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/vr/ - Retro Games

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513242 No.513242 [Reply] [Original]

Things that piss you off as a collector.

>join groups on FB cause people are always selling older games
>see a really good deal for a game
>example: $10 for Super Metroid
>some asshole has the nerve to ask
>"Would you do $3?"


>selling a game at high price just because it's old/retro
>example: $35 for World Series Baseball 95

>> No.513259

i saw a videogame store trying to sell a dirty copy of earthbound loose (label was intact but soiled) for $265

>> No.513267

>COMPATIBLE Backup CMOS BATTERY CR2032 FOR SEGA SATURN ($14.99 +$7.99 shipping)

>> No.513295

thats just for stupid people though, you can buy a CR2032 from walmart for like $5 for two of them.

>> No.513298

Price = age of item in years * $10
Wrong game in the case
Missing discs in a multi-disc game
Selling multi-disc games' discs as separate games
People with no jobs scouring sales and thrift stores to flip shit on ebay

>> No.513316

What are some Facebook groups that do this? Sounds cool, except for the occasional d-bag.

>> No.513320



>> No.513345

>People with no jobs scouring sales and thrift stores to flip shit on ebay
What do you think retail store fronts do?

>> No.513353

>go to tcg shop
>they try to appeal to all gamer so they have some loose carts laying around
>each one is $5
sure star tropics was $5 but I mean even the sports games with ripped stickers was $5 as well

>> No.513372

I paid $10 for my Star Tropics, but just because I don't see it in stores too often and it would cost about the same ordering it online.

>> No.513370

Just look for some buy/sell/trade sites around your area on FB. If there are none for video games or retro games specifically, create one. Then join BST groups and then post your group saying that if anyone has games, join your site for more exposure.

>> No.513384

Saying a game is rare when it really isn't, just to raise its value is what pisses me off the most.

People just have no idea of how prices for retro stuff really works. It's all a bunch or arbitrary stuff, where prices don't really follow rhyme nor reason.

>> No.513452

>SUPER RARE (insert game here) BOX, $25!

For fucks sakes people just find a way to produce your own, it would probably still be cheaper than going this route.


Stop using that fucking word. There are many games that can be somewhat difficult to find, and there are some that can take a good long while to find a copy of, but outside of PC gaming and systems from the very early edge of pre-Atari gaming, there is a small list of actual RARE games. Most of the time the reason the game was rare was because it wasn't that much fun and didn't sell well, as well as a limited run. If I see the word rare in a ebay auction, it had better be for a game I've barely or never heard of. Earthbound is not rare, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is not rare, Croc is not rare, Super Mario World and SMW 2 are not rare, LttP is not rare. Stop using that fucking word.

>> No.513467

Don't be stupid. Earthbound IS rare. It's not $200 rare, or even $100 rare, but it is a rare title. The rest of those yo ulisted aren't rare, but LttP is somewhat uncommon.

>> No.513476

>LttP is somewhat uncommon
It's the 5th (or 6th/7th, depending on who you ask) best selling game on the SNES and it sold nearly 5 million copies. It's certainly not "somewhat uncommon."

>> No.513485

You get like 180 characters to post the title of your auction, and if you go to some crap store selling a shoebox of different NES games, you're going to find Super Mario 3 and Tetris and Legend of Zelda (Common) you might find a copy of Battletoads and Super Contra and Bubble Bobble (Uncommon) and you're damn lucky if you find a copy of Dragon Warrior III, Ultima IV, or Destiny of an Emperor (Rare). Fuck you and fuck your autistic semantics.

>> No.513486

>Vga grading
>the phrase these are rare collectors items
>it sold on ebay once for this price it must be worth $9000
>Stickers on cart labels,Discs, manuals or inserts
>People trying to charge crazy amounts for a game that has millions of copies floating around

>> No.513494

I haven't seen too much stuff that pisses me off as a collector. I work the people at the counters in retro shops, and they generally give me really good deals under the table(got Suikoden 2, the only game I have and can say is truly rare for $40 this way). On second thought, there is one thing that generally pisses me off, but I still take advantage of: garage sales. Some days I just want to beat the parents who do this to their kids.

>> No.513493

Online, no, it isn't, you can find many people selling it online, which is why you can probably find a copy of it at a pawn shop or thrift store or retro game trader's if you shop around town for a couple of hours. That makes it SOMEWHAT UNCOMMON.

>> No.513502

That's not how it works. You could make the argument that pretty much every game is "somewhat uncommon" if you start trying to pass shit like that off.

>> No.513503

>Retards who think they should be able to get the game for cheaper because there's so many of them out there
>Retards who think it isn't rare because there were many copies of it made and sold
>Retards who somehow can't find a cheaper copy of it despite insisting it should be cheaper and there are obviously just so many of them

>> No.513506

Anything more than $3 for SMB/Duck Hunt

The retards who think that Earthbound is worth $200 loose.

>> No.513507

Listen, you stupid fucking idiot, if it's so god damn common, go buy one for ten bucks off of facebook or wherever the fuck you shop. There's five million of em, right?

>> No.513509

Suikoden 2 is not rare. More than one copy of it exists, and that guy in this thread has heard of it.

>> No.513512

Actually, I bought a copy of LttP for $7.50 at a pawn shop last week.

>> No.513514


>> No.513517
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, [IB] Yondemasu yo, Azazel-san - 13 END [720p] [D73337F2].mkv_snapshot_09.19_[2011.07.03_02.35.10].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy selling a game for completely overpriced
>considers a fair offer to be "lowballing"
sadly, this is a thing

>> No.513520

No you didn't.

>> No.513523

ITT: People shit all over free market economics

>> No.513528


Stadium Events. I suppose you're going to tell me that's not rare too, with your logic?

>> No.513530

>Oh no, someone did something I don't like. Better call them a liar!

>> No.513532

I flip shit on eBay, but I have a job too. Is that ok? I don't gouge. I do auctions starting well under market price.

>> No.513534

How much would you sell EB for if you came across it?

>> No.513540

Nobody with half a brain is going to price ALttP for $7.50.

Show the price tag if you want to prove it, otherwise stop with your stupid fucking greentexting bullshit.

>> No.513543

I would start the auction at $59.99 with a buy it now at probably $94.99 or less. I know it is dumb, but I want the bubble gone NOW.

>> No.513550

>selling EB for anything less than $40

Hell, if I came across a copy, I'd do a complete playthrough and give it to a worthy friend, one who I KNOW wouldn't sell it.

>> No.513557

>Stadium Events.
I don't know where that falls under anon's logic, I'm just spreading his word. The two criteria for an item being rare seems to be
1.) There were many copies made.
2.) He has heard of it.

So, we COULD say that of the 2,000ish copies of Stadium Events that were supposedly produced, that is a comparatively small number of games, but the real trick here is "has that asshole heard of it?" If the game ain't obscure, then it ain't rare, you see.

