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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 30 KB, 256x232, devils-crush-naxat-pinball-usa784591170..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5116162 No.5116162 [Reply] [Original]

I love Jaki Crush and Demon Crush, but I think they can be easily one-upped. Some I die retro dev needs to come along and make the most fucked up pinball game of all time. One that will top lists for decades. I'm talking like, satanic death metal band album covers, designed by H. G. Giger, inspired by Dante's inferno, and turned into pinball machines. The idea will be that hell is a bizarre pinball machine and your soul is inside the ball trying to escape. The pinball will look like a crystal ball with a howling soul inside it.

Imagine a gross cancerous mouth level where you have to knock teeth out while the table screams in pain, with random claws that swipe at you and faces that screech and gurgle and ooze and so on.

A level where there's a pregnant woman in chains and every time you hit the belly it squirms around and she screams until finally a demon tears out of her stomach. The bumpers are blisters that pop, sores that bleed, boobs that spray acid, tumors that ooze, etc...

A table that is a giant alien demon face where you can hit his eyes hard enough for the eyes to pop out and become multi balls. Then you can enter the eye socket and erupt from its skull.

An area where every time you hit a button a machine feeds a baby to a demon until it gets so fat it splits open and a new path is available. There's barbwire and mandibles and insect stingers and hair coming from random places.

The rails that the ball rides will be diseased intestines with disgustingly realistic sphincters. The ball leaves streaks of shit behind when it comes out. Another railway is a gross looking vagina at the opening and a gross looking penis at the exit. At other points you enter maggot infested wounds and roll around beneath the skin.

>> No.5116861
File: 120 KB, 500x450, 392_050111_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is this thing.

>> No.5116863
File: 14 KB, 261x193, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kind of does look like a pinball table.

>> No.5116868

I assume you already know of alien crush and dragon's revenge also take a look on paranoiascape it takes a bit of getting used to but it's worth it.

>> No.5116905

I just want more of the gameplay, not the aesthetic.

>> No.5117058

That actually sounds awesome.

Coincidentally I was just looking into playing Jaki.

>> No.5117121
File: 22 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking love naxat pinball games. Check out KYUUTENKAI.

>> No.5117130

This is my favorite thread on /vr/ in the year I've been here. Thank you for the glorious post OP. I think pinball tables based on other kinds of metal would be kickass too - like Viking Folk Power Metal Pinball

>> No.5117150

Unironically cool even if I would be too grossed out to play it

Sounds like what Adrian Carmack would make, also isn't there a japan-exclusive psx pinball game that is super graphic and weird?

>> No.5117152
File: 174 KB, 877x663, It's Salamander 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5117278

Sounds like a pitch for "AGONY Unrated - Pinball Edition"

Likely conclusion? Some grossed out articles by game journalism followed by Sony/Valve delisting it and developer goes bankrupt as people celebrate
>nothing of value is lost
>gameplay was probably shitty
>let's assume that even though we have no way to check anymore
>that content has no place in current year

Wasn't there a very recent pinball game that's much more tame, that got censored for cigarettes and prominent bosoms, as some active cultists were more concerned telling off anyone who uses the word censorship they're wrong and bad westaboos than letting discussion and fanboy grieving continue?
I fail to see how feasible your idea would be, OP.

>> No.5117308

right here

>> No.5117318

Sony is on their own with being a prude busy-body, Valve backtracked on censorship and is now allowing straight up porn games on the store, and Nintendo is saving console gaming with uncensored games. If Senran Kagura Peach Ball can make it, then OP's disgusting pimple ball can too.

>> No.5117650

Fuck eceleb reviewers, I fucking loved Revenge of the Dragon.

>> No.5117904

Id like to know what game

>> No.5118068

I'd play the shit out of that.

>> No.5118602

I'd love a musical table with guitar strings and piano keys that let you play individual notes to solve puzzles while also making interesting music the whole time you're playing. Kind of life Rez or Flower but also throw in something like that piano puzzle from silent hill 1, maybe a Simon/rhythm game bonus stage, etc...

>> No.5119037

I don't usually play pinball games but I liked the look of the horror theme of Jaki Crush so I played it.

