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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 576 KB, 3264x1840, What.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
511930 No.511930 [Reply] [Original]

I bought Super Metroid from a retro game store today. He wanted a reasonable-ish market price, and the cartridge was extremely clean-looking.

I was skeptical, but he let me test the game in the store and it worked flawlessly. I bought it and brought it home.

I've been fighting with the cart for a while now and I still get a massive amount of bugs. The game freezes very frequently (only the visuals, not the sound). The tiles sometimes get horribly messed up and only fixed when I enter the start menu and then quit.

After resetting a couple of times, I get this message. (Picture related)

After resetting a few more times, I was able to get 10 straight minutes without any problems, but turned it off because I didn't want to test my luck.

Recommended course of action, /vr/?

>> No.511943
File: 113 KB, 320x310, 1283739721729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

download the rom and rethink your life

>> No.511952

Your SNES' contacts or the game's pins are probably dirty. Getting the bootleg error screen is a common error that happens with a bad connection.

>> No.511954

looks like you got a bootleg cart.

>> No.511946

If it was an actual store, you should be able to return it. Most likely, the guy doesn't even know. If he was legitimately trying to screw you, there isn't much you can do unless the store has a return policy.

>> No.511959

The thing is, I bought it below eBay price, so I could actually make some money by selling it. It's an extremely clean cartridge (but not enough for me to think it's a fake reproduction or anything).

>> No.511968

Any way for me to find out for sure?

>> No.511972

Take it back with receipt, tell him you want to buy another game and tell the store manager you'll pay the difference, choose a game that has more price. (Maybe 5 dollars more then Super Metroid.

This will get you a game change because store managers rarely deny a return over the original product for a product that can sell for more money.

Enjoy a different game, and hope it's not a reproduction cart.

I think you're using a fake cart, unless the contacts were dirty which rarely happens.

>> No.511976

Clean your contacts, it's been said twice in this thread, trust me. Someone post info how to detect if you have a bootleg cart.

>> No.511984

He didn't give me a receipt, but I trusted him because I've bought from him before with no issues (and he gave me receipts those times).

The contacts on my SNES are a bit dirty, so that might be the actual problem here. I don't have any isopropyl alcohol in the house, though, only hydrogen peroxide in every room.

>> No.511993

samus drowned

>> No.511996

Enjoy your fake cart bro.

>> No.512006

Could you take a picture of the cartridge?

>> No.512003

Yeah, I think that's where this is going. It's definitely my fault no matter what happens.

I'll try cleaning my SNES contacts though, as they definitely need some work.

>> No.512007

A lot of Nintendo games can be finicky for recognizing it as a legal copy if the internal battery is dead or near dead.

If it worked at one point then it is most likely this.

>> No.512010


>He didn't give me a receipt

Absolutely retarded. I make stores give me a receipt for the 99 cent games I buy. I hope you've learned your lesson.

>> No.512020

I wouldn't use Hydrogen peroxide on that, might corrode the contacts...

Use a q-tip without anything, pass throughly untill all that shit dust comes off from it.

Use both sides of the q-tip. one for each side of the contacts.

If it doesn't work buy some isopropyl 71% or something, not the 91% because it's probably too strong. (Doubt it.)

Anyways, if you clean it with a normal q-tip using nothing it might still get enough clean.

Post pictures of dirty q-tip so I can calm down.

>> No.512038
File: 423 KB, 3264x1840, MuperSetroid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait for the bad news. Lay it on me /vr/. I can take more pictures if needed.

>> No.512048

Super Metroid was never released in the new free pull carts; it always had the fast hold catch.

You got ripped off

>> No.512052

>buy something else
>download the rom
>buy flashcart
Dunno, do something.

>> No.512053

don't listen to this idiot he thinks you're talking about carts

dont stick a qtip in the cart slot, dont use peroxide but when you do get some alcohol you do want it more pure so there is less water in it, that guy is a retard.

To clean your cart slow take a credit card and a white cotton piece of thisrt material (any color works white just shows the gunk that comes out) pull it over the card and cover the end in alcohol. Stick it in the cart slot and remove, repeatedly do this to get the whole slot and use different parts of the fabric to keep it clean. Cut a thin section of card to clean super FX parts. Make sure it dries before using it again purer alcohol dries faster as it has less water

I did this to my genny and SNES and they work awesome now

>> No.512057

Yes it was you moron. Every fucking Super Metroid cart was.

>> No.512060


the thingy in tbe background is blue not yellow

>> No.512065


Looks legit, don't listen to >>512048 they are free pull

>> No.512062

>Go downtown
>Purchase goat
>slit goat throat
>Bathe cartridge in goat blood as it flows from the goat's throat
Trust me. I'm a vetrinarian

>> No.512067

yah see way more detail in the real sticker even on the tiny res

>> No.512075

Sounds like your SNES is dirty. Take a credit card, and wrap it in a thin cloth, then rub it in the cartridge slot back and forth. You will be surprised how much shit gets in there.

>> No.512072

I use oven cleaner to clean my connectors

>> No.512081

I don't think, I was talking about the cartridge because if the cartridge is dirty it might cause the error.

You're a fag. Yes the cart slot might get dirty but if his other snes games work it's the cart and not the slot.

>> No.512079


Seconded, I didn't notice before but look at Riply's wings.

>> No.512089

The sticker seems fake.

>> No.512091

The cartridge gave your snes a virus.
If you keep playing other games before getting an antivirus cart, you'll ruin your whole game collection.

>> No.512092

you're fucking nuts man, do you know how dangerous that stuff is if it touches your skin?

>> No.512095 [DELETED] 

That's why i use it on the cartridge, not my penis.

>> No.512096

NO BAD PETER NEVER BACK AND FORTH ONLY IN AND OUT! You wanna bend that shit around son?

>> No.512101

Brasso is the happy medium. Stronger than alcohol, and meant for cleaning and refurbishing metal. It works on rusted out carts even

>> No.512094
File: 2.91 MB, 3264x2448, 20130421_221344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres my legit copy

yours though, the label to me looks a little.. blended?

>> No.512107

You're wrong...just very wrong.

Don't listen to him. That looks real to me. Only thing that's bugging me is the colors seem a little off. Might be due to the flash on your camera though. I have a few copies I'm looking at. try getting a bright picture of it without using a flash. Just under some light that isn't incandescent.

>> No.512109

WHY WOULD YOU STICK A DRY QTIP IN THE CART SLOT THEN FAGGET? Do you want to make the problem worse?

>> No.512114
File: 71 KB, 650x341, SNS-RI-USA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, but it looks very washed out. This is a telltale sign of a bootleg game. Compare this label to your actual cartridge to be sure.

If you want to be REALLY sure, open the cartridge with a gamebit or by melting the rear end of a ballpoint pen to create a mold to screw the bolts out.

>> No.512117

I have always done back and forth. Never really thought about it. But I'm not a ham hands, so I have never had a problem, and I have cleaned out many systems with this method. All the connectors are secured by plastic, but you are probably right.

>> No.512118

>isn't incandescent
Do you even photography?

>> No.512123

see much more detail on the legit ones
sry op you got ripped

>> No.512126

Thanks, I did work out at the gym after purchasing this

>> No.512134

You do realize just getting that screen could get you sent to jail

>> No.512135

I used to rent that game back in the day, from a small local shop, and it'd occasionally give me that screen. It wasn't buggy like that, though.

>> No.512130

Sticker looks fake to me, too blurry.

Open up the cartridge and check the board to see if it has nintendo stamps on it

>> No.512131

Would be easier to use a mr. clean magic eraser or brasso.

>> No.512138

Easy doesn't mean better
proof: your mom

>> No.512140

yeah it looks like a chinese knockoff

>> No.512152
File: 2.38 MB, 445x250, 1363751005857.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comparing to
>>512094 jesus fuck thats a huge resolution

looks like you got jipped OP.. sucks to hear.

