PC and Dreamcast ports.
If you play the Sourcenext PC version you can edit the regedit data to have it unlocked immediately without having to beat the game couple of times first.

>> No.5163736

At first i expected something in the vein of REmake, but after i saw how they're handling it, i am pretty impressed and it's my most expected game.

This is possibly the best reimagining they could have possibly done with the game, and seemed to have adapted the mechanics to keep the same vibe to it, even with the camera change.

This will most likely be the basis for RE8, so it better be good. From what i'm seeing, it looks damn good.

>> No.5163885

Never played RE2 on account of despising tank controls, and this seems close to capturing the essence of RE4 in a lot of ways, so I think it's gonna be great.

>> No.5163896



>> No.5163908

To each their own.

>> No.5163929

>choosing to ignore games because he can't learn mechanics
Why are you even here?

>> No.5163938

Because RE2make looks interesting to me? Fuck man, chill.

>> No.5164046

But dynamic difficulty is a fun concept. Well at least i believe it is. Re4 handled it well

>> No.5164180

Especially for a game in a series/genre known for exploration and figuring things out on your own.

>> No.5164264

What puts me off personally is having to listen to that during normal gameplay. When I played REmake again recently I noticed that nobody talks outside of cutscenes. No quips or catchy filler dialogue interrupting the atmosphere. You could think without having to drown anybody out about puzzle solutions or where to go next or whatever. REmake 2 on the other hand can't seem to shut up but it's okay because it seems they do the thinking for you this time around. I'm sure the game will be good but little details like that are what stand between a game and it being truly great I think.

>> No.5164661

Removing the challenge is fun?

>> No.5164674

>It does have a hard mode, but its exclusively on PC and Dreamcast
Why would they do that?

>> No.5164751

to make you work for something? You know actually play game to unlock stuff instead of handing it to you.

>> No.5164760

No I mean only include the more challenging difficulty on the dreamcast and pc. I guess clearly they agree it should have included a more difficult option

>> No.5164775


>> No.5164795


They added Nightmare mode to the Windos port to give it something new. The Dreamcast port is based on the Windows port.

The later Playstation re-releases, and the Gamecube port, however were based on the Playstation original. Companies are lazy and they didn't bother porting over the new features. Truth be told, it would have made more sense to port the Dreamcast version.

>> No.5164890

they changed her clothes because of how she's introduced, apparently
so basically she's gonna crash and if she were wearing her classic clothes she'd drop her skin on the ground

>> No.5164901

I don't understand this complaint
it's a scene of claire shooting flame rounds at an enemy, what the fuck did you expect? some flame sprites like the original RE2? I'm cautious about the game too but you spuds are fucking retarded about it

>> No.5164903

>frankenstein guns

>> No.5164913

It looks indistinguishable from every other over the shoulder action shooter game these days, down to the fucking 4-weapon quick select menu. That's not what a survival horror game looks like. This looks more like Dead Space than Resident Evil.

>> No.5164917

>That's not what a survival horror game looks like.
You sound like someone who thinks that film noir needs to be in black and white, in the rain, with no day scenes

>> No.5164986

I ask you then, what gameplay conventions separate a survival horror game from any other game that simply has a "horror" theme but whose gameplay can still be classified as befitting a shooter?

>> No.5165010
File: 267 KB, 2328x1514, nuRE2-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look guys, I love Resident Evil as much as the next guy, it's just that I never want to play a game like that ever again as long as I live
>Now that they've changed everything that made the older games unique and iconic, it's much better

>> No.5165082

Claire looks mexican.
I would prefer fixed camera angles but over the shoulder is okay, anything but the terrible RE7 gameplay.

>> No.5165094

first of all, dead space is survival horror, anon

and like it or not, a developer can't get away with pausing the game every time you go into the inventory, not today

>> No.5165527

>what gameplay conventions separate a survival horror game from any other game that simply has a "horror" theme but whose gameplay can still be classified as befitting a shooter?