It's pretty good but is there really only one table?? Is this normal for pinball games?

>> No.5119059

Pinball FX3 (Zen Studios) and it affected the Williams tables they got the license for after they had them delisted from the competing "The Pinball Arcade".

>Pinball FX 3's digital recreations of the iconic Medieval Madness, Fish Tales, and Junk Yard tables feature many modifications to the original playfield, backglass, and side table art. Scantily clad women have been covered up with additional clothes or obstructions. Bloody swords have been cleaned. Cans of beer have been relabeled to be cans of soda. Characters smoking cigars have had the "pertinent items" (as the game's legal notice puts it) removed from their mouths.

>In console versions of the game, the tables are also stuck on "Family Mode" settings, censoring spoken voice clips such as Medieval Madness' famous "I'm Lord Howard Hurtz, who the fuck are you?!" This setting can be toggled in the options for the Steam version of the game, which does not seem to have an official ESRB rating (but which does still feature the edits to the table art).

>> No.5119386

So why don't games like the Witcher have to deal with this shit?

>> No.5119393

Just read up on this, they weren't delisted, they chose to censor to get a lower ESRB rating. That's just them being pussies and it's therefore irrelevant.

>> No.5119414

Sadly a lot of retro games only have 1 table. There are ones the have multiple though.

>> No.5119462

It's good but not sure if it would have been worth buying full price.

>> No.5119483

lame and bluepilled

>> No.5119745

> they weren't delisted
... they were. The williams tables are licensed content. The license for it expired for "the pinball arcade" so the tables were delisted there. Zen Studios acquired the license so they published pinball fx3 with those tables.. censored.

>they chose to censor to get a lower ESRB rating
Every single game in existence that had cut content and still released, "chose to cut content" to get a lower ERSB rating / console lotcheck approval / publisher contractual agreement approval. Even japan only games like gekisha boy, black matrix dreamcast, front mission 2, had their localizations cancelled "by developer choice" too.

Guess game censorship never happened at any time in history?

Or political repression in the URSS for that matter. Opposition parties were always free to voice their opinions. That they get rounded up for gulags under accusations of corruption, embezzlement, or treason is coincidental. They almost never were formally accused of voicing opposition to the regime, technically.

>That's just them being pussies and it's therefore irrelevant.
it's very much relevant because:

1/ it's an example of a much tamer pinball game that gets censored to be in line "with current day morals" (and i don't buy the ERSB10 excuse, cuts considered and a previous T-rated similar game by same publishers considered)
meaning: it can happen to "just pinball artwork no one cares about"

2/ agony unrated, which has the baby crushing, and inferno imagery OP is talking about, maybe OP's proposal is even more extreme, and wasn't even approved in its complete form by "console/platform holders" (Sony most probably)
meaning: there's a very similar case not too long ago, and it went through lots of pushback to even release, from game journalism to platform holders who now want to decide content. ERSB is strangely much more lax.

>> No.5120753

Devs targeting a certain ESRB rating is not censorship you autistic fuck. Steam or don't refusing to publish the game on their platform is censorship. Devs targeting a certain rating is just them being pussies. The end.

>> No.5121209

You have aspergers

>> No.5121227

He does

>> No.5122270

Wait, Nintendo is actually having adult(ish) games now?

>> No.5122732

The Switch is the new home of softcore weeb games

>> No.5123742


>> No.5123789

So nintendo finally realized that their market isn’t children, but manchildren? Sweet.

>> No.5124090
File: 723 KB, 1280x1235, druillet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd take one drawn by Druillet.

>> No.5125830

that main theme

Also, Battle Pinball on the SFC.

>> No.5127819
File: 3.00 MB, 630x472, Slam Tilt - [Amiga] (Night of the Demon).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe one should ask Digital Illusions CE (or DICE) about another Pinball game, since IMO they were the dev team that really pushed the genre forward with Pinball Dreams/Fantasies/Illusions, games that pretty much everybody played on their 16-bit home computers, but they also made some cool platform game like Benefactor. Their old games pretty much became the quasi standard for the genre... the later stuff not so much.

I wonder what DICE are up to today, I heard they're forced to make endless cash grabbing military shooters nowadays instead of the stuff they were actually good at.