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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 482 KB, 1024x1024, CRT General Clear CRT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5005916 No.5005916 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>4980324

>Try to keep it /vr/-related: Nothing past 5th gen(+ Dreamcast). Slight OT might be okay if related to CRTs (E.G. 16:9 compatible models, flatscreens, etc.) Systems with backwards compatibility are also pretty safe territory, assuming you're focusing on the older games. PC CRTs are also a-ok.
>Produce OC! Get out your real cameras and take beautiful pictures of your CRTs displaying recognizable characters with the kind of beautiful accuracy that brings tears to the eyes of young and old alike! If you take 100 photos, at least one of them will turn out alright! (maybe)
>Try to be as detailed as possible when asking info on a specific model. As always, google is your friend, and we are your friends with benefits. Older archived threads aren't a bad place to look either.
>Share appreciation for others choice of technology and personal philosophy of gaming. As always show courtesy in your discussion and moderate yourselves first.

Discussion of video processing and scaling devices is okay, but try to keep the focus on CRTs and CRT accessories

CRT Pastebin (WIP) : http://pastebin.com/1Ri5TS3x
Guide to CRT Hunting : http://pastebin.com/H9H9L2LQ
Guide to Video Monitors : http://pastebin.com/pQX4N6gZ
General Purpose CRT Adjustment Guide : http://www.arcaderepairtips.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/guide_setup_adjust_arcade_monitors_v1.2.0.pdf
S-Video Pasta : http://pastebin.com/rH2h6C7W
BKM-10R Protocol Info : http://pastebin.com/aTUWf33J
JVC RGB card cloning guide : https://pastebin.com/EXqMBfcY

/crt/ Discord Server : https://discord.gg/EFWPCYE

Thread Survey : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd1HF1jPaNTZDupCn_GGtFuB3DxW5WFFd3yT4znmLA_cuU5oA/viewform
Collaborative Consumer CRT Project Survey : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd3_OraDPRRN_OzQ4r_-CqoNPR9J0r2KtFrpV6iuXdxM3DDJg/viewform

>> No.5006307
File: 74 KB, 1080x843, IMG_20180827_092612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone wants 50 bucks for this. Can anyone ID this and see if it's worth it?

It looks like a Sony trinitron but the lettering is so small.

>> No.5006323

Don't have a picture but I just got a Sony 20inch crt for free.

>> No.5006327

Oh I have one of those, as long as you don't go any lower than s video the visuals look great (especially ps2 and Xbox on component) plus you can have several consoles hooked up to it at once

>> No.5006334

I kinda want a RGB modded prison CRT now

>> No.5006419

>I kinda want a RGB modded prison CRT now
I am the OP, and as I made the image that was ALL I was thinking about. Finally a good reason to look for a clear plastic CRT.

>> No.5006779

Not only is a trinitron, it's an XBR set. They're the kind of exotic-tier sets above everything else. So long as it doesn't have 100hz, it'll be amazing.

>> No.5006806


Why is it clear plastic in the first place? What does that change? Without a fitting screwdriver you should not be able to open it anyway.

>> No.5006847

It's pretty neat if you have an original Xbox or a Wii as they both have plenty of 480p+16:9 supported games. Otherwise? Not worth it.

>> No.5006850

You could slip a thin blade or shiv into the grill easily.

>> No.5006853

That's an HD CRT. Can't tell the model immediately but if you're going to get an HD CRT look for the XBR 960. It's great for sixth gen and older films and animation but no so good for /vr/.

>> No.5006854


I wanna get a little crt to watch old TV on. Any recommendation?

>> No.5006874

>to watch old tv on
literally any functional crt you can find by the side of the road or in a shop if that's all you want.

>> No.5006887

>Why is it clear plastic in the first place?
Approved for use within our prison system. I have turned these down in the past because they lacked hookups, but now with RGB mods, it changes things.

>> No.5006927

There's a clear-purple TV at the local thrift that would go perfect with a Funtastic N64

>> No.5007296
File: 1.46 MB, 2265x1734, 20180827_182034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5007301
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>> No.5007303
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>> No.5007309 [SPOILER] 
File: 209 KB, 1145x824, 1535413778449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one.

>> No.5007336

Already mentioned, but basically makes it easy for guards to search for contraband. The screws on mine are also a torx type making them harder yet to open with makeshift tools. A lot of prison electronics are clear, from alarm clocks to walkmans etc.

I was a bit surprised as mine does have built in digital tuner (for over the air antenna channels) as well as a closed caption board. For such a bare bones tv, this was unexpected.

>> No.5007740

US requires them by law, line 21 captions required since 1993 on any TV 13+", and ATSC required since 2007 (and earlier for larger TVs)

>> No.5007793

That is amazingly cool looking. What inputs did your model have? I do like the xbox shell as well. Is RGB modding it possible?

>> No.5008073
File: 523 KB, 1005x742, i made it better.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The New Camera came in. Haven't tried to record a CRT in 4K yet, but I think this came out pretty nice.

>> No.5008914

RF only. It can be modded for composite and component but not RGB. You pretty much have to populate the board with components to get it working. I plan on doing it someday but it's on the backburner.

>> No.5009112
File: 826 KB, 1440x2712, IMG_20180828_152217_506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just picked up my first PVMeme. Pvm-14L2. What cables to I need to hook up my consoles to this thing? I have no idea if the geometry is messed up but it turns on. I need the break-out to SCART adapter right? Thanks gaymer friends.

>> No.5009330

>I need the break-out to SCART adapter right?

Yes, and whatever rgb scart cables for the consoles.

>> No.5009337

Wtf that's really small

>> No.5009381

most are, it's rather rare to see anything bigger than that out in the wild

>> No.5009385
File: 107 KB, 634x801, 296F68D400000578-3114812-image-m-122_1433740396450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PVM arrives
>Corner with the power button is broken
Living in the midwest is suffering. Everything else looks basically fine but that front sort of panel on the thing just kind of.. Comes out a bit. There were chunks of plastic I had to dig out, one of them being (most of) the button to depress on the power switch.

>> No.5009490

Do I need the NTSC cables for the consoles, or the PAL cables?

>> No.5009505

Depends on if the console is PAL or NTSC, but I've only heard this matters for the SNES due to them needing different capacitors in the SCART or something

>> No.5009508


Scart is scart my man. Scart is simply a connector style and wire, nothing to do with ntsc or pal. Scart is used in pal region, but it will carry any video signal. I think you might be thinking JP21, which you do not want. RGB scart cable is what you want.

>> No.5009627

Awesome, thanks guys. Would you recommend RetroGamingCables for this stuff?

>> No.5009654

Sorry to hear that anon, I'm right there with you on the Midwest part.

>> No.5009661

Do it again but with the Japanese audio, then we'll talk. Please.

>> No.5009667

For real though, that's very cool.

>> No.5009731 [DELETED] 


I've had good luck with thefoo.83 on ebay, but to be honest, I've had good luck with cheap rgb scart cables too. I have a 20" PVM and I can't tell the difference between cheap cables and expensive ones. Maybe on a framemiester it would matter, but on a crt I think you can get away with cheap cables sometimes.

That said, I do think if anything, buying cables with audio breakout might help with audio hum, but again, it's not an always thing. Some cheap cables have no hum, and it really depends on the systems.

I think retrogamingcables and wookiewin are pretty common answers for good cables. Also check out retrorgb, he has decent info for rgb, cables etc.

>> No.5009736


They do make a good scart to bnc cable, there are some official sellers on ebay if you don't want to wait for international shipping.

As for cables, I've had good luck with thefoo.83 on ebay, but to be honest, I've had good luck with cheap rgb scart cables too. I have a 20" PVM and I can't tell the difference between cheap cables and expensive ones. Maybe on a framemiester it would matter, but on a crt I think you can get away with cheap cables sometimes.

That said, I do think if anything, buying cables with audio breakout might help with audio hum, but again, it's not an always thing. Some cheap cables have no hum, and it really depends on the systems.

I think retrogamingcables and wookiewin are pretty common answers for good cables. Also check out retrorgb, he has decent info for rgb, cables etc.

>> No.5009847 [DELETED] 


>> No.5009941
File: 11 KB, 279x376, ntsc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain the difference between these ntsc shaders for Retroarch? I'm using an ultrawide resolution and want something to try and simulate a composite signal, but don't know which one is the most accurate.

>> No.5009980

>It can be modded for composite and component but not RGB. You pretty much have to populate the board with components to get it working.
Modding has really opened up lots of possibilities. There are quite a few videos explaining how to find and isolate RGB signals and install inputs. If there is an OSD with the tv, it is most likely possible to install RGB.

>> No.5010496

In regards to retro_console_accessories, she moved to a dedicated website so as to be able to get out of the limitations ebay imposes on options/etc and to reduces fees/prices over all.


>> No.5010497

lol dude of course you're on /vr/
I found your channel separately but I guess anybody in the hobby will end up here

>> No.5010641

Dang really?
I'm just getting back into CRTs again after having had to give my last one away several years ago, and this was absolutely not a thing back then. Since when has RGB modding been getting attention?

>> No.5010841

>Since when has RGB modding been getting attention?
I might as well live under a rock, but I started seeing a few videos in the last few months as uber-nerds started getting into the guts of things.

I found this video to be informative in a way others were not, but I don't solder electronics enough to justify it.....My brother is an electronics whiz, and this would be no big deal to him.

The process is starting to look accessible to anyone who can simply solder.

>> No.5010848

Oh shit. forgot the video:


>> No.5010962

I'm an Electrical Engineering major (finally getting into the more specialized courses next semester), I can't wait to do stuff like this. It's the reason I picked the field.

>> No.5010981
File: 105 KB, 1280x800, dotpitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

newfag here. Got a thing I need a bit of help with from tech savvy /vr/ anons.
Wall of text incoming, please bear with me. So it seems there are no good ways to emulate a crt on modern monitors. And I was thinking that resolution might be a factor.
On a crt you got a mask splitting the beams into three parts - red, blue, green. You got dots, stripes and oblong thingies. The distance between those dots (dot-pitch/pixel-pitch) vary a lot. For this post, let's assume they range roughly from 0.25mm (standard pc monitor) to 0.75mm (standard crt television).
That means if you want to actually display those dots in pixels you need a lot of resolution. A 19 inch crt monitor is about 36 centimeters horizontally. Thats 480 dots at 0.75mm. Each dot has three elements (red, blue, green) that you need let's say 16 pixels to display somewhat correctly (with the black around em).
Means you need 7680 pixels horizontally, or 8K.
So I thought up this crap all by myself and I don't know if it actually means anything - or if I'm completely wrong. Please tell me, /vr/-senpai. Perhaps you can already do a decent way to emulate a crt on 1080p by rendering a shader at higher resolutions and then sampling down. But that would be fucking expensive on the processing power end, wouldn't it?
If I'm at least partially on the money, CRTs will remain viable until 8K (at least) becomes the norm. Thoughts?

To emulate the look of a crt to a satisfactory degree, you need at least 8K resolution. True? False? Comments, please.

>> No.5011052

>The static electricity you can feel near the surface of the screen
>The high-pitched sound
>The soft hum
>The satisfying switch on and off
>The subtle difference in how CRTs impact the lighting of a room vs a flat panel.
Without finding some way to recreate these, it wouldn't be the same. There's more to CRTs than the way they produce their picture, and I don't think it'll ever be possible with a physical flat-panel.
That said, I saw a very convincing recreation of a CRT television in a bedroom within VR a while back, the guy got right up to it and it became possible to make out the slot mask/aperture grille on it. The name is escaping me at the moment so I can't find it now, but maybe someone else could share it?

>> No.5011054

Nice to see you here,love your stuff man.