Limited resources, exploration, and puzzles are all hallmarks of the genre. Survival horror is not "tank controls with a fixed camera"

FFS, you could make a survival horror game with Doom if you wanted to.

>> No.5165565

Literally this guy >>5163885

>> No.5165617
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>> No.5165632

I played the demo at the TGS and it was pretty cool, though I won't pick it day 1

>> No.5165650

>dead space is survival horror
Dead Space is horror. It's not survival horror.

Theme vs. Genre.

>> No.5165658
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I don't get the choice of Brendan Fraser for Leon's mocap

>> No.5165664

>Limited resources
Common but not necessary. Resident Evil 3 on Easy gives you tons of resources, for example. Metro 2033 on Ranger Hardcore gives you very few, but isn't a survival horror game.
Which doesn't seem present in the remake. As we've seen, you're given objective markers and told where to go, and you're basically following the path to wherever the game says.
>and puzzles
Even RE4 had puzzles.

Here's what doesn't make for a survival horror: over-the-shoulder camera perspective putting focus on enemies and emphasizing combat, with controls designed to make the shooting aspect of the game more responsive and accurate with shortcuts to quickly and easily switch between 4 weapons that the game expects and encourages you to be carrying at all times. >>5161548

>> No.5165738

Good video.
I think the ideal way to handle it would be to have the majority of the game in fixed perspective and play like classic RE, but switch to over-the-shoulder camera for boss fights.

>> No.5165861

I like it, he looks very "80's horror protagonist"

>> No.5165879

>Resident Evil 3 on Easy gives you tons of resources
Anon, you misunderstand. There are a set number of resources in RE3. If you use them all, you're stuck with a knife and no healing. Limited resources doesn't mean you barely have any ammo the entire game.

Markers and whatnot can be turned off, like they could in RE7, not that anyone here played that game.

RE4 may have also had puzzles, but the games I'm listing had puzzles on top of all that other stuff. This is a silly point. It's like saying, "Well in RE1 you could shoot things, so it's not any different than Duke Nukem"

>Here's what doesn't make for a survival horror: over-the-shoulder camera perspective putting focus on enemies and emphasizing combat, with controls designed to make the shooting aspect of the game more responsive and accurate with shortcuts to quickly and easily switch between 4 weapons that the game expects and encourages you to be carrying at all times.
Anon, none of that shit makes a game "not-survival horror". Why don't you just admit that you don't like the over the shoulder camera, because it has no actual bearing on whether or not the game is survival horror. Early RE games, like 3 emphasized combat and even has an entire unlockable game mode dedicated to it.

>> No.5165915

>There are a set number of resources in RE3. If you use them all, you're stuck with a knife and no healing.
>"Well in RE1 you could shoot things, so it's not any different than Duke Nukem"
If you want another reference to Duke Nukem, there are limited items in Duke Nukem 3D as well. If you run out of supplies, you're stuck kicking things with no back-up medpacks. Must be a survival horror, right?
>Markers and whatnot can be turned off
And you could play the game with your eyes closed while you're at it. It's still built into the game with the game design catered towards it.
>Anon, none of that shit makes a game "not-survival horror"
Yes it does. It makes it a shooter, perhaps with a horror theme. What would it take to make you see the RE2 remake as not a survival horror game?
>Why don't you just admit that you don't like the over the shoulder camera,
I actually like over the shoulder camera a lot when the game calls for it. Resident Evil 4 is one of my favorite games, I enjoyed Dead Space, used to play a lot of Gears of War with my friends, Kill.switch on the PS2, etc. What I don't like is forcing every game series into being a shooter. Resident Evil doesn't need to be another Dead Space or Gears of War, we have plenty of those kinds and games and there hasn't been a proper Resident Evil game since 2002. I want a Resident Evil game that feels like a Resident Evil game, because although I like other games that use over-the-shoulder cameras, I also like Resident Evil and want to play another game in the style that Resident Evil is known for.
>Early RE games, like 3 emphasized combat and even has an entire unlockable game mode dedicated to it.
They had combat, they certainly didn't emphasize it. That's why you had people complaining about the "shitty tank controls" and how they sucked for shooting. Because the game wasn't a shooter, it only used enemies as obstacles, while the camera perspective mainly focused your attention on the rooms.

