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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5064545 No.5064545 [Reply] [Original]

Unreal/Unreal Tournament General

Share some of your stories from Single-Player/Multiplayer, show off some new maps, mods, mutators, etc and just have fun!


Thread Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhV6yt9LXK0

>> No.5064551

>UT4 is dead
>UT99 lives

This timeline ain't so bad.

>> No.5064552

What happened to Ut4?! My last ut was 2004 but ut3 wasnt so bad (after launch).

>> No.5064559
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Fortnite happened. Epic moved the team over to Fortnite's development team to focus on it. They said they got some guys working on the coding, but nothing major. So it's on a hiatus until Fortnite stops being popular in the next 2 years

>> No.5064705

What's the difference between Unreal multiplayer and Unreal Tournament?

>> No.5064767

Was UT4 that abysmal?

>> No.5064769

Nah just a lil bit

>> No.5064813

>Thread Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhV6yt9LXK0 [Embed]
why would anyone do this?! The genesis sound chip is abysmal

>> No.5064840

it was being worked by two guys that shitted all over the "collaboration between gamers and developers", also, it's similar to ut99 when we already saw what happened with ut3

>> No.5065127

It's great when you know how to program FM patches

>> No.5065142
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Nothing for it. We'll just return to ye olde mods.

>> No.5065607

>So it's on a hiatus until Fortnite stops being popular in the next 2 years

Even if they get back to UT4, it's already too late.

>> No.5065953

>not playing the best map that requires SKILL

>> No.5066608

This mod kind of looks like shit, m8

>> No.5067306

Not really, the devs had a bit of trouble with balancing the weapons and changing them to worse versions of themselves but they eventually fixed them

>> No.5067491

I miss playing CTF and Assault on stock maps with full servers.

>> No.5067802
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Double Enforcers best weapon short of Redeemer.

Prove me wrong, you can't.

>> No.5067907

DE is the pro weapon. New players run around with the Flak Cannon or Rocket Launcher. Pros teleport around like ninjas and waste people with the DE's or telefrags. At least that was my experience back when UT was still alive.

>> No.5069287

They are insanely broken, they deal more damage compared to a minigun's alt fire. They deal a flat 15 damage, so 30 damage in total. You can fuck up just about anyone

>> No.5070015


shock rifle is kinda better because you can attack around corners too and then there's the obvious sniper rifle.

>> No.5070017

>DE is the pro weapon
>When sheep in wolfs clothing open their mouths

>> No.5070480

*teleports into you*
Psshh, nothing personal kid.

>> No.5070494

*Translocates away*

>> No.5070498
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But anon, pic related.

>> No.5071921

god mode on

>> No.5071967

Sadly there were only about 5 composers worth shit who had the technical knowledge to do this.

>> No.5073169

5 composers is an understatement, but most of the good ones were either Japanese or European, since they had more experience with the hardware

>> No.5073385
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THey're good but they can get outclassed by the other hitscan weapons like the Sniper

>> No.5073396

guns slightly rebalanced, prettier maps, no flashlight deathmath

>> No.5073570

There were a lot more than 5, you just seek out bad games.

>> No.5073794

Just needs a new compatibility patch for UT99

>> No.5073815

Gun Jesus with DE

>> No.5074262

>No real M16 with a long barrel and scope

>> No.5074586

I hate the aesthetics, its kinda like 2k4, but worse.

>> No.5074589

The one thing thats broken in 99 is the head hitbox size.

>> No.5074605

the head "hitbox" is the upper 20% of an actor's cylinder, if I remember well

>> No.5074993

Anon, please don't hurt my heart like that.

>> No.5075312
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>> No.5076089
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the closest you'll get to a UT99 Sniper rifle

>> No.5076680

I bought the Unreal Anthology in middle school probably around 2006 primarily for Unreal, i never made it past a few hours in because i get bored everytime I try, but I got addicted to bot matches in 99 and 2k4. Would play it on my school laptop in highschool in the middle of class and whisper yell 'fuck' when some fucker killed my streak. Unfortunately I was too late for good online play that wasn't assault or heavily modded, so bots were the only way to go pretty much from 2006 to now unless I wanted to play 3 once in a while, but now that's all shitty sniper matches.

I had so many hopes for ut4, but it felt like they just gave up on adding news maps and I feel like mutators weren't really a hing in it of which they should have been. The 3 maps they have get stale fast and the connection is always choppy as a stick of celery wherever I play it.

>> No.5077290
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>> No.5077940

UT4 is still getting some updates from the community. Someone was able dig up the Robot, Necris with Hoodie and possibly a Thundercrash character from the files and uploaded some of them.

>> No.5078730

Any good AS maps to recommend?

>> No.5079716


>> No.5079953 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5080084

Does the UT community tolerate newbies?

I've often been tempted start playing some UT99/04 but if every server is filled to capacity with high skill high autism players I don't know if I'll be able to stick around for long. I'm getting incredibly sick of quake champions, so I'd love to try something new.

>> No.5080286

You would need to find people playing UT99 on anything other than CTF_FacingWorlds first. The only players I've ever seen are playing on that map 24/7 with sniper rifles. Not even a full server. Game is DEAD anon.

>> No.5080897

Disregard >>5080286

You can find people in the Siege servers, the CTF servers, Dawn's Deathmatch Palace, Full Metal Jacket, and Monster Hunter servers. Just pick which ever server that wets your whistle.

>> No.5081704

The community is old enough that don't give a fuck about if you're good or not. No visual skill level to have spergs go crazy about. Just play to have fun

>> No.5081712

I'm >>5080286
If what you say is true, I'm going to reinstall. Last time I had UT99 installed that was the state of the online play. If I can finally play stock CTF again I'll be very happy.

>> No.5081874

There's a server that hosts both regular CTF and Instagib.

>> No.5081883

Yeah, they'll even take the time to show you the ropes most of the time. I know I do when someone asks.

>> No.5082151

i always figured UT99 would have a very small stream of new players because of how popular it was on high school computers, even when i was in high school 7 years ago everyone played it.

>> No.5082579
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Some people in the UT4 forums actually suggested that in order to make it popular Epic should just add battle royale mode.

>> No.5083302


>> No.5083935

Any more War Machine art

>> No.5085486
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>> No.5085676

What are good mods for ye olde Unreal you can play through the main campaign with?

>> No.5085689

In order to make it popular they need to make a new singleplayer Unreal game first. That's how old arena shooters gained popularity.

>Release good SP game
>people want to play it in MP
>make special MP version with bells and whistles
>people play it

Online-Only works for flavour of the month genres and games in established SP franchises - even Battlefield and COD still lure people in with solid SP experience first, then ride on it into MP. But it was 2 whole decades after the last good SP Unreal experience, most people that play Fortnite and Overwatch these days weren't even born back then.

