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File: 97 KB, 800x588, Mega-Man-5-title.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5022342 No.5022342 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Mega Man 5 so disliked? Is it because Beat was OP?

>> No.5022361

If you wanna talk about a game, just do it. You don't have to straw up some invisible hatred about these games. The only noteworthy "hates" of the first 6 are MM1. Practically all other games are well received.

>> No.5022370

The powers are pretty much all garbage, which makes the Mega Buster pretty much the only weapon worth using. It's also the tipping point in the series where they were running out of ideas for Robot Masters.

>> No.5022376

I didn't really find the weapons to be that bad, but the fully charged buster just felt too strong in comparison.

>> No.5022379

That was my only complaint about it, though

>> No.5022601
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Level design is bland, flat.
Enemies are boring, mostly generic robots, generic cannons.
Game is too easy, and not in a good way. You just have to walk straightforward and unles your charge shot.
Bosses suck, their patterns suck, they're all weak to the charge shot.
Most of the weapons are not fun to use.

I did try to make MM5 more fun:



>> No.5022638

Most people think that 5 and 6 are incredibly average and meh compared to the better games. Not bad, but also not very good either. Capcom didn't even want to release 6 outside of japan given how late in the NES life it was made so nintendo published it themselves.

>> No.5022732

Easily the least challenging of the NES games. Possibly of the entire franchise.
It was literally Mega Man for babbies.

>> No.5022740

I just played through it for the first time recently. I liked it, but it was definitely shallow compared to 1 and 2. Liked it better than 3 and 4 though.

Worst music so far. Still need to play 6 - 10.

>> No.5023387

The music was the best part imo

>> No.5023428

That game was made with a new staff behind of it and it showed: generic music, generic bosses (Darkman's castle bosses were crap), plus a shit challenge and a shit ending.
The game felt hollow compared to previous MegaMan games, especially 2 and 4.

>> No.5023436
File: 2.84 MB, 2440x3504, 52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5023478

I loved it because it was my first Mega Man game. None of it was stale.

>> No.5023513

>evil Proto Man which is actually Wily(!!)
>lamey weapons (cereal stars, charge kick, power stone come on)
It felt like a generic re do of MM4, and yes I realize the irony of saying that about a Megaman game. It brought Beat but that's about it.

>> No.5023567
File: 26 KB, 220x222, 220px-Megamanivbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The levels are mostly straightforward jumping and shooting with tricky platforming kept to a minimum. Pic related threw out most of MMV's level layouts and it's a better game for it

>> No.5023604

WaveMan's stage was a snoozefest.

>> No.5023656

True, the DarkMan bosses were too repetitive and easy, as long as you keep your distance. The one that freezes you was great, though.

>> No.5023814

The replayability is terrible on that stage because of the autoscroll

>> No.5023881

Mega Man V may be disliked, but at least it had a great plot twist.

>> No.5023927

6 has the jetpack going for it.

>> No.5023978

all 6 of the megaman games are good. but some are better than others

>> No.5023995

Don't forget the alternate paths

>> No.5024008

The part where all action stops because you must jump on the bubbes to the next chunk of the stage and than stops again because you autowalk towards that jetboat kills all of that stage's oomph.
Plus, that game's music felt more like euromusic than MegaMan's usual tunes.

>> No.5025005

Go shill else where.
Looks good by the way.

>> No.5025474

Crystal man stage was dope tho

>> No.5025498

Having just played MM1-10 over the past week, 5 was easily the most forgettable. It's def not a bad game but it doesn't have anything to to make it stand out.

>> No.5025930

Just beat Mega Man 1. Do the later games get easier?

>> No.5026438
File: 5 KB, 256x232, MM5ProtomanEdition-7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah they do, although 3 has a difficulty spikes around the Doc Bot stages.

>It brought Beat but that's about it.

It also brought the M tank, gave a bigger emphasis on the charge shot, and was the first to have a stage based on non classic platforming (jetski) which then became a staple.

>>lamey weapons (cereal stars, charge kick, power stone come on)

Charge kick is very underrated. It's actually very OP, and is speedrunners best friend.

>Go shill else where.


>> No.5026439

Second game and fifth game are much easier.

>> No.5026440

Yeah. They also add consumable items that refill your life bar, so you can cheese the entire game as long as you grind those.

>> No.5026650

Megaman 5 was also released a year after the Super Nintendo came out. I think a lot of people just skipped it since they were too busy playing new and flashier 4th gen games.