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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5038018 No.5038018 [Reply] [Original]

Don’t mind me, just being the best resident evil here.
Amazing graphics music it has it all!!!!

>but I hate crimson heads

Shut up they make the game more scary.

> but I prefer the cheesiness of the original

Shut up

>> No.5038034

but I prefer the cheesiness of the original

>> No.5038035 [DELETED] 

Le not retro.
>b-but it's a remake
It's over 50% new, liar.

>> No.5038043 [DELETED] 


>> No.5038050 [DELETED] 


>> No.5038058 [DELETED] 

at this point we should just let 6th gen in, they are all over 15 years old which is older than what 5th gen and Dreamcast were when the mods changed the rules because all the faggots crying over not being able to talk about their childhood games.

>> No.5038059 [DELETED] 

Discussing remakes is ok when comparing or discussing the original with it

Saying this game is the best resident evil game (a franchise 90% not retro) isn't really /vr/
and the fact we're discussing this at all means it's not even quality discussion and i should be banned

>> No.5038068

>It's over 50% new
It added approximately 7 new areas in a mansion that has over 60 rooms, even more if you count hallways. 50% new my ass.

>> No.5038121

What really happened to Forrest?

>> No.5038164


>> No.5038168

Not gonna lie, I was jelly as all fuck when this came out and not on PS2.

>> No.5038229

Don't feel bad, you got the superior Outbreak games.

>tfw you can still play it online with bros in current year

>> No.5038234 [DELETED] 

classic rock stations don't start playing music from the 90's just because it's considered old now, stop posting this

>> No.5038245

It's easier than the original, and it's a remake. Sorry, but these things make it far from the best, and pretty graphics don't save it.

>> No.5038250 [DELETED] 

How is it easier than the original?
You are a faggot

>> No.5038252

>these things
>names one thing

>> No.5038256

>easier than the original
>it's a remake
That's two things.

>> No.5038270


>> No.5038276


>> No.5038286 [DELETED] 

Dreamcast was only banned because allowing a sixth gen console on /vr/ would open the floodgates for butthurt babbies to ruin the place by shitting it up with "BUT WHY ISN'T REST OF SIXTH GEN RETRO? WAAAAH". Frankly it was a mistake to get rid of the DC exemption because of niggers like you who use it to shitpost.

>> No.5038291

>being a remake is a bad thing

>> No.5038294

Why wouldn't it be a bad thing? A remake will never be as fresh as the original. And when the original is an innovator, like RE1 was, the remake is practically guaranteed to not be, unless it drastically changes everything about it, in which case it's not even a remake but a brand new game.

>> No.5038398 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5038432

No battle mode, no care

>> No.5038441
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yea REMAKE is the best RE

remake > 1,2,3 > CV > 0/4 >>> rest

>> No.5038568 [DELETED] 

>and the fact we're discussing this at all means it's not even quality discussion and i should be banned
this, if multiple people are saying "this shouldn't be here" why the fuck isn't the janitor doing their (only) job

>> No.5038714

>but I hate crimson heads
> but I prefer the cheesiness of the original

There are people who genuinely think these are the only arguments against REmake....

At that point in VG history and with that console generation, devs starting cramming as many frames as they possibly could into every single animation. Just because they could.

REmake is guilty of this, although it's nowhere near as bad as in RE0.

The result? Untight gameplay. Instead of being fast and responsive, like RE1/2/3 were, everything takes longer than it should, and showcasing their cool animations seemed to be the priority over gameplay.

>oh, here is a dog. I'll just shoot him with the shotgun.
>Now he's down, gotta wait until he gets up so I can take him down again... damn this is taking forever
>Oh gee, I missed my window shot by a couple of frames as the dog was ALMOST up so it didn't count
>Now my shotgun reloading animation is taking forever while the dog is jumping at my throat
>gotta mash the buttons, gotta mash the buttons, gotta mash the buttons... how long do I have to mash the buttons ? does this even count? and how long does it take them to get up afterwards?

This is the same with Hunters... and then there is randomly missing a zombie headshot with the shotgun up close because the game decided that particular frame wouldn't cut it.

in b4 >get gud
This has nothing to do with skills, I can avoid all those situations, can beat the game on the hardest difficulty in short time without saving, did knife only runs and speedruns of RE1/3, etc
This has to do with game design. The fact that these situations even exist.

