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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 20 KB, 256x253, 256px-Mortal_Kombat_3_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5117527 No.5117527[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

OK VR/Troopers, today is a great day and I expect you all to enjoy it, too. No snarky comments, no "Why would you want that," no "OP is a Fag..." Well, OK, you can call me a fag...

I am about to undertake the preservation of stuff. Important stuff. Before we go and preserve it publicly, I wanted to make sure it's quietly available elsewhere so if we burn to death, it's not gone forever.

And so, I give you this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2a2hw8l7o2nnmdf/Mortal%20Kombat%20Sources%20Dump.tar.gz?dl=0

This giant 900 MB compressed file contains the following sub-compressed archives:


What are these things? Think about it.... What do you think they are? I got these from the original developer. We'll be doing a more formal preservation, but I want everyone to grab em and spread em so they don't get lost.

Want to build this stuff? Gonna need a system no later than Windows XP and an old ass version of Visual Studio.... If someone can get me a working XP code, I can get these built in a VM.

Oh, and I don't know how to build N64 games, so MK Ultimate might be tough to do.

Don't make me mad I did this. Do something cool with these assets. The sounds alone should yield some sort of awesome song.

>> No.5117576

Eh, who the fuck even cares anymore. Arcade versions are vastly superior and can be run on anything via MAME nowadays.

>> No.5117586

These aren't for running, dumbass. These are for fucking with the game, building for new platforms, ROM hacking, etc...

>> No.5117598

Nigger, I understand perfectly what these are. There isn't much you can do with the PSX/Win9x version of MK3, source or no source. Oh, you could compile it for Android, big fucking deal, you can just run UMK3 via MAME with way better graphics.

>> No.5117625

OP is a fag, why would you want that?

>> No.5117627

Cool and interesting contribution, OP. I'm no programmer, but I'm at least going to mess around with the sound bank. Thanks for the post.

>> No.5117628


>> No.5117630

How did you get these? Aren't you going to get in trouble?
Thanks for sharing anyway

>> No.5117654

No one here cares about this yet this same board will screech autistically when a collector buys an undumped game and dosent care to share.

>> No.5117663

/vr/ is filled with a lot of smooth brains, which is why they can only play games from the 90's

>> No.5117678

This. As someone who releases prototype stuff, I find it amusing how little attention some actual releases often get versus people freaking the fuck out when they find out someone has something but isn't releasing it.

Anyway, thanks OP. I lack the skill to make use of it, but it is great to see these things preserved. Any chance you also wound up with pre-final builds of these?

>> No.5117690

oooh yessss, yesss. this is very welcome. I've been looking for MK source codes for ages.

>> No.5117721

Sorry, no prebuilds.

Guy who dumped this said he spent most of his time at the studio advocating for the use of Subversion or at least CVS... They never used any type of version control...

>> No.5117729

The only worthwhile use of it I see is that somebody dedicated enough adds the missing UMK3 code by hand + makes this codebase work with the arcade assets at which point we might have OpenUMK3Arcade which could be pretty awesome and would kill all the shitty MUGEN's.

But eh, yeah I doubt anyone would give enough shits to do this.

>> No.5117741


Well part of the UMK3 source for PSX was leaked previously right? might be enough to copy information from.

As for its use, there's a lot of stuff that could be done, like you could port it to the Genesis and Snes, build your own MK1/2/3/U/T off it.

>> No.5117783

Yo, someone get this up on Archive.org

>> No.5118076
File: 658 KB, 280x212, 1442799425475.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is really neat, anon. I'd love to see someone expand or alter the game using this.

>> No.5118232

Neat. Will preserve, thanks.

>> No.5119024

I don't have enough knowledge to fuck with this in the way I wish I could, but hope to see someone else doing something cool with it.

>> No.5119045

This is actually really cool, thanks OP. As for the rest of you fags complaining what the fuck is wrong with you? I bet you're the same fags that cried over the StarCraft source code that idiot reddit or gave back to Blizzard.

>> No.5119049
File: 6 KB, 504x490, vv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

preserving MK3? preserve teletext lol

>> No.5119738

Excellent. The archives marked as Build and Runtime are actually the exact same files, a compiled build of MK3 for Win95. The retail build from the looks of it compared to the retail MK3 Win95. Same build dates and everything. Since the Win95 version of MK3 is already up on archive.org with the audio tracks as well, you could probably remove those two archives from this dump. Keep the sound archive though, it has more tracks listed than the retail version. I still need to poke around and see why the source code for the retail final build is that much smaller than the RC2 source code. Cleaned up code or stuff that got cut?

>> No.5119743

>Eh, who the fuck even cares anymore. Arcade versions are vastly superior and can be run on anything via MAME nowadays.

Actually, the old DOS/ Windows source code may be interesting. Those versions of the game were literally running the arcade code and closest to the arcade game out of all the old home ports. Just having that could be interesting on it's own, as it could be used to make a native modern freeware engine that can be customized and altered in many ways.

>> No.5119834

based and redpilled

>> No.5119858

I believe the Windows versions of 3 and Trilogy were straight up PSX ports.

>> No.5119864
File: 239 KB, 500x500, 19ea1a99c5a53a4cb3b05cbddeecbe684deb29024dac881db32a0ec34f1f19ee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're fucking awesome OP a thousands (you)s for you

>> No.5119871

>I believe the Windows versions of 3 and Trilogy were straight up PSX ports.

Were they? I thought all of the MK PC games were based on the arcade source code? But I guess that is only MK1 and MK2.

>> No.5120078

Amazing OP.
Someone should reupload this asap.

>> No.5120110

Thanks, OP, this is pretty cool.
What other stuff can you get your mitts on?

>> No.5120138

awesome op
you re doing a great service and I salute you

>> No.5120163

MK3_source_playstation_4_8_95.tar.gz is just a copy of the PsyQ PSX SDK ver 3.0. Is that a mistake?

>> No.5120202
File: 39 KB, 788x626, MK3ASM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, the RC2 source code gets more interesting by the minute. It includes ASM source code for MK3. Call me crazy, but does this look like it might be arcade source code?

>> No.5120268
File: 32 KB, 571x414, DOOM64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was just found in mktrilogy/make/do. Looks like we got ourselves a build of Doom 64 in here too!

>> No.5120280

I re-uploaded it on Archive.org


>> No.5120371

Noticed that some of these files have dates listed going all the way back to August 1994, way before MK3 was even released in Arcades in April 1995. It definitely appears that the PSX and PC ports were being worked on alongside the Arcade version probably using the same code.

>> No.5120381

To learn and make your own videogame duh

>> No.5120435
File: 628 KB, 1021x770, mktril.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MKTRILOGY_source_N64.tar\MKTRILOGY_source_N64\MKTRIL~1\MKTRIL~1.GZ\mktril.rom is a May 13th 1996 earlier build of the game with an UMK3 game over screen among other differences.

>> No.5120439

That's great. This should be reuploaded to Hidden-Palace or something if the original uploader doesn't mind.

>> No.5120445

>This was just found in mktrilogy/make/do. Looks like we got ourselves a build of Doom 64 in here too!

Is this true, or is it just some left over stuff from Doom 64? This might be just as interesting as the MK3 source code releases.

>MKTRILOGY_source_N64.tar\MKTRILOGY_source_N64\MKTRIL~1\MKTRIL~1.GZ\mktril.rom is a May 13th 1996 earlier build of the game with an UMK3 game over screen among other differences.

The N64 MK Trilogy source code as well?

