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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.12 MB, 1610x1610, CRT general Dante Edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5047030 No.5047030 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>5005916

>Try to keep it /vr/-related: Nothing past 5th gen(+ Dreamcast). Slight OT might be okay if related to CRTs (E.G. 16:9 compatible models, flatscreens, etc.) Systems with backwards compatibility are also pretty safe territory, assuming you're focusing on the older games. PC CRTs are also a-ok.
>Produce OC! Get out your real cameras and take beautiful pictures of your CRTs displaying recognizable characters with the kind of beautiful accuracy that brings tears to the eyes of young and old alike! If you take 100 photos, at least one of them will turn out alright! (maybe)
>Try to be as detailed as possible when asking info on a specific model. As always, google is your friend, and we are your friends with benefits. Older archived threads aren't a bad place to look either.
>Share appreciation for others choice of technology and personal philosophy of gaming. As always show courtesy in your discussion and moderate yourselves first.

Discussion of video processing and scaling devices is okay, but try to keep the focus on CRTs and CRT accessories

CRT Pastebin (WIP) : http://pastebin.com/1Ri5TS3x
Guide to CRT Hunting : http://pastebin.com/H9H9L2LQ
Guide to Video Monitors : http://pastebin.com/pQX4N6gZ
General Purpose CRT Adjustment Guide : http://www.arcaderepairtips.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/guide_setup_adjust_arcade_monitors_v1.2.0.pdf
S-Video Pasta : http://pastebin.com/rH2h6C7W
BKM-10R Protocol Info : http://pastebin.com/aTUWf33J
JVC RGB card cloning guide : https://pastebin.com/EXqMBfcY

/crt/ Discord Server : https://discord.gg/EFWPCYE

Thread Survey : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd1HF1jPaNTZDupCn_GGtFuB3DxW5WFFd3yT4znmLA_cuU5oA/viewform
Collaborative Consumer CRT Project Survey : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd3_OraDPRRN_OzQ4r_-CqoNPR9J0r2KtFrpV6iuXdxM3DDJg/viewform

>> No.5047039
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>> No.5047046

>That's a shame, it looked like a pretty cool little thing. I guess I'll take it to repair but dunno if it'll be worth it sometimes it's more expensive than buying a working one

It could be something simple, and it could be complex. If you are not familiar with the inner workings (I am not either) it is very simple to find another CRT....however, a smaller CRT with component imputs may be worth having fixed.....It is up to you....I found that Svideo and Component are very similar...The only system that I can check against is my wii running emulation component vs svideo and I can't tell the difference.

It all depends on what you are looking for. If its a good set, keep it until you find a way to fix it. It could be some simple thing, and it could be complicated.

>> No.5047048
File: 130 KB, 1007x678, 1536016094766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know why the onscreen menu on a pvm would yellow? I'm talking about the white letters that come up on the screen when you change the volume or any other setting. The on screen menu just seems darker in general, but the picture on the tube is otherwise the same. Also, the volume seems to be dying, if that's of any help. (Maybe the two are linked?)

>> No.5047070

>op was eager for new thread just to post a troll image op

>> No.5047075

Yeah that's what I thought but dunno, guess I'll have it stored for a while and think what to do about it. I wouldn't mind it being a little bit bigger but 14" seems pretty good for everything ranging from nes to the wii or ps2

>> No.5047090

I bought a shitty 14" trinitron since I couldn't find anything else. I wonder if it has any use or I will be throwing it to the garbage after one week, I haven't even seen such a tiny screen in years. At least it was extremely cheap.

>> No.5047109

Yeah fuck this shit. I'm posting in the old one until it drops off the board.

>> No.5047123
File: 149 KB, 960x540, 1521831740395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

14s are fine if you sit less than 1m from them and they slide under the wife radar

>> No.5047125


yeah, how much radiation do CRTs actually produce?
especially the larger ones 25inch+

its probably pretty bad
especially when you game for hours on end

>> No.5047127

crtgore OP pics date back to the early days of the general, deal with it

>> No.5047128


They're perfect for one room apartments.

>> No.5047135

>yeah, how much radiation do CRTs actually produce?
>especially the larger ones 25inch+
Contemporary sets? None.

>> No.5047163

I object more to the senseless early posting. The other thread has plenty of life left in it.

>> No.5047165

It's not the gore, just the fact that you refuse to wait until there's an actual need for a thread.

Once a thread hits bump limit, it can go up to a full day before falling off the board. Wait until page 8+, not the limit itself.

>> No.5047171

>not the limit itself.
You can bake the next one then. Hows that?

>> No.5047184

I'm not the OP and I'm only replying about the gore pic. I don't care about earlyposting on slow boards, slow boards are precisely where when you post your shit doesn't really matter. As long as you've waited for bump limit on the previous thread you've done your due diligence as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.5047195

>As long as you've waited for bump limit on the previous thread you've done your due diligence as far as I'm concerned.
The thread hit 500, and I created a new thread. This is 100% acceptable to me (I am the OP). Anyone who is going to bitch about it can bake the next one. Instead of being glad that someone who loves CRTs and retro gaming is helping keep a conversation active.....but instead they just pilpul inane arguements about timing and punctuation.

Anyone who wants to bake the next thread just say so. I will gladly pass the torch.

>> No.5047210


you don't know how electricity works my friend

as i said, it's probably pretty bad

>> No.5047214

lol @ holier than thou attitude

>> No.5047221

But gramps how does her son like it?

>> No.5047232

>lol @ holier than thou attitude

You are baking the next one.

>> No.5047245

maybe, I do have an idea for an op image

>> No.5047248

8 hrs/day for one year is less than eating a banana
radiation does not work the way that you think it does

>> No.5047258

>maybe, I do have an idea for an op image
I am not baking the next one, since you volunteered.

I think you will do a terrible job since you don't even seem to know how to quote properly.

>> No.5047284

I'm amazed by how assblasted some anons are when they don't get (You)'s

>> No.5047301

it might not be a big difference on the wii but component is a lot better on ps2 and xbox

>> No.5047317

>it might not be a big difference on the wii but component is a lot better on ps2 and xbox
Certainly are correct. Wii does output 240p. I know that my xbox does not, and its minimum is 480i. It should look better at 480p. I don't know anything about the PS2....is it 480i most of the time?

>> No.5047342
File: 772 KB, 3840x2160, IMG_20180914_160825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting from last thread since it died shortly afterwards and I'm holding out hope that someone knowledgeable will see this.

This monitor (on the right) refuses to use internal composite sync unless choose PAL mode with the switch. This is problematic because I live in America and all my consoles are NTSC, so this causes the screen to be monochrome and vertically squashed. If I feed it its own composite video output as sync, then select external sync, it will sync in NTSC mode, but the portions of the image that should be white are black. I'm totally stumped here. Has anyone encountered this before? It's an Ikegami TM9-1D.

>> No.5047346
File: 1.54 MB, 3840x2160, IMG_20180914_154724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's capable of displaying white, because it does that just fine when it's in PAL mode.

>> No.5047371
File: 3.84 MB, 5080x3394, DSC07790ARWs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd have no issue with that, or anyone else making it. Only thing that bothered me is being told to hold off to make it a bit later by more than one person, and it being done up early anyway.

Either way, more meta-convos aren't really doing anyone any good.

Post tubes.

I've had weird cases where you'd get whites showing up as straight black when feeding a source that for whatever reason didn't have ground connected. I'd find it hard to believe that it'd only crop up when looping through for sync though.

Have you tried futzing with the "AFC" switch on the back? With my Ikegami, I had some weird issues with composite input when that wasn't toggled in the correct position.

>> No.5047408

>Have you tried futzing with the "AFC" switch on the back?
That switch doesn't seem to do anything for me, I don't see any change between having it on or off.

>> No.5047409

>I'd have no issue with that
Good. Glad to see someone step up to help. I made the last 4? I have had enough of helping for a bit.

>> No.5047419

I just played with it a little more, when I don't have external sync connected and it's set to NTSC, and the monochrome, inverted image is scrolling past diagonally, the AFC switch changes the speed with which the image scrolls past.

>> No.5047437

>I've had weird cases where you'd get whites showing up as straight black when feeding a source that for whatever reason didn't have ground connected. I'd find it hard to believe that it'd only crop up when looping through for sync though.
This is happening for composite input from both a Wii and a Dreamcast. I should clarify that the white-->black issue is happening whether the video is being looped back in for sync or not, so the sync issue is probably separate. How did you resolve your grounding issue?

>> No.5047473

>Only thing that bothered me is being told to hold off to make it a bit later by more than one person, and it being done up early anyway.
Do you have any idea how pathetic that sounds?

>> No.5047510

Actually connecting up ground. Was messing around with getting RGB from a Genesis without the proper cable; The way I had ground connected was iffy at best.

I'm sure you've already tried it, but do make sure that color off and blue check are both off; Can't see how that'd only apply to NTSC sources though.

Currently glancing through a service manual for what I'm pretty sure is the JVC version (or similar) of the same monitor to check some stuff.

If you want to look through it yourself, it's right here:

>> No.5047538


actually it does
having a light gun pointed at your face is not good

there is surprisingly little info on this subject

>> No.5047542

>actually it does
Please provide proof of claim, or be prepared to have your irrelevant opinion discarded.

>> No.5047572

Is there any way to mod a black and white crt to one with color?

>> No.5047584

>Is there any way to mod a black and white crt to one with color?

>> No.5047586


>> No.5047591

well you could put a color tube+chassis inside a B&W cabinet, but that's more than mere modding

>> No.5047618
File: 157 KB, 1134x1333, radiation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wrong, it's 1 year of CRT = 10 bananas
but still less than you get in a day anyway

>> No.5047621

>10 bananas
I eat 20-30 bananas every month at work. I also love my crt. I don't glow in the dark yet...what am I doing wrong?

>> No.5047791

Practically speaking, no.
It has been done however. Interesting bit of history.

>> No.5047815

>unless it's a bannaphone
that got a chuckle out of me

>> No.5048038

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Composite video shouldn't normally have a ground connection, should it? Thank you for the service manual, I'll look more closely at that tomorrow.

>> No.5048065

Eeeeverything like this needs a ground. That's what the outside ring of the RCA connector is for; That's the ground conductor, and the center is your signal. Not an electrical engineer, but I believe the reason why all the whites get screwed up is without a ground pin, there's no reference for the video level, so the amp or whatever it's being fed into just shrugs and spits out whatever.

>> No.5048240

Okay, I already have the TV but I'm finding problems trying to center the image. It seems it can be done through the service menu, but to get in there you need a crazy combination of bottons that's different for every TV. Of course I can't find mine anywhere.

>> No.5048338

I got a PAL Trinitron and I have this annoying problem;
tried it with a SFC, works perfectly, but then the Ps1 only shows black and white. I deduced the reason is the RGB Ps1 cable does RGB but also composite signal, so the TV chooses the composite and fucks any NTSC game I put on it.
Then I should just change the signal... but I don't know how to do it. The TV manual shows something but it just doesn't work. There's any easy way to do this or I'm just fucked?

>> No.5048431

Using SCART? The switch to RGB is automatic through pin 16. You sure your cable is proper RGB?

>> No.5048520
File: 6 KB, 488x278, PSX_RGB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't usually switch signal formats used by the SCART input on the television itself, that's handled by voltage on pin 16 as >>5048431 pointed out.

You probably bought a ching-chong-nip-nong cable which doesn't adhere to the Peritel standard. Either modify what you've got or buy a decent one.

>> No.5048526

why would you need a zener.

>> No.5048535
File: 6 KB, 488x278, psx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea, never seen that modified schematic before.

Here's the usual one.

>> No.5048556

Gotcha, thank you for your help. When I get home tonight I'll experiment with that. I saw a point that was labeled as ground when I had the thing open a few days ago, I'll alligator clip the outer bit of the RCA connector to that and see if it helps, and if it does I'll start exploring a more permanent solution.

>> No.5048604

PS2 is 480i most of the time with some 240p and 480p games

>> No.5048673
File: 2.42 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20180917_102738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found a Panasonic CRT in good condition for free

>> No.5048779

That looks like a pretty nice one anon, good find. Where'd you come across it?

>> No.5048793

>Just found a Panasonic CRT in good condition for free

>That looks like a pretty nice one anon

Its a broadcast monitor? Either way, it looks really great. Sounds like OP got a great price on it too.

>> No.5048797
File: 3.71 MB, 4608x3456, 1 inch wonder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my CRT

>> No.5048807

Some games had 480p like Black and Outrun Coast 2 Coast, and Gran Turismo 4 has 1080i available. Other games like Okami and Ratchet & Clank and Sly Cooper have 16:9 high resolution modes, what that resolution is? Dunno, it doesn’t say.

The component cables for PS2 worth it, especially since PS3 component cables work for it too since they’re the same, and PS3 component cables are dirt cheap and you can still find them brand new.

>> No.5048843
File: 352 KB, 887x915, youdidwellanon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5048847

im impressed.

>> No.5049239

I work in surplus for a university. Apparently they just brought it in last Driday. I had a JVC version of one of those, also from surplus but this one is in better condition so I swapped it out today.