>> No.512153


>> No.512154
File: 23 KB, 640x480, 2ryocwp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is what the label is supposed to look like.

>> No.512150

I personally go to used game shops, but sports games, and print off valuable game stickers before pawning them.

I also drop them off at charity stores for giggles.

>> No.512151

Its good none of them have bent now they are probably all in good condition still but it's just something to keep in mind next time it needs a cleaning. When they get older there is always the unlucky chance one gets bent sideways not the most devastating thing, but still shouldnt have to do it.

>> No.512169

Not likely.

>> No.512170

Simple answer to stupid question.

If you're careful the q-tip's fuzz won't be there, and it will fucking clean the game, but you don't know because you haven't tried, shut up asshole, it has worked for me with many non-working carts, it puts them back into play.

>> No.512180

who knows? maybe the sticker is just faded?

>> No.512185

Sorry for the stupid question, because I don't want to google it, what exactly is Brasso intended for?

That product probably won't ship to Puerto Rico and I'm curious.

>> No.512195

I just noticed white border on nintendo logo on yours too.

>> No.512203

So why are they called qtips anyways?
Shouldn't that be ctips?
Also, that fuzz gets everywhere. I just use them to make tiny torches for my trained mice gladiators to use.

>> No.512205

metal polish removes all tarnish.

>> No.512210

It is for polishing brass and other metals. So, it is for exactly what you will be using it for

>> No.512212

Lol show us your abs man. xD Sexy abs.

>> No.512219

It cleans the game it doesn't clean the system. which is what we are talking about. OP said game looks new and game is clean. OP said system may be dirty. Fuck off you stupid mexican jajajaja

>> No.512213

Definitely fake, take it back to the store OP.

>> No.512216
File: 986 KB, 500x375, 1365644782327.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I spotted the white shadowing..

oh damn, someone got ripped off

>> No.512218

Hey fags, don't forget Silvo, its less popular and homely cousin.

>> No.512228

>all these fags crying bootleg
>never seen a bootleg cart in my life
>all jealous of your metroid

>> No.512230

thats for silvers and shit for that, brasso is more for copper and brass. It probably works too but i dont know if its corrosive to copper. We used to brasso the door handles on our barracks to impress the shit out of the officers you could see your reflection in the door handles it was pretty nice.

>> No.512239

The issue here is that it's the only SNES game I've even owned that won't work on my SNES.

>> No.512249
File: 775 KB, 762x948, Scream internally.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sticker looks like that because it was owned by a smoker.

>> No.512256

I don't know anything about spotting cleverly bootlegged games

I do know, however, that it is entirely possible to get one of these "copy protection" screens on a legit copy of the game.

>> No.512259

that doesnt explain the white borders around the nintendo logo.

>> No.512260 [DELETED] 

You're the idiot, sometimes they look clean but can still be dirty.


>Fuck off you stupid mexican jajajaja


Only people who speak in Spanish write like that.

I suspect a racist that hates their own kind.


(Hint: I'm not Mexican, I already mentioned what I am on this thread, but I won't tell you.)

Inb4 I'm a Mexican regardless of where I'm from.

Nope, where I live it counts as a is I'm a USA citizen, so STFU.

>> No.512264

i smoke weed and cigarettes and crack and pcp and I always blow that shit all over my games and they all work perfectly and you are gay

>> No.512269

The game is most certainly a bootleg, but what confuses me is the fact that you tried the game out on the store and it actually worked. Do you think he switched the cart for another one at one point?

>> No.512273
File: 238 KB, 315x400, Hurr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That 5th grade grammar

>> No.512274


I got this screen once on my own Super Metroid, it only happened once ever, when I hooked it up in a different room.

>> No.512276

Should I take it back to the store next week? Keep in mind I didn't get a receipt. (Yes, I know, I got scammed)

Or should I sell it on eBay before I confirm that it's fake and don't have a bad conscience?

>> No.512283

Blowing shit over your games will shit stain them and give them an awful stench.

Your games will look brown forever.

Enjoy calling plumbers to show it to them.

>> No.512285

>all those bootleg accusations
you realize that these people are not experts and that them repeating themselves does not make it any more authoritative.

Hell, I have been posting retarded comics for this whole thread.

Hell, I am every other post

>long story short, try a different snes. I am sure whereveer you got it from will gladly look at it and help you test/clean it

>> No.512286

Try to get a refund. When it fails because you have no receipt, sell it on ebay.

>> No.512294


>calling plumbers to fix SNES games

>> No.512297
File: 216 KB, 1190x793, Bubblebobble1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is my opinion that it is a bootleg copy. The low resolution, blurry label, the white shadow on the Nintendo logo, and the white shadow on Ridley's wing tell me it was a photomanip by a poor manipulator before the days of photoshop, or a chinaman.

Still, you could take this chance to get into bootleg collecting. I have a bootleg bubble bobble that I display proudly... But then again, I bought it knowing full well it was a bootleg.

Some people exclusively collect bootlegs. It isn't all lost. Just get a legit Super Metroid off the Ebay, and learn from your mistake. I had problems with aquiring SM myself, and rage-bought it at a markup. So just know there is hope.

>> No.512298

This is entirely possible. It's a bit complicated though, so I can try to explain.

I went into the store and saw a Super Metroid cart. (I only saw one, not two, maybe he was hiding another one). I asked him the price and told me that it was a little bit more than I brought with me.

He told me I could just owe him the rest of the price since it was a very small amount, but I didn't want to owe him anything. I went to the car to get the remaining funds and came back. By then he could have swapped the game. However, he had no issue with making the transaction without me having to have left the store.

>> No.512306

What comics, I only see reaction faces.

>> No.512309

Yeah, but it yellows the plastic and fades the art. No damage is done, but they look like crap. Tobacco does this. Can't vouch for anything else.

>> No.512316 [DELETED] 

> suggested lower purity alcohol
> doesn't know water is what causes corrosion
> calls others idiot

Nobody cares what terrorist country you are from you are still an idiot,

>> No.512326

Quit listening to all these fags.

>>long story short, try a different snes. I am sure whereveer you got it from will gladly look at it and help you test/clean it
Most reasonable advice in this thread

>> No.512327


>> No.512321


I saw a copy of this at a local game store. It was loaded into a baseball game or something. There actually isn't an official Famicom version in the first place

>> No.512331

Don't buy more games without the receipt.

Lesson learned.

Also, did you test the game again?

If your battery is spent the energy on the save files resets to zero for some reason.

>> No.512338

>listen to internet strangers
>instead of talking to game store guy who you bought it from, who is an actual authority on this kind of shit.

>> No.512340

It worked perfectly fine on the SNES at the store. I wouldn't really have an issue as long as I could play the game without any problems, however, that's not the case.

Also, I realize that it's not possible that he made a switch, since my save progress was kept after testing it at the store.

>> No.512343
File: 121 KB, 1178x787, bubblebobble2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know. It is a FCDS game. The owner of the store I bought it from legit thought it was the real deal, so I bought it off him. Read the back. How could he think it was real after this?

Also, I don't speak moon, but aren't those Chinese characters on that price sticker, not Japanese? That could be a clue too.

>> No.512348

I would have to do that a week from now, and by then I'm afraid that he'll act like nothing happened. It's definitely worth a shot, though.

>> No.512363

It's either bootleg, or the internal battery is failing. Battery failure in SNES games sometimes trigger a false positive for the SNES's lockout chip, prompting the error screen.

Open the cartridge, replace the battery.

>> No.512354


>internet strangers
>implying OP and I don't go way back

I helped him fight off bullies when we were 13, so don't fucking call me a stranger, alright? We were tight like Samus and Houston Armstrong, dig?

>> No.512359 [DELETED] 

The games naturally corrode.

Using alcohol on it once won't corrode it that much.