>> No.5120465

Yes, MKT N64 source as archive suggests. Also with final builds of PAL and NTSC roms.

>> No.5120481

Doom 64 released later than MKT on the N54, it might be a pre-release build.

>> No.5120487

*N64 I meant to say. I need to go to bed.

>> No.5120620


>> No.5120657

Cool. I'll back it up to different stuff just in case the future is in need. Thanks.

>> No.5120692

Does anyone know how close the Windows port is to the arcade original? I've heard that it was the best port of the bunch.

>> No.5120701

Wow I don't know how the fuck you got ahold of this stuff but props to you for doing the right thing and working to share and preserve this.

>> No.5120731

same as psx port with shrunken hitboxes but no load times.

>> No.5120743

thisboardisshit just saying.
Ty op.

>> No.5120797
File: 40 KB, 362x362, 1457743388523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks OP for these files. Especially since I'm a true N64 nigger for life.

>> No.5120809

Took a little while, but glad to see y'all are on the case. Mad prps to the folks actually doing the forensics in here. God knows what's in these files, I literally got them and handed them directly to y'all first.

So, yeah, spread it, back it up everywhere, and keep digging! Like I said, they didn't use source control, so this is probably just a file server dump, and it's highly likely some games were built using copy/pasta from other games. That's entirely likely.

>> No.5120839

Good shit OP, always glad to see shit being preserved

>> No.5120865
File: 52 KB, 772x160, wrinkled nose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in the fuck is wrong with you people? This is a rare gift that does not come along often. Source code to any version of a popular game is something to behold. Thank you for sharing OP.

>> No.5120871

Probably the same people who want to crush the original discs/versions of games that get a "remaster" or "remake".

So pretty much you're arguing against George Lucas.

>> No.5120875

The OP is a fag guy is clearly being ironic, but again, for as many people who whine about "gib me da protoz! fukk hoardarz," it's surprising how few of them seem to actually care when they are allowed access to this kinda of cool stuff.

>> No.5120935

Cool shit

>> No.5121316

yeah fucking awesome I love source code!

>> No.5121397
File: 7 KB, 180x280, yep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're witnessing history in the making, boys

>> No.5121401

>Nigger, I understand perfectly what these are
No you didn't you fucking dumbass lmao now run along.

>> No.5121408

I don't know shit about source codes, but have a bump, mane.

>> No.5121442

Bring back Bamboozle.

>> No.5121484

what about mkt pc source? Dos/windows version runs at some whack refresh rate and fixing that would make it the best version.

>> No.5121507

>No snarky comments
You will get nothing but a thank you from me, but you are asking for something I guarantee won't be delivered.

I am sure someone will make some good use of this, and we appreciate it as a collective. If you ever get the chance to ask about NBA Hangtime, that would be more my speed....

However it will be interesting to see how people utilize this data. Very good stuff...again thank you!

>this same board will screech autistically when a collector buys an undumped game and dosent care to share
This board prides itself on being contrary. Most users are just here to complain and see that as contribution.

>> No.5121532
File: 122 KB, 900x600, scorpion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot for this OP. Do you happen to have the files for the Wavenet version of Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 as well? People have been clamoring for that for a long time.

>> No.5121543

Hello to all the resetera tranny faggots

>> No.5121603


>> No.5121615

>MK cosplay
why is always some spic

>> No.5121702

State of that thread.
>is this confirmed genuine? oooh I don't know if I want to trust 4channers on such a sensitive topic....

>> No.5121723

Lol figured they'd react this way.

>> No.5121782

Everyone say hello to the REEEsetera doxxers.

>> No.5121820

Links dead. Thanks reddit!!

>> No.5121821

There a buncha mirrors linked around this thread.

>> No.5121823

>Links dead. Thanks reddit!!

Don't worry frien, archive.org has you covered:


>> No.5121975

>PSX UMK3 source and assets have been on github for around 6 years
>rights holders literally don't give a fuck
>this MK3 source is up for not even a day
>some r*dditard or r*setera sjw reports the link to dropbox
Can you imagine being such a cucked good goy that you're more worried about a multibillion dollar company's IP protection than the company itself? The absolute state.

>> No.5121982


Hey, on Archive.org there's a torrent. With enough spreed this could get 100 regular seeders.

>> No.5122000

dropbox is shit

>> No.5122008

Resetera is probably doxxing whoever uploaded it to Dropbox as we speak.

>> No.5122064

thanks for the n64 source anon!

>> No.5122106

downloading the torrent and gonna be seeding for a while. for once op was not a fag.

>> No.5122141

They really are just the worst. It wouldn't surprise me. They doxxed the guy who leaked the supposed Smash roster.

>> No.5122143

Seeding the Archive.org torrent:


I added a few open trackers in case IA removes the file, which they likely will at some point. These new trackers will take up the slack when it happens.

>> No.5122161

awesome contribution OP! Thanks

>> No.5122180

thanks OP

>> No.5122209

thanks gonna modify them to see what happens

>> No.5122218

its the product of late stage neoliberalism and obamas legacy, indivudual place branding ahead of themselfs

shitposting aside, great work op, lets hope interesting projects come out of this!

>> No.5122241

Seriously though, what is their problem?

>> No.5122243

When I was young that was the only way I could see porn.

>> No.5122246

they had multiple 100 page threads on a delayed nintendo direct. Normal people just go to church and shit if they have no meaning in their lives but they obviously can't do that so they turn to corporations.

>> No.5122265

VERY cool

>> No.5122269


fuck resetera

>> No.5122271


they're a bunch of corporate boot licking authoritarian faggots

>> No.5122313

Yo OP this is actually pretty dope thanks VRo

>> No.5122323

Thank you for preserving this piece of software. Despite what others might say, sharing is the best way of preservation.

>> No.5122546

Don't get all conspiratorial and pissy about Reddit and Resetera. OP took dropbox down because y'all got this shit rehosted. Twas OP's choice. Return to your normal reverse engineering activities, please.

>> No.5122669


>> No.5122671

Hello fellow Resetera member, have you taken your daily HRT yet? I did so along with drinking some good old Onions before reporting the link in OP for copyright infringement! I mean, yikes! Copyright infringement, these people have no idea about the glory of Marxism!

>> No.5122675

>check the RE thread
>last post literally is doxxing the leaker
>but actually it probably isn't even him, just a 'I have a feeling' and therefore blaming someone highly likely to be innocent

>> No.5122679

Why would it have this in there? Possible it was due to include a demo of Doom 64?

>> No.5122689

>literally doxxing the leaker
what the fuck are you even talking about, there's literally nobody in that thread that's trying to put a stop to this

>> No.5122703

I looked and it did seem to be worded like the witchhunt was over
But it's incredibly unlikely to be him surely because it's too obvious

>> No.5122716

They're obviously referring to the source of the Turok source leak, not the MK source leak. And it isn't doxing so much as it's "hey this guy publicly stated he had the Turok source code, now it's been released, it could have been him". No personal information beyond the video itself was shared.

I never thought I'd see the day that I stood up for the cesspool of ignorance and hypocrisy that is resetera.

>> No.5122718

>no no it's okay because they just named someone it MIGHT have been so leave my friends alone

>> No.5122725

And in full context, the ultimate suggestion is he had access to the MK code too else why mention it in that thread at all

>> No.5122731

Or, if you read the thread, someone asked if this is the first time the source to an N64 game leaked, to which someone replied no, the Turok source recently leaked...

