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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 31 KB, 279x281, 1351976606301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
505650 No.505650 [Reply] [Original]

Corrupted save files.

>> No.505673

hold reset, then turn the power off

>> No.505698
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>keep it anyway, hoping that one day, it might un-corrupt itself and start working again
I know I was lying to myself, but I never wanted to delete them.

>> No.505721

Speaking of save files, is there any way to get my Link's Awakening .sav file from VBA to work with gpsp_mod? I'm halfway through it already and feel like continuing it from my PSP

>> No.505720

Play 20 minutes until you reach the first save.
Memory Card (8mb) in Slot A is Full! Continue without Saving?

>> No.505745
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>> No.505764

Do you guys really hate video games that much that the thought of having to play it again makes you mad?

>> No.505803
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>playing Fallout
>reach the military base, the game starts crashing all the time
>make multiple saves, all of them get corrupted
>never bothered to get that far again

>> No.505823

>playing megaman
>leave NES on overnight because can't save
>go to sleep
>wake up
>NES is off

>> No.505825
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>> No.505827

wtf oops i meant mario bros.

>> No.505829

Fuckin hate that.
Mom, I appreciate that you're trying to save power and all but...

>> No.505832


The game is pretty short if you know what you're doing. Give it a try again.

>> No.505839

Nice spin, dickbag.

>> No.505842

>someone overwrites your 100+ hour rpg save file

>> No.505848
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Why the fuck does Pokemon not have multiple save files?

>> No.505849


Because you only get to be a kid once

>> No.505865

Storage limitations.
They had to use some creative tricks to fit in everything they were able to in the first place.

>> No.505868

I never really had problems with lost or corrupted saves. My problem is usually more along the lines of:

>play game for several hours every day
>get really far
>take a break
>try to get back into the game, feel disconnected/don't remember shit
>give up

>> No.505873

Even in the newer ones?

>> No.505891

>can i play your pokemon game?
ok i guess
>i wanna start a new game
ok just don't save

they always saved

>> No.505894

Well the whole point of the games is that you collect pokemon on one version, and trade with people who have other versions to "catch them all," if you will.

If you can just create multiple save files to try and spawn a million squirtles or something, it kind of defeats the novelty of that whole thing.

>> No.505896


>letting people play your RPGs

You're doing it wrong.

>> No.505901
File: 399 KB, 449x504, [SakuraCircle] Acchi Kocchi - 05 (BD 1280x720 Hi10p h264 AAC) [BB2E75A7].mkv_snapshot_04.56_[2013.04.08_01.47.33].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck man. We've all been in that situation.
>Let friend borrow Ruby
>Tell him just to continue my save file since I was only barely passed the Dewford gym anyway
>Dont start a new game
>Next day
>Talking on phone
>He saved over it

>> No.505904

>Letting anyone even touch your copy with their filthy oversaving fingers
Not in a million years

>> No.505905

The other day I put in SM64, to find that all my saves were gone. It was depressing but I played for a bit, then shut it off. I came back to it the next day, all my saves were back.

It was a miracle.

>> No.505915

>letting friends borrow games
>they always lose them, ruin them, or just straight up "steal" them.

It happened once...I was upset, but forgave them. Happened twice?...

...Never again. Go buy your own fucking games you freeloading, cheapass, thieving little faggots.

>> No.505910

No. The first gen was programmed entirely in Assembler, and they had limited space on the cartridge, and they were really pretty novice to be honest.
Second gen, they were still using assembler, but they had a lot more storage to work with (bigger carts cost more, they made a lot of money off the first games, and the prices in storage dropped a lot since the second gen, so they could better afford to front the initial investment of the larger carts). They had a lot more leeway, but still crammed fucking everything they could into it.
Third gen, they had tons of flexibility, and they were working with compiled languages, so at that point, it was just sticking with the status-quo. Every Pokemon game since gen 3 has had the capability of multiple save slots. The reason they don't do this is that they really want to encourage every person to buy their own cartridge, to help encourage the "community" aspect of it.
So at first, it was technical limitations, now it's just for better profit.

>> No.505923
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>Any Zelda title
>Save game about 30% in
>Come back 6~ weeks later
>uh what was I doing
>Did I get that one heart container
>What about that other extra
>What about that treasure in that one area
>Wait which temples did I complete
>How do I play this song again?
>Where the fuck is Epona?

