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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5112465 No.5112465 [Reply] [Original]

So, what are /vr/'s thoughts on Giygas, his fight, and his impact on internet culture?

>> No.5112494

what is this a fucking book report? just play the fucking games you idiot

>> No.5112496

Wow, truly a genre defining boss.

>> No.5112501

I was asking you guys. I know that all of you would probably care less about my opinion anyways.

>> No.5112503

wouldn't they have robot bodies?

>> No.5112509

Overrated and insignificant, especially since the localization erased all ties to the NES game and so the references were completely lost.

Porky was the real villain of the game. He literally admits that Giygas was too braindead to do anything and needed him to actually get shit done.

>> No.5112889

Absolutely no need to namefag here.

>> No.5112893

Eh, I think that the fanbase likes him too much.

>> No.5113016

Unique design, but his nearly complete lack of interaction with Ness & his crew makes him ultimately a low-impact villain.
>his fight
Truly one of the most unique experiences one will ever encounter in a video game.
>his impact on internet culture
Outside of starmen.net, it's pretty much non-existent.

>> No.5113624


Thats amazing, artist?

>> No.5113631
File: 323 KB, 1200x505, 41402772_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a great battle and one that has always left an impression on me. Not much to say that has never been said before.
You know anon, there's this amazing thi g called reverse image search.


>> No.5113635

Goku >>>>>>>

>> No.5113636
File: 452 KB, 256x224, gyiyg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it, kinda wish I didn't knew about it before playing the game. I can only imagine the impact it had on people who played it blind.
The noise "music" during the battle was ahead of its time.

>> No.5113637

>fanart of the final battle
>the chosen four aren’t in their robot forms
Get outta here Toriyama

>> No.5114471

I think giygas was neat visually, he's kind of a bland "force of nature" type villain, but they made it cool with the surrounding accoutrements.

I went into the game not knowing much, so they prayer thing struck me pretty hard emotionally. didn't even consider there was a reason the game asked you for a name other than to be quirky, which fit the game's MO till that point. I don't think a game made these days could ever get away with something like that without it being plastered all over the place in an instant and ruining the impact, so it was nice to experience. Especially at the end of a hopeless feeling battle where nothing seemed to work and you were basically resorting to the few things you had left in a desperate attempt to see if it'd work.

Not really sure what impact i'd say it had on internet culture other than kind of lame theorycrafting discussions and youtube poops. Maybe my input here would be different if I was on the net when EB was still a "hidden gem"