>> No.5049259 [DELETED] 

did you see this on lgr?

been wanting to try some stuff like this. ill post pics in a bit!

>> No.5049295

Aspect ratio control.

>> No.5049374

I've been using the same cable to play JAP/USA games in other pal tv's for years, of course the first thing you could think would be that it's not a real RGB cable, but that's beyond any reasonable doubt.

>> No.5049548

using the grid in 240p test suite, what am I supposed to calibrate to? the screen edges where the red dots are? and which grid do I even use?

>> No.5049629
File: 780 KB, 3840x2160, IMG_20180917_172434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon >>5043150 again, I'm pretty sure it's this 20microFarad, 20Volt capacitor that's causing my problem. Now to replace it.

>> No.5049631

Derp, 22microFarad, 16Volt*

>> No.5049748
File: 549 KB, 945x1260, 429C45B3-12D9-49B6-B3A6-9704FA4650F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5049754
File: 553 KB, 945x1260, EC7A06C6-4C36-453F-AA58-1159062F7A6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5049776

wtf what a mess. Target practice?

>> No.5049794

Anyone have any pictures of the front micro switches for a Sony PVM? Like the ones under the menu and select buttons. I am wondering what type they are because some of mine are acting up and I might need to replace them.

I think the board in most PVM's is the F board. It also contains the volume knob as well.

>> No.5049847

Im a HUGE fan of shooting nearly empty spray paint cans...I do like the shaving cream also. What a great use for an old/non-working set. In all my years of going to the range, I would never have thought about shooting up a TV. Wow.

>> No.5049850
File: 11 KB, 202x250, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's on pin 8 though and the diode runs from RGB blanking to audio ground

>> No.5049868

Measure pin 16, make sure at least 1.5v is there.

>> No.5049884

CRTs are filled with dangerous material. Just bring it to a recycling plant.

>> No.5049886

Is was my friends old sharp 27 inch. It was kinda nice, but it had some melted spots on the back of it so we shot it to hell.
That model 32” sony wega was a piece
Of shit. They used crappy plastics and it just had to die as well.

>> No.5049908

>CRTs are filled with dangerous material. Just bring it to a recycling plant.
I would obviously. I am no litter bug. I still would enjoy blasting the hell out of an old CRT.

>They used crappy plastics and it just had to die as well.
What kind of range did you take from it? Did you give yourself enough distance to hear it pop separate from the muzzle blast?

>> No.5049937

It was a friends property out in the outskirts of town. about 50 yards

>> No.5049945

>It was a friends property out in the outskirts of town. about 50 yards
How big a pop did it make?

>> No.5049958
File: 2.95 MB, 1600x1200, 20180917_214444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi /crt/
exciteds to share a photo of my crt.
>Sony KV-27S42
>wii vc thru s-video

>> No.5049967
File: 153 KB, 880x793, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a fair price? It has DVI-in and component in. It goes up to 720p/1080i.

>> No.5049975

HD CRTs aren't good for retro. It still looks about as pixely as an LCD screen and has some input lag. I speak from experience

>> No.5049979

Get some component cables

>> No.5049981

Is good

>> No.5050005
File: 2.87 MB, 1600x1200, 20180917_223314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you
unfortunately the tv doesnt have component

>> No.5050006

It wasnt louder than 3 ar-15s going off simultaneously. And with hearing protection on i couldnt hear the crt pop:(

>> No.5050009

Thats a ripoff. You can find those for free all day on CL & letgo & nextdoor and shit.

>> No.5050013

Looks dim to me

>> No.5050019
File: 3.05 MB, 4032x3024, kx-14cp1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Produce OC! Get out your real cameras and take beautiful pictures of your CRTs displaying recognizable characters with the kind of beautiful accuracy that brings tears to the eyes of young and old alike! If you take 100 photos, at least one of them will turn out alright! (maybe)
I made an attempt. Also is the new crown jewel of my collection.

>> No.5050023

So this thing only takes SCART?

>> No.5050026
File: 659 KB, 2048x1152, its a goddamned mess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And with hearing protection on i couldnt hear the crt pop:(
This makes me sad, but I am glad to find another sportsman who protects their hearing! Keep up the good work. Putting down a CRT must be like shooting your horse.

Have an OLD photo of my "desk" from when I was in the process of sorting and boxing prior to a move.

>> No.5050028

>So this thing only takes SCART?
Also takes Composite via RCA + BNC, and has a Digital RGB connector.

There's some US-specific models built on the same chassis, but their connectors are much more exotic and not plug-and-play with SCART breakouts.

>> No.5050030
File: 2.81 MB, 1600x1200, 20180917_225851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think it's because >>5049958 and >>5050005 are Wii VC not real snes

here's a photo from the PS2
i also increased camera iso from 50 to 125

>> No.5050035

idk why my name is a /g/ thread lol

>> No.5050037
File: 565 KB, 1220x482, WiiPage02 - large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It shouldn't be that different for SNES at least

>> No.5050042

27 inch consumer trinitrons have such a distinctive look
nice photo

>> No.5050051

I havent tweaked the osd options yet but i dont think it'll get any brighter without looking washed out. tv is almost 18 years old now after all.

>> No.5050312

- CRTs are no longer produced because they have inferior picture quality versus LCDs
- CRTs emit dangerous levels of X-rays or other forms of radiation
- CRTs always have easily-visible flicker
- CRTs always cause eyestrain
- CRTs always make a high-pitched squealing noise
- CRTs contain lethal amounts of electricity, even when unplugged
- CRTs need calibration more than two to three times a year
- Overall CRT black levels are not superior to LCDs because ambient light ruins CRT black levels
- Analog CRTs have more processing time than digital LCDs due to poor RAMDAC performance
- Afterimages caused by phosphor decay are extremely annoying and are a significant downside of CRTs
- Sending an improper mode (resolution or refresh rate) to a CRT can cause permanent damage
- CRTs cannot have touchscreens
- 4:3 is so bad that nobody should use a non-widescreen CRT
- The Sony GDM-FW900 is the only CRT worth owning
- Curved CRTs have objectively inferior picture quality versus flat CRTs with otherwise equal specifications
- CRTs should not be used because they are heavier and deeper than LCDs
- CRTs have severe reflections because they do not have matte coats
- CRTs can be permanently damaged by nearby magnets
- Analog signals limit a CRT's resolutions and refresh rates and negatively effect picture quality
- Heavy metals are used in CRT glass to reduce radiation

>> No.5050361
File: 18 KB, 601x601, 447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5050578

as >>5049850 said, pin 8 is AV switch with AR control.
A zener might be useful for consoles with unregulated voltage (the Jaguar is like that), but you will never get more that 5v on PS AVOUT so the voltage divider is plenty fine.

>> No.5051038
File: 63 KB, 714x608, 40414511_271017043734448_4823908117823619072_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using CRT Emudriver to get 15khz from an older AMD card

it works, but in Retroarch when I select 'start in fullscreen mode' in the video options, the signal suddenly changes from 15khz to 31khz for seemingly no reason

Is this familiar to anyone
Is there something I can change in the config to avoid this?

>> No.5051305
File: 567 KB, 1325x873, 4363464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed on this KV-20V80 shows red lines on a crosshatch pattern.

Would replacing capacitors help this problem? Would it help with contrast? I have the contrast maxed and its decent but more would be nice. Already adjusted the screen volts.

I've also noticed the geometry is a little wonky when say a thing doesn't take up the whole screen but has bright whites.The sides will warp

>> No.5051309
File: 1.09 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0408[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And the rings which I assume I have to adjust if I want to get the convergence in check. I would have to cut the epoxy.

Not sure which ring I should adjust since I know one is for purity. I should probably mark it with a marker? It seems like the blue is out of alignment on the left half of the screen.

This isn't a big priority to me since I have other tvs.

>> No.5051324

>I should probably mark it with a marker?
You probably should matchmark it . It will give you an idea of how far it moved.

>> No.5051615

Does the service menu on that set have convergence adjustments? I would start there before the adjusting the rings.

>> No.5051816

Even newer consumer sets rarely have any sort of convergence adjustments, and the few that do are mostly on the higher end. An older (mid 90s) black cased Sony is extremely unlikely to have any sort of convergence controls in the menu; Doubly so on a 20'' model.

The pair of rings closest to the front of the tube are the rings for purity, the other two affect convergence across the entire screen. I agree with the match mark suggestion.

You accidentally deleted the post with the crosshatch, but bringing it up on desu, you might be able to dial it in a bit better but I wouldn't expect miracles. It looks like part of it is decently converged, but other points could be cleaned up a bit. The big issue is in getting what isn't that great better, you'd be moving the portions which are in decent shape as well. If it's towards the edges (can't tell from the sideways, zoomed in shot) you could potentially get some convergence strips/disc magnets and work on just the problem areas.

Caps wouldn't be likely to help out with convergence. They could, however, help to clean up that warping geometry issue and possibly get you a bit of brightness back.You're dealing with a 20+ year old set with who knows how many hours on it at this point.

>> No.5051894

I envy you anon.
I'm looking for a model like that one as well, but alas, No luck so far.

>> No.5052042
File: 1.46 MB, 5312x2988, IMG_20180617_131710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also envy you. I like yours better than mine. Quick question: does yours have a horizontal size option? Mine does not.

>> No.5052127
File: 56 KB, 520x388, israel-jerusalem-western-wall-wailing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually imagined my self in this dump, trully the Holocaust

>> No.5052129
File: 1.54 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20180919_015713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1990 32" Sony Trinitron XBR

Has really nice audio, was lucky enough to get the whole setup: two speakers and a sub that sits on top of the back of the TV. Great picture, but maxes out at S-VIDEO.


>every so many minutes the picture will go blurry for a second and then readjust back to normal
>also when using composite (which I rarely do) the brightness fluctuates slightly (best way I can describe it, it is kind of like when you would run composite through a cheap VCR except the effect here isn't as bad)

wat do? I really don't want to have to open it and adjust shit or anything like that since I have never done it before. Hoping to just need to adjust in the service menu. I was thinking maybe it had something to do with VFRE but not really sure, I am a novice with CRT servicing.

>> No.5052131

FRICK shit phoneposting nigger sideways

>> No.5052145

>Quick question: does yours have a horizontal size option? Mine does not.
Alas no, just H center + V size. Though IMO, KV-1311CRs are still plenty nice as long as you're willing to deal with the meme connector for RGB.

>> No.5052280
File: 1.56 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah I deleted it cause I wasn't trying to show the convergence, but show the vertical red lines/brown lines that happen. The picture now shows it but it is better looking in person. Blue seems to be off ever so slightly. I mainly notice the blurryness in white text.

What does matchmark mean? You mean draw a marker through all three of them at the 12 o clock position so I can return them back should I mess up?

It is converged ok but mainly I just wanna mess around and see if I can get it better.

Everywhere except like 4-6 squares in the middle are almost converged great. It seems to be off just by a tad, mainly the blue to the left.

Would just like to learn and mess around with this. I have nothing to lose really. I just use this for DDR/potentially mod it for RGB if I can dial it in better and fix that line issue.

Also need to grab a external deguasser cause the top 1/4 left side corner needs it badly. Its always been like this. Any recommendations? Only one I see is a chinamanese one on ebay for $17. Not sure if its good or powerful enough (and it states its 220v lol)

>> No.5052323

>every so many minutes the picture will go blurry for a second and then readjust back to normal
Does it make any sort of noise when it does this? I am no expert, but it sounds like something is failing. Could it be a flyback transformer? You may need to consider either becoming a service person, or becoming a garbage guy. 1990 was 28 years ago also. Personally, I would write it off and give it a good Christian burial.

>I am a novice with CRT servicing.
You may want to start shopping around Craigslist etc. My brother just picked up a 36" xbr for free. I know good sets are out there if you got the muscles to move it. Ask to see the service tags, because you can find a newer set. I just picked up a 2004- 25" the other week....it also is just Svideo, but the set is newer, and I can tell from the quality of the picture that it wasn't used all that much. The place that was selling it clued me in that the owner didn't have it long before they kicked the bucket. The set just sat around for the last 10 years. The picture looks outstanding.

Whatever you do, be careful inside of your unit if you choose to go there. There is dangerous voltages, and if not discharged, can be fatal. Good luck my friend!

>> No.5052327

No sound, the guy I got it from had replaced a lot of parts in it, some that he said weren't even failed/failing but just most likely to fail. I did have a newer 2003 14" but it was limited to composite and the picture was pretty bad even with tweaking.

>> No.5052336
File: 73 KB, 600x600, 577655[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I actually imagined my self in this dump, trully the Holocaust
Shut it down, the goyim know!

>the guy I got it from
If you got this set fairly recently, I would consider it a loss. Something is fishy about "Replacing things even if they didn't need it". It has that "Used car dealer" smell.

>> No.5052371

First problem sounds like bad juju, try sprinkling magic powder on it.

Second problem, does it happen with all composite sources regardless of cable? Are you running anything through a switch or splitter?

>> No.5052372

idk man the guy was a real fucking nerd. He seemed pretty knowledgeable and had his garage full of CRTs from consumer to PVM

>> No.5052379
File: 20 KB, 323x156, q34q43t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one is better for text editing?

