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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 33 KB, 550x387, flat,550x550,075,f.u2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5096721 No.5096721 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong?

>> No.5096739

You not gitting gud.

>> No.5096742
File: 16 KB, 257x465, streets_of_rage_3_censorship_comparisons_by_hey_mr_dj-d64cgw4[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Murica butcheri... uh, localization.

>> No.5096748

other than some terrible music tracks (offset by some great ones) not very much went wrong

>> No.5096754

> Difficulty spike
> Gimmicky level design
> Final boss is on a timer

This was a botched port and a disgrace to the series. Play Bare Knuckle 3 instead.

>> No.5096757

What is the censored dominatrix even supposed to be wearing? It looks like she has spandex shorts on top of stockings with a long sleeve flannel shirt or something. It's such terrible looking sprite.

>> No.5096760

>calling localizations "ports"

>> No.5096770

Honestly I don't mind the "censored" sprites in this example. They look more interesting with more pieces of clothing. Really drives that punk look home.

It does look like short shorts over stockings, but I'd say she's wearing a jacket. It does look a bit off, though.

>> No.5096802
File: 25 KB, 640x480, streets-of-rage-3-character-select.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why'd they change the character colors?

>> No.5096878

Gender neutrality apparently.

>> No.5097017

>Play Bare Knuckle 3 instead.

no skill shitters who didn't even learn basics always say this, bk3 is a joke, ignore this pleb.

>> No.5097082

Absolutely nothing

>> No.5097095

Despite how many people think Yuzo was the only guy responsible for SoR2, it was Motohiro Kawashima who carried SoR3 with tracks like Fuze, Dub Slash, The Poets I/II, Boss, Moon, whereas most of the others where done by Yuzo and save for Shinobi Reverse are borderline unlistenable. He got so swept up with his new experimental style and randomly generated sounds that he forgot to make good music

>> No.5097096


>> No.5097114

the edited punk girl looks better, very 80s feel

the dominatrix looks much worse though

>> No.5097162


I like the yellow and black axel but not so much the others

>> No.5097341

They removed the story and changed the mechanics, they also changed the graphics and look of it. Japanese version is the best in the series without a doubt.
>He got so swept up with his new experimental style and randomly generated sounds that he forgot to make good music
That style actually went on to influence electronic music producers over a decade later and is responsible for heaps of new sub genres.

>> No.5099440


>> No.5099451

>That style actually went on to influence electronic music producers over a decade later
lol are you serious? It was a well established style of techno at that point which itself was heavily influenced by electronic music from the 70s and 80s

>> No.5099937

Oh Im sorry that they padded the game with extra bars of health and force me to use Axel's stupid spin punch over and over again.

>> No.5099938

It's a botched game regardless

>> No.5100529

this is the most offensive issue with the non-localised game. the 80s city almost 'noir' atmosphere is all gone and replaced with these meth head bloops. i get that it's meant to pump you up but its pretty annoying.

>> No.5100543

jesus christ you fucking plebs this sounds amazing

>> No.5100546

the visuals and music mostly. sor2 is like an experience

>> No.5100615

I'm probably one of the few people who prefers the first SoR over the sequels.

>> No.5100632

I do to. Best soundtrack. I prefer the zoomed out camera/aspect and the smaller sprites.

It felt like it had its own identity rather than being 100% FF clone. 2/3 are just final fight with the yellow health bars, enemy health and enemy names and the zoomed in large sprites.

Mechanically its not the most advanced in the series but I actually prefer it too. I especially prefer the designs of Blaze and the dominatrix bitches over the other games too.

>> No.5100679

American localization... There is a translated jap rom... Play it and you will feel the difference right away! Censor is one thing, but fucking up the gameplay was a big mistake! I never realized the hate bk3 was getting until I saw the Western side!

>> No.5100683

I do too! But I always thought I was biased because it's my first console game ever! The music of the 1st are still the best of the serie for me! Even if we take the remixes ( street of rage remake is a gem) in consideration!

>> No.5100691

its interesting by itself, but in context it's just irritating.

>> No.5100720

"The Genesis doesn't sound like farts g-"

>> No.5100731

if your farts sound like that you got bum issues pal

>> No.5100741
File: 20 KB, 400x400, fartrobot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Genesis sounds like robot farts, specifically.

>> No.5100904


>> No.5100929
File: 187 KB, 466x492, hyde1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally what the fuck was he doing?

