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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 189 KB, 600x800, GoldenEye 007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5109018 No.5109018 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one that doesn't think Goldeneye aged poorly like most people say?
Sure the graphics are dated and the framerate can get pretty low, but the gunplay, level design and missions are still fun to play, the controls aren't that bad either (especially if you play on 1.2 Solitaire).

>> No.5109046

I've played it for the time like 4 years ago in an actual n64. I grew up as a Doom/Quake fag so i was hyped by this game when i bought the console. Had a blast with it. The frame drops are almost forgiven because the game Is actually FUN.

But for multiplayer? Nothing beats the Quake 64 port. Smooth as fuck.

>> No.5109048

Meant Quake 2'

>> No.5109070

Halo and other dual-stick console shooters were the next level in FPS. GoldenEye is fun as its own single player thing but it doesn't really hold up for great multiplayer.

>> No.5109074

>Am I the only one that doesn't think Goldeneye aged poorly like most people say?
At some point I learned to take everything everyone says about retro games with a huge grain of salt. Even on this board you have people claiming stuff like System Shock 1 is LITERALLY unplayable. Anything that isn't 1:1 with modern conventions is archaic and unplayable. It's just kind of sad.
Took me about 2 minutes to get used to the controls in Goldeneye the last time I played it. It was fun.

>> No.5109129

My mates and I love the "goofy" graphics and we still play it over perfect dark. Especially the knee-gliding when you crouch. Absolutely hilarious.

>> No.5109249

Goldeneye introduced many things that today are taken for granted, but back in 1997 were revolutionary.

>First game with localized damage. It created the convention that a headshot should be an instant kill, if you shot the arm of an enemy, it caused him to drop the gun.

>Created the stealth system that is used to this day. Previously, stealth was an entirely a see you/don't see you affair. Goldeneye brought sound to the equation, creating the convention that crawling is quieter than walking, which in turn is quieter than running, and that certain weapons make more noise than others. It was the first game with silenced weapons.

>First game with sniper scopes

>> No.5109253

Visuals and audio could date but the fundamental code never changed and is still applicable today but even those are subjective. Old N64 games and PS1 games still look pretty good (depending on how they were done) because they tended to place lighting onto the model textures instead of relying on lighting to calculate it. I think a big problem is people (mostly in the west) have this assumption that video games should look one of two ways, some sort of pixel art or AAA level but you go back and look at some games made on the playstation like this video and some of it is genuinely refreshing and amazing to see. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSlGv9aFk4o

>> No.5109331

Golden eye "aging poorly" is a fucking zoomer meme. The game is as fun today as it was in the 90s.

>> No.5109425

>if you shot the arm of an enemy, it caused him to drop the gun
that was perfect dark

>> No.5109441

the main reason people say goldeneye hasn't aged well is because it was regarded as one of the best fps ever (and also one of the best games ever), so going back with the mindset of it being GOAT can really affect the experience of replaying it or a first playthrought.
That and people are too dumb to try the other control schemes and can't handle low framerate, not to mention is hip to shit on the n64.

>> No.5109443


>> No.5109446

All games on the N64 aged like milk, because of that god awful controller.

>> No.5109447


>> No.5109450

>First game with localized damage
House of the Dead

>Created the stealth system that is used to this day. Previously, stealth was an entirely a see you/don't see you affair. Goldeneye brought sound to the equation
Doom also used sound, but in a very limited context. They made small holes linking between rooms so that firing your gun in one room would alert enemies in other rooms.

>First game with sniper scopes
Silent Scope

>> No.5109451

scratch that last one, I thought Silent Scope came out earlier, so Goldeneye may be one of the first games with actual zoomable snipers in it.

>> No.5109457

I finished it recently and think it holds up fine and I regularly play newer stuff like cod, l4d, csgo. I have a rebuilt n64 controller with gamecube style stick and custom microcontroller and use the 1.2 control scheme so it plays the same as new dual stick shooters. Turok and duke nukem 64 aged worse because they force you the use reversed controls for aiming but there are patches that fix this. The levels are quite open with lots of areas to explore compared to new games which pretty much have arrows pointing to where you have to go. It also has lots explodable objects and good ai in that its not just scripted. The reason for the poor framerate is that the ai is moving around the entire level and is calculated even if you don't see them. People who say it is bad must be playing it wrong or using bad controllers.