>> No.5052383

>idk man the guy was a real fucking nerd. He seemed pretty knowledgeable and had his garage full of CRTs from consumer to PVM
Perhaps he could help you troubleshoot it. I get a "new" crt about once a year....though I currently have 2 really decent ones, so it may be a while again, but they are cheap enough to replace. I don't value any consumer CRT more then $20. They are still somewhat common in most sizes.

>> No.5052386

At high enough res it doesn't matter

>> No.5052393
File: 3.61 MB, 1200x1600, 26h26hb234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's mine at 1280x1024 @ 60hz
it's interesting to see the dots when zoomed in. i wonder how the aperture grille at same resolution would look

>> No.5052408

>i wonder how the aperture grille at same resolution would look
I wish my GDM wasn't upstairs in storage right now, or I would give a photo. Looking at this close, I almost think the shadow mask looks more clear.

>> No.5052418

reminds me of a Samsung I finally swapped out last year that I was running at 1280x960@60

>> No.5052424 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.89 MB, 5232x7016, 1537353418781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At higher resolutions dot masks can and do edge out AG in regards to sharpness, depending on the given dot/stripe pitch.

Not my preferred image to compare, but the only decent shot I have of my old Dell before it died.

Here's 2 lower end, 16'' 70khz limited sets.

Top is Dell e770s
Bottom is Sony HMD-A240

Both were likely running 1152x864p75; If not, 768p85

>> No.5052432

>At higher resolutions dot masks can and do edge out AG in regards to sharpness
I have never owned a shadow mask, but the more I see of it here, the more I will be looking in the future. The picts you provided look great. I don't know which is which by looking at a model number, so I will give my opinion on the image:

The bottom one looks better. As close as the image looks to the screen it is really close. I think I like the darker shades in the bottom one. It seems less washed out.

>> No.5052440
File: 1.61 MB, 3280x2460, 100_6676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tops is dot (shadow) mask, bottom is an aperture grille.

It's not the best comparison given how thoroughly used and worn out the Dell was at the time of that photo, but it's the best I can offer for PC CRTs. I've got multiple higher end PC sets, but they're all AG; Would love to find a nice high end dot mask set.

Need to set up my JVC pro monitor and take some comparison shots of it against the L5.

>> No.5052452

>Tops is dot (shadow) mask, bottom is an aperture grille.
Wow. They are so close, that it was hard to tell. It may be more in the text that the S.mask is more clear. Something about that text picture earlier was outstanding looking for such a close picture. The location of the "dots" of light just looks crisp vs the AG.

Also, I love MvC2. The only DC game I will play. That screenshot looks delicious, and not because I am some weeb who loves sakura. I use Amingo, Megaman & Shumagorath.

>> No.5052559
File: 8 KB, 300x200, wand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought pic related to try and fix a badly magnetized pvm. can confirm that they work albeit they can get extremely hot if activated for longer than 30-40 seconds. it cleared up my pvm but didnt provide a permanent fix unfortunately.

>> No.5052604
File: 3.88 MB, 1920x1080, 4v234v5g234v5g2345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same monitor as >>5052393

>> No.5052754

any as long as you disable font smoothing and cleartype

>> No.5053437
File: 617 KB, 1215x1620, 032 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey /CRT/, I want to use my pvm as a pc monitor
do you know what cables I would need?
my PC has hdmi and dvi ports

>> No.5053652


>> No.5053656

Why would you need to do that?

>> No.5053671

thank you, this is incredibly helpful
honestly, just morbidly curious what dwarf fortress looks like on it and if I could play it like that
it's one of the few non-/vr/ games I really enjoy
sorry for the mobile posting if you notice the IP count ticking up, but the desktop site seems to have shit itself

>> No.5053902

If you use 4chanX and uBlock Origin, you need to go into uBlock's settings and purge all caches, then "update now."

>> No.5054023

>do you know what cables I would need?
>my PC has hdmi and dvi ports

You'd want to pipe DVI->VGA/HDMI->VGA into something like an Extron VSC 500 to do an initial downscale, and then into something like an Extron 203 Rxi to combine the sync before outputting via BNC->BNC cables into your PVM.

Given that that'll cost at least $100 to put that together through resellers, you might as well just get a VGA monitor instead if you have the space for another display.

>> No.5054234

I got that set cheap off of a local, but then fucked it up by losing my footing and dropping it going up the steps to the front door. Man fuck me, it's such a good set. I still have it stored away but losing hope at being able to fix it

>> No.5054292

Just bought a 1983 Sony Trinitron 13" (KV-1222RS). It only has a coaxial jack on the back, so no composite video, but since I played with an RF adapter as a kid, I feel none the worse off.

>> No.5054461
File: 2.84 MB, 3984x2988, 20180919_234340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New house, new setup.

>> No.5054715
File: 2.54 MB, 4128x2322, 20170504_172001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I hook speakers up to this thing?

>> No.5054749

You don't.

You'll need some sort of separate audio solution. If you have a set of old PC speakers laying around, could potentially get a little adapter to convert 2RCA into a 3.5mm connector (or what ever said speakers need).

Better solution would be some sort of amp and just some generic unpowered speakers, though pairing that with an 8'' tube could look awfully silly.

>> No.5054751
File: 601 KB, 1616x1212, 1537411058611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CRTs have 5 ounces of lead in them

>> No.5054776

You should put them on a table

>> No.5054895

So will you if you keep posting ugly sideways bitches

>> No.5055010

Are Flatorns any good? I was looking for a Trinitron for my PS2 and found a couple of Flatrons.

>> No.5055014

I don't know anything about Flatron CRTs, but I use a Flatron E2251 LCD panel for my computer and it's really nice.

>> No.5055186
File: 11 KB, 400x300, Soldering-Copper-Lead-Pipe[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CRTs have 5 ounces of lead in them
The copper plumbing in your house has more lead then that in it.

>> No.5055215

what graphics card do you have? if you have analog output over DVI and a card that's compatible with crt_emudriver then it will be easy

>> No.5055229

Good thing I didn't have any plans to ingest my CRTs then, I guess.

>> No.5055243

I've been wondering if I could hook up my VCR like that and get broadcast/cable onto my pvm.
So it's possible?

>> No.5055385

Anything that has a tv tuner will do the job

>> No.5055474


Unironically this. Your retro consoles have lead in them, also your car battery has lead in it. Trace amounts of lead will not hurt you, even in plumbing pipes. Breathing lead fumes, ingesting dust, is.

>> No.5055553

Ahhh fuck man how do i get into the 2030's center yoke to turn it
There's so much shit in the way

>> No.5055573
File: 2.31 MB, 4608x2328, crts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's two of mine. The top is a 21" shadow mask 1600x1200@85Hz and the bottom is a 19" aperture grille 1366x1024@85Hz.

>> No.5055613

Why is it blue

>> No.5055638

Shitty phone camera messed up the colours

>> No.5055856

that did the trick, thanks a ton
this guy pulled it off with an "Arcade VGA card" but I'm not going to slap one of those on my mobo
your solution seems the most practical but yeah, pricey
nvidia gtx 970
and google seems to indicate crt_emudriver works with amd cards so I may be out of luck with that route

>> No.5055973

I don't have a table or anything else to put them on, which is why my setup is the way it is. I don't use the bigger one at the moment on account of it being on the carpet.

I've never tried it since I don't have anything that can pick TV stations up, but I don't see why you wouldn't be able to.

>> No.5056152

would something like this work?

>> No.5056162

If you're dealing with SCART, the breakout cable you're/you'd be using should already have audio broken out into 2 RCA connectors.

>> No.5056171

>don't see why you wouldn't be able to
I wasn't sure if VCRs can take in coax and output composite.
Back in the day it was always the opposite.

>> No.5056189

Yes, VCRs are the simple go to for demodulating RF to feed into sets without tuners. Actually having some use aside from just demodulating stuff and junk.

Pretty much any ATSC tuner (necessary, since analog shit has been gone for years) should have C-Vid or better so you can just bypass the need for the VCR. Same with any set-top box.

>> No.5056303

Just adding 240p in Custom Resolution Utility works fine for a 970. May need an Extron RGB interface box if you need csync for your monitor.

>> No.5056746
File: 3.32 MB, 4320x2432, IMG_20180921_101931892[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anybody help me with composite modding my CRT? This is the only image I can get out of it with a composite signal.

Here is the datasheet for the IC chip https://www.datasheetarchive.com/pdf/download.php?id=717e688ced7752befef8682a88ae6529740e51&type=M&term=an5312

>> No.5056816

Yeah I'm a dummy, I realized this after posting that.

>> No.5056852

Is 14" enough for the ps2? Will it look too small? It's either that or 20" but 20 is maybe too big for older consoles

>> No.5056880

Yes. I'd say 20" is preferable, but 14" is good enough if it's your only option. That said, the only scenario in which a monitor could be "too big" would be with handheld games that had a native resolution smaller than 240p.

>> No.5056883

I have a 14' monitor and PS2 looks great to me on it.

>> No.5056923

Eh I had seen a 20 but was in a rush and couldn't take it, came back now and it was gone. It had component and everything

>> No.5057003

Anyone have any ideas?

>> No.5057006

Quick question.
Can any of you tell me whats a good consumer TV with Scart, Component and S-video?

I want one to replace my PVMeme and hook up all the consoles I have without using switchboxes or cablemodding (PS1 with Scart to BNC and all that shit)

>> No.5057009
File: 52 KB, 1700x1826, PicsArt_09-21-12.48.15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where to get a stand like this one? I don't really want a full AV cart

>> No.5057154

I was about too make a similar post, then saw yours

>> No.5057165

its because you both saw that one guys setup

>> No.5057212


>> No.5057235
File: 3.97 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20180913_203739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hit up craiglist. Got mine for a dozen bucks, and there were plenty of various stands available

>> No.5057236


>> No.5057351

What are they even called?

>> No.5057357

i just happened to see one of those stands today on ebay in my town for 5euros.
might buy it, lol

>> No.5057378

No idea how they are supposed to be called around you, but over here it's either a TV stand or a TV foot (yeah, directly translating french can be a bit weird).
Or just search for TV in Furnitures.

>> No.5057406


>that sweet glass case to display all your shit, free from dust

tell me where you got it, anon

>> No.5057418

where's the best place to pick up a usable VCR? do they even make quality new ones anymore?

>> No.5057484

Again, Craiglist (or your local equivalent).
It's a pioneer AV Rack. Only the front half is glass, most of the thing is actually made of wood.

>> No.5057509

thanks for the heads up, anon

disappointed how glass cases like this fell out of style, everybody's snubbing the physical electronics

>> No.5057731

You'll probably have to try to hit the goodwill lottery. Once in a while they have quality brands there but it's a crap shoot if you'll find one on any particular visit.

>> No.5057812

Is there a brand or model number on that stand?

>> No.5057814

I am thinking about picking up a free crt from a relative for free and it is the perfect size the amount of room that I have, The only problem is that it has RF only. What can be done about this /vr/

>> No.5057830

do you live somewhere that crts are hard to come by?
I have 7 in my garage that I need to give away before october or I'll be forced to OP's pic related
I got all of them for free from craigslist over the years

>> No.5057860

nice cabinet

>> No.5057947

as amazing as these seem it just screams to me that it will tip over.

>> No.5058164

Yes. I've been playing PS2 on a 14" PVM and it's perfectly fine.

>> No.5058205

I figure this is the best place to ask. Do PC-98 games look dithered when viewed through a bundled CRT or does the connection blend the dithering? I use a VGA adapter and it looks dithered, wondering if I should get a special monitor.

>> No.5058258

What a dump. You live in a basement gramps?

>> No.5058361

Dithering is common in PC98 software.

>> No.5058414


I have never used a PC-98, but the blending is done by the signal type. Composite video has blending. VGA, which is RGB, is too high quality to do much if any blending.

>> No.5058430



>> No.5058479

I hate how everything has to be sleek and minimalistic and hidden these days. Watching a LD in the dark on this is like watching at the starry night, there are lights everywhere.
This one is a Erard stand, a pretty well known and respected French brand. I didn't see any model number.
It's actually pretty sturdy. It might looks like it's tipping forward, but it's actually the middle rack that's angled rearward, I believe the wheels are shot.

>> No.5058496
File: 2.63 MB, 4032x3024, 20180402_221447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually like gramps, but this explains a lot.

>> No.5058497
File: 1.10 MB, 900x1219, Erard%20le%20pied[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a couple of ads from their website.

>> No.5058501
File: 554 KB, 560x648, 2045_tv[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5058503
File: 1.02 MB, 712x879, 0047_tv[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5058740

For PS2 you can go up to 28",looks great.

>> No.5059017

Can you run the video out of an MVS board directly to a VGA CRT? I don't have an arcade monitor, and worry the cheap upscaling boards will add a lot of lag.

>> No.5059165

For anyone wondering where to get something like this, I found good results googling "rolling table".

>> No.5059943

>and worry the cheap upscaling boards will add a lot of lag.
Get the not-so-cheap ones

>> No.5060023

No, a normal VGA monitor needs 31+kHz horizontal, which will need scaling.

>> No.5060848

I want to watch older anime on my PVM from a thumbdrive or external HDD.
How do I best do this?

