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File: 27 KB, 425x234, Final_Fantasy_VI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5085591 No.5085591 [Reply] [Original]

how far did you get before you dropped it?

>> No.5085602

I bought it and finished it.

>> No.5085607

I finished it and have replayed it around 20 times.

>> No.5085613

Why would I drop the best FF game?

>> No.5085621

The end of the game.

>> No.5085623

30-35 hours. It seriously fell off after that and I have better things to do than play things I’m not enjoying just to be able to say I finished it.

>> No.5085625

Played through it a half dozen times easily. And most of those playthroughs I did the full grind of getting every character every magic spell.

>> No.5085627

I've finished it 3 times since it came out.

>> No.5085637

Sounds like you need to be a better judge of how much you're enjoying something. A little more awareness could have easily saved 25-30 hours of now wasted life minutes.

>> No.5085640

Nigga you slow.
The game is barely 16 hours long.

>> No.5085647

Fought a boss in a river while aboard a boat and thought it was stupid and stopped.

>> No.5085693

I liked everything up to the 35 hour mark though. Do you have trouble reading?

>> No.5085747
File: 1.05 MB, 2207x1000, ffvi_mogumarogogo_bonus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got to the end. And never dropped it I guess, because I still replay it.

>> No.5085753

I played it once all of the way through in 2008 and again last year. Hahaha. Its actually a really good game. There is a point in the World of Ruin where it gets tedious from grinding and lack of coherent plot but its not so bad.

>> No.5085773

What changed so drastically?

>> No.5085782

When I realized I had 3 sepate 99hr saves

>> No.5085807

How did you not beat that game in that time?

>> No.5085864

Ten minutes in once I found out there's no gameplay.

>> No.5085869

First 30 minutes cut scenes includesld and I tried twice

>> No.5085907

10-15 minutes, you don't even get to play the game and 16-bit 'cut-scenes' are the worst.

>> No.5085918

Actually finished it but the first time I dropped it in Kefka tower (the one with wizards)). I'm always surprised by how good the content in the ruin world is, open world games should learn from it.

>> No.5085998

fucking WoR is too boring

>> No.5086005

Are you me?

>> No.5086010

This guy gets it

>> No.5086279

i dropped it a little bit after the opera scene and went back 2 years later. then i rushed to end it cause i was bored with the game.

>> No.5086282

When it ended. I just always seem to drop it when it ends.

>> No.5086363

If you pay attention to esper level-ups and try to keep MagPwr+ on your key players it's easy to avoid grinding in the WoW.

>> No.5086365

What's boring about it? That's when you get all the good gear and abilities

>> No.5086371

This and FFV are the only FFs I've replayed more than a couple of times. I love FFVI a lot but it doesn't have much gameplay or anything resembling difficulty so I tend to replay it with romhacks. Brave New World is great, I'll probably give it another run over the Christmas holidays with a hot drink for some comfy nostalgia. :)

>> No.5086424

I finished it at least 5 times starting in 1994.
The world of ruin rules, people are just fucking lazy and couldn't be bothered exploring it as it becomes non-linear at that point.

>> No.5086859
File: 1.11 MB, 1438x1746, 09_Setzer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually recently picked it back up, had to drop after Terra got under mind control, picked it back up after watching a LP to remind myself of everything that happened and where I am with the game. I've now gotten the Blackjack, I revisited Narshe, and I'm attempting to visit the esper world.

Grinding a bit after some liches rekt me.

Also based Setzer getting a Bahamut summon early

>> No.5086862

when I got fucking bored of the game changing my chars at every moment. some hours I guess

>> No.5086874

Whenever it was you had to command teams of moogles around a cave.

5 and 9 are the only two FF games that held my interest long enough to see through to the end. I forced myself through 7 to see what the fuss was about and was left disappointed. I finished X too but it was so forgettable I don't remember much about it.

>> No.5086876

That filename implies it's part of a series. Got a link to the rest of them? Because that's hella nice.

>> No.5086884

Artwork from Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia

>> No.5086892

>Whenever it was you had to command teams of moogles around a cave.
What interests me about this statement is this:
>5 and 9 are the only two FF games that held my interest long enough to see through to the end.
In particular:
It takes about 30 minutes for a casual player to get to that scene with Locke and the moogles, and during that time you'll already have killed a boss and fought a dozen battles. Meanwhile after the same amount of time in FF9 you're probably still wandering around Alexandria with Vivi and the only battle you've faught at all is the ONE tutorial battle.

It looks like you just don't like anything requiring the least bit of attention or decision-making.

>> No.5086898

Because it's still a FF game.

>> No.5086901

30 mins. Was boring as fuck

>> No.5086904
File: 324 KB, 512x512, 1534353276579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've managed to plow through the retro FFs,with the exception of 8, fuck that game they're not that much of a slog if you know what you're doing.

>> No.5086907

>they're not that much of a slog if you know what you're doing.
Tap the action key? They're the easiest rpgs I've ever played, beating them isn't something to be proud of.

>> No.5087114

No, I just like good games, Muhammad.

>> No.5087115

Got it. Beat it. No regerts.

Now Chrono Trigger, on the other hand...

>> No.5087120

It's been the game I'll play in for a long time, put down, then go back to in a couple of months for a while now.

>> No.5087154
File: 1.77 MB, 2560x1920, ff vi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how far did you get before you dropped it?
Not even joking....Pic related. Its on my list of things to do. I will get to it eventually, and wonder if I should play #2 before #3.

>> No.5087626

looks like you like visual novels not games. It's why you have anons like >>5086907 too ignorant to know there can be more to these games than tapping the action key.

>> No.5087632

>there can be more to these games than tapping the action key.
Like what? Muh immersion? Muh self insertion? Muh head canon?