>> No.5085692

I'm pretty sure that UT would've spiked in popularity if Epic made a return with SP Unreal title, same way id did with Doom.

>> No.5085742


What unreal single player was good? I first played UT99 multiplayer after playing ut2003 multiplayer (i was hooked on quake/HL/CS for FPS and ignore ut99 at the time). The only unreal single player game i played was Unreal 2 awakening, and it was pretty forgettable.

>> No.5085763

The one from '98. Before UT'99.
Unreal 2 was made by Legend, not Epic.

First Unreal is an atmospheric journey through the beautiful, but hostile world. It starts running out of steam in the last quarter (25 levels in) , but before that it's gorgeous and you definitely should play it.

>> No.5085784

Damn, what a blind spot. Thanks for the tip.

>> No.5086417
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>> No.5086818

A server with fucking PEOPLE? Just reinstalled, and the online scene is just as fucking dead as it was back when I first deleted it. Out of the 9 servers that have more than 5 fucking people, only 3 have more than 10. One of those is fucking FacingWorlds, the other two are running a shit-ton of custom skins and maps while being hosted on a 56k. I'm not desperate enough for a game of UT99 to bother with these empty servers. Why did you lie anon?

>> No.5087025
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>Those names

>> No.5087157

Lame 2002 teens are off-topic in /vr/, right?

>> No.5087640

Nothing beats Orgazmo

>> No.5087843

>There was an era where such cringe names where acceptable
I don't know how to feel
Who dat?

>> No.5087936

Just got Unreal Gold. Anything I should know before I start? Any mods needed to get it to work properly?

>> No.5087981

>he will never be part of the 1337/-/4x0rZ coolkidz

>> No.5087992


>> No.5089186

Just update the game with the latest patch

>> No.5089604
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Skaarj and Prisoner adventure when?

>> No.5090553
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A guy from a Strangelove clan. I thought the name and playing as a Skaarj was a hilarious combination

>> No.5091641

Don't forget the godlike music that fits with the atmosphere.

>> No.5091758


>The Stacy Prisoner
>The Virgin Skaarj

>> No.5091891


Shy Skaarj getting HUMAN'D by dominant, feminine Prisoner 849 when

>> No.5092582

when Japan takes notice of the franchise

>> No.5093384

Funny enough, i remember watching a video of japanese players fucking around in ut99 mp. They also had their own selection of weird-ass skins and custom sounds.

>> No.5093764

Do you think you could find that video again?

>> No.5094398


>> No.5095180

Thank you. They aren't half bad. I wonder what mods they're using, the one for damage feedback seems useful.

>> No.5095384
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From best to worst, how would you rate the officially released versions of UT99 overall?

>> No.5096309

From a security point of view, the latest version of 451 UT99 is the best.

>> No.5096312

Watch some of their duel videos, they are pretty good. I've been to their server before and they have a Loque bot set to the highest difficulty and equipped with the Sniper.

>> No.5097421
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>Hear this when you play the Unreal Remake
made by the man himself too

>> No.5097427

How about the console versions? Dreamcast or PS2, which is better?

>> No.5097715
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PS2 version is the best, it has better audio quality, more characters to play, and I think it has some of the PC maps including its own maps.

>> No.5099790

PS2 all the way

>> No.5100265
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how can I fix this? It doesn't seem to happen with the other weapon models

>> No.5100283

seems to be an fov problem which d3d10 fixes but the d3d10 renderer doesn't seem to work well with fast sync

>> No.5100681


>> No.5101507
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>Share some of your stories
>When you get your first Translocator frag.

>> No.5102896
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>not simultaneously fapping to Hunter from Q3 and Female Commando

>> No.5103586

I think it was the Female Commando that got me into girls with leotards.

>> No.5104539
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>> No.5104851

beats playing online games on steam and seeing first.lastname96

>> No.5105290
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>Not Crash, and her death grunts especially.

>> No.5106710
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>not wanting a chocolate amazon to ride you
You disappoint me

>> No.5107381

Chocolate is always better.

>> No.5107542


>> No.5107787
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Real talk: how would Gina realistically wear the suspenders over the tank top, on the side of the boobs or pressed over them?

>> No.5107801

There's a remake?

>> No.5107994
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>Talking shit about Hunter

>> No.5108854

There was, I don't know if they are still working on it

>> No.5109384

Pressed over her breasts would make sense and hot

>> No.5109493

Link to it, anon?

>> No.5109498
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>> No.5110824

It's on the UT4 forums.

>> No.5110828
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>> No.5110836

No, it was a good game that was shaping up to be great had it established a playerbase. Sadly Epic would cave in and make a battle royale shooter

>> No.5110839

this is or some generic name with no care or thought into that. back then usernames had meaning

>> No.5110895 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5110897 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5110898 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5110954

Why are you posting neofag screencaps anon

>> No.5110964 [DELETED] 

He's not completely wrong, I always drink while playing UT and honestly walk around until I see someone or something

>> No.5111021

He's totally right. Quake 3 is an experience tailored and focused on muh skills and UT is a sprinkled game made for fun. Both are fine, at least they're not identical.

>> No.5111252 [DELETED] 

One won the GOTY title and the other didn't :^)

>> No.5111448 [DELETED] 

unreal and tribes take no skill unlike quake

>> No.5111454 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5111508

Epic decided to absolutely rape the game and wreck the balance as well as take the game in a direction (added UC2-style grenade launcher to phase out biorifle, removed grenades from rocket launcher, removed impact hammer from a lot of the game) that the community did not want. After doing that they decided to abandon it for what has been well over a year now and focus entirely on Fortnite.

>> No.5111512

In addition to that the game has a better engine, slightly better mod support, and a shit ton more content.

>> No.5111515

lol that's one thing I liked about Unreal and UT99, the rifles being the most basic weapons are antiquated pieces of equipment in comparison to everything else. In UT99, it was simply an AR pattern rifle with a scope attached.

>> No.5111524

You should check out the site Old Unreal. They have made their own graphics and sound patches for the game as well as new textures and HD skins (which require said patch because they have to be enabled as a mutator to work).

>> No.5111531

Is the Unreal packs on Steam or GoG worth full price?

>> No.5111535 [DELETED] 


>> No.5111541

I found that UT actually requires MORE SKILL than Quake. Quake's bunny hopping and more basic weapons make the game more predictable whereas UT's movement (largely thanks to dodging) tends to be less predictable and the the weapons aren't so simple. In Quake, each weapon has a dedicated purpose and you only use them outside of said purpose if you really have to. In UT, each weapon has situations where they're best in, but due to the effectiveness of each one combined with slower switch speeds, you as a player will have to play favorites a lot of the time and a fire fight is always determined by who knows their gun better.

