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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5062521 No.5062521 [Reply] [Original]

> game has tank controls

>> No.5062525
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Good thread.

>> No.5062531

Thank God you're improving it with boomerposting tho

>> No.5062532
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Tank controls are usually fine.

>> No.5062537
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Though in some cases they're obviously not. The Crow on Sega Saturn is another obvious example.

>> No.5062665

As bad as The Crow is, mostly any fixed-camera-angles game without tank controls would be way more of a clusterfuck.

>> No.5062721

There is literally 0 wrong things with full 3D movement, a.k.a. "tank" controls. The problem is you.

>> No.5062739

Tank controls are good for for 1st person immersion.

>> No.5062863

It makes sense in a fixed-camera series of screens >>5062665 and view-relative controls would actually make the controls less consistent. For games with a moving full 3D camera there's a chance that tank controls are just a fallback when you just lack the technical competence to solve a proper camera and control system, and settle for an easier to implement solution that's definitely less accessible and versatile

>> No.5063004

Code Veronica and first Dino Crisis are in full 3D and have tank controls, your arguments are invalid.

>> No.5063012
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>game is a JRPG

>> No.5063469
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poster is (YOU)...

>> No.5063478

What >>5062863 probably means is games with sudden camera angle changes at fixed points, which is more common in classic pre-rendered survival horror games. The examples you mention are more evolved versions of that concept

>> No.5063480 [DELETED] 

back to /vg/, retardo

>> No.5063496


you mean post-SNES/PS1 jrpgs
i agree, japan is trash though

>> No.5063574

I hate tank controls. There was an arcade near my school and had this game with 2 joysticks. I have no idea what the game was but you were driving crab tank things. it was 3D.. hated the controls though

>> No.5063579
File: 915 KB, 907x705, niggerwhat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tank controls is the best thing human mind could ever conceive, fuck off

>> No.5063703

>remember back when the board opened and amazingly shitty OPs like this were deleted on sight
I miss the mod who used to watch over this board.

>> No.5063906
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>kid can't into tank controls

>> No.5063910

>game has tank controls
>tank has normal controls

>> No.5063982

...Dino Crisis 2 doesn't have tank controls. It's partial 3D (or how Silent Hill calls it "2D in 3D").

>> No.5063987

>that concept
Neither Code Veronica nor first Dino Crisis have static camera. They are in full 3D and camera is not static in those, yet they have tank controls.

>> No.5064698
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A static camera is not even mentioned in >>5063478, but the concept of automatically switching camera angles at predetermined trigger points, which CV and Dino Crisis keep, but they upgrade it by implementing the same idea in 3D making the individual cameras more dynamic by tracking the character with pans and zooms and whatnot (while still giving the player no direct control whatsoever over the camera itself, more common in modern games).

The key point is the sudden nature of the switches: tank (or "absolute") controls are the best option here because they keep the frame of reference -what you're seeing- separate from the controls themselves, while other view-relative control systems would be constantly disrupted by the changes, specially bad for aiming and combat without target locking.

It's not foolproof though, there's plenty of room to fuck it up >>5062537 as you still need to design the view change thresholds so they feel more or less intuitive

>> No.5064702

What on so many levels

>> No.5064995

He said "camera at fixed points". That IS definition of static, you mong.

>> No.5064997

What "what"? You've never played Silent Hill (SH 2 or 3, for one) in 2D mode?

>> No.5065005

Those are indeed words that can presumably be recombined into a phrase that means what you need it to mean in order to tell yourself you won an argument in an anonymous image board about old games, sure

>> No.5065543

Tank controls can work fine depending on how well the game is designed around them.

One bad example of tank controls is Rascall on the PS1:


This game was developed by Travellers Tales and wasn't designed with tank controls in mind. But the publisher thought it was a good idea to force the developers to add Tomb Raider styled tank controls to help make the game sell better. Which it didn't.

>> No.5065565

whats tank controls

>> No.5065862


>> No.5065864


All this sodium giving me a kidney stone

>> No.5065936

Dino Crisis 2 has regular tank controls, not Silent Hill's 3d retarded scheme. The only difference that is tricking your infant-sized mind is that you are able to shoot and move at the same time.