>> No.5109547

>1.2 Solitaire
Kissy = master race

>> No.5109550
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its amazing. the sp missions are still more fun than most games since then (except pd)

the random enemy heads and AI is also very satisfying

the cheat and weapon selection is also better than most games

the only thing thats aged is the control / sticky aiming system that GE,pd,TS have, although it doesn't matter much with the auto-aim and tight maps

>> No.5109737

>That and people are too dumb to try the other control schemes
this is honestly baffling. i remember trying out all the control schemes to find one i liked when i was 9 years old.

>> No.5109739

>gamecube style stick
This is how I know you're full of shit. These things are actually impossible to aim with and are pretty shit for movement too.

>> No.5109756

> poorly constructed 3d models
> poorly constructed levels
> disgusting quality textures
> models animated by a retard
> terrible audio
> terrible camera design
oh well, at least it was as terrible as donkey kong 64.

>> No.5109883
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*sips monster*

agreed kids today just don't appreciate the classics anymore. it's all halos, call of dutys, overwatches and fortnites.

it's fucking sad.

>> No.5109901

You're not the only one, it's still a fun game to play. The only levels that I find unfun due to shit framerate is jungle and the graveyard area

>> No.5109910
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>> No.5109934

A lot of the bitching surrounding this and Perfect Dark revolves around people being to stupid to change the controls. With that said, GoldenEye 007 and Perfect Dark do have some issues however. GoldenEye in particular has a nasty habit of making EVERYTHING (chairs, toy planes, etc.) explodable and Perfect Dark has some pretty nasty frame rate drops.

>> No.5109939

It was Perfect Dark AND you had to hit the weapon they were holding, not the arm it's in. Also should be noted that you can cause grenades and mines to explode in the hands of opponents in both games by shooting them.

>> No.5109957

You can disable auto aim in both games AND if you actually want to complete the hardest difficulties, you kinda have to.

>> No.5109959

>First game with localized damage
>House of the Dead
Virtua Cop ,cmon

>> No.5109996
File: 148 KB, 600x800, 1539828166459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is his mouth so wide?

>> No.5110065
File: 382 KB, 640x480, dQy45Js[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, if you're REALLY used to modern games and things that are considered standard by now, playing some of the retro classics is tedious as fuck. And some shit is just unnecessary
>all the old games with shitty "lives" systems that just reset the whole game if you die 3 times
the most retarded survivors from old arcades that took way too long to stop being a thing
>no saves at all, or at best password saves, sometimes with dumb long passwords
>Story driven games being garbage because they were translated by someones dog
>early 3D, oh god.
>all the fucking shovelware, each movie had a terrible tie-in game and they were almost never good
>so many games just waisting your time with meaningless shit
Fucking Final Fantasy making you farm hits from low level enemies to raise your HP, for fucks sake. And then there's all the games that were before anyone figured out the best control schemes. Like anything Pre- Alien Ressurection which figured out the "left analog for movement, right analog for aiming" which is objectively the best way to control a shooter on console.

>> No.5110103
File: 5 KB, 194x259, E22F426A-C03C-4C8D-A0F0-D8FBC98E29E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this has to be one of the oat fun games I played when I was in Highschool, I spent a huge amount of time with my friends.

This game I won’t said it that it has aged well exactly and that I could sit down and play now for hours but I carry the fond memories of it and if anyone would ask for a good n64 game to play this definitely is in the top of the list.

>> No.5110120

A good example of the kind of thinking I was talking about

>> No.5110128

It is true though. Lots of shit was bad even back then, so it is pointless to act like those were enjoyable things. Sure, calling them "literally unplayable" is hyperbolic, but a lot of retro games play like ass. It's just that most of us enjoy playing them DESPITE them having ass-elements.

>> No.5110134
File: 53 KB, 700x700, explodingknees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no exploding knees

>> No.5110148
File: 54 KB, 357x500, soal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm playing through Skies of Arcadia Legends for the first time and it has made me realise how many design choices I take for granted in modern games.

This game has so many great features, but is let down by similar simple shit.

1. Can skip your special attack animations, but not your magic animations.
2. Can't skip enemy special or magic animations.
3. Over the top random encounter rate with low-level enemies adds up to 35-40 minutes to any dungeon run because you have to watch most of the animations.
4. Can't save at your leisure...so make sure you have a good 1hr~1hr30mins to complete any dungeon.