>> No.5011063
File: 1.99 MB, 1920x2560, close burned mario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are no good ways to emulate a crt on modern monitors.
There is a reason for that lol. There are just close approximations.

>So I thought up this crap all by myself and I don't know if it actually means anything
Your hypothetical math seems correct in theory, I didn't check it. Its not that you are wrong per se, but LCDs have some current tech limits. Black levels are one. Color quality and response time are the others. A shitty free CRT will outdo many LCDs for color and blackness & EVERY lcd for response time.

>Perhaps you can already do a decent way to emulate a crt on 1080p
There are things out there that will upscale to an LCD. I don't know any of them as I have a crt, but see people hating on OSSC so it may be a good thing to look into.

Pic related I just took last night. It shows a zenith slot mask. How are my pixels?

>> No.5011065

there was some discussoin about at least 4k was needed for proper shadowmask rendering shader

>> No.5011078

>it doesn't FEEL right

>> No.5011103

Well, you're not wrong.

>> No.5011173
File: 1.13 MB, 933x933, resize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at the picture and doing a rough estimate, your crt has probably about 680 slot mask dots across (going from that mario sprite being 16 pixels wide). If you wanted to render that at 16 pixels per dot you would need 10880 pixels. A bit more than 8K.
Could maybe work with a bit less resolution. Pic is scaled to make a dot roughly about 16 pixels, but you could shave off a bit.
That still leaves blacks, color and reaction time. Blacks and color could be done acceptably by the newer 10 bit OLED Screens - but reaction time? Probably not for a while.
But when that happens, let's say in ten years at the earliest, you can at least get close to the actual display of a CRT. The look of it, at least.

>> No.5011265

>ally opened up l

This particular jungle chip doesn't use RGB but YUV so there will be no native RGB on this particular model. You could always make an adapter circuit, but I already own a retrotek component to RGB converter so it doesn't make as much sense for me to include component to RGB circuitry inside the TV.

You're right though, most TVs with an on screen menu or even closed captioning can be modded for RGB, or alternately component on some models like this one.

This mod has really opened up the usefulness of old TVs that would be less desirable. Modding a composite only for example, it can still do composite, but that would open it up for RGB too.

Yeah, there are getting to be a lot better methods too, instead of the osd line snip, most tvs it's possible to RGB mod without even lifting pins. It still takes a ton of research and obviously soldering ability, but it's damn nice to see these old TVs get some extended life. It makes it to where a "junk" in some people's eyes composite only could be a desirable set. I mean, if you have the option between a shitty tube with component, or an excellent shadow mask tube with composite only, a relatively simple mod and you have a great tube with better inputs.

>> No.5011375
File: 280 KB, 903x848, crt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got this for free on craigslist but it only has coaxial in :/

>> No.5011405

Why'd you get it if you were dissatisfied with the inputs? Did you not check?

>> No.5011535

no i didn't. assumed it would have rca, no worries though there are plenty for free around here will just grab another

>> No.5011540

Good luck, keep in mind you can always contact them and ask for a picture of the plugs on the back.

>> No.5011547

I notice you've got a Saturn controller up top, what are you playing? I'm going to pick up a 20" Consumer Trinitron tomorrow to use with my Saturn, I've been playing YU-NO and I decided I had better pick up a CRT so I don't burn the menus and backgrounds into the 42" Plasma I was given a few months ago.

>> No.5011558

thanks! just didn't cross my mind that it wouldn't have composite as all the ones we had as a kid had it.

panzer dragoon 1 and soukyugurentai otokuyo.. this is actually my second crt, the one i already own is in my bedroom but i often stay up later than my gf and find myself craving saturn so i got an extra CRT for upstairs

>> No.5011880

>This particular jungle chip doesn't use RGB but YUV
Is YUV component? You could add component input to the tv? Svideo falls under that as well? I really really want one of these now to take apart.

>> No.5011907
File: 794 KB, 2560x1920, full screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your crt has probably about 680 slot mask dots across (going from that mario sprite being 16 pixels wide).
I don't know how you counted, nor do I know how it would be counted....but if you count the green stripes under mario as 1 pixel, there are spots where he is over 32 px wide.

>> No.5011937

>I've been playing YU-NO
in English?

>> No.5012243
File: 564 KB, 908x1210, tv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Got this 26" NEC from 1988 instead, really happy with it. Didn't realize how big it was though, gonna need to get something to stand it on.

>> No.5012257

- CRTs are no longer produced because they have inferior picture quality versus LCDs
- CRTs emit dangerous levels of X-rays or other forms of radiation
- CRTs always have easily-visible flicker
- CRTs always cause eyestrain
- CRTs always make a high-pitched squealing noise
- CRTs contain lethal amounts of electricity, even when unplugged
- CRTs need calibration more than two to three times a year
- Overall CRT black levels are not superior to LCDs because ambient light ruins CRT black levels
- Analog CRTs have more processing time than digital LCDs due to poor RAMDAC performance
- Afterimages caused by phosphor decay are extremely annoying and are a significant downside of CRTs
- Sending an improper mode (resolution or refresh rate) to a CRT can cause permanent damage
- CRTs cannot have touchscreens
- 4:3 is so bad that nobody should use a non-widescreen CRT
- The Sony GDM-FW900 is the only CRT worth owning
- Curved CRTs have objectively inferior picture quality versus flat CRTs with otherwise equal specifications
- CRTs should not be used because they are heavier and deeper than LCDs
- CRTs have severe reflections because they do not have matte coats
- CRTs can be permanently damaged by nearby magnets
- Analog signals limit a CRT's resolutions and refresh rates and negatively effect picture quality
- Heavy metals are used in CRT glass to reduce radiation

>> No.5012264

reminder to report shitposts and not give (you)s

>> No.5012274

Holy geometry issues batman

>> No.5012309

what's that?

>> No.5012316

It's obviously distorted. It's supposed to be flat on the ground but it's curving.

>> No.5012317

how straight the lines are across the screen

>> No.5012324

Sonic has curved floors cant you see the by the chekerboard pattern having more in the midde

>> No.5012330

That's just the game.

>> No.5012336
File: 91 KB, 300x540, PrincessZorlda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sonic has curved floors cant you see the by the chekerboard pattern having more in the midde
It looked like a screen set back in a black plastic frame, but otherwise it looked good to me. My tv has a big black frame, and a few pixels lost at the edge, but nothing in any game worthwhile.

>> No.5012346

Nope, 日本語で
That set is sexy, nice find Anon.

>> No.5012351

I've been trying to find a way of playing yuno on genesis in english, but I guess I might as well play the windows version + patches for the better music

>> No.5012356

saturn, of course I meant

>> No.5012404

You can get pretty convincing dot shadow mask simulation on a 4K display. 1080p is sufficient to do a believable aperture grille/slot mask.

>> No.5012417

Maybe if it's a smaller 4K display. You can see the shadow mask if you get close to it, even on a high line count Ikegami (950TVL dot trio), but this is like within an inch of the tube. A large 4K display would have it blown up and flat out looking wrong.

>> No.5012561

>a smaller 4K display
Like a 4K smartphone? That pixel density is insane, so maybe...?

>> No.5013048

I'm new to CRT's. Is all of this true?

>> No.5013125

It's a copypasta, tons of those are obviously subjective opinions. How could a statement like "4:3 is so bad" be true when retro games were made for it?
Basically, >>5012264.

>> No.5013167
File: 2.75 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20180829_165303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know why I'm getting a blur on some parts of the screen? Pvm-14L2

>> No.5013390

It's not so much the subjective opinions I'm worried about, rather the health issues with radiation and metals in CRT's.

>> No.5013469 [DELETED] 

No one should buy CRT, especially PVM. PVM emit dangerous levels of XRAY and will cause cancer in as little as 2 years.

Please pass this info on to hipsters so they stop driving prices up.

Are you playing on composite?

>> No.5013474

>It's not so much the subjective opinions I'm worried about, rather the health issues with radiation and metals in CRT's.
Do the research on every one of the statements. Its is just a copy/paste of half truths & Opinions.

>> No.5013480

I guess you are afraid to fly too? Do you eat bananas? If you do, you should stop cause radiation.

>> No.5013503

Literally everything causes cancer. Low levels of radiation might even be good for you. A cathode ray tube emits 0.5 nanocoulombs per kilogram-hour, and you can only detect levels that high right up against the screen. You would have to literally lay naked on a bed of powered-on consumer-grade CRTs all day for a couple years to have any chance of increasing your risk of cancer. You're more likely to develop a localized cancerous growth from being statically shocked by someone who rubbed a balloon on their hair.
As for the heavy metals, and dangerous levels of electricity: Yes, there are potentially toxic metals inside a CRT but they'll stay inside it unless you totally smash the TV open. Also yes, the main capacitor in a CRT can hold as many as 20,000 to 30,000 Volts. At as low as 500V, the electrical resistance of your skin breaks down, and you become an excellent conductor. Those kinds of voltages, at the 300 Ohm internal resistance of the human body is enough to kill you instantly and very, very thoroughly. What should you take away from this: Don't tinker inside a CRT unless you REALLY know what you're doing. They're completely safe to use, just be smart.
I know you want to protect your SEKRIT KLUB and your precious prices, but do it some other way than telling foolish lies.

>> No.5013527

I've been having fun with it.

>> No.5013559

I'm off to go look at, and hopefully pick up a CRT, wish me luck fellas.

>> No.5013582

Is more possible to get cancer from reading all the shit posted here everyday than from some CRT

>> No.5013669

Just got a 14" CRT, haven't played on one for at least 10 years so can't remember how they were. Is the flickering and high pitch screech normal? Using RCA->SCART using an adapter.

>> No.5013719

fellas, do I dare to bring my fw900 to my college apartment? Or should I bring a 1600x1200@75 19 incher.

>> No.5014112
File: 2.27 MB, 3840x2160, IMG_20180830_200752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got it, but the geometry shifted slightly on the way home. Now I gotta wait for the remote to come in the mail so I can put it straight again in the service menus.

>> No.5014120 [DELETED] 

- CRTs are no longer produced because they have inferior picture quality versus LCDs
- CRTs emit dangerous levels of X-rays or other forms of radiation
- CRTs always have easily-visible flicker
- CRTs always cause eyestrain
- CRTs always make a high-pitched squealing noise
- CRTs contain lethal amounts of electricity, even when unplugged
- CRTs need calibration more than two to three times a year
- Overall CRT black levels are not superior to LCDs because ambient light ruins CRT black levels
- Analog CRTs have more processing time than digital LCDs due to poor RAMDAC performance
- Afterimages caused by phosphor decay are extremely annoying and are a significant downside of CRTs
- Sending an improper mode (resolution or refresh rate) to a CRT can cause permanent damage
- CRTs cannot have touchscreens
- 4:3 is so bad that nobody should use a non-widescreen CRT
- The Sony GDM-FW900 is the only CRT worth owning
- Curved CRTs have objectively inferior picture quality versus flat CRTs with otherwise equal specifications
- CRTs should not be used because they are heavier and deeper than LCDs
- CRTs have severe reflections because they do not have matte coats
- CRTs can be permanently damaged by nearby magnets
- Analog signals limit a CRT's resolutions and refresh rates and negatively effect picture quality
- Heavy metals are used in CRT glass to reduce radiation

>> No.5014141

Imagine having to post your amateurish bait twice because nobody give a fuck

>> No.5014148

>do I dare to bring my fw900 to my college apartment?

Only if you live in your apartment alone. Roommates can be idiots with no idea of respecting another's property.

>> No.5014219

I think the image on my CRT vibrates/flickers/oscillates. It's not really noticeable except on high-contrast objects, but after a play session I feel like that shit lingers in my eyes. Is this normal?