Here are my options.
I have a modded PS2 and Wii hooked up to it.
the PS2 can play them fine after converting the .mkv files to .avi but I have no subtitles and they end up dubbed if the option exists so this is a no go.
The Wii as far as I can tell CAN play .mkv files but I didn't find any info regarding subtitles and multiple languages.
How do you guys do it?

>> No.5060850
File: 21 KB, 500x375, $_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy PVM 8045Q on ebay for $130
>wait 3 weeks
>messaged seller twice, no response, no news, not even marked as shipped
>what the fuck
>get refund out of nowhere
>apparently it was a shop and the account belonged to an employee who was no longer an employee and they didn't have the CRT in stock anymore
so I bought an 8044Q with fucked up colors for $70. Gonna try my hand at repairing it and if not, eh.

>> No.5060852

buy a PS3 and either use USB there (after being converted) or stream from PC to PS3 via plex or some kind of media server, or somehow get SCART output from a PC

>> No.5060853

Looks like it just needs to be degaussed.

>> No.5060858

I actually do have a PS3 too and I hoped I wouldn't have to move it from my livingroom just for this. but if it's the only way then I'll deal with it.
would have been nice if the Wii could have done it too.

>> No.5060873

ps3 just plays nicer with subtitles but may also have issues with mkv subtitles? which is why it would be best to pair it with streaming from a media server on your pc, plex app on p3 does this well and is up to date unlike any hackjob you'd find for the ps2/wii. everything is rendered on your pc and the ps3 acts as a dumb terminal. if you don't want to use your ps3 an old laptop would do as well, or hell put plex on your PC and grab a chromecast, then just find out how to hook up HDMI to the PVM and you're set.

>> No.5060878
File: 162 KB, 1264x935, wdtv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have one of these from back in the day when smart TVs weren't a thing. It supports mkv, h264, and subtitles. Nowadays I mainly use it to display test patterns.

>> No.5060881


Yep, if there aren't any magnets nearby it looks like it's permanently magnetised.

>> No.5060896

Then I think I'll look for something to connect my thinkpad to it and call it a day.
It had a VGA and mini diplay port outputs so I think I'll look for some conversion boxes online.
I need to get one anyway since I need to connect scart to it as well and I need another row of component inputs.

>> No.5060907
File: 1.96 MB, 2000x2683, DATAVEST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OG XBOX XBMC but this>>5060850 sounds easier

I'd wager XBMC has more options and file support.

>> No.5060918

i've had crts that looked like that and about 30 seconds with a degaussing coil fixed it

>> No.5060926

Small CRTs are a pain to find around here. Want to put one next to my Widescreen PC monitor so I can retro while watching something

>> No.5060930

well I don't have an OG XBOX and I wont get one just for anime, I'm not even that much of an enthusiast.
Also I think you've pointed to the wrong anon.

>> No.5060982
File: 22 KB, 500x308, vusolo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how relevant this will be to you as I know US doesn't get much satellite tv but I purchased this mother fucker (vu+ solo2 clone) over four years ago for about €180 from a chinese clone ebay seller and it's by far the best piece of electronic equipment I have ever bought in my life. The only downside is that I can't update it or the entire system will very likely "brick", components on the front fry and you have to get them fixed - it's happened to me. I even got a hard drive with it. All this time later and still more expensive to buy new than what I bought it for.

It's a satellite receiver and continues to be the most powerful and fastest twin tuner, this baby also runs linux. As stated you can't mess about with it too much since it's a clone, but you can add or remove programs. I have never come across a video file that didn't work on it. I'm not sure if it would really be worth it for someone who doesn't receive much satellite but why for people people can stick their smart tv.

Not only does it support all inputs and plug and play, and all codecs etc. you don't even have to take something you downloaded off your PC to play it. As long as you have a router once you set up sharing on it you have immediate access to all your PC files and play them on the fly. No matter how high the bitrate it never, ever, ever stutters even on 1080p. It also doesn't hog the wifi in the slightest. One life-altering use I have for it is listening to mp3 files, I just prefer playing them on my tv in my living room instead of through the speakers and there's no moving around. There's something so comfy about it. You can also do the reverse, as in if you're recording a tv show, you can have it automatically saving to the tv.


>> No.5060985


There's an amazing youtube plugin for it where I watch most of my youtube, I only don't watch it on this when I'm skipping around trying to figure what to watch. The newest browsers and all that won't work on it... but who cares, that's more of a blessing than a drawback, wasting time surfing with a remote. I also had receivers before that had slowdown before, NEVER has this happened with this.

It can do IP tv and obvious all the satellite channels and it's capable of decrypting channels - it has a hardware-based CCCam emulator for that type of decrypting (most of the Sky Channels are non-decryptable now, but lots of good ones are still decrypted like Investigation Discovery and ID+1, TLC, Animal Planet, Eden, MTV channels and some others.

Another nice feature is you can use a linux torrent client like xtransmission from the vu+ solo2 and you can control what the program downloads from your PC. I personally prefer to just use a torrent downloader on my computer since you can just "stream" it onto the vu then (I say "stream" but that shouldn't imply there's ever any slowdown).

>> No.5060989

>You can also do the reverse, as in if you're recording a tv show, you can have it automatically saving to the tv.

**** I mean you can save it to the hard drive on your PC, again just set up sharing and it goes through the wifi.

>> No.5061090

looks like a neat piece of equipment you've got there anon , but its slightly overkill for what I need.
having one to act as a hub for my media would be great tho.
i'll keep an eye out on ebay just in case something similar pops up.

>> No.5061128

Where do you live

>> No.5061229


>> No.5061292
File: 3.16 MB, 4032x3024, 00004IMG_00004_BURST20180923140245_COVER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5061305
File: 23 KB, 452x469, no funny filename i really have given up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Local arcades won't fix PVM
>Message boards don't want to do it
>Closest person who MIGHT want to do it is a 10 hour drive one way
>Fixing it myself might kill me

>> No.5061370

Do not think about death. Think about the crisp picture quality you will get!
What's wrong with it?

>> No.5061402

really dark, so probably a capacitor problem.

>> No.5061473

Is there anything plugged into the back ports, ie 75Ohm plugs

>> No.5061496
File: 52 KB, 1024x263, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would an Extron DVS-304 allow a 31khz signal to function on a 15khz only display?

>> No.5061706

>75Ohm plugs
Aren't those suppose to be there on the out ports of the PVM? I'm going to check to see, but it's in storage. If that's really the issue I'm going to feel like a complete moron.

>> No.5061873

just checked. No there's no terminators on the thing. thanks for the suggestion though.

>> No.5061891

Is the main idea behind you guys wanting CRTs for retro games avoiding input lag and shitty image on big flatscreens when using old hookups? Like, does the Super NT having HDMI inputs and what not satisfy you guys enough to play in on a modern TV, or does it go further than this.

>> No.5061898

There are a bunch of other reasons. The big one for me is motion- LCDs have unequivocally shit motion. Playing scrolling games (which are very common in /vr/) on an LCD is an awful experience. Besides the aforementioned Super NT there isn't really any way to get good motion and no input lag besides CRT.

>> No.5061912

Is there any reason to get a crt with only RF inputs.

>> No.5061913

Do you find this to still be true when it comes to releases like Genesis classics or countless older games that have made their way to current gen consoles?

I'm sure there's something to be said for having the real hardware, real controller in hand etc etc and I get that. I'm just seeing if this stuff really matters if the game is playable with HDMI inputs. I have a feeling this is stuff I just need to find out on my own anyway though.

>> No.5061951

Not really, especially when you get good quality trinitrons from the 90s and 00s for literally free because there are always still people tossing them out.

I feel bad for anyone trying to get their hands on a PVM these days though. I thought I was late to the game already when I picked one up in 2015, and that was 60 dollars shipped for a 20" PVM. I was just curious about prices now and holy fucking shit people want like 400+shipping for the equivalent, and even those shitty 9" PVMs are going for insane prices. And here I thought the genie was already long out of the bottle. I just hope my monitor never breaks down because fuck those prices.

>> No.5061954

Hey does anyone know were I can find the stand.
I have been looking on lots of sites and I do not see one for sale.

>> No.5061956

For me it goes further. It's trivial other than money to play retro on HDMI setups with minimal lag, but I like the look of CRTs better. You can't fully emulate the look even with the best shaders. You can get decent with shaders but it still doesn't look the same.

No inherent lag, and perfect for retro because it was the type of display they were made for. I'll get made fun of for this but to me CRT have more soul for playing retro or watching retro anime. I have a yuge plasma in my front room for modern video needs but I'll never be without a CRT for retro gaming.

Just FYI, I'm not shitting on emulation either, I'd rather play an emulated retro game on CRT than on a modern LCD, though my main computer I do everything has modern monitors.

2 reasons.

1-Nostalgia for how you played back in the day. NES on RF has a distinct look from composite. Some systems like Atari output only RF unless you do a babby's fist mod level mod to them.

2-The model is composite/component/svideo/rgb moddable and you like doing mods. Not RF only but I've added RGB to 3 consumer sets which didn't have it. Two had component so it was more a fun project than necessity, one had composite only but added RGB.

>> No.5061961

Yeah, especially so because these normally have bad emulators. These come with their own problems, like bad sound. There's something to be said for the smooth, lag free, blur free experience you get with original hardware+CRT. Not so much an issue if you don't play fast games to be fair.

>> No.5061970

I like doing mods but I don't know if i would want to because of it begin old. I usually don't mod something if its old because I like to keep my stuff pretty original but is a S-vid or component mod worth it.

>> No.5062084

I'll pay a premium if you sell me one of those stands by the way.

>> No.5062101

I would happily pay $400 for a 20" with rgb
how the hell did they even ship yours for $60?

>> No.5062194

Where are good places to score a cheap crt in Japan? There’s loads on Yahoo Auction but the shipping is the killer. I’m thinking of asking the elderly couple next door if they have one they can’t dispose of.

>> No.5062225

I know anon it’s crazy. I got a 14” several years ago for $50 and free shipping. Even wondered if I overpaid at the time. I’m lucky it arrived in one piece.

>> No.5062247

I was searching for monitors on ebay and some liquidators were getting rid of a bunch of old medical equipment like a PVM used for endoscopy. No one else bid for it, so I got it for 20 bucks plus 40 to ship the thing.

>> No.5062253

>I’m thinking of asking the elderly couple next door if they have one they can’t dispose of.
Put out a craigslist ad that you are willing to help dispose of TVs. Ask that they just message you a photo of the unit so you know what to bring. Its somewhat dirty, and if you have any honor, you won't lie. You could just post that you are looking for one also.

>> No.5062256
File: 102 KB, 660x1146, 1531742639666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brb buying up projector stands so I can sell them back to you fags as W@W L@@K RETRO PMV MONITOR PEDESTALS!!!1!

>> No.5062262

Two fundamental problems with that strategy:

1. The people you want to target don't use Craigslist, they don't even know it exists.

2. Why would you advertise amongst your competitors i.e. those already asking vastly inflated meme prices?

Shop window ads would be far more successful.

>> No.5062278

Go away >>>/v/ermin

>> No.5062285


>> No.5062295

Honestly, that's still the case with most liquidators and surplus auction sites. People just don't bother venturing beyond eBay. I just recently got a 14L2 and 14L5 for under $150, and that price was mostly due to the 14L5 being the best monitor on offer. Hell, there's an auction going on right now that has a multitude of PVMs selling for $10, some in lots of two.

>> No.5062319

>Two fundamental problems with that strategy:
I assumed incorrectly that craigslist was a thing. You would be suprised however. My brother got a 36" XBR the other month for free because the person didn't want it, and didn't want to pay someone to move it. That son of a bitch has an awesome TV, and I paid $20 for a 25" with svideo.

the number 2 point is for visibility. If people know you are near, they may call you to get what they think is some antiquated tv off their hands as a favor. Some people see CRTs as some old boat anchor and just want rid of it. They don't realize that there is a sub culture of nerds like us. But by the same token, I don't know how japan works....do you have a much more popular retro market?

I hope you are able to find something my friend.

>> No.5062380

it's from a camcorder
thanks for not posting the link, don't let the reseller scum catch on (the ones who haven't already)

>> No.5062382


Perhaps you could try increasing the voltage on the flyback transformer, if it would make any difference? It's usually labeled Screen (G2).

>> No.5062402

>Get free CRT.
>It's cleary been messed with.
>Deflection is all out of wack.
>Don't have the original numbers.

Niiiiiiiiice. What should I do?

>> No.5062407

If it's a consumer set then you might want to just ditch it

>> No.5062413
File: 35 KB, 500x375, 1_1_15304282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a Samsung TXS3082WH, I believe, since I haven't bothered to actually look and used my Google-Fu. I'm kinda bummed because I just got my 6th gen stuff setup for the first time.

>> No.5062424

I don't think it has been messed with. Those samsung crts are notorious for their issues. I have one at my job and the bowing on the sides is incredible. I think the chassis is nice but the electronics are pure trash.

>> No.5062426
File: 3.18 MB, 3120x4160, 1537725651267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's an HD Crt, right? In my experience with one, they're not as good as SD CRTs for even 6th gen stuff. It looks about the same level as aliasing as you would see on a modern monitor and it had input lag. Now I just use this thing. Someday I hope to get one that has 480p support though.