>> No.5122737

Recently leaked like the MK code which was also acquired via Acclaim but in your mind, for some reason, cannot at all be related

>> No.5122739

>why yes I respond to ResetEra shills in good faith

>> No.5122740

There's even an earlier rom from april 1 1996 that's in an archive but it wont work for some reason

>> No.5122748

Sounds like your schizophrenia's acting up again. You been taking your meds?

>> No.5122757

>heh, that showed him!

>> No.5122762
File: 7 KB, 655x561, mkt_april_1996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happened when i opened it in an emulator.. Noting the date it was built, is it possible that it was a dev april fools prank?

>> No.5122780

bunch of turbo faggots

>> No.5122790

Never mind, apparently it was built later in the day.
So maybe it's a failed build

>> No.5122853 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 368x550, locke_ink063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5122856

Who's this semen demon?

>> No.5122865

Whoa, man. That gross shit shouldn't even be seen on a red board, let alone here.

>> No.5122897

I wonder what didnt make it into the game.

>> No.5122910

Kano Morphs maybe?

>> No.5122921

Have you thought about submitting it to tcrf.net?
This looks right up their alley, unless it violates their rules or something.

>> No.5122986

Op it's appreciated immensely, but who ever was the faggot who created the resetera topic is truly a fucking asshole. Those idiots dogpile everything.

>> No.5123018
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, 1534910311729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it would be possible to make the game not be an unbalanced shit where AI reads your input?

>> No.5123028

>where AI reads your input
I've seen this complaint a lot in regards to fighting games. I don't play fighting games so I'm ignorant on the matter, but how else would an AI respond to your movements other than reading your input?

>> No.5123043

If the AI is reading your inputs it means it's basically reacting to what you're doing before the action is even fully executed on screen, which is effectively cheating, no human has reaction times like that.

>> No.5123058

>So it would be possible to make the game not be an unbalanced shit where AI reads your input?

Well, let's not get crazy here.

>> No.5123059

I see the uncompressed audio asses. And those make me happy.

Has anyone uncovered the art assets (Sprites etc) yet?

>> No.5123070

shit, dropbox is deleted.

Anyone got a reupload?

>> No.5123071

How about reading the thread?

>> No.5123072

Give them to Kabal so he can make a proper Ultimate Mortal Kombat Trilogy on the playstation with all the improvements he did in Genesis and beyond

>> No.5123104


>> No.5123205 [DELETED] 
File: 266 KB, 2048x1504, 0566ADDF-7F36-43ED-B2A2-BF2CDC5CB077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5123214

you have some more of that lewd Helena ?

>> No.5123217

help seed the torrent. here's the magnet again


>> No.5123230

I am seeding now.

>> No.5123295

There's an passworded zip file called MK3REV21.ZIP in RC2\MK3SRC\V13 and it appears to be encrypted using zipcrypto. Anyone want to a take a shot at cracking it?

>> No.5123316

Great contribution. Thanks you OP.

>> No.5123317


I'll take a shot at it with hashcat. I'll post results if I get anything

>> No.5123319


Password is rosie

>> No.5123334

hmm it contains all of the files already in \V13 with the exception of what appears to be an older version of MAIN.ASM

>> No.5123338

Can this stuff be successfully compiled? Is there anything missing or is it the whole thing? Just ciurious

>> No.5123367

hello the link for the source doesnt work anymore?

>> No.5123392


I'll see if I can get it to run on my Everdrive 64 if no one else hasn't tried it already.

>> No.5123417

have some xp keys


>> No.5123442

Any luck?

>> No.5123452

thanks, this is great for preservation, it would interesting to attempt to port it to other systems like the jaguar

>> No.5123458

At work right now, I'll try it when I get home this afternoon

>> No.5123503

Does your source also have MK1 and MKII?

>> No.5123537

This. I would love to dig into some of the Reptile code.

>> No.5123586

The Roms found in MKT work on everdrive N64. The real beta on 16M cartridge more than the final one. A lot of uncut frame and sound. Smoke with reptile fighting stance. Ultimate mk3 continue screen. I will dig deeper.

>> No.5123592

anything different in the build found in ROM.GZ?

>> No.5123730

What is this? I'm kinda drunk.

>> No.5123759

one of the archives has mk3 debug exe for windows, only thing it does is enables cheat menu from the get go
it's pretty cool looking at all the source code, but I'm too stupid to do anything with it. keep us posted on your discoveries anon

>> No.5123798
File: 719 KB, 2161x1425, Startrom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ROM.GZ is the final ROM for NTSC but don't know what version...

>When you extract MKTRIL~1.GZ you have the beta version, i've got some crash after the demo mode and between fight.

>> No.5123826

if rom.gz is the final rom, why is it dated april 1 1996?

>> No.5123827
File: 891 KB, 2560x1440, Startrom2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> So far i can tell there is much more frame per fighter, there is too much chop in the final product maybe to fit 12MB cartridge.
> Baraka spin slice make the opponant completly stuck for 3 seconds and possibility for infinite combo maybe??
> Rayden bug when he fall, he fall like sweep kick and fall again from behind.
> Smoke have weird color see in the picture
> The blue portal have Hornbuckle and Blaze on the second round.

>> No.5123832

Don't know why but it is the same as the final version.

>> No.5123837

The "ROM" file in the folder "MAKE" is 12288ko, when you extract "ROM.GZ" The rom file is now 12387ko.

Mortal kombat trilogy (U) (V1.2).z64 is 12288ko

>> No.5123989

how do you extract sprites/attract images

>> No.5124106

Didn't like this game much but this is pretty cool.

>> No.5124131

good stuff anon, I was gonna mention it if no one else had.

>> No.5124201
File: 46 KB, 750x750, yumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5124209


You're a brainlet. Stop talking anytime.

>> No.5124216

>human smoke with reptile stance
that's rain nigger, he's the same in the genesis version

>> No.5124217

The AI can react to the state of the player character, this is, after the inputs are processed. You could simulate a variable time of reaction for the a
AI dealying the whole process.

>> No.5124230

Rain is in the top right corner, and the selection marker is on the question mark near the center.
So, that's either Smoke, or possibly male Chameleon.
...if it was male Chameleon, though, that'd be interesting, because the N64 version got female Khameleon instead.

>> No.5124241
File: 174 KB, 816x637, SAMPLE_DIFFUSE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many thanks OP
Able to compile sample programs in PS1 Source

>> No.5124416

link not found , 404d

>> No.5124417

Holy shit read the thread you mongoloid.

>> No.5124418

It's Smoke. Tehdrewsus streamed a video of this on youtube.

>> No.5124423

holy shit i don't like to read you fucking nigger

>> No.5124424

Oh, neat.
Is there a link to this?

>> No.5124430
File: 28 KB, 455x427, 1269464898489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesnt read thread
>doesnt like to read
>calls other people nigger

>> No.5124442

i also don't like to read this

>> No.5124445


You don't read too well, do you?


Thanks :)


Then get off this site. Stop shitting up this thread. Your overuse of that word convinces me you're the fucking retard who slid in and shit on this leak right off the bat. Get the fuck out of retro. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQd9XSPwC7o


^^^ These are the concave brains >>5117663 talks about. Specifically the first who clearly are the same shit as >>5124423


He's not being ironic. He's literally that dumb.

OP this is a incredible gift. I will ensure this lives on forever. Ignore >>5124423 / >>5117576
/ >>5117598 he just needs some brain cancer.

>> No.5124458

Just search "Tehdrewsus" on youtube. He's one of the people hacking the arcade version of UMK3.

