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5046287 No.5046287 [Reply] [Original]

What exactly is all the hype over? I’m about 15 hours in and the characters and the setpieces are great but the handholding and Goofy story are getting on my nerves. Is FF6 only so beloved because it’s so much bigger than anything else that came out around the same time?

>> No.5046295

>"why can't i see the appeal of a 20 year old game after arriving so fucking late to the party?"

>> No.5046304

Poor excuse. Good games can stay good 25 years after release.

>> No.5046309

> the handholding and Goofy story are getting on my nerves
Is this the first JRPG you're ever played?

>> No.5046313

The Dragon Quest games & Final Fantasy 1 actually give you freedom to explore and have far less pretentious stories.

>> No.5046463

only because they have no story

>> No.5046479

Less story =/= no story

>> No.5046505

The story is jrpg tier, don't know your complaint

>> No.5046532

You didn't tell us your opinion on the battle system. Also, stop the fucking presses, you played a decades-old game that people have childhood nostalgia for and don't get why it's so loved?

>> No.5046558

>its another "when does X get good?" thread in disguise
Stop playing if you don't like it, holy shit the autism.

>> No.5046564

Of course, what a fool cluttering this board for the purpose of discussing old video games

>> No.5046580

The game allows you to go wherever you want after getting the first airship and when you get the second one, you can play the remaining game's events in whatever order you want.

>> No.5046589

6, 7 and 8 was the dark age of final fagassy.

Go play 1, 3, 4 and 9 instead, OP.

>> No.5046590

>The game allows you to go wherever you want after getting the first airship
This. Just like any other Final Fantasy game.

>> No.5046606

The characters and setpieces are the reason it's so we'll revered. That's the only reason to play the game in 2020 -2. If the menu surfing and linearity are too off putting, just drop the game.

>> No.5046608

This is the worst post I have ever read.

>> No.5046620

Honestly, I also don't understand why the hype on this game. Finished it few months ago and thought it was pretty average.

>> No.5046643

You know it to be true.

1 thru 5: Classic Era
6, 7, 8: Dark Ages
9, X, X-2: Renaissance
11 and on: Death of FF

>> No.5046646

Tell that to the original LoZ

>> No.5046656

FFVI is still one of my favorite RPGs. If you're 15 hours in, the handholding should end soon. Like most RPGs, it's not going to get super difficult, but the game will open up. I'm not sure you'll like it though if the game hasn't grabbed you already.

>> No.5046657
File: 31 KB, 520x391, j7od5K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Look, I'm not liking FF6! Look at me!"

There, made me reply.

>> No.5046667

Even if you don't like the online aspect or battle system of 11, the stories are just fantastic to play through
Every expansion except the mini expansions (3 real short kind of side stories) had awesome stories, bosses, music and are super memorable

>> No.5046681
File: 137 KB, 850x1230, __lock_cole_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't like JRPGs, FFVI isn't going to change your mind. It isn't a JRPG for people who don't like the genre, it is just a really good one with a really cool aesthetic and good characters.

>> No.5047073


> Large Cast
The esper/magic system was always something that got both praise and criticism, but the fact that you built a party from a dozen or so characters was very cool for a Final Fantasy game. No FF game since has really done it to the same degree. Furthermore, the fact that FF7 mostly just pretended to have character-based party customization didn't help (in FF7 99% of customization is materia choices).
> Non-linear meme
When this game came out, the buzz was about "non-linear Final Fantasy" and "multiple protagonists." The entire second half of the game has a fully non-linear structure. The first part of the game includes segments where you follow the paths of different party members, which culminates in a fight event in which all characters participate.
> Opera Scene, etc.
The "cinematic" sequences in FF6 were impressive at the time. While not the kind of thing that FF6 fans tend to argue vs FF7, shit like the Opera House sequence was a big part of why the game was such a big hit in the first place.
> Kefka
He's a good villain, if you accept the overall lower detail of the dialog in the game. Good villains don't always need complicated backstories, explanations, or sympathy.

Now, I could go on for quite awhile talking shit about FF6, but I also don't pretend like it doesn't have a lot going for it especially compared to FF7 (which is the comparison that explains why so many people think FF6 is greatest FF ever).

>> No.5047102

I really dont mind if a game is linear or not. In a JRPG im looking for a great story and a great battle system. ff6 doesnt have neither. they are just ok, not bad, not great. the lack of a decent main character killed the story for me. music and kefka are pretty much the only great things about this game. the opera part is really amazing and seeing it being played in the final fantasy concert was amazing

>> No.5047154

Terra, Celes, and Locke are all more developed than the main characters of previous Final Fantasies. Just because none of them are the "main" character, doesn't mean they aren't clearly the focus of the story.

>> No.5047818

Did anybody else feel super hyped for the first two hours and then loose interest until the world was destroyed and then got hyped again? I absolutely loved the first area and the opening credits and cinematics. I wish the game centered more around that town and digging up espers. I am personally not a fan of constantly switching parties and having such a cumbersome system for doing air travel. I like pressing one button and just instantly flying, like in Secret of Mana or Lufia 2.

I prefer FF2 SNES (I think that's FF 4?)

>> No.5048401


>> No.5048575

I'm just explaining why this game is so highly praised.

>> No.5048579

>Did anybody else feel super hyped for the first two hours and then loose interest until the world was destroyed and then got hyped again? I
No but I totally see why you might feel that way. The middle part of the game moves pretty slowly.

Personally, I loved the gameplay in the second half of the game (although now I see it broken and unbalanced in many ways). But I didn't like the way the story was just completely dropped. I'd have liked to have some penultimate dungeon to reset the stage for the final conflict with Kefka instead of just climbing the junk tower to kill him.

>> No.5048698

X-2.... renaissance....

>> No.5049151

FFVI is only valued as a tool to earn hipster points for preferring it over FFVII. Reminder that Japan doesn't give a shit about overrated VI. The game was a huge step-down from FFV, one of the most embarrassing JRPGs in the mechanics part for the SNES

>> No.5049156

If you ignore the cringe J-pop teeny bopper story it has the best job system since FF5.

>> No.5049358

Are you retarded?

>> No.5049962

>1 thru 6: Classic Era
>7, 8 , 9: Dark Ages
>X : Renaissance
>11 and on: Death of FF

>> No.5050095
File: 1.05 MB, 2207x1000, ffvi_mogumarogogo_bonus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like the "Japan doesn't like FFVI" thing is mostly just a meme. I know V is hugely loved there, but I get the impression they still like VI.

I do hate how VI fans shit on VII sometimes, since I've always loved both games. In my opinion IV through IX are all great and it largely comes down to personal preference.

>> No.5050108

For whatever it's worth, here are some random rankings I found by Japanese fans.

Japan still seems to love FFVI, it's just the love for it is less dominant there. Probably because they had more RPGs available back then.

>> No.5050139

Truly some of the greatest contrarian posts of our times

>> No.5050141

I think they were the worst contrarian posts of our times.

>> No.5050330

I thought people only liked FFVII because it was their first RPG (or that's what I'm constantly being told here), what is Japan's excuse?

>> No.5050356

You thought wrong. 7 might be a overrated for that reason and a few others, but as JRPGs go and Final Fantasies in particular it is still a very good game. I don't like the direction it took with regards to minigames but what it did, it did well.

>> No.5050370

FFV is a better game, that's why.