>> No.5038738

>less colorfull
>generic looking zombies

>> No.5038751

>the pretty colors!
What are you gay or autistic?

>> No.5038760

Stop it. Don’t!Open!That Door!

>> No.5038768

Can't wait for RE2 remake.

>> No.5038832
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>> No.5038903 [DELETED] 

Classic rock around me absolutely plays mid 90s to late 90s shit now. Might even slip a few post 2000 songs in as well. I have more of an issue with some of the bands they call "rock" though.

>> No.5038948

>It's easier than the original

>> No.5039046 [DELETED] 

No we shouldn't because that would lower the age of the userbase even more and that's NEVER a good idea. Reminder that almost 50% of /vr/ was a little kid in the early 00s as stated by some recent poll.

>> No.5039071

Should I buy a gamecube for $5?

>> No.5039074 [DELETED] 

How does it feel to know that 18-24 year olds are doing more to preserve and honor retro vidya than you supreme boomers, who want to it to be a secret no kidz allowed club and take it to the grave with you?

>> No.5039081 [DELETED] 

If >>5036516 or >>5021843 is what you consider honoring old toys then by all means stop doing it please.

>> No.5039091 [DELETED] 

If you're in your 30's like me you shouldn't be worrying about what young men on the internet are doing to your hobby. It's a hobby. You should be glad people are paying attention to it at all. Act your age.

>> No.5039117

Jesus this went off the rails quick

>> No.5039120

The camera being like 4 automatically ruins it for me

>> No.5039121 [DELETED] 

>"You should be glad to share a board with /v/ ultimate memesters, it's not like /v/ is know to be among the worst places here for a reason. Be mature, anon, they're not really lowering the quality of the board that's just you being paranoic"
No. There's a difference between not worrying too much which I don't and legit not caring about something that you used to enjoy.

>> No.5039345 [DELETED] 

Plenty of people argue against the faggotry in the extra lives thread.

>> No.5039381

If it works and you have a TV to play it on, yeah why not?

>> No.5039465

Hell, I don't know. Just looking for someone to talk me out of buying more consoles I don't need. But for $5 there really is no reason not to grab it. The guy also has a game gear I'll probably grab from him, which is actually /vr/. I'll have to keep myself from buying the ps 1 and 2 he has since I have em both already.

>> No.5039494

Get gud fag

>> No.5039502 [DELETED] 

The only people who would come here is the old guard of /v/ if we let the next generation in. Sure maybe a bit more annoying sometimes but not really that bad.

I'm all for being elitist after what /v/ has turned into in recent years but Ps2 talk here would be fun

>> No.5040069

Just think if you buy a GameCube you can play the best retro resident evil

>> No.5040092

Git Gud fag

>> No.5040159 [DELETED] 

Someone who played GBA as a kid is around 30 today. The average age would increase if this board appealed to more than poor/hipster/contrarian teens and loser 40-year-olds.

>> No.5040201

REmake used to be the best, until they released REmake HD for steam.

Seriously though. REmake > 3 > Outbreak > 1 > 2 > CVX > 0 > 7 > all the ots action garbage

>> No.5040214 [DELETED] 

and here's another argument for 6th gen not being allowed here
cancerous tripfags

>> No.5040267

>I’ve played this game for hundreds of hours and I just can’t stand it!

>> No.5040309

1 > 3 > CV > 2

REmake, 0, 4, and everything after aren't retro.

>> No.5040641

Remake being on gamecube is what killed the series.

>Capcom fuckers being like "oh no it sold like shit, guess people don't care about the classic formula"

No assholes! All the original fanbase was on PS2 and you released it on a console only toddlers and future soibois owned.

>> No.5040701

>ywn be a sandwich

>> No.5040815

GC was the most powerful console at the time, and unfortunately they wanted maximum graphical prettiness for REmake.

>> No.5041986

4 killed the series

>> No.5042337

How was the series killed when 4, 5, 6, AND 7 were all good games?

>> No.5042353


Gamecube babies.

>> No.5042718

anybody got a list of all the regional and product-differences between the resi/biohazard-versions?