>> No.5111545 [DELETED] 

Delusional unrealfag

>> No.5111549

They went where the players were. Deathmatch is basically dead, people arent interested.

>> No.5111567 [DELETED] 

The lack of an overlap on Quake's weapons combined with it's faster switch speeds and the amount of situations each one is useless gives Quake a less dynamic and more predictable experience that boils down to simply maintaining arena control. In Unreal Tournament, there's a lot of weapon overlap, a slower switch speed, and less predictable movements. There are a lot more situations where player skill (as opposed to which weapon they're using) determines the outcome of a firefight. There are a lot of situations where you'll see someone kill off a sniper using an enforcer or ASMD because they made themselves hard to hit while landing their shots as well as times where you'd see someone melt a flak monkey with plasma because the flak wielding player couldn't make their flak grenade land while they were getting spammed. You won't see too many comparable situations in Quake, it usually boils down to whoever is the best equipped and that generally is going to be whoever established control first.

>> No.5111570 [DELETED] 

Then why quake is considered better and harder than unreal

>> No.5111574 [DELETED] 

Doing exactly the same thing as all the other players except faster is skill? At least UT99 requires you to think.

>> No.5111581 [DELETED] 

ut99 2 ez

>> No.5111619 [DELETED] 

Whatever helps you sleep at night quakebabby

>> No.5111627


The sad reality is that nobody under 25 wants to play these kinds of games any more.

UT4 is dead, Quake Champions is just barely alive even with all the korean MMO-style incentivisation for players to log in and play daily.

These games just do not build or maintain player bases beyond a few hundred oldschool die-hards. I wish it weren't the case but it so obviously *is* the case. Teens today aren't interested in this gameplay.

I don't know why they prefer the casual garbage that they do, but they do.

>> No.5111632 [DELETED] 

Arenafags are cancer
literally the meleefags of fps

>> No.5111946

Post the full pic

>> No.5111961

>back then usernames had meaning

hah... no

>> No.5111963

Is that why Q3 is a worse in terms of balance than UT? Not that UT is in any way perfect.

>> No.5111979

>back then usernames had meaning

>have to come up with a new name before I play online
>I want to play now
>implying I'm about to sit here for 45 minutes trying to decide on a name

My handles on the internet have largely always been my nickname + my favorite numbers. It's been this way since I was 12.

>> No.5111980
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It's not only young people, theyre just the most obviously not interested. Us slightly older 30-year old boomers are mostly over deathmatch-style games too, and for good reason.
1) FPS reflexes get worse with age (less practice & body slowing), i can't aim for shit these days, as a teen i was pretty good
2) Shallow gameplay - yeah it was fun, but it was all we had. Modern diverse gameplays now distract us from the "boring" old DM. There is just so much more to play.
3) Deathmatch is a simple game style based on kills, so your k/d ratio is all important as a yardstick for being good and having fun. This makes it particularly easy for people to try a game, suck, then quit. With fewer noobs other's k/d suffers and the entire pyramid scheme of killing collapses with only a small inaccessible community of hardcore pros left. I've experienced this in multiple FPS games over the last decade, so it's not only "old" games that suffer this. By contrast, battle royale makes almost everyone in the match a loser and downplays k/d, so people might suck but they find their own expressive form of play style and they come back for more.

>> No.5111996
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To elaborate on #3 (because i think this is the primary reason DM died). COD and other more casual fps's manage to not bleed players because nobody can really get that good. It's a high skill ceiling that inherently allows players to dominate and make others leave to go find a game they don't suck at. This sounds stupidly obvious but i'm convinced a large number of veteran /vr/ shooter people don't realize this.

>> No.5112037

You're a fool. It's hard to imagine how you could reach that age and yet be so ignorant about a hobby you clearly have some interest in.

First thing's first, you are not a boomer if you're in your 30s, you're a boomer if you're in like your 60s, that's the meme. So you fail automatically by falling for a zoomer meme that you don't even understand. As to your points:

1) People don't stop playing because their reflexes get worse. That's not how it goes, people play for fun. I bet you could never aim for shit as a teen either. At a certain point they won't be competitive at the world's elite but, neither are golf and tennis players yet old people play them all the time.
2) You are pretty much the only person in the entire history of gaming that has ever suggested that old FPS games have "shallow gameplay". That is insane and not even worthy of a discussion. Modern shooters are point and click affairs, older fps games demand much more. Even casual shooter champions admit this.
3) I don't even know what the fuck are you on about here, no k/d ratio does not determine fun, I suggest you get your brain together or kys. You might also find use of the phrase "better to remain silent and appear a fool rather than speak and remove all doubt".

>> No.5112140

If you are talking about the holy trinity of Quake 3, then it is literally better than UT because shock combos single handedly ruin UT for me even though the rest of the game is stellar. That shit is a commonly found portable nuke that sips on ammo with pin point hitscan accuracy and blast radius and splash damage all combined into one. It enrages me to even type that out because it never occurred to me that the shock rifle is literally every mechanic and trope rolled up into one gun.

>> No.5112151

Usernames then were either cool, hilarious, or made to be self-depricating

>> No.5112165

Truly the worst timeline friends. There is an earth where Unreal Tournament is played in droves in such a way as Fortnite is.

>> No.5112754
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1) I don't have a scientific study, but in my experience people get worse as they get older. Anecdotally: look at professional fps players, they're mostly 16-25. Partly due to burnout, but partly due to aging body.
2) I wasn't saying modern shooters have more depth but that games in general offer much more diverse gameplays now. Just like when WoW (and mmorpgs) came out and stole a bunch of players from all our FPS games. There are more genres, gameplays and games than ever vying for our attention.
3) I would refer you to theories of fun such as 'flow' where skill grows with challenge. If someone is consistently owned by better players such that they have say a .1 to 3 k/d, they are not very skilled and thus not as invested in the game. Do you really think it's a coincidence or just "stupidity" that modern FPS designs level the playing field by introducing far lower skill ceilings and more random elements?

If you still disagree with my view, why not offer another reason as to why FPS games have changed and deathmatch is out? Is it pure fashion?

>> No.5112759

Meant to write .1 to .3 k/d

>> No.5112948

look at this fucking noob

>> No.5113936

Is there a list of maps for ut99 that are actually good/not gimmicky? Preferably keeping with the same design and aesthetics as the original maps.