Others suggested Brasso for corrosion.

You dare to call me idiot just because I suggested less purity alcohol.

You're just a fucking Muslim.

I dare you to call my country that again fag, I triple dog dare you.

>> No.512367


Ah, the store I saw the game at had it clearly labeled as a bootleg.

>> No.512370

Thanks for standing up for me back in Middle School, I really appreciated it.

But yeah, I think I'm going to take this back to the store and probably never go back.

If he doesn't accept it, I'll sell it on eBay, since I know for sure it worked on at least one SNES.

>> No.512371


Oh jeez guys if I really did all of those things I probably would have pawned any games I had, and this computer I'm posting on for more of that shit. I smoke but people who hotbox themselves in a room sicken me and I don't want that residue shit in my computer/games.

>> No.512381

You are a good and responsible anon.

>> No.512389

Is the best way for me to open it up to melt a pen? I don't want to do anything more stupid than I already have

>> No.512394

Good thread everybody.

Bad advice, good advice, off topicness, racism.

We just need some sexism before OP can delete this and call it a day.

>> No.512397

triple dog dare me to call that shithole a terrorist country? You wan't less water to cause less corrosion, you should know how important water is being so scare in your terrorist country.

>> No.512404

Punch bitches, get kittens.

>> No.512398

Yeah this store was in Vegas. Called "A Gamer's Paradise" It is actually a fucking great store. They have a free to play arcade. I checked it out when I was down there for WPPI and it is pretty tight. Their prices are about market value though... But just a great selection. Huge store.

Obviously, the owner knows his shit, but Famicom was their only import system, so I can't blame him for not knowing if every game was a disc release or not. He was a nice guy.

>> No.512401

How's the feast, troll?

>> No.512403

>implying you won't melt the pen cap all over the bolt and ruin any chance of opening it
>implying the alcohol you used to clean it won't catch flame and cause the cart to burst into flames
>implying you will not die in a towering inferno

>> No.512408

Make sure your spray the bolts with wd40 first.
If your connectors are corroded, those bolts definetly are

>> No.512407

Looking for a little bit more help before I can delete the thread and carry on with my day.

>> No.512415

The melted pen trick sometimes works, but it's more hassle than what it needs to be. I bought the screwdrivers for the bits on amazon for like 3 bucks. Sometimes the melted plastic will stain the surface you're putting it on.

>> No.512436 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 358x284, MMMMichael JACKSON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking immigrant. go back to your piece of shit country and die a horrible death.

>> No.512437

What should I do instead? I'd rather not wait for shipping when I can visit the store again in a week.

>> No.512450

you can probably get the bits from radioshack or home depot. what are you trying to open?

>> No.512445

>implying tweezers don't work as tiny pliers

>> No.512452

it was a tasty meal indeed

>> No.512456

Can you self hating jackasses go back to /v/ or /pol/ and stop shitting this board up?

>> No.512457


are you playing on a retron/other chinese SNES knockoff? If so, there's your problem.

>> No.512458

Water doesn't cause corrosion unless it is allowed to sit in contact with the metal for an extended period of time, so higher dilutions of alcohol are perfectly fine.

>> No.512459

are you fucking serious?
did you even read this thread?
who the fuck do you think you are?

>> No.512460

The SNES cartridge to see if it is at least a legit game. If it is, I can just sell it on eBay and avoid problems with the store.

>> No.512472

No, but now that I think of it, it's possible that the SNES at the store was a knockoff. The controller was definitely different but I disregarded it because I'm not really a SNES expert.

>> No.512469

>water doesn't cause corrosion
stopped reading right there

>> No.512487
File: 2.00 MB, 3264x2448, P1010069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a really strange (bootleg?) PCB I happen to own, it contains the japanese version of Super Street Fighter.

It misses a few things like a Nintendo copyright, but it seems remarkably well made... Does anyone know for sure?

>> No.512489

I don't actually believe what i said it's just hilarious how butthurt he is. He just suggested going into the console dry which is a bad idea which is why he is an idiot. He doesn't understand that though so it's just funny to make him mad.

>> No.512480

settle down, captain butthurt.

Just get a security bit screwdriver from home depot with a 3.8mm tip.

>> No.512491

It helps to read the whole statement and not make yourself look retarded.

The amount of water in that dilution of alcohol cannot cause corrosion before it evaporates, unless you're in an extremely moist atmosphere.

>> No.512504

yeah that's definitely a bootleg. the board looks different, and like you said, is missing the nintendo copyright.

>> No.512505

is it yellow at all?

>> No.512514

Something interesting I just found:

I brushed my finger against the red part of the label and red ink ended up on my finger. There's no noticeable affect to the sticker, though. Definitely taking it back next week.

>> No.512521

Pfff LOL. Probably printed on avery labels.

>> No.512523

I honestly don't remember too well, but it was very clean and what I would expect a SNES to look like. I didn't pay close attention because nothing seemed glaringly wrong with it.

>> No.512526

didnt companies make their own carts in japan or was that only with famicom?

>> No.512528

Yeah. It is confirmed bootleg.

>> No.512536

When I take it back, should I call him out on it being a bootleg, or do I just say I couldn't get it to work?

>> No.512537

Yeah, for the longest time, the pcb boards were made in japan. The plastic cases I think were usually made in mexico or china.

>> No.512543

Tell him you are 100% sure it is a bootleg, and you got the anti piracy warning from it.

>> No.512549

Just be like, "Hey this game didn't work." The retro store near my house sold me a broken copy of street fighter alpha 2 and they let me exchange it for something of equal value.

>> No.512552

And if he doesn't give a shit because I don't have a receipt, how much do you think I could sell it for on eBay if I am open about it being a bootleg?

>> No.512556

That's what I was wondering; It seems to use legit Goldstar chips, no globtops, top-notch factory soldering...

It would make sense Capcom made it in-house, seeing as SSFII was immensely popular... But no further documentation exists on this.

If it is a bootleg, no big loss since I got this for a few bucks.

If anyone else here got the SFC SSFII and access to a gamebit, could you take a picture of the PCB? Now I'm curious.

>> No.512568

I can't seem to find a price to compare it to, but I doubt I'll find someone who actually is interested in buying a bootleg copy of.

>> No.512580



Anyway, aftermarket systems usually aren't made to the original SNES specs, so they have more or less memory which is what causes these flags to come up. Same with earthbound.

>> No.512583

I would feel terrible selling it without saying that it's a bootleg, but what would be an acceptable price?

>> No.512586

nobody is going to buy a bootleg, at least not for anything more than $5.

>> No.512606

Alright, I really hope the guy takes it back.

It really is my fault, so I'm a bit upset right now. It wasn't a ton of money, but it's still upsetting to get scammed.

>> No.512623

How much money exactly? Just take it back right away. A good merchant will give you your money back and apologize.

Make sure to get a receipt from now on though.

>> No.512624

I have it but I dont have a gamebit sry, I should just smash it open with a rock I got another copy coming that was part of a lot lol. I don't even have a pen to use though sorry man, I wont actually smash my game haha

>> No.512627

I paid $35, but the next time I can go back is next week.

>> No.512637

I was willing to pay that much for an authentic cart, and honestly would pay around that much for a working cart, but the fact that it's both a bootleg AND not working makes it worth nothing to me.

>> No.512638

buy the super famicom cartridge on ebay for 20 bucks its the exact same game, they got the same version we did.

>> No.512650


I got a screen like this once as a kid playing Super Mario All-Stars. I freaked out thinking Nintendo called the cops or something.

>> No.512659
File: 81 KB, 960x720, SNESMetroid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your statement is totally false, I've had this since I was 10, it is original, it DOES have "the new freepull" characteristic.

>> No.512660

Can get it CIB for $40


>> No.512669

So if the guy decides to be an ass and refuses to accept the game back, any recommend course of action?

Should I just sell it on eBay?