>> No.5042793

Why would you lie on the internet?

>> No.5042865

4 was excellent on its own merits, 5 and 6 were absolute abortions.

>> No.5042884

5 had co op tho
your mom should've had an abortion

>> No.5043115

>having to escort that retard Assley around

>> No.5043262

Not only is it the best Resident Evil, it is also the best videogame remake.

>> No.5043276

Having never owned a Gamecube, I only played this for the first time a few years ago after the HD version got released on PSN. I was very impressed and I feel like if I'd played it on release, I'd have been blown away

I also played 0 for the first time and it was stupid and retarded

>> No.5043282
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>> No.5043823
File: 29 KB, 624x480, 490499-resident-evil-playstation-screenshot-japanese-intro-chris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop spewing this rhetoric as if it holds any ground, you're pulling justifications out of your ass when the fact is the team at Capcom were just fucking TIRED of making those games, and bear in mind Mikami himself originally wanted RE2 to conclude the story, before another staff member decided it would be better to milk it dry.
>The story of Resident Evil 1.5, with which Mikami planned to end the series, was criticized by supervisor Yoshiki Okamoto, who found it to be too conclusive to allow for future installments. Instead, Okamoto proposed the creation of a fictional universe that would turn Resident Evil into a metaseries – similar to the Gundam and James Bond franchises – in which self-contained stories with common elements could be told.

The series' never really outdid the first game anyway, sure the graphics got better and they improved technically, but nothing even came close to the twisted puzzlebox that was RE1's mansion. RE1>RE2>RE3>RE4>RE7, everything else is irrelevant.

>> No.5043826

This desu

>> No.5043846

Is this seriously what the American cover looked like? Jesus Christ.

>> No.5043853

You guys typically get the better covers. It's because studies have shown that Americans prefer covers to showcase the game's characters.

>> No.5043902

It's actually in the top 10 single player games ever made.

>> No.5043904

>thinking that RE4 > RE7

>> No.5043951

>series has been going long since the Gamecube's life ended

I think you need to look up what the word killed means, because it's not what you think. Darkstalkers is a dead series, RE still lives.

Also, having all the good games on the Gamecube is the reason I own one.

>> No.5043996
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>tons of clashing colored squares covering the artwork makes a better cover

>> No.5044363

Dude, what in the fuck is this from?

>> No.5044397

So how many people who played the original resi games on ps1 went out and got a GameCube?

>> No.5044402

Original Resident Evil was cheesy only in retrospective. The game was damm scary back then.
The remake is a great game, but suffers from being too dark (like the RE2 remake), which in my opinion, is an easier trick to be more scary.

Original RE was more like 80s or giallo movies, which were scary but also colorful and weird. The Shinning is also a very scary movie which is set in a quite colorful mansion, and it works too.

>> No.5044498
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>> No.5044506

>The game was damm scary back then
When there wasn't dialog, yes. RE would've been a serious horror if it didn't have voice acting at all.

>> No.5044531

That said, what IS your opinion on the crimson heads and the lack of cheesiness compared to the original?

>> No.5044561

Why though? This was just a chance for Nintendo loyalists to get a taste of the classic Resident Evils. You could just play the real games on your backwards compatible ps2

>> No.5044595

Agree, although I'm the weird kind of person who doesn't mind much the voice acting of this game, or Castlevania SOTN and Shenmue. I believe the supposedly horrible voices of those games have been exagerated a bit too much by the internet.

I didn't think the dubbing in RE was great or anything, just your average videogame vocie acting of those days, which rarely was excelent, so I wasn't particularly outraged or anything. In fact, I probably enjoyed that japanese game flavour of weird acting and dialogue. RE4 suffers from the same "fault", but also kind of lightens what could be a very violent and gory game.

>> No.5045519

I sure as hell did

>> No.5045592 [DELETED] 

not retro lulz sorry zoomer

>> No.5045920

Remakes are allowed fag

>> No.5045932

>remakes are allowed
Almost as stupid a loophole as the "you can discuss this 2018 game as long as it's running on pre-1999 hardware" one.

>> No.5045989

Well eat a dick threads still up
1-0 me

>> No.5046032

Isn't the music the same as the directors cut?

