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File: 131 KB, 1920x1080, n64_wallpaper_by_ryokai-d8lqeor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5073065 No.5073065 [Reply] [Original]

What are some underrated Nintendo 64 games?

>> No.5073071

Shiren 2

>> No.5073097
File: 1.99 MB, 320x240, albundy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>underrated Nintendo 64 games
uhhh, there was not enough games on the system for their to be legitimate "hidden gems". please stop!

>> No.5073103

mario 65

>> No.5073113

dezaemon 3d is good, but dezaemon 2 on saturn is better
uchhannanchan is good, but irritating stick on ps1 is better
bangaioh is good, but bangaioh on dreamcast is better

there is literally fucking nothing underrated on n64, everything that's necessary to play is already popular

>> No.5073123

>bangaioh is good, but bangaioh on dreamcast is better
If you like Bangai-O, you will want to play the original N64 game though. Especially if you can play on original hardware with a real N64 controller and can play with the original control scheme the devs intended the game to be played with (d-pad for movement and analog stick for shooting).
It's also more challenging than the DC version.

>> No.5073134

Nothing. In fact almost all of its games are massively overrated.

>> No.5073150

oh hey look guise he posted a reaction gif, he must be making a good point. hurr hurr funny picture.

>> No.5073187

>What are some underrated Nintendo 64 games?
NBA Hangtime.

>> No.5073198

great counterpoint. tell me how many "hidden gems" there are on the most popular console of all time, with 200 or so games...I'll wait

>> No.5073204

I wouldn't really consider anything on it underrated. The library is small and fairly shallow, so everyone knows what the options are. Honestly most of it is highly overrated if anything. I guess Doom 64 is underrated if people just think it's a port instead of an entirely new game, and the Pod Racing game is pretty good, although the dreamcast version is better.

>> No.5073213

At this point, none since people have talked every game on the console to fucking death, to the point where now legit shit games like Quest 64 are being memed as "hidden gems".

>> No.5073218

People are even trying to meme the 32X into being some underrated misunderstood system.

>> No.5073247

I like Ridge Racer 64

>> No.5073272
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Micro Machines 64 Turbo, Doshin the Giant, and the list could go on and on. :^)

>> No.5073307

Sin and punishment
Pokémon snap

>> No.5073313

Not alot of westerners know about it

>> No.5073337 [DELETED] 

Ahh yeah, Ikaruga Kids, now THAT was a fighting game.

>> No.5073348

Al Bundy reaction gifs are good though.

>> No.5073352

Fighter's Destiny (2)

>> No.5073416

Hybrid Heaven, niggas

>> No.5073534

The N64 had 296 games, not "200 or so". The N64 is a quite popular console, though it's not "the most popular console of all time".That is not the correct way to use sarcasm, you don't just say something that's untrue, there has to be a point to it. However the N64's popularity compared to the PS1 has increased a lot over time due to the fact that it has much better games.

To be honest this is below the level of intelligence I'm comfortable talking to, at least without a handler being present.

>> No.5073537

>What are some underrated Nintendo 64 games?

All of them that isn't Mario, Zelda, Pokémon, or made by Rare.

>> No.5073539

most ps1 games held up better than most n64 games :/

>> No.5073548

Hercules - The Legendary Journeys

>> No.5073681

lmao, literally every single N64 thread on every single English forum and image board mentions goemon.

>> No.5073705
File: 212 KB, 500x419, dougpc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your autism is disgusting, kek.

The N64 had 296 games, not "200 or so"

yeah compared to the thousands other consoles just as popular as the ps1 have? 200 or so is fine, considering most of those games are pure trash. i wasnt being sarcastic you fucking idiot. yeah for normal fags the n64 is the best console because OoT. a handler wtf is that? do you only know about them because you have one?

>> No.5073708

i own it and im this guy

>> No.5074207

>the most popular console of all time

Is this just extremely poorly executed sarcasm, or... ?

>> No.5074301
File: 65 KB, 640x467, star-soldier-vanishing-earth-(u)-nintendo-64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Star Soldier: Vanishing Earth is a damn fine shmup.

>> No.5074317

lmao that game is ass and a disgrace to the series

>> No.5074394

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

>> No.5074403


Never heard of this game. Is this like a Metroidvania?

>> No.5074406

It's an rpg.

>> No.5074407


Oh, cool, more like Final Fanvania.

>> No.5074424

I always enjoyed Space Station Silicon Valley which doesn't get that much attention.

>> No.5074451

Chef's Luv Shack

>> No.5074649

should I play this?
also what's the best N64 emulator?

>> No.5074651
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i mean this

>> No.5074695
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Countless hours playing this.

>> No.5074706

More like Blandtendo sixty-SNORE.

>> No.5074719
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This one is actually not as bad as the first. I sort of liked it.

>> No.5074738

I wish I could've played Rakuga Kids when I was younger. Great style.

>> No.5074757

I mean that's literally considered one of the best wrestling games of all time

>> No.5074787

Based and redpilled

>> No.5074793
File: 270 KB, 640x480, 625452-mischief-makers-nintendo-64-screenshot-many-diamonds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mischief Makers is one of the best platformers of the entire console generation, I'll fall on my sword for this fact. The soundtrack is awesome

>> No.5074801

I don't think it's underrated though. It's super popular, probably treasure's 2nd most popular game

>> No.5074818

I hang out with mostly normies so my perception of the game might be coloured. But considering the middling review scores and unpopularity at the time I'd say it's underrated.

>> No.5075098

There aren't. Anything that is remotely good is incredibly overrated because there were so few games on that shitpile of a console to begin with.

>> No.5075101

Bomberman 64 (JP)

>> No.5075114

Can you anti-Nintendo 64 trolls please stop? You don't like the N64, we get it.

That's being said I've never been a believer in this "hidden gems" nonsense, it probably is true that most good games of the N64 have been brought up at some point.

>> No.5075226
File: 511 KB, 2100x1524, n64_wwf_wrestlemania_2000_p_vlpu6o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this game is pretty good too. I rarely see it mentioned

>> No.5075232

Is Winback considered overrated? At the time most people were playing MGS (myself included) but I really enjoyed Winback.

>> No.5075237

Meant underrated

>> No.5075268

That's not true. You don't lurk enough.

>> No.5075285


A lot of N64 games were pretty rough around the edges, and weren't really held in high regard because of this. Likewise, some really had a lot of polish and attention to detail, and are regarded as superior. On N64 especially, this is often backwards.

Take Top Gear Rally vs. World Driver Championship. WDC has the superior graphics, high resolution mode, lighting effects, more tracks, realistic cornering etc. But, it's frankly just not any fun to play. I don't know why, but it's bland as shit. And I put hundreds of hours into various Gran Turismos, so it's not as if I'm opposed to a more complex racer.

Top Gear Rally on the other hand has terrible graphics, very few tracks, limited options, etc. By the usual objective measures it's the inferior game. But, it's far more fun to play. The arcade physics are an absolute joy, and the sense of speed when you nail the turns means that the game is truly thrilling to play.

