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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5157657 No.5157657 [Reply] [Original]

>before patch release
>after patch release
>literal dead silence

Why don't you care, /vr/?

>> No.5157660

The patch was released and everyone who wanted to play it did. What more do you want?

>> No.5157669

For a board that's been screaming and crying about wanting to play this game for literal years you'd think there'd be more excitement and discussion. It's just kind of funny to see that after all this time, the game came out and nobody seems to care.

>> No.5157672

Most people here don't pirate games, so it's expected.

>> No.5157678
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>Most people here don't pirate games, so it's expected.

>> No.5157679

That's what happens with every translation. We don't turn around and whine about how it sucks, we're just glad that we get to play it.

Besides, I'm willing to bet part of that was just people mining for salt. It's 4chan, someone's always gotta poke the beehive.

>> No.5157686

Fuck off gideon

>> No.5157687

This just in, most retrogamers on the internet are ungrateful beggars (or demanders, rather) who will spend hours whining and getting buttfurious about what they expect to be given to them for free, but won't spend one minute to thank those who give it to them, thereby reducing people's willingness to give them what they want.

>> No.5157739

>This just in, most people on the internet are ungrateful beggars

>> No.5157750

I told you it wasnt very good

>> No.5157753

OP here. I said the same thing. I'm just disappointed I wasn't here for the initial release to see peoples' decades-long-hopes be rewarded with SMT if... of all things.

>> No.5157779

I can't really name most anything that's been translated that ever gets talked about on any site.
Maybe translationfags should translate something that doesn't suck.
It's nice knowing Cave Story will always remain the downloaded patch on his site cause it's the only thing that isn't wretched shit.

>> No.5157781

*most downloaded
Still, shove your JRPGs up your ass.

>> No.5157793

I beat it twice and finally dropped it on Akira's route because of shitty design. What else is there to do?

>> No.5157836

>implying people even play the things they demand

>> No.5157931

we are busy playing it, idiot

>> No.5157959

>playing video games

>> No.5158019

I started it but I didn't get far. Its my first smt iv tried...I don't really like the combat and the lack of explanation for every ability and spell.
It seems like a series that's almost not worth my time considering there's stuff like breath of fire and final fantasy.
The only reason I wanna play it is for the occult references.

>> No.5158028

>Starting with If... and judging an entire series with spin offs and different games based on a single entry

>> No.5158036

Well to my defense I've tried persona on ps1. and right away you're thrown in a map with no idea where to go. The hospital is in some random corner which would take you 1h to find unless you look up a map.
Maybe it came in the instructions manual but nobody has those lying around anymore.

It seems like its well written but it's not blowing me away.

>> No.5158046

Speak for yourself.
I never cared that much about If, I'm personally waiting for the PSP EP translaion and the Debisama one.

>> No.5158071

I've been in more of a pokemon mood lately.
I'll get around to playing it, it's the last classic MT game I haven't after all.

>> No.5158129

Fuck off, Gideon.

>> No.5158265
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>> No.5158482


>> No.5158805

It was in translation limbo for so long that eventually people started caring more about its translation status than the game itself.

>> No.5159082

I don't give a shit about SMT, it's pokemon with edgy demons for angry teens. So i ignore all this lonely housewife drama bullshit that surrounds it.
I'm more concerned about ghideon sitting on Solid Runner and the fact that it will never get translated.

>> No.5159218

>it's pokemon with edgy demons for angry teens

Devil Children is more Pokemon like.

>> No.5159221

>monster collecting is involved
Man this dude is straight out of the 90s

>> No.5159228

Alright Gideon we get it

>> No.5159250
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I played it, it was good, now WHERE THE FUCK IS LADY STALKER?

>> No.5159358

>friendship ended with Shin Megami Tensei fanbase
>now Super Robot Taisen fanbase is my best friend

The drama is the most entertaining part of this.
Respects for the SMT fanbase for getting their shit together.
Not by "holding trolls accountable and stop the culture of harassment" like gideon demands as he insults them.
But actual taking things into their hands by getting over him completely and starting at least two new translation projects for this game instead of licking his boots some more.

