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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5066902 No.5066902 [Reply] [Original]

>moving to japan
>have to sell all my shit
>all my favorite nes, snes, n64 and gamecube games going to some shitstain youtuber game collector's basement to sit unplayed forever

feels fucking bad

>> No.5066905
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Possessions are fleeting

>> No.5066907

Why are you moving to Japan when you don't know Japanese?

>> No.5066908

yeah im happy to be rid of them- but it feels bad that they're not going to be played and enjoyed, just added to someones "collection"

>> No.5066913

True man, and then the collector will probably burn down his house a la Chris Chan

>> No.5066919

It doesn't really matter these days since people who are serious about actually playing the games all have everdrives and shit. Better to let the dumbfuck fad chasers waste their money.

>> No.5066920

good luck as long as it doesnt go to frank cifaldi or john handpenis

>> No.5066921

you and seinfeld have good points. clinging to boxes and discs as if they were the "experience" that was so enjoyable and not the actual software is pretty dumb. i appreciate the perspective

>> No.5066929
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>retro gamers
Play on flashcarts.

>weirdo collectors
Hoard old plastic, sometimes twice as old as they are.

>penniless Brazilians
Play on emulators.

>> No.5066937


>> No.5066940

Why are you moving to Japan anon?

>> No.5066941

hot springs and food mostly

>> No.5066950

Yeah but what are you doing there? did a company hire or send you there?

>> No.5066961

i picked up an entry level teaching job
i want to get into teaching as a career but to teach in america the requirements are absurdly high
japans a cool place so i don't mind relocating to get some good experience

>> No.5067000

based Ken-sama.

>> No.5067034

>to teach in america the requirements are absurdly high
What? Where do you live? Basically any kind of degree can get you a teaching job, and I do mean ANY degree.

>> No.5067036

You also have to be certified to teach in your state and sometimes a master's degree is required.

>> No.5067039


do you even know japanese?

>> No.5067045

See >>5066907
Especially considering you'll be doing a shit job with no future. But I guess it's just a stint for few years to you. You'll get to enjoy your weeaboo wonderland.

>> No.5067050

I moved to Japan in 90. Just gave all my shit away. Today I have an entire room packed with stuff I picked up here for fuck all. And not just L@@K R@RE local stuff. CIB filthy gaijin shit the locals won't soil their fingers with so practically give away.

Feels fucking goodman

>> No.5067081

apologies in advance for putting the first line in the OP

i meant for this to be more of a post about collections and shit and not some gay livejournal shit, im not really interested in shitting up this board any further discussing my japanese ability or my reasoning

take care!

>> No.5067112

The amount of coping and mental gymnastics poorfags do to convince themselves the real thing isn't the only correct way to play never fails to amuse me.

>> No.5067114

Fuck you, Failser Agar. You're a fucking piece of shit.

>> No.5067146

why the fuck are you moving to japan when the average american girl is way sexier

>> No.5067148

all material achievements will have no value in the face of death
however, there is a treasure that can be taken to eternity, and its possession is also made in life

>> No.5067156

>moving to japan
he fell for the memes
>have to sell my shit
You don't need to. Store them in boxes at your parents house. Or give them to a sibling for their personal use and safe keeping while you're gone. Or get a safety deposit box or storage space, whatever.

And if you ACTUALLY need to get rid of your shit, at least do something kind like giving them to a kid who might appreciate it. If there are any friends of the family with kids or you have a niece/nephew or something. Someone who would appreciate them.

>> No.5067367

i would move to japan but weed is fuckin expensive.

>> No.5067398 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 640x501, whosagoodboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legit question: how does anyone smoke weed and not have a panic attack? If I were to play retro vidya while stoned, I would be so ashamed that I was wasting my life, and would probably end up trying to read Kant or something. If I were to smoke weed in Japan, I would probably freak out for different, more existential reasons.

>> No.5067419 [DELETED] 

not him but if you have panic attacks with marijuana you have bigger problems to work out before attempting recreational drug use, which when you're mentally matured enough can be great fun and help you enjoy retro games even more

>> No.5067427 [DELETED] 

I bet you think playing games while wasted on booze is totally fine and a christian thing to do

>> No.5067583 [DELETED] 

Panic attacks have nothing to do with "personal issues"

People's brains react to foreign chemicals differently. THC gives many people rushes of pleasure, but in others it can trigger feelings of paranoia. This all comes down to brain chemistry, like how some people get all weepy or violent after just a little bit of booze.

