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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5150601 No.5150601 [Reply] [Original]

You're about to sit down to enjoy some great Nintendo Game Boy™ and Game Boy Color™ games, which system do you opt for? Any front light mod? How about a back light mod? What's your go-to game to kill a bit of time?

>> No.5150603

I play all my GB, GBC, GBA games on my GameCube GameBoy Player. Advance Wars Series is always good or some Pokemon.

>> No.5150623
File: 84 KB, 699x720, GBP Spaceworld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually play my EverDrive on a stock GBC, I like Alleyway a lot when I'm just killing time. I love the Pocket most of all, but the GBC screen is definitely superior as the devices age.

>> No.5150630

For original GB, the brick.
For Color, a Color.
No mods on either.

>> No.5150631

GBA AGS-101 SP is the best of the bunch. You have complete backwards compatibility, almost one of that sickening motion blur like you would on the GB, the only true backlight outside of mods, and it's the most portable of the bunch. The only downside is that GB and GBA games stick out towards you.

>> No.5150632

An unmodded berry GBC, because I miss using a screen with no backlight. My Kobo is about the only device anymore without one.

>> No.5150646
File: 31 KB, 330x379, 330full-wario-land_-super-mario-land-3-cover[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's the front-lit SP 001, cause I like the way it makes the colors look. I play with the stretched screen setting, I don't care about the wrong aspect ratio. This game is comfy af.

>> No.5150652

If I'm just killing some time, I have an AGS-101 screen modded original GBA. if I'm playing something longer, then the Game Boy Player running Game Boy Interface on my Trinitron CRT

>> No.5150710

I'm using a backlit GameBoy Pocket at the moment. I've been playing Pokemon Pinball and Tetris DX on it.

>> No.5150714

>great Nintendo Game Boy™ and Game Boy Color™ games

There isnt a single game on those systems worth a play in 2018, fucking sloooow, low fps monochrome garbage.

Zero reason to play them when you have a GBA which is NOT RETRO LEL.

>> No.5150728

yeah guys cmon, it's 2018

>> No.5150745

backlight + bivert mod on dmg gameboy that i keep next to my bed has donkey kong land in it.

super gameboy 2 has links awakening dx

>> No.5150751

I use a regular ‘ol unmodded AGS-001 SP that I’ve had since I got it new back in the day. I may be in the minority that prefers its screen to the 101’s.

My go to game’s Super Mario Land. Still great to this day.

>> No.5150758

That sounds sweet. I loved my GB pocket and selling it off has proven one of my biggest regrets in life. A backlit one sounds absolutely exquisite.

>> No.5150771
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Glad to have it in my collection

>> No.5150774

Did you buy it or mod it yourself?

>> No.5150784

I bought it. I don't trust myself enough to mod a GameBoy Pocket.

>> No.5150802

im a huge GB fan and play mostly on SP. Kirby Pinball is probably my favorite rn. Played a lot of gargoyles quest before i traded it in for some game store credits.

>> No.5150813


>> No.5150954

>Zero reason to play them
You didn't think very hard on this, little /v/ zoomer. Reasons to prefer old Game Boys:

1) Accurate color profile that developers designed their games around
2) Many find the large form factor more ergonomic
3) Battery life is way longer than SP. No proprietary cord and rechargable battery that will die
4) You can actually see the screen in daylight unlike a backlit screen
5) If by "slow" and "low fps" you're referring to ghosting, 101's display is easily worse than GBC in that department. It's probably on par with GBP
6) Not everyone likes SP's clicky d-pad/buttons

A modded original GBA addresses point 3 and 6. Arguably point 2. If you're using an unmodded original GBA, then what's the point of your post? Sooo hardly zero reasons.

>> No.5151019

I play a round of Shanghai on my black Game Boy Pocket every night before sleep, it's the last thing I do before I switch the light off. Some nights I win, some nights I lose.

No backlight mod, passive lighting via the bedside lamp is comfy.

>> No.5151036

Pocket with Megaman I-V
They're surprisingly solid MM games, even for portable.
Even MMII.... Especially MMII.

>> No.5151042

>stretched screen
Disgusting. But I also use the AGS-001 SP for GBC and GB with my flash everdrive x3 cart.
I just wish the cart didn't stick out so much and the damn shoulder buttons didn't mess with the screen. They are so easy to accidentally tap.
I did just order a GBA Micro for my GBA flashcart though. I was going to do up an old GBA, but the cost and time just made it easier to just buy a Pink Micro and use that instead. (£50 with box and charger in good condition, delivered first class)

>> No.5151110

For Game Boy and Game Boy Color games, I play them on Vita using Retroarch if I don want feel nostalgic. For GBA I use Game Boy Micro, DS Lite and Vita. If only GBA emulation on Vita was perfect, the fat model I use makes these old games look so good.