>> No.5110210

So many games make you realize how good you have it with modern defaults. I played OoT again, probably my favourite game that I played in that era, but dear lord. One thing that annoys me in there right now is the text speed. And the worst is: you sometimes can press B and it advanced trough ALL the text at once to the end of the conversation, but you can not press anything to insta-fill the current textbox. If you want to read the text you need wait for it to slooowly appear.
>4. Can't save at your leisure
my number one complaint about so many games.
Also a minor complaint, all the old PC games before they figured out WASD as default controls. Not the end, but wasd is just obejctively good.
>inventory management
Makes sense in some games but fuck me, there are so many games where it's just tedious fucking bullshittery.
>RPGs that just have you run from A to B to A to B to C to A to C to B to A, (this includes shitty backtracking)
There are probably tons more of shitty tiny things I'm not thinking of right now.

>> No.5110364

>framerate can get pretty low
why are people so obsessed with framerate?

>> No.5110424

Nah, lots of people love it to this day because it's an actual fun game. Autistic people who have no opinions or feelings of their own and believe in the framerate meme don't like it because according to their logic the fact it doesn't have 60fps makes it "aged badly".

>> No.5110441

Shut up bitch

>> No.5110459

not if you get one with a microcontroller mod, originally that are way to sensitive

>> No.5110478

I turned 30 in August and this is my favorite meme in years.

>> No.5110480

Never liked it even back then. Game is drab and ugly, controls like shit, and AI is awful.

>> No.5110486

Fuck off.

>> No.5110491
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>> No.5110553

in 99% of cases they are an unnecessary dumb mechanic that was originally designed to make people spend more money in arcade machines. It is literally the 80s version of pay 2 win microtransactions.
It comes mostly in two forms, the bad:
>you have x lives and if you lose them you have to start the whole level again
and the worst:
>you have x lives and if you lose them you have to start the whole game again
There is nothing redeeming about it, it's the epitome of what we call "artifical difficulty". There is no reason whatsoever to make anyone replay large portions of a game again.

>> No.5110558


>> No.5110568


>> No.5110570

I don't see where you get this idea that arcade format is inherently bad like you claim it is. Lives are incentive to get good and be able to perfectly execute the level. Why shouldn't you receive a punishment for dying?

>> No.5110590 [DELETED] 

Never mind the memes - Halos and CoDs deserve to be shit on because very aim-based and not skill-based like Quake or Unreal. Overwatch is fairly good and skill-based, it's a decent game and hence was never shat on. Literally nobody well-adjusted over 11 plays Fortnite yet so noone can say for sure whether it's skill-based or not. It being targeted towards kids in the mainstream would suggest not.

So yeah, memes can be slightly amusing sometimes but if they start to give a distorted view of reality they get really shitty.

>> No.5110592 [DELETED] 

>Overwatch is fairly good and skill-based, it's a decent game and hence was never shat on.
I knew this board is out of touch but God fucking damn.

>> No.5110595 [DELETED] 

>Literally nobody well-adjusted over 11 plays Fortnite yet
A friend of mine who is a mechanical engineer had a baby recently with his wife and now all he does is play Fortnite on Xbox. It's one thing to go from PC gaming to peasant gaming, but not only is he peasant gaming, he is playing Fortnite...Needless to say, we miss him :(

>> No.5110597 [DELETED] 

>Overwatch is fairly good and skill-based
Now that's a fucking laugh and a half.

>> No.5110602

So, does anyone on this board actually enjoy retro games, or is it simply a place for dumb teenagers and early 20somethings to gawk at shit and give their dumb opinions on things?

>> No.5110605

Shut the FUCK UP

>> No.5110607 [DELETED] 


It's still a step up from the hypercasulized Halo/Call of Duty/CS types of games, you need to think more.

Sorry for your loss. His co-workers or friends probably have kids and that's how the virus got spread. But he really is an extreme minority.

>> No.5110608 [DELETED] 


2018 /vr/ is made up of niggers forcing 6th gen and redditors using boomer memes.

>> No.5110609 [DELETED] 

Overwatch is way more casual than all of those games though. Game is slow as ass, skill ceiling is extremely low, and when you fuck up you can blame your teammates instead therefore giving you no incentive to acknowledge your flaws and improve upon them.

