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File: 84 KB, 800x534, 2761-paparium-announced-for-sega-mega-drive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5129860 No.5129860 [Reply] [Original]

Just a reminder that if you want your money back from this scam you're going to have to contact your bank and issue a chargeback.

>> No.5129951

But they're having a fancy French launch party, anon. It's happening.

>> No.5132286


The party was a huge failure, the expensive Paprium arcade cabinet (paid with preorder money) didn't work and Fonzie had to show off a very early proto build with a ton of glitches and no enemies or music.
Some people are saying that this is actually the current state of the game, and that its gonna take AT LEAST another year before its remotely playable.

Furthermore we've discovered that Fonzie spend more time on creating some sort of Frankenstein cartridge with a wireless connection so you can buy DLC with his patented paprium gems. (available to buy on his watermelon site)

This guy is insane, even if this thing ever gets released it won't make a difference, Watermelon the company is DEAD.

>> No.5132291

I just love hearing about the endless stream of incompetence which oozes from this man.

>> No.5132325
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Well, you see Anon, in this Internet, things get confused out there: power, ideals, the old morality, practical retro gamer necessity. But out there with these fan boys, it must be a temptation to be god, because there's a conflict in every human heart, between the rational and the irrational, between good and evil, and good does not always triumph. Sometimes, the dark side overcomes what Lincoln called the better angels of our nature. Every man has got a breaking point. You and I have one. Fonzie has reached his, and very obviously, he has gone insane.

>> No.5132392 [DELETED] 



From what he writes i would say Fonzie is an overt Narcissist. Hence the pathological lying and overall delusive behaviour.

Presenting background scrolling with no sound at an "official launch party", all after five years of hard work is pretty funny though.

>> No.5132397



From what the Fonzie dude writes i would say he clearly is an overt Narcissist. Hence the pathological lying and overall delusive behaviour.

Presenting background scrolling with no sound at an "official launch party", after five years of hard work is pretty funny though. You have to give him that!

>> No.5132407

I just learned about this game from the shit storm of bitching from fans after the 'Launch Party' and I gotta say I'm glad I didn't cuz the artwork looks great and some talented folks are on this project being let down by weak or lazy programming or planning.

Lets hope SOR 4 will end up scratching that bup itch soon.

>> No.5132497

>Create brawler
>Main theme is sweaty buff bodybuilders in leather thongs

What eh.. what are you trying to tell us Fonz?

>> No.5132579

That he likes pro wrestling?

>> No.5132581

But that's gay

>> No.5132583
File: 45 KB, 620x460, NotThatTheresAnythingWrongWithThat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5133065

So what happened with this game? Last I remembered they made Pier Solar, and then were working on a Genesis and SNES game. Looking around it looks like the main guy scammed all his talent out of working for him or some shit.

>> No.5133076

This is a good time to remind everyone DONT BUY GAMES BEFORE THEY'RE EVEN MADE. DONT DO IT. DONT.

>> No.5133289

Another idiot designer who thinks that cooking up all the concepts means the hard part is done.

>> No.5133327

inb4 "it's not a scam because they said in the fine print on page 14 that you agree to them owning you and your girlfriend forever, now excuse me I have more dick to suck".

>> No.5134284


>> No.5134291

Original games for retro consoles count as /vr/ you idgit.

>> No.5134296

It’s actually a mental illness

>> No.5134345

oh really, did you get cured?

>> No.5134563

Krikzz should allow pier solar on the mega everdrive since the devs for it are con artists.

>> No.5134587

Is something currently preventing that?

>> No.5134593

Yeah, respect for the developers for some reason still.

>> No.5134596

Okay but what's actually physically preventing it right now? Some line of code? I don't use flashcarts so I'm not in the know about them.

>> No.5134606

Pier Solar uses a custom mapper

>> No.5134614

>since the devs for it are con artists.
It's just Fonzie. Lot of the people who worked on Pier Solar left WM years ago and a few of them have been having to clarify they''ve had absolutely no involvement with Paprium because Fonzie's fuck ups are now ruining their reputation.

>> No.5134627

This is great, someone is passing for WM community manager to try to do damage control.

>> No.5134631


>> No.5134635

french forum gamopat
On sega-16 ex-WM Luis actually contacted WM CM, which denied making the forum post.

>> No.5134697


>> No.5134704
File: 11 KB, 224x291, 1437055732472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kind of shit could easily be avoided if Fonzie would fucking make a post on the WM blog more than once a year.

>> No.5134826

It amaze me how almost (but not all, thankfuly) gamopat posters are drinking the WM kool-aid

>> No.5134831


Sega-16 Paprium forum thread, there's a ton of links posted with youtube videos and translated comments from people who visited the party and firsthand saw the horribly early proto and broken arcade machine in the corner.

