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5120614 No.5120614 [Reply] [Original]

What's your opinion about redream devs locking the option to increase the rendering resolution behind a $5 paywall?

>> No.5120625

i think if you pay for emulators, you're a dummy

>> No.5120629

its five fucking dollars. i use emulators and download roms for free and i get the free aesthetic, but jesus fucking christ, thats nothing in the grand scheme of things. I honestly dont think you should play dreamcast in hd, because it would look like was butt fucked up the dick. but, to each their own i guess.

>> No.5120631

>non-open source emulators

>> No.5120638

I don't care how they chose to make money with their own work. Although there will always be people willing to pay for the feature, there are a lot more who will take the free alternative with the same features. It really doesn't matter at all to the majority of us.

>> No.5120645

How does that make any sense? You're paying for a service they produce. Do you pay for other services in your life? Then why not pay for this?

>> No.5120651

Because a precedent has been set for the best emulators being free. Mednafen, Higan/bsnes, DEMUL, mGBA etc. All of it free.

>> No.5120652
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not on the android market. they started charging for emulators a few years back, now all the best emulators are like 5 bucks. just shut up commie punk!

>> No.5120665
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>> No.5120670

Project64 shows an annoying nag screen on a timer that keeps longer if you don't make "donations'. It's trash and I hate it.

>> No.5120672 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5120674

I'm just saying that not all emulators are free. on to of the hand held market, in order to get the best version of shit for amiga emulation, you have to pa for amiga forever or whatever the fuck. just becuase most emulators are free, doesnt mean they all have to be. and besides, who the fuck wants to play dreamcast in hd. that retarded as fuck!

>> No.5120678

The best emulators have been from professional companies though. For example bleemcast could run friggin ps1 games well on dreamcast while the best snes emulator it has is a heaping pile of horse manure for most games. Project 64 also asks you to pay. Turns out getting talented developers to work on something gets better results than autists who have no other connection to the outside world hammering away for ten years.

>> No.5120707

Can't you already emulate the Dreamcast in high resolution with other emulators? Why does this matter?

>> No.5120720

Hate that shit as well, I recompiled it from the source and took out the stupid message/timer bullshit. The message they leave as well is passive aggressive.. nobody owes them shit and they aren't freeloaders. The games it plays are not P64s IPs so they can fuck off.

>> No.5120725

demul sucks and nulldc is dead
i heard reicast has some compatibility issues too

>> No.5120775
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I don't understand why this asshole can't just keep it open-source and let it be Patreon-funded like everyone else

>> No.5120781

Are you seriously implying Project 64 is quality?

>> No.5120783

its shitty of them, stuff like making emulators should be a passion project not a money maker. i'd buy the hardware on ebay before paying for a fucking emulator

>> No.5120791

Feel free to program your own emulator.

>> No.5120828

are we really doing the $2.50 horse armor isn't expensive argument again

>> No.5120830

Because people won’t donate. Redream is a very compatible emu with lots of great features and really eclipses all other efforts so far. I gladly paid for it just as I did SSF and Drastic. I also donated to mupen, bought shit for byuu and other similar efforts. Developing these emulators is a lot of work, it’s extremely time consuming and really expensive. Stop being a cheap little bitch

>> No.5120847

>spend 50 on hardware and 200 on sd card adapter instead of $5 on a highly compatible emulator


>> No.5120849

I thought it was retarded how it was standard for emulators on android to cost money when PC emulators are free.
But apparently that's becoming less true.

>> No.5120857
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More like 50 for the console and 50 for the flash cart if we aint talking N64. CD Based consoles you can easily burn games for(yes even saturn). Also there's always the Chinese clone cart.

>> No.5120859

Referencing something that is an obvious waste of money is not an argument for saying something else is a waste of money, holy fucking hell how dumb is this board.

>> No.5120862

Dumb is defending an emulator charging money for internal resolution option

>> No.5120867

Capitalism sucks.

People gotta eat.

Pay them if you want them to eat and can afford it. Pirate it if you don't/can't.

>> No.5120890

SSF is free.

>bought shit for byuu
It's not a good idea to enable the mentally ill.

>> No.5120951

This is why the world invented Pay What You Want and a donation jar

>> No.5121007

if its good I don't mind paying at all but I'd rather use original hardware so it better be really good.