>> No.512670

You would be lucky to get that, a legit copy of Super Metroid goes for around $10. OP, consider your lesson learned, and get receipts for this shit.

>> No.512672

Fuckers in Puerto Rico, which is humid as fuck.
You're wrong by your own admission

>> No.512685

I lol'd

>> No.512695

Actually, I'll just give it away if he doesn't accept it.
I already fucked up enough, no reason to try to salvage this.

>> No.512705

Start your auction at $1.99 + $5 shipping, and say it's a bootleg that works on Retron.

>> No.512709

>legit super metroid goes for $10

Are you high?

>> No.512714

Go clean that shit you fucking degenerate slob.

>> No.512726

I had a metroid ordeal, but not as big as yours... If you get the SuperFami Cart, just clip the prongs in your system and you can play it without a converter.

>> No.512729

You're like, reverse storage wars NES guy...

>> No.512730

OP, quit being a nampy pampy.
fuck, you've changed your mind time and time again this entire thread. your story has changed countless times.

What we know:
It fucking worked in the shop.
It works poorly at your home.
On your system that runs other games fine.

Firstly, we gave cleaning advice. Have you done any of that and has it changed the situationin the slightest?

Secondly try a second machine. I do not care if your works properly with other games, we are doing basic fault finding.

As for opening the cartridge, not a terrible idea, but WAIT until you see the clerk again. Your biggest fear is that with NO receipt and a WEEK of time, he'll accuse YOU of making the pirate cartridge and ripping HIM off.

Still, go talk to him and see what he can do and what tests he can do. He'll have the tools to do it. He could also open it up and change the battery like another anon suggested.

If he tells you to go fuck a duck, then open it, and fuck with it.

Christ man the fuck up.

>> No.512743

So did it play that Kraid's battle theme when the error came up?

>> No.512749


>> No.512754 [DELETED] 

Mad, I'm not mad, I'm amused you suck so much cock, I'm not a fucking immigrant you whore.

>> No.512767

But your mad is showing? Just stop being mad. Go outside for a minute and breathe.

>> No.512769

I have cleaned the cart with a dry cotton swab and used a credit card covered in a paper towel to clean the SNES. Every game still works fine except for Super Metroid.

I don't have a second machine to test it on, and I can't think of a friend that has one either. I really have no idea why none of my friends have a SNES.
>inb4 nofriends

I really don't think I can see this clerk earlier than next week, but I can send him an email today. I doubt he checks the store email, though. What should I tell him in the email if I do in fact send one? The game won't work or that it's a fake cart?

>> No.512783

Not working first.

Because until you open it, you have no proof it is a pirate cart aside from the screen which can appear for a variety of reasonjs.

At msot, tell him that screen appears/

>> No.512793

now blow out the cart with canned air, and do the same for the system. You could have gotten fibers in your system, I said a thin CLOTH. You know... like a tee shirt.

>> No.512818

Nope, I'm gonna travel to Op's house, get the allegedly bootleg cart, travel to the racist guy's home or apartment, shove it up his ass for being such a cunt.

I'm more then glad to do it.

Why would I be mad at some stupid asshole who is simply intolerant and obnoxious?

He makes me sad to even acknowledge his existence.

I'm having fun shitting on his parade.

>> No.512837

Went over it again with a shirt and cleaned the cart again. Turned it on, walked one room over, fired a shot, and the game froze.

>> No.512870

And when you tried it on the store, you played exactly how much? You sure it wasn't exactly this way from the start, and you just didn't play enough to notice?
I'm starting to think the game is just broken, bootleg or not. Heck, I have some bootlegs myself, and I don't mind, since they work just as good as any other game.

>> No.512874

I don't know a lot about SNES sticker labels, but is the fact that ink came off of the sticker when lightly touched not indication that it is a bootleg?

>> No.512881

I forgot to mention something to you Op.

I read somewhere that Super Metroid has an anti-piracy mechanism inside the game's programming that makes it somewhat hard to make repro-carts. So the warning picture you had most probably is that anti piracy mechanism doing it's work.

You should take that as a clear sign you're playing with a counterfeit game.

You should try playing it on other consoles before taking any decisions, and check inside to see if there are Nintendo logos inside the board to verify the carts legitimacy.

(Probably nobody knows about those anti-copy mechanisms, but I think that's the reason people prefer other language versions of the rom, they have an alternative intro language but play the exact game.)

Good luck.

>> No.512882

Do the pins have any furry or crystallized green substance around them in a cake or a halo?

>> No.512885

Or that you're a ridicouluosly greasy fuck

>> No.512893

Yeah, I am 100% convinced it is a bootleg, but it should still work. Since I assume OP isn't a collector, a bootleg would be fine for him if it works and saves.

>> No.512894

what the fuck /vr/

>> No.512895

I played until you beat Kraid without a single problem.

I took it home and plaid for a few minutes without noticing any issues, picked up my first set of missiles, left the room, and bam, everything was messed up. Pressing start fixed it, but every room reset with new problems. Then it would start to freeze with the music still playing very frequently at random parts of the game. Just now the entire screen flashed blue when I entered a new room.

>> No.512896 [DELETED] 

> lives in puerto rico
> uses more dilute alcohol water to corrode his system
> calls others stupid

Again nobody is intolerant here, were just sick off your stubborn stupid bullshit, You obviously don't get it stop being such a butthurt bitch.

Ps terrorist

>> No.512914

Eh, 70% alcohol won't corrode a system. It is super fast drying. Anything under that would be suspicious though.

>> No.512923

If I can get it to work, I'll keep it.
I don't see anything wrong with the pins on either my SNES or the cart. I took some pictures of the cart pins, but I don't think they would help,

>> No.512930

lets see them.

>> No.512935 [DELETED] 

We can keep this all night.

You keep insulting me, calling me a terrorist, butthurt, you think you're high and all mighty, but you know what?

I got balls of steel.

Fuck you, and I hope all your games corrode, your save files corrupt, or someone deletes them, and if your computer data fucks up that would be a plus.

Me? Mad, no, I'm happy to keep this shit up.

>> No.512936

For my experience, SNES games aren't like NES game, they won't run in a glitched state due to a bad connection, they either work right, or freeze.

The thing you descrive is just weird. And if what >>512881 said it's true. then you're most likely dealing with a useless cart that just happened to work well once, when you tested it.

If I were you, I'd try to get a refund, and get a good copy of Super Metroid on eBay from a respectable seller. I got mine last year for what? $15 plus shipping? All of this, it's not worth the trouble.

>> No.512945

Here they are:

Make sure to check out both pictures.

>> No.512951

Okay idiot, you don't stick a dry q-tip in your console. You're an idiot end of story.

>> No.512950

ParkerPeters, you're a swell guy.

Who's the idiot now, fucker, this guy just told you.

You're full of it, racist ignorant.

>> No.512958

Are they silver!?

>> No.512959

>implying being a trip fag gives you authority
Who is the retard now

>> No.512965

Why not?

works for me.

>> No.512970

Hey keep me out of this. I clean with 70% all day long because I resell garage sale finds. It has never hurt a cartridge, but it might under specific conditions. Keep me out of your fight though.

Yeah, a dry qtip (or any qtip) in a console, not a cart will leave fibers that will fuck you over in the long run.

>> No.512974

>serious crime to copy video games

But it's a civil issue, not a criminal issue.

>> No.512975

Im with this guy, strangely enough. I have no authority. Keep me out of your fights.

>> No.513006

They are silver and the plastic behind them is yellow.

>> No.513014

What people in this thread need to understand is what this screen is and why it appears. Most Nintendo games attempt to discourage (but not entirely prevent) piracy by checking various bytes of memory and total memory size. If key bytes are misplaced or the total memory size varies from the values determined for the actual pressing, any number of effects can be triggered. These are determined specifically by the developer of the game during programming. In some cases they are downright hilarious. A bad data check will cause a pirated TMNTII cart for NES to change the damage values so that your character takes double damage, deals half damage, and Shredder has infinite life, just to be dicks. How awesome is that?