>> No.5124460


>> No.5124584

Shit with stuff like this coming up, I hope Eternal Darkness's source code gets leaked fucking soon.

>> No.5124590
File: 3.38 MB, 700x285, 1507283763546.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pffffhahahahaha looks at this faggot

>> No.5124623

I hope OP has access to NBA Jam TE or NBA HangTime for Windows, those were fun and I'd love to see that source.

>> No.5124635

you know a lot of bored kids visit /v/ too right. many kids waste their childhood youth on the internet nowadays.
im not sure if i was one of those kids

>> No.5124638

4chan is a christian board so that make sense

>> No.5124665

I noticed that there are some tools missing in the windows and psx source code. One of them includes an ancient version of pkzip that supports command line arguments
If anyone is willing to try to find the missing tools, that would be great
Also if anyone can do a writeup on how to compile the games that would be great too. Though i'm not sure if it is currently possible noting that there are missing tools

>> No.5124690
File: 611 KB, 2666x1495, eb_presenting-elza-a_elza-a_high_0066_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make me a part of history

>> No.5124707
File: 176 KB, 776x1406, 29744703_978397155648150_6399098020585253063_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im going to le port this on PS4 and many other plataforms like fucking DOoMMMmo

>> No.5124709

That forum is full of corporate dicksuckers. Especially nintendo's

>> No.5124724
File: 18 KB, 480x360, huegbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Xbox p0rt plz!@!#$

>> No.5124729

One of these archives hold the source data for the arcade audio system, including data for building the roms. I wonder if an encoding/decoding algorithm included among the files... Could be useful for the umk3 hackers.

>> No.5124730

There is mame on oXbox.

>> No.5124731
File: 432 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already on the case

>> No.5124747 [DELETED] 

I don't know whit about coding, can anyone tell me what U64MK3.ZIP is the N64 beta source code?

It's located in /SEG/GAMECODE directory and is 3.6MB in size. Is this some sort of incomplete version of MK3 vanilla?

>> No.5124753

I don't know shit about coding, can anyone tell me what U64MK3.ZIP is the N64 beta source code?

It's located in /SEG/GAMECODE directory and is 3.6MB in size. Is this some sort of incomplete version of MK3 vanilla?

>> No.5124754

By the file name I'd expect it to be MK3 for the Ultra (Nintend) 64

>> No.5124767
File: 23 KB, 1175x499, sauce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a file in the GAMECODE folder called BACKUP.BAT that makes an archive with the same name you mentioned with the files already in GAMECODE. So i guess it might be a backup of the code they were working on at the time
As for the code itself, it might just be the code from mk3 they borrowed to make mkt as the code from the screenshot shows

>> No.5124769

no it's not

>> No.5124771

>does not know how to use a Laotian pager

>> No.5124773


Some of the files in this zip folder are dated from September 1994. The arcade game was released in '95.

> MOVES.C sample

File: moves.c

Date: Nov 1994

(C) Williams Entertainment

Mortal Kombat III Moves Logic (Combos, Specials, Etc)

sample code from the arcade game?

>> No.5124802
File: 37 KB, 1018x563, wargods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While digging through the GAMECODE folder, i found a file called makefile.dav which is the makefile for wargods and it's untouched. I guess the devs were using it as a reference to make the mkt makefile?

>> No.5124829

You can make it react based on the opponent's current state instead, the problem with input reading is that it creates an AI with superhuman reaction speed that always has the right response

>> No.5124848

>While digging through the GAMECODE folder, i found a file called makefile.dav which is the makefile for wargods and it's untouched. I guess the devs were using it as a reference to make the mkt makefile?

Yeah, they were probably using that Wargods file as some sort of reference for building MKT. Neat find.

>> No.5124854

Alright so here are a couple of other things i found:
-There are two "black screen" roms in the n64 source code. One is dated March 21, 1996 and is located in /MAKE/DO while the other is dated April 1, 1996 and can be extracted from ROM.gz. Apparently the April 1st rom is the final rom but I cannot get it to work in any emulator I tested it on. It just displays a black screen.
-There are multiple archives in \RC2\CODE which were created from BACKUP.BAT during different stages of development of the game.

>> No.5124868

Apologies if this has already been discussed, but has anyone tried loading the black screen ROMs on an Everdrive?

>> No.5124878

Apparently they work on an everdrive. According to an anon the april 1st rom is actually the final rom but that makes no sense as it has a different file size and the final rom was actually built on july 28. I'd love for another anon to test them on an everdrive to see what they actually are

>> No.5124915

>Apparently they work on an everdrive. According to an anon the april 1st rom is actually the final rom but that makes no sense as it has a different file size and the final rom was actually built on july 28. I'd love for another anon to test them on an everdrive to see what they actually are

Maybe the April 1st ROM was a release candidate? It could be very close to final release minus some bug fixes and minus a few files purged. The July 28th ROM was probably finished and queued up for a November release. The N64 launched in late September of 1996 in North America. Mortal Kombat Trilogy was released with the first batch of third party games in November.

>> No.5124932

I test all roms on my everdrive 2.5 and mktpal.rom work mktril~1 its the beta it work , rom is the same version available in console. The do folder doesn't work.

>> No.5124946


Those screenshot were taken from actual everdrive with svideo composite.>>5124878

>> No.5124992
File: 3.42 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20181026_074501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm genuinely happy we get to see the Insides of the game. I always wondered whether we would see the day the source codes would get released.

Might actually try and learn modifying the pc versions.

Does anybody knows more backstory regarding the leak itself? Who's the dev that leaked these?

>pic semi related, my work coffee mug

>> No.5125013

>So i guess it might be a backup of the code they were working on at the time
Yeah, someone said upthread that they didn't use source control. I guess we found their solution to that.

>> No.5125038
File: 58 KB, 517x789, 72dcb9d7624d2571f523dd501bf2af9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


WORD q_boss_stupid(void)

void sk_stalk(void)
WORD ta10;

if (q_boss_stupid()==SYSTEM_CARRY_SET)

if (b_get_x_dist<D_CLOSE)

if (b_get_x_dist<D_MED)

if (b_get_x_dist<D_FAR)

if (randper(200)==SYSTEM_CARRY_SET)
/* sk_stalk_far */

if (randper(500)==SYSTEM_CARRY_SET)

/* sk_stalk_med */

if (randper(500)==SYSTEM_CARRY_SET)


pretty straightforward

there's a hidden pong game inside MK3

>> No.5125045

>there's a hidden pong game inside MK3

Mortal Kombat 2 arcade machine has a hidden pong game as well. The SNES and Genesis ports of MK3 have a hidden Galaga game on them:


>> No.5125051

void avoid_agressive_bastards(void)
if (diff<2)

if (current_proc->pdata.p_action!=ACT_GETUP)

if (get_x_dist<SCX(0x48))


>> No.5125073

On MKT for n64 They have galaga and pong with Toasty

>> No.5125148

if anyone manages to compile the ps1 version successfully, hit me up and ill test it on real hardware
ill check this thread periodically

>> No.5125235

you're a fucking champion, anon. thank you very much for that.

>> No.5125246

purest fucking cancer imaginable.

>> No.5125356

I mentioned this earlier in the thread. It seems that they were both being developed at the same time.