>> No.505930


Guh. This happens to me with both retro and modern games. It really doesn't help that I still have 160+ games left to go on my 190 game collection on Steam, (which is a decent mix of retro, so still related) and way, way too many games ready to emulate.

>> No.505940

>back during high school
>friend is playing through ff7 again
>asks if he can borrow my disc 3
>give it to him because i'm a pushover
>later i end up borrowing a disc 3 from one of my other friends when i want to play it again
>after a year or two everything gets given back to the original owner

>yesterday (7 years later) i'm looking through my old playstation games
>find ff7
>disc 3 is missing

fucking faggot never gave it back and i guess i forgot about it after so many years.

>> No.505947


Oh god man, that made me laugh. Sorry about your loss but jeez.

>> No.505948
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>> No.505953

This happens to me so often that I've learnt not to pick up a game unless I'm planning to complete it as soon as possible.

>> No.505957

>save file disappears for no reason

Happened with my LoZ II cartridge. Thank god I only beat the first dungeon. Fuck that game is hard.

>> No.505986

Sure it's fun to replay your game but it's nice to have finished it first.

>> No.505987


>Friend tells me he's stuck in OOT
>Go over to have a look
>He's halfway through the Fire Temple
>Hasn't done the Forest Temple
>I have no idea what's going on

>> No.505998
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>letting anyone borrow your disc based games
>they always return it to you with scratches and shit that was not originally there.

Why do people take such horrible care of discs? Is it so hard to put the game back in the case when you take it out of its device?

>> No.506004

>go to friends house
>all the cds are on the floor
>data side down
>he shuffles them all over the floor when picking a game

>> No.506006
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>> No.506005
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>> No.506010

>borrow a bunch of CDs to a neighbor
>all of them are in cases
>he brings them back a few months later
>literally holding a bunch of CDs with his hand

>> No.506012

Just shameful. I have trouble understanding people who put games back in the wrong cases but at least they aren't actively killing their discs. Losing them maybe but not killing them.

Whenever people borrowed games from me I always would borrow from them too. That way if they lost something of yours you always had collateral. Funny, I don't think any of my friends ever lost any of my games.

>> No.506015

Batteries failing on old carts losing saves is even worse.
Replacing them is easy, but a pain in the ass.

>> No.506028

>play Doom
>save half-way through E2M6
>load same game 2 weeks later
>where the hell am I?
>oh im on E2M6
>and i have the blue key

everything went better than expected

>> No.506036

Just fyi, the bottom side of a cd can take a lot of abuse, but one scratch on the top side can ruin it.

>> No.506047

[citation needed]

>> No.506052
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>brother plays anno 1602 after me
>he plays a while
>clicks to save, just hits ok and confirms to overwrite
>he just wrote over the savefile I've been working on for 2 months

>been playing SMW since we got the snes
>a few months in my little sis wants to play
>decides the best way to start over is to erase the 98% file
>file 2 was 10%
>file 3 was empty

>> No.506062

i've heard that as well. the data is actually close to the top of the cd, and there's a thick layer of plastic protecting it on the bottom side. if the bottom gets scratched, it can deflect the laser and make the data unreadable. if the top gets scratched, you can actually lose the data permanently.

>> No.506064

Indeed. I lost my Phantasy Star and Secret of Mana saves because of this.

But I was once the culprit
> Playing FF7 for the third time
> Picking up stuff in the Gelnika wreck
> Friends knock at the door, they come to pick me up
> Show them a bit of the game, and tell them I have to save first before we go.
> Reach save point
> Menu, save
> Talk as I save and press the power button.
> WTF have I done ?
> Restart the console to check the file
> Won't load
> Me: It's cool I don't mind restarting all over again.
> We leave
> Days later I begin another FF7 game

Hey, I really liked this game back then

>> No.506076

that is correct, the data is stored on a thin reflective layer directly under the label. the thick plastic layer is to protect the reflective layer and to make the disc sturdy as the reflective layer could bent and crack easily without it.

>> No.506081

>game completely bricks
>it was one of your favorites

A little too new for /vr/, but fucking Summon Night Swordcraft Story 2 did this to me and I'm still mad about it.

>> No.506087
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>Playing old racing game
>busting up everything
>go 2 weeks without playing
>suddenly, I don't know shit about what's going on

>> No.506103

>Play a heroes 3 map with my dad while on holiday
>Go back home
>Return a few weeks later
>Neither of us has a clue what is going on
>Eventually start a new map instead.