>> No.5151121

>My Kobo is about the only device anymore without one.
And now even ereaders have lights. Why? If I wanted to look at a fucking lightbulb I'd just read on my tablet instead.

>> No.5151314
File: 34 KB, 625x625, DD5F2EF5-4EA9-46F5-851A-659A1E9C62E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like lamp. Also Zelda DX, with lamp of course.

>> No.5151329

Game Boy Light is default, GB Color if it's a color game and if it's either sunny outside or if I feel like using a lamp, from there it goes down to "why not" flings like wanting to check what it was like to play launch titles on the original dameboy, or wanting the backlit SP for the clear and visible game (Super RC Pro-Am is blurry as fuck on many of the machines).

I like having many different models to compare and contrast. GB Light is my favorite though.

>> No.5151340

nice, I want that color of gb pocket, but I've never seen it in the wild. Did anyone else see screen shots or footage of the Spaceworld demo before gold and silver came out in the west? I remember being pretty confused/disappointed when the game finally came out, the first town was not as comfy in the final release.

>> No.5151343

With fingers like that, I don't blame you.

>> No.5151361
File: 279 KB, 360x640, gb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one for every occasion. Also depends on the game in question. One of my Colors has a backlight.

>> No.5151370

>1) Accurate color profile that developers designed their games around
I bet the color profile looks awesome on a black and white screen.

>2) Many find the large form factor more ergonomic
im sure a brick with a 1" x 1" black and white screen feels great to play on.

>3) Battery life is way longer than SP. No proprietary cord and rechargable battery that will die
as opposed to regular AA batteries that will last forever amirite?

>> No.5151373

Thanks, cunt.

>> No.5151378

No one will ever stop making AA batteries. They WILL stop making proprietary batteries, such as the ones used in the SP and GB Micro. Just because there are Chinese aftermarket parts now doesn't mean there always will be.

>> No.5151410

>im sure a brick with a 1" x 1" black and white screen feels great to play on.
It actually does, I mean I'll admit it's harder to see in games that have a lot of movement or scrolling, but the ergonomics of holding the brick GB are great. Much better than any modern nintendo handheld.

>> No.5151440

>Much better than any modern nintendo handheld
except the Switch

>> No.5151458

If you want a system with a good screen you should mod a GBA system with the new backlight kits from China. GameBoy games look crisp as fuck on them and they have zero blur. It's also the easiest back light mod you can do.

>> No.5151467

GBA, for a certain level of authenticity but better handling. SP if I just want to play. And of course, Metroid II or Pokemon TCG for maximum comfort.

Damn anon, that's a funny ass joke.

>> No.5151626

I'll take the frontlit screen all day

>> No.5151632


>> No.5152217

I like your style.

>> No.5152252
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>> No.5152281

nice. how long you had it for? I heard they tend to fall apart or stop working after a while.

>> No.5152291

mine shit the bed after a full year, not awful for $30. I have a new one in my console bin I havent bothered pulling out yet.

>> No.5152297

that is pretty bad though, considering real game boys released back then have lasted until now just fine

>> No.5152315
File: 2.37 MB, 2000x1500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Backlit is the way to go.

Working on a backlit GBC right now too.

>> No.5152316

I got that pocket on amazon cheap before the prices went through the roof on the 'classic' colorway. I don't recall seeing spaceworld footage when I was a kid, but I've had a blast playing around with the leaked ROMs on real hardware.

>> No.5152317

Oh certainly, I just mean it's ok by chink shit standards. I was able to beat Last Bible II on it, and take my best Game Boy Camera shot to date with it, so I'd say it was worth the $30.

>> No.5152350

I remember searching for backlit screens some years ago and they were out of stock everywhere. What happened now? New screens are being made? Who is the main producer? How much would it cost? Thanks

>> No.5152353
File: 141 KB, 120x90, mmph.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I play with the stretched screen setting

>> No.5152354


Chinese repro AGS-101 screens are everywhere.

Were dirt cheap for awhile, but stocks are starting to dry up. Price has been skyrocketing, double what they used to be.

>> No.5152360

I can't use these because seeing "Game Boy Boy Colour" just makes my blood boil

>> No.5152379

they also are the wrong aspect ratio

>> No.5152401

SP, even with the color ruining front light.

I played my SP so much that the battery wore out from all the charge cycles, and the silver coloring wore off around most of the edges and around the shoulder nubbins.

I kinda want another one, or a Micro. Are there GBA formfactor flash carts that play GBC games and GBA games?

