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File: 70 KB, 1280x720, 656565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5147823 No.5147823 [Reply] [Original]

Let us talk about all things VF!

>> No.5147868

Your thread is ten years too early for that

>> No.5147887

virtua fighter RPG turned into shenmue

>> No.5147892

But we can't even talk about the best vf here.

>> No.5148118

Tfw no VF6.

>> No.5148242

Love VF. Religiously played the first 3. But I never went past 3tb. I wish 5 would get steam release!

>> No.5148261
File: 914 KB, 1322x1080, virtua me proto crop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they should go back to the blocky graphics. It's the only way for the series to differentiate from games like Tekken and DOA.

Somewhat related, a Virtua-style self-portrait I did.

>> No.5148273
File: 491 KB, 1129x1135, vf1 secrets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its funny how siba was some huge beta thing but turned out to be in the actual final arcade rom, along with some tekken character designs.
another weird thing is the game is programmed to have a real final boss but stuck with dural, who almost seemed like a placeholder.

>> No.5148310
File: 369 KB, 320x324, jeff virtua fighter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5148325

Outside of VF5FS, I don't want to talk about anything, because I've only played that on PS3 and VF5 on 360.

>> No.5148564

I love the flat shaded low poly aesthetic of the original. I find it much more appealing than any "more advanced" early 3D fighters with their ugly textures.

>> No.5148729
File: 568 KB, 507x524, 5e3b8c412a12e97dbe9b12b97e11b4f2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the eternal zoomer

>> No.5149810
File: 1.52 MB, 272x204, Hulk-Hogan-Swim-Flex-hulk-hogan-gifs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did you know in the late 90's that All Japan Pro Wrestling had an actual Wolf Hawkfield character?


>> No.5149897

VF2 is retro

>> No.5150656

Looks like we won't be getting VF6 anytime soon, and that's the best case scenario.

I think ti's more likely that we won't be getting VF6 at all.

>> No.5150870


I have like 3 copies of Virtua Fighter 2 for Saturn.

I outta give one of them away.

Anyone want a Japanese copy of VF2? It's an awesome game, but I don't think anyone needs 3 copies.

>> No.5150875

Tekken how

>> No.5150956
File: 1.52 MB, 1920x1080, dna-analysis-computer-screens-ii_nyvczslex__F0010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inferior to DoA in every way

They should go with a ludicrously digitalized and VR simulation aesthetic and theme. Everything renders in at the beginning of the rounds for example.
Go crazy with sweat, physics, vitals, heart rate, heat, limb damage, biological chemistry of the muscles wearing out from use.

Some of it affects gameplay, some of it just a graphic to show that everything in virtuafighter is simulated. Gameplay comes first.

>> No.5151083
File: 187 KB, 695x1000, MV5BZDNjZmYwMzYtNDdlMC00OTMwLTliMzMtNzMyNzkxYWM0NTllXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzg5OTk2OA@@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,695,1000_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Inferior to DoA in every way

Except in gameplay, animation, music, character designs and graphics. Goddamn DoA is one clunky piece of shit series.

>> No.5151105

>except in character designs

>> No.5151107

Is there actually anything notable about doa character designs? 90 percent of the cast has exact same face. VF character designs are perfect as is, minimalism is king.

>> No.5152032
File: 155 KB, 409x237, 018531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VF character design is underrated. Just look at Akira, the supposed poster boy of boringness.

The main character of every other fighting game is an all arounder that's easy to pick up. A generalist.

If you look at Akira he's like the exact opposite of that. He's a specialist that's hard to learn. His strengths and weaknesses are amplified to the point of absurdity: his tracking moves and lows are practically non-existent but he also has individual attacks that are so good that they would be game breaking if given to anyone else.

He's also a the rare example of a power character that doesn't suffer the same fate as guys like Paul Phoenix or Zangief, where they're really strong at low levels of play but start to fall off hard as players learn more about the game, but instead actually becomes stronger as players get more experienced.

>> No.5152080

Don't be mad some titty fighter is a better all around game than VF could have ever hoped for.

>> No.5153353

Virtua Fighter is such a good video game.

>> No.5153360

>Inferior to DoA in every way
Now THAT'S what I call shit taste

>> No.5153369

>If you look at Akira he's like the exact opposite of that. He's a specialist that's hard to learn. His strengths and weaknesses are amplified to the point of absurdity
This really was the most striking thing I remember about first playing this game. I thought I'd just grab Akira and Ryu myself through the game to get the hang of it. Nope, not happening. Then it hit me, "oh I actually have to learn to play fighting games for real if I want to be good at this."