>> No.506120
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>Last dungeon/stage/whatever
>I don't have enough time to watch the ending, I'll do it tomorrow
>Save corrupted
>Never play the game again

>> No.506121

I honestly just start a new file at that point. It's the reason why it took me so long to beat OoT and the Gameboy games.

>> No.506140
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Always had this issue when playing Donkey Kong Land on the gameboy. I'd always manage to get to the third world, save, and turn it off.
I'd turn it on later that day, and all the files on start up are all deleted. It happened so much that I actually became very good for those first parts of the game, but I lost motivation since it meant having to try to complete the game in one sitting. I still haven't bothered to try and beat it now.

>> No.506149

>1 save = 15 blocks.

>> No.506154
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>Playing Turok 2 for the n64
>Got finally all Keys, before the final boss. Taking a hour nap.
>Turn in on again, "Note is corrupted"

>> No.506398

>spend a month working on first chiptune release
>load it up for the final recording session
>cart battery died overnight
>didn't take backup for 3 weeks
Fuck me.

>> No.506407


>> No.506430

This happened to me with CotM. I had double grips and the heavy ring at the start of the game somehow. It was fun powerleveling to 20 at the start

>> No.506432
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this has happened to me with SM64 often. my saves come back about 1/5 times, it's strange. anyone know why?

>> No.506442

But she's dead now, right?

>> No.506452

as far as i know,all you have to do is stick the file in the right folder for gpsp_mod

>> No.506486


I really missed out in being an only child...

>> No.506491

Either scenario gives you the same outcome - you can't read data.
So just fucking don't do it.

>> No.506517

Oh shit, not gpsp_mod. I meant the Gameboy/Color emulator... Masterboy I think. The save folder has this weird .7z save format.

>> No.506604

>My first Legend of Zelda was Link's Awakening
>Loved it to bits, still do
>Play it up to the second dungeon
>Save and Quit
>Next day the save is gone
>Start again, get up to second dungeon
>Same thing, happens, save is gone.
>Take Cartridge out of Gameboy
>Hear Rattling
>Didn't think it was important, and just kept doing it, 2nd dungeon, save, quit repeat
>Stopped after the 10th try or so
>Never complete Link's Awakening
>Years later do I find out that the battery fell out, and so it can't be saved.

Fuck knows where that game is now, but thank fuck there's emulation, I'm on the 6th dungeon now.

>> No.506653

I'm sad now.

There was a time at which I thought "Save gone? Cool gotta replay the game!"

Where has this mentality gone?
Growing up sucks.

>> No.506659

it takes 15 minutes for me to get my wind waker disc to read

>> No.506673


In that case, why give games more than 2 levels? If you enjoy replaying the same ones just as much as moving on to new ones.

>> No.506743

Thankfully, the newer ones don't let you overwrite a save. You have to input some weird button combination on the title screen to delete the save, then you can create a new one.

>> No.506753

But the bottom layer can be repolished.

>> No.506761
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>friend or family member plays your game

>they save over your game

>have to start all over

>> No.506771

>play smrpg
>get stuck in a spot before a boss because boss is too strong but can't go back and grind
>have to start again even though your save is there

>> No.506772

Sort of related:
>Playing Pokemon Crystal
>Put PSP in sweater pocket
>Bend down to pet cat
>PSP falls out of pocket
>Battery and lid fall off
>20 whole minutes of gameplay lost
I hate how Masterboy doesn't autosave like gpsp does when theres a change in the save file.

>> No.506775

Only a few games had a built-in memory manager. Crash Bandicoot being one, and I think SOTN too,

>> No.506791


Nigga that's the dumbest shit I ever heard. You can literally jump over enemies to avoid them, you can juke like Barry Goddamn Sanders to avoid them. There is no way you couldn't have gotten back to a town for items and shit.

>> No.506862

Would you want to get halfway through a book, only to have it shut by itself and make you read all the way from the start again?

>> No.506869

>Didn't know how to save Majora's Mask
>Leave it on overnight
>Wake up
>N64's turned off

Fuck game's with cryptic save functions.

>> No.506882

I swear the way it was worded was so god damn retarded. Wasn't it just a temp save feature like the Fire Emblem series has?

>> No.506889
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Level 1-1 can only be so fun, anon.