THC causes paranoia in some people. Just smoke CBD heavy strains.

>> No.5067641 [DELETED] 

None of my friends get weepy or violent after drinking. You sound like a pussy that makes excuses.

>> No.5067645 [DELETED] 

>not realizing that drugs are considered a heavier felony in Japan than in most western countries
Whatever makes you weebs rest easier I guess.

INB4 'do you know you're posting this on 4chan', yeah I do and no that doesn't stop OP and some others in this thread to be jap dick suckers.

>> No.5067672 [DELETED] 

>smoking weed in japan
>8 years minimum sentence for conviction
>98% conviction rate


>> No.5067683
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to be a sith and think in absolutes is not the path, young padawan ensign. you should take the best of both worlds like the true starfleet jedi do. i emulate what emulates best, but also colllect real carts that i want. whether it be through nostalgia or just because i like holding the cart in my hands looking at the cover art.

this is collecting, its not for poor people who cant fulfill their necessities. its for people with ample money to do what they want with. and the butthurt it takes for somebody to try and oppress a collector is astounding. wtf are people collecting doing to you, if you dont want/like collecting?

>> No.5067686


the second half was meant for this guy

>> No.5067692 [DELETED] 

its not just the thc though, there are many other chemicals attributed to the highs people feel. recently with all the strains being bread for either all thc or all cbd, there doesnt seem to be much weed in the middle. with all the other chemicals mingling to give you a nice inbetween buzz that doesnt either knock you the fuck out, or b give you a panic attack.

>> No.5067703 [DELETED] 

I never said I did either idiot. Your antecodal evidence of your fellow shut ins means nothing. Never waste my time by responding to one of my posts again.

>> No.5067750 [DELETED] 

It affects different people differently. Also, some strains can cause more anxiety than others. I usually get slightly panicky with sativa, but indica makes me worthless, just lying around couch locked. Sometimes a hybrid is nice, but there are so damn many you have to try several before you find one you like. If you're in a state without it available in dispensaries, you can still get good weed, just you never know what strain you'll find at any time. There is a fuckton of info on different strains out there with ratings on how it makes you feel.

Also, try to not smoke as much. Often if you get too much, it can cause panic or anxiety. Very little is needed unless you do it all the time. I smoke about once or twice a month and the quantity is like 2-3 wooden match heads to get me in a good place.

Basically you also have to be in the right mindstate in the right setting. If you live in a place where it's illegal, that is the one thing that is worse for causing panic.

Also if you treat it as an exercise in overcoming panic/anxiety you'll eventually just laugh a bit if you feel panic and realize it's muh weed causing it so it's nothing to get worked up about. But again, some strains cause almost no problems.

>> No.5067956

>have to sell all my shit
>all my favorite nes, snes, n64 and gamecube games going to some shitstain youtuber game collector's basement to sit unplayed forever
Do you not have and friends or family that you can gift them to instead?

>> No.5068125

>a kid might appreciate 20 yr/o nintendo games that aren't even meant for modern TVs

>> No.5068261

why the fuck would you move to weebland

>> No.5068291

don't sell your shit idiot

>> No.5068315

Can't pull any fine American chicks so he's going to Japan to steal their womyns

>> No.5068371

>with no future
The average age of a teacher in America is like 60+, this means there are going to be tons of job openings in the near future. The old fucks are also the ones who suck up all the teaching money from everyone else because of their seniority, so once they are gone the average teacher's salary will go up. It's actually a good field to get into now.

>> No.5068405

>the average american girl is way sexier
t. 56% mutt

>> No.5068425

He meant there's no career progression for teaching in Japan long term

>having an Asian fetish


>> No.5068428

average american gurl is way heavier and more empowered, fixed for you

>> No.5068494

>turning vr into pol

>> No.5068793

Cool, then drop Japan and be a teacher in American right now, you'll have better prospects.

>> No.5070656
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