>> No.5100974
File: 1.54 MB, 320x224, sor3 sucks.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It had shit level design and felt like a rushed, unpolished game. The Japanese version, anyway. The US one, I barely acknowledge its existence.

See, in SOR2, there is a difficulty curve. Every enemy is one step more dangerous than the previous one. Also, the enemy placements are much more varied, you have always different combinations of enemies to deal with. Even the generic Galsia/Donovan spam has some variety, be it a random Signal, a Koksal Baba, a pipe wielding Donovan, a biker, or a mid-boss mixed in.

BK3 has like a dozen generic punks, and they all attack in masses. None of them pose any specific challenge, such as some move that you have to watch out for. There's just a lot of them and that's all the difficulty.

SOR2 recycling bosses actually comes out as a good thing in this regard, since it can spice up normal fights with the occasional mid-boss. Speaking of mid-bosses, SOR2 not only has more, but most of them also have unique introductions of a sort, be it Electra shedding her coat, Ninjas jumping off the pirate ship net, the duel with Big Ben, or the one-on-one duel with the karateka in the back of a minivan. Also the bosses being reused works well, since you then know that shit is serious, while BK3 just throws 10 generic punks and a slightly faster Galsia or Big Ben at you.

So SOR2 has better enemy placement / level design, but also more detailed pixel art (BK3 tries to go for more realistic style instead), and way more audio. And I don't mean the music, I mean the sound effects. SOR2 has like 9 different punch sounds that all feel different, BK3 has maybe two.

Even with all that, I'd say BK3 is very fun, up until stage 4. The train level kills the game. I also hate how Electras take an eternity to stand up (not fun on the stage 5 elevator).

Also BK3 has shit AI and enemies cannot be hit if they are partially offscreen.

>> No.5100983

>Be Sega America
>Feel bad because you're not making as many memorable games as Japan
>Convince the Nips that their games have to be "localized"
>Change a bunch of stuff that didn't need changing just so you can pretend you had a hand in the development.

Fuck those guys.

>> No.5100992

This thread is about to be raided by /shmupg/, they seethe at anyone disagreeing with them and want a safe space

>> No.5100994

SoR is shit
why don't you niggers play a good bmup like Final Fight

>> No.5101008

final fight is gay

>> No.5101018

>ameripleb's first encounter with Rave

>> No.5101056

wrong and wrong, i was asking why the fuck he thought that music was a good fit for the game
like 'hey dude that last soundtrack you made was pretty sweet, can you do another one to follow it up?'
'naww i'm just gonna do whatever'

>> No.5101242


>> No.5102315

Worst opinions I've ever heard. BK3 soundtrack was genuinely groundbreaking. Go to a rave and have a pill you cretins

>> No.5102358

you're a fucking retard. it doesn't suit the game, end of.
and no, it wasn't groundbreaking in any way whatsoever. it was derivative.

>> No.5102397

>it doesn't suit the game
why not?

>> No.5102413

it's irritating, repetitive and lacks any real atmosphere or feel. like i said, it's (vaguely) interesting by itself, but dumb as a videogame soundtrack, especially for a slow paced beat em up.

>> No.5102480
File: 385 KB, 120x220, bknuckiiiroboxchangex2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why the fuck he thought that music was a good fit for the game

Maybe because it's filled with shit like pic related.

>> No.5102914


>> No.5102924

Honestly never played it because I never had it as a kid and modern-day second-hand prices are too rich for my blood. I just heard it's nowhere near as good as 2 because of some changes porting it or something, and that the gook version is good. From what I recall.

>> No.5102936

>what kinda music you want
>make it sound like my dialup connection on repeat
>say no more famm

>> No.5103110

I felt like sor3 had tried to implement too much story in the midst of the game, and it came out wrong. Like, story in beat em up games is fine, but there was a weird divide where you'd hit cutscene plot points between brawls. It felt unnatural.

The soundtrack was different, not in a bad way either, but it seemed less memorable than sor2.

Gameplay was fine mostly, but a few decisions seemed strange, like putting certain events on a timer that would determine endings. I think it would have been much more well received if they were restricted solely by difficulty rather than anything else. (ex., Easy mode only gets you to stage 5 with incomplete ending A, Normal to stage 6 with mostly wrapped up ending B, and hard mode for all 7 stages with true ending C.)

Also I forgot but what was the deal with the Haggar clone from sor2 not joining in the third one? I felt like part of the series identity was taken away when he got swapped out for the old Dr guy in 3.