>> No.506896

where were you "stuck" at?

>> No.506898

Unless you warped back to the first day it was temp from hitting an owl statue, yeah. But I was already stressing too much about the 3-day counter to worry about anything else.

>> No.506983


Yeah, it's pretty straightforward really, but the game does a terrible job of explaining it.

>> No.507030

I got mad and hit him in the head. My mom said I overreacted and I wasn't allowed to play for a week.

3 weeks later he did the exact same thing. I walked off angrily and got praise for not hitting him again

>> No.507049

A lot to take in all at once though, especially for a youngin', what with the pressure of the 3-day counter and everything all being shoved at you at once.

>> No.507064

>saving, don't turn off the power
>batteries die


>> No.507086
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>> No.507109

darkstone had like six.
I turned it off and never played again.

>> No.507158

>Insert game disc
>Menu Screen
>Press Start!
>Press start.
>Game begins



>"Anon time for dinner!"
>Press pause
>Game freezes

What were they thinking?!

>> No.507195
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>Playing FF7 when it came out
>I was piss at battles so I was gonna get a golden chocobo the long way
>Spend weeks in the hours after school breeding chocobos, racing chocobos, fighting chocobos
>I have every color and top runners and am about to get a golden one
>Next day I come home from school

I never did get that golden chocobo

>> No.507212

I experienced corrupted save files with only 2 games: Tactics Ogre and Diablo, both for the PS1. I honestly believe that there was about a 25% chance that the file was useless every time I saved, it was that bad, specially Diablo which used a whole freaking memory card.

>> No.507216

Diablo took up an entire memory card

>> No.507228


>Pokemon Gold
>looking everywhere for legendary dog
>finally find one
>get it weak enough to catch
>attempt to throw ultra ball
>PC Box is full!


>> No.507231

this is the reason i stoped using emulators. was far in final fantasy 5, and 6 breath of fire, super mario. metroid and lufia. computer crashes

>> No.507241
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>> No.507281

wow you didnt just lose one thing you lost every thing

>> No.507286
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>> No.507396
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> playing Final Fantasy Tactics
> going for 100% completion
> did all of the bar missions, mastered most classes, going for that Deep Dungeon or something
> hit a brick wall, decide to just beat the game to say i beat it/see the ending then go back to grinding
> before the Altima fight, decide to make a second save (first was just before deep dungeon)
> "Woops, looks like you must format this card before you save."
> what
> no
> NO
> my face when memory card wiped clean
> lost a 2-hours-to-endgame Digimon World 3 save
> a Digimon World save with 95% of the city restored
> a Resident Evil 2 save with most of the bonus weapons unlocked (by me)
> my fucking face when the realization dawned on me

>> No.507671

The bird boss and it's literally not possible to go back since you cant go trough some doors.

>> No.507745
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It doesn't always have to be that way.
>be on greyhound
>have Gameboy with pokemon in bag
>watching movie on ipod
>nigg family gets on
>only single seats
>nigg kid (10ish) sits next to me
>nigg mom sits somewhere else
>nigg kid has literally nothing to do, no books, no games, no nothing
>nigg kid is actually behaving himself
>starts getting fidgety after an hour (8 hour bus ride)
>dig out gameboy
>hand it to him
>"hey kid, catch."
>"thanks mean joe"
>don't care about my savegame, he can do whatever
>he had a few questions about how to play and I answered them
>mfw I get my game back after 7 hours and he caught about 6 rares and a legendary and named them weird names like Lee.

>> No.507752

I actually considered giving him the gameboy and games, because I rarely play them and he would have put them to better use. In retrospect I'm glad I didn't because all my other games have players named nigger.

>> No.507864

I always just accepted it, it's just something that's gonna happen.

Then I got a corrupted file on an emulated game. That shook things up for me.

>> No.507918
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>Play a hugeass map with some friends, it's a long running game.
>some bots too
>Save at the end of my round.
>The next day we continue from where we left off.
>Next players turn.
>bot kills some shit another fucks around in subterranea, game crashes.
>Restart, same thing
>Can't change any variables
>Round is fucked

>> No.507948

Just 10, but I know there was one that took 15

>> No.507976


>> No.508407
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>play a game for about an hour after you get it
>don't pick it up until a week later
>forget the controls

>> No.509907 [DELETED] 

>little brother overwrites my Crash Bandicoot Warped save file
>also scratches my disc
>later, I enter his room
>I bump his stupid little head into the wall, multiple times until he cries
>rip up some of his favorite Pokemon cards
>crack a few of his PC game discs
>slap his face as hard as I could before I leave

our parents gave me shit for it, but he never ruined any more games for me. I also broke some of my friend's games to punish them if they didn't handle my stuff with care.