The "bugs" you are seeing may be intentional defects to discourage piracy. The anti-piracy screen shown here is proof enough of a bad memory check.

Check out some other examples: http://tcrf.net/Category:Anti-Piracy

>> No.513016

That is bootleg as fuck. They should be gold in color.

>> No.513023

Eh, they could be gold, I'm not extremely good at colors in the middle of the night.

I cleaned stuff again and am putting it through one last test.

>> No.513029
File: 3 KB, 256x224, SuperMetroidCopyright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WARNING! When this message is triggered, all save data is deleted. Beware.

>> No.513030

Good luck.

>> No.513031

This is interesting.
This is the only good thing to come from this ugly thread so far

>> No.513037

Are you serious?

Does that really REALLY happen or are you bullshitting.

>> No.513034

The game froze in the opening gameplay video and when I reset all saves were deleted.

I got scammed hard. No idea how it worked perfectly in the store.

>> No.513042


>> No.513047

I think he switched the carts while you weren't looking. I would keep on to that cart, in case one of your cart plastics break you have a backup one.


I feel bad for you Op. This sucks bad.

>> No.513054

He didn't switch them. It had the same save file from when I beat Kraid in the store. Unless he's a wizard.

>> No.513050

His video froze, not necessarily showed the screen.

>> No.513051

Oh my god the Earthbound entry.


>And finally, should you brave everything else, there's one final, devious checksum routine at $C3FDC5, checking $C0A11C-$C0A150 to see if all the previous layers had been defeated, which is triggered after Pokey turns off the Devil's Machine and insults Giygas. If the game detects anything awry, it hangs and deletes your save files.

Nintendo confirmed for god-tier trolls.

>> No.513061

My save files were deleted after that image,yes.

However, after most of the freezing my save file was intact.

But, during this last freeze, I lost my file again. I tried to make a new one but it froze again.

>> No.513057

Look at the photo in OP

>> No.513058

Ugh you guys are all fucking retarded. Every single goddamn one of you. The cart is probably fine. The label has likely been replaced, but they tend to yellow and details get blurry due to "thumb wear" and UV exposure.

OP, the internal battery in the cart is likely failing. Open it up. Is the board one flat piece or does it have another board attached to it like a step up? If it does, it's fake. If the board is flat, likely not. Either case, replace the battery. It shouldn't affect how the cart plays.

A lot of times, too, a cart that has been played on a repro-console will get fussy with a real console and you'll get a piracy message. Some repro-consoles also give such messages with legit carts. Not all are 100% compatible. Power on your console, hold the reset button down for 10 seconds. Do this 2-3 times until the game powers on as normal. It will likely damage save file info, but that is okay. If the files say "NO DATA" it's fine. Just play. If the files have no icons or items and show "00 ENERGY" then you have corrupted save data, and need to replace the battery.

NEVER clean your carts' contacts with alcohol. Use a clean, pink eraser and gently rub the contacts in the direction they point. Use canned air to blow out the eraser bits afterwards.

>> No.513065

why do u people buy these old ass games, just use emulators

>> No.513074

To open it, do I do the melted pen trick, but some kind of screwdriver from Orchard's Supply and Hardware (which kind should I be looking for, I know it's 3.8mm, though), or wait for a GameBit to get shipped to me?

>> No.513075

Yeah, that was way earlier.

He attempted to play the game and got stuck after in some stages.

So, yeah, the game data could have corrupted on itself. No biggie.

>> No.513078


OP got rekt

>> No.513082

Confirmed: You most MOST probably have a bogus cart if such a thing happened.

>> No.513098

C'mon man, don't be dumb. Think of how you felt when you found out the problems this cart has. Return that shit yo.

>> No.513108

Yeah, its a 100% official authentic bootleg by the chinese. But that doesnt make it unplayable. I am trying to troubleshoot his problems because he doesn't care if legit, he just wants to play metroid, dammit!

>> No.513121

This is so true. It froze on my escape after fighting Kraid.

>> No.513123

Nope, it makes it harder to play.

MAYBE, just maybe if OP had GameGenie, just by plugging in both the Snes could ignore that it's a fake cart and he'd be able to play it.

Op do you have a GameGenie?

>> No.513126

theres more garbage residue in canned air then you get from alcohol you shitbag dildo. Alcohol is fine if dry it off afterwards, you're the only one dumb enough to let it air dry.

>> No.513132

Bluesheets? I'm sorry, you got ripped off.

>> No.513130

I could buy one from the trustworthy salesman who sold me Muper Setroid: Pyongyang Edition.

>> No.513136

definitely failing a checksum. Most games stagger these before or after major events in the game. Your bootleg failed right there, hence the freeze.

>> No.513137

Oh jeeze, I wish I was as cool (collection wise) as blue sheets. I bet he has so many copies of Super Metroid that he'd give them out for free.

>> No.513142

Yeah, you risk being sold a bootleg gamegenie.


>> No.513145

I laughed

>> No.513159

>Press [SELECT] to give to Glorious Leader
>Press any other button to be seized and buried in Forbidden Zone

>> No.513167

As hilarious as I am, I think the best solution would be to send him an email (I'm sure he doesn't check it) and return it next week as soon as I can.

>> No.513176

its possible the games internal memory battery is just dead. that happened with one of my Donkey Kong Country 2 catridges. i went to play it again after a few months and that message came up. it worked fine for years. sadly, the internal battery on cartridge games does not last forever so someday, all your games from the 90s will be like this.

>> No.513185

Does Super Mario All Stars suffer from this?

Does it use a Battery Save?

>> No.513209

im pretty sure all cartridge games do

>> No.513210


You can get them replaced. Local game shop does this for $15.

>> No.513254

In the email, should I just say that it won't work, or should I tell him it is mostly likely bootleg AND not working?

I didn't ask for a receipt, which is completely my fault, so I hope he doesn't act like nothing happened when he reads the email.

>> No.513290

Actually, I'm going to bed now. Maybe I'll email him tomorrow. I still don't think I can go back to the store until next week, though.

>> No.513291

He will say you probably switched it.

Don't even mention that, just say you want another game.

>> No.513296

I shouldn't even say I can't get it to work?

>> No.513305

Say the game is keeps crashing or freezing.

Don't mention the save files get deleted.

>> No.513310

Should I mention the piracy screen of death?

>> No.513323

Going to bed now. I don't know how fast /vr/ is, but I hope the thread is still here in the morning so I can see what I missed.

>> No.513336

Nope.png don't even dare to do that.

If you succeed, don't go to the gamestore anymore, also, I'd be wary, not trying to scare you but what if he calls the cops, you have no proof you bought it since you don't have a receipt, he might tell someone you switched him the carts or some shit. Scary but he'd have you by the balls man.

>> No.513376

> calls the cops


>> No.513446

You think it's possible maybe he didn't know either?

>> No.513480

Op's asleep, let's call it a night.

>> No.513504

I'm about to fall asleep. Got caught up in an intense game of Batman Forever (snes) god that game fucking sucks.

Night yall. I hope OP gets better soon... What was this thread about?

>> No.513565 [DELETED] 

Super Metroid Bootleg apparently.

>> No.513571

Super Metroid Bootleg, good nite ParkerPeters.

>> No.513614
File: 63 KB, 189x165, evidence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.515096

I'm back, and was wondering what the recommended course of action was again.

I think the plan was to email this trustworthy salesman and tell him that the game won't work properly, and return it a week from now.

Is there anything wrong with that? Should I not even tell him that it doesn't work?

>> No.515154

Actually, I have to go now, but if anyone needs I can take more pictures of the cart later.

>> No.515262

If you can find a "Gamebit" so you can unscrew the thing, it would be great because it would clear a lot of doubts.