>> No.5165916

>That's why you had people complaining about the "shitty tank controls" and how they sucked for shooting.
No, we have that because people suck at vidya.

>> No.5165948

HONESTLY I'm pretty excited for the influx of RE2 porn that this will unleash. But that's it.

>> No.5165968

I'm here for Leon X Irons.

I don't know if you have what it takes to be a cop, kid. Maybe you could convince me...


>> No.5165973


You forgot your tripname, faggot.

>> No.5165974


>> No.5166979

It looks good to me. I haven't seen anything wrong with it so far and I think I'll pick it up if I really want a game to play. The thing is over the years I enjoyed vidya less and less, then I only enjoyed them when I was drunk, and now I have to stop drinking so who knows if I'll bother.

>> No.5167549

>complaining about jumpscares
>on a resi game

>> No.5167571

People hating jump scares is a meme these days. Somehow people got it in their minds that jump scares aren't "real" horror.

>> No.5167618
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I’ve been called REanon round these parts...don’t call me that anymore I’m fucking devastated capcom went with the revelations style. I made a whole resident evil battle station and put up a framed RE2 poster on my wall I was so excited for it and now I’m turning that game room into a music room when I get my house back. Fuck capcom. I trusted them and I got hyped. I should have known that 3 years of silence wasn’t a good sign. I’m not buying it either. Guess I’ll be playing the og forever.

>> No.5167641

the fat zombie banging on the vending machine was funny. other than that idc much.

they keep changing the goddamn voice actors. We need Paul Haddad for Leon, not some other generic-sounding guy, for god's sake, and similarly they got rid of Alyson Court, who IS Claire, though at least they kept her for some games/movies after RE2, same with Sally Cahill, it's a miracle she came back for RE4, but they dumped her for some horrible actor in RE6 who tried to imitate her, and that was one of the reasons that game sucked ass, god damnit.sdfkljnsd.nl

>> No.5167665

>don’t call me that anymore I’m fucking devastated capcom went with the revelations style.

They didn't. When we see Leon or Claire roundhouse a zombie after stunning it, we will talk.

>> No.5167671

>The voice of Ada being a little different was one of the reasons RE6 sucked
You okay?

>> No.5167679

i mean the ots style, it looks and moves exactly like rev1.

>> No.5167703
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not good.

1: ots. this is a trespass on all the og fans that have been CLAMORING for years to make it like the first REmake, not to mention the og fans were the ones wanting a remake in the first place, obviously

2: claire. claire is all sorts of fucked up. face, outfit, voice actor. why.

3: seriously hope they dont keep the horrible mid-action dialogue like "stay back, im warning you" in monotone while birking is trying to bash your head in, after you already dealt with zombie hoards and lickers. seriously. what the fuck is up with this

4: zombie bullet sponges. also, headshots. are you telling me a ZOMBIE doesnt die from a HEADSHOT? what even IS a zombie anymore after this?

5: is oroboros black goo shit all capcom can do for monsters? (birkin)

6: ada wong for the same reason as claire.

7: from what we see, leons campaign seems awfully linear. and enough of this hand holding bullshit "head back to the main hall". this isnt skyrim, im not a child, give me actual suspense and survival horror

8: 10 dollars extra for 2 useable costumes (elza and rick grimes. the rest are bad. simply bad. side note, elza costume doesnt even have blond hair? thats like BFV with the black haired norwegian girl. YOU HAD ONE JOB) and the og soundtrack. oh, and a gun skin.

9: see number 8.

10: 3 years in silence for this.

>> No.5167719

you know what, as an actual #9, the inventory system. its like a copy and paste from RE7

>> No.5167724

RE7 had a good inventory system.

>> No.5167850

resident evil 7 was not a resident evil game tho.

and re-using stuff like that, especially in a remake not even related to re7 is lame.

