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File: 32 KB, 432x431, FFVII-Sector5_Church.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5047446 No.5047446 [Reply] [Original]

Here we see the final resting place of Cloud Strife. After the assault on the reactor and falling hundreds of feet to the ground below, Cloud died upon impact and was buried in the church beneath the flower bed. The rest of the game is simply what Cloud could have accomplished had he not fallen hundreds of feet to the ground below.

>> No.5047448


>> No.5047450

>The rest of the game is simply what Cloud could have accomplished had he not fallen hundreds of feet to the ground below.
So not much of anything?

>> No.5047465

Yeah yeah yeah.

Why don't I hear this kind of stupid shit about FFV or VI?

>> No.5047470

Nobody here was born when they came out.

>> No.5047478

Now that's just cynical and pretentious

>> No.5047485

You just described a majority of the board.

>> No.5047589

I'm skeptical about this. Let's ask our lord and savior Matpat first.

>> No.5047594

The whirlpool at the beginning kills everyone
The Esper atthe beginning kills the entire party

>> No.5047601

Faris was a double trap.

>> No.5047669

A similar theory is true for ff8 when squall gets killed in disc 1, but it doesn't work with ff7.

>> No.5047680


>> No.5047725

You are literally an ape with down syndrome

>> No.5048108
File: 83 KB, 510x625, 1537049360406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aerith discovered Cloud's dead body and used it as fertilizer for her flower patch.

>> No.5048250

It would be enormously gay and stupid if FF7 had this kind Shyamalanesque twist at the end.

On the other hand, the original idea of killing the whole party at the end always struck me as deliciously grim. It would probably have elevated the game to the status of High Art.

>> No.5048260

Everyone except Aeris dies.

>> No.5048275

nobody dies

>> No.5048376

Wrong, Cloud definitely died.

>> No.5048382

I was two days old when FF6 came out in Japan

>> No.5048646

Here we go...

>> No.5048664


>> No.5048676

Trying to push a new whackjob theory like the Squall Dies one? Make its own dedicated page and you're guaranteed to get some actual whackjobs to follow it.

>> No.5048705

No just trying to demonstate how retarded SD is by making absurd leaps in logic in other FF games.

>> No.5048707

People always criticize ff8 for its retarded events while completely ignoring retarded events in other games and it triggers me

>> No.5049514

Fuck off

>> No.5049682

Actually they were going to kill the party when they invade Midgar on disc 2. You had to choose which two characters were going to live and which were to die. While it sounds nice in concept, I really don't want to be stuck with only three characters for the rest of the game.

>> No.5049747

I always thought no one would survive that fall.

>> No.5049803
File: 52 KB, 900x600, SmO61Td.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5049869
File: 267 KB, 640x480, Aerith vs Fat Albert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a sauce on that?

>> No.5049960

lol makes more sense than Squall is Dead.
falling hundreds of feet vs ice spell to the shoulder

>> No.5049963

Final Fantasy 7 was the first FF for more than 70% of the series fanbase so that makes it flawless to them. Basically ''muh childhood''.

>> No.5050000

>falls out of a reactor
>somehow a church is below him
>somehow falling through the fucking roof and landing on a patch of dirt doesnt kill him
>not even any damage to his spine
>but LATER they decide to put him in a wheelchair for shits and giggles

>> No.5050014


>> No.5050149

>original idea of killing the whole party at the end

Phantasy Star 2 has this for its ending, or at least it's implied.

>> No.5050185

>another "MC died at the beginning, the game itself was all a dream" thread

>> No.5050304

Yeah Squall is Dead theory is shit

>> No.5050354

On the one hand, Cloud is basically a super soldier. On the other hand, Squall has an entire posse of magical spirits strengthening him.

>> No.5050371

it's in here somewhere, kind of a long read.

>> No.5050425

I kind of almost wish they had done that, but it would have been really frustrating to have characters killed off that you had put a lot of work into. It was already bad enough with Aeris. On my first playthrough, I pretty much used the same 3 characters for a majority of the game, so having to kill off the others wouldn't have been a big deal.

>> No.5050436

Reminder that Zack Fair is the greatest FF MC ever created and even Cloud knew that

>> No.5050442

>the original idea of killing the whole party at the end always struck me as deliciously grim. It would probably have elevated the game to the status of High Art.
Isn't that what happened at the end of FF7? I mean, I know that there's this whole ambiguity from the final post-credits scene, and then Advent Children and Square's thirst for a quick buck basically swept that all under the carpet, but given just the info we have in the game, I thought it was pretty obvious:

>all main characters have closure on their stories before the final battle
>Bugenhagen repeatedly talks about what the lifestream will do to humanity if it deems it a threat
>and it's pretty clear that humans can be viewed as nothing but a threat
>vegetation overtaking Midgar would take at LEAST 500 years, especially given the vast desert that surrounded it, so it makes no sense to assume humanity survived for much longer than the end of the game
>plus it's the only scenario where Cloud is reunited with Aeris.

I feel like maybe I'm one of the few who supports this theory simply because I played the game for the first time as an adult. Had I played it back in 1997 when I was 12, chances are I would have stubbornly refused to embrace an ending where all my favorite characters were dead, but now that I'm older and have a better grasp of the themes at play in this game (and how much I know Japan fucking loves environmentalism wank), humanity's destruction is the ending that makes the most sense, and really makes it one of my favorite JRPGs.

>> No.5051701

Hah, no...

>> No.5052002


>> No.5052727

>Cloud is reunited with Aeris
my nigga

I agree with you, down to my 12 yo self denying this could have happened out of not wanting these characters I loved to die, but, would this ending imply that Cloud & co. failed? Didn't they take on Sephiroth to save humanity? If all humans died at or shortly after the end of the game, what did any of it matter? And wouldn't Aeris have protected the party and humanity from annihilation as she lead the Lifestream out of the crater?
I kind of assumed that Midgar may have just been abandoned and the plants took it thanks to its being rife with Mako (ala Aeris' church and yard and stuff) and people went back to living harmoniously with nature, without the need for big industrial cities.