>> No.5014223

I think that's called interlaced

>> No.5014281
File: 2.83 MB, 2976x2976, 20180831_003830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/ user here. Neighbors were throwing this away. It's a Samsung TCC1340, and was manufactured in November of '94. It's 14", and only has coax input. Everything has worked great. Was this a good score, or should I keep my eyes out for another CRT? Also, am I losing any picture quality by using an RF modulator?

>> No.5014317

there's a lot you should read up on if you really want to know, but in essence coax is the noisiest connection with the least bandwidth, and is far surpassed by other formats; a simple list is coax<<composite<<s-video<rgb=component
<< to indicate large differences

if the image doesn't bother you or you especially like it a little fuzzy, maybe dont even worry about it

>> No.5014324

Is there actually any way to make scanlines bigger/more noticable? Dead serious. I'm also aware that the horizontal lines forming the visible image are technically the scanlines and not the black spaces, but you get what I mean.

>> No.5014327

If the set hasn't been calibrated and is considerably out of wack, you can sometimes get the focus of the actual scanlines up a bit more. Lowering contrast will also lead to less bloom and give the look of thicker gaps.

What options you have available are going to be limited by what set you have. What model is it?

>> No.5014341

14N5U, good old budget PVM. Got it on the recommendation of some anons here some odd threads back when I asked for a decent 14" set that could at least do s-video.

>> No.5014348

You can post a photo of how it currently looks, and lowering contrast a bit may help (though can also make the picture look worse depending), but there's only so much you can expect out of a 500tvl set.

>> No.5014352

>but there's only so much you can expect out of a 500tvl set.
Really? I thought the higher the line count, the harder it would be to attain noticeable scanline gaps. At least based on the logic that more lines = less space between. Does resolution play a part?

>> No.5014369
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>I thought the higher the line count, the harder it would be to attain noticeable scanline gaps.
Assuming keeping the same resolution in all situations, a higher TVL count will always result in more separation of individual lines of video. That higher rating not only requires a more finely detailed phosphor coat/grille but also a gun capable of focusing the beam tighter. With that tighter focus comes larger gaps.

A 500TVL set at 14'' can get a bit of separation, but you can't expect a lot. 600TVL at that size is quite apparent; 800TVL is very apparent and is where you start to get into diminishing returns in terms of how much of a gap there will be, regardless of tube size.

This is a bit of an extreme close up, but a 600TVL 14M2MDU.

>> No.5014374

I really like the look of that, and also TVL makes more sense to me now, thanks. How does size affect the scanline visibility though? Larger screen spreading the beam thin?

>> No.5014376
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And this isn't going to be the best example, due to different tube types, but this is a 500+ TVL Ikegami TM14-17R.

There's just a much larger surface to draw to, meaning that even with a less focused beam, there's just more room for a gap to be left.

>> No.5014378

The picture on my crt looks tilted
Its starting to bug me

>> No.5014414

It's probably the deflection yoke. I never opened up my KV27S42 again to learn how to unclamp and rotate it, it's probably a little different on every set.

>> No.5014423

If it's a modern set it may have adjustments for that in the hidden menu

>> No.5014442

Would you mind taking a look at my PVM as well? I think there might be some focus issues.

>> No.5014468

Its a pvm 2030
Im scared to fiddle with it

>> No.5014541

Can you take a shot where it isn't in direct sunlight with loads of reflections?

>> No.5015149

The high-pitch sound is normal.
What kind of flickering are you experiencing? Throughout the whole screen, or just on the edges of text or other small sprites? What console are you playing on?

>> No.5015743
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>>5014112 again, geometry near the top is still screwed up but I got it hooked up via SCART --> Composite today and it looks fantastic, I'm glad I decided to pick this up.

>> No.5015749
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>> No.5015754
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Best for last:

>> No.5015770

I am having some audio noise issues, shouldn't have cheaped out on the cable. What's a good shielded Saturn SCART cable? The ones from Retro-Access are all out of stock.

>> No.5015947

N64, nothing too annoying or specific, just slight brightness flickering from the screen all over.
Anyway I'm getting a new RCA cable as the one I'm currently using is the original and I think has some resistor solded into it to fix brightness issues when I had it on an LCD.

>> No.5016039

what is this? Not even my anime-fag friend recognizes it.

>> No.5016049

Quiz Nanairo Dreams. It's a trivia quiz game where you save the world and re-seal a demon king by dating and earning the love and trust of seven girls. If you're interested in playing it though, you better be pretty darn fast at reading Japanese and know a decent amount about Japanese pop culture and sports from the mid-90s. I always choose the questions about science, common knowledge, etc., and of course anime and games because I can normally answer those, but I get stuck eventually because I run out of those ones to pick. It's a real blast to play, I recommend it.

>> No.5016065

>The ones from Retro-Access are all out of stock.
Read their post on how the website works
Or use retro gaming cables

>> No.5016130

Yeah, I saw that right after I made the post, I'll just order from them next Monday.

>> No.5016289
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Why does my CRT keep making random noises even when it's turned off?

>> No.5016329

You guys recommend any speakers I should use? I heard you need ones with shielding to prevent magnetization of the picture.

>> No.5016435
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Got back into the computer games I used to play ages ago but they look like trash on my current monitor. Can anyone recommend a decent (inexpensive) CRT for the computer that would be reasonably easy to find? Like whats the honda civic of CRTs?

>> No.5016483

Too many PC CRTs to give any sensible model recommendation, have a look what you can find on craigslist / whatever your local equivalent is.

>> No.5016528

The one you can find locally.

>> No.5016627

just got my pvm set up so that the underscan button corrects the aspect ratio. I highly recommend it. next I'm going to try setting the overscan for the super gameboy

>> No.5017076

So I have noticed that my 27inch barrel trinitron is giving off resonance whenever a lot of blue/black color is on the screen. If I turn down the speakers I don't hear it at all but If wanna listen to the music of the game I hear it again, would what this guy did in the following post help me solve this issue? Thanks


> I had a 27" flatscreen trinitron that was projecting harmonic resonance through the case. I fixed it with some soft rubber washers cut from a toilet bowl gasket because it's what I had on hand. It was similar to a yoga mat texture.

>> No.5017114

>whats the honda civic of CRTs?
Look at anything you can locally. Lots of Dell and other computer monitors are simply re-branded Trinitrons. Every time I turn around I find a 17" or bigger dell, ibm or some other trinitron.

>> No.5017121 [DELETED] 

I lost the pic but basically the tv's case was bolted directly to the flyback transformer. It was letting harmonic resonance get into the case and amplifying how it does. I took a soft foam gasket that connects the toilet tank to bowl and cut out a thick rubber washer out of that material. Put it between the flyback and the case. I just used the toilet gasket as it's what I had on hand, but soft rubber something like a yoga mat would work too.

>> No.5017134

I lost the pic but basically the tv's case was bolted directly to the flyback transformer. It was letting harmonic resonance get into the case and amplifying how it does. I took a soft foam gasket that connects the toilet tank to bowl and cut out a thick rubber washer out of that material. Put it between the flyback and the case. I just used the toilet gasket as it's what I had on hand, but soft rubber something like a yoga mat would work too.

This would work if the sound dampens when you touch the case. Harmonic resonance is pretty easy to diagnose, you can feel the case vibrating at a high pitch. It's not like a regular audio hum, but kind of a feedback loop that starts quiet and gets louder. It's basically vibrating the case at a high frequency and turning it into a speaker.

>> No.5017306
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So how do I get component working on my PVM?
It only has inputs for RGB, S-video, and composite.

>> No.5017316

why not just buy scart cables then

>> No.5017354

see then my problem is something different, here is the rundown:

1. when tv volume is off I don't hear any hiss/hum

2. when tv volume is low I don't hear it EXCEPT when the screen has a bunch of black and blue

3. if I hear the hiss and then use the raspberry pi controller shortcut (square plus ps home button) to get to the quick menu, the hiss stops

4. I hear the hiss when I turn the AUTO VOLUME setting to ON

5. I hear the hiss whenever I turn the volume up super loud

just shit speakers? bad caps? any ideas?

>> No.5017387
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depends how you're feeling the coax. I recently got a coax only TV and found another on CL that had composite. worth it for me personally. I'd say hold onto that one until you can find another free/really cheap one that has composite or s-video on CL.

Yea it's set back, it has a second flat glass panel on the front.

How do I take photos of the TV without the banding?

>> No.5017449

>just shit speakers?
Could be shit unshielded audio wires. I don't know how pi is for audio noise but some retro consoles have a hum unless you do a digital audio mod. Alternatly try using a set of computer speakers and see if the hum still happens. If that cures it, it's probably something on your PVM. If it hums through the computer speakers it's the console or cables. If you don't have amplified computer speakers use some ipod dock that takes aux or such.

>> No.5017457

>How do I take photos of the TV without the banding?

If you're using android phone swipe right for pro mode and turn the aperture setting to like 1/60, 1/45, 1/30 or whatever stops the rolling from appearing. Adjusting iso can also help get the lighting right. Bonus points for stealth selfie in the reflection of the tv's glass.

>> No.5017469

ahh okie, thx bro

>> No.5017519

could I wrap the cables in something to shield them? The cable is the weird xbox 360 one that has a single pin that breaks out into audio and composite video

>> No.5017741

The thing is, the shielding has to be inside the cables. The audio cables need to be shielded from the interference caused by the current running down the video cables, because they're all bundled up into one. If I'm not mistaken, the shielding works on the principle of a Faraday Cage, so you need them to be wrapped in a wire mesh that's connected to ground. You could do this on your own if you really wanted to, but it's probably a better use of your time to just buy better cables.
t. guy that wasted $10 on a shitty SCART cable last week and has to buy a better one now because the buzzing is unbearable.

>> No.5017762

hmmmm...you may be right, any suggestion for a cable that will work with the raspi?

>> No.5017773

I don't know anything about the RasPi, what kind of connector are you using? What kinds are on the RasPi, and what's on your TV?

>> No.5017854

raspi has the weird single breakout pin that outputs to audio and composite video, im using the official xbox cord with it (lolz), I oculd go hdmi but I want 240p

tv is a '98 barrel trinitron, 27inches

>> No.5017886


>> No.5017902


>> No.5017942

this isnt an rgb monitor lol

>> No.5018000

Maybe if you actually read the text you'd find the part about a SCART connector designed for the Pi.

>> No.5018074

For clarification: Your best bet for a high-quality 240p connection from end-to-end is SCART --> Component via a transcoder like the one Shinybow makes. You should probably try a different cable before you jump into something more expensive like that, but to me that 3.5mm audio-jack-like video connector seems kinda dicey to begin with.
The people in the reviews on this cable seem to think it works alright for the RasPi, but check it out for yourself.
https://www dot amazon.com/Parts-Express-3-5mm-Plug-Cable/dp/B0007V6JCK

>> No.5018089
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Got a random urge to start a new game of Chrono Trigger tonight. Haven't played it since the DS remake. Warmed up the lava lamp, too. Just cleaned and hooked up the Sony TA-F6B amp I nabbed on ebay. In gorgeous shape, sounds amazing. Decided to quit for now because a friend of mine is gonna visit next weekend and we're gonna try to marathon the whole game.

>> No.5018119


I have a pi but I've not messed with it. Mine has a yellow composite RCA jack and a headphone jack. If yours has this, use the yellow jack for video and a good shielded audio cable. If yours is a single port, I assume it's a TRRS port. If it is, I've never saw a good shielded trrs to rca cable. If you really care about audio quality you might have to get on digikey and order a trrs jack and solder it up yourself with grounded and shielded cable.

