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File: 422 KB, 1072x1192, Screenshot_20180906-135559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5026938 No.5026938 [Reply] [Original]

Are they all really this expensive? Or did they just get memed in price.

>> No.5026945

Memed, but old TVs were extremely expensive to manufacture and store. We live in an era where any cunt can get a good TV.

>> No.5027043

It varies on size and brand. Olympus brands that are just PVM I've seen are hundred or two hundred less. 13" can be around 200-100 depending on condition and if they have RGB. 8" I've seen for under 100.

Just the matter of looking. Though some consumer TV can be good enough and can be free.

I paid $120 for a 13" PVM, sold it. Then paid 250 for OEV 203 (Same model type as OP)

>> No.5027048
File: 1.39 MB, 1847x1440, 20180501_184338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.5027110

MSRP would have been around $10,000 but I got mine for free. Expect to pay somewhere in between.

>> No.5027156

240p looks best on slot mask tubes.

>> No.5027181

No, the PVMs are expensive, that's standard price. You can get consumer grade trinitrons much cheaper (and larger). Also there are a lot of rebranded computer monitors that are trinitrons.

Trinitron ≠ PVM, though PVMs (sony brand) are all trinitrons as far as I know.

>> No.5027184

This is true. PS1 and newer or even non retro look better on trinitron style in my opinion. You can't beat watching DVDs on a PVM, but retro can look more pleasing on consumer sets as it tends to look too sterile on a PVM. I prefer my PVM for anything 16 bit and above, but consumer for anything before 16bit systems.

>> No.5027196

Consumer TV sets are way better.

>> No.5027362
File: 2.99 MB, 3474x2605, IMG_20180906_224223~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're both wrong. SXGA is the dick you should all be sucking on. No scanlines but sharp as a razor, and costs literally nothing.

>> No.5027363

They are now

>> No.5027364
File: 3.80 MB, 5472x3648, DSC01832s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then paid 250 for OEV 203 (Same model type as OP)
OEV 203 is a 20M2MDU, not a 20M4U

>Or did they just get memed in price.

Drop ~$100 or so off that, then you're a bit more inline with what that model should be going for.

>> No.5027367

this shit isn't worth anything, it's just people trying to capitalize off of gullible kids that rush out to buy whatever they hear about

>> No.5027406

>no scanlines

>> No.5027414

haha just like that anon said because scrubs kept posting about it, these are the same people that ruined collecting old vidya because they memed normies into it. nice going you fucking idiots

>> No.5027424


I guess it depends on where you live. Where I live it's quite rare to see them for sale, but when you find them they're either free or like 200 euros max.

>> No.5027434
File: 3.04 MB, 3036x2276, IMG_20180906_232833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I said anon. If you're really anal though, it's not a problem that can't be easily fixed.

>> No.5027514

your pic is of a 65 pound, high-end 20" being sold by a scummy reseller on ebay
if you play lots of old games they're worth every penny, though

>> No.5027883
File: 10 KB, 429x410, 1518704037963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people really pay that much for these things?
There's tons of them posted around my area to pick up for free. Like all the time.

>> No.5027889
File: 139 KB, 512x384, 3d5f4000c9f4a4b1b372dbdf16d560b63fd372ad7b6997ddaaab608ceba169b9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope not. I paid like $35 for mine.

>> No.5027905

What state id rather drive than pay these prices. Sadly no trinitrons in my state

>> No.5027916

yeah I doubt it, you must be thinking of regular Trinitrons, not PVMs. *talks real slow* PVMs are different to the usual CRTs (though some regular Trinitrons are getting memed as well), they're the highest possible quality, generally used only by professionals who required the highest clarity.

>> No.5027932

Not a state. I'm talking Alberta.

Oh ye, you're probably right. I know absolutely crap all about TVs. Just see the name around a lot.

>> No.5027978

Damn. Too bad its not Toronto.

>> No.5027979

Theyre like film editing monitors right?