>> No.513558

That is noble. I would keep it if I found it, if it were a double I would sell it. All my funds go into buying more games. It is a self sustaining hobby if you can score a few good deals a week.

>> No.513567

Main point being, there's a difference between rare, and sought after.

The retro shop that I go to is just like that. SMB/DH is $9.99 and EB, when they have it in, is $200 loose.

>> No.513569

Yeah, I'm calling you a liar. You can somehow try to prove you're telling the truth, otherwise it's pretty hard to believe someone who provides undocumented anecdotal evidence.

I could just say that I am the owner of that Pawn Shop and that it was a pricing error and the game should have been $75 because I'm a massive Jew and charge double price for retro shit, and had to fire the employee who messed up your sale.

>> No.513570

>go into local retro games store
>every NES game is over $20 except for sports games in some shit pile with other shit
>they sell a bunch of other random shit
>Tell them most of their shit is severely overpriced

>go visit my sister and her fiancee in a larger city
>go to a retro arcade with fiancee and play games for three hours while there are crazy little kids running around and their parents wondering what the fuck we're doing there
>no fucks given
>visit a bunch of gun stores so I can recommend him a good home protection model
>takes me to a retro games store
>everything is $3
>buy eight NES games while he buys a new power cable for his original Xbox and a copy of Metal Slug 3
>play it for three hours and go to bed

Yesterday was a good Saturday now that I'm back home.

>> No.513579

Time is a bitch, 10 years ago, I remember SMB/DH going for literally 10 cents.

>> No.513584

Go back into that local retro games store with your receipt and show him how much you paid, and for what.

Then laugh, tell him to go fuck himself, and that you're going to be spreading the word that his shop is upcharging shit for 5 times the regular value.

>> No.513587

No, we get it. Retards want to pay $100 for Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt, then that's the new standard price after more people see it selling for that price. Doesn't mean we can't stand back, look at them and call them fucking retarded. I hate the "Well that's the free market. Isn't Capitalism great?" debate. We understand. We get pissed though, when faggots like PewDiePie does a lets play of Conker and the price spikes. Does it mean that we can't get pissed off?

>> No.513589

My local retro store (Mario's) used to be cool
>mom n pop store
>price adjustan
>tournament holdan
>decnt prican

the game store the next town over (Play N Trade) used to be douches
>Corporate chain
>over prican
>under payan
>Fixin prices
>no refundan

Then, Play N Trade (all the Utah stores) folded. The owner was a shady douche, and his over priced get rich quick shops died out. He sold his location near me too a good guy, along with all the old stock.

Now Play N Trade is Game Changerz
>they price adjust
>price fairly
>issue refunds for broken games
>repair any console no matter the gen
>have a friendly atmosphere

Mario's owners (an elderly couple from Arizona) made it into a franchise, and are opening more stores. After this happened, they started being uber douches
>no price adjust
>prices off eBay+shipping
>$30 for Pokemon Gold
>"Yeah you just try to find a better deal, good luck"

The times they are a changin...

>> No.513591


It wouldn't help, this people are total country bumpkins.

I go visit my sister all the time because not only do I like spending time with her fiancee but- holy fuck they live a block away from a retro arcade. We just walk there and play games.

We have to go downtown for the game store but otherwise it's awesome. I want to move there but I can't find a better job there yet.

Where I live is crap but my job is better than anything I've seen there so far.

>> No.513593



>> No.513598

I sold FFIII and Mystic Quest to a good friend for $20

>> No.513606

>FFIII, good man

>Mystic Quest, damn dude, you're a true sir, that game is worth so much more than what you sold it for, both in terms of fun and collector value.

>> No.513607
File: 8 KB, 330x245, 1327399478550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mom n pop who prefer cash to the happiness of children
truly these are not the people fit to run a game store

>> No.513627

These are the people who go out of business and why gamestop have shops within a couple blocks of each other and multiple shops at the same mall.

>> No.513637

>Mystic Quest
>Worth a lot
Well, in terms of entertainment, I suppose.

Also why the fuck are you greentexting like that

>> No.513645

Does Gamestop have more than one shop at your mall, too? How many fucking malls do they DO this? They just recently closed their second store at my local mall, but just because they were opening a new one up the street outside the mall. I have like 4 gamestops within 20 minutes of me.

>> No.513652

Whoa, go back to /v/ if you can't give a proper argument and have to resort to namecalling.

>> No.513653

It's because the people who decide where the stores are going to be don't believe in maps.

>> No.513658

My mall originally had an Electronics Boutique and a Game Craze (western New York game store chain), but then the Game Craze closed. Years later, Game Stop joined EB for a while, but after Game Stop bought out EB, we had two Game Stops for a time. Then, the second Game Stop closed and a new Game Craze came in.

>> No.513662

Meant to reply to

>> No.513668

They do pretty much everywhere.
More like they just place fronts directly by competitors to drive them out of business. Now that they've killed a vast majority of the competition and the economy is on a downturn, they don't have quite as deep of pockets.

>> No.513671

We still have Game Craze here Rochester

>> No.513675

I got tired of giving you bulletproof arguments because you're completely fucking inept at countering even the simplest points, and decided to just berate you instead.

>> No.513681

>The best tactic for shitty big businesses seems to be opening up a new location directly next to your competitors and saturating a region and market with numerous stores to drown out the market.
>Future of america is going to be abandoned urbanpunk.

Ain't monopolies supposed to be illegal?

>> No.513689

So are molotov cocktails.

>> No.513690

I would love to open a retro shop in my town but I don't know the first thing about opening a business. If for some reason, I end up winning the lottery, I would have no problem selling retro games dirt ass cheap.

>> No.513691

Fucking Gamegrumps with fucking Wild Guns.

>> No.513696

The problem you would have would be wasting a shit ton of money on a retro game store that you're running into the ground.

>> No.513698

Thanks, I just joined the thread.
Keep assuming I'm the same guy you were talking to though.

>> No.513705 [DELETED] 


User Speedline of neogaf's post was interesting.

"I remember there was some kind of cheat so that you didn't have to use any of your credits to connect. I think $20 lasted me the entire duration that Xband lasted.

I also remember some of the bulletin boards that were popular like ~GuRu~ and -SAGE- (or something like that). There was some kind of email type client on there too, which was my first experience with any sort of email.

I also remember the people who dominated the top tens of certain games were often times part of a group on XBand like -NBK-, which stood for Natural Born Killers. They would put the letters NBK behind there username to signify they are in that group. Other groups were popular too, but I forget who they were.

Overall, the Xband community was a lot of fun. You could spend a lot of time on there without actually playing any games and still have a good time. Nice community. "

Retro-fraud at it's finest.

>> No.513719

Didn't it pretty much double after they did that?

Keep in mind, the other guy was basically shoving his fingers in his ears and refusing to listen to reason, while completely ignoring the law of supply and demand. Name calling may not be justified, but it is understandable in such a situation.

>> No.513721

Fuck you. I bet I could kick your ass.