>> No.509939

you are a real faggot

>> No.509963

>forgetting controls in a week

hello early Alzheimer's

>> No.509981

I was with you up until you broke MULTIPLE games over that.

You had the right idea initially, but what the FUCK.

>> No.509984 [DELETED] 

If people treated my property with respect I wouldn't have done such things

>> No.510018 [DELETED] 


Keep sucking that dick, overeactionfag

>> No.510073
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>ps2 memory card on /vr/

>> No.510094

Play Pokemon Red late 90s
Have managed to capture almost every Pokemon except Bulbasaur
Trade with a friend at school
Getting ready to level that motherfucker up as soon as I make it home
Save data corrupted

>I fucking cried my eyes out
>I never completed my Pokedex since

>> No.510108
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kill yourself. pic related

>> No.510127
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>SNES game
>Put a lot of time into my save file
>Later on
>Save battery lost the data

>> No.510138

>Implying Flash drives are a reliable source of backup.

Megh, makes a little bit of sense.

>> No.510140

I've got some more brilliant game save stories, but it's not retro

>Sister playing on console
>Switches off mid-save
>I switch it back on to check on my file
>Saves corrupted
>Mum and sister laugh at me for getting upset at my lost hours of gameplay
>This was Sonic Adventure 2 and I had 170 emblems

>> No.510149

They're both twats.


But it's apparently implied.

>> No.510156
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Please kill yourself.

>> No.510167 [DELETED] 
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>> No.510185

>Play game a lot
>Something happens
>Lose my save

>> No.510186
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You are the biggest asshole. I understand getting back at someone for breaking your game and save, but fuck man there's a line.

>> No.510195

That same shit happened to me in 2012 when it was being given out for free on GoG. I love Fallout 1, but it doesn't seem to love me back.

>> No.510218 [DELETED] 


You people are just mad that I'm not a pussy and take care of business when necessary. You don't go through life letting people walk all over you. Sometimes you have to stand tall and show people you're not fucking around. It pays to have some backbone in life.

>> No.510240 [DELETED] 

You crossed a line. Slapping him once, fine, all siblings hit each other. Everything other than that borders on abuse you little shit.

>> No.510242

It has happened to me too, it's not strange.

My Pokemon Stadium Save file "wiped clean magically"



Super Mario 64 saved my game save files many times for some unknown reason, it just unscrambled the ram of the console that made the save files malfunction in my theory.

The game ironically restores it's own save files, but sometimes I had to blow the cart...
(It rarely happened with Mario 64.)

The other games worked perfectly as always.

Except once I lost my Banjo file and it didn't recover itself, I was ALMOST to finish the game.

Like 96% or more finished.

>> No.510247
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There's a fine line between an eye for an eye and a horrendous overreaction.

Fortunately, you're nowhere near that line. You're really fucking far from it, becoming a staple of overreaction in the meantime.

Save file and 1 scratched disc =! ripped up cards, multiple BROKEN discs.

You need to re-evaluate your life, and prepare for the time when your little brother fucks you up for being such a gigantic douche.

>> No.510251 [DELETED] 

>I beat up a kid who was smaller than me, probably also stupider


>> No.510256 [DELETED] 


He abused ME when he fucked with my stuff. So I fucked with him. It's not a big deal. I just had to assert myself so it wouldn't happen again. It's the same reason you punch a bully in the nose. You show him you aren't going to take it and he stops.

>> No.510263 [DELETED] 

>>>/v/ is that way

>> No.510274

This is true, the CD cover actually contains the data of the disk, if the paint is scratched the disk might survive, but if the scratch is deep enough, it will wipe the burned aluminum sectors, rendering that area useless and most possibly the entire disk. If the disk still loads it will usually fail unless the part you're playing doesn't require it until you end such disk.

>> No.510284 [DELETED] 

>people get hit doing something they shouldn't
>he's the bad guy
I mean he could have went about it differently but they were deserving it.