>> No.5062428

It is HD, yes. Not sure if 1080/720. Just got it today.

I thought something looked off, went into the actual calibration, pulled up the standard test screen and it's all wonky.

>> No.5062495

Correct; it's a TX-S2782h.

>> No.5062687

>I hope you are able to find something
At last count I had over 25 CRTs of varying quality from a 10" 12v caravan set up to a PVM-2950QM. Almost all came from eBay in the past 4 years and I never paid more than £50.

You could say it's a bit rich of me to dish out advice on how to find these things as they seem to almost fall into my lap. Britain is admittedly a different market though.

>> No.5062795

Being a PVM reseller seems like such a shit-tier business strategy. It's not like some small plastic carts that you can easily tell their condition off the bat and flip them no problem. They're these giant hulking things that are expensive and niche. Imagine being a PVM reseller with your house full of old monitors trying to sell them each for 400+100 bucks for freight shipping and getting a buyer once in a blue moon while you sit around with this junk, and then have to deal with defective equipment or stuff that broke during shipping or whatever. No thanks.

>> No.5062817
File: 374 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180924-075159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5062852

I mean for $25 you might as well.

>> No.5062868

Yeah, its just big. Been trying to find something like a 14". Found a free 24", but i think i still may hold out for something smaller.

>> No.5062921

>>Deflection is all out of wack.
Just sounds par for the course for the Slim Fit sets, to be honest.

If you can get into the service menu, might be able to get it looking a bit better though.

>> No.5062924

I spent a good 3 hours last night working on it and finally got it to actually resemble a normal test bar. So far, outside of some muddy text, it's not too bad for free. I've only looked at PS1 games on it, so I probably will try something else later.

>> No.5062974

how do you know its a slim fit set?

>> No.5063098


>> No.5063617

What do you guys think about Sanyo's? I got one, kinda like it but the picture is kinda weirdly aligned. Like if the game has writing on the top of the screen sometimes part of it is hidden under the plastic cover of the TV or something. Maybe it's something most round screens do?

>> No.5063768

Picked up a CRT for free on craigslist. It's sitting in the garage now, I'm hoping to clean it up a bit. I opened it up just to make sure it wasn't full of roach eggs, and thankfully it wasn't. Still, it has a bit of a funk to it and everything inside is coated in dust. Besides blasting it with compressed air what can I do that won't kill me? I was thinking of wiping down the plastic inside and outside with some dilute bleach too, not sure if that's a good idea or what.

>> No.5063774

>CRTs will die out
>Original carts, systems and controllers will fail
>Only shitty repros, chinese clones and LED approximations will be left to emulate the experience
Thinking about when we get to that point fills me with dread. Playing my old games on my CRT is so great and yet even as I play I know it's all finite and I'm running down that clock every time I turn my stuff on. How do you guys deal with this?

>> No.5063784

Since I got my TV for free, I don't worry about it too much.

>> No.5063791

It's not so much about the money for me as it's about the original experience ceasing to exist, permanently. I would gladly shell out the ass for CRTs and original hardware if manufacturers kept them going but that's just not going to happen unfortunately

>> No.5063837

well you could either buy plenty of spares now and store them well or start learning how to repair those things. You could do either and still be playing on original hardware when you eventually die.

>> No.5063843

there are cars from the 1910s still running today, I wouldn't worry too much

you might eventually have to pay a lot for the pleasure of using period correct equipment but it'll always be availible

>> No.5063887

>I think the chassis is nice but the electronics are pure trash.
The chassis is the electronics that drive the tube, no?

>> No.5064157
File: 3.09 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, this is what we've got. I still think it needs some fine tuning.

>> No.5064162
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>> No.5064163
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>> No.5064304
File: 1.91 MB, 1147x861, dllhost_2018-09-24_22-29-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know any good good ypbrp to rgbhv/vga transcoders? The extron cvc line is nowhere to be found and I need something that can output a 480p signal with as little lag as possible. I am aware of the CPNT2VGAA, but since its like $80 and not bnc I am still looking.

>> No.5064308
File: 2.55 MB, 3840x1081, point samples.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I doing it right?

>> No.5064481

The cheapo Mayflash one works fine, no lag

>> No.5064565

Went ahead and fixed the 14" I had, honestly I wished I could've picked up that 20 but I also plan on playing ps1 so I think this is fine

>> No.5064573

Use rgb not composite

>> No.5064596

What was wrong with it

>> No.5064643

emulator shot?

>> No.5064856

That doesn't pass my test cases.


>> No.5064946

If a crt has component does that mean it will display 480p? Found one locally but online specs show it as standard not "enhanced" definition.

>> No.5064985
File: 1.15 MB, 1920x1440, Ps2gap1440p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo /CRT/! Does someone know why the fuck my Ps2 has this huge gap to the side while my Wii looks almost fine? Both are connected with composhit for testing purposes so it's not the the one has rgb shift and the other doesn't.

>> No.5064987
File: 1.30 MB, 1920x1440, wiinogap1440p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5064996

And yes both are 4:3 Aspect ratio and also pal consoles. So both of them are 576i.

>> No.5065024

I don't feel like hooking things up to test the two (not that I even have either capable of doing PAL), but different consoles can tend to use different amounts of the raster, even at the same resolution. That's likely what's going on here.

No. Component is a higher quality signal and CAN be used to output higher resolutions, but there are loads of sets out there which are still just standard definition. With extremely few exceptions, SD is honestly preferred since the CRTs with both component and 480p(+) support are going to be adding a delay and such.

>> No.5065034

Is it possible to adjust the geometry so that they both look equal though?

>> No.5065049

Settings for that sort of thing would affect both. So long as the geometry is adjusted correctly already (squares are square, circles are round, etc), you really shouldn't worry about it too much.

>> No.5065052

Oh well guess I'll use the Wii's internal screen position setting to match it to my ps2 when I've tweaked the geometry.

>> No.5065079

>No. Component is a higher quality signal and CAN be used to output higher resolutions, but
Thank you.

>> No.5065160

Worth adding that the delay bit was in reference to the consumer TVs which have 480p available.

Pro Monitors (with an exception or two) do not apply.

>> No.5065170

Different sync timings for each console can affect it's horizontal centering.

>> No.5065295

I have this exact same problem with PS2. It's just the console, and as far as I'm aware there's nothing you can do about it except manually adjust RGB shift. Maybe worth getting RGB for that purpose alone.

>> No.5065297

>except manually adjust RGB shift. Maybe worth getting RGB for that purpose alone.

Eh what? If you use RGB then you get RGB shift. But I used composite. I have RGB cables aswell though.

>> No.5065305

Yes but lots of TVs have manual picture adjustment for when they receive an RGB signal. My Trinitrons only allow horizontal shifting when receiving an RGB signal, for example. It's not RGB that's causing the shift here, it's just the console.

>> No.5065308

I honestly didn't pay much attention when the guy told me, what I remember is that someone moved it and something broke inside that carried image to the screen so he had to fix that.

>> No.5065396
File: 9 KB, 302x225, 1390062233935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw a 20" Sony RGB monitor appeared in my area (the first time I've ever seen one locally)
>tfw I called immediately, and the guy said that someone else was already going to come get it, but that if he doesn't show then I can get it
Feels bad man. Hopefully whoever got to it before me enjoys it.

>> No.5065402
File: 125 KB, 1202x900, 1477458320915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to add: It was $25.

>> No.5065412

Where did you find it? Craigslist?

>> No.5065417

Yeah. Pretty bummed about it.

>> No.5065429

It's all about being in the right place at the right time. I found mine because somebody brought it in to surplus at a local university.

>> No.5065430
File: 59 KB, 913x900, 00o0o_3US1Y9MUaGB_1200x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the listing just got taken down because I can't find it any more but I think it was a GVM-2000, I saved two pictures of it.

>> No.5065434
File: 31 KB, 600x450, 01212_5IIAAqVqGdG_600x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5065439

Do you work at the university or did you go and ask them if they had any monitors?

>> No.5065451

That's actually a really weird monitor. It looks more like a consumer set than any other PVM I've seen, and is the only Sony one that I've seen with a VGA in. Hopefully you end up getting it anon.

>> No.5065453

I work there and somebody just brought them in one day. They actually still have a few there but I don't want more. Mostly because most of them are smaller than what I have

>> No.5065454

What university, if I may ask? Maybe I'm nearby.

>> No.5065457

There are some others, but they're not terribly common. The GVM 2020 for one.

Not to make things any worse, but it's also a "true multisync" monitor. 15khz-36khz, so you'd be able to do 400p one it too.

>> No.5065463

480p, rather.

Though I suppose for the time, 400p would be appropriate as well.

>> No.5065465
File: 2.81 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20180925_111646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Utah Valley University and these are the monitors they have here

>> No.5065478

I'm 500 miles away. Too bad, that JVC looks pretty nice.
Oof. That made it worse.

>> No.5065481

Thank you for sharing the picture with me though, I appreciate the kindness.

>> No.5065484

I've actually tested that JVC and it had a few minor problems. You could tell on the bottom right that it had the letters "TV" burnt into it and a small patch on the top right had the colors off. Like if the screen was pure blue, a small patch would be purple. No clue about the small ones though, I never bothered. I got a different one than these which I brought home

>> No.5065515

When switching to certain consoles it's gonna a throw the alignment out of wack. When I go from my SNES to my PS2 I always have to readjust

>> No.5065697
File: 3.77 MB, 4608x3456, 15379040776701342507769949567176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the stand and the tv for free. Did I score? Sorry for the shitty phone picture

>> No.5065705

saw the same ad here in Denver. We had a huge internet fight on /r/crtgaming because someone was doing "research" by putting up PVMs for cheap just to see how many and how fast other people in the area replied.

>> No.5065706

I'm Denver as well, I'm quite convinced this one was real. I spoke on the phone with the guy that listed it. Had a Denver area code, too.

>> No.5065708

oh well....want a fv300 instead?


>> No.5065713

or search for "sony console television" on facebook marketplace in colorado springs for a 36FV300 for $27

>> No.5065717

I think I'm going to pick it up Thursday, actually :)
Been talking with the guy that listed it since this morning. Just waiting to hear when works for him for me to come by. The other one is just one of those woulda-coulda-shoulda things, you know? I only found one completed listing ever on eBay for one of those Sony GVMs, and it sold for like $1,750. And that was a 14", not a 20" like what showed up today. Whoever nabbed that has got to be over the moon.
36 is too big for me, I don't have much space.

>> No.5065720

I've actually got an extra 27FV300 that I'm too lazy to post for sale. You always get shit for cleaning one up and posting it on craigslist for like $40-80 even though someone immediately wants it because learning all these obsolete models is too dense and they just want to play old fighting games.

>> No.5065749

Idiot, call back and offer $50 or $100. Don't let that other dude get it for $25.

>> No.5065752

For lack of a better thread to ask in:

I have a pair of these official Sony S-Video cables. They fit perfectly fine in my PS2 Slim but feel VERY tight in my PSOne (I'm sharing one cable between the two). It's to the point that I worry I'm going to fuck up the AV port one of these times when I pull the thing out.

What's the safest method for ever-so-slightly reducing the thickness of the metal connector without damaging the connection or signal quality? Sanding it a little bit? Bending it in the middle?

>> No.5065757
File: 185 KB, 1280x825, Sony-Playstation-3-Official-UK-S-VIDEO-CABLE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my pic.

>> No.5065762

Why would you need to swap between the two, if you have a PS2 slim?

>> No.5065765

Because PS2's emulation of a PS1 has some issues and I'd like to be playing on real hardware. It's also WAY easier to play backups on a PS1.

>> No.5065768

it's gone. I texted in the morning as well. The ad was taken down hours ago

>> No.5065771

Not if you have an early PS2 slim, but even if you have a late slim, It's still good for most ps1 games. Disc swapping is easy on a slim in general though. You just need to tape over some sensors or something

>> No.5065775

It's still partial emulation though and my autism demands the real deal.

>> No.5065780

Try to track down a 7000 slim if you can. It would make things easier on you

>> No.5065787
File: 1.36 MB, 2560x1920, Grendel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is my basement but I don't get a chance to hang out there pretty much ever anymore

>> No.5065793

>5 Xbox HUEGs
for what purpose?

>> No.5065809

But you have time to post on /vr/ all the time?

>> No.5065943

So you're the one holding hostage all the NA Dreamcasts

>> No.5065947

Have you ever thought about not buying retro videogames and instead investing that money into your basement?

>> No.5065948
File: 558 KB, 1520x1138, 1495508449989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5065956

27 or 36

>> No.5066349


>> No.5066556

There are only three NA Dreamcasts?

>> No.5066664

I sure hope you have fire insurance. Good god. Now all your posting makes sense to me.

>> No.5066685

thanks bro super cool to really dig into

>> No.5066878

Any requests for photos/videos of specific games?

>> No.5067459

Mate, an Arcade VGA card is nothing but an old AMD/ATi graphics card with some slight modifications. You'd be fine slapping it to your mobo, but more than likely you can get a normal old AMD card like the 5850 and just slap 15KHz drivers on it.