Anyhow, a lot of N64 sort of follows this pattern -- games that are really period pieces, and would never be made today (a shitty rally racer with 5-6 tracks total and terrible graphics, for example) placed next to games which are ostensibly more modern and polished, but aren't actually any fun, especially when modern alternatives exist.

a few examples;

Top Gear Rally
Top Gear Rally 2
Quake 64
Gauntlet Legends

Donkey Kong 64
Conker's Bad Fur Day
Perfect Dark
Beetle Adventure Racing

(obviously there are polished and fun games which break thi s mold, such as F-Zero X, Star Fox 64, etc ...)

>> No.5075313

If you've ignored everyone telling you to play Beetle Adventure Racing for the past billion years now is the time to actually fucking play it

>> No.5075320
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Wetrix is my favorite puzzle game for the system, but it's better on Dreamcast and PC.

>> No.5075339
File: 142 KB, 388x221, yMB8t4v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know Goemon has diehard fans that always bring it up, but it's actually rather underrated or ignored by most people who only ever mention Nintendo or Rare games for the system.
GGA is also the best side-scroller of 5th gen in my opinion.

>> No.5075348 [DELETED] 

>GGA is also the best side-scroller of 5th gen in my opinion.
Even better than Klonoa, Mischief Makers, VB Wario Land, and Tempo?

>> No.5075361

Yeah, I think so. Those are all good games too, but GGA is my favorite.

>> No.5075440

Depends who you ask. I think Winback got the reception it deserved, it was pretty boring.

>> No.5075505


>> No.5075581 [DELETED] 

Shut the fuck up, MRA cunt.

>> No.5076041

>Perfect Dark
>Beetle Adventure Racing

Gonna have to disagree on both of these. Both of these are really solid.

>> No.5076047

Rakuga Kids

>> No.5076165

Star Wars Episode One Racer

>> No.5076168

F-Zero X because people hyped that turd GX on the gamecube up so much.
Otherwise the N64 is the "overrated" box.

>> No.5076170

>Mischief Makers
If anything it's overrated simply by virtue of being one of the few N64 games that is NOT ass.

>> No.5076175
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These 4 out of my collection are the must underrated ones I can recommend. I have friends who never heard of jet force gemeni either so I'd vote for that too. Mission Impossible is one of my favorite N64 games.

>> No.5076182
File: 40 KB, 320x224, mission7776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mission Impossible
One of the first times I was burned by bullshots and downgrades.

>> No.5076207

It was unfortunately rendered obsolete by No Mercy. The Road to Wrestlemania single player mode was a massive slog that got boring real quick. Rendered unwinnable if you did not win the Royal Rumble. Still was fun playing as Terri Runnels with Jaqulene as my partner and holding every single WWF title and being in every match at Wrestlemania.

>> No.5076393
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>> No.5076461


All the cars in Beetle Adventure Racing terminally understeer. The environments are nice, and cool, and the visuals are obviously great, but the driving itself is very dull because of this.

>> No.5076676

WrestleMania 200 had some cool shit that wasn't in No Mercy, so I'd consider it still worth playing.

>> No.5076745

aero gauge is fuckin impossible without a good stick, the AI is too fast unless you boost a lot. It has nice graphics tho.

>> No.5077085

quest 64 is total shit

>> No.5077892

Road Rash was a fantastic series.

>> No.5077910

Quake 2 is underrated. It has an entirely new campaign and atmospheric music like doom 64.

Duke nukem zero hour is also pretty underrated. I think if you can get past not being able to save mid level it's actually a pretty good game.

>> No.5077913

Battletanx was dope

>> No.5078138

>Perfect Dark
>Beetle Adventure Racing
jesus fuck

>> No.5078140

>Donkey Kong 64

>> No.5078143

mission impossible is one of those absolute terrible games you play because of the soundtrack

>> No.5078201

DK64 was a triple-A title, released with much acclaim. We all agree it's shit now, but it was one of the largest N64 carts, with some of the best graphics, etc.

Also noted in this thread is Road Rash 64, which undoubtably is not a polished game, but is fun as shit.

>> No.5078231

>We all agree it's shit now,

It was always a love/hate game with most people loving it but still a significant fraction hating it. That's how it was from the very beginning and has never changed, stop smoking your own turd shit you mentally disabled spastic.

>> No.5078259

There aren’t any underrated N64 games. Everyone seems to think even the worst 10fps garbage on that system is a classic!

>> No.5078283

Castlevania 64 never gets enough love.

>> No.5078285

Love me some Tank controls

>> No.5078350

Because it's fucking shit.

>> No.5078367

It's better than SotN

>> No.5078397

>tank controls
you wot

>> No.5078682
File: 57 KB, 640x480, buck rodgers 64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duck Dodgers, anyone?

>> No.5078727

I only included games worth playing.

Paper Mario

Gauntlet Legends
Zelda: OoT
Zelda: Majora's Mask
Pokemon Stadium
Pokemon Stadium 2

Corridor shooters:
Star Fox 64
Sin and Punishment

>> No.5078731

Monster Truck madness
Its a Rock Star co game
>Can go underground on some tracks
>Can get various powerups including missiles and flying
>can drive outside the map, into the water, drive up mountains
>Lots of modes like king of the hill and hockey
Ive never seen this game get any love on here but its very good if you have others to play with

>> No.5078738
File: 22 KB, 333x232, spacecover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Body Harvest, Space Station Silicon Valley, and Bomberman Hero are still massively underrated despite the "no underrated n64 games" meme. I frequently run into boomers who have not only never played these games, but have never even heard of them.

Holy shit there is so much wrong with this post that I don't even know where to being. I'm guessing this is a deliberate troll, for no one could sincerely be this off.

>> No.5078739
File: 139 KB, 670x447, Sin-and-Punishment-English-Translation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh. Nobody digs on the imports.

>> No.5078847

Duck dodgers m8!

>> No.5078849

Right here!

>> No.5078927

Only game I ever imported. Got it after seeing it mentioned on an episode of Xplay.
My N64 purchase was finally justified

>> No.5078935

> Space Station Silicon Valley

A game that was shortly forgotten after it was released, I didn't really like it too much when I played it.

>> No.5079494

My man!

>> No.5080154

Hybrid haven
Kill yourself.

>> No.5080247

>I'm guessing this is a deliberate troll, for no one could sincerely be this off.

I was quite serious, but it's not a big deal to disagree. And, I have to admit, although I honestly hold those opinions about Conker and Perfect Dark, I knew they'd be controversial opinions when I wrote this.

That said, I do think many of your choices (Body Harvest, Space Station Silicon Valley, etc) fit the criteria I was trying to define.

>> No.5080360

What does /vr/ think about the Extreme-G games?

>> No.5081435

That sounds pretty cool. I'll check that out.

>> No.5081640
File: 28 KB, 300x300, n64_blast_corps_p_om1hys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is very underrated. Easily one of the most fun games i've ever played.

>> No.5081683

Specifically searched for this, and I'm glad someone pointed it out. This game is probably the most zen experience I can think of for games. Just a shame that more people haven't appreciated it since it's a relatively obscure game on a platform which many undervalue and many oversimplify in terms of library.