Kinda how a studio monitor is better than a retail speaker

>> No.5027986

yea they are way higher quality and take signals like rgb that are uncommon in NA consumer sets. The sony ones are kind of a meme and way overpriced. you can get higher quality pvms from different brands for cheaper

>> No.5028429

>Highest possible quality
For a 240p monitor. They're a meme for people who want the best scanlines possible, nothing else.

>> No.5028441

Most of them are fried having been on for 24 hours a day in some tv studio or operating theatre. Just get a regular old consumer crt ya dipster

>> No.5028472

The solution to that is to buy medical - as long as them having been used in hundreds of colonoscopies doesn't bother you

>> No.5028491

I miss my consumer trinitron, it was too big and no one would take it off my hands, I had to junk it. That was a sad day.

Now I just play it straight with a shitty 27" from a no-name brand. I could get better but I don't need it yet, so just waiting. At least mine has component.

>> No.5028512

Yes pick them up and flip them. They are very easy to sell even if they have major problems with the display. There are so many people pathetically desperate to buy these.

>> No.5028730

I wonder what they smell like.

>> No.5028746

Yes and no. You can find them cheaper, if you're lucky. Most people end up having to take a little road trip to find them at a good price. Buying them from eBay is generally a horrible idea, unless you like being price gouged.

Panasonic and JVC also made really nice professional RGB monitors that are considerably cheaper than their Sony equivalents and often have a higher TVL count than the PVM monitors.

A lot of people turn their nose up at them since they're shadow mask sets instead of aperture grill, but honestly they still look incredible. Very reminiscent of an arcade monitor.

I picked up a 14" Panasonic monitor from a local TV station last year and I love it. I stopped searching for PVM/BVM monitors once I got my hands on it.

>> No.5028807
File: 131 KB, 872x937, theonlyshop2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a listing from theonlyshop2013, a known scalper and reseller scum. Don't buy his overpriced shit.

>> No.5028818

Kek, this is incredibly scummy but I have to give him an A for effort. Can't say I wouldn't do the same if I had the opportunity.

>> No.5028820

Four thousand american dollars for a fucking input card!

>> No.5029524

I kind of regret selling mine. Prices have gone up a lot.

>> No.5029539

If its from Pat or TheOnlyShop its scalped. TheOnlyShop has been listing long term in high volume. Anything he lists is 200% the normal value. He likely buys and resells. If anyone buys from either of them they are only contributing to the problem because it becomes an accepted value when they're already over priced and nobody else gives a fuck about them but a small group of autists.

>> No.5029548

Yep nothing is off limits to his double price bullshitery. Even this card. The last three sold before that card went for around 2000$.

>> No.5029556

yes u bandwagonner, supply and demand sry :)

>> No.5029565

Fuck off retard

>> No.5029569


Pat is a lot cheaper though and at least calibrates his displays. TheOnlyShop charges twice the amount they're actually worth and the displays aren't even freshly recapped or calibrated.

Fun fact: They both live next to each other.

>> No.5030271
File: 34 KB, 528x210, theonlyshit2013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can also see how theonlyshop is 100% in it just for the money based on his other listings of supreme clothing etc.

pic related, this is what happened after I made this post >>5028820

>> No.5030326

What do you guys think of JVC TMs? How do they compare?

>> No.5030349

In my experience JVC consumer sets are surprisingly shitty but I've never encountered a pro one.

>> No.5030371

I own two (TM-H150CG and -H1950CG) and I'd say they are comparable to Sony's PVMs. They're also a lot cheaper and easier to find because they have not been memed to high prices.

>> No.5030410

i was gonna drive a friend out to get a sony triniton+remote for $60 last week but it was gone by the time I wasn't working
shits fucked

>> No.5030468


>> No.5031021

my 14m2mdu smelled like a fancy doctors office

>> No.5031593

I got a consumer HUGE trinitron for free about a month ago. Someone put it by a dumpster and I was just lucky enough to be in a truck at the time.

Best free shit I got in a long time. Beat Mario 3 on it. Looked great.

>> No.5031621

Wat? There's a ton of them on ebay for like $60

>> No.5032128

Even my old ass composite only Panasonic looked pretty good, you don't have to buy Sony only you know.