Sega also made those model 2 games run on the ps2 such as sega rally and virtua fighter 2

>> No.5121010

>Spend months writing a fucking emulator
>Get a hundredths of donations
each donation is 1 penny each and couple of handwritten notes with apologies and asking a free gibs because some neackbeard doesnt have a credit card or a bank account or his mom dont make enough money so he cant pay

>> No.5121094

reicast doesn't support Windows CE titles and its JIT compiler is buggy as fuck

>> No.5121118

>using non-native resolution
>using non-free software emulator

>> No.5121123

>its five fucking dollars
This is the same fucking shit modern Xbox and PlayStation faggots say when they defend mandatory subscription fees to play games online using their own internet that they already pay for, and a lot of those games are peer to peer. Almost as bad as having to pay for internet usage by the minute back in the day

>> No.5121292

I would never pay a dime for an emulator

>> No.5121296

Android market is a terrible example because pretty much everyone on the jewgle play store either costs money, has in-app purchases, or ads. You're using the absolute state of the mobile app market to make a statement about emulators, which is facetious.

>> No.5121302

It's the nigger-rich mentality of 'hurr I have at least X amount of money so therefore spending it isn't a problem and anyone who doesn't want to must be so poor they don't have 5 bucks in their wallet". Concepts like frugality and not letting yourself be nickel-and-dimed left and right are totally alien to these people. They're the ones who will unironically end up spending like 200 dollarydoos on Euro Truck Simulator 2018 because they keep buying shitty little DLC packs because "it's only 5 dollars!"

>> No.5121303

I paid for a copy of Bleem! for PC back in the day; support ended shortly after.
Fool me once... Never again!

>> No.5121320

This. Paying for an emulator of any kind is a scam and not good practice. It defeats the purpose of an emulator in the first place.

>> No.5121323

You stupid fucking faggot. How can you be so complacent paying for something that people have historically given for free? You’re a fucking dumb animal.

>> No.5121331

People like that are why Nintendo and Sony now charge for online multiplayer when before it was free.

>> No.5121336

Or why Microsoft thinks they can offer their software as a “service” and charge monthly fees instead of a one time rate. Seriously, what a fucking retard. You get bent over and fucked in the ass then smile and ask for more? I seriously hope the person who posted that gets cancer.

>> No.5121343
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>they told me to pay for it, so i should
Literally an NPC

>> No.5121356

You must be 18 to post here

>> No.5121361

I'd be happy to pay if i knew they emulator was better than anything else on the market

>> No.5121370

that's a lot of effort when you could have just typed into google "project 64 nag screen code" and solved your problem in 10 seconds.

>> No.5121371

This whole problem is literally a non-issue. If people are happy to pirate ROMs, why on earth wouldn't you just pirate the emulator as well. Look at cemu for wii U emulation - it's free and people still pirate the early patreon releases anyway.

>> No.5121581

>using an emulator that is proprietary software
>paying someone for the privilege of using code that you can't port to whatever platform you want

>> No.5121750
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>> No.5121765

DraStic is still the best DS emulator and it's still paid. I don't feel bad paying for quality stuff.

>> No.5121781

Why does my nigga Nesen never get shout-outs in best enulator posts

>> No.5121786

Getting mad at something that has no negative impact on others feels like a waste of time to me. I also think dictating how people should use their own property is an asshole thing to do. Both show an uncomfortable amount of entitlement.

>> No.5121791

fun fact as the dc died some gameshopowner told me they threw all dc games out 4 free

>> No.5121792
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>> No.5121808

Emulators should be free because they enable people to pirate. There's an irony in asking people for money for that.

>> No.5121932

People seem to be missing the point that Redream is (yet another!) fork of nullDC, which itself is a free and open source emulator. Yet, Redream isn't at a comparable level of development to be even worth considering paying any sum of money for, especially since it was forked from an open-source project and the developer is essentially "charging for a feature" that should be included in one package and not two separate ones. Reicast is a fork of nullDC as well, but that emulator is more Android-centric than any other platform, yet it's still free and open source. The only other two Dreamcast emulators worth a shit that are NOT forked from nullDC are Makaron and Demul, both of which are not open-source, but are still free, and you get all of the features that the developers have implemented without having to pay any sum of money for. On top of that, their performance is leagues better than Redream currently has to offer for "just $5".

Point being is that Redream has absolutely nothing worthy of value compared to other emulators of the Dreamcast. If it allows you to emulate the platform on low-end hardware like Intel integrated graphics, then maybe that could be a selling point, but at its current state, charging $5 for just internal resolution increases is hardly a selling point at all.

>Want to emulate Dreamcast on your phone or low-end hardware?
Go get Reicast.
>Want to emulate Dreamcast proper with as much accuracy as possible?
Go get Demul.

Why would you need a reason to go get Redream, especially the "complete package" for a fee?

>> No.5122229


It looks like another textbook example of an author completely misinterpreting the initial excitement over their project. The likes of Cemu get patreon money because they're proven emulators that fill a niche and people want to see them improve. This isn't anything yet, dude couldn't even wait until people cared to start e-begging.

>> No.5122249

The service they produce is illegal. You could eat these losers out to SEGA and get their whole sham taken down in a day.