>> No.510286 [DELETED] 
File: 202 KB, 488x640, 5710875689_75d68ae64e_z[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now you just sound like emo garbage. I hope your brother breaks a steel pipe over your cranium one day.

>> No.510287 [DELETED] 

>little brother does something dumb
>possibly entirely by accident
>wreck his shit 10 times over

I await your future school shooting because someone used your pencil without asking.

>> No.510292 [DELETED] 

Someone takes some spray paint to your car and deflates the wheels.

So you beat that guy up, and crash his car into a wall.

You're down some time and effort, but that guy is down a fucking car and has a broken arm and shit.

Also, there's a fucking huge difference in standing up to an authority figure / someone older, but this was apparently you're YOUNGER BROTHER.
There's a fucking huge difference in this.

While it may not be much if he's only a year younger, but that depends.
How old are you, and how old is your brother?

Either way, you're a fucking asshole who needs to get his shit kicked in, but this should determine how hard the shit kicking should be.

>> No.510295

Thank God for book covers, seems you don't know of such invention.

:) You can fold an edge of the page to bookmark it, but your book will never look new.

>> No.510297

Happened to my Donkey Kong 64. Everything gone. I turned the N64 off, took out the cartridge, put it back in and turned it on again and it was all back.

>> No.510298 [DELETED] 

Over one fucking game? I get the bully analogy, but that shit's constant. But from what you said, you beat the shit out of him, tore up his cards, and broke several of his PC games over ONE game. That's an overreaction. Hell, that's going Godfather mode.

Like >>510247 said, there's an eye for an eye and then there's an eye for a body bag.

>> No.510302

Correction, thank god for book marks.

>> No.510312 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 438x461, 1344641819762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's a difference between getting someone back and going full Godzilla on a nigga

>> No.510308

>b-b-b-but he deleted my s-save i had to show him that i was b-b-biggu bo-b-bossu

You're a real piece of work. Deleting your save and damaging ONE dame isn't abuse. You fucking moron.

>> No.510317 [DELETED] 

Somebody nudged me when I was in a queue, and didn't say sorry.

So I broke that bastards legs, and stomped on his fucking face.

Not a big deal.

>> No.510321

Won't open the game to check to see if the battery is dead / fell off.

>> No.510329

What game?

Watch the fucking ending on youtube!

You deserve it!

>> No.510330 [DELETED] 


Some guy bumped into me in a bar and I spilled some of my beer.

So I stabbed him in the chest twice, then raped his girlfriend in front of him while he was passing out.

No big deal.

>> No.510335 [DELETED] 

Man this all reminds me of that episode of Arthur where he punches DW for fucking up his shit. He told that bitch not to fuck with him and she did. So she got what she had coming to her. Just like my brother.

And now everyone is giving me shit, like none of you have ever fought with siblings.

>> No.510346
File: 57 KB, 300x300, 1363362163337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm completely convinced you're just bullshitting.
There's no way in hell you're that fucking dense.

>> No.510354

Open it in 7Zip inside your computer if it's windows


>> No.510351 [DELETED] 

Don't you have a church you need to set on fire, psycho?

>> No.510363 [DELETED] 
File: 222 KB, 417x250, 1349761997813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We didn't run through like a rampaging retard, though.l

>> No.510406

Oh yeah, more of the story:

I fucking beat Banjo Kazooie after loosing the progress.

Got it a 100% with the extra useless jigsaw piece.

Got the motherfucking secret egg, key, ahd shit.

I always wondered what the fucking key in the snow place did, I always saw it as cryptic.

Making those LONG ass codes on treasure trove or whatever the level is.

These codes were insanely hard to accomplish...

Just to get a stupid preview of Banjo Kazooie 2

(The game wasn't named Banjo Tooie back then, it was another name.)

When I got those secrets, the second game was already released.

I was angry and disappointed for doing that extra stupid challenge, It wasn't compensating enough for such hard work.

(I think I still have that save file, but it was strange, it was on the second slot instead of the first, which I don't remember saving there, and I don't think there's a copy feature, is there???)

>> No.510525
File: 205 KB, 500x510, 1300669937254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Played Pokemon gold version
>Save data corrupted
>Bought internal battery online and soldered it on
>Can save again

Learn how to solder.

>> No.510547

You don't even need to solder that shit. Wrap it up with some electrical tape bruh.

>> No.510571

*Wraps the game up in electrical wire.
Two probabilities.