>> No.513725

>retro vidya store
>charges $70 for shitty yellowed SNES's
>charges $60 for NES's
>meanwhile $20 for model 1 Genesis
>40 or 50 for an SMS
>overpriced nintendo games
>cheap as shit sega games
on one hand, I hate the store. On the other, I like the cheap Sega stuff.

>> No.513727

Give and take, man. Give and take.

>> No.513737

I was talking about Eastview Mall in Victor, by the way.

>> No.513732

Yes,some hitting a few bucks over $200 now, jesus christ...
Sucks having to watch them steadily go up every few weeks.

It's the one game I always hope to find in my weekly swapmeet trips.

>> No.513735

Yeah, keep in mind that both of them have eBay accounts where they buy and sell retro games, and bought up a bunch of copies of the game before they aired that game grumps, and then listed the games.

>> No.513742
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If I ever did start one without winning the lottery, I would do fair prices. I want to say that I would sell games like EB and CBFD for what I felt they were actually worth, but the other part of me says that I would probably mark them up. Honestly, I'd probably call up the other retro shop and see what they were selling it for, and go below them. I do this when I sell non retro games on FB. A game goes for $20 used, I'll sell it for $10-$15. but then you get those low balling assholes.
>halo 4 for $25
>would you do $10?

>> No.513746

by cheap, I mean it's 10 bucks more than the averaged price of completed listings on ebay. Still better than the Nintendo Tax though

>> No.513757

>Would you do $10

Motherfucking Gamestop lowballing right there.

>> No.513761

>guy is offering a Saturn bundle with Dragon Force, virtua racing, Nights, panzer Dragoon for a 100
>offer 80
did I dun goof?

>> No.513763

people who use ebay and amazon as a guide for game pricing.
>not going to actual pricing sites
>ishiggity diggity

>> No.513784

are the games CIB? If so, isn't Dragon Force already worth the $100 price?

>> No.513793
File: 89 KB, 270x360, pawnstars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's true. GS and pawn shops.

>> No.513795

I think Nights and Virtua Racer came in the cardboard sleeves (maybe PD as well), but I'm pretty sure DF came CIB. This was last year, so the offer's been long dead

>> No.513809

wow seriously I hated jontron before and thought ego was meh. but now I despise both those fucking juden swine

>> No.513814

Aero Fighters $98 loose on pricing site.

Last one on ebay sold for $255.

>> No.513830

Ah, well hate to give away local secrets, but check out Heckle & Jeckle in Chili

>> No.513869

My local Play N Trade offered me $15 for 17 original Xbox games, all with Manual, Original Box, and no scratches. I kept them. They also sold me a broken Playstation 1 and almost refused to exchange it unless I brought back everything I got with it to prove it was just the console.
They went out of business, got turned into a local store exactly the same way, which then failed and closed.

Man, am I happy that GamersHQ exists. Every Retro game is ~$6 or lower, only going up to $15 for harder to find items, usually multi-disc Playstation games in exceptional condition. They also deal in Warhammer, so that's a nice point as well.

>> No.513904

>Heckle & Jeckle in Chili
>Check out google for this place
>Find a facebook
>Looking at their images
>Picture of a gameboy advance case
>"Pokemon Perla Edition"

What the FUK

>> No.513921


>> No.513929

How the fuck is a mom and pop store able to legally sell bootlegs of video games?

>> No.513940

Because it's a mom and pop collectibles shop, they don't receive their stock directly from companies.

>> No.513952

It was probably used.

>> No.513954

I've been to a gamestop before that had a fake Pokemon Ruby cartridge. Guy refused to believe me even though I told him if it had been real I would've bought it.

>> No.513976

They're not fucking retarded, though, they clearly can discern between quality of video game products and know shit about video games, nobody would look at a copy of Pokemon Pearl and Pokemon Perla and NOT notice that shit. They're knowingly selling a bootleg chink rom.

More than one, there's other bootleg games in these pictures. They are infringing on Nintendo's rights.

>> No.513983

> infringing on Nintendo's rights

>> No.513994

>They're knowingly selling a bootleg chink rom.
Oh please, you give them far too much credit.

Also, what pictures.

>> No.513996

It's a collectibles shop owned and run by one man, who has one part time employee.
He sells what people wants and probably has some of the best stock in the city.
Collectors want bootleg carts.
I doubt he gives a fuck about Nintendo's rights.

>> No.513998

Look at their gameboy advance images on their facebook page. Just google Heckle & Jeckle Collectibles Facebook.

Also, these assholes are charging well over the average eBay prices on most of their shit. Fucking Pokemon Stadium 2, loose, with handwriting on the cartridge for $39.99. Sega Saturn for $99.99.

>> No.514013

Christ I'm sorry I mentioned this shop here, wanted to give a fellow a local a heads up on a good shop.
Instead we get people who don't understand how haggling and free market economics work.

>> No.513998,1 [INTERNAL] 

fucking /v/

>> No.514014

Well, he can take his part-time employee and shove him up his jew ass, I'm not paying fucking $19.99 for a god damn rom on a chinese cartridge.

>> No.514021

Fuck you and fuck your haggling.
And fuck you and fuck your free market safety blanket, your god damn chinese bootleg shit is what fucking tanks our free market.

>> No.514026

Mr. Heckle & Jeckle? Is that you?

>> No.514025

Well seeing as it's been in business since 91, likely older than you, I doubt they'll miss your $20 or your shitty attitude.

>> No.514032

Nah I'll stick with shops that reward customers for being a regular, continue haggling and trading, and also the buy 2 get 3rd game half off they always run.
I think I'll see if they have that bootleg cart in when I stop in this week and pick it up as well.

>> No.514038

Like I give a fuck how long this business has been bootlegging videogames and selling shit at a 20% markup.

>> No.514041

Yeah, you go ahead and do that while you can.

>> No.514042

haggling is the unamerican thing to do lol
more people should haggle, I don't mean fucking lowball but pay and fair price and don't let yourself get assraped

>> No.514053

I don't care about haggling, I care about people selling chinese bootleg shit alongside legitimate products, and then passing off games like Pokemon Stadium 2 as being super rare and charging $40 for it.

>> No.514073

Let me get this right. From what I gather, most of /vr/ hates resellers because of their huge mark ups, potentially driving reasonably priced games up in price. But when a mom and pop store do it, with bootlegs no less, there are people defending this? Sometimes I don't understand shit on this board.

>> No.514076

$59.99 for a refurbished NES

Lol, wow
Heckle and Jew

>> No.514081

>collectibles shop that happens to sell games as well
>not understanding free market economics and being an informed customer
>not understanding how haggling works especially in ma and pop shops

>> No.514085

No shit, right? And at the same time the mom and pop store is charging $40 for N64 games you can get for $30 on eBay and $60 for an NES.

For $60 on eBay you'd get a fucking light gun and a couple of games.