>> No.515267

Don't even need that, you can melt the end of a pen over the screw to make it fit.

>> No.515363


He most likely didn't know. Just ask him, it's shouldn't be a big deal.

>> No.515390

Everyone on /vr/ is too paranoid. The cart looks fine, it's probably just low on batteries. The guy you bought it from probably wasn't trying to sell you a bootleg cart, if it is bootleg it's probably an accident. You should've gotten a receipt though, that's where you fucked up. If you are going to return it, then make sure you go at the guy who sold it to you's shift time. If there's a different salesman there, they probably won't recognize you. Send an email saying the game didn't work, and also ask when [employee name] next shift is.

>> No.515405

OH and don't say anything like "I know its a bootleg and you ripped me off" because

1) You don't know for sure it is a bootleg
2) You'll just be pissing off the guy you're asking for a favor by accusing him (yes, it's a favor, you're asking him to do the return/exchange without a receipt, which could get him in trouble)

>> No.515536


Well, it sure does look fake. The receipt may not be as huge of a deal as people are making it. I worked in a small shop before, you pretty much remember everyone that buys shit. It's not like some big corporate place with strict policies about receipts. The store most likely bought it thinking it was real and sold it thinking it was real and that's that.

>> No.515571

I don't think there's enough evidence to say whether or not it is a bootleg, unless he opened the cart up, which he didn't

>> No.515580


If you look at the printing on his cartridge it's horrible. It's not aged or anything else, it's a horrible print job that wouldn't have came from an official source.

>> No.515592

That could easily come from, say the label got torn or something and the owner printed out a replacement on his cheap color printer.

>> No.515598


It's not from a cheap color printer.

>> No.516205

Oh god the heartbreaking memories.

I was more than half through my first playthrough of this game, and I put it in one day, to find that, and that all the saves were wiped.


>> No.517504

Back, I'm going to start composing the email.

Another piece of information I should have said earlier: The guy who sold it to me is the owner and as far as I've seen, the only employee.

>> No.517704

Is it mostly agreed upon that I don't hint at any sign of a bootleg, but just say that I can't get it to work?

Should I not even say there are problems with it?

>> No.517842

Just say it keeps freezing up or crashing, or something.

>> No.517857

Have you bought previous working games from this guy before? If so he's probably not trying to intentionally trying to rip you off. Say the games not working in your snes, and maybe bring it into the store , and show him the porblem you're having.

>> No.517902

Thanks, I'll say I just can't get it to work.
I bought SimCity and Final Fight together for 15 dollars (willing to pay that because I hate shipping) and he gave me a receipt then, so I trusted him this time. He even let me test it in the store and it played perfectly for the first level.

>> No.517989

Should I tell him the exact day I'm planning to return it in the email?

>> No.517991

I probably shouldn't even be that worried, I don't think he did anything on purpose, and even if he did I'm pretty sure we can work something out.

>> No.518049

I'm happy this isn't a Pink Floyd community.

If it was, just to sound different, there would be a massive movement to call "bootleg carts" as "GoIO"s.

>> No.518072

The catalog number is written in Arial font. That's a dead giveaway for a bootleg.

>> No.518109

I can't even get past Ridley without it freezing now, this is really painful to try to play.

If I am 100% certain it is a bootleg, should I still just tell the shop owner that I simply can't get it to work next week when I try to return it?

>> No.518134

I'm not sure what I would do in this situation myself, as I've never been faked out like that. I'm sure the shop owner was ripped off in the same regard; it's not an incredibly convincing boot up close, but in a cartridge lot, it'd probably be harder to tell the difference at first glance.

Whatever you do, just hope you can get your money back.

>> No.518163

Any explanation as to how it worked perfectly in the store? I use perfectly rather loosely, as I'm not a Super Metroid specialist, but there was no crashes or sprite errors or any momentary freezes/lag, so I assumed that it was going to work on my own SNES.

The most logical conclusion I came up with was that he switched the carts, but then I remembered that it still had the save file from when I beat Ridley (in the store) on it.

>> No.518208

Bring your SNES along. It would take 5 seconds to swap them around in the store briefly.

>> No.518239

Sounds like a plan.

Best case scenario:
It works on his SNES and not on mine, so I can prove that I didn't break the cart myself, and also show that I have a legitimate reason to be disappointed.

Crossing my fingers that it happens, I should stop stressing out about this and imagining worst case scenarios.

Worst case: I lost 35 dollars and was taught a lesson. Cheap price to pay. I will get receipts for EVERYTHING now, regardless of whether or not I get my money back.

>> No.518434

I know I've asked a ton of questions, but is it recommended that I try to open the cart out of curiosity, or should I not even bother?

>> No.518483
File: 297 KB, 3264x1840, MuperSetroid Pyongyang Edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he...Did he go over the red with a marker? This is really bothering me.

I rubbed my finger on the red part of the label, noticed ink on my finger, and then saw this. It's not perfectly apparent in the photo, but I think he actually used a marker to draw over the red.

>> No.518507

Rooks rike it.

>> No.518515

Is this something I should tell him, or do I continue with my plan of
"Lol, it doesn't work, no idea why."

I feel really cheated right now, and it's definitely my fault.

>> No.518554

That's a printed sheet. As in, from someone's home printer. It didn't look anything near that pixellated. Looks like the print heads need to be recalibrated, also.

>> No.518571

I've made plans to return to the store next Saturday. I hope I can get my money back.

If he refuses to believe that the game is broken, should I tell him that it's clearly bootlegged, or is that not even a last resort?

>> No.518671
File: 469 KB, 2137x1009, real metroid cart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just for reference, this is a real Super Metroid cart label, it's a bit dirty but you can see the difference in the text color and the lack of pixelation.

>> No.518692

make a new thread on here when you get back, and let us know how everything turned out, okay?

>> No.518707

I'll certainty do that. I'm going next Saturday with the same buddy who accompanied me the first time, in case the owner somehow managed to forget our transaction.

I might settle for in-store credit if he chooses to be adamant in refusing a refund, but I don't think I'll be returning again for a while after that, especially if I don't get cash money.

>> No.518723

Oh shit, do they all have blue text on the top part of the cart? Mine is green. If it was really that obvious all along, I feel pretty stupid.

>> No.518749

Think it's green, most First party SNES games have green endlabel writing. The colors are just off.

>> No.518769
File: 316 KB, 1600x838, I Got Rekt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I think I was just ripped off. Unless, they released it in two colors without changing the catalog number.

>> No.518814

It can be bluish-green, the color isn't what tips me off, but the un-set color printing.

>> No.518831

Oh yeah, it was really obvious and I still managed to fall for it. There is even red sharpie on the red parts of the label. I noticed it when I got red ink on my hands.

If the owner did this himself, then he knows that he's fucked me over already.

>> No.518869
File: 2.42 MB, 3264x2448, 20130422_201427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah the label should have a turquoise lettering on the top

>> No.518909
File: 28 KB, 345x281, 1343260765043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you usually get quality merch from this guy?
Is it worth ruining the relationship? Or was this a one-time thing?

If you usually get good stuff, I'd say to let this one go, and chalk it up to being more cautious next time. You don't want to sour it if you think he's a good guy and just got bamboozled by some schmuck who just left before you came in. Or not, whatever, but if you could get good stuff from him later, just eat it and get the experience points from it.

If you just dealt with him one time, yeah, try and get your money back, and don't go back.

Either way you choose, you might not get your shit back and that'll end badly for both of you- you're still out for Muper Setroid, and he's out a customer. Bad feels on both parts makes bad business relationship.

If this is the only bridge (or retro shop) in town, choose wisely before burning it. S'all I'm sayin. Hope you get your money back if you go that route, brah.