I wondered about this: https://www.amazon.com/Devinal-3-5mm-Phono-Audio-Video/dp/B075HYPFT6/ref=sr_1_fkmr2_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1535857981&sr=1-1-fkmr2&keywords=trrs+rca+cable+shielded

It doesn't say shielded on the description so it might not be, but for $11 it might be worth the risk.

>> No.5018128

What kind of TV is that

>> No.5018140

that's just some 20" pvm

>> No.5018142

This. It's a PVM 20M4U

>> No.5018205

Get a transcoder. Or just use RGB where possible.

>> No.5018206

There's also the RetroTINK hat with transcoder built in.

>> No.5018230

I got that shifting shit bad on my crt. is there any way to fix that?

>> No.5018273

I have the same issue. It really pisses me off because it can cause vertical lines to appear wavy, but it seems almost impossible to completely iron out. When viewing a square or rectangle on the screen, the whole thing will be even except for the right side where the corners pincushion out and cause that side to look tucked even though the rest is straight. If I make adjustments to fix that side, it fucks the left side. Hope someone ITT has an answer, but maybe it's a natural geometry quirk of the things.

>> No.5018308

If your PVM has a component option, you can take RCA to BNC adapters and use them on a component cable to connect it to the RGB inputs.

Unless I'm retarded and this is one of those PVMs that doesn't use BNC for RGB.

>> No.5018330

>>5016627 reporting back
the overscan can't quite go all the way, but cranking it up high makes the black border pretty small. the scanlines get extremely thick
in the end it's setP so that underscan is aspect correct, normal fills the screen, and overscan is set high to play super gameboy

>> No.5018335

Anyone know have to access the service menu on a Beovision MX3000? Got one today, picture is fucking beautiful by the geometry needs adjusting.

>> No.5019589
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Finished the first disc of YU-NO today

>> No.5019665

I'm the guy that posted the screenshot of the Yu-No main menu up a ways, and I have the same issue as you: vertical lines appear wavy, especially in the top half or third of the screen, it's like that section is shifted to the right a little ways. When my remote comes in sometime later this week I'll try my hand at fixing the geometry and I'll post here about how it goes.

>> No.5019743
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Anyone here have experience recording off a CRT in HD? I've been doing some tests recording games & VHS tapes for my hobby channel, & my Lumix G7 loses focus any time there's a scene transition. Any tips or feedback would really help. I already know to set my shutter speed to 1/60 of a second to match up with the NTSC refresh rate, but this lack of focus is killing me. also, do you guys think recording a CRT screen in the dark or with lighting looks better? I've never really done this before, so any tips or tricks would be appreciated.

>> No.5019749

I look forward to it, thanks anon.

>> No.5019830

Lost sync on my Megaview 29, pictures going sideways haywire. Took my scart cable apart to find the carrier sync pin had enough wobble that it moved against the ground. But I think it ruined my Megaview as I removed the cable and used RCA cables to the AV in and its all screwed up also. Tried a NES and SNES same thing, both work on other displays. Is this Mitsubishi toast?

>> No.5019848
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Does it not have a manual focus option?

I do all my recordings in an (essentially) pitch black room to avoid reflections and get as decent blacks as I can manage.

Also because my room lights are trash and I can't afford studio lighting or what have you.

It's very likely repairable, and I would say worth it as well.

Does the OSD (if there is one) or composite input still manage to sync?

>> No.5019854


OSD still syncs. Who repairs these things? I'm not too far from NYC. I also have another Megaview 29 that only gives a blue screen on input. Bought it that way a couple of years ago. Would be nice to

>> No.5019865
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If the OSD still syncs, it's just a matter of working out what supporting/switching circuitry is being wacky, since the underlying stuff still works.

As for finding someone to repair, you sort of just have to get lucky in finding someone willing to even touch them at this point.

If money is no issue, there's technically that one famous tech in NYC that does work for different art installations and stuff, but I don't know if you could even get them to do it.

There's someone in the discord server based in Albany that does some CRT work, but I have no idea if they'd be willing to take the job.

What model is/are they?

>> No.5019903

>Does it not have a manual focus option?
It does, but you have to press the focus button & then it just loses that focus the second you hit a black loading screen in BOF3. Someone in my comments said there's a focus lock option (looking into it). Besides, I'm not going to keep pressing focus every 30 seconds. I'm not some superman who can jiggle going back & forth between playing the game & manually setting the focus.
>I do all my recordings in an (essentially) pitch black room to avoid reflections and get as decent blacks as I can manage.
I gotta give that a try. Wow, what a great photo. What kind of camera do you use?

>> No.5019924 [DELETED] 

XC-2930C and XC-2935C

>> No.5019928


XC-2930C and XC-2935C

>> No.5019952
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A quick google search suggests that there may be a specific manual focus setting in the menu (rather than a button) that I would assume locks it to manual mode only.

>what camera
That photo from the first post is actually from an old crappy Kodak M863.
The latter is from a Sony RX100m1, which is my current go to.

Both are point'n'shoots, but the latter gives essentially full manual mode and near DSLR performance on some stuff, sans the interchangeable glass and all that.

I also do videos; Skip to #17 for the new camera, and ~60 for a slightly refined recording method(reduced beam shadow). Really need to move all the Kodak stuff to a different playlist at this point.


I've got the service manual for the former, and the manual for the 37'' version of the latter is out there and should be relatively applicable, should you need/want them.

>> No.5019964


That'd be awesome if you could put it on mega or somewhere, thanks!

>> No.5020016
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XC-2930c Service Manual

XC-3725c Service Manual

>> No.5020050

Love your content been following you for a while! On youtube of course. Introduced me to several unknown 80s anime I'd never known about.

2 Things
I'm looking a good way of converting/adapter for RCA audio also Digital audio to Headphone jack. I have a simple one i bought and it's ok for now.

Also, Looking for a decent camera to record/capture pictures of a CRT.

>> No.5020065

I cant get in to move the yoke properly on my 2030
too much wiring and big motherboards in the way

>> No.5020357


>> No.5020368

Found someone somewhat local giving away an olympus endoscopy unit with an oev203 on top. Should I just get it and if its bjorked who cares right cuz cool rolling shelf? Or bring a wii with the test suite and weird out lady with my aspergers?

>> No.5020375

I don't know anything about the ultrawide thing, but I do know the following:

NTSC 320 is most accurate for Genesis/MegaDrive
NTSC 256 for SNES

But I like to use royale or something from the analog shader pack.

Here's some helpful links-





>> No.5020376

oh no

>> No.5020415


Just take it and run. If they see you testing it, that gives them the chance to switch up and charge for it.

>> No.5020467

Yea thats true. Not sure what to say when they ask why I need an endoscopy unit, don't think saying I am an 'amateur endoscopist' would work. Anyways 5 hours round trip isn't too bad at all I guess. I do have a olympus camera that I cherish so at the very least I will have a new giant rolling shelving unit for my tiny point and shoot.

>> No.5020509


if yes then it does have component input, I have the same model. Get bnc to rca adapters and put the red compnent cable in the one that says "R/Y", the green where it says "Y", and the blue where it says "B/Y". Then push the "ANALOG RGB/COMPONENT" input and make sure the "EXT SYNC" button is not pushed in.

>> No.5020537

It's not. It's a 13/1443MD. Not Component support.

>> No.5020561

also make sure the little switch on the back is set to "COMPO"

>> No.5020802

They'll think you're less weird if you just tell them your into old electronics.

5 hours is nothing. I drove 12 hours round trip for a Megaview 29 last year. And 10 hours for a second Megaview 29 a couple months before that.

>> No.5021108

My ideal CRT: Consumer model, 20-24", curved screen(namely because I want to avoid geometry issues if possible), component inputs
Does it exist?

>> No.5021127

Toshiba and Panasonic have some models like this, even bigger than than range. Also kinda sure the standard def Sony XBR tubes fit the bill as well.

>> No.5021131

But I want them specifically on the smaller side of things, I don't have the room for a 27" or a 36"

>> No.5021145

Anything Bang and Olufsen fits your criteria. You may even have room for a 28" one as the back on them is very shallow.

>> No.5021152

Wow, didn't know that company used to make CRTs. That's high-end stuff, definitely out of my range.

>> No.5021159

Where do you live? In Europe and the UK they're not hard to get a hold of. They may cost a little more than your average CRT but there's a good reason for it. I have an MX6000 and it's fantastic. Super small footprint too.

>> No.5021165

Middle of the US, the closest listing to me is $200 but it's 850 miles away. The only other listing is $650 plus $280 shipping. Both listings are for 32" sets.

>> No.5021174

Ouch, that sucks. Mine was £50 and I drove a 40 minute round trip to pick it up. Seems to be the same deal with vintage audio equipment here too- top notch stuff for very little locally.

>> No.5021178
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I have a samsung Tx r2035 20", however it is a flat screen. It has component, composite and svideo. It is a very good screen, and I Have no complaints. I Have not seen many sets that have component that are in the "medium" size range. Most units are over 25" that I have seen. The only reason I have this samsung is because of the size and hookups.

>> No.5021206

You're an idiot. Sonic levels have uneven terrain, it's not the TV.

>> No.5021468
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Got this TV for free, how do you guys rate it?

>> No.5021474
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>> No.5021621
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trying to motivate myself to go PC CRT hunting again. using a 109b6 Philips atm (have 3 of them 2 in storage in a nice indoor aircon home/room) they are shadow mask but I only play at 1024x768 120hz I do notice the pixels less clear or crisp as the trons ive tried before but not by much.

sorta feel only reason to get a tron now is if it can do a higher res while maintaining a respectable hz like at least 90-100hz. that's higher than 1024x768 what are my options for that.? I know I should keep looking so I can stock up on CRT so I can use them until I don't care about reaction time but yer…

any ideas? or should I just look for a bunch of crt and hope some are trons. if they cant do higher res than 1024x768 and maintain 100hz I don't really want them.

feeling lazy but know how important this is and that time is running out.

also sorry if OT but I found a 30$ 0.2ms hdmi-to-vga adaptor I think both links the same device but only top one confirmed 0.2ms second one is confirmed 85hz (thou im hoping it can do higher and that's just the guys GPU defaults and if he made a custom res in nvidia he could do 120hz with it?)

goods ruten com tw/item/show?21511620812537#info

1.4 85hz
goods ruten com tw/item/show?21550341238699

if any one know better adaptor thanks.

>> No.5022072

Does 6th gen 3D games look any better on PVMemes?

>> No.5022126

Some say that early 3d games look better with a little fuzziness to clean out those jagged edges, but it's up to preference.

>> No.5022164

2 mitsubishi diamond pro 930sb up on craigslist for $50 each. They are vga pc monitors that are a rebadge of the nec multisync fp912sb. I should get at least one for at the very least a crt on my video editing pc right?

>> No.5022203

Super stale anon.

>> No.5022227

Looks like a consumer tv...

>> No.5022415

video was deleted?

>> No.5022426

Got anything better than composite?

>> No.5022435

On a display that can resolve 480i and 480p well, yeah, they look awesome. Sony multiformats are kinda shit at this, with progressive images looking very nice but 480i looking wrong. JVC/Ikegami/Panasonic Multiformats look tremendous however. They look best on them but a nice CRT that will take component at 480i will still be good, something like a toshiba theaterviewSD or JVC D Series.

>> No.5022738
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Finally hooked up the Dell CRT/PC monitor I found on the side of the road a week back & tried retroarch on it, but I think this tube is on it's last legs. For lack of a better description, it just seems too dark. I tried every setting on the thing & barely got it up to a decent brightness, but it's still way too dark for anything I would want to use it for. Does this sound like old age, or are these old Dells just prone t dimming over time? The previous owner probably used it daily.

>> No.5023015

How do SMPTE color bars and/or a dedicated PLUGE pattern look?