>> No.514093

Would you drop it with the fucking haggling mantra? Seriously. I should not have to barter with a shop-owner to get them to sell me something at a fucking reasonable price. Free market and haggling are NOT excuses for 'mom and pop' to add 10 to 20 dollars onto a price tag because 'well we expect people to haggle with us,' and not a free license to sell bootleg chinese games for 20 bucks.

That's bullshit.

>> No.514104
File: 768 KB, 719x521, ULTRARARERETROVINTAGE99OBO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much would I be able to haggle them down to on these hardest-to-find-treasured-classics?<wbr>

>> No.514107

So I take it you don't go to flea markets then?

>> No.514110


>> No.514118

oh yeah, I forgot to add
I've seen people use this scapegoat in defending resellers, but jesus christ. There's a difference between "LOL, CHARGE WAT YOU WANT TO. FREEEE MAARRRRKKKKEEEEEEEET" and
>justifying what something should be priced on supply and demand rather than basing a price on what assholes with bigger bank accounts driving up a price. There is no supply and demand there, it's someone blindly and carelessly throwing money at people

Take A Link To The Past. Some tardo is going to go "OMG a rare game. worth a gorillion dollars" because he's a fucking retard who knows nothing about games or their value. Sells it on ebay for an orangutillion dollars because some other asshole fell for the "OMG RARE GAEMS" headline. You get this happening a few hundred times on ebay/amazon next thing you know, ALTTP is going for a chimpanzillion dollars. I don't know what it's called because I'm a dumbass who didn't go to school a whole lot. Fake inflation, a bubble, fucktards driving the price up, I don't know. I'm going to bed.

>> No.514119
File: 449 KB, 717x337, SCAM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now, see, at a flea market, I might expect to see some mexican guy at a card table trying to sell me cheap chinese knockoff pokemon games for $20 a pop.

At a 'mom and pop' store that cries about big business pushing them out and acts like they're the American Dream that is slowly dying out, I find it somewhat fucking disgusting to see bootleg games next to the legitimate used titles.

And I REALLY get all warm and fuzzy at the 'NO TRADES-IMPORT' sticker.

>> No.514121

I...I think a gorillion dollars should be a larger amount than a cimpanzillion dollars because gorillas are bigger.

>> No.514127

genesis games without their PLASTIC CLAMSHELLS. WAT

>> No.514130

I saw if fellow /vr/troopers have the game, flood their page with pictures of the games, assuming you have the game, to show that it's not that rare.

>> No.514136

>No trades
>No trades
>No trades
>No trades

Yeah, they don't want your games, they just want cash, probably because if they want to sell a gba game they will just load up a rom onto a cartridge and print a sticker off on it
I can see maybe unknowingly selling one or two bootleg games but there is a whole freaking row of them there one after another so it almost seems like these people are fucking making them

>> No.514168
File: 648 KB, 693x517, sofuckingrare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Free market guys. Mom and pop. They're so friendly and nice there. Don't you know anything about haggling. Check out this ultra rare title.

>> No.514182
File: 49 KB, 331x464, HAGGLE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll have to talk to the owner to make usage of the haggle policy, btw.

>> No.514187

>not getting the joke

>> No.514194

I can't decide if my local is fairly priced or not. Just checked out their Facebook page.

How much would you pay the following:

-Vagrant Story
-Resident Evil 2
-FF6 (PS version with FFX demo)

All in good condition with boxes and manuals.

-Gameboy Colour
-First Gen Pokemon games

>> No.514193

report them to nintendo and game freak.

>> No.514201

Feels bad when my best bet to snatch me a local Pokemon Yellow was 37$

>> No.514203
File: 354 KB, 1827x1023, shouldI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about it.

>> No.514207

>reporting a non official reseller
You act like they would give a fuck or have any actual recourse.

>> No.514208

The only joke here is the store and that the one part-time employee who is probably just a relative of the store owner isn't even allowed to do this precious 'haggling' you all love so fucking much.

>> No.514212

How does the marker pen not drastically reduce the value?

I'm not American and have never heard of this shop, but Jesus Christ they sound bad.

>> No.514214

Do it. And then go post on the picture with the pokemon bootlegs and ask if he's willing to go lower on the illegal chinese games.

>> No.514218

They are, but the store owner is in this thread trying to defend his shady dealings. Nobody in their right mind would pay $20 for a bootleg rom on a chinese knockoff cartridge.

>> No.514215

lel what kind of sheltered fairy tale life you living son?

>> No.514224

No I'm the one who initaly posted about the shop so another local could check it out, since we have only a couple other mom and pop shops otherwise all gamestops and thrift shops with worse prices than what you're bitching about here.
I shop there probably once a week.
I trade and haggle with em no problem.

>> No.514226

Nah, report em to the Better Business Bureau.

>> No.514228

Whatever dood.

>> No.514238

Woah calm that autism son

>> No.514241
File: 292 KB, 1420x959, the shipping alone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done and done.

>> No.514247

Christ I'm not the owner, I'm a normal 4chan user and have been for years. I can mark all my posts in this thread for you so you can get that viral conspiracy theory out of your head.

Now if I actually owned or worked at this shop, do you think I'd be arguing with people trying to get potential business from one person at 6:21 am when in your tinfoil hat world, I have a shop to run today single handedly?

>> No.514257

The autism train is full speed ahead

>> No.514261

Notice how all the autism seems to be over Pokemon...

>> No.514263
File: 43 KB, 391x388, Lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe the store will just close early because the employee up and fucks off to bang his girlfriend? Also, I don't know how busy it is in that store, the owner could be sitting at the register on his laptop all fucking day.

>> No.514262

If bad name goes contagious on the internet then it is really bad for business of that store.

It has been seen before.

>> No.514268

And Star Wars. I was mostly just posting the bullshit that was noticeable to me right off the bat.

There's also the fucking $99 Sega Saturns and $60 nintendos.

>> No.514286

Here's the thing, I was just trying to look out for a local like I said, since I noticed he mentioned Game Craze and a mall in town.
It's slim pickings around here with the exception of Game Craze.
Some aspie checked out their facebook page, got butthurt over some pics with prices without ever having stepped foot in the place.
I scour flea markets, thrift shops, garage sales, pawn shops, Game Craze and this place for my collection before going online because I like to try to keep my money local.
If this makes me suspect for being the owner of the shop, then christ the average posting age on this board has plummeted down to about /v/ level.

>> No.514287

I didn't really give a shit about some store selling bootlegs but seeing how riled up people in this thread get from someone calling the store out on it I'll go write a scathing review of the store on facebook just to spite you people.

>> No.514285
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>> No.514296

Are you going to apologize to your local store owner for blowing the whistle on his bootleg game selling?

>> No.514306

I'm not the one getting my panties in a bunch over it, and doubt one guy with a fake facebook profile is going to do dick about it either.
So no.

>> No.514304

Thinking about reporting em to the BBB and using some of these pictures of the bootleg games

>> No.514315

Do they ever have any copies of the original Dragon Warrior games on NES in there, complete with box/maps/etc?