>> No.5113967

>why isn't X popular anymore?
Back in the early 90's, prior to the release of Myst, just about every single person I knew who owned a computer had at least one graphical adventure game, now they are confined to the realm of indies. During the 8 and 16 bit era, platformers dominated console gaming, now they are just indies and remakes and rehashes. Arcades used to be big here in the US, good luck finding one with quality games now that isn't a Dave and Busters. Real time strategy games were popular since C&C and Warcraft 2 made them big, and now they struggle to sell. Now everyone is going back to FPS games, but a randomized scavenger hunt style of gameplay instead of the arena deathmatch style that was king during the Quake/Unreal/Doom/Duke3D era.

Gaming tends to follow trends. Fans of a game will stick with it after the trend has passed, but a lot of gamers just tend to hop on whatever is the hot new thing at the moment. Then you get a self-fulfilling loop. Game has large playerbase, new player figures he can find a game easily, game playerbase grows. If they would just play what they find fun instead of following the trend, you would probably see more games with a few thousand players instead of 2-3 games with millions and every other game with less than 300.

>> No.5114184
File: 55 KB, 196x216, Brock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna cheat and throw in a gimmick map

Here are the actual good maps



>> No.5114228

there's only 3? Forgot to mention I'm only interested in deathmatch.

>> No.5114271

Well there's a lot more, I was just picking out some of them.




>> No.5114630
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>that one guy in ctf that takes all of the ammo in the base and rushes the enemy base, leaving nothing for everyone else

>> No.5114737
File: 40 KB, 449x253, 1487955979764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part of the problem with "reviving" deathmatch is how tied it is with e-Sports. Arena games have become closely associated with duels and heavily controlled games. This is the total opposite of how it was played back then. FFA and CTF were THE big game modes, and people just played whatever they want. For every duel, there are 50 FFAs with people spamming rockets, grenades, willy nilly and 20 CTF games with people grappling around like idiots, all of these on maps that weren't "league friendly". If you were to let people actually play arena shooters like they actually were played back then instead of trying to heavily nudge them towards dueling because it's what the pros do, you'd probably get more people playing them.

There's also cultural shifts. Quake 1 and it's successors, such as Quake 2, UT99, and Half-Life 1, was developed and became popular in a time when its players shared the hacker's creed of being able to crack open a game and do whatever you want with it or host whatever instance of it because why not? Now, gamers want games where there's a heavy moderator presence, ques so you can instantly hop into the action, rankings to show off your e-peen, buying skins to let the world see how cool you look, and all content coming from and being controlled by the developers. All of this is antithetical to how arena shooters were developed, played, and grew.

Arena shooters were created in and for a specific cultural moment and groups that have been lost to time. You can't truly revive arena shooters unless you manage to de-link dueling from being the core of arena shooters and manage to somehow brainwash every gamer into thinking like mid to late 90s computer nerds that all believed in the hacker's creed in some way.

>> No.5115129


>> No.5115464

The Steam keys for it are cheap as hell

>> No.5116303
File: 347 KB, 622x558, 1391805524753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matchmaking is what killed having communities in games. Instead of choosing a server that you like because of the players, instead most games require that you push a button to instantly que with a group of strangers that may or may not ruin your game. I don't know if it's some lazy way to implement a multiplayer environment or what.

>> No.5117798

E-sports (xXx420MLGSMOKEWEEDERRYDAY420xXx) is as big of a cancer to gaming as casual shit, I agree. Its just another way for developers to cash in on trends.

>> No.5117801

Wait for Christmas deals, they are usually priced at 10 or less.

>> No.5118170

I hate matchmaking too, but i don't think it killed gaming communities. They were already dying, and people were asking for matchmaking before they became ubiquitous.

My local gaming communities/server hubs died when internet speeds increased enough that people could play acceptably on distant servers. Also, servers being owned/run by the publisher rather than individuals or ISPs made them impersonal.

>> No.5118826

I've never heard people asking for matchmaking. It just seems like an option made for consoles that made its way to PC because it was the easiest way to implement multiplayer.

>> No.5118878

meme - we're so use to 15-17-19 INCH monitors that are CRT. Trust me try a old 17 or 15inch monitor and play CS/Quake your aim will be superior the 24 inch monitors at 23'4 and because mouse fix is disabled now days a lot of peoples aim are done through raw input and theres no mouse filter so a lot of the CPI/DPIs are just estimates. Remember faster is not better 400dpi was a baseline but because monitors grew so did the image/hitboxes.

>> No.5119506

gimmicky maps are not necessarily bad.
I don't think such a list exists.

>> No.5119514

I believe DM has fallen out of fashion because it is extremely unforgiving and video games nowadays are seen as something you do to escape your life, have fun during commute and kill time. Most players think this way and are not prepared to either be humiliated repeatedly or train for days to reach a minimum skill level in order to hold their own in the online battle.
Also DM includes a lot of things people no longer want to do. Timing weapons, searching for the enemy, listening carefuly and learning how the map is laid out is a chore for people who are used to rush a marker showing the objective through the walls on their hud and find everyone there with weapons they didn't have to hunt and time because they just selected a nice loadout at spawn.
Just my personal theory.

>> No.5120492

Call of Duty 4 truly was the beginning of the end

>> No.5121250
File: 110 KB, 1000x753, xena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which mod had the Xena's throwing ring blade? That was the most fun weapon I had ever played with. It was like the Ripper on steroids.

>> No.5121405
File: 49 KB, 319x326, 1525715598925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is 4 player local split screen for all UnrealEngine games on PC. Just found out about it!


>> No.5122062
File: 106 KB, 400x300, 1464956813115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going to sound dumb but what made me interested in UT is the fact that it's a competitive/sports setting, having objectives beside killing all the other players adds so much to me and even if in practice teamwork doesn't exist team games still feel like there is teamwork going on. Plus my mom always disliked these kinds of violent games so if she found me playing UT I can make the excuse that it isn't all about violence.

>> No.5122208
File: 90 KB, 1100x619, shoutfactory[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the whole futuristic gladiator concept is kinda neat.

>> No.5122515

Yes! And video games could do much more with that

>> No.5122523

Working as a team is something I adore as well. Assault mode, especially at the height of 2k4, is the perfect blend of competitive and objective team based gameplay. I really wish more games would adopt this mode and use it creatively, because I miss playing it with people :(

>> No.5124015

The Running Man film is the closest to UT99 we will ever get to.

>> No.5124169
File: 370 KB, 1280x720, return to nepal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Return to Nepal is very good look at those graphics omg

>> No.5124625

Exquisite graphics

>> No.5124647

e-sports fps is disgusting because everyone aimhacks. its a sad spectacle. i want to see actual skill, not you pressing a button to know this dude is hiding in this room and then charging him.