>> No.5125570

typical 4chin cansa

>> No.5125692

Alright so here's my theory on how you would be able to compile the shit (at least for the windows code).
>Grab a really old version of visual c++ as this is what the devs originally used to compile the thing
>Look through the makefile and make sure that all of the files are where they should be
>Run the makefile with the make application that comes with visual c++
I'm not sure if the build backups that were found in the windows rc2 can be compiled completely, as they are only partial code backups rather than full ones. Though, I guess you could hodgepodge the shit together with the other files in rc2

>> No.5125713

you also need to install the GDK from \RC2\GDK.RC2 beforehand so that it will compile correctly

>> No.5125762

will probably have to deal with lot of lib dependencies/funcs that are obsolete .
but the source code is as big as wolfenstein's 3d

>> No.5125937

> I'm not sure if the build backups that were found in the windows rc2 can be compiled completely
not entirely sure. looks like it could be. also,
playstation source has the psyq devkit with it, so that's a start too.

>> No.5125947

I have a VM with XP and MSVC '98 (6.0). I'm also a dev that has used this software to actually make shit. If someone can point out how to get the files combined, I'd love to give it a shot.

>> No.5125953

lmao what is this 2004? Who gives an f anymore?

>> No.5125957
File: 96 KB, 714x937, 1329532064753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ikr roflmao XD

>> No.5126076
File: 211 KB, 1360x768, niggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and redpilled

>> No.5126087 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 113x114, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a fan of your racism and homophobia.

>> No.5126150

Christ. That's just going to get it removed.

>> No.5126154

I think it's just some headers + project files that are missing. Nothing that can't be pieced together with what we have, just kind of annoying to have to do.

>> No.5126158
File: 85 KB, 1162x747, your post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That file isn’t here anymore

>> No.5126164


>> No.5126220

>That file isn’t here anymore


The N64 prototype ROM is here:


>> No.5126254

Literally me irl

>> No.5126353

so, theoretically, is it possible to use this to make a pc version or a multi source port?

cuz i dont think a lot of people would bother to make another 64 rom.

>> No.5126393


Apparently N64 devs are pretty excited about this, wouldn't surprise me if they mod the prototype into the full thing with MKT Johnny Cage and eventually the missing chars.

>> No.5126409 [DELETED] 

I trying to access to the graphics. Are the in .RGB format!?

>> No.5126417

Im trying to access to the graphics. Are they in .RGB format!?

>> No.5126431

If you're speaking of the n64 version, someone said they are in a silicon graphics workstation format, maybe only useable on an n64 dev kit.

>> No.5126450

Yeah, the N64 version.

RGB suppose to be a SGI Image Format based in this site info.

I found a plugin for Photoshop but seems don't work.

Probably N64 files are different

>> No.5127029

Here's some more findings:
-The code in MK3_source_windows_RC2 is not for the windows version of the game, it's actually for the psx. Unfortunately, the obj folder is completely missing so I don't think it can be compiled. However, I found that some of the /obj files referenced in the makefile can be found in various places in MKTRILOGY_source_N64. You could move them in the location the makefile expects it to be in but uh i'm not sure how much that will mess up the build by adding them.
-To my knowledge, source_windows_final_7_29_96 can be completely compiled. You just need to copy over some of the .bin files from the runtime and make sure everything is where the makefile expects it to be in. Just make sure to follow the instructions mentioned in >>5125692
-The N64 source should also be able to be compiled completely. Everything that the makefile looks for exists somewhere in the source code. While seggamecode.o doesn't exist, the makefile should be able to generate it automatically as it is instructed to build it at the very end.

>> No.5127076

Actually the missing obj files do exist but they aren't compiled and there's no makefile in the psx source for them. So i guess you would have to make your own.
Also the installer for the GDK will not work on windows xp so you will need to build this shit on windows 2000 or earlier

>> No.5127160

You don't need to run the installer, just extract the contents of the SDK folder and configure VC++ accordingly.

>> No.5127203

>I mentioned this earlier in the thread. It seems that they were both being developed at the same time.

That moves.c code was found in a zip file with the N64 source code. The N64 port more than likely started development in late 1995 or early 1996.

But maybe that source code was used as a reference when developing the N64 port?

>> No.5127228
File: 5 KB, 642x72, makefile error.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm compiling errors whenever i try to build mk3 from the makefile located in mk3.zip
anyone know how to get around it?

>> No.5127252
File: 80 KB, 583x932, mkimages.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a pretty simple file format, actually text-based rather than binary which is curious. Anyway, according to wiki both ffmpeg and imagemagick programs can decode this format.

>> No.5127281

>i'm compiling errors whenever i try to build mk3 from the makefile located in mk3.zip
>anyone know how to get around it?

I'm am not the most knowledgeable on this, but looking at that message, it seems to be a limitation with the psyMake compiler. Perhaps this code is too big to run in psyMake's intended memory space? Maybe the code needs to be divided into smaller sections? I dunno?Just a random guess.

>> No.5127284

Oh i'm a nonce, the text format is the assembly and i guess they embedded image data directly in the source rather than keeping it as separate external files. Guess it is a n64dev kit thing.

>> No.5127286

That's probably a relic of the version of the compiler you're using. Could be something as simple as you're off by a .1 version number, or something wildly larger. Make file too large sounds like something that would be imposed by the compiler, and expanded over time to accommodate larger projects across newer versions of the compiler...

Either that, or, I dunno, trim the make file down.

>> No.5127320
File: 3 KB, 632x42, psymake error 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used a newer version on psymake and now i get this lovely compilation error

>> No.5127346
File: 3 KB, 630x58, psymake error 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After moving all of the source code to the same directory as the mk3 file them akeup worked until it reached a file called CPTPAGE.asm, which apparently is a file for the control panel. I tried copying it from the windows final build where it is present in the same directory it looks for and guess what? It still doesn't work

>> No.5127371

>Oh i'm a nonce, the text format is the assembly and i guess they embedded image data directly in the source rather than keeping it as separate external files. Guess it is a n64dev kit thing.

I did a little searching on google and came up with this:


> All of the example applications and source code, including sample image conversion programs, use the popular SGI RGB image format. Additional related, but unsupported software, may be obtained from SGI via the 4Dgifts product, anonymous ftp via sgi.com, or from the user community on the internet (see comp.graphics or the comp.sys.sgi hierarchy). One of the more popular publicly available packages containing image conversion and manipulation software is PBMPLUS, widely available on the internet.

Doing a search for PBMPLUS, I found this page:


I'm using Linux, so I don't think I can compile it. But this looks like the tool to use for converting those images.

>> No.5127375


Alternatively, Netpbm might also be an alternative:


>> No.5127401

what it exactly do? convert .RGB in to other format?

>> No.5127421

>what it exactly do? convert .RGB in to other format?

I haven't used it yet, but it looks that way. This is from the Nintendo N64 programming manual I posted:

> For texture-map images and traditional 2D sprite-type games, you may desire image conversion, editing, and paint software. These are not provided as part of the Nintendo 64 development kit.


Nintendo expected developers to use conversion tools like the listed PBMPLUS. I'm looking to see if I can find alternatives to this, though.

>> No.5127452

Good Nice

>> No.5127471


I'm still having issues trying to view textures/ tiles. I have found more information on the N64 tiles...




There is this old prgram called multi texture viewer, but I cannot find a link to the .exe anywhere:


From what was mentioned before, the N64 .rgb textures/ tiles are saved in a text format at 32x32, 48x48, 64x64 or 90x90 size. My guess is that the text file format is used to reduce image size to fit within the smaller cartridge format. I guess it is also used in SGI workstations.