>> No.5167854

>resident evil 7 was not a resident evil game tho.

Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not in X series. And this isn't even a good argument. Game series take mechanics from other series all the time.

>> No.5167929

>resident evil 7 was not a resident evil game tho.

this is correct. who do you think you are fooling?

>> No.5167952

>this is correct.
It's not correct and "because I said so" isn't an argument.

And you also didn't refute the other part of my argument, which was that a series can still borrow mechanics from other series.

>> No.5167979

son, i didnt think i'd have to break it to you like this....

but resident evil 7 is as much a resident evil game as crash bandicoot is a dark souls title. you have other people in this very thread agreeing with this very sentiment. you will find that alot of people share that sentiment.

and did i have to refute? i have my own opinions, rehashing the same inventory system is lazy, and lame. why they didnt decide to stay at least mildly faithful to the original inventory system is beyond me, and i simply dont like it.

>> No.5167983

>is as much a resident evil game as crash bandicoot is a dark souls title.
lmao, either you didn't play it or are being hyperbolic to win an argument on 4chan. Stopped reading here.

>> No.5167995

good for you. the reply button isn't an obligation.

>> No.5168071

it's more that i don't think they have the capacity to do anything like REmake again honestly.

>> No.5168085


All of my this.

>> No.5168143

It's horror, it's just the cheapest trick in the book: exploiting your startle reflex by throwing shit at your face with loud noises.

>> No.5168186

It's also a staple of the RE series since 1 so it's not really something to complain about.

>> No.5168236

It's something to complain when it's overused and gets more attention than actually setting up atmosphere. Not saying the games discussed here do that, just pointing it out I get it why some people complain so much today. In my personal opinion, one/two jump scare moments is enough in a horror game, everything else should be a build up on the uneasiness and feel of dread.

>> No.5168243

>It's something to complain when it's overused and gets more attention than actually setting up atmosphere.
So not applicable here. Cool.

>> No.5168246

The game isn't even out yet, it could very well turn into an action fest with a bunch of jump scares for all we know.

>> No.5168247

I feel like this is just one dude being super contrarian in this thread. It’s the same kind of snark.

>> No.5168259

Don't confuse me with the guy with a thousand complains, if the game comes out as it seems by the trailers I'm good I just commented on the jump scare thing.

>> No.5168352

anon, I'd kill for an RE game where you play as brendan fraser

>> No.5168360

let's be honest here, folks
survival horror is a meme genre and only applies to whatever you want it to apply to
RE2make might as well be survival horror to somebody

>> No.5168379

The problem is that people think survival horror is the video game equivalent of the horror genre of movies or books.

Movie genres are based on setting, dialogue, themes, etc. A video game genre is based on gameplay. Horror is not a genre of video game because it doesn't describe anything about the gameplay, it's just a theme. Survival horror is a specific type of game with specific gameplay conventions, and since those types of games aren't really made anymore, people just call any horror game a survival horror.

>> No.5168382

if parasite eve is survival horror, then survival horror has no meaning

>> No.5168390

Even wikipedia lists Parasite Eve as an "action role-playing game"

>> No.5168392

but it's commonly viewed as a survival horror game
basically, survival horror is whatever most people want it to be, otherwise it'd just be fixed camera pre-rendered background horror games with tank controls and a finite amount of items to pick up but always a way to kill enemies

>> No.5168395

>but it's commonly viewed as a survival horror game
By who?

>> No.5168396


>but it's commonly viewed as a survival horror game
By the same people who think survival horror means fixed camera angles and tank controls.

>> No.5168407
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Survival horror games are descendants of point & click adventure games, so fixed camera angles are classic and tank controls are made for that sort of set-up. You could make a survival horror game without them but it'd have to be done in a way that still focuses on rooms, item searching, inventories, and puzzles.