>> No.5124664

why does this keep getting posted, is it funny?

>> No.5125184

He's very proud of his OC I think

>> No.5125238

I've seen studies, reflexes get worse as you age, but only barely until you hit like sixty and then they drop noticeably but still not unplayable - but definitely competition loss worthy since you need to remain fairly high in every aspect of play to do well.

I'm closer to forty and I still stomp 16-25 year old's like no one's business. In fact, I arguably do so better than I did when I was 16-25 because if my reflexes have slowed, it hasn't outpaced my accuracy and improvement in muscle memory. So while I could respond and aim okay when I was 16-25, but now my aim is improved, for things like CS I play similar in headshots and style as scream, but without the cheats. My map control and shit like that has also improved.

Your point about the K/D ratio is accute but also, just say 1/30 K:D not 0.1/3. I used to play Q3 with friends and it was worse than that since I'd play against two or three friends against me with just me with teams and I'd still go 200/0 against them. A full day could net up to 0/1000K/D for any one of them individually. They've never had more than a cumulative of five kills in over five years when they were active with me. They got tired of it after a while. Some friends refused to play at all, some were willing but changed their tune in some games like when I'd run around BH/RJ around DM maps in Q1 backwards picking up items pre-game warmup and noped out. Most of them weaned off into other games since FPS was the genre I dominated. Whereas that didn't apply to other genre, or in some cases, even becoming mediocre/worst player in other genres.

Though, I don't play online FPS anymore because they're designed like trash and full of cheaters anyway. No point. I prefer singleplayer now or coop like Warframe. Even coop can be problematic though if you dominate that as well.

>> No.5126481
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>> No.5126487
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Okinu best ghost girl.

>> No.5126679

REMINDER CTF-face is the greatest fps map ever

>> No.5126713
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>> No.5128131
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>> No.5129376
File: 125 KB, 600x600, tsundere_ginger_by_soap9000-d5zb6c3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's not enough art of Prisoner 849, this must be fixed!

>> No.5129438
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>> No.5130635

just found this, what's the point of UT2k4 mechanics in UT99?

>> No.5131682

Should've had the gore setting to none. Easiest way back then to convince any parent to buy M-rated games

>> No.5131690


My mom and aunt laughed at the bots screaming "holy shit" and "you whore". Ordinarily they would've said something or made me turn off that kinda stuff in the game but they died laughing at it in UT.

>> No.5131698

>add vehicles
>make it onslaught 2.0

>> No.5131714
File: 336 KB, 1024x1152, DM-TrainingDay Instagib, CTF-Concentrate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speck's Unreal returning from a hiatus. Organizing the group information a little more neatly and fixing up some things on the servers.

- Adding to the FAQ/Help sections, getting rid of the old forums except for the informational threads/download links.
- Those same links/files will also be on discord channels as well for newcomers to more easily see and know what files are needed.
- Help section more easilly accessible for those having display or game issues.
- Installed NewNet and UTComp a while back as well. Added some more content to the Jedi Knight server.
- Organized all the essential patches/bonuses for the games into one .rar file for each. Bonus downloads like maps and skins also.

I got a new job with regular hours and weekends off too so expect more regular hosting as long as I get off my lazy ass.

Might re-add the few missing bonus maps for Jedi Knight and UT2004.

I may add a couple more channels to the discord if anyone has some good ideas for one that may be useful after I add the guides/secrets/help channels. Ideas always welcome y'all

>> No.5131721

because why not?

>> No.5131990
File: 54 KB, 640x540, 13064b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for some good UT2004 maps / mods, sell me your favorites.

ALSO: Trying deperately to find the mutator that removes the Red and Blue Teamskins from team gameplay. I think it's called ' No Team Skins Mut' but I can't find a filemirror.

>> No.5132140


>> No.5132147

It's 404'd


>> No.5132149

Link to deescord?

>> No.5133231


>> No.5133243
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>> No.5133814
File: 30 KB, 647x843, 1540870378704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who gets turned on by the sexy announcer in UT2k4

>> No.5133930


why don't Epic just let the fans create mods for it?

>> No.5135068

They are, it' just that any major update like replacing the weapons, weapon balances, etc is up to Epic. The fans so far released 3 new models, maps are being made and Assault is semi-finished(I think).

>> No.5135928
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>> No.5137107
File: 79 KB, 2048x1120, Unreal_Tournament_Wallpaper_Halloween_Josh_Marlow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you guys doing for hall-o-ween?

>> No.5137508

try d3d9
it's less buggy I think

>> No.5137556
File: 1.33 MB, 1920x1080, Unreal_2018_11_01_00_02_01_463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RLCoop but it's hard asf without saves.

Graphics mods are HD Skins, BegoneNot mutator and probably some Reshade effects. Pic related is me trying some.

>> No.5138635

RLcoop if you like to get kicked in the balls by the enemies and want more difficulty and stealth to your playthrough

>> No.5138847

The Rifle in the OG Unreal is a piece of Skaarj technology. Look at the points at the end of the rifle.

>> No.5138897
File: 79 KB, 540x960, 26167799_578955149111835_2968794449843472757_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my 3dfx-powered W98SE rig I built specifically for CS 1.6 and UT99. It has the 98 Service Pack 3 and will connect to the Internet, and I can even browse older websites on Opera and IE5. It downloaded almost all of its own drivers, with only the Dazzle CF and I had the driver disc for it

I plan on adding a tape drive, an internal ZIP and eventually watercooling it.

>Gigabyte PGA370 board
>PIII 1ghz Coppermine
>512mb PC133
>3dfx Voodoo 3 2000
>Intel 10/100 NIC
>Creative Labs Vibra16 ISA
>20gb boot IDE, 5x 36gb SCSI stack
>Adaptec 2940u SCSI card

The only issue I'm having is trying to join Steam servers with it on 98SE

>> No.5138913


The other issue I'm having is I can't connect to any online UT server and I have the 436 update, what am I missing? It will download all the server files and as soon as it connects I get kicked and says Connection failed.

>> No.5139104

The UT99 movement and weapons mutator for UT2k4 is really good for example. UT3 weapons and vehicles mut is pretty good too actually.

>> No.5140557

I believe Steam servers won't accept 98SE operating systems to connect. As for UT99, you have to configure a new master server because Gamespy's master server has been down for years.


>> No.5140628

Have you checked the logs? What server did you join?

>> No.5140842


I'm a dumb ass, I did the 451 update it works now.