So this epic launch party turned out to be Fonzie getting his shoulders rubbed by 2 leather wearing black guys while showing off a horribly early proto of the game (apparently dated 2018).

And in the end all we learned is that :
A) The game is not finished AT ALL.
B) Fonzie wasted a lot of money on this failure of a party.
C) The game will feature some sort of weird cartridge with a bluetooth connection so you can buy DLC from Fonzie so he can make even more money.

Fuck Fonzie, fuck Watermelon.

>> No.5134891

I am interested in seeing one of these translated videos.

>> No.5134982

seems that gamopat admin(s) didn't even bother to verify if the person was the real CM, since poster then stopped and asked for posts deletion lol.

>> No.5135087

More like someone is troling them considering the 'quality' of that supposed damage control

>> No.5135107
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Yeah, no shit.
>when /vr/ is as impulsive as /v/

>> No.5135123

at this point everything is possible, including fonzie doing the CM impersonation

>> No.5135130
File: 6 KB, 320x220, ;^).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Supposedly the game is done but the Chinese factory won't let the product leave till they have the rest of thier money.
Fonzie is literally "that kid" in an adult body.

>> No.5135574
File: 50 KB, 363x500, 500_F_218309286_8AUlQHmKu5hAaSrZNWot8za8tF3XbIrZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it IS a scam because i gave money to something with zero obligation to provide me with a product and im not responsible for my own actions
deal wit it. hes an idiot and your a moron. case closed.

>> No.5135610
File: 34 KB, 500x437, 25fpcl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is literally a scammer scheme.

>> No.5135618

the gems hes not obligated to even make or sell, that people parted money to under the condition of literally "lmao whatever"? do explain

>> No.5135636

>bluetooth-enabled DLC on a cart

Oh come on now surely not even Fonzie is that fucking stupid.

>> No.5135647

under the counter part of preorder, regular dev updates.
you can't just go "buy and have this" then go "lolnope", in fact gems purchase to indirectly fund was probably mean to circumvent paypal policy. Paypal then LOLNOPEd hard (with reason)

>> No.5135669
File: 235 KB, 915x1280, wm_expectations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5135810

>So what happened with this game?

Nothing happened. After like 2 or 3 years. Other than more and more outrageous rumours coming out, like that he wants to put audio jack on the cart that you can connect to a phone (not an iPhone obviously) to allow for netplay.

>> No.5135893

Have you guys seen this? https://papriumfiasco.wordpress.com/

I have seem some psychotic/obsessive behaviour online before, but holy shit, the sheer amount of stuff on this blogpost alone is crazy. Whoever this dude is so fucking invested in this project, look how much thought he put into it, making fancy graphics and everything. It's a single fucking game. Imagine anyone spending this length of time watching and coming up with "theories" about a single project, jfc what a psycho.

>> No.5135926
File: 656 KB, 600x400, DqoUhIuX4AAw3qu.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some suggested it was fonzie at the start of blog. Now I don't think so.
But hey, at least the vid he made is hilarious

>> No.5135959


>> No.5135964

Have literally never heard of this.

>> No.5135967
File: 44 KB, 550x336, 820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ha ha he got you anon!

>> No.5136943
File: 205 KB, 1200x1200, Dqiui3OWoAEOfeC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>packshot lists an URL for "megawire"-online-gaming-shit-whatever
>domain is not reserved
>some guy bought it and made a trolling-page out of it

>> No.5136975

The problem is WM has a horrible habit of giving important information in damn near everywhere but their official website or social media pages like that which makes what would usually be a blatant troll seem way more plausible.

>> No.5137105

How can someone be this fucking inept? It must be on purpose.

>> No.5137259


He got rid of his entire team because he refused to pay them or got into fights when he'd insist on doing things the stupid way. (like how he's handling things now)
The guy is clearly mentally ill, it's kinda sad.

>> No.5137403
File: 19 KB, 209x200, 200_s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fanboys over on sega-16 and wm's forums didn't take our joke that well though

>> No.5137414

>The fanboys over on sega-16
u fockin wot m8? They are tearing into fonzie even worse than we are. The only thing they even said about the url is that fonzie got "trolled" and that he's fucking retarded for buying the domain years ago and then letting it lapse randomly.

>> No.5137430

Fine, people over on sega-16 mostly feared it could delay manufacturing which in and of itself is funny considering the state of the game itself will probably delay everything

>> No.5137589
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>> No.5138061

well, play stupid games, win stupid prices \:D/

>> No.5138064

so they still thing there's actually going to be a game at all?