>> No.5168420
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>You could make a survival horror game without them but it'd have to be done in a way that still focuses on rooms, item searching, inventories, and puzzles.
been there done that

>> No.5168430

by most people who use the term survival horror, anon
then what is survival horror, anon? because the ONLY basis on what survival horror is is resident evil 1, which would make dino crisis the basis on what panic horror is
but panic horror didn't become a thing, did it?

>> No.5168434

>by most people who use the term survival horror, anon

>> No.5168471

>2: claire. claire is all sorts of fucked up. face, outfit, voice actor. why.

They couldn't get Alyson Court, 'cause her union was on strike 'round the time Capcom was casting.

>> No.5168780
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>6: ada wong for the same reason as claire.
I'm probably in the minority here but I've never liked Ada. I don't like her goofy James Bond dress, and the fact that she turns the latter half of Leon's scenario into a romantic subplot. Nothing about it feels earnest so it's impossible to be emotionally invested in their relationship, she's a two-faced spy and Leon is a gullible rookie falling in love with a woman he's only just met. All it does is lower my opinion of both characters, they're both just so grating and moronic. I don't know why they thought this dynamic was so "good" that they kept it going through RE4 and 6.

I liked her better when she was an Umbrella scientist, and I would have taken Roy, with Marvin playing a larger role in the story over what we got in the final game.

>> No.5168794

The first RE was planned to be FPS. RE7 is just what RE1 wanted to be all along, but the tech wasn't there to do it justice.

>> No.5168804

it's a shame that RE7 sucked though

>> No.5168826

The sales numbers say otherwise. Also, they're planning on remaking RE1 in the same style. Probably already in production desu.

>> No.5168835

>The sales numbers say otherwise
lol, i'm not even bothering replying to this bait

>> No.5169249

The 90% playerbase drop after a MONTH says otherwise.

Which is probably what we are going to see with the remake.

>> No.5169264

Playerbase dropping in a single player game means fuck all.

>> No.5169287

It seems to me like it's a spiritual successor to the revelations series, more than anything. But we'll see.

>> No.5169291

Means the replay value was abysmal and most people didn’t even bother to complete it.

90%. Ninety.

Stop shilling for re7 so much. It was ass.

>> No.5169297

Anon, many people are playing so many games that they finish it and toss it in a bin to move on to something new.

Or they wait some time to replay it. I know a lot of the time I am not down to replay a game instantly. It doesn't mean it's a bad game, but that I need a taste of something else.

It's a meaningless stat for single player games and even /v/ shitposters know this.

>> No.5169352

even /v/ shitposters know about projecting

you are on a board thats specifically for people that still play the same exact shit after decades. replayability and staying power is exactly what re7 lacked. and it showed. the reason why we even know about the 90% playerbase drop after a single month is because thats utterly absurd. especially for a well known and well loved franchise.

who here still replays the first REmake often? i do. even re4. i play that once a year.

>> No.5169361

I never intended to suggest that jumps scares are inherently bad - the older games of course utilize them too. However there is much more to survival horror than that, and most horror titles today overly rely on them
I think you're underestimating how many people are pissed about how Capcom went about this demake. Hopefully this frustration is reflected in the game's sales

>> No.5169375

i was referencing the anon i replied to, not the one he replied to

>> No.5169378

Stop being a dick head. Like it or not, RE7 was at the very least the best entry in the series released since 2002.
I won't say it was amazingly awesome or anything, but it was better than all those brainless TPS entries we had to deal with for over a decade.

>> No.5169391

resident evil 4.

anyway, shut the fuck up. as if a youtuber bait outlast clone wasnt brainless.

>N I N E T Y

>> No.5169407

>outlast clone
Thank you for outing yourself as someone who didn't play the game and just went on the internet to shitpost about it.

>> No.5169428

>someone who didn't play the game

in a world where youtube exists.
do you not think i SEEN it?

>> No.5169452

Man, you are dumb as fuck.

>> No.5169453
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Aside from the fact that watching 40 minutes of both would show you how different they are

>He literally thinks watching a game is a substitute for playing it

>> No.5169484

i watched the whole game. your argument is invalid. the controller doesnt need to be in your fucking hands to form an opinon on its quality. literally what could i learn from actually playing it when i already know exactly what it is.

care to elaborate? or are you just ad homineming your way towards enlightenment?