As for non-Steam 1.6, where do I find the installer to let me join non-Steam 1.6 servers? I really don't want to do an XP dual boot just for two games.

>> No.5140851

I think some servers are hosted as non-steam servers. The server names should have be named so.

>> No.5140961

peeps in the ut2004 server if anyone wants to join

UT2004: (EU West)

>> No.5141991

UT99 hardly lives and there's nothing good about UT4 death because it was basically faster 99 with better weapon balance.

>> No.5143471

>Better weapon balance
You mean how they kept fucking around with the rocket launcher, flak cannon and making the link gun a cool-down based weapon?

>> No.5143654

Yes, the game had better balance than 99 at said and not said moment. Even when link gun was dragging people on alt fire it was nowhere as broken as 99 shock rifle.

>> No.5143913
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>> No.5144534

that was one of the reasons i left ut4 desu, i wasnt keen on the movement, i didnt like how everything looked like it was made of plastic, but the cherry on top was they kept fucking with the guns and health and wahtnot.

>> No.5144601

I've been meaning to get back to UT99 lately, but I'm having trouble finding the server files I don't have, and downloading from the UT client is kind of a no go.
Back then there was a pack some server owner had put together but I can't find it,so some help?
Is there some way to find the needed files just from the IP or something like that?

>> No.5145543
File: 260 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_og58r1aq8M1svku7fo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean? Like downloading the files from the server? It shouldn't be a problem acquiring the files with the server if it has the redirect, which all servers have configured.

>> No.5145571

Not anymore. There is this:

>> No.5146349

wait, did they seriously cancel the project?

>> No.5147130

I dunno, the link is just dead.

>> No.5148140

Did you also install 451b? That version fixes some other stuff including UnrealED crashing

>> No.5149062
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>> No.5149497
File: 2.48 MB, 1920x1080, terraniux redux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Krull0r is doing fine. He even streams ocassionally on youtube.

>> No.5150398

I was talking about the UE4 remake being potentially dead.

>> No.5152329
File: 237 KB, 1193x670, 62df5121ad7946af902c1038dfaabbc01c6098b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5152345


>> No.5152589
File: 68 KB, 536x530, 1504285565993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to feel guilty for not playing for a while.

>> No.5153627

Hit those servers anon, and frag 'em

>> No.5154743
File: 3.70 MB, 250x188, 1539040797243.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you dominate with just the impact hammer
Filthy normies using bullets to kill

>> No.5154797

playing unreal gold, every time I go through the passage to outpost 3j it gets stuck trying to connect or something. I can go there with console commands but lose my weapons and shit. Wat do.

>> No.5155397


>> No.5156053

Just use console commands to get your stuff back but individually. Tough shit but you can do it

>> No.5156784

yeah i had to resort to this. Luckily I haven't had any more trouble with levels loading

>> No.5157752

We're talking about the actual UE4 remake that some people in the UT4 forums were working on. I just remember that the person who started the project got banned after starting some shit with Epic devs

>> No.5158798

How much longer until Fortnite stops being popular and Epic can return to Unreal?

>> No.5159073

Am I the only one that sincerely thinks UT4 will get out of hiatus once Fortnite leaves Early Access, and it's not tht far?
I really can't blame Epic for thinking it needs all hands on deck at least for now.

>> No.5159784

I really hope so.

>> No.5160262

I prefer to use "killall actor" in the console, thanks.

>> No.5161342

You're not the only one, I really hope Epic gets back to finishing UT4. It just may beat Quake Champions in its finished stage.

>> No.5162719
File: 265 KB, 1080x1349, P9wdehF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is coming after you, which weapon do you use to defend yourself?

>> No.5162826

ASMD Shock rifle.

>> No.5162853

Anti-autism spray.

>> No.5162861
File: 657 KB, 1920x1080, 2B3EA17C-79BC-4606-884F-8C1F6A02921C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sooooo bio rifle?

>> No.5163351
File: 327 KB, 2502x1550, R9s4f2g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong choice

>> No.5163502

shock-combo his anal cavity

>> No.5163993

To those of you who get upsetti when you see no one online for UT99

Most servers have certain times a day in which they are populated, even filled. You just have to learn what times you can play on certain servers, and identify the few servers that display a fake number of players. Plenty of servers are packed on weekends late in the evening. (est) There are bubbles of life left in the game, and there are active discords that are used to arrange games. It's nothing like it used to be, it never will be. But not everyone is gone, good games are still had, and are worth the time.

>> No.5164451

i played ut99 with bots most of the time
i tried going online but not dead servers were always some CTF-Face instagib only or sniper rifle only shitfest with crazy ping.

shit i still boot it up sometimes. Music is the best, i have the entire umx folder on my playlist

>> No.5164881
File: 71 KB, 348x87, tumblr_mqt9u8g1SV1qize4uo5_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5165985

It's hard to find people that still play Assault. The best AS servers are all empty and hardly anyone wants to play.

>> No.5166579


>> No.5167365
File: 54 KB, 450x456, painmaster_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets see him fight against the RL

>> No.5168367
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>> No.5168417
File: 54 KB, 246x205, hard times.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ you guys this thread was started nearly 2 months ago

>> No.5168709

>opened on 4chan.org - alpha
>closed on 4channel.org - omega

>> No.5168806

Slow board

>> No.5170056


This is frightening

>> No.5170058


Two of the former champions before Xan and Malcom.

>> No.5170759

Our previews threads have gone for longer. I think that in a whole year we have had like 3 threads

>> No.5171868


>> No.5172961

hard to believe UT99 was capable of facial animation, 4 years before HL2's release.

>> No.5173990

I'm trying to find the picture of the same guy who made the ASMD rifle, but I only find that RL pic of him.

>> No.5174391

That's not really UT99 though. It's a WIP version of the 2.0 engine, it's a missing link between UT99 and U2.

>> No.5174772

>this thread is sill alive
is this good thing or not?

>> No.5175385
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>> No.5177334


>> No.5178237

What are some good UT2k4 servers to play besides DM-Rankin servers

>> No.5179176

Freezetag servers are a thing and RPG MH are still around I believe

>> No.5179246
File: 18 KB, 319x243, 1310008398457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be 2005
>Big ass UT2004 LAN party get together with friends
>For weeks they all smack talked my slower Athlon XP rig while they gamed on their FX-51 setups
>I brought the server to host all the games on
>Face3 CTF, I'm literally killing the whole house with Zoom Instagib shock rifles from the top of my tower before they can get across the map to steal my flag
>They never stole my flag not once
>After 300 kills they unplugged the server
>mfw made an entire fucking LAN party ragequit

Man I miss those days, I would get steamrolled today if I tried to play UT2004 online

>> No.5179863

Just thinking that I never saw this game in its prime makes my heart hurt.