>> No.5152432


Micro is great. You can emulate GB/C games with a flashcart too.

The problem with the emulation is that it uses goomba which hasn’t been updated in like a decade and has compatibility issues with some games. Crystal doesn’t work at all for example.

If goomba got an update there would be no reason to get anything outside of the Micro.

As for flashcarts, I recommend the EZ Flash Omega, costs like a third of the Everdrive, and sits flush in any console, even the DS Lite. You have to wait a few seconds after saving for it to write to the SD card, but this is a minor issue in my opinion considering the rest of it.

>> No.5152484

Thanks for the recommendation anon, I appreciate the breakdown. I'll see about getting me one of those carts, and then deciding where to go from there.

>> No.5152709
File: 13 KB, 318x285, Rupees.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


try harder

>> No.5152714
File: 227 KB, 1920x1080, DSCF0031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I see you also have great taste as well anon!

>> No.5152769

Fire emblem also doesn't work very well because of the constant autosaving it does until you get the latest firmware patches installed that disables the autosave. Just remember to manually save when you need to or use savestates.

>> No.5152878

>my best Game Boy Camera shot to date
show me

>> No.5152912

You're just me except I play SML2 more

>> No.5152991

I just emulate.
I really can't be bothered to pull out my AGB-101, fumble around for batteries, and find the game I'm looking for. Emulating is just easier.

>> No.5152995

>crystal clear
shockslayer's a cunt

>> No.5153003

Low effort. Die any time, zoomer.

>> No.5153009

i've had it for maybe less than a year.. i don't play it that much so i think it'll be okay

>> No.5153189


He may be. In fact, from what I have seen on discord you may be understating the issue.

But his romhack is pretty damn cool.

>> No.5153278

It was only in Japan, so you'll have to import.

Thanks but no interest, I have an SP-101 if I want a backlight, and I don't care to play GB games on it much anyway.

>> No.5153330

The GBC core on NT Mini.

Nothing kills a few spare minutes like a few rounds of Tetris.

>> No.5153625

Is this the britbong version?

>> No.5153679

Can't, this is a blue board ; )

>> No.5153997
File: 253 KB, 1920x1080, DSCF0030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no it's chinese m8

>> No.5154692
File: 44 KB, 1200x1080, gb cam skyline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got it

>> No.5155023

Unmoded purple see-through GBC and Pokemon Crystal. Awwww yeah.

>> No.5155118

describe it to me, then.

Actually I have also engaged in some erotic game boy camera photography.

>> No.5155324

The final frontier.

>> No.5155820

Do tell, and is there a website where I can find more of this subject?

>> No.5155831


NIce gradient

>> No.5155857

nice collection

>> No.5155859

these stretch the aspect ratio

>> No.5155860

Holy snitch are you me

>> No.5155861
File: 44 KB, 1200x1080, gb cam tressel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, that's why I like it too. I just stood on a bridge and took a bunch of shots, and that one turned out better than I could have hoped for. It must have been just bright enough. Pic related was taken from the same bridge as well.

>> No.5155870

If I'm at home, I use a GameCube with GBI, component cable, OSSC, and Raphnet SNES controller adapter. If I'm on the go, AGS-101.

>> No.5156007

Own/have owned almost every version of the gameboy.
Have modded pockets/dmg’s/gbc’s with biverted backlights and frontlights and after wanting to like all of them I always go back to a 101sp.
Love the pocket for its size but the screen ghosting always bothers me.
The gameboy lights are cool but same problems with the ghosting and they are stupidly overpriced.
Go to game to play would be gargoyles quest or bionic commando for gbc.

>> No.5156487

You're probably not interested, the subject matter is exclusively homoerotic.

Bit of a shame, some of the shots I'm really proud of.

There's some single images floating around on the webs, but no collective source I know of.

>> No.5156492


Post it.

Some dude was posting large format dick selfies in /p/. Most were pretty trashy, but one or two were pretty good.

>> No.5156667

Amazing. These just ooze atmosphere.

>> No.5156671

thanks anon, much appreciated. I recently moved to a new city, I need to get out and try to get some fresh shots.

>> No.5156696

I can‘t wait for black metal covers using a Game Boy Camera.

>> No.5156697
File: 234 KB, 512x512, heart of the forest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not on this board, maybe on another board like /hm/ with a cross-board link.

But only if >>5153679 shares his first, I'm curious.

>> No.5156701

You just read my mind about black metal.

>> No.5156905

Neil Young did it almost 20 years ago.


>> No.5157115

Unintentional and strange timing, but yeah, it's a rather fitting and atmospheric picture. Forests are always on point.