>> No.514326

Dunno, it's not a title I'm after for my collection, and I'm not a reseller so even if they did I'd probably have ignored it.

>> No.514327

Is the buy 2 get 3rd half off deal good on all games?

>> No.514330

Yep, obviously it's the cheapest game you get the %50 off of, but yea all games.
They also have racks of games as well included old school PC shit which is usually where I head first as I like the old big box shit.
If you're in ROC as well, you should check out the public market time to time as well for some deals. Assuming you already hit up Game Craze.
Are you old enough to remember HO/RC?

>> No.514337

I'm from Ausland, actually, but I was just curious about how small businesses do things in America.

What's HO/RC?

>> No.514348

Ah it was an old shop we had in the downtown of the city while I was growing up, HO/RC Hobbies that sold RC stuff, skateboards and games. They went out of business quite a while back.
This shop pretty much operates like a fuckhuge flea market booth, but with a retail store front.
Game Craze (the other retro ma and pa shops we have) are a regional chain, and operate a bit more like say gamestops, but sell off more of those Retron and third party consoles than originals.

>> No.514405

>They removed the comments on the pokemon games


>> No.514417

They are a business, they need to make sales. Are you surprised?

>> No.514420

Yes, I expect Mom and Pop Purist Shrines to be pinnacles of integrity.

>> No.514426

Oh noooo someone is trying to keep their business afloat!

>> No.514430

So I guess robbing a bank is okay if you're trying to keep a business afloat

>> No.514513

>Selling games = robbing a bank

>> No.514538

Selling bootlegs games = robbing a bank
But it's okay, everything is forgiven no matter what you do because you own a small business, so rape kill steal murder six million jews, as long as you have a mom and pop business

>> No.514547

i sell repro carts of translation patches and romhacks online with my own storefront.
come at me bro.

>> No.514554

>Star Fox
>cartridge only
>excellent condition

>> No.514571
File: 27 KB, 450x358, 20-bucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I saw Dargon Ball Final Bout for several thousand bucks.

That's just bullshit.

>> No.514574


at least Big Jew Hunter showed how to combat this, but FUCK, I don't want to get up that god damn early just for Mario Bros. 3

>> No.514590

when i was in leicester the asians at market would sell unboxed snes and genesis games for 50p each i can't imagine paying anymore than a couple pounds for one.

>> No.514592

You're a thieving piece of shit and you are ruining the economy were in 27 trillion dollars of fucking debt because of obama and undocumented lazy worker thieves like you you arent a fuckin worker your a criminal and your going to hell with your muslim islamist terrorist king obomba fucking illegal get bent

>> No.514593
File: 43 KB, 498x397, IHATEYOU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retro stores that put price stickers on original boxes

>> No.514606



>> No.514619

People wanting to buy a game that other people aren't so willing to part with does not mean that the game in question is rare.

You might as well say Pokemon Red is a rare game.

>> No.514639

>Stores and people who put a sticker on a box/case/game
>Stickers that anyone can see is definitely going to leave residue
>Stickers placed on vintage or retro shit that is going to tear or ruin the item
>Have to fuck around forever trying to carefully undue the damage before it's done
>People using marker on the case or game
>People who are advertising complete games where the instructions and box and everything look mint but the discs are fucking surface-down on some sandpapery disc-obliterating table

>> No.514642

It is. $30 nigger, cough it up

>> No.514649

>Instructions and maps and shit are all still sitting in the box, but the discs have been removed so that they could set them game-side down on a grindstone

>> No.514684


>> No.514706


>> No.514708

Nah not in any of the malls, I go to the one on Mt Hope. There was one I went to on Chili Ave for awhile, but they shut down unfortunately.

>> No.514719

My mom n pop store is run by a guy who loves games. I saw a copy of super metroid for $40 bucks and I mentioned I'd buy it if it wasn't so much. He said it was mismarked and sold it to me for $15.
I also had a local play n trade that would jew everyone, but they closed a year or so ago.

>> No.514734

>some asshole has the nerve to ask
>"Would you do $3?"

was it BGH?

>> No.514745

I'd buy a high quality repro cart with the translation patch of SMT I and II, shit would look nice in my collection.

>> No.514754

$3? Too much for bgh

>> No.514760

Just find someone who knows how to solder/desolder well and has a EPROM/EEPROM programmer. All you really need is a compatible donor cart and it should be easy as hell for them to do.
Then all you need to do is print a HQ label.

I mainly got into it as I wanted a hard copy of Sweet Home in english for me and some buds, then had their friends ask for some other stuff, and so on.

>> No.514769

here have some basic info on how it's done http://www.nintendoage.com/forum/messageview.cfm?catid=22&threadid=1367

>> No.514768

I wonder if the dude punched his mother when he came back from college.

>> No.514770

I would rather just learn moon tbh, FC/SFC games are usually really cheap, and often boxed. Lousy american kids not taking care of their cardboard.

>> No.514775

Is there an app for stuff like that? I'm looking to expand my meager collection a bit, but I have no clue about prices.
It would help if I could look em up on the spot to have an idea.

>> No.514786


Try video game price charts

>> No.514791


>> No.514801
File: 202 KB, 1392x634, Fucking Earthbound.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Son of a bitch.

>> No.514812

That's unfortunately the case.

>> No.514815

Thanks. Should I add a % for pal games, or are they usually around the same price? I'm from Belgium.

>> No.514816

World Series Baseball 95 a good game

>> No.514841

Should be around the same price I'd imagine.
It's always good to have a couple $ leeway as resellers are trying to make a profit if you're in an actual store.

>> No.514850
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This shit. Aside from the ungodly asking price, it's a PAL proto, which means it's identical bit for bit with the final release.

>> No.514909

Seeing how this thread is full of people who know their shit...

Let's say I took a pokemon sapphire cart and switched its clock battery... Would the save data on the cart get wiped?

>> No.514930

>one of the rarest games ever

You should be shot if you lie so blatantly during a sale.

>> No.514936


Don't confuse demand for rarity.

Earthbound sold 140K copies, which makes it uncommon and not rare.

LttP isn't even remotely uncommon.

Both are in very high demand.

>> No.514935


>> No.514940

I just emulate my NES and SNES games.

What I have noticed that is pissing me off already. Is that people are already jacking up Gamecube games.

Ironically a good deal of N64 games are still decently priced. I was glad to be able to pick up goldeneye and some other favorites for sub 10 dollar price tags and that was on eBay.

>> No.514948

what a shit

>> No.514949


That cart saves to flash memory. It'll stay there even if the clock battery is dead or removed.

>> No.514954

What do you consider jacking up?

>> No.514956

Yeah, pretty sure the battery in the GBA games was just for the RTC.

>> No.514959


Like 30-40 dollars for Wind Waker.