>> No.5179884

>be 2001
>start UT1999
>pick multiplayer
>500 servers, 75% are full
>every gamemode, every official map, lots of fanmade maps too
>wide range of skill levels on every server
>you had people running around acting like idiots, skilled players, and ninja's teleporting around and telefragging people while blasting them with double enforcers
>non-stop high adrenaline rush action arena FPS at it's best
Wasn't too often a videogame could make me sweat, but UT1999 in it's prime could with how intense multiplayer could be.

>> No.5180419
File: 421 KB, 881x1079, 1339036699006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you beat the first map on Godlike
I felt like a god beating the shit out of Blake

>> No.5181220
File: 1.99 MB, 408x353, 1351636392391.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it's upsetting how games are just shitty cash grabs with no soul

>> No.5181346

has anyone modded Onslaught into UT99 already?

>> No.5182002
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>> No.5182019
File: 28 KB, 188x175, 1537374037845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Functional vehicles

>> No.5183178

Is it functional and not buggy?

>> No.5183934
File: 60 KB, 768x432, DsXtZRLWoAEJbLq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those guys at the ut99 forums are making some crazy good looking maps.

>> No.5184160

>Those guys
A few of them. Most are making barely average maps.

>> No.5184731

well holy fuck someone managed to recover most of the content from the canceled PSX Unreal game.

>> No.5185404

So this is a mod that runs the psx exclusive stuff on PC?
We need a full writeup on this.

>> No.5185908

Pretty much, and adding more stuff to it. I feel like devs should release more stuff that never made it to the games just to see what the community will make out of them.

>> No.5186319

Hmm... is the psx version available anywhere? I'd like to play it because psx's unfiltered textures and janky polygons charm me so much.

>> No.5187160

It never got released, it was canceled during development. As far as I know, the person making the mod is one of the devs.

>> No.5187282

played through it the other day, pretty good up until the part where you go into the ai. Fuck that shit.

>> No.5187472

So this is the only way to experience the psx game? Oh well.

>> No.5188762

Pretty much, I mean you'll be able to play something that has the rarity of being canceled and later getting revived.

>> No.5189496

Is it a bullshit part of the mod?

>> No.5190207

I guess, you go into a cyberworld and you have to kill like 9 or so I think translucent gasbags that fire basically invisible projectiles and the stage is really narrow, it's a fucking pain. Afterwards you hop through portals to different levels with some cut content and stuff, and it takes a while.
I didn't know about the ai stuff in advance at first either and really it just turned me off since up to that point had been nice outdoor levels and interesting parts in vortex rikers.

>> No.5191139
File: 42 KB, 674x697, 1393643317681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Birthday UT99

>> No.5191395
File: 25 KB, 500x424, 1520230042693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>utzone is 404ing

>> No.5191416

>same models
lazy bastards
oh, neat, I checked for this like a year ago

>> No.5191482

a girl

>> No.5191543

bio launcher was active in the last 1v1 tournament I did on it... didn't work out so good for balance...
it is, but to be honest it's pretty good for a genesis cover by some random dude. i think the genesis can do some amazing music sometimes such as contra hardcorps and thunderforce iv, but lol.

>> No.5191547

in ut99 its the sniper rifle
but i do love DE and shock rifles of course.
this but unironically

>> No.5192115

works on my machine™

>> No.5192505

Epic is too busy swimming in Fortnite bucks

>> No.5193382

Works fine for me, check again

>> No.5194627

>15 damage each pistol
Broken as fuck

>> No.5195952

Even a single enforcer is enough to take down a shielded player if they don't take him down.

>> No.5196324

>not a do you even liftjump joke

>> No.5196564

So I just installed UT after 8 years or so with the utglr renderer. I don't have fog, for example in dm-fetid. Can anyone tell me if this is normal?

>> No.5197060
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Xan confirmed

>> No.5197074

wasn't there a fan game with that idea already on the works?

>> No.5197174

And then she gets raped? Where the fuck is the next part of that picture?

>> No.5197706

Do you mean QC: Doom Edition?

>> No.5198198

I think not, the one I'm thinking of had prisoner 849 on it.

>> No.5198737

What's it called, I never heard of this fan game

>> No.5199505

What would Xan's passive and active abilities be? I'd imagine something like this
>Passive: Mk3 Armor - Take 10 reduced damage
>Active: Alpha and Omega - 50% Damage buff & 50% Movement buff

>> No.5199528

Epic royally fucked it up (changed the rocket launcher, tried to phase out the biorifle, removed the impact hammer from parts of the games, etc.) and then abandoned it after Fortnite exploded in popularity. It's been almost two years since any news or updates have happened in regards to it.

>> No.5199534

A pair of enforcers, a GES, or a ripper just like the one he's carrying.

>> No.5199539

That is very true, however it still follows what very much looks like an antiquated and basic design.

>> No.5199542

You have to enable it in the advanced settings. Type preferences into your console to find them.

>> No.5199959

>after launch
you mean after the last patch when the game was absolutely dead

>> No.5199961

in case you guys didn't notice:

>> No.5200136

there seems to be no new news

>> No.5200467
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>> No.5200597
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>> No.5200619
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how is this news?

>> No.5200664
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I'm actually somewhat relieved that UT4 is dead. The plan for it was fucking retarded from the start, and the balance decisions they made were just as dumb. Removing the grenade alt-fire from the rocket launcher should've been a huge red flag that Epic had no idea what they were doing, but people still believed somehow.

>> No.5201726

No surprise there I guess. Although the fact they didn't have a skeleton crew working on it was a bit disappointing.

>> No.5201959

>Removing the grenade alt-fire from the rocket launcher should've been a huge red flag
But this has never been a clear cut thing, some people complained about rockets not firing upon clicking rather than releasing so they added the option in UT99 and in the next UTs they also had it so that clicking M1 would instantly fire a rocket and holding M2 would charge up to 3 rockets.

>> No.5201970

UT4 really needed Assault which was together with instagib CTF the greatest thing in the world.

>> No.5202706

So..why does Unreal '98 runs perfectly fine for me on both Direct3D and OpenGL renders and yet UT runs like complete shit? Both renders are causing weird speed issues for my UT, as if my game is both fucking stoned and hign on meth. No FPS lag, but I have sudden switches between slow motion and ultrafast.

>> No.5202713

Use the new render *.dll for opengl/direct3d and limit your fps with rivatuner to 120. That should fix it.

>> No.5202870

Why did they try to phase out the biorifle?