>> No.5081685


I love both games, no need to be salty that one gets a legitimately deserved reputation. It's not as if F-Zero X is that overlooked anyway.

>> No.5082179
File: 83 KB, 800x546, 54478-mario-tennis-nintendo-64-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't believe nobody has said this. It's brilliant, extremely addictive, got a good diffculty slope and with 4 players probably the best experience on the '64. No slowdown nor nothin. Just dont' play as Boo or Paratoopa.

>> No.5082184

I think people are turned off because it's a "Mario sports" title and think it's some kind of shovelware.
But yeah it's a very good Tennis game. That game was actually mad popular in Japan for some reason, one of the best selling N64 titles there.
Also Mario Golf is very good.

>> No.5082195

winback is hard to recommend for the 64 when the PS2 version has that hilarious as fuck voice acting

>> No.5082208
File: 268 KB, 1500x1026, 91LdvKKdFcL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WinBack was super ahead of its time. There was a later PS2 port but it adds some really atrocious voice acting and the controls were clearly made with N64 controller in mind.

>> No.5082212

Mario Golf is actually surprisingly deep. Kids would be bored by it, probably. It's also pretty difficult and extremely satisying once you get the hang of it. I never played MG back in the day, but I picked it up 3 years ago and was subtly impressed. I wasn't blown away but it's a really relaxing game to just pot a few holes. The weird human characters as well all add up for a pretty intriguing game.

And mario tennis 4 player is even fun to this day. I sometimes get 4 players of it with my buddies from time to time (difficult now because everyone's got jobs and all that stuff) and it's still a thrill, it just holds up so well and new permutations of events always seem to occur. I really recommend it to OP >>5073065

>> No.5082228

This for sure.

>> No.5082247

How so? It felt like a really generic third person shooter when I played at the time... it's kinda forgettable.

Also Dr. Garcia from Last Alert makes a voice acting cameo in the PS2 intro so you can't fault it.

>> No.5082262

everyone goes on about the cover system.

>> No.5082917

Quake 2 on N64 had 4 player split screen, which is pretty much the funnest shit ever in a FPS.

>> No.5082921

It feels generic because you're coming from 8th gen, for the time it was mind blowing.

>> No.5083009

This guy gets it.

The game IS kind of above average though.

>> No.5084174

>a handler wtf is that?
it's essentially a 'tard wrangler. someone who stays with the retard and keeps them from walking into a busy street or eating grass.

>> No.5085104

tards are hilarious

remember when 4chan had constant tard story thread?

those were the best times on this site

>> No.5085521

That game and Hydro Thunder were probably the ones I played the most as a kid. My favorite track was the one with the Aztec temples because you could go inside them.

>> No.5085724

Nhl games
custom robo
densha de go
fighters destiny
mickey speedway
blast corps
last legion
duke nukem
turok 3
indiana joner boner
duke zero duke edition
quaker oats ii
southern park
mr. unicycle
jikkyou pro baseball
magical tetris
bomberman arcade
hybrid heaven
is rayman 2 or re2 not good on 64? thats how i played em

>> No.5085727

Me too. was fun

>> No.5085729

I was a wrangler for about a week. Did 3 days with the most difficult children of all time who would routinely shit themselves and lick each other's feet, and I just stopped going back

Worst job I've ever had

>> No.5085738

This. Anyone arguing the Dreamcast version is definitive hasn't played both.

>> No.5085775

The common consensus is they're good versions but not the best due to sixth/later gen incarnations being a little more polished graphically as you can imagine.

>> No.5087691


What game are you referring to?

>> No.5088978
File: 85 KB, 800x544, 76530-hybrid-heaven-nintendo-64-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 mentions no picture

>> No.5089143
File: 15 KB, 206x500, hheavart001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I learned recently that this game actually was developed by people from the MSX Metal Gear games. I thought the Metal Gear references were just a meme.
I love HH's combat.

>> No.5089150

Its fucking ugly and tries to skate by on being oh-so-quirky, like most Treasure games.
It's a 10 minute Newgrounds game bloated into a full release.

>> No.5089152

You wish a newground dev could pull off physics and controls like MM does.

>> No.5089169
File: 73 KB, 640x468, F537A1C4-51A8-4FA1-9618-5B243D639243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The semi-realistic physics were a nice touch to this game.

>> No.5090913

>semi-realistic physics
>in that

There's something endlessly entertaining in finding an actual physics system in an otherwise cartoony game.

>> No.5090949

Top chibi castle-building roguelike out there.
Plus the dungeons look great in 3D.

>> No.5092362


>> No.5092401

Not him but Shiren 2 was pretty big in Japan.
I never played it myself but I've played other Shiren games and they're good stuff.

>> No.5093431

>turok 3

my fucking nigger. This is the game that never gets mentioned

>> No.5094231

That game is so underrated. It tends to get overlooked because it's so different from 1 and 2, but it's still a fun game.

>> No.5094875

Ken Griffey Jr. MLB was surprisingly fun, even if it is completely obsolete now.

>> No.5094882

holy fuck i loved that gam

>> No.5094885

sup eleven

>> No.5095691

Bomber man 64: the second attack

Also Mischief Makers seems super underrated on this board

>> No.5095702


This game was so unbelievably good it actually caused me to briefly care about WWF/E

>> No.5097276

>Pokémon Stadium
>action RPG

>> No.5099065

That's how I got into Japanese wrestling. From playing the Japanese games.

>> No.5099282

Mini games: action
Stadium: RPG

>> No.5099516
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>> No.5099714

Automobili Lamborghini.

>> No.5100007


>> No.5101667

Wait, was this an early attempt at CQC?

>> No.5101676
File: 76 KB, 640x468, n64_chameleon_twist_p_qzqh0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No love for Chameleon Twist

>> No.5101768

Not necessarily underrated but truly awesome games:
Snowboard Kids
Space Station Silicon Valley

These seem like shit to me but are praised:
Body Harvest
Rocket Robot on Wheels

>> No.5101776


>> No.5101789

If you like shooters, Star Solider Vanishing Earth is a really solid one.

>> No.5102232

Bomberman 64 the second attack is expensive as fuck though

>> No.5102247
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>> No.5102395

Why not? It's a kind of unique game, a sequel to an old western computer game made by japanese, and people barely talk about it. I'd say it's mildly underrated or at least a bit unknown. Might not be for everyone but it might resonate well with certain people who like this type of game.

>> No.5102401

I wish MGS CQC was as fun as Hybrid Heaven's combat.

>> No.5103948


>> No.5104269
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>> No.5104336

I second this, Goemon/Mystical Ninja is one of the best series of all time.

>> No.5104345

Body Harvest was interesting; it was a sci-fi open world game where you drive vehicles and shoot aliens. Way ahead of its time

>> No.5104347

Duke Nukem: Zero Hour

>> No.5104418

Sin and Punishment I guess, although its pretty much a cult classic nowadays.

>> No.5104425
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>> No.5104729


agreed, mario tennis is as timeless as warlords for 4-player fun

>> No.5105018

I always loved "Mean Machine" by Sugar Ray, and never they were the same band who made "Fly". They were way better as a thrash-y punk band.