>> No.5138140

there are some totally delusional fucks that still believe fonzie can do no bad. Very few, compared to the numbers on gamopat.
there are ex WMs, which are very critical of fonzie behaviour but can't yet let it go, either because involvement or because they played something more playable years ago
but the immense majority of sega-16 are pretty much "fuck this clown"

>> No.5138205

Don't sega fans shit on anything not model 1 because of the different sound chip?

>> No.5138218

Yes. Wouldn't you know it, there was no sound from the """demo"""...

>> No.5138348

Someone sneezing in Fonzie's direction could delay production at this point.

>> No.5138383

The whole episode is just a valuable teaching moment where the lesson is to never, ever, EVER contribute to crowd funding. Wait until there's a finished product.

>> No.5138512

Pretty shitty that all the faggots like fonzie out there ruin it for people that genuinely need some funding to start their project. But yeah, learned my lesson getting burned hard af with MN9 still waiting for the Vita version

>> No.5138517

The faster cpu can't talk with the megadrive hardware though. Not directly. Only though complex time-sharing mechanism you have to code in for BOTH sides of the system, which wastes so much time that using the 2nd cpu for computing just slows you down.

>> No.5138604

fonzie was/is planning enemy AI on MCD CPU :^)

>> No.5138639

So now you will need a Sega CD to play the game. Was this announced before pre-ordering started? I thought the cart was going to be an FPGA? Can’t they just use one with enough space for extra processing power?

What an absolute shit show.

>> No.5138645

nah, optional feature.

>> No.5138792

It's for the ally CPU iirc, actually. It's so you could have a CPU partner to play co-op with in the absence of a 2nd player, which is kind of cool, but is seriously not something Fonzie should be wasting his fucking time with when the game is already 2 years past the initial release date and seemingly doesn't even have enemies on screen yet.

>> No.5138798

>~79 months in development
>literally nothing to show off
Big oof.

>> No.5138871

>ally CPU

Holy shit this guy needs his priorities straightened.

>> No.5138909


Instead of using the Sega CD he should have fucking used a better chip than his stupid finicky datenmeister and used that for cpu player.
Fonzie is an idiot.

>> No.5138926

>deving retrogame
>be so insecure that you have to include a cray inside the cart instead of working with limitations

>> No.5138945

How about not include the cpu ally at all since no matter how incredible his programming skills are it's still never going to be a substitute for real human multiplayer?

>> No.5138973

Didn't Final Fight 3 on Snes have cpu assisted 2nd player? and that thing has the cpu of a toaster.
Fonzie can't program worth shit.

>> No.5139108

oh lawl, the gamopat admins locked the thread, they can't handle all the shit reported during the so called "after" party.

>> No.5139113

Yeah, I mean, the ally ai shouldn't even be very different from a single enemy on the screen anyways. Just have the attacks redirected to the enemies rather than the player, and have the ally hang around the player when no enemies are around so they can progress further into the stage. Either way, I don't see Fonzie getting it done, but then again I don't even know if he'll get the game itself done.

>> No.5139115
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He shouldn't be relying on stupid gimmick chips to begin with. The hell is the point in making a game for an older console if you're just gonna have most of it run off a special chip because there's no way the game could work on the hardware you're putting it on? I like the idea of homebrew because it's cool to see people push console hardware to its limits not just because I'm in desperate need for a new Sega Genesis game. Got literally hundreds I still need to play don't need anything new on top of that.

>> No.5140085

ironically the early model 2 has the best sound-chip, just the components driving it are shit.
>Ok So basically the best version of the FM chip is inside the early model 2 consoles, which ironically are renowned for having the worse sound!
>The horrible quality of the sound however has nothing to do with the chip but rather with the lackluster amplification circuit Sega used in those consoles.

>> No.5141016

>it's another "fonzie fucks up absolutely everything and then goes back to being completely silent" episode
jesus fucking christ I hate these so much

>> No.5142129


>> No.5143674

I don't even need to see a console pushed to its limits. Just make a good game.

>> No.5143932

>complex time-sharing mechanism

There are shared communication registers accessible anytime on both sides, there is nothing complex and no timing contraints either (one set of registers is read-only on one side, read-write on the other side, and the opposite for the other set of registers).

>which wastes so much time that using the 2nd cpu for computing just slows you down.

I really doubt it. The faster CPU would simply simulate player 2 behavior using info provided by genesis CPU through communication registers (level, enemies and first player position, whatever.. ) and return 2nd player simulated controller state through one of the other side communication register. Main CPU will only have to update some registers once per frame with RAM data and read 2nd player controller state from Sega CD registers instead of reading it from I/O port.

>> No.5143938

Actually it's more like he wants the game to be special and remembered for being the most impressive BTA game on genesis, not just another crappy looking and non-ambitious homebrew.

Sadly, there are bigger chances it will be only remembered as an epic project management failure.