>> No.5046791

Oh boy, Youre gonna love the salt going on in the psp thread.

>> No.5046815

That guy should be shitting up this thread, not that one.

>> No.5046884

>but I prefer the cheesiness of the original
Shut up

I hate you.
The original opening for the first game is the best of all the RE cutscnes, movies, whatever. Abandoning the B-movie cheese in favor of shitty animu style and later chinese wire-fu action scenes has been a big factor in the franchise becoming shittier and shittier, to the point where it's just generic trash now.

>> No.5046968

Eh, REmake is years younger than a psp tho. So not really.

>> No.5046974

I like how this thread is still up.

Who’s down for a halo 2 thread?

>> No.5046993

He was complaining about his Code Veronica X thread being deleted, and it's not a PSP thread, it's an emulation on PSP thread. Anyway, it's all died down now, apparently posts were deleted, etc.

>> No.5047016

So....it’s a psp thread...what’s being talked about in there? The games or psp hardware?

>> No.5047059

emulated on-topic games per board rules

>> No.5047084

Sure it’s not people talking about their brand new vgc USB adapters made in 2015?

>> No.5047103

RE wasn't dubbed, it's the original voice track. Most of the faults are a result of the Japanese voice directors and script writers not being all that good at English.

>> No.5047134
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>tons of clashing colored squares covering the artwork

>> No.5047802

you. I like you.
I may not agree with your opinions on the OTS games but anyone who puts 3 and the outbreaks that high is a good person
you're also alright anon

>> No.5047804

I'd have to disagree with you there, anon
all 3 intros to all 3 of the OG RE games were absolutely perfect and I don't think anything can beat them

>> No.5048286

REmake wasn't peg 18?

>> No.5048358

pegi didn't exist then

>> No.5048363
File: 65 KB, 333x334, whatever kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rare quality nesfag post
playing zero for the second time after a decade, it's so goddamn fucking clunky

>iframes out the ass
>picking up items is buggy as shit and requires extreme pixel hunting, you will often stand on top of the item and be unable to pick it up
>raising and lowering weapons takes forever
>most weapons take two item slots
>tiny leaches

I wish I had the tennacity to replay the original gamecube version of zero, just to see if the annoyances are REmaster-exclusive.

As far as REmake goes, it does some things better and some things worse than OG. Atmosphere is hit and miss, defensive items are easy mode tier, can clip through most enemies, overall easier than original.

>> No.5049568

>atmosphere is hit or miss

Did we play the same game?

>> No.5049572

Not retro

>> No.5049587

>but I hate crimson heads
I don't understand how anyone could hate this aspect of the game, since it teaches you an important game mechanic that you should practice: don't kill zombies unnecessarily. It also teaches you not to backtrack because you may run into crimson heads from improperly disposed zombie corpses. Due to the punishment received from a crimson head existing, the game design pushes the player to improve their play, and the game actually rewards them for doing this (rewards unlocked from clearing the game fast).

>> No.5049653

That isn't 4 Wii edition

>> No.5049686

Gtfo honestly you make me want to vomit

>> No.5049697

It's fun though

>> No.5049718

Resident evil 4 killed the series
Let alone some ungodly Wii version

>> No.5049723

Underrated post

>> No.5049736

>cover art not final

>> No.5049749

the guns are fun though

>> No.5050128

Don't forget they nerfed the map system.

>> No.5051517


>> No.5051518

Resident evil 4 killed the series, it’s a proven facttt

>> No.5051542

let me guess, you're mad because The Twin Snakes in on gamecube too and not your missile launch capable dvd player.

>> No.5051548

The series was shit to begin with.
Only good thing about it was that it inspired Konami to do the vastly superior Silent Hill series.

>> No.5051550
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the original xbox was...

>> No.5051690
File: 83 KB, 632x708, 1532755720561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just checked up on this.
>Release date JAN 25
Man Wtf i thought it was coming out on halloween

>> No.5051709

Crimson Heads are gay and don't fit into the story

>> No.5051740

They are clearly explained in the game

>> No.5051934

The new map system informs the player when they have exhausted all of the items in each room / area.