>> No.518941

Mine is completely green. Fuck.
This is my second time buying from him and the more I think about it, the more I realize that he knew it was fake the whole time. He gave me a receipt the first time and not this time. He also was fine with me only paying a portion of it and coming back with the rest later, but I insisted on paying it in full. If anything, he might realize that I wanted to be a nice guy by paying the whole thing, and he'll be a nice guy and give it back.

>> No.518971
File: 2.00 MB, 386x264, 1351485310218.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was still this naïve.

>> No.518978

you should sell it on ebay for a markup.
carts that were pirated pre-flash memory can go for quite a price if you find the right collector

>> No.519050

The game doesn't work, though. That's the problem. Or, at least it doesn't work on my SNES.

>> No.519127

>He also was fine with me only paying a portion of it and coming back with the rest later, but I insisted on paying it in full. If anything, he might realize that I wanted to be a nice guy by paying the whole thing, and he'll be a nice guy and give it back.

Dude conned the fuck out of you.

You got alpha'd, son.

>> No.519156
File: 38 KB, 400x383, 1365204692250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He gave me a receipt the first time and not this time. He also was fine with me only paying a portion of it and coming back with the rest later

i dont want to kick you while you're down but fuck man

how could you fall for that one?

>He gave me a receipt the first time and not this time.


>> No.519175
File: 1.45 MB, 167x200, 1363018697975.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah no

Ive sold my games in the past and just reacquired a new collection.

Rather keep these and take them to my grave.

really though I have them in a will to goto a couple friends.. seriously. I've invested over $400 for my SNES collection

>> No.519206


>> No.519592

Op there is only one thing you can do, go in and wave a gun in his face and shoot the place up of course

>> No.519624

400? on SNES small collection bro with all that nintendo tax.

>> No.519701
File: 1.91 MB, 3264x2448, 20130227_111700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not all of it, this was taken back in February

>> No.519749

thats not even that bad i expected a lot worse tbh

>> No.519858

I'm back, want to trade for a RARE prototype copy of Muper Setroid with green label?

>> No.519926

OP, if you can open it up it would probably be easier to judge.

>> No.519971
File: 165 KB, 500x345, tumblr_m1qrl7H0yt1qk1depo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.520039

I'm pretty sure we concluded that it is a bootleg. It doesn't even matter because I am going to return it regardless.

>> No.520192

Not recommended if you intend to return it. Also, get back to him sooner if you can. Last I had to return something to a game store they had a 7 day return policy.

Not gonna snap a pic of my cart (plenty of other anons have), but I'll chime in myself that your sticker is wonky. The colors seem off on the main graphic, and it looks like there's a small white edge in multiple places where there's none on mine. The most obvious difference is the SNS-RI-USA and MADE IN JAPAN text is larger than it is on my cart, and not aligned properly.

Some other small details that may help: inside the bottom of my cart, on one side there's raised plastic that reads F(A)-45 and on the other side some that says B - 38. This is in the bottom part where the chip sticks out. I don't know if that signifies anything or not.

You may want to print out some of the cart pictures the other anons have posted, like >>512094. That one matches my cart perfectly. >>512114 is good too.

Notice on those no white edge around Ridley's wing where it hangs over into the black, or around the seal of quality (the seal is shiny gold, you can see on other carts), or around the bottom of the Nintendo logo, or to the left of the main big graphic.

>> No.520214
File: 204 KB, 960x720, super metroid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resell it on eBay.

>> No.520224


>I got mine for 15 plus shipping

current listings for decent carts are all 39.99 and up

lul OP is fucked

>> No.520251

I can just get the Japanese version if I get my money back. If not, I can probably get some in store credit and get some shitty overpriced games.

He wanted $40 for Yoshi's Island.

>> No.520262


collecting, authenticity

>> No.520293

It's hilarious that the SFC version of super metroid is cheaper than the SNES version, they're literally the exact same game. SFC Super Metroid even has all the english text

>> No.520304

the j-cart isnt even japanese too its the same rom inside the cart

>> No.520312

yep thats why I bought the j-cart, I buy mostly japanese SFc games just because they are dirt cheap. I have a second copy of SSF2 that came in a cheap lot.

>> No.520327

Is SMW the same game too or did they change stuff?

>> No.520332

No the US and Japanese versions have some minor differences not including the addition of a 1991 copyright date.

>> No.520548

I'll definitely make a thread when I go back and tell the owner there's a problem.

>> No.520571

It has Japanese text too, obviously. No clue why you'd go for a japanese copy of SMW, US versions are cheap enough.

>> No.520589

Fuck's sake dude. Fact the facts your cart has an injket label on it. It's a bootleg.

>> No.520603

You beat Ridley in store? Was this a save that was already on there?

>> No.520605

Yeah, I already "confirmed" that it's a bootleg. Not going to open it up, though.

>> No.520616

>Not going to open it up
Why not?

>> No.520619

When I played the cart at the store, there were no saves. I made one, beat Ridley, and escaped with no problems whatsoever. I left, came back, bought it, came home, played it, and the only file was one with 2 minutes on it that was right where I left off.

However, there were a ton of issues now. My save data got deleted, and now I can't beat Ridley without the game freezing.

>> No.520626

I want to try to return it. If the guy tells me to fuck myself, I'll open it.

>> No.520631

>there were no saves
That should've been your first clue.

>> No.520636

If you open it, you can easily put it back together without anyone knowing the difference.

And we get the bonus of knowing what it looks like inside.

>> No.520646

Good I can't wait to hear how you pussied out and traded it for a bootleg Mario Kart.

>> No.520642

>inb4 alien life inside
I know, but it worked perfectly in the store, so I thought at most it was just a bad battery.

>> No.520648

Oh, you mean the fight right at the beginning, I thought you meant the real Ridley fight.

>> No.520657

Whoops, should have been more clear. Sorry about that.

>> No.520668

I sent him an email to the store email address. I'm pretty sure he doesn't even check it.

"Hello, yesterday I purchased a copy of Super Metroid on the SNES for $35. I can't get it to work on my SNES at home, and I am going to return on Saturday and ask if it is possible to return it. Thank you for your time."

>> No.520718

Going to bed now. Can't wait for Saturday.

>> No.520725

Still not quite as spooky as the Donkey Kong error screens.


Sucks your copy was fake, man.

>> No.520735
File: 333 KB, 1200x870, super-setroid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next time don't buy a game when the cover looks like pic related

>> No.520760

All the signs were there, I just wasn't looking. Next time I'll get my shit together.

>> No.520762

>that spooky music
>those kongs that look like they just got raped by their dad
Yup, if I ever had something like that come up I'm sure I would never pirate again.

>> No.520845

Imagine coming into that screen due to an error when you were 8 years old. Shit will spook you for life.

>> No.520905
File: 39 KB, 200x200, 1349087746639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure about the SNES but the NES you can disable the CIC chip and make anything run on the NES so long as it fits. I'm thinking something like that exist for the SNES

>> No.520921


A topic of interest but probably (maybe) not related.

I once got my copy of Dragon Warrior on the NES to actually display a garbled title screen on my N64 by fnagling the cartridge into the console just right.

>> No.520942

That could not have been good for the game or the console.

>> No.520945

It's not an antipiracy measure within the console, it's the cartridge itself.

It's detecting latency between the system and itself, some games work flawlessly no matter how sloppily bootlegged, and some don't work at all.

>> No.520957
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Sorry, I don't have a lot of SNES experience (working to change that though)

>> No.520964

I feel like we should have a thread for creepy antipiracy screens

>> No.520973

There's really only the DKC games that come to mind.

Most other games just used a stock one.

>> No.520978

Okay, well how about creepy antipiracy features?

>> No.520982

Most devs don't even bother with doing anything more than making the game not work.

>> No.520987
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DKC had one?

What was it?

>> No.520992

I lolt

>> No.520994

DKC2 and DKC3 did. Don't know if DKC1 did, it plays just fine on my game copier and I have a very old game copier.