>> No.5067814
File: 956 KB, 897x1594, 20180926_153350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of CRT is this?

>> No.5067951

Really bad picture, and you're asking a lot for so little information, but it's got an aperture grille. That's all I got for you.

>> No.5068019

Super Neckbeardio Bros

>> No.5068139

Is there anything specific I should be looking for when buying a computer monitor to play old DOS games?

>> No.5068190
File: 1.64 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0491[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On this 20" sony crt I still have a color purity problem in the top right corner when displaying pure blue, a little on pure red/green but not on white.

I bought a nice degaussing wand and it didn't fix the issue.

If I rotate the set the purple goes from the top left, to the bottom leftish. Will putting convergence strips fix this? Or would I have to rotate the yoke. I haven't touched the purity or convergence rings.

Not really a high priority to fix this but more a learning experience. I got this from goodwill like 8 years ago and its always had that top left purple discoloration.

>> No.5068209
File: 933 KB, 2448x2448, IMG_0496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sorry meant top left, not top right.

Crappy picture here

>> No.5068219

I think what you have to do is push the yolk forward or backward to get the correct purity for each color
this video https://youtu.be/QNtsTKVPO7I is pretty good, try skipping around to parts that seem relevant

>> No.5068375

>Britain is admittedly a different market though.
I think that is a major component of it. There is a real disconnect in the USA from old people trying to get rid of a big old CRT tv....They don't care what it is, what it is worth, but they know its old, and doesn't work with their new satellite receiver. If there was a booming retro market, they may be more scarce. We have a consignment furniture shop nearby, and they have CRTs in tons of sizes and shapes. They sit for YEARS. They have stuff ranging in size from small to what looks like a 32"+ .... My console tv that I picked up from them sat in there for 5 years or more. I know this because I sold some furniture through them, and commented that it looked just like my grandmother's "newest" tv before she passed away. 5 years later, there it still sat. Price: Offer.

>Ill give you $20 for your 25" console tv

They loaded it into the car for me even. I could have offered $5 and I think they still would have loaded it into the car. They were glad to have floor space opened up.

>They fit perfectly fine in my PS2 Slim but feel VERY tight in my PSOne
Now that you mention it, that was something I always noticed. My svideo cable is very tight in the PSX. I don't know that I would do anything about it, but I don't unplug it unless I am moving. Get another svideo cable, and a system selector, and you won't have to worry about ruining anything. The connectors on the systems have a finite number of times something can be plugged in before it breaks.

>> No.5068438

A Royale ;-)

>> No.5068681
File: 1002 KB, 1609x875, just.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ, there's nothing good AND affordable in this mess, all I want is a replacement lads

>> No.5068762

200 for a 14" BVM is a great deal if it works okay

>> No.5068932

200 for a 14" BVM isn't bad at all, especially since no shipping costs if they're local and you can pick it up.
Never unironically pay for a consumer CRT though. The people selling those things on CL are just boomers who think they can still get 20 bucks out of their old sets they're going to throw away regardless. Just find a listing for someone with a trinitron and say you won't buy it, but you'll take it off their hands if they're looking to get rid of it.

>> No.5069050

ArcadeVGA does have the advantage of doing 15kHz modes in BIOS and DOS if that matters to you, although there's the Atom-15 project that can do that as a video BIOS mod on some AMD cards now too.

>> No.5069051

The panysanic looks interesting.

>> No.5069534

I don't know what you are looking for specifically, but If you have second hand stores, they would be my first pick. We have a number of "Salvation Army" stores and some do get better CRTs then others. Also, look for consignment furniture stores. Consumer sets can be had for $20-30. Take your phone, or be aware of what you want for connections. I tend to snatch up every component crt I find for resale. If you were local, I would sell you my samsung 20" on the cheap. Something tells me you are not looking for consumer sets however.

>> No.5069550

Those are good. 240p content looks best on a consumer slot mask tube with composite video. PVMs don't look any different from OLEDs.

>> No.5069558

this cope

>> No.5069560

It looks like a really shitty shader.

That 28" sharp is a very nice shadow mask. It looks like mine which has s-video and also component, as well as composite. Honestly it looks damn good.

>> No.5069857

>It looks like a really shitty shader.
So it's not just me? I'm >>5067951 and I was very close to saying it looked like a shitty attempt to fake a CRT, like someone used the wobbly glass filter in Photoshop or something. I didn't end up posting that because I thought I might have been being overly suspicious of some guy who was just really bad at taking pictures. Guess I'm not the only one that thought it looked like a filter, though.

>> No.5069865

I put my color calibrated PVM on the side of my UHD Samsung.
Why does a 20yo tube have better colours?

>> No.5069918

never got an answer, but I opened it up and cleaned it out some. Turned it back on and had a nice purple vignette effect going on. There's no options in the menu to degauss it, and I didn't really mess with the circuit board too much since I don't really know anything about that sort of thing. Anyway, I found a part of it had exploded, or something. The schematic says it's the "degaussing thermistor", and it just looks like a little metal wafer sandwiched between two wires on the board. It's fucked now and I don't know how to solder. Is this set just fucked now or is there some work around to this? I can't read the numbers on the wafer and the schematic doesn't really give a part number or anything.

>> No.5069926

Why didn't you test it before you took it home

>> No.5069927

>and the schematic doesn't really give a part number or anything.
Are you sure you know how to read that schematic? Any service manual should have every part number in it.

>> No.5069934
File: 1.42 MB, 3264x1836, 1507904819248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting on /vr/ is not something that takes much time

I don't buy retro video games but no, my basement is not someplace I consider investing money. I am remodeling the attic though.

Of course I have fire insurance. I'm sure that guy with all the melted NES games did too although as I said in that thread, that'd be one unhappy claims adjuster.

>> No.5069942

It was free so it didn't really matter. I guess it worked fine before I opened it up, turned on and didn't have the purple around the fuzz.
I think I might've found the part. But it's like $15, I was hoping there would be some work around. Is the TV safe to use with that bit missing? Can I degauss it some other way and it'll go back to normal?

This replacement I found seems to be dipped in plastic or epoxy I guess, the one in my TV was just bare, two wires sticking out and I guess soldered to this metal disc. Is that normal or maybe it burned off the plastic at some point in the past.

>> No.5069960

>Is that normal or maybe it burned off the plastic at some point in the past.
Yeah, it definitely burned off the plastic. No thermistor should be bare.
>Is the TV safe to use with that bit missing?
Yes, but your internal degausser is shot.
>Can I degauss it some other way and it'll go back to normal?
Yes, you can buy a degaussing coil and use that (if you choose to do this, get educated on how to do it properly so you don't ruin the TV entirely and fry the coil), but you might find out that there's something else going on and end up having to degauss every time you turn it on. Not fun, and a waste of time and electricity.
I'd say get rid of the TV. To repair this thing, you'd have to buy a soldering iron and solder and flux, learn to solder, buy a $15 part, replace the part, and only then you'd get to figure out whether it was just that part that broke, or something more. Chances are, that thing didn't explode randomly. It probably exploded because it received way too much current from whatever else it's connected to. And if that's the case, your new $15 part will explode shortly after you turn on the TV again.
Save yourself a lot of trouble and take it to an electronics recycler. Going to all the trouble of repairing something like this might be worth it for a PVM or BVM or other professional monitor, but there's zero reason to do it when you can just grab another consumer CRT that actually works for free(and test it first this time).

>> No.5069980

>that'd be one unhappy claims adjuster.
Imagine being the adjuster assigned to his claim and having to delve into the world of autism surrounding our obsession with old plastic carts for kids toys from decades ago.

>> No.5070018

i went the repair route. I try to pick up things and tinker with them. maybe some faggot will be paying me to recap and adjust his trinicon one day for $300.

I did have a head start since i've been running/repairing my own neo geo cab since the 2000s. Just know this, the shit inside them will kill you. Make sure you read up on what to do and do not stick metal shit in them while they're running. there will be times when you have to bop things and look at stuff while they're running. always use plastic tools and keep one hand out/behind your back.

>> No.5070045

I'm getting ready to buy a SNES, but I don't have an old TV like this.

I have a 52" HD TV lel. How fucking shit is that going to look?

I'm not a major nostalgiafag chasing the "authentic" experience.

>> No.5070131

Why are people still falling for the Trinitron meme?

>> No.5070148

It will be unplayable. it will double every line to fill in scanlines, and the lag on a modern tv will be unbearable

>> No.5070151

name 1 (one) advantage a shadow mask has over an aperture grille besides personal aesthetic choice

>> No.5070153

You should probably just get a Super NT if you're only going to be playing SNES games on an HDTV.

>> No.5070161

The worst part is having to deal with severe input delay in games designed for instant input response

>> No.5070237


no aperture grill mask support in the middle of the screen

>> No.5070248

Depends on your TV and if you have something like an OSSC. I'd just emulate if I were you

>> No.5070254

ok, now should I list the advantages AG has over SM?

>> No.5070257

Shadow masks can blend colors together somewhat better too, but go ahead

>> No.5070260

the advantage is it's made by sony :^)

>> No.5070457

>I'm getting ready to buy a SNES, but I don't have an old TV like this.
>I'm not a major nostalgiafag chasing the "authentic" experience.
Have you thought about the SNES mini? Honestly you sound like the perfect candidate for one of them. I don't mean that in an insulting way either. I hear they have HDMI, and work great on LCDs.

>> No.5070892

this. if youre not after an authentic experience then may aswell go for the more modern option

>> No.5070937

or just use a free emulator. Literally no reason to buy one of those overpriced emulator boxes

>> No.5071313

What's the best way to hook up a console that's RF-only like an Atari to a PVM? Dig out a VCR or DVD recorder and run it through that?

>> No.5071321

Modding RF consoles for better output is often an option; I don’t know a lot regarding Atari specifically but I think 2600s can be at least composite modded. Otherwise yes.

>> No.5071338

Are you fucking kidding me? Having a SNES is not about "an authentic experience", it's about having an actual snes and not a less accurate replicate that tries to emulate it. Putting it into a non-laggy HDTV is not ideal but a lot better than using an emulator.

>> No.5071345

It's literally not. Input lag you would get from scaling and low quality connections would certainly give you a worse experience than using an emulator. SNES emulation is basically perfect too.

>> No.5071509

>a 52" HD TV lel. How fuckin

Probably like dogshit. Just buy an analog super nt or an AVS. Both will run on hdmi without jumping through the hoops you'll have to jump through to get a nice picture. Second cheap option is getting an old crt.

>> No.5071998

I have a 14 inch jvc pvm but the screen won’t stop scrolling vertically, it has a v hold knob but I can’t get it to sit. I posted a video as an example but does anyone know of a possible fix? https://youtu.be/s9_-x5Q9Jl8

>> No.5072038

Is external sync disabled?

>> No.5072048
File: 1.46 MB, 3264x2448, 8E762E99-4C36-4AA7-A86A-B1D46BF6D9A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not to sure, for more information here’s a picture of the model and I’m running my nes to it through composite video then bnc cables. It seems to get worse with movement.

>> No.5072056

>Are you fucking kidding me?
No, I first suggested this:
And yes if you are looking to buy an SNES, and all you have is an HDTV, I would suggest an SNES mini, and IF your tv has component input perhaps even a Wii.

If you want an "authentic" experience get rid of the HD tv, but what you are saying has nothing to do with who I am quoting.

>I'm not a major nostalgiafag chasing the "authentic" experience.

Right here anon specifies that he is not looking for "authentic" experience. Might as well get the best thing for an HD tv.

>> No.5072127
File: 122 KB, 310x420, 1495508293143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any NYC anons able and willing to do some geometry correction on a consumer Toshiba set? I'd pay of course.

>> No.5072146

>Might as well get the best thing for an HD tv.

Which is a SNES. You're dumb. There are scalers like frame meister that are practically instant out there. If his TV is that shitty then it's likely going to lag during the game anyway.

>> No.5072195

Do people forget that the Framemeister costs $400? You could get a pro CRT or a Super NT for half of that price.

>> No.5072214

Isn't ifixretro out of new York? Ask them.

>> No.5072268

>You're dumb.
You are showing your lack of literacy and comprehension, and attacking me?

I am not talking about what every autistic /vr/ nerd spends their shekels on. I was talking to someone who has stated that they don't care about authentic experience. You are talking about spending hundreds of shekels on exactly what he is trying to avoid. Yes, what you are suggesting works great, but to a casual gamer it is irrelevant. You can get mad all you want, but for someone like that, there are much better options then purchasing an additional scaler. A snes mini will output HDMI without issue, and it can be "hacked" and games can be added. A wii can do the same thing, and more. Casual gamers get casual toys.

>> No.5072292

Only way to fix is go into your service menu and adjust whatever setting it was HPOS on my Trinitron. Ps2 sucks like that. I found I wasn't missing much important on the left side with the wii afterwards anyways

>> No.5072362 [DELETED] 
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Yes? Newfag to CRT bullshit.

Not concerned about the screen's size.

>> No.5072371
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>> No.5072865
File: 1.53 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked up this old piece of shit at the tip shop for 16.50 dollarydoos and I love it. Telefunken TTV2131. Dunno what size and it's not a trinitron clone I don't think, made in 2002. The phosphors aren't aligned.