>> No.5023101
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Just brought a small Sony Trinitron. How can I rid it of possible roaches? Google says to put the tv in a plastic sealed back in the freezer for 5 days. I have no idea if that'll damage the TV.

>> No.5023140

Oh no, anon. I'd get rid of it immediately if I were you. It's not worth it, at least not to me.

>> No.5023154
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Any used TV brought from Craigslist will always have the possibility of being infested with something. I'm just being proactive.

>> No.5023162
File: 798 KB, 1821x808, Choose one.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well? Which one do you go for?

>> No.5023169

>FV300 for free
>its the 32" one
Oh well. Too big. Maybe if i pray hard enough a 20"-24" one will pop up this decade.

>> No.5023179

That white Trinny is AESTHETIC

Get that and an all-white setup. PSOne, Wii, Dreamcast, white Saturn, white OG Xbox. White metal stand. Holy shit I'm gonna cum.

>> No.5023182

Check Letgo, Offerup and/or Goodwill before throwing down that much for a consumer set.

>> No.5023183

If space is not an issue, I'd go with the one on the right. The left CRT only has composite inputs, but the one on the right has Component and S-Video.
The only reason I'd get the left one is exclusively as a light-gun game display.

>> No.5023194

Haven't thought of that. I'll look at that now.
Space is kinda an issue. But damn what separates the "Good" condition from the "Excellent" condition and how will it affect the end picture quality.
Kinda leaning on that white one too. But the fact it lacks S-Video is heartbreaking.

>> No.5023206

I'm so glad that I live at a high enough altitude that roaches can't live here.

>> No.5023226

You in Austin? I'll sell you a 27inch cheaper than both of those

>> No.5023235

I think I see you on OfferUp.
Does your Sony Trinitron have S-Video?

>> No.5023306

I don't have anything listed currently anywhere but I have some spare 27inch tvs, I have a sony trinitron whose case is busted that does not have s video but I have some apex and phillips and I think jvc units with s video

lmk what you are after, I have curved and flat screen crts

>> No.5023310

I also have 2 32 inch Trinitrons, both flat and bot have s video and I think component.

>> No.5023340

Currently I'm looking for any CRT TV's under 26 inches or smaller with S-Video.

Being curved or flat doesn't matter to me. This will purely be used for N64/PS1 era and up.

>> No.5023345

I have some phillips, apex, jvc and I think sanyos that are 27 inch, just barely outside of your parameters but if you want them reply to this post and we can setup a chat on irc or chatango or something

>> No.5023361

I think from the shear quality of 27"+ CRT TVs that are available to buy, I will need to wait until I get a bigger room to have space to put the TV in.
I'm moving to a house that's being built in 6 months. So I will be searching again after I settled in. Thanks for your offers and advice.

>> No.5023424

Is the resolution of a CRT determined most directly by the motions of its electron gun, or by the aperture grille? If I change the size of the picture by adjusting the tube, either via the on-board controls or via a service menu, will the resolution change or lose clarity?

>> No.5023458

The dot pitch and the refresh rate are the two chokepoints in crt resolution. The light gun can always scan as fast as it's capable, it's just a matter of the color phosphors being in the way of the beam when it scans, and if they're too sparse you won't resolve the image. For which one is the deciding factor, it's usually the dot pitch which limits the max resolution, but you can max out the light gun by simply increasing the refresh rate at any resolution.

>> No.5023468
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Explaining resolution with CRTs can be difficult. You need to separate (digital) resolution, clarity, and the ability to resolve detail into separate concepts.

For a TV, the actual resolution (in the digital sense of the matter) stays the same, regardless of the quality/TVL/etc of the set. How well it can actually resolve what is being drawn is a different matter.

For a PC CRT (or other multisync/format sets), the digital resolution a given set can support comes down the the circuitry driving the CRT, and the actual ability to resolve it comes down the how well it can focus the beam in and the pitch/fineness of the grille or mask (which is the greatest limiting factor in the end).

A poorly calibrated and unfocused set can be soft and not resolve what is intended to be drawn, but the actual resolution isn't changing.

480i on a cheap, no-name set is technically still the same resolution as 480i on a 1000TVL BVM. The latter is just more capable of resolving every last detail (purposefully to a fault). Where the former may represent the bangs of a character's hair as a vague accent, the latter will draw it as a very sharp and apparent detail.

For something a bit more long form:


>> No.5023512
File: 272 KB, 1123x1452, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy crap anons I finally found a mind-blowingly good deal, my heart is absolutely pounding right now. I bought THREE Ikegami TM9-1s and a Sony PVM-8044Q for a total of $125!!!! I'm still in disbelief, here's hoping they get here safely.

>> No.5023519

What's the best CRT for PS2?

>> No.5023523
File: 95 KB, 750x741, 1535343386725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In other news, here's something for the pussy anons too scaredy to open their CRTs and mess with the insides.


>> No.5023526
File: 3.82 MB, 3264x2448, 1426319313537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's really fucking good anon.
I've got a 8044Q myself and it's one of the sharpest CRTs I've ever had.
Pic related

>> No.5023547


What's a good use for a small monitor like that? I keep one around because it can show me the vertical and horizontal blanking area, which I think is pretty cool.

>> No.5023548

That's not sharp, just small.

Earlier last year I picked up fifteen 9-inch multiformats for barely more than anon paid for those four security monitors. Now THOSE are sharp (1080i capable).

>> No.5023561

I honestly don't know, I've never owned any professional monitors before, but I saw an Anon on here before that was using an 8-inch Sony for retro gaming on a desk as opposed to in front of a couch.

>> No.5023569

>Best desktop form-factor (I still think 14" monitors are too big for most desks)
>Cheapest pro monitors you can buy
>The best portable CRTs you can buy
>Excellent display for low-resolution handheld games
And in that anon's case, you could probably output a single console to four displays at once if you want to get creative.

>> No.5023602

im building a computer that's the size of a TKL keyboard but 20cm/8inch high.

still want to use CRT. don't care how big my monitor is computer can be smaller and go in my backpack when I go to lans would rather lift a CRT to a lan that some stupid huge steel case.

>> No.5023605

am thinking about using a old dead laptop screen with a controller chip from ebay and sticking it to side of case thou perhaps. just for aesthetics. but might be hard to do and keep cooling good shrugs.

>> No.5023660
File: 3.80 MB, 4370x3112, DSC07539ARWs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now THOSE are sharp
Assuming you mean the D9H1(or H5), those tubes have the same stripe pitch (.25mm) and are rate for the exact same TVL (450) as the 8044/45, except with the downside of usually only being found with their 16:9 mask, forcing you to either run it bare or letterbox 4:3 content on it, pushing that rating down to 340TVL.

Support for 480p through 720p is nice, but if both monitors are doing 240p, you're going to get essentially the same picture out of both.

>> No.5023665

>Lived in Florida for a while because my parents moved there when I was a teenager
>Fucking palmettos get into the house
>Roaches on steroids, they are huge and the crunch can be heard for miles when you kill them
>Bring it up with my dad when I see a few and tell him we should call someone about it
>"Nah palmettos aren't like normal roaches they don't infest :)"
>Couple months later the creepy crawly things have complete run of the house at night
>Seal off my room completely at night so they can't get in
>Parents ignore the problem and never do anything about it
So glad I moved out.

>> No.5023672

As someone who's mostly played PS2 games on their non-Multiformat PVM, I'd say the picture is satisfactory. I mostly agree with: >>5022126
In that it's dependent on your personal preference. I'd say that 5th gen games are where PVMs really shine. For me, nothing compares to playing PS1 games via RGB on a Sony monitor of the same era.

>> No.5023819

That white one is sexy as hell, never seen a white one before.

>> No.5023879

What's the cheapest good way to connect SCART to a PVM with BNC connectors?

>> No.5023898

Build your own adapter cable

>> No.5023913

alright cool, if you change your mind just post in a crt general and ask for the guy with a bunch of spare crts in central texas

>> No.5023914
File: 541 KB, 2048x1883, T9677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I pull up a dedicated color test on a Dell M992?

>> No.5024012

Probably a retard-tier question but can a bad scart cable cause bad geometry?
I bought one of those bottom of the barrel cheap SCART cables to test a SCART CRT when I found one and on the TV everything about the geometry is fine but the image is about an inch higher than it should be.

Currently waiting for a new one but wondering if I should try messing with the geometry now or wait until the good SCART cable comes in

>> No.5024092

>everything about the geometry is fine but the image is about an inch higher than it should be.
Could just be bad centering or too much overscan. It can be fixed in seconds in the service menu and isn't really a geometry thing.

>> No.5024108
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I've got the same monitor (also found on the side of the road) and it's darker than my LCD but I wouldn't say it's too dark. I've got Brightness at 0 and Contrast at 100, but increased brightness to 14 in the graphics control panel for gamma correction. Scanlines will make the image a lot darker and there isn't anything you can do about that. This post isn't much help.

>> No.5024128

SMPTE wouldn't -exactly- be correct for that sort of monitor, since it's not intended for displaying any sort of broadcast picture as a TV or whatever else would.

That said, if you need a program to toss some test patterns and the like up with, NEC Test is a good go to.

It is possible that it's on it's last legs (not really sure why you have brightness bottomed out) but you could potentially try raising G2 a bit otherwise and see if that does anything. That'll raise the base brightness (so your black level) up a bit as the brightness setting would, and might get you some better black detail, assuming you're running into any black crush issues; It won't, however, increase peak brightness at all, which you already seem to be pushing with the maxed contrast setting.

There are some other technical fixes that could get a bit more life out of a tube with worn/weak guns, but it's not liable to be worth it to you

>> No.5024213

>It is possible that it's on it's last legs (not really sure why you have brightness bottomed out)

If its a trinitron, it is a normal long term failure of their high end CRT tubes. I had the same issue with my GDM, and I had to get into the service menu, and it was somewhat a pain in the ass. It required a USB to ttl? converter. If its a trinitron (it probably is) you could look into re-calibrating it. No doubt it should be the same or similar to doing it for a GDM....is it worth it? A few simple tweaks in the menu is all it takes....Does that monitor do 640x480 @ 120hz?

>> No.5024223

>not really sure why you have brightness bottomed out
raising it raises the black level and washes everything out, I don't know if there's a way to fix this

>Does that monitor do 640x480 @ 120hz?
Yes, it can do up to 160hz in my experience. It's great for custom resolutions, though I can't get 3840x480 to work and had to settle for 2048x480 for emulation purposes.

>> No.5024407

do you know any grill crts that can do higher res than 1024x768 while maintaining at least 85-100hz.

>> No.5024441

>If its a trinitron
It's a Samsung. Not based on much, but my guess would be that M-Prefixed sets are Samsung internals. P-Prefixed are Sonys.

They just have a regular G2/Screen knob on the flyback, no need for WinDAS.

Anything that isn't a basic 70khz set. A common limit on slightly nicer sets is 96khz, and would give you at least 960p@96hz.

For working out rough guess of what a random combo of res+refresh would need, this is useful: http://www.csgnetwork.com/videosignalcalc.html

>> No.5024664

It is... I never had a non consumer CRT and have no idea where I can get one in my country (BR)

I will try getting a component cable, that's not a SNES (my SNES died last year, RIP), it's just a modded PS2 running SNEStation.

>> No.5024731

Where can I get one of those

>> No.5024740

get sent to prison tell guard you get epilepsy from new LCD and you need CRT he look in backroom for you find you 5x monitors like that.

apple just copied their design.

>> No.5024917

I'm a noob to this, why do PVMs have that recessed whilte/yellow square on the top bezel like in >>5013167

>> No.5024938


It's a lamp that's called a tally light. It's used for signalling things like if the broadcast is live.