>> No.5051951

he means its part of the story thats just a dragon ball Z-esque exageration like what the rest of the series became after 3. i mean i like RE4 but some of those bosses were just fucking way over the top... they are gay and dont fit into the story!

>> No.5052380

We did. REmake atmosphere is not 100% superior to the original one. Garden shed area is more eerie in the original. Lab is as well done better in the original. Crimson heads are overrated because by the time you return to the mansion and they start popping up you spend only so much time around and don't get to meet more than a few.

Don't get me wrong, it's a great game, it has atmosphere. But I still feel more unease when I replay the original than REmake.

>> No.5052439
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But I don't like Resident Evil

>> No.5052450

Nah m8, classic resi are some of the best games ever made.

>> No.5052454

Why did GC look way better than Xbox games? Check m8

>> No.5052457

Plenty of the rooms have subtle and not so subtle differences. The dark dull colors also changes up the game a lot from the original. The gameplay feels different and they have the grenades and daggers. The game is too different from RE1 even though idiots like to pretend otherwise.

>> No.5052485

It's become tradition for Capcom to release RE games in January

>> No.5052516

>had more than 4 good games by the time SH reached a 4th game
>still alive
>games are still good

silent hill is doing great guise

>> No.5052634
File: 139 KB, 2560x1600, ecb3fd_5430419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you guys are here and that stupid classic was announced, what was the best versions of the Resident Evil series to get on ps1? Like dualshock version or directors cut or what?

>> No.5052653

Original Japanese first release of BioHazard.

>> No.5052676

Long box original release version or you're a scrub

>> No.5052750

dircut non-dualshock

>> No.5052784

How is the RE hd remaster on ps3? Im going to play a couple of spooky games for Halloween and I've narrowed it down to RE and Silent Hill 2. I have a ps1 and crt I could play RE on or a ps3 I could play the remaster on.

>> No.5052806


the original
trust me

you dont need any analog sticks for this game
you dont need stupid camera angles
it must be the original long-box release and not the chinese greatest hits trash

the trick is you dont know what version you are getting
probably is a way to determine game version, though i dont know of it

>> No.5052856

What are the differences between original release and greatest hits version?

>> No.5052886


the original version is actually a PC exclusive lol
bio hazard, the japanese version of resident evil, had mature content
the PC version has the same,
and i am sure there is a way to force the PC version into 240p, so it will look exactly like the original PS1 version if not better
actually it will look better, and not in superficial "upgraded" sense, but the polygons will actually look more artistically pleasing to the eye

lol sony hardware is trash

>> No.5052896

you sound like a complete moron

>> No.5052917


playing uncensored version of RE1 with full english translation properly on a CRT television outputting the proper native resolution of the playstation is somehow stupid now?

direct X will draw in 240p motherfucker
you can force 240p @ 15khz with most radeon cards :)

>> No.5052926

It's a great remake and all, but at its core it's still RE 1. Resident Evil 2 and 3 are mechanically and graphically better, and arguably had better stories to tell.
The real tragedy is that REmake didn't sell well enough for them to continue remaking 2 and 3 on the gamecube, so we're getting a "modern reimagining" instead. It looks good, but it's not what it could have been.

>> No.5053730

>It's a great remake and all
I’m glad we agree
>, but at its core it's still RE 1.
Uhhh yeah it is.
>Resident Evil 2 and 3 are mechanically and graphically better,
Not better graphics than remake. And mechanically what do you mean by that
The dodge ruins 3, and 2’s two character system is awful
>and arguably had better stories to tell.
Resident evil 2 story sucks. It also makes no sense at all, when you consider it. I could consider 3’s story being as good as the story of re1 but better? Absurd.
>The real tragedy is that REmake didn't sell well enough for them to continue remaking 2 and 3 on the gamecube, so we're getting a "modern reimagining" instead. It looks good, but it's not what it could have been.

This game didn’t sell well so it sucks!