>> No.5072946

Just got a 14" Sony PVM and a 20" Gantz production monitor for $66

>> No.5072984


does it have SCART and/or component?

>> No.5072989

Doesn't OSSC cost half that or less? I agree with your overall point though.

>> No.5073080


There's also Retrotink 2X which is even cheaper.

>> No.5073261
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>> No.5073274
File: 200 KB, 447x453, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw want a decent sized crt for muh laserdiscs and retro games
>tfw live in a area where people are still giving away loads of them for free
>tfw no real place to put it in my house

>> No.5073393
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Thoughts on this dark patch? I think it's magnetized, not screen burned. Internal degausser doesn't seem to impact it, but it's got a dark-light-dark pattern to it when the tube is warming up and the degausser is going.

>> No.5073427

Pulling shot out of my ass
Because there is no distortion on the screen to speak of, I think it seems like phosphor damage

>> No.5073620

Ah, shoot. That probably means there's nothing I can do for it, right?

>> No.5073695
File: 3.93 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this came in and there’s literally nothing wrong with it
Thanks ebay

>> No.5073696

you'd also need to add a transcoder

>> No.5073729
File: 1.72 MB, 3825x2969, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any sort of trinitron service menu options to improve my situation? I've got this great HD Trinitron, pic related, but for whatever fucking reason it doesn't have scanlines. However, everything else about it is great, it's also a 34 inch, I don't wanna have it sit idle. It's great for 480p content, but what could I do to improve 240p?

>> No.5073742

There's your problem
There are too many lines for 240p to resolve scanlines to your eye. Those work differently than non-HD CRTs

>> No.5073750


I'm aware that HD CRTs aren't nearly as good as SDs for 5th gen and below, but surely something can be done to make image quality look decent. I've read about some combing filter options in the service menu that supposedly improve the quality, though I don't know enough about it.

>> No.5073768

HD CRTs are really only good for 6th gen vidya and the Wii. They don't properly display 240p but 480p games look EXCELLENT.

>> No.5073779

Emulate on PC and have it output 480p. Its always going to suck for real 240p.

>> No.5073787
File: 806 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing mega man 8 on ps3 via component 480i
>no scanlines
Am I retarded?
Is it because it’s a HR model at 8”? (8044Q)

>> No.5073821
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If you're going to go that route, 540p would be preferable.

480i isn't going to give you scanlines, and even with that 450TVL set, the likelihood of being able to make out scanlines from 240p is going to be low.

>> No.5073826
File: 43 KB, 700x88, WHy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing mega man 8


>> No.5073840

they aren't even good for 6th gen and wii. They just suck in every way. Maybe they're good for 1080i but I don't have a good recollection of that being the case.

ps3 doesn't do 240p so you'll never get blank lines.

>> No.5073849

In my experience with an HD CRT, it's not that good for 6th gen either. It looked about as aliased as it would on a modern TV to me and it still had input lag. I now have my 6th gen stuff hooked up to an SD CRT and it looks better.

>> No.5073852


Looks like you didn't properly use component cables or activated progressive scan. 480p looks fucking great on them, niggers. Whereas SDs can't display them and it will look like shit in any modern tv.

>> No.5073957

Nah, no SCART, but it accepts Composite and Component, with bonus S-Video.

>> No.5073975

480p is upscaled and looks like ass. Not all HD CRTs had a progressive display option at all.

>> No.5073985

What's the best place to go for information on fixing CRT geometry and stuff through the service menus? In particular on my trinitron wega I have this problem where the colors are misaligned at the side. So if there's supposed to be a white line, there will also be a red shadow on one side and a blue shadow on the other, like for some shitty colored 3D glasses or something. Can this be fixed without going full autismo placing magnets in the back manually?

If not it's not the end of the world. I have a nice 20" PVM I use most of the time, but I still like having something as an alternative/backup.

>> No.5074116

Can anyone redpill me on what the fuck a VTR connection is and whether or not RGB is available through it?

>> No.5074740

If it's marked as VTR, it's not RGB. It's meant for Composite Video + Mono Audio from a "Video Tape Recorder".

The connector is in a few occasions used for Digital RGB (RGBI), but will be marked as such.

>> No.5074752

oh well. yet another seemingly worthwhile monitor thats actually garbage because it doesnt have the right inputs

>> No.5074815

>What's the best place to go for information on fixing CRT geometry and stuff through the service menus?
I have found quite a bit of Factory Service menus for both cars and televisions on the internets. I know when I had to calibrate my GDM, it was a nightmare, but once i figured it out it was fine. I was a bit more in depth then the service menus however. If you have a corner convergence issue, and the rest of the screen looks great, it may require a magnet. Open it up and see if there was a magnet taped on that corner, and see if the bugger mayby fell off. It is hard to say without seeing it and trouble shooting it.

>> No.5074821

What model?

>> No.5075078
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How the fuck should I connect my PC to my PVM? (8045q)
My GPU supports 240p (15khz) and 480i outputs (GTX 960) but only has HDMI and DVI.
Every site says something different in terms of the adapters I would need. Some guy on reddit was saying how I'd need an active HDMI to VGA converter and then a passive VGA to BNC cable, but that doesn't seem like it would work and I don't want to throw $40 at something for it to not work.
I AM LOST /crt/

>> No.5075083

>and DVI
That should be DVI-I; Which has the pins necessary for VGA on it. You'd just need a simple passive adapter to connect it to a VGA -> BNC cable.

>> No.5075086

Also potentially a sync combiner. I don't know if there's a way to get an Nvidia GPU to output CSync on H like there is with ati/AMD GPUs.

>> No.5075091

In that case, would a VGA -> YPbPr/Component cable work? Or does it need to have external sync?

>> No.5075117
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Or would one of these work?
I'm retarded when it comes to this shit.

>> No.5075126

As a quick and dirty method, yes, but it's not proper. Improperly pushing the two together can lead to damaging something.

If there were a way to get it to output RGsB for sync on green, something like that would work, but I don't believe either are capable of doing internal sync.

>> No.5075130
File: 5 KB, 449x26, Screenshot_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may have found my answer and while ~$50 total, it seems that chain this is what works for Nvidia cards.

>> No.5075137


If it's a full transcoder yes, just a cable no.

Extron box is easier than cheaper than going via SCART https://www.ebay.com/itm/Extron-RGB-160xi-Universal-Interface-With-ADSP/291900495744?hash=item43f6a01780:g:LY0AAOSw4shX9VNN

>> No.5075149

Does anyone in this thread own a Sony WEGA HD CRT television with a Super Fine Pitch tube?

>> No.5075151

>Extron box

>> No.5075318

I have an xbr 800, 40 inch HDCRT, what is your question?

>> No.5075325
File: 2.38 MB, 2880x2160, 20180930_171120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I fix this shit? My tv doesn't have an option to move the image to the sides

>> No.5075327

HD crt's can ONLY output their native resolution; for multiformat (multi resolution) displays you need a professional monitor. This means that when you feed it 240p it will upscale to 1080i no matter what. To "fix" it would require a dedicated upscaler which you could program to maintain scanlines

>> No.5075346

Is it set to 16:9?

>> No.5075363
File: 161 KB, 396x454, enough pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PVM prices have quadrupled over the past few years
>every listing on every site is plastered with PVM PROFESSIONAL VIDEO MONITOR RGB SCART RETRO GAMING tags
>more and more impossible to find true surplus stock of these things
>shitty 8 inchers now going for what 20 inch boxes used to cost
>even halfway decent consumer models are now getting snatched up and going for money when people used to beg you to take them off their hands

Give me someone to blame for this shit.

>> No.5075367


Youtubers and zoomers.

>> No.5075371
File: 1.26 MB, 1062x592, What do you think.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5075378

The absolute cancer over at r/crtgaming. Just looking through that place sickens me. People unironically paying the youtube prices of a grand + tip for a PVMeme so they can post their picture albums of it for r*ddit gold. And then them all creaming themselves over spending 100 bucks on fucking trinitrons and WEGAs that until now I would just drive around, pick up off the side of the road or free from CL, and bring them home to test out. Bunch of fucking morons. Same sort of people that cause things like limited edition pack-in releases of ninty consoles/handhelds to balloon up to hundreds and hundreds of dollars. Resellers get away with it because morons with no self control can't help themselves.

>> No.5075385

They only did one episode on CRTs though. Most of their content seems to be about upscalers and HDTVs. Phonedork has always been the go-to source for PVM info, and he put out most of his vids long before the insane craze took off.

>> No.5075396

They mention them a whole lot in their other videos too. The best console video output ones

>> No.5075458

On top of that, imagine living in a state where 100,000$+ is still poverty. PVM resellers are fucking trash and dumb as fuck.

>> No.5075472

Are they all hipsters in williamsburg brooklyn NYC hoarding monitors in their tiny studio apartments?

>> No.5075482
File: 187 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20180930-140044_Facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm considering getting a center speaker, and I was looking at Klipsch since it matches my LR and Subwoofer. Problem is, only place I could have it is directly ontop my PVM2030.

The spec Sheet for the r-25c says it is magnetically shielded, but do you think its sufficient enough?

>> No.5075503

That'd actually be a Hi-Scan set, not SFP.

>over spending 100 bucks on fucking trinitrons and WEGAs that until now I would just drive around, pick up off the side of the road or free from CL
With the exception of a few notable exceptions, that portion is pretty off. Even what could be considered reasonable prices ($20-ish) depending on the set can get shit on rather often. "If it's not a PVM, it should be free!"

The previous sentence fits pretty close though.

>> No.5075582

I'm not saying that's typical, but I have seen it from sperglords on other places who are so desperate to get in on the CRT meme that they'll wave around handfuls of cash for trinitrons that everyone else will just be patient and get for free a little while later.

I really shouldn't complain. I've had a nice PVM for some time now. It just sucks seeing how ridiculous things have gotten and how things have totally reversed. Getting a PVM used to be the cheap alternative to forking over a ton of cash for a framemeister. Now PVMs are the ridiculously expensive option and getting a framemeister or OSSC is the cheap option.

>> No.5075617
File: 151 KB, 954x1351, mitsubishi-electric-pro-930sb-page1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been eyeing the vga mistubishi 930sb / nec fp912sb for a while now.

Would be real easy to hookup to my computer bcus I have dvi-i. The guy who is selling it actually has two of them and I am more than willing to buy them both. My only question is how to laglessly and accessibly get a ypbpr signal such as the wii on it.

I have an composite / s video decoder from inline which is vga/dbus out which should take care of consoles like that. Also I have 3 vga distribution amps (extron da4xi) for some reason too. idk if those would help in any way regarding cleaning up syncs and stuff.

I've read every page of Kadano's perfect setup guide on smashboaeds regarding melee on vga crt's but at the moment the lagless options like the extron cvc line are not up anywhere. The startech converter on amazon is seemingly fine, but expensive and supposedly of lesser quality than the extron equivalent.

help me out so my gf doesnt leave me bcus of my incessant ebay searches and posts on 4chan about my autistic interests.

tl;dr: me want ypbpr/yuv/wii component to turn into a seperate h/v sync signal such as rgbhv/dbus/hd15/vga without lag but i am impatient and growing ever aggressive. The catch is I have no desire to spend a lot nor I am willingness to spend 5 minutes replacing a capacitor on a mayflash vga005.

>> No.5075626

Blame yourself. You're as interested in old crts as we all are, supply and demand along with people literally recycling them or throwing them in the trash causes them to go up in price.

If there's interest the price will rise period. Someday you'll thank the hipsters and youtubers for the fact that any of these still exist. Sure, you'll have to pay out the ass for them but they will be around. If it weren't for collectors and nostalgia lovers they would all be used for target practice or taking up room in the landfill. The AVERAGE CONSUMER has trashed their CRT a decade ago. You're just seeing stuff from kids rooms, basements, and guest rooms and old people who don't like wasting things being set on the curb now. Get them while you can, it's not 2004 any longer. In another 10 years you might see two a year on the curb. I used to see about 6 a month on the curb 3-4 years ago. Now I'm lucky to see 2 a month on the curb. Check after tax time, poorfags and oldfags often upgrade then.

>> No.5075658

Garo transcoder

>> No.5075695
File: 21 KB, 450x450, 5f2fc575-26b9-49f7-a7eb-73a993ba0a95_1.119202d28015b45056ae616cf5988529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a newer Sony Trinitron with Component. What would be the best way to connect a newer device with HDMI to through component? I just want to get the best possible picture result, or else I would just get a HDMI to s-video converter and call it a day. Should I do hdmi to VGA and then get one of the cables in the picture, or is there just a converter box that'll do it properly. I got a hdmi to component box before and it didn't work properly with the TV. Thanks for any help!

>> No.5075713

Is it a standard definition set?

>> No.5075717

Yeah. It's got component, but its SD

>> No.5075723
File: 3.93 MB, 5472x3648, DSC05340s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I agree completely on that.

It's both hilarious and horrifying thinking of that $500 FS320.

>> No.5075731

Mine looks almost exactly like the one in this picture, except mine doesnt say wega in the corner it says trinitron. I would just take a picture of mine but it's in storage right now until I move next week.