>> No.5065940

I get it! Cause there's sodium in salt!

>> No.5065972

Dino Crisis 2 doesn't have tank controls at all, you dumb piece of shit. It's full 2D movement in 3D, just like what Silent Hill 2 was able to do.

>> No.5065990
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> OP is a nigger faggot zoomer with double digit IQ

>> No.5067001

> It's full 2D movement in 3D

No, seriously. What the fuck does that even mean

>> No.5067791 [SPOILER] 
File: 593 KB, 1127x900, 1537993543212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>game has tank controls & it's a platformer

>> No.5067925

You've never played first Parasite Eve, you dumb fuck? It's exact like that. The only difference in that in Silent Hill 2 you're moving this way in a fully 3D environment, while in Dino Crisis 2 backgrounds and locations are static pre-renders like in old RE games.

>> No.5067926

Sodium IS salt you moron

>> No.5068764
File: 25 KB, 209x266, !!eBYUrg!2M~$(KGrHqYOKjIE0eGNUfzRBNQp3TTH,w~~_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tank controls can ruin an otherwise perfect game

>> No.5068768


this. fuck that weebshit

>> No.5068778

I wish there were patches for replacing tank controls with modern analog controls in PS1 titles. It would make so many titles that much more enjoyable - stinkers like Earthworm Jim and Bubsy 3D. Hell, even Superman 64 could be redeemed.

I wonder how many games could be salvaged with just a tweak to the controls.

>> No.5068789

Dude, read the thread. There ARE reasons for using tank controls in certain frameworks; a game isn't instantly improved by adding analog view-relative controls and in some cases it could actually make the game play worse. But yeah in 3D platformers there are not so many, though the tank controls often simultaneously controlled camera and character and the results would not be pleasant

>> No.5068813
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Case in point: this.

>> No.5068825

Yeah, cinematic platformers are... acquired taste, let's put it that way.

>> No.5068851

>play Silent Hill before the old Resi games
"Wtf do people sperg about these controls for? You can still strafe and turn on a dime. The aim assist is fucking absurd so aiming isn't really an issue. The atmospheric camera angles and cinematic tracking of the character makes the minor trade offs in controllability totally worth it."
>Play Resi 2
"Why the fuck can't I strafe? Why are all the camera angles so dog shit? Why does Leon continually run into walls instead of stopping? Why can't this stupid nigger move and aim at the same time? Why do I have to slowly pivot my character 180 degrees instead of being able to turn around? These camera angles suck and are all static. I wish I was playing Silent Hill."

Not /vr/ but REmake is literally the only Resi game that can even begin to touch Silent Hill in terms of enjoyability and atmosphere.

>> No.5068857
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>> No.5068859

How does that have anything to do with >>5067791

>> No.5068869

Idk, relabeling regular 3D movement because it doesn't use the vertical component is kind of arbitrary; didn't they use to call top-down view games "3D" as well before actual 3D was a thing?

>> No.5068926

Salt is Sodium Chloride. Calls me a moron, baka...

>> No.5068937

Slit your wrists. Now.

It's official terminology, you dumb fagshit. "Full 3D controls", a.k.a. "tank", is when your character spins on a 360 degree ratio and moves only in the direction it faces currently. "Full 2D" is a 2D plane controlling scheme done either in a vertical, horizontal, or isometric (pseudo-3D) fashion. "2D in 3D", or "partial 2D" is when a character always moves in direction which was input by a player, regardless of where it faces, without 360 degree ratio spin, Parasite Eve, Silent Hill 2 and 3, and etc. Environments can be both either fully 3D or static 2D pre-renders in case with partial 2D movement, which is what Dino Crisis 2 has.

>> No.5068946

That's beautifully crafted nonsense, by all means continue

>> No.5068948

Neck yourself, dumb uneducated fagshit.

>> No.5069005 [DELETED] 

wtf is that port

>> No.5069082

You misspelled quick-time events.

I'll play with tank controls anytime over QTE segments.