>> No.5103204


The whole series is rubbish.

>> No.5103415

I basically just play SORR now since you can make it play even better than 3 played. My only real issue with it is I feel the enemies and especially certain bosses feel too aggressive even on normal. So you are going to kind of want to play exclusively with certain options always on.

>> No.5105043

>Bare Knuckles 3
>Slow Paced
This is how I know you didn't play the game, they added the dash ability and the combos were extremely fast compared to SOR2.

>> No.5105046

This, BK3 had a great and technically impressive soundtrack.



>> No.5105616

Shitty music.

No Max.

Extremely generic enemies.

Some of the levels just drag on.

The disco stage causes seizures

Weird difficulty curve. Hilariously, the stage 2 bosses are the hardest bosses in the game. The game is significantly easier after stage 2. I've beaten the US version of the game with no continues multiple times.

Attacks have no impact. Feels like you're slapping enemies.

Sound effects are shit and have no impact. Compare with SOR2 sound effects where the hits from a pipe or katana were satisfying as hell.

The characters in SOR3 are much more streamlined than in SOR2. In SOR2 every single character is played differently, but in SOR3, how you play the characters is much more similar.

IMO, BK3 is just plain mediocre and too damn easy, even on the hardest difficulty. SOR3 at least provides a challenge and is more playable.

>> No.5105653

None of this affects gameplay, and some redesigns are actualy fucking superior.

>> No.5105657

They changed Axl's shirt to piss yellow for no fucking reason.

>> No.5105659

Yes, that was shitty and most redesigns were shitty. Only a few, like sexy pants instead of stupid bunny suits, were kinda cool. But, as I said, none of that affects gameplay. The game's just boring as fuck.
Moreso, we can play any version these days. But it doesn't help.

>> No.5105734
File: 44 KB, 600x885, IMG_1946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waiting around for enemies to stand up/get back on the fucking screen
>not slow paced

>> No.5105841

is this that gabber shit or whatever?

>> No.5105850

I like it, but both BK3 and SOR3 are the weakest games in the series by far.

>the mood feels completely different than SOR1 and 2
>story in both are just laughable. Mr. X, a crime syndicate leader of one city, decides he wants to bomb the city instead in one storyline or outright begin World War III. He went from being regular cool mafia boss to typical comic book supervillain just like that.
>speaking of capeshit, wtf was up with Mr. X the Mother Brain!? I hope the SOR4 devs decide to choose the White House/City Hall route as the canon ending and try to pretend this abomination ever existed. What a let down.
>there was a progression in difficulty and enemy variety type and wouldn't see all the enemies in sor1 or 2 by the fifth stage. By the time you have finished stage 2 in sor3 however, you have seen all the enemy types.
>game is supposed to be fast paced with quicker attacks, rolling, and running, but the game nerfs attack power all around making the game slower than its predecessors.
>SOR3 being a bad rom hack that exploits all these flaws, especially the weakened power attacks by the player whereas the enemies attack like their sor1 and 2 selves making the game unbalanced and unfun.
>other retarded shit that was censored in the bad rom hack

Its still a fun game, but it just wasnt on the same level as 1 and 2.

>> No.5105851

>That style actually went on to influence electronic music producers over a decade later and is responsible for heaps of new sub genres.


Yuzo nor the othe EVER pioneered ANYTHING and they never claimed to, it has never been a secret that everything they did was HOMAGE to their influences which in 3s case is hard detroit techno
You absolute fucking cloueless bedroom dwelling millenial shite

>> No.5105854

>Japanese version is the best in the series without a doubt.
also wrong you unlikable pleb scum cunt, so thats 2 things you got wrong. you only think its better cus its easy as fuck, retard.

>> No.5105856

Hating SoR 3's ost is plebfilter

>> No.5105861

tell me how i know you're a pleb low tier shit player that can't even 1cc on default difficulty.

>> No.5106175
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>> No.5106873

Are you frustrated?

>> No.5107603

where does this say anything about the soundtrack being 'groundbreaking'?
anyone who knows the first thing about electronic music can tell that BK3's soundtrack is derivative of 80s techno. it's also not very good save for a few tracks, which even then don't work in context.
it sucks.

>> No.5109586

>muh wiki

yeah, no i think i'll trust yuzos and motos own words and my massive detroit techno collection over your dumb ass you shut in dork fuck. I bet you never even been in a record shop you gormless bastard.