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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5077820 No.5077820 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5077973

I wish the classic Resident Evil games kept the live action intros and endings. I love the campy zombie move homage of it all.

>> No.5078014
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I think the devs must have watched Monster Dog at some point.


>> No.5078164

couple shots of the cerberus in the intro do look lifted out of this movie.

>> No.5078215

Picked up re1 directors cut just the other day along with re2 for my October gaming. It's really really meh. I tried playing it for about two hours or so but just couldn't quite fall in love with it. Re2 on the hand is fantastic and I'm in fact playing right this second. Still on disc 1 but just got to the labs.

>> No.5078229

To each his own. You can't go wrong with 2, it's a good game.

>> No.5078242

I'll definitely give it another try soon. Wouldn't be the first time I didn't "get" a game on the first go around.

>> No.5078369

It's not as flashy as RE 2 but it has a good challenge and a lot of replayability imo. Plus you gotta love the cheesy voice acting and live action stuff.

>> No.5079070

If you like live action chesse then you will absolutely love the cutscenes in Shinobi Legions:

>> No.5079261

oh hell yeah I love this shit

>> No.5079315

music is cool

>> No.5081392

I'm from an alternate timeline where RE 1.5 came out instead of 2, it ended the series and the game had live action scenes.

>> No.5081405
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It's a game you love for all of it's cheesy charm or you truly are meh about. I own like 4 different copies of RE and love it to death. I would say play them in order since you can see all the cool changes.

>> No.5081446
File: 16 KB, 400x286, ResidentEvil2Feature_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.5 is so interesting because it looks, plays and feels just like 1, or rather an expansion or mod pack for 1. I can see why it was scrapped for being too much like the first game. But I could easily see it having a cheesy live action into. Pic related, kind of, even though it was the commercial for 2.