>> No.5169569
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>i watched the whole game.

>> No.5169607

>he took the time to simply re-iterate and post some sort of furry reaction pic.

yep. im not in good company here.

>> No.5169614

Isn't /vr/ a place we can discuss the watering down of retro video games?

>> No.5169616
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>im not in good company here.
You mean the company that prefers people actually play the titles that they shit on before coming to the internet to discuss said titles?

Damn shame you're leaving, but I think we'll manage without you.

>> No.5169624

i'll ask again. literally what am i missing if i already seen the whole game. what does putting the controller in my hands do if i already have an opinion on it? i've played those style games before. im not a fan.

answer this. feel free to post another smug reaction pic as if your going to be screenshotted in an le epic cringe comp

>> No.5169634

>literally what am i missing if i already seen the whole game.
I'll answer your question with a question: What's the point of any video game if you're just going to watch them to completion?

In the future, please play your video games before judging them. You want to talk about this site having issues with discourse, then you decide that you can see all you need to on youtube to speak as an expert on it.

It's like claiming Ninja Gaiden is really easy because you watched some guy speedrun it.

>> No.5169636

you wont answer because you know you cant. its okay to admit you backed yourself into an argumentative corner. just stop replying.

>> No.5169658

this. i wanted a remake similar to the first remake. not this re-imagining of re2.

>> No.5169662

please dont buy it then. vote with your wallet.

>> No.5169740

i'm looking forward to it.
it kind of feels like something that they can't mess up to badly because the original game is such a rock solid foundation to build from.
that won't stop that certain subset of fans from nitpicking it to death though.

>> No.5169745

this is entirely bait.

>> No.5169748

i agree, this thread is bait.
it was pretty obvious from the first post.

>> No.5169793

>we had to deal with for over a decade
Whats great is you don't have to actually deal with it. I encourage you not to pre-order this game, rather watch actual gameplay first and then decide if you want to support it. We lost survival horror in part because fans of the gameplay were complacent with the later sequels and would buy them just because they have Resident Evil plastered on the cover. The casual audience wants action shooters, Capcom knows this, and if they know that the original fans will buy whatever they put out so long as it has RE on the cover then they have no incentive to deliver an actual remake. This isn't meant to be directed at you in particular, rather a rallying call to all old fans to not be so quick to pre-order it.

>> No.5169843

>Also, they're planning on remaking RE1 in the same style.
don't pull shit out of you ass, anon
it's unsanitary

>> No.5169848

seriously, if anything is getting remade after this, it's three.
that's where i'm having problems with the playstyle though.
i'm sure that nemesis encounters are going to take a hit if anything.

>> No.5169852

if anything would fit the third person gameplay, it'd be 3
hell, 3 would even fit first person if we're going to do a gameplay era for each remake

>> No.5169880

Is it misguided to comment accurately on a game I've played over a dozen times in the 20 years it's been out?

>> No.5169881

Thanks for the you. :)

>> No.5169887

Inb4 RE2Make makes way more money than RE2 ever did.

>> No.5169914

It's not like they haven't remade or remastered RE1 before. Preorders on RE2Make are already enough proof for Capcom for their future financial decisions.

>> No.5169919

>player numbers mattering more than sales numbers
>in a single player game

Holy hell you're a special kind of retarded. Don't spread your retard genes.

>> No.5169974

90% in a single month. theres no amount of personal attacks that can make this acceptable for such a well known franchise.

did skyrim see a 90% playerbase drop after a month? hmm?

>> No.5169992


It absolutely will. Literally any AAA shitted and barfed out today will make much more money than legendary amazing old games.

>> No.5170260

Why do people use this shitty defense for re7? Does re7 play at all like re1, but I’m FPS? No? Then why keep mentioning a binned idea for a game in its development stage...

Quite literally, so fucking what?