>> No.514969

Jesus, like 4 years ago I bought it for $20 at my local ma and pa shop. Why are the prices rising all the sudden?

>> No.514970

>He removed the sticker off of the cartridge and replaced it with a bullshit 'proto' label he whipped up on his computer
>Acquired the VGA 'No Grade' certification because the guy flat out just asked for it

Straight up legitimate scam.

>> No.514972

GC games have always held their price. I've never seen a copy of Smash Bros or Sunshine go fur under $20.

>> No.514976

Wrong. Keep watching your fucking Big Bazinga Theory and pretending to know about gaming.

>> No.514980


>> No.514993

You wouldn't notice, you have it already.

>> No.514987

I haven't noticed a demand for it increasing, so there's no reason for it to change.

>> No.514990

Not even that guy but, his story sounds believable to me.

>someone gets a good deal
>has never been to a resale shop

Maybe you should just step your game up. There are still people who don't know/care about the value of old games and just want to sell them quickly.

>> No.515000

No pawn shop is going to sell LttP for $7.50. Nothing with 'Zelda' on it is going to change hands for less than $15, even fucking casual cashier minimum wage plebs will throw a zero on there because they know nerds and queers buy up Zelda shit like it's Invader Zim shirts at Hot Topic.

>> No.515002

Supply and demand as always. It can be a common game, but if there isn't an excess of stock available, or someone buys up all the stock they can ask higher prices.
It's something you'll see some people on here don't understand, but it's also why people have legitimate reason to be mad at resellers who buy up all the stock they can to have a monopoly and drive prices up.
Earthbound is a great example, as it's an uncommon game in high demand.

>> No.515010

This. Some unfunny lame-ass faggot on youtube does a crappy review or let's play and inflates the status of some game, eBAY whores and worthless shits buyout as many copies as they can and bounce up and down squealing in their furry diapers as they watch the price skyrocket, gradually selling copies week after week so they don't have to get a real job.

>> No.515020

I hate to be "that" guy to have to say it but the youtube generation is ruining nearly everything.

>> No.515032

>it's Conker's Bad Fur Day

>> No.515042

I'm being pretty cruel and exaggerating to be honest, but yeah, the youtube generation pretty much -is- fucking everything up.

>> No.515069

>work in a resale shop
>get a bag full of SNES games
>super Mario, alttp, some sports games
>pricers put $10 tag on the bag and move on

I'm not sure why you're so anrgy though.

>> No.515078

what is up with the big box ridge racer? mine is a large plastic case instead of cardboard like other big box games

>> No.515092

Liar, you are going to go to hell for that

>> No.515102


>> No.515104

>game devs won't be rewarded for their quality long lasting products.

>> No.515115

They will if they held onto any beta copies. Someone somewhere has the unreleased Sim City on NES, and they could easily sell it for $20-30k.

>> No.515178


>the case is taped shut and you pry it open and see that the cd has been left between two 20 ton water powered millstones for 20 years.

Captcha: ershipap upon

>> No.515649
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Somebody has to.

>> No.515693

Why would you grade a prototype? Half the fun is taking it apart to see how the board is different from the final release.

>> No.515726

>graded by VGA
>NG - No Grade

>> No.515763
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>That Pokemon Pinball missing it's battery cover

>> No.515768
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This shit pisses me off the most. Mainly when they throw in the word rare out of no where.

>> No.515793

There actually are some rare copies of Super Mario Bros, but you can't tell by looking at them. There is a small amount of them out there that are actually the Famicom version with a Famicom - NES converter on it.

Chances of finding one of these is slim to none, however.

>> No.515809

>never goes outside
>savers (local goodwill type store in NE USA) sells SNES game grab bags for ~$7
>DKC 1&2, SMW for $10

Cart only, had to ask a worker if I could mix and match the bag contents so I didn't end up with 1 decent game and 2 sports games, but still.

Stay mad and autistic bro.

>> No.515817

Nintendo Age has the cart at a 4 (common) and the box/man at a 6 (uncommon). Rarity Guide has it at a 61%, almost in the orange, but still in the yellow. I'd say it's uncommon, not rare.

>> No.515823

It's marked No Grade, he only did it to show that it had been 'authenticated' by the VGA, whatever the fuck that means.

>> No.515827

Fantastic refutation.

>> No.515894
File: 9 KB, 720x540, not even the .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>game case inside a packet got sliced by the customs.
>sender binds 5 jewel cases together with duct tape and some paper wrapped around it. sends it from asia to europe. receive 100-pieces puzzle
>get samurai spirirts 4 aes from japan. hear something is loose in the module case. game doesnt work. have to open case and resolder. now game was opened and has much less resale value

>> No.515914

I remember on an episode of The Retro Hunters, one of the guys asked a reseller "How do you sleep at night?". Don't remember what game it was, but a reseller had a ridicules price on something. Typical reseller.

>> No.516095

The only proper response to such a retarded question is ON A PILE OF HUNDRED DOLLAR BILLS, then slap the offender with your cane.

>> No.516425

Unless they turn their back for five minutes, then a tripfag youtube ebayer will manipulate and hustle everyone he holds dear to give him the game for a nickel.

>> No.516459

Yeah, that's how I got Dragon Warrior 3, 4, and Ogre Battle March of the Black Queen, all complete and hand-signed by the development teams of each of the games and a treasure map that led me to a pokeball with a real pikachu in it.

>> No.516470

It just means that they sent it back and were unwilling to grade it. An actual score authenticates the title. No Grade is what non-authentic games receive.

>> No.516610
File: 172 KB, 400x464, 1305295530313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The box has been flattened like a pancake
>Instruction manual has been torn page from page, laminated, and then placed into a three ring binder.
>Game's map has been cut and divided into 9 segments and rearranged like a pop-up book with collage-cutouts from a haircut photo album stolen from a cheap hair salon.
>The description on the back of the box has been whited out and pasted over it is a Cosmo Girl Confession titled "Embarrassing Butt Blooper" and a picture of Anne Frank wearing a naruto headband with a swastika on it.
>Original cover art has been stripped away with rubbing alcohol and steel wool and replaced by a Deviantart Print of the game's iconic main character being sodomized by an anthropomorphic skunk girl with gigantic throbbing balls and a full diaper with stink lines and flies.
>Title of the game on the top of the cartridge has been covered by a label-gun sticker that says "He Enjoyed It"

>Mfw the eBay auction said, "ULTRA RARE: PunchOut Special Edition, complete, w/minor superficial wear and alteration"

>> No.516631

>Ultra Rare
Man, that fucking irritates me, and I bet it wasn't even the special edition, but just fucking the one with Mike Tyson in it.

>> No.516652

But I have a copy right here. And every other main Pokemon game through Gen 2.

They aren't rare, they're expensive because everybody wants them, that doesn't make them rare.

>> No.516660

You must be one of the richest kings of Europe to possess such rare and fabled treasures. Tell me, do you even have the instructions?