>> No.5024985


>> No.5025159
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I just grabbed this, its jvc and i cant find info.

>> No.5025249

I think of them as gateway CRTs: gives you a taste of the good life but you know there's a better, more expensive fix down the line

>> No.5025252

What kind of inputs?

>> No.5025287
File: 59 KB, 800x600, IMG_3602-1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking to buy my first CRTs, I've checked my area and there really isn't much around (South West UK) - However I've found a couple of PVM-14N5MDE.
I can see the 2 S-Video inputs and the BNC connection, but how does the BNC stuff work? Is it just plug and play with a BNC to scart cable? They seem to have 4 ot 6 connections while this monitor only has the 2 (pic)
Any advice greatly appreciated

>> No.5025296

BNC is just a more professional connector and doesn't imply RGB support.
This monitor only does composite and S-video, however s-video is a great upgrade for 15khz content, if you can get it for cheap or can haggle down (because it's not RGB) go for it

>> No.5025316

Ah okay thanks, I wouldn't call these cheap (£120 each) but they are in-line with others further afield.
I'm unsure whether to go for it, wait and see if something else comes up or try and see if I can get a courier for one (a PVM-14M4E) from the other side of the country

>> No.5025338

>heapest good way to connect SCART

Monoprice bnc cables connected to a female scart end with appropriate components in it for your setup.

If I recall correctly, to make 2 it costs about $16-17, or about $18-20 if you use a sync stripper.

There are some on ebay which run about $40 that are fine as far as quality goes. Looking at them, they did indeed use the monoprice cables.

>> No.5025352

Its from 84, so that era. Standard stuff.

>> No.5025373

That PVM should have nearly the same circuit board as the N6 models above it, which did come with RGB support. The back of the monitors even have holes drilled out for the rgb bnc connectors with. The jungle chip has pins that would be used for rgb, they're just not connected. I believe there is also a resistor that would need to be removed. Should all be pretty easy for an electronics technician but maybe not for complete rookies. Though I imagine it would be much more straight forward than upgrading a consumer set. Service manuals containing schematics and diagrams are easy to find. Use the lack or rgb as a bargaining chip and try to get for $50 or so. Also, I don't believe it's a particularly high end set, maybe like 500tvl.

>> No.5025382
File: 3.60 MB, 3024x3152, 20180905_132549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it worth it to try to convert RGB to component or should I just get a different genesis?

>> No.5025426

Don't fall for burger memes and splurge on a PVM immediately. You can get a good consumer set with RGB for a small fraction of the price (or free) and then wait for a good deal on a pro monitor to pop up if you're not satisfied.

>> No.5025443

I'm just up for anything to start my little retro room with, I just can't find any small CRTs nearby (I've only been looking a few weeks, but I used to see them everywhere)

>> No.5025470

Noob question here, I've been using a small Panasonic quintrix for some years now, but a while ago it started having 'AV - RGB' in white text in the corner all the time, and I can't figure out how to make it go away. Any tips?

>> No.5025508
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I used to have a Panasonic Quintrix TV 10 years ago. The remote it had looked like this, the button next to the TV/AV button with + on it should toggle it IIRC.

>> No.5025549

wow it was that simple lol, shows how much I know.... thanks my dude

>> No.5025816
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My remote came in, and though it seems like it'll be impossible to get it perfect, it's certainly much better than it was before. Pic related is it running Third Strike.

>> No.5025891
File: 2.76 MB, 4032x3024, 58A78180-D2E3-49B5-A783-0A18383AF520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys. The top screen has been a little uncalibrated. I’ve managed to open the service menu but I don’t really know what to do with it.

>> No.5025928
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Look up the service manual. It should be something like V Size, you might need to adjust V Pos after you shrink it a bit. Make sure to write the settings down before adjusting anything or you'll fuck it up badly.

>> No.5025942

All genesis have RGB from the factory, none have component. There are basically 3 good options. Buy HD Retrovision component cables. Make your own RGB to component converter. Buy retrotek RGB to component converter box. I've heard good things about the HD retrovision cables but sometimes they are limited availability. I've used the Retrotek adapter (they sell them on ebay). Retrotek works very well and can be used on any of your consoles. You have to get a rgb scart cable for whatever system you're plugging into retrotek. Making your own could be an option if you're into electronics and can solder.

I think there MAY be an internal mod to convert genesis to component, but I'm not positive. It would require modding your console and soldering ability.

Use facebook marketplace and craigslist. Search for CRT, TV, old tv, box tv, tube tv. That should yield results. There aren't many at thrift stores anymore and you rarely see them at garage sales. Sometimes you'll see them on the curb on trash day, but for me it's got to be about once a month. Usually after tax time you'll see them on the curb since that's when most upgrade.

>> No.5025951

What color temperatue is 6500k? my sony wega shows warm, neutral and cool. I don't know which one should I use...

>> No.5025953
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>There aren't many at thrift stores anymore
I'd say this is mostly dependent on where you are. I live in a city with a multitude of Goodwill locations, and I've seen a wide variety of CRTs for sale, all of them under $10. Pic related is the most interesting one I've seen so far. Would have picked it up had it not been RF only.

>> No.5025998
File: 138 KB, 966x518, littlecrtvproblem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey just got this little guy, ive repaired a few little crt tv radio combos, but im not quite sure if i can clean this off without getting shocked. i replaced the fuse and it works great, but it starts to smoke after a minute of being on. i took a look and found the culprit, but i dont know i can mess with it or anything around it safely? sorry for the bad picture quality, i couldnt focus on it for some reason.

>> No.5026018

Yeah I'd definitely pass on that for 120 quid, meme prices lol. Not sure of your options in the south west, might have to cast your net wider to Bristol maybe? Try Gumtree and Shpock for sure. Also given the tourist industry down there could be worth sniffing around caravan parks as people had, and probably still do have, them in their caravans (10-14" 12/240 dual voltage most likely). Another option is putting wanted signs in newsagents, messageboards, cafes etc.

Best of luck!

>> No.5026059
File: 2.09 MB, 2048x1536, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so I need some help here. I just hooked up this ViewSonic P815 up as my main monitor and according to all the sources I can find, it shows that the native resolution is 1800 x 1440. Yet windows doesn't allow me to set the resolution that high. The highest it will let me set it is 1280 x 1024. And when I go to the "ViewMeter/Degauss" settings on the monitor it shows the same resolution.

I am running a 1070 card and the monitor is hooked up to the HDMI port with a VGA adapter.

>> No.5026069

>I am running a 1070 card
Can you set custom resolutions in the GPU Control panel?

Another thing, you can install drivers for the monitor:
>Go to device manager
>Find monitor (Generic PnP?)
>Right click, and update driver software
>Let me pick from a list of drivers on my computer
>Unclick the "Show compatable hardware" box
>Find your monitor by maker, then by model

They rarely do shit, but it is nice to see windows at least recognize it.

>> No.5026075

>Can you set custom resolutions in the GPU Control panel?

Yep, and tried that. it works except all text is blurry as shit and I tried the "clear type" thing but I can't seem to get it to look much better.

>Another thing, you can install drivers for the monitor

Thanks for that, I had no idea I could do that so easily. Went ahead and did it and I don't notice any change sadly.

>> No.5026152

That's a pretty fat capacitor, it probably won't cause any permanent damage to you if you get shocked by it but I would be careful since it could easily damage parts near it if it's discharged improperly. Make sure to be careful in any case with the main capacitor and any circuits which could have relatively direct contact with it, because those are the ones that could hold a dangerous amount of potential.

>> No.5026170

>I can't seem to get it to look much better.
It could be going from HDMI to the analog, the video card is simply outputting X resolution, and scaling your settings to that. I am not familiar with that series of GPU because of them being totally digital. Perhaps someone else understands better, or has experience.

>> No.5026176

What kind of retarded resolution is 1800x1440? Most likely the native resolution really is 1280x1024.

>> No.5026193

every single site I check tells me that's the native resolution

>> No.5026195

Check if higher resolutions work at lower refresh rates

>> No.5026391

CRT don't have native resolution. even aperture gril I think the actual native resolution is much higher than you could possibly run. and shadow mask pixels are not even in a grid so no native is possible.

>> No.5026392

what HDMI to VGA adaptor do you use... im thinking of ordering one from china for 30$ and apparently it can do 85hz but im wondering if it can do more if you set a custom res profile in nvidia drivers and set it to 120hz etc.

hope that's possible I want to upgrade my gpu and not be stuck on 980 for ages hoping some one makes a high hz converter.

only has 0.2ms lag this converter has so im not worried about that but the hz concerns me. 85 is plenty but I wouldn't mind it in the 100-144hz range.

>> No.5026435

HDMI-VGA adapters are generally limited by dot clock, not vertical/horizontal refresh.

>> No.5026463

Is it focus, or the the red colour bleeding to the right?

And get it out of the sun,as Kya says. That'll destroy the phosphors pretty fast.

>> No.5026495


6500K would probably be neutral. Just use the one you think looks the best. I've always used 6500K myself as the lower or higher options don't look right, too much yellow or blue.

>> No.5026513

6500K is what you want

>> No.5026595

dp-vga adapters exist too

>> No.5026649

Neutral on most TVs is quite a bit bluer than 6500.

>> No.5026657

>Neutral is...bluer
Wtf anon.

Anyhow, it depends on the ambient lighting and decor. That's why those settings exist in the first place. 6500k is correct for daylight balanced full spectrum lighting in a perfectly white room, which nobody has unless they happen to to live in a colour grading suite.

>> No.5026696

Get the white one and buy an external comb filter so even composite will look almost as good as svid. Always go curved screen because all flats have geometry issues, plus it just looks cooler.

>> No.5026739

Thanks for the info.

>> No.5026749 [DELETED] 

thanks anon, I tried to look up at the manual but I guess it doesn't have a way to check out the color temperature

>> No.5026767

thanks anon, I tried to look up at the manual but I guess it doesn't have a way to check out the color temperature

>> No.5026825

>I want to upgrade my gpu and not be stuck on 980
Gtx 980 & the 9XX series in general are the last series of Nvidia cards to officially offer Analog output via DVI-I. Future models are fully digital.

You can use a DVI-I to VGA 15 pin adapter or cable with no issue and there is no digital to analog conversion. 980 is a good card for people who enjoy CRT monitors.

>CRT don't have native resolution.
On the first page of every owners manual is a "Recommended Resolution". You may not agree with it, but a team of engineers does. I have always had a crt, and recommended is best in most scenarios for general computer use. Text is the most crisp, and everything is less fuzzy.

>> No.5026991

what does dot clock mean lag? because this one is confirmed only 0.2ms with lagtester by some hardcore Dance dance revolution guy.

>> No.5027696
File: 1.43 MB, 3264x2448, P_20180905_234319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this guy just asked me to fuck his wife

>> No.5027790

Fixing geometry on a CRT is a matter of adjustments through the service menu and the regular settings menu(if that model allows for adjustments through settings), and hoping you can get something close enough to perfect. Because unless you do CRT TV repair, you don't have the skills or tools to get it perfect.

>Anyone know have to access the service menu on a Beovision MX3000?
You don't. You need to adjust pots on the back of the TV or on the PCB inside of the TV. The MX3000 has NO service menu.

>> No.5027918

total pixels per second is the limiting factor in how high resolution/refresh you can go.