>> No.5105504

It's one of the best shooting gallery style shooters ever made imo.

>> No.5107564

I never managed to get my head around that game. It just doesn't click with me. Not then, not now.

>> No.5107568

I was scared shitless of it.
I played the first one and loved it, skipped the second and went straight to that. FUCK, what a surprise.

>> No.5107615

It feels like someone dropped a bunch of shit from a toybox onto a world and then you go through the mess doing whatever mission Treasure decided to make up that time.

>> No.5107627
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>> No.5107785
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>> No.5107793

For a licensed racer it was surprisingly good. Though I guess you could also say that about Wave Race 64 cause it was sponsored by Kawasaki.

>> No.5107845

Does anyone know the Japan only game that was 60fps?

>> No.5107863
File: 251 KB, 1526x1477, 1538346934281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daikatana: It's not Perfect Dark, but it is entertaining and fun if you turn your brain off. Story is entertaining, tons of weapons, cool environments. It's not perfect, there are flaws (ugly character models, control issues) but can be overlooked.

Quest 64: Fun RPG with a unique battle system. Would recommend the European or Japanese version for a better story conclusion. A lot of populated areas are hollow feeling, not enough side quests and if you load up on earth weapons you can tank through the game. Simplistic, but charming.

Paperboy 64: I'm somewhat reaching here, but it's a turd I enjoy. Bad graphical design choice, less than perfect controls, but it's fun if you like Paperboy. The added stunt mechanic is fun but wasn't fully developed.

>> No.5107870

Al makes a good point, though.

>> No.5107907

was it the neon genesis evangelion game?

>> No.5107947

Did the N64 have an unusually high concentration of racing games?

>> No.5108110

Yep, some great ones too - F-Zero X, Rush games, World Driver Championship, Mario Kart 64, , Star Wars Episode I: Racer, Diddy Kong Racing, Wave Race 64, Top Gear games, Beetle Adventure Racing, F-1 World Grand Prix... if you're feeling plebby there are also superior versions of good racers that were on playstation - destruction derby 64, wipeout 64, Supercross 2000.

>> No.5108328

>unusually high concentration of racing games

That's an understatement. N64 had only 295 games released in America (out of 388 released in all regions combined). Out of those, over 60 were racing games. In other words, 1 in every 5 games released in American on the N64 were racing games. What shmups were to the TG-16 and Saturn, racing games were to the N64.

>> No.5108340

Bangai-O is 60fps

>> No.5108349

That Rugrats dice game, my little brother loved that game 15 years ago.

>> No.5108372

This game is the closest we ever got back then in games to the tone of those early to mid 90s action thrillers that you see rerun after rerun of on AMC now. Lots of suspense, lots of subdued fairly realistic action. The time limit established in the story is real too and affects the ending despite there being little indication of such which adds even more suspense.

The cover system is more primitive than other games that came after. But unlike something like Gears of War, health is not regenerating and health items are sparsely placed pickups that you can't carry with you. Thus getting hit actually matters a lot. And when getting hit the music even becomes more dramatic to emphasize just how much trouble you're in.

The cover system itself is simple yet functional and still quite novel considering when the game was made. The weapons are basic but almost all accounted for pretty much immediately. A handgun with unlimited ammo that's basic but nonetheless lethal, a submachine gun with a large magazine and longer range, and a shotgun with predictable spread that can be use strategically.

If this game came out on Playstation instead next to Metal Gear Solid and Syphon Filter I think it would have been more successful. If MGS is a John Carpenter movie and SF is a Mission Impossible movie then Winback is, once again, one of those daily rerun low fanfare 90s action thrillers: Quite good and capable of holding your attention IF you happen to stumble upon it.

>> No.5108948

easily worst star soldier game and retardedly easy

>> No.5108963

:( I think it's fun.

>> No.5109375

Still pretty fun though, even if it ain't no Solider Blade.

>> No.5109379

If this doesnt get you in the mood for adventure and comedy, please seek help.

>> No.5109759

I think everyone knows that game lol

>> No.5110314
File: 34 KB, 480x360, hamburgers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always enjoyed the WCW NWO Revenge game.

>> No.5110342


>> No.5110346

although it's not hidden in Japan, westplebs have 0 idea about it because of EOPs.

>> No.5110354
File: 58 KB, 640x447, 1519152471917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marks wouldn't know the GOAT wrestling game for the N64.

>> No.5111325

I like S.C.A.R.S
Its kind of like an edgy mariokart. Its a racing game where you play as your choice of animal supercomputer car racing hybrid. You pick up items and shit on the track and shoot others with it.
It handles a bit funky but what doesn't on the 64.
Scorpion car is da best.

>> No.5111364

I had S.C.A.R.S. on my PS1 back in the day.
I liked it well enough. You could tell it thought it was the coolest thing ever which is kinda cute. I liked the symbols they used for the tracks.

>> No.5111747


lol how have I never heard of this before it looks ridiculous

>> No.5112981

Virtual Pro Wrestling 64

>> No.5113995

I don't think that's really obscure even if everyone (or at least out of the people that like Japanese wrestling) plays the sequel instead.

>> No.5115039

>Underrated PS1 game thread almost completely well-behaved with lots of genuine suggestions.
>Underrated N64 thread riddled with sony ponies calling the system shit
Every time.

>> No.5115089

>GX is a turd
can we agree to like both games? damn

>> No.5115121

>>Underrated PS1 game thread almost completely well-behaved with lots of genuine suggestions.
They're just mentioning well-known Square RPGs in that thread lol

>> No.5116108

What PS1 thread?

>> No.5116265

More like the Nintendo Six-to-Four great games

>> No.5117418

>counting down

>> No.5117617

I love both Mario Golf and Mario Tennis on the 64. Mario Golf is lowkey one of my favorite games.

>> No.5117619

there are fewer than 200 games for the system once you cut out all of the sports and racing titles

>> No.5117629

Mixed results in the games mentioned but there's lots of great games there. In an N64 thread you'll get the following obscure games: Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon, Goemon's Great Adventure, Beetle Adventure Racing, Bangai-O, and Wonder Project J2. People won't name Animal Forest or Doshin the Giant because they're both better on the gamecube. There's just not many obscure games on the system period.

>> No.5117749

That's still 195 more games than my parents allowed me.

>> No.5119329

Why would you cut out all of the sports and racing titles?

>> No.5119335

Because it goes against my narrative that the N64 only has Mario and Zelda.

>> No.5119413

This is the best wrestling game right here
Wrestlemania 2000 ruined it.

>> No.5119593

Contains a beautiful remix of The Sinking Old Sanctuary.

>> No.5119727

it's what I do for any system really. the majority of sports titles can be entirely written off and the ones worth revisiting are the exceptions

>> No.5119951

How did WrestleMania 2000 "ruin" anything?

>> No.5119958


>> No.5120251
File: 39 KB, 357x260, 8591291A-4D33-4806-8BF7-24174B68A310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>halo wars was first console rts!!!!!

>> No.5120414

There were several console RTS before that.