>> No.5153751

>V.R Fighter VS Taken2
it's real and it plays like shit

>> No.5154326

>Tfw no VF6.
Given the current state of Sega, you can be thankful for that.

Would've been better if they put everyone from VF into the last DOA, not just half the cast. They could've called it Fighters Megamix 2.

>It's the only way for the series to differentiate from games like Tekken and DOA.

That's only because those two got new releases that put them on par with what VF had years earlier.

>> No.5154334
File: 500 KB, 906x1224, virtua fighter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This always impressed me. When I was younger, playing VF2, I picked anyone but Akira, who just didn't have any easy to pull of moves. A third of his moveset was impossible to do counters that gave no indication if you done the input correctly or not. Another third was throws... he has something like 9 throw moves, plus the Stun Palm. Beyond those, he had a few slow moves that left him open, and a bunch of slams which are a bitch to pull off by reflex on a d-pad. Plus the Stun Palm and the Knee which requires 1-frame timing.

Then I learned his basic throws, and using his body slam moves more efficiently. He is my favourite character in the game. He is like the strong grapplers in SF, who can only do high damage in certain situations, but they do very high damage in a few hits in those situations. Except that half of Akiras moveset revolves around changing the situation you are in! It takes incredible skill, but he is SNK Boss level of untouchable in the hands of someone who mastered him.

Or you can just put Stun Palm on a macro since it does 60-70% damage. But then, so does bf+P, b,f,f,f,P+K (three forwards instead of two, so you dash first and cancel to the slam for more damage).
The standing two palmed strike (d, b, f, P) also looks like an extremely painful move, since it uses like 5 parts of your body, to attack a single spot (lounging forward as you stand up with your legs, charging forward with your hips, plus both arms, and both palms). You do that properly in real life, you could send any dude flying.

Oh, and the best thing in VF2 was the sound effects. Land a kick on the face, and it sounds like you broke the sound barrier with the hit. I love it. I also loved how the standing up kick had 8 or so radically different animations depending on whether you are face closer to the enemy or not, whether you are on your back or on your face, whether you do a roll first, etc...

>> No.5154664
File: 2.88 MB, 640x480, 1505845047221.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Release date: 1996

>> No.5154672

Is this supposed to look impressive?

>> No.5154687
File: 2.84 MB, 650x486, best glitch.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To anyone non-underage, yes.

>> No.5154750

Show me a 1996 game that looks more impressive.

>> No.5155202
File: 1.99 MB, 311x191, tumblr_nhci6vzWnf1slig2vo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't trust people who hate VF3.

>> No.5155210

VF3 introduced a character that was so fat that they had to remove him. Untrustworthy game.

>> No.5155226

I really wish they would bring back tournament mode from VF1 32X

>> No.5155239

If only I had a Saturn...

I used to play a lot of 3tb with a few friends, but those days have since passed. I can't remember the last time I played a fighting game... The 32x port of Virtua Fighter is also another I played quite a bit. I was blown away by having that shit on a console at the time.

>> No.5155263 [DELETED] 

it's dreamcast tier graphics back in 1996, running at 60fps? or 30 not sure I'm not a vf guy. but yeah that's pretty impressive.

>> No.5155268

I remember being blown away by the first VF, but VF3 was like looking into the future somehow. It made Quake positively look like a blocky pixellated turd that one summer.

>> No.5155271 [DELETED] 

it looks like shit you fucking moron, get a pair of better eyes you fucking retard

>> No.5155295 [DELETED] 

>t. zoomer

>> No.5155306
File: 857 KB, 1024x537, rsz_virtua_fighter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just dusted off my old silver PS2 it still actually turned on,what were some of the PS2 games for the system?

>> No.5155308 [DELETED] 

>t.retarted mong who thinks shit graphics look good

>> No.5155539

get a fucking brain moron, and realize that was amazing in 1996. zoom harder

>> No.5155715
File: 108 KB, 704x448, Fighters_Megamix_Siba_Mirror.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its funny how siba was some huge beta thing but turned out to be in the actual final arcade rom

Siba did end up as a playable character in Fighters Megamix.

>> No.5155719

Yes everyone fucking knows that.

>> No.5155813

>Yes everyone fucking knows that.

I bet your mom knows that!

I wasn't a fan of the original Virtua Fighter, too floaty and it felt like the fighters were battling under water the whole time. Yeah, it was the first real 3D fighter of it's time. But it has always been a little "eh" to me. In a way it is like the first Street fighter game.

Virtua fighter 2 was a much better game. Faster paced and the fighting felt a little more focused. I played the shit out of the Saturn game. There was also an OK port on Win95 back then too... but it was a port of the Saturn game.