>> No.5110610

I'm not saying an arcade format is inherently bad, I'm saying it is used way too much in places where it doesn't need to be used.
Unless you are trying to get more quarters from somebody, there is no reason to reset the game if someone fails a section.
I also don't buy the argument that it is a decent incentive to "git gud" as they say. For instance: I'm a big fan of Metal Gear Rising, and I feel plenty incentivised to play it "perfect" without the game resetting me to the start of the first level
>But aaaanon! Metal Gear is a modern game, much longer than the old arcades!
Not really, MGR is casually about 2h long if you skip the cutscenes (which you would once you've seen them).
>Why shouldn't you receive a punishment for dying?
Sure can receive a punishment. Reduced score, back to checkpoint, having to do the fight, or the bit you died on again. Plenty of options that are not "do this whole level, or worse this whole game again".

>> No.5110616

It depends on game like you say, for example lives in Mario 64 do absolutely nothing except make you have to reselect your file, and in Conker's Bad Fur Day you literally restart at the last checkpoint begging the question what the fuck was the point. But something like a Genesis Sonic should have a lives system due to its arcade style format.

>> No.5110618

Quakefags still seething at cs, unreal and tribes

>> No.5110628

In Mario 64 it is a pointless annoyance that makes you run all the way back to the level. Then again Mario 64 is so piss easy, I'm not sure anyone ever legitimately game over'd in that game.
Here's the thing. Unless you're making some sort of "boss rush" game, like fighting game arcade modes, or other games where the goal is to see how far you get (wave based survival etc) there is no reason to reset somebodies game for dying too much. As you pointed out, some games later on kept the lives mechanic but realized how bad it is, so they already gimped it.
It is overall just an objectively bad mechanic that is largely pointless and serves no purpose other than to annoy a player and waste his time.

>> No.5110630

>> No.5110632

/vr/ sure has limited taste in games

>> No.5110638

True, why are people making these threads about games that aren't even JRPGs?!

>> No.5110661

I can still play and enjoy Starfox in all its sub-15fps glory to this day even though I turn my nose up at any modern game running at less than 60 fps.

Nostalgia is awesome.

>> No.5111217

Goldeneye still has more detailed hit reactions on enemies than most FPS games made today, which is pretty sad.

>> No.5111327

it's called videogames, not slideshowgames.

>> No.5111330
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>> No.5111373

It's for absolute retards like all console games. The only point in its favor is that at least it wasn't made by gooks

>> No.5111429


>> No.5111437

I agree, games like Halo are much better for multiplayer, but I do really like goldeneye for single-player.

>> No.5111796

Consoles are pop music . Pc games are classical music Prove me wrong.

>> No.5111818

I can get my friends to play DOOM, I can get my friends to play Half-life, I can get my friends to play Duke.

I can't get anyone to play Goldeneye who didn't also grow up with it. It's one of those games where the idea of it is cool, but the execution doesn't hold up. It had neat concepts but the core gameplay is just not that good.

>> No.5111820

>Implying you have friends

>> No.5111823


>> No.5111827

I love goldeneye but this is true. I spent 2000 hours on perfect dark and did every challenge with friends (each player count) but it was essentially a prototype of FPS's to come that have since refined the genre.
I'm pretty sure people who meme about games never aging are just shitposting, or disconnected entirely from /v/ soon after playing their nostalgia-game.

>> No.5111828

I enjoy retro games, I just don't force myself to like every old game just for the fact that it's old and ignore all the flaws.

>> No.5112159

No, PC is electronic music. Tabletop gaming is classical music.

>> No.5112178

i think it's pitfall vs super mario bros.

you can like both, but time will prefer others

>> No.5112237

That's because those games are a lot simpler to plough through, especially Doom and Duke. Goldeneye is hard in both objectives and beating it at the hard levels/getting the cheats. Now when you know where all the shit is it's easy, but it makes it hard to introduce to new people.

>> No.5112241

It's also just an objectively shit game for mouthbreathing console peasants.

>> No.5112247

yeah I get a feeling a lot of this is just one samefagging PC elitist who never even beat the game fully. This game stands up well and is great to play to this day. This pattern of posts is not the normal way people talk about this game on /vr/ or outside it.