>> No.5121101

The first console RTS was Dune II on the Genesis.

>> No.5121614

California Speed is a fun racing game and I never see anyone talk about it. Has some good over the top racetracks.

Golfcart is the best vehicle and nobody can convince me otherwise.

This and the sequel are fun, unique platformers. Easy to beat in an afternoon but fun enough to go back to every rare once in a while.

>> No.5121628

Look at this faggot

>> No.5121642

uhhh, no one ever mentioned hidden gems. A game can be very well-known but still underrated. It's about the general opinion of the game.

>> No.5121684

Lack of polish mainly like how all the superstars were listed as "superstar 1, superstar 2, etc". The arenas felt lifeless and rushed compared to Revenge, the Road to Wrestlemania mode was complete horseshit that punished you whether you were ready or not and way too much countering from the AI. It felt like more time was needed to complete this game and felt like a downgrade from WCW/NWO Revenge in a lot of ways. The CAW feature was cool though alongside the new entrances with theme songs finally implemented into the game, something that the wcw games didnt have.

>> No.5122517

I don't think that was even the first RTS on Genesis.

>> No.5122519

To answer your question: I don't know, but most of them are overrted. Because those muddy textures and razor sharp polygons mixed with awful audio and no space on the cartridge for a full game made it the worst console of its day.

>> No.5122538

>and no space on the cartridge for a full game
More like no space for useless FMVs.
Also 5th gen in general is rather ugly if you're not using a CRT.

>> No.5122541
File: 93 KB, 300x400, Getter+Love!!+Cho+Renai+Party+Game+(Japan)-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5th gen was an awkward gen, but I appreciate that N64 was the last big home system to use cartridges.

>> No.5122783

Sucks it didn't have a character creator

>> No.5123497

5th gen is just ugly period. Early 3D has not aged well. The only late 90s 3D games that still look nice are games that had HEAVY atmosphere like Thief 1 and 2.

>> No.5123510

Dude have you seen crash, or Mario 64? There's some beautiful games on fifth gen

>> No.5123551

I picked up a copy of it for pretty cheap a few months ago, pretty fun game. Only played the first few races, but it's definitely one of the better racers on the console.

>> No.5123571
File: 91 KB, 457x640, 466939-last-legion-ux-nintendo-64-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was pretty fun. Played through it for my youtube channel without knowing what to expect. Can say for sure I wish I had it back when the N64 was still getting games so I had regular friends to play it multi.

>> No.5123583
File: 36 KB, 276x384, battle_phoenix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hudson did some fun stuff on the N64.

>> No.5123603

Hudson was always a pretty god tier dev studio. Shame they got absorbed into Konami, but what can you do.

>> No.5123608
File: 40 KB, 256x188, Snowboard_Kids_2_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snowboard Kids 2 was one of my favorite games growing up.

>> No.5123621

I remember the music being pretty great. The shop theme from the first game is a favorite.

>> No.5123659

Vagrant Story and FFIX still look great.

>> No.5123701
File: 13 KB, 215x166, 51-3keFpEQL._AC_SX215_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First game for me. One of the very few games my sister enjoyed playing with me.

>> No.5124175

Fucking THIS. If someone could make cartridges that contain as much or more than a disc then the industry should return to cartridges as the standard.

>> No.5124860

He said underrated no garbage.

Op, the n64 was the first console o bought with my own money and I have a lot of fond memories with it but like the poster I'm quoting said anything that isn't first party or rare is complete trash.

>> No.5124870
File: 670 KB, 2100x1534, n64_mystical_ninja_starring_goemon_p_7g8yhw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5126090
File: 146 KB, 220x302, 220px-Goemon_Mononoke_Sugoroku_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Goemon, anybody played Mononoke Sugoroku? Looks like a board game-style kinda like mario party.

>> No.5126336

Nice to see some Japanese games being mentioned. Japanese releases on N64 almost never get any attention aside from Treasure games.

>> No.5126701
File: 116 KB, 256x177, Harvest_Moon_64_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl+f "harvest"
>many Body Harvest post
>0 Harvest Moon 64 posts
for shame /vr/

>> No.5127329

I should really give these games a go, I've heard such good things.

>> No.5127357

Because who underrates Harvest Moon 64? Like every noted good game that isn't in the top 5 most popular N64 games of all time isn't automatically an underrated classic, it's not a "hidden gem", it's not a cool secret that people don't know about. You can't expect to see a lot of people calling something underrated because if they did... it wouldn't be underrated, it would be rated highly.

I don't even understand what this thread is supposed to be anyway, "underrated". So everyone else is wrong except you? Considering OoT gets shit on nowadays you could call it "underrated".

>> No.5127974
File: 76 KB, 292x400, Itoi+Shigesato+no+Bass+Tsuri+No.+1+Kettei+Ban!+(Japan)-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads are just to post games that aren't too obvious. Of course "underrated" is just a buzzword, same as "overrated". In this case, underrated just means games you like that aren't the same ones that always pop up in N64 top 10 lists.

>> No.5128445

>be WWF champion
>have to compete in the Royal Rumble
That always annoyed the shit out of me

I was funny how they gave Mula and Mae the Jackhammer as their finisher since they retained the assets from the WCW games

>> No.5128573

Why would you have to win the Royal Rumble to be WWF Champ? That doesn't make any sense.

>> No.5129997

you don't.
rr-winner usually challenged the wwf-champ at rasslvania

>> No.5130004

Seconded and the sequel is good too. I spent hours playing co-op on Global Assault.

>> No.5130395

I think they're talking about in the game's "story" mode or whatever, dude.

>> No.5130552
File: 10 KB, 220x161, Co-op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Armorines was fun on co-op. Never see it mentioned.

>> No.5130567 [DELETED] 
File: 1.50 MB, 3264x2448, BBCB587E-165D-4347-AFCE-13ACF16FDDB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this in the wild what the hell is it? I bought it because it might be inportant

>> No.5130575
File: 1.04 MB, 2100x1534, n64_ogre_battle_64_p_w7ac6n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best game on the system.

>> No.5132192

One of the best JRPGs ever.

>> No.5132304

This, I've spoken with one other person who knows about it outside of this board

>> No.5133138

Yeah. Actually a decent game. I think the reason it gets mentioned so infrequently is because it was on a system with A LOT of FPSes and most of them were even better.

>> No.5133903

Probably cause there was an arcade version. I remember renting it back in the day thinking "Ooo, decent arcade port". I was disappointed when I actually played the thing to put it mildly, but this was in a time before I understood the n64 shortcomings.

>> No.5134208

Neither the arcade or N64 versions of California Speed were THAT great.

>> No.5135294

Fishing games are an underrated genre in general.

>> No.5136316

I think that game's pretty well known.

>> No.5136382

Well it originally was suppose to have you sneaking around as well. That is why when you enter battles it just has a standard no advantage power meter with you often getting no power meter when you're trying to run away from enemies in a room. They wanted stealth elements so you could take advantage of sneaking up behind enemies and then getting a full power meter to decimate them or get caught while running away when you are found out.

Obviously the stealth elements in the level design are utterly scrapped, but they still kept in the advantage/disadvantage mechanics at the start of battle.