>> No.5127482

I'll check this thread tomorrow and if nobody has more luck digging up existing tools ill have a crack at writing something to parse/assemble these images into just the binary data. I'm guessing since it's embedded in code it's probably simple bitmap pixel data, not anything encoded (like jpg), so it should actually be pretty easy.

>> No.5127495


>> No.5127514

Have you a MK:SF sources?

>> No.5127562

See? I tried to tell you people tha the rom in rom.gt was a different rom but none of you listened

>> No.5127564


>> No.5127575
File: 1.21 MB, 956x683, alphascreen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what the character select screen looks like in the april 1st rom

>> No.5127621

Next time just provide the link without the word salad.

>> No.5127650
File: 7 KB, 173x292, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better delete that shit before I delete your life you ungrateful brainlet

>> No.5127653
File: 217 KB, 500x375, 1537581363764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I understand perfectly
> proceeds to not understand
Geez how retarded can you be

>> No.5127709

Bumping a cool thread

>> No.5127714
File: 18 KB, 945x421, mk3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After taking a break, I decided to mess with the psx makefile some more. After fixing an error in the makefile itself and copying over some missing files, it gave me another compilation error. This time it seems to be by another typo in the makefile. It tries to make a file called "ALL." Since it doesn't have an extension, windows xp automatically renames it to ALL, which is what the makefile intends to makke However, I can't figure out how to correct the thing. So here's the snippet of code that instructs the file "ALL" to be made if anyone is curious

>> No.5127730
File: 67 KB, 1242x816, makefile error 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it seems that switching it so that it makes mk3.cpe first will fix that error but now it bitches about a bad return code in cpppsx.

>> No.5127743 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 113x114, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5127749 [DELETED] 

You do realized that even after an item has been removed from archive.org, you can still access it right?

>> No.5127764

> windows xp
i wonder if using windows 95 would make any difference? as xp wasn't even a sparkle in billy gate's eye at the time.

>> No.5127765 [DELETED] 


>> No.5127767

ps1 development was preferably done on 98 and 95. XP worked for the most part but it was 98 that really shined

>> No.5127770
File: 6 KB, 643x82, ccpsx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already fixed the problem as mentioned in >>5127730
that was unrelated to the operating system but now after ccpsx gives me an error saying that the arguments the makefile gives to ccpsx are invalid

>> No.5127781

You can use PCEM its better than vmware and virtual pc. He emulate old hardware for 286 to Socket 7 Pentium Mmx.

>> No.5127803


Why say this to the person that uploaded the source codes to archive.org?

>> No.5127813

ah true. 98 was pretty good compared to 95.
im incredibly curious if you're able to work it out . i grabbed the archive in case it disappears but I don't have anything setup right now to try it myself. (really interesting reading through the code).
nice. thank you. i'll give that a shot in the morning.

>> No.5127818

why? because trolling asshole is why. there were a few similar posts but they've been deleted. no idea why anyone would be upset over such a great bit of history.

>> No.5127828

kill yourself you rude assborn failed aboriton. jesus christ, you mentally deranged fag are way too far gone. I bet you live with your decomposing mom in her basement in your 30s and look like Michael Meyers

>> No.5127840

I won't be able to work on the makefile for a while but I hope someone else in this thread takes a shot at it.

>> No.5127962

The file U64mk3.zip contain interesting code. SYSTEM.H we can find EJBDebug set to 0 is there a possibility to unlock EJB menu in console. That is really interesting. Over the top of line set to 0 there is a line to recommand set it off before the final state. Cool feature ahead of this project.

>> No.5128092

Dont know If its true but i love your port on Xbox. Can you do it for pc ??

>> No.5128197
File: 51 KB, 958x998, mk3_arcade_diagmenu1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, you're not crazy. in folder RC2\MK3SRC\V13\ it appears to be all TMS34010 code.
pic related: it's the diagnostics menu code! :)

>> No.5128203
File: 50 KB, 958x998, mk3_arcade_diagmenu2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

operator name entry routine rem'd out of use.

>> No.5128215

here's the TMS programmer's manual if anyone is interested in learning about this CPU/GPU. it's a pretty decent chip, especially for the time it was produced.

>> No.5128260

OP is a fag.

You niggers need to quit taking posts on an anonymous basket weaving forum so seriously, holy shit.

>> No.5128291
File: 26 KB, 349x642, db0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is almost unimaginable to me that there could be someone this dumb out there.

>> No.5128292
File: 32 KB, 180x140, mc15.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MK peaked with 2.

>> No.5128294

>no, you're not crazy. in folder RC2\MK3SRC\V13\ it appears to be all TMS34010 code.
>pic related: it's the diagnostics menu code! :)

For those who don;t know, the TMS34010 is a 32bit CPU used in the T Unit and Wolf Unit arcade hardware. This looks like the assembly code for MK3 arcade.


>> No.5128310
File: 1.67 MB, 2309x1000, naem your ninja.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ed confirmed on twitter that the first three MK games were written in 34010 assembly


>> No.5128320

So, Theoretically, can it be possible to make a full native pc port of MK3 arcade?

can the DOS and win versions of MK3 be considered full native ports?

>> No.5128325

that doesn't say "3" though

>> No.5128328

>that doesn't say "3" though

Mortal Kombat 1 and 2 were made for the T-Unit hardware:


>Main CPU : TMS34010 @ 6.25 MHz
Sound CPU : M6809 @ 2 MHz
Sound chip : YM2151 @ 3.57958 MHz, OKI 6295 @ 8 KHz, DAC (Apart from Mortal Kombat 2)

Wolf Unit hardware was used for Mortal Kombat 3 and uses the same CPU, but has an update graphics chip and audio chips.

> Main CPU : TMS34010 @ 6.25 MHz
Sound CPU : ADSP 2105 @ 10 MHz
Sound chip : DCS Sound System.

All of the OG Mortal Kombat games were written in TMS34010 assembly.

>> No.5128331
File: 46 KB, 672x395, based_boon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has got me thinking.. i wonder if ed would give us tips on building the arcade software or if he would send the lawyers?... i would love to ask him but im a little anxious about it, as i don't know what could happen since this stuff is still (c)
> full native pc port of MK3 arcade?
no point. it's 2018 and we have MAME that does an excellent job of emulating williams/midway hardware.

>> No.5128337

Maybe the wisest option here would be not to tempt fate, however, you can test the waters by mentioning indirectly the existence of the code, to see if its possible to get his thoughts on such situation.

>> No.5128345

neat thanks

>> No.5128348

>Maybe the wisest option here would be not to tempt fate
yeah, you're right. i don't think i want to do that.. not with a programmer i have huge amount of respect for. let's see how things go.

>> No.5128439

I'm not going to carefully read through everything that's been posted, just read about the leak or "leak" from the webs and found my way here, so not sure if this has been already mentioned but:


The MS-DOS version of MK3 is not the same thing as the Windows version. AFAIK & IIRC it's much closer to the arcade version (maybe even arcade perfect?) since wasn't ported via PSX. It was done by a different team too. The DOS version was probably mostly programmed in C (Watcom) so that would be nice one to have for readability and portability (vs. the arcade version which was programmed in assembly) but I would guess the OP most likely can't get it.

Only vanilla MK3 was ever released for DOS though, no UMK or Trilogy.

>> No.5128471

Link's dead, boy.

>> No.5128483

I'm back. I tried tinkering with it but ccpsx keeps throwing me that invalid argument error
This is what the makefile tries to push to ccpsx:
ccpsx -comments-c++ -Wreturn-type -c -O2 -g $&.c -o $*.o
Still not sure what's wrong with it

>> No.5128496



>> No.5128523

I haven't said this in years but, lurk moar.