That kind of shit is what gets things done. During his meltdown, at least 2 SMT projects were wrapped up. Why wait for someone who would "claim" a game for 15 years and rub into people's faces that he released 5 Great Battle translations the same day out of spite for those who are waiting for SMT:if (in his words no less), and even the SMT:if announcements already announced other MegaTen project cancellations that were in the same situation?

I wondered why Solid Runner wasn't picked up by someone else. Now I have the answer. Perhaps someone outside romhacking dot net could pick it up like DDS.

>> No.5159568

>>now Super Robot Taisen fanbase is my best friend
That's a very one-way relationship. How can he not understand how loathed he is for sitting on the TRANSLATED Alpha script?
>needs editing!
Do you fucking know how easy editing crabstick into the Queen's English is? Any loser who's seen enough Japanese media to get all the cliches and has done at least one year of Japanese study in classrooms, not a bloody lot mind you, is qualified to fix this.

>> No.5159593

at this point it's better to start with one of the newer games and work backwards if you like the series enough, because i can understand that most people are just not used to this kind of thing and probably never will be.
nocturne or persona 3 are good starting points for most people.

>> No.5159595

I wish people bullied Gideon into finishing srw alpha instead.

>> No.5159607

he also sat on masoukishin for a few extra years as well, i don't know why people are saying he's doing good by srw fans.

>> No.5159624

/vr/ has built up enough spite for Gideon Zhi over the years that we've reached a point where we'll stubbornly refuse to soften our stance even if we were roaming around lost in a desert and he approached us with a flask containing the only water available for hundreds of miles

>> No.5159635

>That's a very one-way relationship. How can he not understand how loathed he is for sitting on the TRANSLATED Alpha script?

You bring up an interesting point, and it's not how loathed he is within the fanbase for not translating things.
Shit happens. Sometimes text insertion proves harder than expected, the game's code craps itself up, whatever.

But Gideon's issue is something completely different.
He is an attention whore and knows it, and can't help himself.
He hinted on twitter he was working on the Synchrocity SMT freeware game, picking it because of the hype first, and to try and get a foot in the door for an official hire somewhere down the line. Once he became uninterested, what happens to the FINISHED script translated by friends on short notice? Poof, all gone.

Every time a game translation project like this is cancelled (not passed on, files released, even scripts alone released) think about the poor sods who translated the entire thing on paper and trusted him to insert it.
Sure sure, technological limitations, limited time, hobby, no guarantees, whatever, but Gideon's case is beyond the benefit of doubt and is directly by his admission a temper tantrum.

Gemini isn't as bad, because the translator for Mizzurna Falls screwed up making inner disagreements go viral that soon (he was working on it just 6 months before it blew up, that's somewhat normal) and vidya journalism that hates fan translators used it to attack him. Shitty situation, but understandable he wants nothing to do with it now.

"Tales Of" Absolute Zero never "claimed" translations (Phantasia was retranslated by others with no problems) unlike AG, so while assholes they're still not as bad.

>> No.5159654

Gideon knows that no other groups are active for the Super Robot Taisen series so they will take whatever he gives them like battered spouses, and like it. Fair enough for him.

He knows the SMT fanbase has other option, reads these topics obsessively and feels "harassed" by them, and lo and behold game journalism loves him for that and how he openly insults an entire fanbase as if they're a shared consciousness on twitter after him.

Everything is working itself out towards an equilibrum.