>> No.5087645

As opposed to what you got from 9? Lol Not even him, you just look like a tool at this point.

>> No.5089094

>how far did you get before you dropped it?
Probably between 700 and 800 hours if I were to take a guess.

>> No.5089507

why would anyone drop it
it's short and easy

>> No.5089603

stop ruining things with your perfectionist grinding

>> No.5089651
File: 34 KB, 660x212, re.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are people who only play for the combat, can you believe that?

>> No.5089659
File: 251 KB, 1200x725, 78b35d0e-4d2a-43a0-83e4-39af97b0a13d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got to the World of Ruin on two separate playthroughs and dropped it both times. I like tbe concept of the WoR but found it annoying to actually play. Eventually I realized that while the cast had some charm it couldn't hold my interest. I've played four FF games (I, IV, VI, and VII) and dropped all of them, the series just isn't for me. Still appreciate art and music though, at least for the old ones.

>> No.5089698

Somewhere in the world of ruin. I was just wandering around and eventually got bored, or realized I'd been bored with it for a while.

My biggest gripe by far was that the ATB system was too slow, it might as well have not been there because battles actually went faster with it turned off. Yes, I had it set to max speed and it was still slow.

Anyone know if there's a hack that speeds it up? ATB is basically the saving grace of this series for me. I loved 7 but only because I could set ATB high and battles would be fast as balls and more like a menu-based action game than a turnbased rpg. Without that I wouldn't have given a shit about the game otherwise. In 6 ATB was just too damn slow to be any fun.

I guess I can't criticize the game for this too much since turnbased rpgs aren't really meant to appeal to people who want an action game, but I fucking love the ATB system at high speeds. I'd even give the shitty looking mobile port a chance if they really sped the ATB system up.

>> No.5091226

Is there a bigger normie filter than the WoR? lmao

"The battle system is too slow!"
"The game isn't holding my hand anymore so I'm bored!"

What a bunch of ACTUAL fucking noobs

>> No.5091301

bought & beat it back when it came out, now go take your adhd meds zoomer

>> No.5091583

The end of my sixth or seventh playthrough.

>> No.5091605

Should the Dragoon boots only go on a spear user like Edgar or Mog?

I dunno I put them on Cyan and he was kind of ass, just thinking of what I could do better.

>> No.5091745
File: 125 KB, 614x1000, Ff6_edgar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, spear weapons get the full damage bonus. Also, Dragoon Boots alone aren't that amazing, it's the Dragon Horn that makes Jump really good.

From ffwiki:
"If a character equips the DragoonBoots, his or her Fight command changes to Jump, which deals 1.5 damage. However, if a character is equipped with a Spear, damage is doubled. With the exception of the Impartisan, only Edgar and Mog can equip Spears. A combo with the Dragon Horn will allow the character to either jump twice (75% chance), three times (18.75% chance), or four times (6.25% chance)."

>> No.5092156

Brother dropped it but I played all the way through

and it was the first FF I played all the way through

>> No.5092256

FF4 Free Enterprise (randomizer hack) is the most fun I've had with a JRPG since I was a kid. That's basically all the core gameplay elements with story and cutscenes removed.

Normal speedrunning is goofy, with obsession with step routes for the sake of RNG manipulation and ridiculous levels of optimization and exploitation of obscure glitches. But the randomizer makes most of that stuff pointless most of the time, and trying to beat the rando as quickly as possible puts just enough pressure to force you to execute in combat and make good decisions on where to go and what to do next.

>> No.5092264

>"The battle system is too slow!"
That one is a reasonable criticism of FF6. I mean, it's blazing fast compared to FF9 but if you want to see a fast ATB game check out FF4 on Battle Speed 1. The game all but fast-forwards to the next actor's turn once the current animation finishes. Even without seeing an ATB meter, there is a distinct rhythm and it's not hard to know exactly when your next menu is going to pop up.

There's a lot more waiting in FF6. (Not as much as FF9, but for me FF9 is almost unbearably slow)

>> No.5092268

FFVI was my first RPG ever and the WoR was just insane to me as a kid. The whole game up to that point felt like a roller coaster of an adventure, I wanted to keep playing to see what happened next. Then... nothingness. Desolation. I'm left wandering this dead world with no clear goal in mind. It was crazy and awesome going from story-driven to open-world in one game.

>> No.5092776

Bought it soon after it was first released for the SNES, and I still replay it to completion every other year or so.

>> No.5092850

the final dungeon when I had to fucking split my party again, said I'd get back too it one day but never did
I wasn't enjoying the game much anyway since the WoR
>lol remember all those characters? go find them again asshole
yeah, fuck you

>> No.5093112

The ending credits. This game is objectively a masterpiece and DESERVES to be completed by anyone who considers themselves a fan of jrpgs.

>> No.5093310

Right after you rescue Terra and hijack that fucking floating thing

It really didn't interest me much. The pacing felt really fucked up, almost as if 20 things were happening over 10 minutes. Kinda didn't dig it. People say FFIX is slow as shit but honestly that's my preferred pace.

>> No.5093960

near the opera once because the game kept crashing
then picked it up again and played up to the big fire but my pc broke and I lost the save
started again, dropped when I saw ultros at the opera again and decided I was just tired of dealing with that shit
reluctantly picked it up again and voile, the second half is miles ahead of the first.
Seriously, If only it started with scrolling text telling you about how some brave heroes lost against Kefka and then game was just the second half, with some bosses and parts of the first half, but with all the free roaming and recruiting and treasure hunting, all with the story being told in small doses as you sidequest until you think you can beat the dude...
FFVI was like christmas as a kid, you had to endure annoying uncles and cousins, but after it you got to play with a shiny new toy.