>> No.5128552

I'm downloading the SDK's technical reference manual now, I'll look up what the flags are for ccpsx and get back to you.

>> No.5128560


Trilogy had a DOS version: https://classicreload.com/mortal-kombat-trilogy.html

>> No.5128592

>ccpsx -comments-c++ -Wreturn-type -c -O2 -g $&.c -o $*.o
Ok, try it without the -comments-c++ or -Wreturn-type parts. -c just tells it to compile to object files, -O2 tells it to optimize the hell out of it, -g tells it to generate debug info, and the -0 tells it how to name the output files. I imagine the part right before that tells it to compile every .c file. I can't find anything saying the other two flags are even valid.

>> No.5128596

Just tried it. Same error.

>> No.5128603

Mind giving me a screenshot of the current error?

>> No.5128607
File: 10 KB, 636x189, makefile error 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5128621


Wow, I never knew about this.

I wonder if it's based on the MK3 DOS version or ported from console? I need to find a CD image later and see it for myself in DOSBox.

>> No.5128625

Looks like ccpsx.exe (./BIN/) is having trouble finding CPPPSX.EXE (./COMPILER/).

>> No.5128639

Weird because uh both of those files are present in the directories they should be in and I also put it in the same directory as the makefile runs from. Same error still

>> No.5128645
File: 31 KB, 480x270, fnWih72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, where is C:/WINDOWS/TEMP/AOCIDECO path coming from? Is that hardcoded in the makefile?

As a side note it's worth putting this is a short dir tree that doesn't have spaces - sometimes older dev stuff (even even newer) don't quote paths cause the original build was sitting on C:\dev\whatever.

Finally a question re your source - where did your MK3.ZIP code come from? Looks like the only MK3.ZIP is in the windows archive but you're trying to compile it with the PSX tools?

>> No.5128648

Where is this makefile located anyways? I can't seem to find it in the archive I downloaded.

>> No.5128662

it's located in the root of the mk3.zip archive
AOCIDECO is what I believe to be a temp file that contains the error cpppsx spits out because I don't see it anywhere in the makefile
While the code in WIndows RC2 is for the windows version, the code in the archives is actually for the playstation version. Perhaps they were using it as a reference for the windows or something idk

>> No.5128676

Actually never mind while that file is not referenced in the makefile perhaps it is referenced in another one as i did a similar command in cpppsx and it spit out the same error

>> No.5128687

It's more or less the same as the windows version barring a resolution difference.

>> No.5128704
File: 76 KB, 960x956, skategetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well i've reached the limit of my usefulness, i can see CCPSX.exe referencing CPPPSX.exe in it's hex dump but the string isn't useful (doesn't show args) and i can't debug the program without a VM. So for some unknown reason CCPSX.exe is calling CPPPSX.exe with bad arg(s). The path it mentions is not hardcoded in either binaries, so i guess it's generated. You say it's an error output - does it contain any more info about the invalid arg error?

>> No.5128712

The file it references does not exist so I guess it may be a file with a randomly generated filename that is referenced in some other file that the makefile looks for

>> No.5128734

Hopefully, though it could also be looking for an environment variable. The compiler is sitting next to gcc & gnu readmes so i wonder if it's just a modified gcc. Maybe someone that knows gcc better than me may know what's going on.

>> No.5128764

>So, Theoretically, can it be possible to make a full native pc port of MK3 arcade?
Judging by the dates on the files I don't think this is the exact source for either MK3 or UMK3, but it can be used as a starting point for reverse engineering the UMK3 ROM. Then it's just a matter of translating the code into a higher-level language.
>can the DOS and win versions of MK3 be considered full native ports?
That's a tricky question to answer. They rewrote the entire codebase in C for the non-arcade versions, and in all of them there are observable differences compared to the arcade version. They aren't running the ROM in an emulator, but it's not an arcade-perfect port either. There is a porting strategy where you modify/extend the codebase to emulate platform-specifc APIs and/or hardware, but I don't think that's being used here.

>> No.5128772

I'm really not sure what the "-comments-c++" flag does.
Maybe tells the compiler C++ style comments are used? This is used multiple times in the makefile.

ccpsx -Wall -Wcomment -Wreturn-type -c -O2 -g $&.c -o $*.o

"-Wall" - Enable warnings
"-Wcomment" - Warning argument
"-Wreturn-type" - Another Warning argument
"-c" - Compile to object files. C files are compiled and assembled to .OBJ files. If an output file is specified then all output is sent to this file. (Snippet from, "CCPSX.txt")
"-O2” - Full optimization argument
"-g" - Tells compiler and linker to generate debugging information.
"-o" - Output to file.

I'm not sure what, "WIMP" is commented out and the other one left empty for. Try this in the makefile, (Also try finding and deleting all, "-comments-c++" or adding "-Wcomment" to the "WIMP variable")

DEBUG = -g
WIMP = -W -Wall -Wimplicit

ORGADDR = $80010000

CC = ccpsx $(WIMP) -Wreturn-type -c $(OPTIMIZE) $(DEBUG) $&.c -o $*.o

"-W" - Suppress compiler and pre-processor warnings. (Snippet from, "CCPSX.txt")
"-Wimplicit" - Request warnings on implicit declarations. (From GNU docs.)

I also, had to modify some of the makefile in "\SAMPLE\MATH\TREE" so it could compile. Example,

ccpsx -O3 -Xo$80700000 main.c -omain.cpe,main.sym

"-O3" - Possible optimization argument? (Could not find documentation on it.)
"-Xo$80700000" - ORGs the linker's output to address xxxx (hexadecimal) The default org address is 0. (Snippet from, "CCPSX.txt")
"-o main.cpe" - Output to PS-X executable.
"main.sym" - Output to debugging file. (no spaces allowed between comma.)

After compiling, "main.cpe" has to be converted to main.EXE
This is done by passing "main.cpe" to "CPE2X.EXE"

CPE2X.EXE main.cpe
Output will be, "main.EXE"

>> No.5128778

About the *rom.gz
I renamed it to .z64 and tested in Project64 but only got a black screen

>> No.5128781
File: 4 KB, 596x83, makefile error 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Changed it up and still same error
Well it worked just fine in that video. I guess some rom hacking was involved

>> No.5128805

I'll try compiling the samples with the same arguments, and find the invalid argument.

>> No.5128842

Pre Alpha 2 Rom fixed. tons of graphic errors.


>> No.5128858

PsyQ includes a modified GCC toolchain, try looking up the documentation for that.

>> No.5129207

Nevermind the argument, "-comments-c++" is valid.
But I compiled using the SDK from, http://www.psxdev.net/downloads.html

>> No.5129394

Did you build "mkblood.psx" from assembly (MKBLOOD.ASM)
I'm trying to build it using ASMPSX.EXE but, "MKBLOOD.ASM" is missing some dependencies.
I can't find them anywhere

>> No.5129408

I think win95.i is from the GDK that was mentioned earlier in the thread
For compiling, I just used a dummy file to bypass the error about mkblood.psx not existing

>> No.5129467

is that link correct, I also tried remove the /file from the link or did it get removed

>> No.5129470

actually I did it wrong, testing on real hardware now

>> No.5129507
File: 293 KB, 1056x769, early beta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I let if run for a while and it crashed, pretty interesting

>> No.5129514

Absolutely based

>> No.5129558


Which version is this? PS1?

>> No.5129564


>> No.5129893

Super !!! Work Great with everdrive.