>> No.516713
File: 2.59 MB, 300x273, help.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Instruction manual has been torn page from page, laminated, and then placed into a three ring binder.
Why would anyone do this?

>> No.516730
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>> No.516740

Those games are pretty rare man, you should buy them quickly before someone else does.

>> No.517115

the Bang Bang Terry is what caused this price inflation boom in the first place. CHUCK LORRE FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU TO HELL!

>> No.517132
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>> No.517224

Doesn't matter. Retards will bid on it, and not do buy it now because they want it for less than $100. Then the buy it now will no longer be valid, and the price will soar up to $200+. You can't stop this bubble.

>> No.517236

What pisses me off the most is that I know I'll never successfully sell my games for the amount that a reseller would.

You've got to really love the video games you're buying if you're paying $100+ because you probably won't make that back.

>> No.517229

>Fake inflation, a bubble, fucktards driving the price up, I don't know.
No, that's exactly it. Artificial inflation, a pricing bubble and fucktards driving the price up.

It happens with retro games (and collectables in general) all the time. Also, because too many uninformed people have too much money that they're willing to throw at shameless resellers flipping games for mad jewgolds, there's not a whole lot that we can do about it.

>> No.517231

Well, at least I tried to stop it. Hypothetically.

>> No.517245

You just have to list them well. As I said before, I am a reseller, (thought I do not sell games I don't have yet... I keep those) you just have to find a successful auction, then click sell one like this, and alter the listing slightly.

>> No.517248

Is it really that hard to believe, dude? LttP only goes for twenty or so on fucking eBay, and I can get it at my local gaming store for $15. $7.50 is a good deal, but not so mind-blowingly amazing that I would find it impossible to believe.

>> No.517286


Goddamn that shit is moronic.


>> No.517295

>They attached a price sticker to the label on the cartridge with some kind of supernatrual bonding magic

>> No.517310

>Open disk before buying or better yet, disk arrives and you finally check it
>It seems to have been replaced with a circular scratch holder

>The article gives the actual overpriced prices

Not bad in the slightest, but the greatest thing ever
>GAME cartridge only, non-functional 10cents
>snatch it up
>Clean the dirt out of the connectors or replace the battery
>Works like new

I'd do the same with systems but broken ones are usually a little to expensive to risk them actually being broken

>> No.517319

LttP goes for 30$ at my retrovidya store

They have wonky prices for everything Mario/Zelda related

>> No.517329
File: 42 KB, 426x318, jesuschristhowhorrifying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Price sticker is placed on the graphix side of the disk

>> No.517338

>Hey this NES is refurbished and has all new pins
>get it home and it's classic blinking power light and flashing screen
>open it up and it's dirty as hell
>even after cleaning the contacts it's still fucked
fucking hate resellers who don't check their shit and lie

>> No.517356

More like someone will instantly hit the buy it now button and flip it for $200.

>> No.517362

I can't really get complete games locally, so I use the internets, which leads to some issues.

>complete lightening force in great condition
>insert is covered in water stains beneath the plastic

Fucking amazon.

>> No.517372

This is a job, though. These people are self-employed.

>> No.517383

What if it's Donkey Kong Country? That's Rare. So is Battletoas and Rad Racer!

>> No.517404

My local pawnshop charges a $5 flat fee for retrogames. It could be Stadium Events or eArthbound or Sonic 2 or SMB/DH. REtro game? $5, retro console? $20, retro console CIB? $30-40 depending on condition of box.

>> No.517418

I envy you.

>> No.517473

Valuable does not equal rare

>> No.517505
File: 22 KB, 400x300, 377946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alttp at local game stores goes for 70-100
>Goes for 30 on amazon
Cart only of course.

>> No.517563


>commenting on a picture posted a month and a half ago


>> No.517863

The cases or the cover art?

>> No.517875

But that's so low! Don't you know that Earthbound is one of the rarest games ever created?

>> No.517895

When you've been collecting long enough to get a bunch of games and now you can't really find much to get because you've gotten most of the ones you wanted.

It sucks going to usual stomping grounds and leaving with nothing just because they don't have stuff you don't have for you to buy.

>> No.517906

buy them anyway
Give them to u in BST threads

>> No.517908

Said this before but bears repeating because it made me so damn angry:

>garage sale
>selling PS2 games in boxes /w manuals for two bucks each
>old fag tries to haggle me down to one dollar


>> No.517917

buy some doubles if they are cheap enough and trade them to a collect for something else you are looking for

>> No.517938


How illegal would it be for a few guys to sell a game back and forth amongst themselves so there's a good history of a game going for a reasonable price?

>> No.517964

It's only illegal if you get caught

>> No.517984


So it's illegal?

>> No.517994

Yes, market manipulation is illegal. However, it's for a single game that's over a decade old, I doubt anyone will care too much.

>> No.518051
File: 59 KB, 357x402, -_-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seller at flea market selling retro games for $3-5 each
>pick up any Mario title
>how much?
>oh, that one's $20

>> No.518561

>I don't know if it's illegal, but it's certainly against ebay policy.

>> No.518569

Fuck, why did I greentext? Just read that normally.

>> No.518778

>not for resale

What was the point of that?

>> No.518783

>guy selling games
>ask how much games for each system are
>"oh they all have different prices"
>just walk away since I know he's going to screw me over

>> No.518875
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>there are crazy little kids running around and their parents wondering what the fuck we're doing there

why, WHY there's always those annoying little fuckers around gamestores or arcades.

>> No.518883

>set up table at fleamarket with buddy
>lay out some old vidyers I've picked up over the years along with other electronics I'd cleaned up
>do my research and price them all reasonably
>few hours later, a neckbeard with a burrito waddles over and starts eyeballing the merchandise
>picks up a snes cartridge and asks me how much despite the green sticker with the 20 on it
>takes a bite out of his bean burrito
>tell him it's twenty since it's a bit rarer than the other games
>he snorts and huffs
>adjusts his fedora
>offers me five for it
>can see the collector's lust in his porcine eyes
>nope, twenty
>tell him I'm selling cheaper games if he's interested
>he scowls with his jowls and shuffles off to find a better deal
>comes back an hour later and buys the game
>he has a new burrito

I know you're here, and I wanted to thank you for your business, fatty.

>> No.518901

Those were for games that were for demo units, part of a set, etc.

>> No.518904

Demo carts, store models, prototypes, etc.

N64 NFR games sell for tons. Especially variants like gray DK64 or MM carts.

>> No.520671

Marios are worth more nerd

>> No.520679

Usally came as pack ins with the consoles

>> No.520802
File: 94 KB, 487x348, 6536576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-VGA. I absolutely refuse buying games in those cases because of their lack of standards and overall ripoff. All it does it hurt customers, because someone who pays to get it rated expects to get their money back and then some for the time it took. Also, it's not a reliable system because they basically put any number they want without a checklist of criteria. Seriously, fuck VGA.

-Trying to pass of something as rare when it's pretty common.

