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File: 103 KB, 579x800, Mega Man 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5061785 No.5061785 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite Mega Man game for the NES?


>> No.5061834

I always liked MM6 the most because of the Rush suit. I always loved Rush and Beat and all those things.

>> No.5062056

From "I am most likely to pick for a replay" to "I am least likely to pick for a replay"

2 > 4 > 6 > 5 > 3 > 1

>> No.5062065

5, because that's the one I have.

>> No.5062078

3, because it was the first one I played as a kid.

>> No.5062142

3 = 5 > 2 > 1 = 4

6 obviously isn't a real Mega Man game because I never played it as a kid and usually forget it exists and it seems gay and stupid, like Capcom had entered some effete, decadent stage at this point.

People usually include 5 in that kind of criticism, but no, that was Capcom cresting, their skills were at their height, but the game design didn't suffer. Even though there's more extravagant pixelry in 5, the enemies and mini-bosses are still tough and formidable. I tried 6 briefly and it's just decadent, giant, gay enemy sprites everywhere and they take 2 shots to kill. The weight of the game world therefore seems flimsy and wrong.

Also taking this opportunity to remind you that Wave Man is the best Mega Man song

>> No.5062593

5 > 3 > 6 > 2 > 4 > 1

>> No.5062597

Well not that one Jesus

>> No.5062628
File: 2.84 MB, 2440x3504, 52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> their skills were at their height

"Capcom" isn't a single evolving being.
5 was made by a B team mostly made of young newcomers.

>> No.5062662

Why the love for Mega Man 6?

You don't use the weapons you get from robot masters except during boss fights. Which beats the point of the whole game.

>> No.5062667
File: 30 KB, 238x480, megaface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> voting anything but MM3 or maybe MM2

>> No.5063304
File: 5 KB, 256x232, MM5ProtomanEdition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MM4 is the most evenly good (no major flaw) and the most polished, while still retaining the great gameplay the 3 first games had (while 5 and 6 don't).

4 is the best.

>> No.5063335

This is the least surprising poll that I've ever seen.

>> No.5063353

MM4 is the best.
MM3 try to hard to be MM1&2 and "told a story" but fails.
MM 5 and 6 are good but 5 fuck up the megabuster and 6 feels like a different game.

>> No.5063369
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My favourite is 1. I really enjoy the level and enemy design, music, and how the whole game has a very cohesive theme of construction. I also appreciate how uncomplicated it is, and beating the Yellow Devil legitimately for the first time was a rush.

3 is probably the one I'd say is the "best" of the NES games, because it has plenty of cool elements and unique powers. All of the Robot Masters are neat, Proto Man is cool, and the variety of non-Master bosses and levels is very interesting.

>> No.5063396

2 is the most overrated game of all time. 3 is a trainwreck once you beat all the robot masters. both were rushed and it clearly shows.

>> No.5063408

4's biggest flaw is that is has some boring castle bosses and some stages recycle minibosses constantly with almost no differences. 9 did that way better. that said, there's no outright bullshit like the crashbomb section in 2 or the entire second half of 3.

>> No.5063804

I never use Robot Master weapons outside of boss fights anyway.

>> No.5064086

They're all mediocre and they all suffer from the same problems - terrible controls, bad level design, and infuriating enemy placement. The series didn't get good until X on the SNES.

>> No.5064256

They are literally all the same except MM1 because it sucks and MM6 because it's the best one.

>> No.5064258

>"Wood Man isnt dumb!"

>> No.5064314

Look at this thread, it's insane. Trying to rank Mega Man NES games makes no sense, there is no way to tell what's better than what, they're all subtly different but not in an obviously qualitative way. Except 6, which always seemed like bullshit

>> No.5064717

> the most popular two games in the series are literally the worst
Why, the only explanation for this opinion is that this anon has a developed, polished taste!

>> No.5065959

>The series didn't get good until they made the difficulty for babies

>> No.5065962

My thoughts exactly, I see anons saying "IV is da best, III is dogshit" and I'm like mwhat, nigger they all play the same.

>> No.5066016

None of them strike me as better than the rest, but 5 strikes me as worse than the rest.

>> No.5066024

You forget that the strawpoll isn't for "objectively best NES Mega Man game" it's "Your personal favourite Mega Man game". MM3 is my favourite but I'm not going to say it's necessarily the superior game overall.