Virtua Fighter 3 is my personal favorite in the series. I really liked the sloped arenas and 3D dodge button. I love the arcade game, the DC port wasn't as bad as people said it was.

Fighters Megamix is a nice diversion, VF2 with the VF3 move list, mixed with Fighting Vipers. I actually thought they did a good job balancing the two fighting styles.

VF4 goes back to the gameplay style of the second one but with evasion mechanics and more refined gameplay. The PS2 has a good port, but it looks nowhere near as good as the arcade original.

>> No.5155872

Too bad that Fighters Megamix was based on the godawful Fighting Vipers engine.

>> No.5155880

>Fighters Megamix is a nice diversion, VF2 with the VF3 move list,

No, it just had the VF2 characters with the VF3 moves. But the gameplay was all Vipers style button mashing. It didn't have the technical parts of VF nor did it have the same pace. It had no ring outs. It didn't even have stand-up attacks. And the VF3 moves made no difference when all you had to do was mash, juggle, or do power counters.

Even if you turn the game into VF mode in the options, that just removes the power counters.

Believe me I want to love Megamix since I spent so much time on it, but after going from that to VF2 (or even VF Kids, it is even faster paced and has better sound than VF2), and then back, Megamix just feels very poor. It isn't as technical, you have less move cancels, the graphics got a downgrade, and the Vipers mashing system is godawful.

>> No.5156130

>Too bad that Fighters Megamix was based on the godawful Fighting Vipers engine.

What was god awful about the Fighting Vipers engine? The Saturn version of that engine didn't run in high resolution mode like VF2 or DOA, but it did have to render some 3D walls, and extra geometry with the body armor. It also uses gourad shading for the models. The machine does have its limitations when trying to run 3D models at 60fps.

To be honest, the >>5155880
>No, it just had the VF2 characters with the VF3 moves. But the gameplay was all Vipers style button mashing. It didn't have the technical parts of VF nor did it have the same pace. It had no ring outs. It didn't even have stand-up attacks. And the VF3 moves made no difference when all you had to do was mash, juggle, or do power counters.

Yeah, to be honest, the Virtua Fighter part of Fighters MegaMix was really more VF3 than anything else. Even the Janet character from Virtua Cop 2 had Aoi's movie list. I can see why they removed the ring-outs because of the side stepping and VF3 did not have much in the way of ring-outs.

The game itself is unbalanced, but that is the nature of these types of mash-up fighters. The game does play a bit more like fighting vipers than vurtua fighter, though. I do like Fighters MegaMix, myself.

>> No.5156326

>What was god awful about the Fighting Vipers engine?

The gameplay, not the graphical engine.

Doing hi-res is free on the Saturn, you only get some technical limitations like needing a proper frame refresh setup and only being able to work with 8-bit unshaded polygons. Vipers used low-res not because of the complexity, but because it had baked-in fixed direction lightning. It wasn't dynamic lightning, it was always coming from a fixed direction; except for that one ring that had lights in the corners - and you could see the game drop frames hard when it changed from one of the four lightning presets.

Also, Vipers Saturn engine can't hold 60fps properly. Megamix had a ton of slowdown, and it was extremely obvious how the wall-less levels had a higher framerate, while the walled ones usually did not..

>> No.5156482
File: 185 KB, 1280x892, fmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its nice someone brought up fighters megamix
it was pretty ballsy of am2 to combine both series. vf2 saturn looked a lot better but fmm pretty much overshadowed it.
still a bit sad saturn never got that vf3 port though.

>> No.5156493

Is fighters megamix the one with the panda/toy department store stage?

>> No.5156830
File: 9 KB, 200x330, vf3_jacky_por.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>korean steps in front of you
>does 6PK, 8P a few times

I look forward to our next battle!

>> No.5157035

>The gameplay, not the graphical engine.
>Doing hi-res is free on the Saturn, you only get some technical limitations like needing a proper frame refresh setup and only being able to work with 8-bit unshaded polygons. Vipers used low-res not because of the complexity, but because it had baked-in fixed direction lightning. It wasn't dynamic lightning, it was always coming from a fixed direction; except for that one ring that had lights in the corners - and you could see the game drop frames hard when it changed from one of the four lightning presets.
>Also, Vipers Saturn engine can't hold 60fps properly. Megamix had a ton of slowdown, and it was extremely obvious how the wall-less levels had a higher framerate, while the walled ones usually did not..

Oh great information. I can see why they dropped the high resolution now. And I forgot about the framerate hicups.

>still a bit sad saturn never got that vf3 port though.