>> No.520996

I'm asking what the screen is

>> No.520998

I thought DKC was just a blue "piracy is a crime..." screen

>> No.521012


DKC2 had a similar one, but I don't really feel like looking for a video showcasing it.

>> No.521046


>> No.521059


>that creepy music

>> No.521087
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>> No.521091
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I love those scary anti-piracy screens that make it look like Biff will come and break your legs if you copy it.

>> No.521126
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Who has legit Super Metroid?
I have legit Super Metroid.
Who doesn't have legit Super Metroid
You don't have legit Super Metroid.

Mine is Players Choice, which is awesome. Cuz its gold. And possibly rarer than the original cart since my copy is the only one I've seen. Eh, whatever. It's not going anywhere.

What should go somewhere is your cart. Straight back to the store. I wouldn't tell him you suspect the cart to be counterfeit considering he probably can't resell a counterfeit cart while a cart that works fine in his SNES and not yours has a 50/50 success rate and he might just retest it and sell it again.

Some other anon suggested exchanging for another game. I recommend that too.

>> No.521136
File: 263 KB, 680x750, Excalibur reaction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'd take a bootleg over a player's choice anything, even if it is rarer than the regular release.

>> No.521149

>due process

>> No.522265

Actually, it could just be a malfunction with the cart's sram. Those cartridges had backup protection back in the day, because the floppies that people stored snes roms on lacked sram. basically, the game nows to check whether you have sram in the cartridge, and if it doesn't, it thinks it's a fake and sends that message.

>> No.522268

I have the actual one, non-players choice. Was one of my favorite snes games as a kid, and still one of my fave games ever.

>> No.522465

Jesus fucking christ you guys are retarded.I expected better from /vr/

OP, the cart is legit, stop being a pussy. As other anons said, it is either A) dirty pins or most likely B) the sram has gone or a cap has blown. As somebody who makes repro's, the money and effort into making a copy of super metroid is paints on head retarded.

Also, protip. Ive made repro's for nearly every system that takes carts and not ONCE have any of them tripped copy protection....mainly because they are IDENTICAL to the original. Only thing's that do that are the old style cd & floppy coppiers.

Get educated niggers

>> No.522487

Oh yes, we're sure to take the word of some anon that claims to be constantly ripping people off when the pictures clearly show the label is fake and the game keeps tripping copy protection.

>> No.522528


>because making a repo is as easy and cheap as burning a cd

What part of nobody in THE WORLD would make a repo of super metroid dont you understand? If the labels fake, all it means is the seller printed a new because the original was shit to get more money.

>> No.522668
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>paints on head retarded

>> No.522987

Why? The gold trim is fucking sweet.

>> No.523071

>NEVER clean your carts' contacts with alcohol.

>> No.523086

You don't know that someone wouldn't make a repro of super metroid, it literally can't be proven.

>> No.523128


He's trolling, pencil erasers are too abrasive for the contacts, it's better to use alcohol, 90%~ so it'll evaporate quickly.

>> No.523202
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UK cart. Always thought they looked nicer the the USA carts

>> No.523216

Srsly. I paid close to MSRP but besides the label kind of covering some of the art, I found it classy as all fuck.

I still have no clue as to if its rarer than standard Super Metroid. This is actually the first players choice I've seen, are they common? Does it depend on the game? If a helpful anon can explain that to me I'd like to know.

Eh, got a point. If someone is going to sell a fake, I would imagine effort would be better spent on a much rarer game (Like Earthbound or some other game that can easily command a car payment) but perhaps that's the beauty of it. People who drop 3 digit numbers on a game are going to closely inspect it and probably not buy it if they smell foul. A $30-50 game however, is about the right number where so long as it plays, one isn't going to make a huge effort to authenticate it. Blurry cover? Eh. Whatever.It plays.

Also, from what I understand, fakes are cheapest when made from donor carts. I'm trying to think of a cheap SNES game that contains a battery. Super Mario World? Some shitty sports game? I imagine the tech to alter the ROM and the printer ink are the most expensive components but overhead, geeking a few somewhat uncommon carts could prove lucrative

tl;dr: There are pros and cons to counterfeiting Super Metroid. Just because its not a hugely expensive game doesn't mean it is not fake.

tl;dr pt II: How many stories of fake NWC carts do you see going around? None, because unless you grade that nigga, one ones gonna drop a few K on it.

>> No.523247

OPs issue is one of my biggest nightmares.

I imagine being alone in a dark room and suddenly that dark screen with very harsh and imposing white letters appears.

Also, this

>> No.523290


>> No.523327

... you people.

Look, the most likely solution is usually the answer. I doubt its a bootleg of metroid.

I would guess something is miffed with the cart itself. Battery problems, sram, something. The cart is old, and any number of things could go wrong. I bought an NES MAX a few weeks ago, took it apart and the inside was covered in pepsi. Still works though.

As for the label, Nintendo isn't perfect. I have a collection of about 30-40 Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt carts, and needless to say, the printing process isn't always perfect. I have some with the printing off a hair (which happens a lot) and some with different colors. Point being, Your cart does show signs of being a bootleg, but it also shows signs that the print for that particular copy was just off a hair, and that's why you have the white outline around some of red printing parts. Professional printing doesn't print it all at once like home systems, they print by color, most likely cmyk. This would also explain why the picture is a bit blurry. All it takes is one color to be off for the whole thing to look like shit.

>> No.523354


They do. This is coming from an American.

Guess it was Nintendo's way of discouraging imports and piracy

>> No.523373

>WARNING! It is a serious crime to shit your pants in fear.

>> No.525142

Wow that scared me shitless

>> No.525229

my god

it even has an ESRB rating

>> No.525303

Look, bootleg or not, it's not working so best choice is to return it.

>> No.528057

>This is actually the first players choice I've seen, are they common?

I believe they were common for hit family-friendly snes games sold in the late 90's. My brother got a Player's Choice kart of Mario Kart for his bday in '97. It was only $5 apparently.

>> No.528086
File: 76 KB, 640x453, mariokartplayerschoice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found a pic and a list


>> No.531492

Spray a bit of deodorant on a tissue and clean the contacts.

>> No.535081


The game will work better because it will not have body odor anymore.

>> No.535269
File: 7 KB, 225x222, BLLLAARRRGGGHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking Christ, this thread is terrible.

>> No.535575

It's like 3 days old now. I still haven't gone to the store yet, can't wait for Saturday.

>> No.535797

so who's currently fapping?

>> No.535787

Go away bootleg game seller.

>> No.535856

I have no idea what is going on in this thread.

Would be pretty damn weird to have it still be here on Saturday when I try to return it.

>> No.535906

Holy fucking shit I leave this thread for 3 days and I come back to see this?

>> No.535934
File: 629 KB, 1599x1095, metroid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese cart. Bought it with no box but otherwise like-new condition in Tokyo for a few dollars equivalent. The game has an option in the menus for Japanese or English text.

Not going to bother reading this whole thread but OP has a poorly made bootleg. Yes, dirty connectors CAN cause an issue with the lockout chip, but dat label man.

>> No.535950

not to mention that the contacts were silver

>> No.535961

I know, right? There are still some people saying that it's not bootleg and that I should just clean the pins and stuff.

If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. I'd rather have my money back than a broken cart.

>> No.535967


Why be shitty to the next person when you know how it feels?

>> No.535980

I'm not going to sell it to anyone.

I'm going back to the store on Saturday to try to return it. If it doesn't work I'll probably just frame it and display it proudly as the stupidest purchase I have ever made.

It would make a good conversation piece.

>> No.536451

I hope the return goes well for you, man. I'm still holding out hope that the guy made an honest mistake selling you a bootleg and didn't mean to fleece you.

>> No.536517
File: 259 KB, 1600x1200, WAKE UP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't mean to fleece you
Yeah, fuck those guys