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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5111746 No.5111746 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /vr/, bored in college and really want to binge some retro games, preferably up to PS1-era, what's the best way to go about doing this (Raspberry pi, modded console/flashcart, etc.)?

>> No.5111753

Met one of my best friends from college because he had a room next to mine in sophomore year (2005) I heard him playing the distinct bleeps & bloops of the NES, so I knocked on his door and he and his over 600 games were greeting me.

>> No.5111803


>> No.5111804

Would prefer to play on a monitor, not that a fan of playing handhelds for an extended period of time.

>> No.5111810

Not a fan*, fuck

>> No.5111865

get a ps2 and some games

>> No.5111881

Yeah I was thinking of that, can't you mod a memory card to load ISOs?

>> No.5111891

I used the tape/tissue thing with my slim ps2 and loaded my games off ethernet connection to my PC. You can use a usb drive as well, but it makes the games play like shit.

>> No.5111896

If you care about using a CRT, then maybe get a Wii. If you don't, then just use PC to emulate

>> No.5111897

Different anon here, but as long as we're on the subject of PS2 college games, I've been wanting a second Guitar Hero guitar. What's a reasonable price for one? I've been seeing some around me for $20 but that seems a tad pricey.

>> No.5111904

You posted this from a computer, right? Download some emulators. Every other (relatively cheap) option is just settling.

>> No.5111915

A hacked Vita TV with 2 dualshocks, 3 or 4.

>> No.5111919

You should be able to find a PS2 guitar at practically any thrift store in the toy section. There are just that many of them that have been discarded

This, OP is a prime candidate for a modded Wii and a free consumer CRT. That will be the essentially disposable stand alone retro gaming station he's looking for although he won't run a whole lot of 5th gen games on it. Probably enough. Otherwise, PC.

>> No.5111923

>the best way to do this
never ask this question the best way is with original hardware, software and a crt.

>> No.5111928

Can a hacked Vita TV play all the Vita games as well, or do none of the games requiring the touch screen work?

>> No.5112030

there's a wiki list for incompatible games, but supposedly Vita whitelist can handle most of them.

>> No.5112032

Oh that actually sounds pretty cool, I might grab one of these then.

>> No.5112898

No need to namefag here

>> No.5112906

University is such a joke. Spend 4 years playing video games and now you have access to jobs that the rest of society doesn't. Fuck adult kindergarten.

>> No.5113018

I tried a raspberry and while it dies the job well enough I didn't enjoy it.

I bought a wii and modded it.
It has component (or s-video)output and connected to a good CRT you'll have the best experience for just about any retro game.

For ps1 either get a chipped ps1(prepare for lots of compatibility issues with burned CDRs)

Or a modded ps2 fat with HDD.i have both and personally recommend the ps2. Again use component or S-video cables and you're good to go.

Depending on where you live the console itself shouldn't cost more than 50€/$.
And the crt should also be pretty cheap if not free (I managed to score 2 PVMs one for 50 and one for 20).

Best of luck op and have fun in college!

>> No.5113019

Someone sounds jelly.

>> No.5113032

>bored in college and really want to binge some retro games
did I wrote this?

>> No.5113116

>being this new

>> No.5113117

>business school
>spend free time smoking weed and playing vidya
>still get that degree
>not chosen for any good jobs because socially awkward + a fucking white male

>> No.5113123

what you didn't like about the raspberry?
I'm enjoying mine playing psx games, emulation seems good to me, tekken 3 works very well

>> No.5113151

business degrees are a waste of time if you arent atleast attempting to network and what you said
t. about to graduate with bsc

>> No.5113321

Please elaborate. Why do we need people namefagging here?

>> No.5113357

I think he's probably just amused that someone might think I'm going to stop

Also where the hell has the real NESfag been?

>> No.5113425

What kind of degree were you getting?

I recently finished a bachelors in chemistry and am now applying for Ph.D programs. Additionally I'm doing research in two labs at the moment and making a fuck ton of networking connections. I can definitely say I did not just sit around playing video games and smoking weed to get to where I am right now. Shit was a rough road in terms of keeping your nose to the grindstone.

>> No.5113429

A modded Wii. Perfect emulation box.

>> No.5113454

Meh, I got a master's and honestly I just dropped Adderall and passed everything easy AF. I never once felt actually challenged, in any class. There's a meme on 4chan not to go to college, that's retarded, just make sure you don't put yourself into retarded debt at an unprofitable career and you're set.

>> No.5113462

Just realized that I'm a turbo-retard and can't actually set up speakers in my room because of how thin the walls are here, so a modded console is a no go. Probably gonna grab a Pi or a Vita TV since I can just use my headphones, thanks for the suggestions anons!

>> No.5113470

But you can tell us WHY you feel the need to namefag? 4chan is anonymous forum after all.

>> No.5113489

>blaming affirmative action for your failures

>> No.5113518

Fag with a Wii here, can confirm, it's pretty good and with the current state it's pretty hard to brick. Do yourself a favour and get a Gamecube controller for it though, specially when you plan on playing N64 games. The classic controller is ass. Right now I'm playing Ocarina of Time and it is doable but.. Fuck me horse archery is near god damn impossible.

>> No.5113523

alright but the speakers on your CRT aren't gonna be too loud

>> No.5113525

alright you got me
brb pulling myself up by my bootstraps

>> No.5113549

The video output.
It's okay if you only want to emulate on a tv using HDMI.
But I wanted to use a CRT and having only composite was a major let down for me.
It's currently at my parents house where I use it when I visit or otherwise my sister plays with it.

>> No.5113771

Best: Console, original games, CRT
Cheapest: Emulator on PC
Most Convenient: Raspberry Pi

>> No.5114635

There's a name field right there, Anon. If you don't understand the purpose of tripfags you need to lurk moar.

>> No.5114661

Don't move the burden to asker. Tell us why you feel the need for namefag even when 4chan is anonymous imageboard.

>> No.5114676

how in all fuckery do you consider the raspi more convenient than pc.

>> No.5114680

Stupid namenigger.

>> No.5115203

>OP is a prime candidate for a modded Wii and a free consumer CRT
I was thinking the same thing. They are stupid simple to letter-bomb and unlock, and they are quite cheap and readily available.

With there being so many wiis in circulation, it is not going to get expensive to use one as an emulation machine for quite a long time. I don't know if they play PSX games however. It could, I don't know I never checked.

I have said it before...The wii was shit until someone figured out how to load emulation to it. Once that happened it became a very very good system for casual gaming. With it offering Component output, it would work on anything from a CRT to LCDs.

>> No.5115206

>Don't move the burden to asker.
It is common knowledge why people "namefag". If you don't know, you need to lurk more. Perhaps use the search function to find out why.

>> No.5115249
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>> No.5115337

any game in that list with multiple ending?

>> No.5116716

So you just simply can't answer simple question aimed at a namefag about why do they namefag. I get you want to fit in with LURK MOAR answer but that doesn't actually answer the question.

>> No.5116812

I think couple of IBM PC and Amiga titles can be added to the Other as well. Bad Blood, Speris Legacy, Cadaver just from the top of my head.

>> No.5116849

Masters in what field?

>> No.5118123

>So you just simply can't answer simple question aimed at a namefag about why do they namefag
Not when it is more simple that you do 2 seconds of research. If you read between the lines of my last post, I told you specifically why people namefag. If you can't put 2 and 2 together, I am sorry for you. Use a bit of deductive reasoning.

>> No.5118849

>It is common knowledge why people "namefag". If you don't know, you need to lurk more. Perhaps use the search function to find out why.

Ok, point the answer between the lines here.