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File: 138 KB, 1024x768, gfs_47119_2_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5112449 No.5112449 [Reply] [Original]

Mega Man 7 is not THAT bad as people claim, at least it's better than 8.

>> No.5112454

It’s actually among my favorites OP! Not everyone dislikes it.

>> No.5112459
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Hell yeah 7 is great, and better than 8, this post is not b8, so good job m8.

In all seriousness, while I have my grips with it (don't really like the Wily Levels, hate Slash Man's fight, and Rush Search sucked), I think that it's really great, and honestly a lot of people should play it, it's really fun.

>> No.5112467

3 > 2 > 5 > 4 > 7 > 6 > 1 > 8

>> No.5112472

explain to me why you have 1 so low

>> No.5112474

Because it's trash compared to the later games

>> No.5112497

8 is better than 7, though.

>> No.5112917

8 is great. You're a meme spouting fag.

>> No.5112954

4 > 1 > 2 > 5 > 7 > 6 > 8 > 3

>> No.5112970
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>> No.5113009

The only things I truly hate about 7 is the stupid unskippable intro and Light's unskippable ramblings between levels.

>> No.5113078

Who claims MM7 is bad? a bunch of faggot e-celeb parroters, probably.

>> No.5113086

i like the music, it's cute and makes me happy.

>> No.5113095

It is better than 8, gameplay isn't tight in that one due to long ass animations, and better than 5 and 6 too if you ask me, because of their bland gameplay.

I believe people who don't like it are the kind who play a game once and never replay them.

The low FOV does make things worse than they should be, but once you've played the game 2-3 times and start to know it, it's not a problem anymore and you can start having fun.

I don't mind the cutscenes, they're pretty fast and straight to the point, but one thing I don't like about it is that if you want to collect all secrets, all equipment, with minimal backtracking, your choice of stage order is very limited.

>> No.5113101
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forgot pic

>> No.5113138
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>> No.5113140

I haven't played this game in a while... what's that?

>> No.5113142
File: 1.13 MB, 1920x1080, 20170822182302_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Danger Wrap weapon. It's the only way to kill those mines. Dr. Light's tip does say "you can encass many things with it!"

>> No.5113147
File: 449 KB, 1447x355, FreezeCracker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, you can freeze and get rid of clouds with the Freeze Cracker, but there is not much point to it except maybe being able to see the platform more clearly.

For a game supposedly made in just a few months it does have tons of secrets and small cool details like that.

>> No.5113184
File: 1.36 MB, 1123x841, CloudManSnow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cloud Man stage

What did I just say about secrets in this game? I had no idea this was possible. Thanks Nintendo e-shop trailer.

>> No.5113204
File: 256 KB, 1920x1080, snow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have to hit the 2nd weather enemy with freeze cracker
>it makes the invisible platforms visible

Well fuck, I remember trying everything I got on the 1st weather enemy... so I never thought of hitting the 2nd one, even though that one always seemed odd to me since it seemed useless.

>> No.5113232
File: 6 KB, 256x222, freezecracker_roll1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the English versions of Rockman 7 (MegaMan 7), you were greeted by Dr. Right and he describes the functions of the weapon and their usefulness in the game. But in the Japanese version, you also meet Roll and Rightot (Auto) that tells Rock things not normally heard in the game.

Fucking lazy translators.


>> No.5113330

>For a game supposedly made in just a few months it does have tons of secrets and small cool details like that.
Hitting certain bosses with certain weapons could actually backfire and make them stronger, which was also pretty cool.

>> No.5113338

Do you have an example?

>> No.5113563

If you shoot Spring Man with Thunder Bolt he turns into a huge magnet. If you shoot Turbo Man with it he gets temporary invulnerability.

If you try using Danger Wrap on Slash Man he deflects it back into you.

If you try using Shade Man's own weapon on him it just charges his attacks.

If you shoot Freeze Man with his own weapon this happens: https://youtu.be/lfCSgQrv4vM?t=80

>> No.5113574

No need to namefag here

>> No.5113575

It seems each time Mega Man VII is re-released, they butcher it more and more and more.

>> No.5114018
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>> No.5114020

true but &bass is better than both of them though.

>> No.5114026

It's supposed to be napalm.

>> No.5114054
File: 1.44 MB, 800x1184, aa205fe5-84fd-4110-a80b-5f65ba981d2f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually feel 8 is better then 7 but 7 isn't terrible or anything.

The real underrated game is MM&B. That game is among the best in the classic series and most people just bitch about it having a decent difficulty.

>> No.5114281

Have any of y'all ever tried out the fan-made 8bit de-makes of 7/8?

>> No.5114287

Let’s be real here, even the worst mainline MM is better than the later MMX games

>> No.5114373

yeah but that's not a high bar

>> No.5114391

7's alright. I rarely ever replay it because I don't like the endgame portion, but it was good.

>> No.5114462

I liked the one for MM7. The removal of the storyline parts (cutscenes, intro and middle stages) was lame, but it otherwise did a good job at adapting the gameplay and fixing the parts that just didn't work (like the Rush Search for items).

MM8's demake was bad. Almost nothing actually got changed beyond the graphics, so we're still stuck with the shitty snowboarding and puzzle stages that actually could have been removed and changed into more traditional MM gameplay.

>> No.5114756

Man this is really cool, I didn't know either

The only really good thing about them are the bossfights.

Otherwise they're inferior in every way.
For 7 they put the NES scale but didn't change anything else, so everything feels really empty. on NES, the same areas would have had more enemies.
For 8 they cut ENTIRE sections but still ended up making things which wouldn't have worked like that on NES.... At least cut the right things.

They're still cool though.

>> No.5114815

Holy shit HE FUCKING DABS!!! I love it

>> No.5116685
File: 2.48 MB, 2381x3493, 96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MM&B is great. The only thing I dislike about it is that a few enemy placements are unfair, as in, it's almost impossible not to get hit unless you know about it.

Also that delicious Ariga art!

Do I enjoy it more than 7? I don't know, I like both as much for different reasons. 8 is inferior to the two though.

>> No.5117025

I'm playing mm7 right now (killed 3 robot masters) and I'm having a blast
maybe it's because i played mm6 just before that, and it was disappointingly easy

>> No.5117071

I'm wondering the same thing. Who hates 7 and 8?

I loved both when younger and thought 8 especially was beautiful. Great sprite work and amazingly detailed backgrounds.

>> No.5117117

I remember enjoying it quite a bit.