The battery falls off unless wrapped tight.

If the cartridge falls, it'll wipe out.

>> No.510659

You're a fucking ass, I read all your posts and your actions are not valid/welcome in /vr/

You overreacted, you could have just fucking broke ONE OF his games and deleted his save file from his favorite game.

But you went too far.

(I went too far on my bro but didn't break all of his shit, I just deleted a lot of save files from many of his games cuz he fucked with me in awful ways after me and a friend were supportive with him. He's been acting better lately and treating me more humanly, so I figure he forgave me.)

You should apologize to your brother, re-download or buy the games he's missing.

Oh, suck his cock as a favor too.
(No, not really, but if you're willing to go that far, use a condom.)

>> No.510767

Okay, my brother forgave me, but he said he wanted a favor.

I asked him what it was, I regret asking him.

My mouth tastes really weird.

>> No.510882

Bumping, I want to read more about corrupted save files.

>> No.511760

This shit can backfire/ One of my coworkers brought her grandson (~5) to the office and he saw a lady's iPad. He was bored to tears so she let him borrow it. He asked for her password to download "free" games. The games were free, but maaan microtransactions up the ass. She wasn't happy later.

>> No.511885 [DELETED] 

Captain autism, right over here.

>> No.512078

You want to avoid soldering directly onto the battery. The heat can cause it to explode.

>> No.512208

The original battery is soldered on by it's metal contacts. I'm not too sure about exploding cartridges...

>> No.512271

Screw corrupted save files. What about games that don't even have save systems?

I remember nearly reaching the final level in Kid Chameleon. Than the power went out. ;_;

>> No.512304

I value my data more than the games that generate it.

>> No.512305


>> No.512307

>discover the Saturn has a battery backed memory system the hard way

That day was a dark day for mankind. To this day I don't really have a good way of dealing with this (but at least my Pro Action Replay 4M can keep backups of things).

>> No.512330


>> No.512368

He means you should have yes "then" rather then "than".

>> No.512379

Like how? It would still need an internal battery either in the system or the game.

>> No.512387

fuck, used, not yes. Need more booze is my problem...

>> No.512380

well fuck. how'd i miss that

>> No.512383

>"hey kid, catch."
>kid is just as awkward and uncoordinated as the rest of this board
>gameboy falls to the ground and breaks
>nig kid is once again without anything to do
>you no longer have a gameboy

>> No.512417

Well...this was like 1999 or 2000 or something. I was still kinda young so I wasn't that astute about knowing how solid state storage worked at the time. I thought it was some kind of non-volatile RAM that was keeping the data safe (if I were to rationalize my thought pattern with the knowledge I have now). I never gave battery backup a second thought in its actual function until my save data went kaput one day.

>> No.512430

I'm not too familiar with the saturn. Does it use memory cards?

>> No.512474

didn't work on collectamons, bro

as a kid, i lost all motivation to play gold after losing my save

>> No.512485

I just put a dinky little bit of duct tape on both connections whenever I need to replace batteries
Hasn't fucked up once

>> No.512513

It has a memory expansion slot but I never owned a normal Saturn memory unit. I don't know if you can save directly to those.

The Action Replay 4M I have contains solid state storage of some sort but you have to use its own memory management system contained on the cart and it has a weird thing where it doesn't overwrite anything (it can have multiple copies of the exact same data).

>> No.512563

That is an optional solution, but probably won't last more than 3 years.

>> No.512569

Idek what to say. Sounds confusing as shit.

>> No.512585

I nearly went into depression when my Ruby version died

I had the ENTIRE pokedex done. completely legit except for a Mew I wasn't to sure about from my friend
All gone

>> No.512591
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>gameboy falls to the ground and breaks

>> No.512596

>tfw your emulation machine PSP turns itself off and on without warning

>> No.512645
File: 12 KB, 260x259, Mmccc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently bought this nifty cart. It backups your gameboy saves.

>> No.512662
File: 490 KB, 180x173, tumblr_inline_mff36mYDDg1qc8ot5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feeling bro. Mine is also too new for /vr/ but that happened to my Super Mario Sunshine game.

>> No.512671
File: 22 KB, 400x300, 1365013204164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MvC2 on dreamcast. Spend weeks unlocking all the characters. Start it up one day and all the data is gone.