>> No.5136886

Cartridges can hold more than discs, and Nintendo has returned to using cartridges.

>> No.5137329

What's the storage limit on a cartridge without driving prices up to unprofitable and/or unaffordable levels?

>> No.5137608

Probably 64mb. That was the biggest size an N64 cart had. Neogeo and Naomi carts got up to 100mb, but those were arcade machines.

>> No.5138156

What about modern cartridges?

>> No.5138179
File: 823 KB, 2100x1534, n64_shadow_man_p_6l263b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strange no one mentioned this yet... Anyway, Shadow Man.

>> No.5138343

>modern cartridges
you mean sd-cards?

>> No.5138437

>compared to the thousands other consoles just as popular as the ps1 have?
a good chunk of those being sports/racers/shovelware for toddlers
objectively, there was a lot less shovelware on n64 because those game devs couldn't make those games without consuming too much time and money.

>> No.5138439

>implying 4-player sports and racing is a bad thing
Spotted the virgin autist.

>> No.5138572
File: 1.91 MB, 292x273, shut-up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Body Harvest.

>> No.5138576

Bomberman 64 II

>> No.5139050

This is legit one of the best 3D third person action games of the 5th generation.

>> No.5139957

how did it take so long for these to be mentioned? One of the best series on the the system that never gets the attention it deserves.

>> No.5139958 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5140063

Whatever the fuck you wanna call them, dude.

>> No.5141178

>One of the best series on the the system


>> No.5141460

Mario Sports was always associated with quality up until the latter half of the gamecube era. Even then, Toadstool Tour was still one of the best golf games I've ever played

>> No.5141470
File: 104 KB, 256x178, Pokémon_Puzzle_League_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

played the hell out of this. GBA one was pretty good too, but n64 had obvious multiplayer advantage and 3D board mode

>> No.5141476

Is Duke 64 any good?

>> No.5141639

If you don't mind a weird control scheme and a downgraded version it ain't the worst port i've seen. It has multiplayer too

>> No.5141907

better than dkr, mario kart 64 imo

>> No.5143230

It's not bad, but there's really no point in playing it when the PC version is so easily available.

>> No.5143551
File: 75 KB, 500x698, mahjong-64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my fav.

in the minority obviously...

>> No.5143620
File: 39 KB, 466x317, 71HH5VQPZ0L._SX466_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Killer soundtrack

>> No.5143714

That's Raven, you NPC

>> No.5143715

time to get movin

>> No.5143716


>> No.5143665

Who is the third guy on the cover? I recognize Nash, Hogan and Goldberg but who the fuck is the other guy?

>> No.5143670

Fighter's Destiny 2
Densha De Go
Pokemon Puzzle League
Motherfucking Ogre Battle 64

>> No.5143775

As someone already said, they're using sd-cards which are cheaper than what was being used in the carts of the old days. Problem is you now got loading screens along with the likely still higher manufacturing costs when compared to whatever disc is being used currently.

>> No.5144057

Raven was such a fucking nobody. It was an embarrassing mistake to put him on the cover.

>> No.5144837

You're a fucking nobody anon. While Raven lives in your finna head rent-free.

>> No.5145148



>> No.5145536

My brother and I always played that game and shit was it fun.
Had 1P files played before Mewtwo on S-Hard so if I wanted to practice, Gary and Mewtwo were always loaded up. Block-catching, garbage block stalling, double block slides, simultaneous chains (2D and 3D modes) and other hard techniques, completely mind blowing for people watching.

Puzzle uni was pretty dope too, would spend nights on certain puzzles with brother and friends trying to figure shit out

>> No.5145557 [DELETED] 

Doshin the giant gave me nightmares, pretty sure its a gamecube game but weird and surreal either way

>> No.5145568

He had the best mic skills in the business. Just because you're a zoomer that didn't recognize him (or an absolute faggot that never watched ECW) it doesn't make him a nobody.

>> No.5145578

iggies wrecking balls is shockingly decent

>> No.5145585

There was a shmup on n64? Huh, the more you know

>inb4 bangai o and the space invaders reboot

>> No.5145586

Is this game a console port of a PowerPoint project?

>> No.5145590

I liked it at the time, except I thought I was just bad at it because I assumed you could be stealthy most of the time like in mgs

>> No.5145596

I like that it's really hard for a goemon game but all the semi mandatory side quests piss me off after awhile, I've never bothered completing it because I get bored having to collect enough passes to get to the bosses.

Play ganbare goemon 2 on super fami instead, it's the same gameplay but without the shitty adventure/rpg elements. It you want goemon with good adventure elements play legend of the mystical ninja or mystical ninja starring goemon.

>> No.5145598

Is this the same / similar to road rash 3d on the ps1? I liked that game a lot for awhile but apparently it has a shit reputation nowadays

>> No.5145601

Charlie Blast's Territory was always a game I can pick up where left off. Pretty good puzzles and whatnot.

>> No.5146198

perfect dark
fighting force
mario golf

>> No.5146203

that's actually a pc game

>> No.5146206

>Conker's Bad Fur Day
>Perfect Dark

>> No.5146712

Not that poster, but pretty sure that's not a PC game.

>> No.5147750

Is Fighting Force that 3D beat 'em up?

>> No.5148691

>Charlie Blast's Territory

I've never even HEARD of this before.

>> No.5149474

That game had immense potential, but was just kind of OK.

>> No.5150519


>> No.5151267

Is Mario Golf just regular golf with the Mario characters?

>> No.5151315

The N64 is the one console to break Sturgeon's Law because it has so many quality titles by percentage.

>> No.5151969
File: 196 KB, 1276x949, DN zero hour - Bolok alien hunter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the 2nd best Douk game, ever.

>> No.5151992
File: 21 KB, 278x473, maple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much yeah, some of the characters aren't even from the Mario universe. The devs are the original Shining Force devs, which is weird as fuck (or not really because they cramed a lot of RPG stuff in the GBC titles).
Mario Golf on N64 is more arcade though, and I guess it's kind of a spiritual successor to the original Golf on NES and Game Boy (I never liked the NES Golf much, but played the shit out of the GB one)
Anyway Mario Golf on N64 is one of my favorite Golf games ever, only surpassed by Neo Turf Masters.

>> No.5152212

OH SHI- There's a Taisen Puzzle Dama game on N64?

>> No.5152823

>Anyway Mario Golf on N64 is one of my favorite Golf games
Lol. Play a lot of Golf games? Why? What's the appeal? Seriously interested. And which is the best?

>> No.5152830


>> No.5153932

Not that guy, but try Neo Turf Masters for the arcade/Neo-Geo. It also has a portable port for Neo Geo Pocket Color. There's also a miniature golf game for NES/Famicom called Mini Putt, which is great.

>> No.5154021

Glover and Rampage World Tour

>> No.5154541

Abso-fucking-lutely. The PS1 games are fun, but ZER0 H0UR is even better.

>> No.5155102
File: 33 KB, 320x224, 11219CC8-D050-4BE9-93AE-3D3720D6C4EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really enjoyed this at the time. Probably doesn’t hold up well though.