>> No.5129902

Any reason why it just displays a black screen in some emulators?

>> No.5129964

> resetera
TOP KEK. the cancer that keeps on giving cancer. such a shit-tier website full of the world's largest lamers.

>> No.5129978

Tested MKT (01.04.96 build).
Definitely feels closer to the arcade UMK3 than the final MKT N64. Sadly, game crashes every time when you try to make any finisher except for stage Fatality.

One of the most interesting details: Raiden and Baraka appear chained on Kahn's Arena from MK2. And Shao Kahn rises from his throne when announcing a winner.

>> No.5129982

oooooh, that's interesting! I wonder if that was the way it was supposed to be all along in MK2 with Shao Kahn rising from his throne to declare a winner instead of getting up to fight you at the end as speculated.

>> No.5130072

you guys are legends

>> No.5130076

>tfw people succesfully compiled roms
>tfw fully 100% moddable mk3
I never expected source C code to be that simple to read, I understand it almost completely with my retard level of programming

>> No.5130138

Yes, most likely.
Shao Kahn has animation where he is rising from the throne in MK2. But it was unused for some reason.

MKT in general used a lot of previously unused stuff from MK2 - Baraka's spin move, Goro's spin move, buildings in MK2 portal stage.

Another interesting thing - if you play as Baraka or Raiden on Kahn's Arena, they will disappear from background.

And some more random differences:
- in 1st April build Raiden, Baraka, Rain don't have combos and Versus images;
- Noob has one unique combo, but not like in the final game;
- Rain doesn't have lightning move and Noob's disabler doesn't actually disable block and it looks like Ermac projectile;
- Endurances are unfinished and you fight 3 of the same characters in a row (3 Liu Kangs or 3 Ermacs);
- the game is called MK Kronicles on copyright screen, in titles and in the tournament mode;
- all cyborgs use Sonya sprites for some reason;
- in menu you can hide Classic Sub-Zero, Mileena and Ermac from the select screen;
- Raiden and Baraka don't have runnin animations and falling down animations yet. When they run, they are just waking fast. When defeated they are staying in their normal stance;

Due rom being corrupted it's impossible to do any of the finishers.

Rom from May 26th is working normally and it's closer to MKT:
- Baraka and Raiden have their own versus images, but not combos;
- Rain uses combos from Classic Sub-Zero and Reptile;
- Noob has his own hand combo, but doesn't have kick combo and his disabler still doesn't work properly;
- Raiden and Baraka still don't have running and falling animations;
- Smoke has two different fatalities from the final game. His first fatality is a copy of the Scorpion finisher, where he summons copies of himself. And his second Fatality is that of Ermac, where he uppercuts enemy's head from the shoulders.

>> No.5130147

Also you can play audio files from MK3 sources with the normal Windows Media Player.

So far there are couple of unused Shao Kahn voice lines: "Finish it!!" and two versions of "Toasty".

>> No.5130185

You need to quit being an idiot and then shrug it off as pretending. Oh wait, you can't. Stop being such a low-life useless shit and do something with your life instead of wasting your time 'trolling' people.

INB4 'no YOU!', hey I'm not the guy who's acting like an asshole just for the sake of it.

>> No.5130245

idk why you all take his b8s

>> No.5130270

most of them sacrifice accuracy for speed, so something that's necessary for this is probably missing from those emulators.

>> No.5130447

I heard that there's an even earlier build in MAKE\DO that won't work at all even in an everdrive. Judging by the very small filesize
I think it was a test to see if it would compile or something

>> No.5130505 [DELETED] 


>> No.5130558

damn dude thanks for the heads up, I wasn't planning to go thru 1700+ sounds, it was cool to hear a bunch of new ones

>> No.5130595

which one is it, exactly? most folders contain different sound folders, there is also one big archive with sounds

>> No.5130672

you can play the samples fine, but the midi files will sound broken as they need to be played with a http://www.vintagesynth.com/kurzweil/k2000.php with the right patches loaded, going by the doc file in one of the folders.

>> No.5130681

"eat this", "get down", a bunch of raiden-like screams, 2 different shao kahn laughs, "Sektor" is different, 2 different "fight"

>> No.5130716

>who here gives a shit about retro games

>> No.5130743

I got some rare software myself related to /vr/. I own the official PS2 disc burner, I’ll make it public if someone sends me source code/ a prototype of either Eternal Darkness or MGS2/3. I won’t mind if it’s just a private trade.

>> No.5131212
File: 3 KB, 261x52, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre talkin to the wrong people especially considering the software is common

>> No.5131225

I bet in a past life you helped crucify jesus

>> No.5131305

how hard would it be to extract sprites and other graphics from these files? I guess there's a high chance of finding something never seen before

>> No.5131376
File: 549 KB, 349x262, pGE8bPA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely fucking based
thank you very much OP
the first videogame I have ever played

>> No.5131463

can i play it on my vita?

>> No.5131570

You people who insist on trading are the worst. Be it rare music or rare software or rare recordings. Fuck you. You are a piece of shit.

>> No.5131576
File: 46 KB, 554x400, 1539022440378-pol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5131730

What's your dream source code leak /vr/?

>> No.5131770


Probably Panzer dragoon or Mega Man Mania (GBA) or something lost.

That said, I'd love to get my mitts on the codebase for Street Fighter 1, and 2.

And of course, Super Mario Bros. We have a beautiful disassembly that can be reassembled but I want to see the original down and dirty.

>> No.5131775

>That said, I'd love to get my mitts on the codebase for Street Fighter 1, and 2.
I dream of any tekken source leaks

>> No.5131779


>> No.5131784

Ninja Gaiden Black
>inb4 hurrr durr not retro

>> No.5131793

Goldeneye Would be fuckin based. The Holy Grail !

>> No.5131827

> trade
nobody is going to "trade" you for anything. upload it to archive.org and stop being such a fucking faggot (not that I believe you anyway).

>> No.5131829

easy i think. the graphics files are converted to source code as hex values. converting them back to binary (including the .RGB palettes) should be doable.

>> No.5131832

id prefer to have the source to mario 64 any day of eternity over goldeneye, as mario 64 is far more complex and should contain precious nintendo microcode for the gpu that nintendo refused to share with rare or anyone else ;)

>> No.5131846

Not sure, FFVII or Streets of Rage 2 maybe.

>> No.5131915

Oh man, it would be great to see what other sanity effects they had in mind but couldn't get working right.

>> No.5132230
File: 43 KB, 647x516, 1536477282302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already have it. Next on my list is Mega Man Legends 3, then Mega Man Legends 2 but prior to the old Ruminoa being scrapped

At some point it doesnt become a question of just source code. it soon becomes a matter of which revision of source code

>> No.5132268

Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes

If the archive if thorough enough, you're gonna get the code for MGS1 and 2 along with it. Three for the price of one.

>> No.5132269

You talking about the CD/DVD ROM Generator? Versions 1.5 and 2.0 have been floating around for years already.

>> No.5132368
File: 3.89 MB, 3024x4032, 1501577331832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont give him attention, hes just retarded and thinks hes special

>> No.5132368,1 [INTERNAL] 

Thank you very much OP!

I fucking love you for this, you're the best of the best, God bless you!

>> No.5132368,2 [INTERNAL] 

fuck niggers and fuck resetera

>> No.5132368,3 [INTERNAL] 

why use an old version of windows xp?
if this is the real source then something good can be done for example add shaders code,update the code to use it on modern windows,add vulkan support and like that,increase the resolution.