>> No.5075734
File: 15 KB, 400x300, s-l400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should probably actually post the picture...

>> No.5075747

Im picking up a 20M2MDU and apparently it gets a slight discoloration that shows up on the bottom right.

What could it be and I wonder if I can fix it.

>> No.5075762

Purity error in all likelihood.

Might be able to deal with it by adjusting landing in the service menu, might have to open it up and poke around at the rings/bit of magnet fun.

You'd need something that scales in order to go HDMI to Component. If you went HDMI to VGA, you'd need both something capable of scaling the image down to 480i that the set can handle, and also something to actually turn said VGA(RGBHV) into YPbPr. That cable does nothing except route the existing signals into 3RCA connectors; Only thing that might actually support that kind of setup would be a projector or similar.

HDMI to S-Video wouldn't be as nice, but it'd absolutely be simpler. Pretty much any route you go is going to reduce your image quality and introduce some delay, with the exception of getting a PC outputting low enough resolution and passing that through a transcoder.

>> No.5075809
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Question isn't exactly CRT specific, but I figure you guys are the best to ask. I recently picked up a VGA cable for my dreamcast to play it on a computer monitor in 480p after having used a shitty composite signal for so long. However, when using the VGA cable, I have a vertical jailbar effect going across the screen. These were just cheap 15 dollar cables off amazon, so I figured I'd try one of those VGA boxes instead. So I bought one of those retrobit VGA boxes, and it had the same effect. I've tried it on a variety of (LCD) monitors, and they all produce the subtle jailbar effect.

So I returned the box and got my money back, but I'm just not sure what's going on here. Is this a I issue? I haven't seen much info on this happening with anyone else. I unfortunately don't have any CRT PC monitors to test this out on to see if the issue is only with LCDs, and I guess it could also be some defect with my dreamcast itself, but I don't have another DC to compare it to and check for differences. I've also tried simple stuff like cleaning contacts, and that hasn't helped. Has anyone had a similar experience?

>> No.5075813

Photos are better than words for this sort of thing, assuming you still have one of the cables/boxes.

>> No.5075817
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>but I have seen it from sperglords on other places who are so desperate to get in on the CRT meme that they'll wave around handfuls of cash for trinitrons that everyone else will just be patient and get for free a little while later.
You touched on 2 points, and are 100% correct. Being at the right place and the right time will get you a great CRT for little to no $$$$. It is not hard, and I don't mind not having a trinitron CRT tv. My shopping methods are different, and I have been trying to find the newest CRT I can above 20". Found a 2004 25" ($20) that works great, and seems barely used. Its just a zenith, but the picture looks great as far as I am concerned (pic related). The other part of the problem is that "sperglord" buyers just looking for memes. I am always amazed what sort of polarity exists on craigslist, and am sure it happens elsewhere. A "Free come take it" listing right next to an identical set that someone wants $150+ for. When I see a listing title saying "RETRO GAME CRT", I don't bother clicking on it. The poster of that listing is a total dope, and will not listen to reason. The only person he will sell that unit to is another idiot. Perhaps they didn't grow up with CRTs and don't know that a Samsung tv is the same thing as SAMSUNG 20" RETRO GAMING CRT. I am not paying for the wording of the listing. Also, I don't trust them because they are selling something that is not good in their mind. If they think it is worth more then market value ($20-50 Max /everytime) it only means they have a better set they are using now. Obviously I am talking about consumer sets. I don't want/need a pvm. That market seems all about right place/right time as well.

I prefer to buy/pickup from people who just don't want CRTs, and think you get a more honest experience.

>> No.5075824

Unfortunately I don't have the ability to take pictures right now. It's just a simple vertical jailbar effect, most apparent on solid colors (for example, the white background of the dreamcast startup). Wiggling the cable around doesn't change anything.

>> No.5075859

Exactly, it's all about waiting for the right moment and having some patience rather than being a low-time-preference nigger who dumps a fuckton of money for immediate satisfaction, which inadvertently fucks up the market for everyone else too.

For example, I've had all my consoles from my childhood. I got back into them around 2013, but they all looked a lot worse than I remembered. So first I go to my parents house and dig around in the basement and find the old semi-portable 10" CRT/DVD player combo with 1 composite input. Acceptable, but I keep my eye out for an upgrade. Eventually I find out a 90s 21" trinitron with s-video input is being tossed out curbside a few blocks away. So I go pick that up. It's got some geometry problems and ghosting from old phosphors, but it's a massive step up. Few months go by and eventually I find out someone is giving away an early 2000s 24" model trinitron with a component inputs. So I pick that one up and things are looking really good. By this time I've heard about PVMs, and they're not too expensive yet but shipping costs are still a bitch. Every so often I look through ebay and other sites at PVMs to see if anything catches my eye that's worth it. See a few people offloading PVMs on craigslist, but they don't respond when I try contacting. More time passes and I end up stumbling upon an olympus medical monitor on ebay for dirt cheap. I guess it was just that they didn't put the right keyword tags in and had the auction ending in the morning instead of night or didn't have a ton of information so purchasing it would be a gamble, but I went for it. 20" PVM with all the right hookups, IIRC 80 bucks shipped halfway across the country. Not too shabby.

I got super fucking lucky with that, but the point is that I waited a good long time waiting for a deal to pop up. Meanwhile, these redditniggers hear about PVMs and then immediately go to ebay and shell out literally $1,000+ to have it immediately.

>> No.5075937

You think something like this would do what I'm looking for? Looks like it's got a resolution button so I could scale the image into 480i like I need

>> No.5075952

Is it normal for PS1's to produce very audible sound from the composite cables in terms of both sound and picture? I had a weird issue the other day with my PS1 that I thought might be the CRT going, but my AV Famicom and SNES via SVIDEO had no issues. I might try the cables that came with my ps3 to see if that helps vs the ones that came with the PS1, but I thought I'd ask if it was a common issue people see with this system.

>> No.5076028

In that pic yes but if I set it to 4:3 or full screen I just lose a piece of screen in the bottom and right side.

>> No.5076062

Does a crt "mask" the poor visuals early 3d games had?

>> No.5076150

If better quality cabling didn't seem to change it much next suspect would be a noisy power supply.

>> No.5076153

Yep, that looks like it'd be fine for 480i.

>> No.5076158
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What's the difference between a PVM-20M2MDU & PVM-20M4U? I have the chance to buy either of these for the same price but I can't tell what the letters in the code names mean. At 10:25 in the my life in gaming video they mentioned that a lower end PVM actually makes 480i games look "as intended", so would I fuck up if I chose the sharper monitor of the two? Are they both the same sharpness? Would I even notice with 480i games? Help me out here.

>> No.5076189

lots of early 3D games simply used 2D background with 3D models. low resolution background turns into blurry mess on LCD, but with 240p CRT it suddenly has detail you couldn't notice before.

>> No.5076546

It looks like they're talking about the difference between standard definition PVMs (which most are) and the later multi-sync PVMs capable of 480p.

As far as I can tell, both the models you named are standard def, so you don't need to worry about that. The 480p-capable PVMs are even more rare and expensive than the standard def ones anyway.
But from looking at each's manual, it looks like the 20M4U has 800 TV lines while the 20M2MDU has 600. Basically the more TV lines, the sharper the image. PVMs in general have higher TV line count and it's one of the main reasons they have that distinctive look compared to the fuzziness of a consumer CRT even with the same exact input.

So yeah, go with the PVM-20M4U all things being equal. What price are they asking for and where are you acquiring it from? Hope you're not paying too much, because 20" ones go for a high premium these days. I have one that size and I absolutely love it. Small enough to not be a massive pain in the ass but still big enough to be suitable for couch gaming, whereas everyone with a 13-14 inch monitor basically needs to either sit on the floor or have it on their desk instead.

>> No.5076560

I want to coat my PVM (or to be more precise the metal cover) in PlastiDip. I know how to spraypaint and take all the necessary safety precaution.
But I'm wondering if there's anything else I should be aware of before starting. Or if it's a bad idea.

>> No.5076594

>Or if it's a bad idea.
This one.

>> No.5076601

480i doesn't display scanlines, as mentioned. However even at 240p, an 8 inch monitor's lines are invisible to the eye. 13" is about the limit for visible dark lines. Will definitely look sharp as hell though.

>> No.5076625

Okay but why?
I'm doing it because it's full of scratches and marks.
And I was looking at PlastiDip because it can be easily removed.

>> No.5076696

Why do you want to make it easily removable?

Powder coat the fucker.

>> No.5076701

That takes more time and effort than I'm willing to spend and I don't have access to the required equipment.

>> No.5076703

>As far as I can tell, both the models you named are standard def, so you don't need to worry about that.
Oh thank god. I was worried that at 800 lines (vs. 600) one PVM would be "too sharp" as in the scanlines would be so thick that 480i content wouldn't look blended correctly, but they do in fact mention that they think the line separation difference between the two PVMs they had was caused by the "hd nature" of the other PVM. If both only do standard def then I guess I don't have to worry about anything.
>What price are they asking for and where are you acquiring it from?
$100 for one, & the other is $200. I have to drive 1 hour 1 way to pick up the M4U vs. an hour & a half for the other one, so either way it's going to kill my day if I try to get one of these.

>> No.5076713

I'd honestly say pick up both if you got the patience, space, and money. I have a similar 20" monitor and you know how much these things are going for on ebay? 500 buckaroos or more, and they're not getting any cheaper. At the very least there might be another /vr/fag in the area who might make a trade with you for it later on or something.

>> No.5076727

assuming money was no object, could I get the same CRT effect with a 4k or 8k screen emulating scanlines using microLED with HDR?

>> No.5076829

You could get very close with a $K OLED screen, but nothing's going to be 100% the same as a CRT. Lag being the main difference.

>> No.5076872

Has anyone tried the magnets+drill degaussing method before? How well did it work?

>> No.5076879

method of what?

>> No.5076880
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>> No.5076896

Oh I misread that as "magnets + degauss method"

Doesn't your TV have a built-in degausser? It's the thing that makes the very loud BRAAAAP sound when you turn it on after it hasn't been used in a while.

>> No.5076898

isn't this just because the cpus in modern TVS are only rated for at best 60fps?

>> No.5076901

>I've had all my consoles from my childhood.
This is exactly my "problem" as well, though only the NES was my childhood. All other systems I got were purchased after I was living on my own. I still have them all, and say that I did not come to /vr/, but it just so happened that I qualified. I don't collect per se. I just happen to still have.

>I waited a good long time waiting for a deal to pop up.
You and I seem very similar. I have bought a "better" crt Just about once a year for the last few. As I get a new one, I get rid of the oldest ones. My collection right now is a 20" samsung Txr that has component/composite/svideo. Its a flat screen, and has a very good image. My living room set is the 25" console tv, and it only has S-video. Both sets were made in 2004. I am not saying that I will never own a PVM, but like you I will wait until I see something being sold at a fair price. I have been using CRTs since my first memories of the Atarii, and S-video on a relativly new set looks outstanding compared to the coaxial cable we accepted in the 80s. I never knew what the yellow plug on the NES was for until I got a TV that had that sort of connection in the mid 90s. It had an svideo plug, but I didn't know that was even a possible connection.

>> No.5076939

>>Doesn't your TV have a built-in degausser?
Yeah, but the built-in ones are pretty weak. It's not uncommon to have to use a more powerful, external degaussing coil to clear up more persistent impurities.

>> No.5077112

What's a good SVIDEO AV switch? My TVs SVIDEO port is in a shit position so I'm thinking of getting one of these to keep off to the side with everything plugged into it.

>> No.5077117

I don't have a good solution for you since the only consoles I have using s-video are a gamecube and N64 that use the same cable so I just switch the cord from one console to the other.
But I just want to strangle whatever fucking moron thought the s-video connector was a good design.

>> No.5077125

Looking around, people seem to recommend Shinybow switchers but that's like $90 for extra convenience so I was mostly seeing if people have other, cheaper brands they recommend.

>> No.5077134

90 bucks seems too steep, especially when it's not even a niche thing like SCART. I'd just recommend trying out some kind of cheap unpowered manual switcher you can probably get on Amazon. And then just return it if there's noticeable degradation. But from what I understand, the likelihood of an unpowered switcher causing interference is very low.

Before I upgraded to RGB, I used a switcher called the JVC JX-S3000. But it's just some old tech that my parents had lying around in the basement for ages and I have no idea whether it's expensive or not.

>> No.5077182

JVC ones look like the cost depends on condition and seller, I'm seeing a rang of $20-$90. On the unpowered front, seems like the Sony SB-V40S is good, and can be gotten for like $15, so I might just grab that.

>> No.5077273
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Saw somebody selling a Bangin' Olufsen BeoVision Avant 8490 on Craigslist. Is that VGA input an RGB one?

>> No.5077430
File: 1.28 MB, 2560x1920, its shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's a good SVIDEO AV
I use pic related: Phillips PH61148, and have never had an issue with it.

>> No.5077568

You've got the model number right there in the picture, look up the manual and find out yourself.

>> No.5077653

the cheapo pelican ones have svideo. not sure if its true svideo though

>> No.5077841

New Thread

>> No.5077962

>New Thread
Its a bit early for that?

>> No.5077976