>> No.5203616

It was broken as a one shot gun even after trying to change how it dealt damage

>> No.5203721

>Removing the grenade alt-fire from the rocket launcher
was an excellent move in ut2004, how many fire modes do you want in a single weapon?
moving the grenade launcher to the assault was a great move, I also despise the enforcers

>> No.5203726

>adding gametypes that need more players than the game's current player base

>> No.5203739
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Fuck Onslaught.

Has anyone modded Greed into UT99 already?

>> No.5203769

>Removing the grenade alt-fire from the rocket launcher should've been a huge red flag

What about taking away the spiderweb thing you can do with the link gun on the bio rifle sludge?
I loved that shit.

>> No.5204526

If you were to rebalance the weapons from UT, what would you change?

>> No.5204560
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>> No.5204859

Cut the number of weapons you can hold by half, and lump some together in categories.
Like, you could have in your hand a Bio-Rifle that can do the web thing, or one that has those homing blobs.
An eightball that can fire grenades, or one that can fire homing rockets.

>> No.5205149


There are all for UT99.

Make Ripper's secondary fire useful by giving it insane knockback, but make it do little damage. That way, it would be used as a unique way to defend the flag or for dislodging a jackass sniping from a certain spot and give it some purpose, but doesn't actually kill enemies easily so you can't just spam it to easily defend your flag on one side. Could be a little OP for defending in CTF-Eternalcave, but you can do something similar with the Shock Rifle primary fire or the Rocket Launcher, so eh.

Streamline the mechanics behind the Plasma Gun's secondary fire so you don't have to use it like a chainsaw to maximize your damage.

Do not make rockets and grenades auto-fire once you hit the maximum amount of rockets loaded.

Buff Chainsaw primary fire just a bit so that you have more of a reason to use it compared to the secondary fire.

Increase secondary fire accuracy on the Enforcer so that it isn't completely useless past point-blank range.

>> No.5205154


>Streamline the mechanics behind the Plasma Gun's secondary fire so you don't have to use it like a chainsaw to maximize your damage.
Wasn't this already done in all subsequent UTs?

>Do not make rockets and grenades auto-fire once you hit the maximum amount of rockets loaded.
That'd be broken af.

>> No.5205358
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That was better than expected

>> No.5206636

>nerf sniper rof and head hitbox size
>up bio rifle projectile speed and distance
>up ripper projectile speed when using secondary fire, but keep the slower rof
>remove hitscan completely and replace with very fast projectiles (pending)

>> No.5206991


>> No.5207282

I agree with all of those, specially the bio rifle. I'm just not sure about the hitscan.

>> No.5207320
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miss this

>> No.5207408
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>> No.5208185
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>> No.5208323
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>> No.5209009

I saw this but its for 2004

>> No.5209245

The things that UT3 got right was the bio rifle and link gun.

>> No.5209340

there is also betrayal for ut2k4

>> No.5209349

>not razorjack

>> No.5210102
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why is xan such a cute girl

>> No.5210137

this thread is alpha and omega of /vr/

>> No.5211482

Not as cute as Malcolm or Brock

>> No.5212803

The knockback on the Ripper is good enough already. It'd be insanely broken on certain maps like that train map because you can just knock people off.

>> No.5214704
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>> No.5214894

What the fuck am I looking at.

>> No.5214923

you can't fool us Jerl, we know you're a human!

>> No.5215724

I'm guessing some Second Life models

>> No.5215978

Just connect players to closest server running downloaded map.

>> No.5216438
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No developer has been able to get that basic idea down because somehow in someway, some person from Brazil is able to connect to servers in the US with a triple digit ping and based on how the game is made, it could either fuck them over or give them some advantage. Rainbow Six Siege is the best example of how fucked up the matchmaking system is. Any player from Asia can just switch data centers to connect to US servers to exploit ping advantage. Dedicated servers fixes this shit so easily, and depending how it's configured you don't have to worry about high pingers.

>> No.5217056

I thought it was MMD.

>> No.5218885

>no horror UT game where you're stuck in the Tournament while it's under construction and the respawners are not functioning so you have to fight horror bots with perma death on

>> No.5220870

Make this please

>> No.5220952

Also there are no light sources other than red emergency lights and your flashlight, imported from Unreal.

>> No.5222524

Reminder that Tamerlane > Loque.

>> No.5222753


>> No.5223297

Why does the minigun wobble organically in the first person view?

>> No.5223461

Shit man I'm getting all nostalgic, remember putting together my first gaming PC to run UT99, joining and playing Assault on HiSpeed with rockets flying around. That main menu music while tweaking settings, I want to go back, I was young and healthy and had my whole life ahead of me.

At college my roommate had a demo of 2K4, remember watching him play Torlan over and over and loving all the Manta boosting and vehicular combat, I had Halo on the Xbox but this was something else. Built another PC with a Radeon 9800 to play 2k4, loved those custom team deathmatch and CTF servers with random maps like the kegger dorm room and kitchen rats maps, the one with a pirate ship on a beach, random cities and shit. Anyone remember what I'm saying? Loved when I had a good streak twitching with lightning and sniper rifle, or pulling off a shock combo. Man I want to go back, such an innocent time...take me back fuckers

>> No.5223880

Does anyone know the name of this UT99 map where its a house but it's giant, or rather the players are all tiny?

>> No.5224873

There are a lot of those. What did it have specifically?

>> No.5226793
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so what do you guys got planned for the holidays?

>> No.5226816

Those are called rats maps. There's many of them, not just in Unreal either. Most notably you'll find them in Counter Strike.

>> No.5228450

Play some Christmas maps and chill

>> No.5229160

I usually found some in Xonotic, they went really well with the grappling hook.

>> No.5229223
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wtf happened

>> No.5230035

Probably has something to do with the spam bots they keep getting over the past years so now you have to register through their discord.

>> No.5230049

I tried that again and now it works
oh well

>> No.5230859

>register through their discord.
fuck discord, it's like cancer, killing the vidya-community.

>> No.5231253

ratz instagib

>> No.5232689
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Don't see how it's cancer, just an easier way to have a community for games.

>> No.5233380
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>> No.5234113

Why not pass the game over to Digital Extremes?

>> No.5234247


>> No.5234689

Do more people play 2004 or '99?

>> No.5234710

Warfame is by no means terrible or bad. What about Otherside Entertainment, Obsidian, or Frictional games?

>> No.5234748

How did you know that

>> No.5234781

I think he meant DE is too busy with Warframe.
Also, none of the studios you mentioned have a profile that fits UT.

>> No.5235927

None of those devs can cut it for the game DE knows how to make Unreal because they've worked with Epic.