>> No.5054004

You are being trolled by all of those guys that replied to you. The first longbox version is the most basic version of RE without the new content. You want the Director's Cut with Chris on the cover. The Director's Cut with the zombie on the cover is everything the DC is but with a worse infamous soundtrack. I'm sure you have heard of mansion basement? The DC versions have arrange mode which gives it more replayability by switching item and enemy placements on the map. They also added the option for you to autoaim at enemies which is pretty much how most are going to want to play since having to manually turn and aim in the games is too awkward and makes them more difficult. It pretty much was a game changer for these games as far as better playability is concerned. As for RE2 its dualshock version really just adds the ability to play with the sticks like you would every other modern game. RE3 doesn't have any re-released PS1 version to my knowledge.

>> No.5054013

Actually hope they put Crimson Heads into RE:Make 2

>> No.5054019

Actually RE2 Dual Shock adds a whole new minigame after completing the game. It's the de-facto finished RE2.

>> No.5054040

Which mini game? Well I guess you will always want DC and DS for RE 1 and 2. To me even the DC with the awful music is still an upgrade over vanilla RE1.

>> No.5054209

Are you a mental patient? I didn't say it sucks, just that it would have been nice to have all three in that format.

>> No.5054294

Well, this game convinced me to not only play RE1, but also to play the remake edition on PS3
Is it too early to start playing spooky games for halloween?

>> No.5054342

Never too early.

>> No.5054343

Extreme battle mode

>> No.5054358
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not retro

>> No.5054368

but there are only two games I want to play.

>> No.5054423

I wanna Evil her Resident
if you know what i mean

>> No.5054428

I want to go to sleep, if you know what I mean.

>> No.5054436
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no idea, mang

>> No.5054468

>Resident evil 2 story sucks. It also makes no sense at all, when you consider it.

And the dumbest post in the history of /vr/ award goes to this retard

>> No.5054791

It's great. Have you played the original before?

>> No.5054795

You may as well play dino crisis and parasite eve while you're at it. I always play those plus some classicvanias around this time of year

>> No.5054798

What do you think a remake is, exactly?

>> No.5054826

Nope, I've played RE2, RE4, and made it halfway through RE5.

>> No.5054831

Aww man. Dino Crisus. A good retelling of that would nice.

>> No.5054864

I'd Hazard her Bio.

>> No.5055156

>implying it's hard
Tuck her into corners and shit where she's out of the way.

>> No.5055171

I actually like killing zombies, then methodically going around and torching their bodies. It's almost ritualistic.
I like having to weigh which bodies are worth destroying, which you can abandon, the ticking clock, the limited resource, etc.
There's also the chance of headshots.

Your mom killed the series.

Your mom is gay and doesn't fit in regular movie theater seats.

>> No.5055425

4 is kind of Resident Evil's own Army Of Darkness; Evil Dead was straight horror, and the sequel was mostly that too, but then you have Army Of Darkness, where most of the horror drains away, and it becomes a campy action adventure with a wacky edge.
It's a radical departure in style and tone compared to what the series was, but it does it so well, and the movie is so fun and entertaining, that this is ok.

Looking at RE4, it has SOME of the horror tones here and there, but it diverts away from this to be an action adventure which doesn't quite take itself seriously at all times (which is in its favor, because I mean fucking look at it), so you have lots of shit that until now, would have been considered just way too outlandish or silly for the series.
But it does it so well, and the gameplay is so fun, that it's ok.

The problem comes that Capcom wanted to keep doing this for the series, and didn't do it right at all.
5 and 6 largely feel like they looked at 4 and thought "Wow, that was really good, we should do another game like that!" and then they tried to do that, but their attempts just come out really substandard, and the games don't really please fans of classic RE, fans of 4, or people who are both.
Maybe 4 should have been treated as a side game, and not numbered, somthing like "Resident Evil : Los Illuminados" or something like that.
They should have just let 4 have been its own crazy thing and then continued doing the series like horror.

>> No.5055443

It's quite fun, and has a good spooky atmosphere.
It's fairly different from the original, changing up some old things and doing a couple of new things, but that's also what makes it worth playing, and what makes it a good remake, because it's different enough that you should check out both.

The remake sets up a couple of fun traps for you if you try to do some of the things you were supposed to in the original, so playing that one first is the most fun.
You can also find the original uncut FMV scenes on YouTube, which are uncensored and in color, they have an absolutely delightful B-Movie quality to them that I adore.

>> No.5055818

I like both RE1 and REmake the same.


>> No.5055880

That'd be cool.