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5028101 No.5028101 [Reply] [Original]

RIP Pac-Man

>> No.5028118

I remember that clickbait trash. Could've taught people something about how arcade cabs are constructed and how they can be opened up and disassembled, but nah let's just wreck that shit for the views from 13 year old kids. YouTube was a mistake.

>> No.5028125

>but nah let's just wreck that shit for the views from 13 year old kids.
Most of the comments were people who were butthurt that he destroyed that thing.

>> No.5028140

What the fuck man.

>> No.5028180

Don't ask questions you'd rather not know the answers to.

>> No.5028225

I notice none of his videos actually teach you anything useful about the hardware. What's the point of them then?

>> No.5028260

i watched a few of his videos but they got boring pretty quick. As an arcade enthusiast. This disturbed me slightly he didn't need to cut the machine in half but fair enough it's just wood it could be rebuilt or w.e but when I saw him take a sledge hammer to a perfectly working CRT like that, cringe, not a cheap part.

>> No.5028265

modern society not appreciating anything

>> No.5028267

I found Metal Jesus butchering a Centipede cab into a MAME with LCD conversion far more objectionable

>> No.5028273

To be fair, the CRT had extensive burn in and wasn't really worth keeping anyway.

>> No.5028289

He doesn't let his daughters do cool stuff because he's a patriarchal mormon who hates durian.

>> No.5028291


>> No.5028297

when that kid poked his head through the coin door i felt like punching him into another time zone, natural reaction i suppose

>> No.5028303

I've had a dislike for this guy for a while, even before I learned that he destroyed a perfectly good arcade machine.

He also destroyed a classic working Teddy Ruxpin a while ago, and tormented his daughter with the remains. He's also ruined other perfectly useful items.
I despise channels that smash stuff, or put it in a blender, or crush it, or blow it up for no good reason (I don't count "Youtube views" as a good reason.)

>> No.5028342
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Regardless if they did make a shit ton of pac-mans we lose more and more to time everyday. Fuck this asshat.

>> No.5028343

Penn Jillette said he saw a band destroy their instruments on TV after performing a song for a show. He said at first he couldn't believe the waste. After some thought he came to realize that it was about art of something. I don't know, because as he was rationalizing their act I came to realize how much of a faggot he was and I haven't listened to him since.

Destroying this machine was an absolute waste and there was no real reason to do it. He broke it for the purpose of being a faggot.

>> No.5028347

that's not too bad because he only destroys the cab and that's just wood. They keep the PCB and joysticks and the CRT had screen burn and should probably be junked anyway and replaced.

>> No.5028363

That was one of the most painful videos I have ever seen. Couldn't he have that done that to a golden tee 2000 arcade cabinet instead?

>> No.5028382

This guy somehow managed to reproduce which means he got a woman to have sex with him. Let that thought slowly sink in.

>> No.5029206

That video was tough to watch.

>> No.5029503


>> No.5029506
File: 20 KB, 450x349, fuckman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5029552

This is what hurts me the most.

>> No.5029647

Nobody said there can't be women out there as clinically autistic as him.

>> No.5029669

Destroying things for no reason is a waste. It's not educational, and it's not like he used components for some other projects. It's just a mindless destruction of a unique cabinet that is in limited quantity. It's just dumb.

>> No.5029674


>> No.5029686

What the fuck is this.

>> No.5029690

>not realizing he was a faggot when you found out he was Libertarian and a fedora tipper.

>> No.5029710

>2 Macintoshes, one a fucking Macintosh II and a fucking AppleIIc
Fuck this man

>> No.5029753


And literally nothing of value was lost.

>> No.5029768

We live in the worse future.

>> No.5029772

That's not a an Apple II, it's a Quadra of some kind. It has the manual inject and not the auto inject floppy drive, so it's definitely a PowerPC machine.

>> No.5029917

Fuck you, I would have happily taken them and played a bunch of Mac Games like the Factory, Sim City 2000, Sim Tower and Glider Pro on them

>> No.5029941

This guy Garrett is a notorious Canadian furry and he brags about attending furry cons and stuff. Canadians are like this a lot, they're mentally ill and often have fucked up sexual fetishes.

>> No.5029947

Earn him money

>> No.5029949

The day of the rake is coming.

>> No.5029956

I grant it, he didn't really destroy anything that rare or valuable but dude still has obvious, serious mental issues.

>> No.5029976

I wonder why someone doesn't just find and publish his home address.

>> No.5030119


>> No.5030148

Aww, you beat me to that joke.

>> No.5031269

Doesn't really bother me especially since Pac-Man is very common anyway. Just don't understand what the appeal is of watching someone blow their money on something expensive then tear it apart.

>> No.5031347

That had some rare cards in it. Why didn't he sell them?

>> No.5032050

Why didn't Jeffery Dahmer not dismember his victims?