Yeah, I don't think they could achieve 60fps with the 3D environments of VF3, which is why it never happened. But to be honest, the Dreamcast port is still pretty good.

>> No.5157091

i think there was rumor of a graphics addon to make vf3 saturn possible

>> No.5157504

Akira is an assist trophy in the new smash. But I love VF 2 its probably one of the best technical fighting games out there. Even the graphics to this day, still look amazing. Sad that it's been a new title for a decade now.

>> No.5157702


Bout. Not battle

>> No.5158216

I like the VF2 port on Genesis.

>> No.5159279


>> No.5159424
File: 1.05 MB, 1528x571, vf2 genesis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly i appreciate more now that i understand vf, but i really wish they went the extra mile to have the entire roster/backgrounds.

>> No.5159437
File: 77 KB, 1277x477, vf1 32x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on a similar note i really loved the 32x port of vf1

>> No.5159476

It feels like a "portable" version of the game, much like those gameboy Street Fighter or what have you.
If you go in expecting that it is an inferior game, it is quite enjoyable.

>> No.5161029

>i really wish they went the extra mile to have the entire roster/backgrounds.

The game was already 32mbits iirc, anything bigger requires mappers on top of the larger roms (MD can only address 32mbit normally). And they released it in 1996 or so, when the Megadrive was already dead (and in Japan, the only market where VF was big, the Megadrive was never even alive to begin with).

VF32x was nothing short of exemplary.

>> No.5161123


Virtua Fighter on the 32X played vastly better than the Saturn version

>> No.5161239

>Virtua Fighter on the 32X played vastly better than the Saturn version

This is a meme started by people who only played the Saturn version on emulators. VF on the Saturn uses undocumented instructions, so it has broken hit detection on every emulator, and sometimes you punch a guy and he warps 100 meters away.

On a real Saturn, it plays identical to the 32x.

>> No.5161489

I just got a jmport saturn last week and im interested.

>> No.5161517

>I have like 3 copies of Virtua Fighter 2 for Saturn.

VF2 is a fairly common Saturn game. It was the best selling game for the system in Japan, and was a pack-in game in North America and Europe. So a lot of people had this. I have two "not for resale" cardboard sleeve versions of the game. That version is pretty common and not too hard to find. Though a longbox US copy is harder to find. The Japanese one is probably the easiest one to get, because it sold the most copies.

>This is a meme started by people who only played the Saturn version on emulators. VF on the Saturn uses undocumented instructions, so it has broken hit detection on every emulator, and sometimes you punch a guy and he warps 100 meters away.
>On a real Saturn, it plays identical to the 32x.

I never really thought that the Saturn port was that bad. But it did have some weird pop-in with the 3D arena. The 32x version is fine and plays just as good as the Saturn game. Lower poly models, lower resolution and worse audio aside. Also, it has no loading and the option to change the ring size.

Sega AM1 also remade Virtua Fighter 1 with Virtua Fighter Remix, using the same development kit that was used to make Virtua Fighter 2. Remix on the Saturn used the Saturns flat 3D playing field to create the 3D rings and has textured mapped models. I actually prefer the original over Remix, even though they generally do play the same. Sega of America gave it away for free for anyone who filled out their Sega Saturn registration cards.


I really do prefer the aesthetic of the Saturn, even though that one is not arcade perfect.

>> No.5161864

Remix actually looks worse IMO, since it removes the shading.

>> No.5161881

Still waiting for the never ever digital version of that.

And the Palmtree and fucking piece of meat with annoying ways of unlocking them.
For a game that was a celebration of AM2 it was pretty damn fun. Having the chance of using Hornet or the Palmtree to beat Akira and co is just brilliant

It was weird knowing there was a VF2 for the MD back then and literally on the end of that console cycle. It was alright, since I was already expecting an inferior and different version of the arcade one

>> No.5161890

>Having the chance of using Hornet or the Palmtree to beat Akira

With the shitty movesets those two have, you'd never have a chance to beat Akira with them.

>> No.5163649


Tekken Tag is better Tekken.

>> No.5163898

Its really not, its a slow shallow button masher and it died for a reason.

>> No.5164302

because the last VF was 12 years ago? VF5 still gets 500 entrant tournaments in japan. Imagine if tekken 6 was the last tekken released, that shit wouldn't have any players.

>> No.5164310

opinion discarded

>> No.5164328

VF died because it isn't a button masher. Console kiddos won't buy it, and even your typical competitive Tekken player doesn't have the brain to get through VF4's complete tutorial system.

>> No.5164442

>Also, it has no loading and the option to change the ring size.
It does, as a cheat.

>> No.5164542

Yes, it is an extremely shallow game