>> No.5122254

They've got massive regression issues, people are going to be left so disappointed within the next couple of years by the lack of progress.

>> No.5122325

It's retarded considering there are at least 2 or 3 superior free alternatives.
Open source doesn't mean shit.
>Then why not pay for this?
Because there are at least 2 free alternatives that are far superior.
You can turn that off in the options you nub.
>i paid for SSF

>> No.5122356

Demul is better and free

>> No.5122526

People who care about faithful emulation won't have to pay a cent. Idiots who enjoy upscaling low-poly graphics will be able to provide the devs with an income. The galaxy is at peace.

>> No.5122793

Absolutely disgusting. I'll hack in HD resolutions to Null DC myself.

>> No.5122842


I'm already disappointed and I agree, but they got a LOT done in that early period. That and being the only Wii U emulator is the only reason anybody supported them financially.

>> No.5122882
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>Open source doesn't mean shit.

>> No.5123053

>People seem to be missing the point that Redream is (yet another!) fork of nullDC
Straight up bullshit
>Go get Reicast.
Terrible performance for PC and terrible compatibility, no thx.
>Go get Demul.
What's the point of being so "accurate" if most users can't play shit on it properly. Redream by far have the best performance I had and with the recent implementation of the fog I'm very happy with the value I got for my $5

>> No.5123087

I guess it's time to do every emulationist does anyway.
Pirate it.
Kinda amazing how he asked what basically is a piracy community to buy stuff and expected something other than piracy.

>> No.5123123

Exactly, let's help to kill the only motivation for the project, yay

>> No.5123130

>expecting pirates to pay
gee I wonder how else it could have went

>> No.5123151

Yes, because emulation is píracy, right

>> No.5123170

>expecting piracy

>> No.5123207
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>but getting spanish inquisition!

>> No.5123215

> Open source doesn't mean shit.
hi, retard.
> gee I wonder how else it could have went
pirated, of course. fuck paying these faggots anything when there's better emulators.

>> No.5124128

The point is: the $5 isn't for the HD resolutions, but to show support for the emulator. You can already have the exact same emulation experience for free using the free version they provide as many users don't even want to use highter resolutions as >>5120629 said, so why complain? This is pretty much a Patreon but with something meaningful in return other than a "thx for the support bro" many other projects give us

>> No.5124818

>t. one of the dev's shills

>> No.5124823

>The service they produce is illegal.
Are you trying to say that emulator development is somehow illegal?

>> No.5124837

Its a one time transaction. There are no monthly fees whatever the fuck your blabbering about.

>> No.5124841

t. tranny emulator developer

>> No.5124846 [DELETED] 

uh... I used the term "friggin" because it's less harsh than using the word it comes from and that's what happened when I used it. Similar to how "damn" is softened to "dang" or "god" is softened to "gosh". oooh boy the kids on /vr/ these days, it's like being around preteen children.

>> No.5124847

uh... I used the term "friggin" because it's less harsh than using the word it comes from and that's what I decided to use in this instance. Similar to how "damn" is softened to "dang" or "god" is softened to "gosh". woooh boy the kids on /vr/ these days, it's like being around preteen kids.

>> No.5124850
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Who are you trying to soften it for?
People only say friggin when their mom is nearby.

>> No.5125359

>the $5 isn't for the HD resolutions
But it really fucking is in this case since you specifically have to pay money to have that feature

>> No.5125379

"friggin" carries the same meaning as "fucking" but signals that you don't want to swear. If you don't want to swear then simply don't. Nobody needs swearing, it's the modern equivalent to grunting loudly, an imprecise way to express emotion.

>> No.5125527

>his is pretty much a Patreon
no, it fucking is not. they're charging for a feature.
shut the fuck up, moron.

>> No.5125775

>Open source doesn't mean shit.
Enjoy your aids.

>> No.5125889

I wouldn't mind if they charged for the binaries as long as the source is public.

>> No.5126202

Making money off someone else's IP seems like a great way to get sued though.

>> No.5127165

I think he's a cunt that's shooting himself in the foot, seeing as Reicast is actually getting updates worth a damn again.
Of course, the reason Reicast is getting updates is possibly BECAUSE the Redream fucker decided to become an asshole, so I guess we should thank him for being a greedy fuck and indirectly convincing the other emulator to actually get off its lazy ass and give the people what they want.

>> No.5127169

Not that guy, but yes and no.
It very quickly becomes illegal when you start to charge money for it.

>> No.5127294

I just use NullDC. it works fine for all my dreamcast games. I don't give a shit about HD graphics and I'm sure as hell not going to pay money for one.

>> No.5128236
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i mean emulation is good but all hardware goes to shit after a while.
and spare parts will be hard to find and eventuality.
I'd like to see redream interface with the GDUrom you can for a dreamcast

>> No.5128249

damn bro nice setup