>> No.5027962

Is this a PC CRT monitor? Looks great

>> No.5028005
File: 2.24 MB, 3264x2448, P_20180907_001317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Panasonic BT-H1700p

>> No.5028165

on an 14L5 how do you set the brightness of the controls? mine are really dim for some reason

>> No.5028234
File: 208 KB, 334x483, doubt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Claims he can have pat fix any issues
>But all his photos have the same i.d. number/pictures for the monitor
>Meaning he doesn't take pictures of each individual monitor
>Meaning Literally no way to prove he would take the monitor to pat
>All that negative feedback
Am I going to have to drive all the way to Caifornia just to get a decent PVM/BVM from pat? I mean really, are there ANY trusted sellers online that actually sell these things fully serviced?

>> No.5029707

Is a small amount of color bleed normal via s-video? Also, when there are full black/dark background on my screen I can visibly see some sort of thick "border" outlined that runs straight up the middle. It's not too distracting and is imperceptible in most gameplay but what's up with that?

>> No.5029714

>Is a small amount of color bleed normal via s-video?


>> No.5029872

both are good

>> No.5030381

Ive come across a 17" Dell Ultrascan (trinitron?) P780 pc monitor. Anyone have any input on these?

>> No.5030423

Just to clarify ive found it for sale. Havent picked it up yet though.

>> No.5030452

If it's in good shape, and you don't mind something a bit smaller like that, it'd be a decent monitor. 85khz limit, so not fantastically high, but better than the 70 you're going to see on most smaller stuff.

Service manual suggests it's vertical refresh is capped pretty low at 120hz, but that's only a big deal if you're planning on slamming the resolution to the floor for stupid refresh quake or something.

>> No.5030584

Why are all LCDs so shit at motion and why do I need to pay premium price just to get a basic display functionality back in 2018?

>> No.5030824

the controls on my L5 are too dim
how do I adjust their brightness? can't even find it in the manual other than them claiming it's possible

>> No.5030832

nevermind I'm an idiot
for anyone else, you press the controls button, then press the up and down buttons

>> No.5031224

My CRT has some light ghosting that can be seen on certain backgrounds where objects will cast a faint "shadow" all the way to the side of the screen horizontally. Also, it has some light motion blur against similar backgrounds, where moving objects produce a faint trail behind them that quickly fades. Nothing too bothersome and I love the picture enough that I've been playing a lot but are these things normal? Someone told me they could be bad capacitors and I would like a good comprehensive resource for learning how to replace them if anyone has something like that available.

>> No.5031294

5 days until my four monitors come in the mail, I got an awesome seller who was really communicative and willing to pack them up just how I asked so they'd be safe. Can't wait.

>> No.5031395

>Also, it has some light motion blur against similar backgrounds, where moving objects produce a faint trail behind them that quickly fades.

Phosphor decay, it's normal. Not sure about the ghosting.

>> No.5031429

the thing about the horizontal shadows to the right is fairly common. it's said to be caused by capacitors but I've never seen anyone fix it

>> No.5031618

Well, that's nice to hear. Normal quirks I can deal with, I even think the phosphor decay is kind of charming, but I've been hearing that capacitors are usually the first thing to go on a set and that if you're an enthusiasts you'll need to learn to replace them eventually. I was only worried that if the quirks were a sign of some bad capacitors that worse problems might follow.

>> No.5032137

Newfag here. Would a Sony KV-1412AS Trinitron be fine for a Super Nintendo? I found a very cheap one in my area

>> No.5032194

Can't find much info on it, got pics particularly of inputs?

>> No.5032206

I'd like to get the best possible output from my N64 but my CRT TV has no S-Video port. Would a S-Video to RGB transcoder work well?

>> No.5032272

It's from 1983 and RF only.

Looks cool but nothing remarkable tbqh.

>> No.5032274

I'd guess the adapter was the problem. It probably has it's own EDID telling windows that it can only handle up to 1280x1024. If windows doesn't name the monitor for what it is that's part of the problem, and the reason installing the drivers won't do anything. The resolution limit probably indicates the bandwidth limit of the dongle, and anything above that will go mushy because you're trying to make it work too fast.

>> No.5032305

Could work, but I don't know of any decent models.

>> No.5032445 [DELETED] 
File: 149 KB, 788x800, 1524100717741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like after watching a bunch over the last 3 weeks just casually just in brakes from searching forums and web for parts for my new builds they are all frigging terrible. honestly Linus isn't even the worst I think he is ironically a shill ive never actually seen him shill some thing hard but please provide links if they exist. but Jay two cents/Hardware cunucks/bitwig/gamer nexus/ plus a handful of other minor ones are like 100% phony ass shit. like you can clearly see like 80% of their content is basically a advert and the stuff that isn't is just poorly researched and tested clickbate.

I grew up reading madonion.com forums and watercooling with my friend in the early 2000s by 2008 we had all given up watercooling because heatpipes had shown up and performed just as good.

wtf is wrong with the industry wtf has happened its full of literally the dumbest media and dumbest consumers I can possibly imagine. I honestly think if I was still active on a tech forum I would actively look for the wealth of the place the person is from to confirm if their opinions are right or not you make fun of pajeets and Spanish and Brazilian people but they seem the only people actually focused on finding out "what is objectively best" and what is bullshit. even the germans are prostituting their forums personalitys and "pretending" to be the europian base of tawian companies like Noctua and RAIJINTEK... wtf is going on this industry is fucked I think the industry is actually holding its self back.

back in the early 2000s and all the way up until 2007-8 or so I think the 3rd party industry was actually literally increasing computing performance with unique products now its just selling crap and hasing improved at all in a decade wtf.... my friend had a NH-D14 in 2008 and its still the best cooler...……… wtfffffffffff lift your standers and demand more consumers this is retarded.

>> No.5032595


>> No.5032621

I saw a shitty ~14'' Zenith CRT/VCR combo at my local retro game store the other day for $149 the other day, unbelievable

>> No.5032696

>viewsonic 815pf
What do.

>> No.5033380

Some of these fuckers are so audacious with their prices. They think because they have a tube it's basically gold, and the sad part is some unfortunate newbie who didn't do his research will probably buy that stuff and learn the hard way.

>> No.5033387
File: 1.62 MB, 3120x4160, 1536467634229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got one of these recently for free.
Pardon my shit camera, I was too lazy to get a better shot.

>> No.5033609

ignore it and find something just as good for free

>> No.5033668


RGB mod the N64 obviously...

>> No.5034036
File: 3.64 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20180909_222543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Nanairo Dreams, one of the best-looking Saturn Games imo, on my KV-20FS100

>> No.5034045
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x1440, IMG_20180909_222542~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better, less bloomy photo. Had to resize it a bit to make it fit under the file size, no idea why it was 4.5 MB before

>> No.5034050

Can you play without knowing japanese just guessing

>> No.5034602

You can, but you'll probably run out of credits eventually. It's a 1/4th chance on most questions (there are random cards you can get that'll eliminate an answer or two), so I guess it would be possible to totally guess your way through. I finished my first run-through of it last night and I had a 60% correct answer rate by the end of it. You can get more credits by answering a personal question about one of the girls (their three sizes, their favorite food, etc.) when you're on the verge of a game over, I cheated a bit and read through the character bios in the instruction manual when I was almost out of chances.

>> No.5034604

Forgot to add that there are seven different endings, so I plan to play through it at least a few more times.

>> No.5035531


>> No.5035538

Are you playing a SNES?

>> No.5035564

Aren't you concerned about Van Eck phreaking?

>> No.5035589

I want the game just because Saki is my main in Tatsunoko vs Capcom

>> No.5035927
File: 2.44 MB, 3361x2577, 21343242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a sony wega fs140 and I gotta say, damn the image looks so fuckin clean and good.

>> No.5035974

How are the Dell CRT momitors?

>> No.5035998

Some of them are rebranded Trinitrons IIRC.

>> No.5036213

Generally good. Any particular model you're looking at?

>> No.5036229

Yes, why?

>> No.5036242

That's normal on SNES. Something about the voltage regulator.

>> No.5036270

google snes vertical line

>> No.5036318
File: 1.66 MB, 3674x2759, cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How hard would it be to recap a 20 inch PVM?

>> No.5036371

I'm looking at a Sony CDP-G520 for about $60.
Does anyone have experience with this monitor? I've always wanted a nice CRT and the specs seem good.

>> No.5036679
File: 1.83 MB, 2592x1944, 14L5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought this this a few months ago but it was damaged in transit. got refunded but its still such a shame

>> No.5036871

Arguably the best 4:3 CRT monitor, or CRT monitor in any category for that matter.

>> No.5036943
File: 3.81 MB, 3395x5081, DSC06869ARW sh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a hold of the Dell rebadge of the same set for $10 and a ~50 mile each way drive back in January/February.

$60 would be a bit more than I'd personally like to pay for one, but could be considerably worse.

Is actually a close up it, pretty sure it was at 480p for that. This is letterboxed 1080p.

>Arguably the best 4:3 CRT monitor
Worth noting that's the CPD and G line model. There are a number of model which match or out do it in regards to specs both from Sony and otherwise.

>> No.5036975

There are a few E771p's available here

>> No.5036996
File: 2.18 MB, 2880x2160, 20180911_123017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this monitor, anyone knows if it's any good?

>> No.5036998
File: 2.53 MB, 2880x2160, 20180911_123158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5037031

Humdrum af

>> No.5037201

I've got an extremely dumb question but here goes. If CRTs don't have pixels, how were the graphics of old games produced? In sprite-based games we can clearly see that their internal, native graphics are comprised of individual pixels that form the image, and this is readily apparent on modern LCD displays, but how were those sprites created back in the day when CRTs were the only display technology anybody ever used?

>> No.5037221

They do have pixels, each cluster of phosphorus on the screen is a pixel. Who told you that CRTs don't have pixels?

>> No.5037235
File: 724 KB, 2048x949, 1536380860318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw a thread about it some time ago where two guys were arguing about it and the guy who said that CRTs don't have pixels made the more convincing argument due to comparison shots he posted and the fact that it turns out a "pixel" is a digital unit of measurement that wasn't used for analog displays. This is one of the images that convinced me personally

>> No.5037291
File: 3.58 MB, 2560x3840, SEGA Battletoads Near &amp; far.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a "pixel" is a digital unit of measurement that wasn't used for analog displays.

I don't know the full specifics, but an analog display does not have pixels. It may attempt to render pixels. The appearance of color on the screen is based on the technology used by the CRT, and a good signal to quality set looks impressive and pixelated. It is still not a "pixel" in the sense of the technology. This post correlated directly to this one because the 2 screenshots in yours look to be a shadow mask and a sony aperture grill.


I use a poor person's slot mask, but even a crips signal looks like pixels (my pic related. zoom in on the bottom frame). This was after a reset of all factory settings to new. It was as crisp as I am able to get it, but it shows what a slot mask looks like with the side by side rgb pattern.

>> No.5037395


>> No.5037404

The console is outputting pixel graphics, but the CRT is displaying it with those phosphor clusters you see when you zoom in.

>> No.5037435

This. The actual graphics data, the raster image is made out of pixels. It's is just the display that smoothes those pixels.
You could still call the clusters of red, blue and green dots on a crt screen pixels, as the word just means picture elements, but at least to me thats fucking confusing.

>> No.5037464

>You could still call the clusters of red, blue and green dots on a crt screen pixels

It is just an analog display. Pixels are digital. Some units have a different "cluster" pattern and size/density. A CRT will attempt to render pixels, but does not display pixels. However, a quality display will look true to design & have crisp pixelated colors. It is still an analog display. It can only display representation of pixels. The grille creates "clusters" and is not a pixel, nor is it related to pixels.

>> No.5037478

I get all of that but I think you guys missed the point of what I ask. What tech was used to create the original internal pixel graphics since CRTs only approximate pixels?

>> No.5037623

Just because the display does not “work” in pixels does not mean the equipment used to create the game did not “think” in pixels. It just gets translated to an analogue measurement the CRT can understand before it’s sent to the monitor.