-One title I need to complete a series is a super popular game that isn't rare but sells high because fans will pay stupid high prices.

-People think the older the item = automatically more valuable.

-Try to pay them a fair price on one item to be nice, they hike another item to the same price even though it's not worth it. Or simply comment I really like the game/it's good and the price gets jacked up. I understand you're supposed to poker face until after the deal but I know people aren't playing these old games just give me a fair price goddamn.

-Some people (mostly at garage sales) seem to be bitter toward me because I collect video games and I'm older. They probably think I resell them for high money when really I just collect what I want to play.

-They try to sell me toys because collecting video games obviously means I also collect toys.

But hey, I still love doing it for that chance at finding a holy grail. Honestly, I think it's just the adventure of what could happen rather than what I do find which is nothing about 90% of the time.

>> No.521082

what game was it?

>> No.521098


Everything about that was correct. Stay mad.

>> No.521124
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>come home for friend's birthday
>no present
>go to thrift store for a last-minute gift
>remember he never had a ps1 growing up
>go through the meager ps1 game section
>"hey, that'd be great since he's never played it bef-"
>for the greatest hits copy

Ended up just buying him a Gamecube, Metroid Prime, Wind Waker, Mary Kate and Ashley's Sweet Sixteen, and a memory card for $40.

>> No.521127

>waste gas and time to go to local game shop, find cartridge only games for ridiculous prices
>same cartridges on amazon are half the price after shipping and come right to your door

>> No.521161
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Holy shit, you really don't know about the whole "if it's popular it's going to stay a higher price" thing? Oh my fucking god... Take newer games even. I know it's not retro, but apparently he doesn't understand older games. There's a reason why games like Skyrim and Catherine aren't $20 yet, but games like TNA Impact dropped in about a month or two.


>> No.521180

Probably for the best

>> No.521189
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>stores not offering a refund even within a 24 hours

Fucking Game Force can suck a dick.

>> No.521190


Yeah that means he's going to set the price on each one depending on the reaction of the customer, with ebay price being the minimum.

>> No.521205
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>local place offers 1 month returns on defective games and 7 day returns for any reason whatsoever

>> No.521209

I'm jelly.

>> No.521238
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>People with no jobs scouring sales and thrift stores to flip shit on ebay

Fucking this. Worst kind of fucking people because you know theyre the assholes on ebay demanding 20 dollars for SMB3. I dont care how many people go "but its a job!" There are plenty of decent jobs you can get, contrary to what FOX News would have people believe.

The only funny part about this is you can ALWAYS spot these people. They ALWAYS wear glasses, a kangol hat, and have a lot of facial hair. I also notice alot of them wear jeans jackets.

The best feeling in the world is walking out of a thrift store with something like a NES or old action figure and watch these people turn their heads in envy.

>> No.521252


I feel bad for you man. Im a bit on the younger side, and I generally get the reverse (people are nicer to me because they automatically think I wont resell it but am rather buying it for myself, which I do anyway.)

I have to admit I myself am a little bit biased towards older toy/game collectors because most of them ARE resellers (at least in my part of the country) but I have met some older guys who are genuine, and have even made lasting friendships with some, we even look for stuff the others need (ie. Ill keep an eye out for Super Metroid if you keep an eye out for Castlevania.)

>> No.521256

I've actually experienced all of these at one store.

>ask store clerk a game related question
>some random, fat neckbeard jumps in and tries to belittle you with his knowledge
>especially annoying when the neckbeard don't know his shit and argues with you when you point that out

>call up store
>"do you have X game?
>"yes we do, we'll set it aside for you!"
>go to store
>"Oh yeah, someone bought that last week, we don't have it anymore"

>ask clerk for price for somewhat rare game
>it's really cheap
>ask for price on really common game that they have 15 copies of
>"oh, that one's expensive"

They also make new customers pay more for the same games. when I was new to the store, they tried to charge me $20 for a game I bought off them a year later for $5...

I don't go there often, but it's th eonly local place I can walk in and buy retro vidya, so I occasionally go back.

>> No.521257

Price stickers on the game label that tears it off because the glue is shit is what makes me mad.

>> No.521269

>They try to sell me toys because collecting video games obviously means I also collect toys

To be fair, a decent amount of nerds who play vidya also like to collect toys.

>> No.521283


It's just the area I'm in. Backwoods retards and white trash. Games are for kids and that is that, according to them.

>> No.521285

Anti rage: during a flea market, some asian guy was selling his old dreamcast games, japanese version, full with the spine card and stuff.

It was Blue Stinger, Biohazard CV and Marvel vs Capcom 2. I asked him how much costed the game, he said it was 1€ by cd. So for 4€ (since BIO has 2) I was able to buy all these.

Felt great.

>> No.521414

I'm this guy again, went to bed after I posted:

Don't know if you're still in this thread, but yeah I remember HO/RC, though I only got to go there once or twice. As a kid I got a GBA link cable and Metroid II. Definitely gonna check out Heckle and Jeckle sometime.

If we're talking about western NY game stores, the only small business ones I go to most often are Game Crazes. The three I've been to are in Victor, Canandaigua, and East Rochester.

The Victor one is great, good guys who know their stuff and always have video game swag like shirts and whatnot. The manager knew I was looking for a Sega CD, so he kept his eye out. The latest one he came across was broken, but he let me have it for free anyway. It'd be sweet to get it working again.

Canandaigua one was once good, but now I'm pretty sure it's a front for drugs. Guys there are shady, and they put price stickers on the fucking paper inserts of game boxes.

I've only been to the East Rochester one once, but I got a Sega Saturn and a few games there. I noticed they had a LOT of Neo Geo Pocket Colors with peripherals like worm lights for them too. Would like to check it out again, lots of Atari computer and C64 stuff too from what I remember.

Unfortunately, a local store called Video Game Monster in Fairport closed for business in October. I always found good stuff there, got my SNES collection started there.

>> No.521637
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Any other BSTs that price gouge and have FB pages? I...I know it's dumb, but it's k...kind of fun exposing what they're doing. I mean, if nothing else, to let oth..others know that they're getting ripped off.

>> No.521774

Yea I'm still here, I don't get to the eastside a lot as I live on the westside, have to check some of the other Game Crazes out. I'm probably going to be offloading my C64 and Amiga stuff soon tbh.
I was in there yesterday, and *gasp* like I said, just did some haggling and walked out with the games I wanted for cheaper than you find them on ebay or most price charting sites.
Like most resellers they mark up the popular retro titles because thanks to youtubers and shows like the Big Bang Theory "retro" people will pay the sticker price without doing any research. Pokemon definitely falls under that wing. Oh and they haven't seen anymore bootleg carts in besides the pokemon ones he said he wish they would (so do I as I'm after some of the NES and Famicom ones).

>> No.521792

This whole thread
>what is supply and demand

>> No.523825

Not all of it
>Supply of stickers/writing is high
>Demand for it on games/boxes is low