>> No.5155196

I put months into that game going after gold gems and beating the sprint records.
On the up side I'm a god at any game requiring mashing.

>> No.5155201

>Space Station Silicon Valley
I remember loving the game as a kid, but now all I can remember about it is the Swamp of Eternal Stench and how ugly the guy was.

>> No.5155597

I've never even heard of this before. Is that related to the arcade game Aerofighters(/Aero Fighters)?

>> No.5155656
File: 50 KB, 500x350, 1534980325645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bomberman 64 The Second Attack, they managed to make it quite different from 64 and it's just so great. It doesn't get the recognition it deserves.

>> No.5156032

Yep. Was the only 3D one too.

>> No.5156232
File: 849 KB, 800x580, N64_Doom64_NA1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, also sin & punishment

>> No.5157849

Huh. Surprised I've never heard of that before.

>> No.5158254

Honestly one of the best Doom games, though playing it through a N64 emulator or console is pretty much obsolete these days thanks to Doom 64 EX, which lets you make a wad file out of the Doom 64 rom and play it like native PC Doom.

>> No.5159164
File: 108 KB, 256x187, AeroGauge_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AeroGauge is fun and has a small but nice soundtrack.

>> No.5159516

Neither of those are obscure at all.

I can't complain though because they're both top tier games and the more attention they get on /vr/ the better.

>> No.5160056

Are the N64 Bomberman games like traditional Bomberman games?

>> No.5160085
File: 26 KB, 220x312, bomberman64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have a traditional VS mode, but the games themselves are single player 3D platformer-action games.
The only one that's actually 2D traditional Bomberman is the Japan-only Bomberman 64 from 2001.

>> No.5160102

Mario golf was one of the best

>> No.5161003

How's the Japanese one?

>> No.5161007

>Quest 64
Get better bait.

>> No.5161937

On a system with almost too many racing games to count, this managed to still be notable and worth playing even if it wasn't one of the top tier N64 racers.

>> No.5162863

Assuming this isn't a troll post, you certainly have unique taste.

>> No.5162881

>underrated games
>from 5th gen era
There's really none. All the gems are known. This is better asked to google. Also this >>5073113 thread should have ended here

>> No.5162896

Bomberman Hero was a solid game, but the OST is unironically some of the best video game music of all time.

>> No.5163559



>> No.5163576


>> No.5163582

I would have sworn it did. I remember making a huge black guy and calling him "fat, hairy rapist."

>> No.5163584

>Conker's Bad Fur Day
>Perfect Dark
>Beetle Adventure Racing
Abhorrent taste.

>> No.5163586

Great game. Multiplayer was a blast.

>> No.5163593

That game gets far more shit than it deserves.
I would say it hasnt aged well, but the title song was the hypest shit when I first loaded it up.

>> No.5163595
File: 100 KB, 597x447, Pommy_Evolution_Chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a sperg obsessed with tamagotchis at the time, I loved pommy.

>> No.5164492



>> No.5165338

Fun fucking game.

>> No.5165353

A bit more info if you are interested. Hogan was at that time leader of nWo white. Nash was leader of the nWo wolfpack. Goldberg was WCWs biggest draw and Raven led the next best stable Ravens flock. The flock was babyface mid card fluff but did help launch Billy Kidman so thats a thing.

>> No.5166235

WCW was an absolute clusterfuck. FFS.

>> No.5167081

Is it true that Virtual Pro Wrestling 2 was recently translated?

>> No.5167159

what are a gooigle?

>> No.5167170

>all that shit happened over 20 years ago

>> No.5167770

>tfw I destroyed with Kim Chee
Absolute kino. The later WWF games had more features, but somehow just weren't this good.

>> No.5168109

The N64 had the best (3D) wrestling games ever made.

>> No.5168768

>what are a gooigle?

no one knows what a gooigle is

>> No.5169342

Space Station Silicon Valley, ever since a patch was made that let you actually finish the game. Basically it was bugged to not let you 100% it.

>> No.5169985


I didn't know about the patch! Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.5170758

That game's boxart made it look horrible and the content with all the sheep and shit was lame, but it was an interesting game.

>> No.5170832

aint that the truith

>> No.5171767

And now NO ONE watches wrestling.

>> No.5171983


And the funny thing is, that by far, the best racing game on the system was the first, Wave Race 64.

>> No.5172526

Yeah, no.

>> No.5173750

What if I don't give a fuck about tennis games in general? Still worth playing?

>> No.5173796

There's several youtube videos that showcase all 300 whatever n64 games in less than half an hour. Go watch one and make up your own damn mind.

>> No.5174606

Any of the sports games.

>> No.5175292

The sumo wrestling games are especially underrated.

>> No.5175907

All of the Treasure games.

>> No.5175975
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Ogreina of shrek

>> No.5176137

this, it helped kill the genre of fast paced twitch reaction shooters and birth the slow, monotonous cover shooters that infest fps' today

>> No.5176591


>> No.5177194

Winback was not that influential, dude.

>> No.5177806
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What is it about the Wrestling games on the N64 that made them so good compared to the ones made nowadays?

>> No.5177828
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>> No.5177834

dont be stupid, its a mariovania with a major rpg stat system. you could argue its has more depth than ultima 7

>> No.5177836

underrated post, time for your nap nintoddlers

>> No.5177840


>> No.5177843
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nobody cares that it was overlooked then, fucking look at earthbound fags. youre just trying to come up with any fucking excuse to have a hidden gem on 64, well it aint fucking happening, dipshit! this is why people shit on nintoddlers, you fucking cant give it up. not only does the 64 have to be heralded as one of the best consoles of all time, but you want hidden gems on a system that had less games than sparta had spartans fighting persia.

>> No.5177872


Everything about this piece of shit is overrated. It is the definition of nostalgia goggles. Only people who had this as their first console can defend it. This is why no one likes Nintendo manchildren.

>> No.5177874
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So, is this the N64's Street Fighter?

>> No.5177886

I love the "Milky" track:
The entire soundtrack is unique, it's great.

>> No.5177887

you know all this game needed was cute grills characters with that art style

>> No.5177908 [DELETED] 

I love the "Milky" track:
The entire soundtrack is unique, it's great.

>> No.5178895
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>you could argue its has more depth than ultima 7

>> No.5178958

Doom 64.

That said, the N64 is shit. I don't get why it's put above the PS1 or even Saturn so often. I got duped into buying it in the late 90s. Expensive cartridge games, lack of 3rd party ports, ass controller, vaseline smeared graphics with composite-only dotcrawlfest (PAL version).
SM64 and OOT were good but didn't make up for that shit.

>> No.5178967

To add to that, battery powered memory card and battery saves on some important games like OOT, while Sony was using flash memory.

>> No.5180256

Doom 64 is one of the most well regarded games on the system.

>> No.5180309

Remake when?

>> No.5181408

No publisher is dumb enough to think that a cartoon bee would sell.

>> No.5181550

In the past decade we've had games about goats, walking cups and mugs and a game where you drive a damn euro truck. Anything sells

>> No.5181913

Shadowgate 64

>> No.5182225

>What is it about the Wrestling games on the N64 that made them so good compared to the ones made nowadays?