>> No.512679
File: 340 KB, 247x245, gertagerferst.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vr/, while we're on the subject, is there any hope for my corrupted Gamecube memory card? It says it needs to be formatted. This has happened to me once before with the same memory card, and I never formatted, and I just tried to use it again about two months later and it was inexplicably repaired with all my save files intact. Is there any hope? Anything I can do?

>> No.512738
File: 20 KB, 155x260, both phones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also too new for /vr/ but
>gamecube memory card with 700+ blocks of save games dating back a good 8 years somehow got corrupted a week or two ago
>was going to leave it sit in the hope that it would somehow fix itself
>niece decided that day was the day she was going to play mario party over my house
At least my melee save file survived, but at what cost?

>> No.512753


>borrow a bunch of cds to a neighbor
>to somebody




>> No.512765

clean it with a q-tip and a tiny dab of brasso, then use the other side of the q-tip to wipe it off. Format it as well. if it still doesn't hold a save, then just spend 12 bucks on ebay and get a new one.

>> No.512774

i hate unlocking all those fucking shit heads

I don't even want most of them

>> No.512781

I have other memory cards, so that isn't a problem. I'd like to avoid formatting it, if possible.

>> No.512784


Damn, nigga. Calm up. It's not that big of a deal.

>> No.512786

could always try transferring it to a newer memory card.

>> No.512804

try transferring it to another card.

>> No.512823

Heat will destabilize batteries.

Soldering effectively requires both surfaces to be hot enough to melt the solder, and this is liable to rupture the battery.

The tabs you see are spot-welded on. Spot-welding heats the parts faster than the heat conducts through the battery, therefore the process can be completed before the battery heats to its failure point.

>> No.512817
File: 150 KB, 546x1268, FUCK IT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's where the melee file was.
That and Sanic Mega Collection's save file.

RPGs saves
Mario Kart system data
SA2 emblems
my town in animal crossing

Several hundred hours, gone.

>> No.512825

There's no way to access any of the saves, since if you try to look at it, the Gamecube/Wii says that the memory card can't be read and needs to be formatted.

Unless you mean there's a way to transfer saves without using a Wii/Gamecube. Is there?

>> No.512834

>TFW someone posted a story and everyone in the thread started bitching about it but then he deleted it and now you'll never know what he did that was so bad

>> No.512846 [DELETED] 

Y'all are fucked.

>> No.512863

Sounds like nothing can be done.

>> No.512887
File: 304 KB, 513x336, 1362115274154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's obvious; As I said, my niece decided she'd play Mario Party the next day, and accepted the prompt on the title requesting to format it.

I did rip the contents of it using some wii homebrew, but alas, dolphin either can't read it, or the files really were trashed.

>> No.512902 [DELETED] 

I'm pretty sure soldering battery contacts to a pcb are going to destroy the battery. I've done this with 3 carts and a dreamcast and have not come across any problems.

>> No.512912

I'm pretty sure soldering battery contacts to a pcb isn't going to destroy the battery. I've done this with 3 carts and a dreamcast and have not come across any problems.

>> No.512926

Soldering to the PCB isn't the problem, it's the idea of soldering the other end of the contact to the battery.

>> No.512931

But soldering contacts onto the battery is very likely to. I've seen it happen twice, with the guy doing it telling me that this is stupid and I shouldn't ever try it.

>> No.512953

I think I'm gonna have to call bullshit. The first and second gen games were most likely written in C. I may be wrong, but I don't think so.

care to back your claims?

>> No.512987

That sounds like a terrible idea. You have to buy very particular batteries with soldering contacts.

>> No.513013

I have a solution for you, download a gameshark iso for dreamcast, burn it with alcohol 120% get a code to unlock all characters, that's what I did

>> No.513020

>calm up
top lel

>> No.513183

Still can't believe I screwed up an entire memory card by unplugging it playing CTR.

>> No.514535

Not him, but C compilers weren't even remotely as good as they are today back then. Today, compiled C is almost identical to optimal ASM, but back in the days of the Gameboy, you couldn't afford the extra overhead of compilation, let alone that there probably wasn't even a compiler for GB.

>> No.514545

Have you checked your old memory cards recently, /vr/?
What's the damage?

>> No.514603
File: 118 KB, 642x722, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decide to bring out the ol N64 with this speed running craze going on
>both my TVs have latency issues
>sold my CRT recently

>> No.514605

Gameboy was Z80 assembly though.