Spurred by Gideon's recent comments professing his scorn for this series and whoever is interested by it (only immature teens awed by normie persona are interested in the irredemable pos that's smt:if, or so it seems) the fanbase started ramping up THEIR own translation projects.
Gideon is pursuing other games that will give him less misery and more ego fuel, until the next fanbase goes out of favor at least.
Other translators for other series now realize with how SMT:if was handled for 15 years how bullshit the project "claiming" etiquette is, not that Gideon himself cared about it before when it was him breaching it, and will look at "claimed" games again. It already started with Sutte Hakkun and Super Famicom Wars.
In the process, he cleared up once for all he will never translate a bunch of other MegaTens he "claimed" before, meaning discussion of new translation projects for those will be kosher again on romhacking and jrpg forums only peppered at worst with comments about a toxic fanbase that should be punished or so.

>> No.5159669

he wouldn't offer the water unless somebody else was going to give you some anyway.

>> No.5159697

Did you ever think it was maybe just one asshole and now that he got what he wanted he fucked off? Like I'm pretty sure it's just one guy always making threads about Perfect Dark and Goldeneye, because they were pretty shit and no one cares outside of the 360 version of PD.

>> No.5159749

Not sure if being ironic or a literal zoomer.

>> No.5159750

Everyone's glad that this hack isn't holding the game hostage anymore.

>> No.5159813

I don't understand why people work with this scum and play by his insane rules. Why doesn't anybody just release the translation that THEY did behind his back once they learn that he's never going to do anything with it?
How easy would it be to just publically post 'Yeah Gideon's a cocksock, I did this thing; let's see if you fags can do something with it. All he can do in retaliation is be an obnoxious poofter at you.

>> No.5159876

There are not that many rom hackers around. Imagine a person who has to reverse engineer a videogame more than 20 years old, and for free. It has to be a 'special' kind of one.

>> No.5159912
File: 146 KB, 493x472, seeeeeegah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 real

>> No.5160023

It's not that good and I feel lied to having being told it's "proto-Persona" all these years

>> No.5160043

lmao what a shitball

Just goes to show that anyone who treats a community as some type of monolithic, single entity is just an autist looking for drama/hatewagon to jump on

>> No.5160625

>Once he became uninterested, what happens to the FINISHED script translated by friends on short notice? Poof, all gone.
Shit it's almost as if the translators have no agency of their own

>> No.5160629

>needs editing!
>you can fix crabstick
It's literally been google translated by an ESL brazillian. At that point you might as well just play it in japanese.

>> No.5160635

If you're told to expect something less Persona than fucking Persona 1 is, and still manage to get disappointed I think at least some of that blame is on you.

>> No.5160810

Just have bhdn start translating it.

>> No.5160820
File: 69 KB, 263x392, 1447713049987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this dude

>> No.5160901

It is proto Persona. It’s even related to the PSX trilogy of Persona games. I don’t think you’ve ever played anything before 3 if you have that much of a problem with if.

>> No.5160937

Gideon, it's my sincerest hope you suck off a shotgun barrel after you realize what an unlikable stuck up lying cunt you've been and how you've held back the translation scene for years. Let me fix your scenario:
>announcement to fan translate If in the Mesozoic era
>on top this, announces other projects while slowly working on a dozen others
>eventually stop announcing progress on any translation
>because of retarded rom hacking etiquette no one bothers to pick games you sit on
>people ask when If will be done
>go so far as to fuck with the progress bar on your site out of spite
>spend days REEEEEEEing about politics on Twitter
>eventually people see you're a lazy non communicative ass and start translating games you sit on
>finally release If patch out of sheer ego
>stop translating SMT games thinking anyone cares
>people rejoice your faggotry won't hold back playing the rest of the franchise in English

That's more like. Please kill yourself so other motivated nonretarded people can translate the SRW games.

>> No.5160947

Quit being an ungrateful cunt because you're lazy, Gideon. Like I said, kill yourself.

>> No.5163469

can't another group just translate the game? its not like he owns the game

>> No.5163569

>can't another group just translate the game?
If they thought they actually could pull it off they would. But why swallow bitter pills when you can just blame others?

>> No.5163607

This, if Gideon cancelled all his projects and quit translating it would objectively end up being a net positive for the community.

>> No.5163636