>> No.5182293

Flying Dragon/Hiryuu No Ken
>3d fighter
>solo campaign with rpg mechanics
>great soundtrack

>> No.5182303


Yeah, I don't care about any sport but I love some sport games (like this one) so much

>> No.5182491

I don't think Castlevania 64 is a bad game at all.

>> No.5182687

It's not bad. But it's not great either. It's a solidly average, 5/10 game.

>> No.5182701

Bullshit, that's selling it short. It's *at least* 7/10.

>> No.5182885

It's fucking absolute trash.

>> No.5182894

It's a lot of fun and has better combat than Ocarina of Time actually.

>> No.5183009

>200 or so is fine
>has four games less than 300
>200 or so
How retarded are you?

>> No.5183841

>Flying Dragon/Hiryuu No Ken

There's one that nobody ever talks about. Best 3D fighter on the system (Smash doesn't count).

>> No.5184036

Mickey's Speedway USA was made by Rareware, it was pretty good.

Tom and Jerry: Fist of Furry was a unique fighter, not much content, but it's Tom and Jerry.

>> No.5184370

Remind me what anime that's from?

>> No.5184823

cant believe no one has said Turok 2 yet.
also Star Wars Shadows of the Empire
and Resident Evil 2

>> No.5184862

None, too small a library. Maybe Sin and Punishment?

>> No.5184960

I like Sugar Ray, I hated them because I was getting them mixed up with fucking Smash Mouth for some reason

>> No.5185116

I loved Legacy of Darkness, despite its flaws.

>> No.5185118

S&P is highly rated even though it's an import.
Bangai-O is more underrated when it comes to Treasure.

>> No.5185138
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Win Back had great controls, just wish the levels weren't as scripted. Like if Rainbow Six controlled more like Win Back...Fuck yea...

>> No.5185148

as memories of what it would have cost to have be able to play those games in-era fade people will start saying well they were't THAT bad

>> No.5185856

>Quest 64 are being memed as "hidden gems"

No one actually says that shit non-ironically.

>> No.5185860


Came in here to post this. Fucking plebian scum have never appreciated this masterpiece. This is the N64's answer to the PS1's MGS

>> No.5185901

This one is great.

Went to a party with friends and we were playing this game and it was fun as fuck to laugh at the physics, sounds and music with a lot of stoned people.

>> No.5186309
File: 150 KB, 1280x720, Turok-2-Seeds-of-Evil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this right here

>> No.5186346

Great game. Still play it from time to time.

>> No.5186361

>Nintendo 64


>> No.5186980

Many of us feel weirded out by 5th gen being retro, but the limit bar had to be set somewhere.
Welcome to /vr/ and don't be bitchy.

>> No.5188264

Road Rash is an underrated series in general.

>> No.5189006

Thats cause it sucked. It's not very well known, but it certainly isn't something to race about

>> No.5189436
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I got my n64 collection together lots of underrated gems

>> No.5189446

I think you were able to edit existing wrestlers (including their name) but you couldn't make one of your own from scratch.

>> No.5189453

I'm pretty sure it's the first 3rd person cover shooter ever made.

>> No.5189932

What's the first game on the left of the top row?

>> No.5189937


What a Piece Of Shit "system"! :-)

>> No.5190124


>> No.5190146
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My brother loved this game when we were little, probably because it was the only game he could regularly beat me at.

>> No.5190181

That's what I've been told. RE4 was the second.

>> No.5190193

they're all overrated. n64 was babby's first sysyem for many many people so they have an emotional attachment that has them worship basically the entire output of the console

>> No.5190209
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mrc - people seem to shit on it but I had a lot of fun when it was new and it is still fun

yoshis story - pretty short and easy but fun with nice graphics

those early games were really nice until 3dfx came out and n64 could no long do the latest games

its like half life but I think most people moved onto other consoles by the time it came out

its pretty fun

graphics look good to me, they have that smooth silicon graphics look

>> No.5190292
File: 176 KB, 500x342, goesoup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every console was someone's first system.
n64 has more good games that people want to admit, it's more than just Mario and Zelda. Like it or not!
This buzzword has really lost its meaning by now.

>> No.5192014

No wrestling game (outside of the Fire Pro Wrestling series, which was Japanese exclusive at the time) ever really had a GREAT Create-A-Wrestler mode until WWF No Mercy. Before that you'd get something limited at best or just allowing you to edit existing guys.

>> No.5192038

Thanks for the reply.

>> No.5192041

castlevania 64

>> No.5192046

"Sin and Punishment" and "Bangai-o"

>> No.5192189

>It's also more challenging than the DC version.
Why is that good? DC version is better balanced because it gets rid of the retarded shop system.

Also, you should emulate both so you can use a controller with twin sticks, seeing as it plays and is designed like a twin stick shooter.

>> No.5192203

>is rayman 2 or re2 not good on 64? thats how i played em
both are better on dreamcast and pc

>> No.5192310

>DC version is better balanced because it gets rid of the retarded shop system.
DC is not balanced, you start at full power and there's HP refills dropping all the time. It's made more accessible. That's not an inherently bad thing I guess, but if you've already mastered the DC version, playing the original feels more rewarding.
Also, nothing retarded about the shop system, it's quick and fast, and it's based on your performance. You don't really need to upgrade your shorts really, the game is still balanced even if you're level 0.
As for the twin sticks, yeah I think the game was designed for the N64 controller in mind, specifically the left-position (move with d-pad, shoot with analog stick).

>> No.5193738

The part where you have to grab the stuff to make a bomb and blow up the crack in the wall was kinda bullshit.

>> No.5194119

Rocket Robot: Underrated gem in its day. Doesn't hold up to replay now. Other quirky floaty platformer games have come since that achieved much more, like Psychonauts.

>> No.5194174

The Japan-Only AKI Wrestling Games.

>> No.5194298

>trying to meme castlevania 64 as anything other than shit

>> No.5194389

It's an okay 3D action game anon. Has some high points in terms of atmosphere.
Definitely fits into "underrated" since most people who shit on it haven't really played it.

>> No.5196239

It's bottom of the barrel fucking garbage. The gameplay is almost unplayable. One of the most disappointing games of the entire 5th generation.

>> No.5196283 [DELETED] 

not rlly

>> No.5196284 [DELETED] 

what exactly is so bad about it? u cant just say something is garbage without providing examples of why you think so

>> No.5196286

keep on truckin'

>> No.5196318

Original San Francisco Rush has some unique physics that are fun as hell, my favorite racing game in the N64 after Star Wars Racing.

Rush 2049 has some of the best graphics in the console and really fun game modes.

Road Rash 64 is pure gold, I don't know why it gets so little aprecciation.

Duke Nuken Zero Hour's multiplayer is almost as fun as GoldenEye's.

>> No.5196389

>Duke Nuken Zero Hour's multiplayer

I didn't know this had multiplayer. Now I have to find some people to try this out with.

>> No.5198238

>most people who shit on it haven't really played it

That's bullshit. You're fucking delusional.