>> No.5037645

Just because CRTs approximate pixels doesn't mean it's not an accurate enough approximation to serve its purpose in graphics development. Even if in an artist's graphics creation tool, the image were enlarged such that a single pixel of the graphics file(sprite) they were working on was represented on their monitor by a 1cm by 1cm square, which was actually represented on screen by a block of 100 illuminated phosphor clusters, the resulting file is not going to have 10x10 pixels per pixel. That is to say, the actual file is not dependent upon how it's represented during the creation process. A pixel graphic, to the computer, is a polynomial array of coordinates and color values.
For the most basic of games(say, pong), these graphics could be generated by simply having the coordinate value of the "puck" sprite/pixel be determined by a mathematical representation of a line versus time (t), and constantly re-evaluate that function for the current value of t each time the screen updates.

>> No.5037648


It's like >>5037464 said. A high resolution monitor makes it easier to see where one pixel ends and another one starts. Also don't forget that raster editors render pixels as squares. I'd imagine the software used to create the pixel art had a zoom feature and a feature for showing a grid/border for the pixels. It's not really that much different from LCD monitors, you don't see the pixels on them either unless you look really close.

>> No.5037702

Hey mates sorry if this is off topic but can any of you post a picture of the top of one of these tvs? Like actual top view, not at an angle as most pictures have them.
I want to pixelart a little tv for a game I'm making but I can't get a feel for the back part on the top view. I'm either completely autistic or it's impossible to find a fucking picture like that on google, all I get are shitty boxy monitors. Pls

>> No.5037737
File: 373 KB, 1000x750, img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Any specific style you're looking for? I only have this mid noughties 14 inch TV, which I don't think is very iconic as the looks go.

>> No.5037868

Well I couldn't really name a style even if I wanted to, I have a mental image for it but not actual terms to go with it.
That said, this picture is a huge help already to get a feel for the curvature. Thanks, anon, really appreciate it.

>> No.5037891
File: 81 KB, 500x281, milkyholmestd-jojo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A year ago, retro-access said they could reduce the price of BNC cables thanks to 3d printed plugs
>today they still cost $50+

>> No.5037896


You're welcome. It's just that the TV I have has slightly smoother curves compared to older and bigger models.

>> No.5037898

Why wouldn't you just get BNC to RCA adapters?

>> No.5037986

And where do I get RGB RCA cables for consoles? Nowhere.

>> No.5038101

CRT monitors aren't worth it for old games right? it doesn't look like a tv

>> No.5038131

Depends on the monitor, and what kind of picture you want. If you want the proper 240p look with the scanlines, a monitor isn't a good choice.

>> No.5038225

For info on how a crt produces an image without pixels, see this video. It can basically be traced back to black and white TV's which drew "lines" rather than pixels.

>> No.5038268
File: 141 KB, 600x800, 3473_2305_1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking about bidding on these desks and turning them into a type of cocktail arcade cab styled emulation station. What do you think about the idea?


>> No.5038274

I thought high TVL counts give better scanlines though. Consumer TVs have fewer discernible lines

>> No.5038278

Depends on what you mean by "CRT monitor". CGA monitors are CRT monitors and have low TVL counts.

>> No.5038323
File: 122 KB, 1000x821, s-l1000[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just had my hands on a working KV-13FM14 with the blue shell. $9. I noped and walked. Mono sound + component video. I thought about reselling it on ebay, but that seems like a headache.

pic is somewhat related, but obviously ripped from the net.

Should I go back for it for resale? I am really torn about this. do Hipsters love these things?

>> No.5038326

composite! I have corrected myself. Just one yellow plug.

>> No.5038335

I thought about getting one once too. It's a neat novelty thing I guess. Not much use for it though unless you want to have a really tiny portable set.

>> No.5038342

Not getting a great sense of how much room is in there but it’s an interesting idea

>> No.5038346

Monitor just means there’s no TV tuner. So for example they’d look great on an arcade monitor. Just depends on what kind.
If you’re referring to a VGA computer monitor then it’s probably not the best choice unless you’re using a Dreamcast

>> No.5038435

i have one. keeping it for when i might to an rgb mod on it. apparently any set with an OSD can have RGB direct inputs.

>> No.5038507

>i have one. keeping it for when i might to an rgb mod on it. apparently any set with an OSD can have RGB direct inputs.
Is the quality via composite worth $9? The thing is LONG....I would say it is as deep as my 20" tv

>> No.5038526

>Worth noting that's the CPD and G line model.
What's the lay of the land when it comes to late CRT computer monitors? From what I can see there are a few Sony lines with very similar specs. Which are really desirable?

>> No.5038549
File: 1.29 MB, 2432x4320, IMG_20180912_013255884[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any set with an OSD can have RGB direct inputs
Even a old ass samsung with a basic OSD like this?

>> No.5038552
File: 3.93 MB, 5472x3648, DSC05340s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure they're actually looking into molding connectors now, at least for some consoles.

>apparently any set with an OSD can have RGB direct inputs.
Not a guarantee; If it has an integrated microcontroller or similar for controlling the jungle IC, it could make it considerably more difficult if not impossible, forcing a neckboard mod.

It's that OSDs tend to be using an RGB input on the jungle IC that handles all the various signals the set accepts and routes them to the neckboard for actually being displayed. You hijack that RGB input, and feed in whatever you want.

Unless you're looking for a small mono set, I'd probably pass.

Loads of stuff is good, check specs and condition; That's pretty much it.

Only reason I was pointing out those two things is because the CPD sets, while they often have quite high specs, aren't their high end offerings; That's their GDM sets. This isn't based on much but hunches, but I've got a feeling that the CPD models with high specs are just Sonys way to make use of imperfect, B-Grade tubes from higher end sets.

While the G520 does have quite a nice tube and high specs, it's not the "arguably best" that they were thinking of. That belongs to a GDM with a similar model number.

>needing to drop to a 65 jpeg to get it with-in file size limits

>> No.5038559

pixels existed in the operating environment, in order to achieve effects like in the right side of >>5037235 appropriate pixels were placed while zoomed in several times, and then the results were observed upon seeing the image in a 1x zoom. for example on the LCD side you can see there's darker red pixels, gaps in letters like the Q, because the way the CRT scans the picture in, it is inaccurate in such a way that it creates a different feeling image.

CRTs don't render in pixels, but they can display them, and if you're clever with the way the displays work you can pull off tricky effects to get different results that when rendered in the raw way LCDs do, do not appear correctly because they rely on the qualities of a CRT display.

>> No.5038676

>That's their GDM sets.
There is also a Sun GDM-5510 available, would that be a better option?
It says Trinitron, so I presume it's a rebadged Sony.
Thanks for the explanations too.

>> No.5038685
File: 3.96 MB, 4230x2965, DSC06743ARWah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very similar model, manuals list them as being distinct sony reference numbers, but the actual tube model is listed to be the same.

Personally, the looks of the Sun are preferable to me, but you get stuck with input 1 being a 13W3 connector, instead of 1 BNC and 1 VGA with the G520.

I'd go for which ever was in better condition, assuming you can deal with the 13W3 on the Sun.

You say "available"; Are these local, or are you considering having things shipped?

>> No.5038694

Is it a pal tv? Then svideo to scart adapter should work.

>> No.5038860

Both local, yeah. I wouldn't consider shipping a CRT. This is more of a curiosity for me than anything else. I only ever used shitty, flickering, 1024x768 tubes and equally shitty TVs.
I don't even have room on my desk for a CRT, but $50 to play around with Unreal Tournament at 200hz and get a taste of the glory days I missed isn't a bad deal.

Thanks again for all the help. I might go with the Sun simply because it's a cool brandname now that they're a dead company. I'm only after VGA.

>> No.5038947

Bust out some RF adapters for the retro "my parents are actively discouraging me from playing video games by making me use the shitty handmedown television in the basement" experience.

>> No.5038949

>CRTs can be permanently damaged by nearby magnets

Haha, one time I put a magnet on our TV screen in the living room and it left a two inch spot where the colours would go negative that lasted for weeks.

>> No.5038958
File: 1.26 MB, 1024x1424, LCD-LED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CRTs don't render in pixels
Well...neither do LCDs and LEDs. Not exactly.
The basic trickery with red, green and blue is the same on a LCD/LED. And even on a native resolution the pixels do not exactly correspond to one fixed red, green, blue screen element (see pic).
CRT and modern displays just look different cause of different tech.
The "raw way" of LCD pixel rendering or "CRTs don't render in pixels", those are expressions that are not exactly false but very easily misunderstood.
If we gonna nerd out on this, might as well be as precise as possible

>> No.5039002

>And even on a native resolution the pixels do not exactly correspond to one fixed red, green, blue screen element (see pic).

Yes they do, unless you're using one of the weird Pentile/RGBW displays, an LCD/plasma/OLED etc has one red, green, blue element per pixel. On a CRT there's never this one to one (or one to three if that's the way you want to count it) mapping.

>> No.5039035

>connect PC to CRT
>output resolution that matches dot pich
Would that actually work? I got some old PCs with graphic cards that have composite and svideo out. Used to hook up my panasonic crt tv to it. Maybe worth a try?

>> No.5039323
File: 335 KB, 1440x1440, IMG_20180911_212924_334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you want yummy chip, CJ?

>> No.5039329

Of you're going for a PVM look they have zero curvature btw. Just a cube.

>> No.5039348

Any ideas on how to hook up a Panasonic CT-5513 (Aerial CRT) to composite? The only things it has are an antenna (connected internally), and a Ext. antenna 3.5mm jack.
I found it in my garage, cleaned it up, and the tube seems to be in good shape. It would be great for my desk.

>> No.5039354

PVMs are curved

>> No.5039358


I think what you're looking for is an RF modulator. Some devices have this built in so check for that first.

>> No.5039371

>those are expressions that are not exactly false but very easily misunderstood.
No, a CRT is an analog display. "Not exactly False" is actually 100% false. No, CRTS have nothing at all to do with "pixels". No, there is no half truths or "fake news" about "Pixels" and CRTS. there is no association between pixels an a CRT. They have nothing in common. A CRT is nothing more then an analog display that operates at specific frequency(s). Nothing more.

>> No.5039437
File: 1.11 MB, 2560x1920, IMG_20180912_152354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this TV laying around my grandma's house, is it any good? Looks like it has VHF/UHF input only

>> No.5039440

Resolution near dot pitch gives significant moiré artifacts, you want to be quite a bit below/above.

PC cards with composite/s-video out are usually scaled to 640x480/720/480 (or 576 in PAL mode), you don't get to set the resolution directly.

>> No.5039441
File: 723 KB, 1583x1142, IMG_20180912_142202_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the only decent pic I could take of the display

>> No.5039468

excellent post

>> No.5039478

is there anything you can do when you get like...a very slight diagonal interference pattern scrolling across the screen while playing genesis games (model 1 genesis)

its the sort of thing most wouldn't notice but it triggers me

>> No.5039508

They’re talking about the case, not the glass

>> No.5039514

Trinitron? I get the same thing with some games and the more i searched for an answer the more it seems like its a thing some of these sets just have. Some people say screwing with the yoke helps, some say just to leave it. Aging technology and whatnot. Something to do with internal interference with the on board microprocessor if its the same issue i get.

>> No.5039521

well yea like the earlier poster said it's great for it's size. It's long as hell but the picture is crisp and it's hard to find late model tvs that small that's aren't emerson trash. The biggest problem is that it has mono sound. for reference i have a 20 inch wega and use that exclusively. Sometimes i pull out the smaller set to put it on a desk for the super gameboy. Those games just look better on tvs with smaller screens to me.

>> No.5039723

Do what I did, spice a monoprice bnc cable onto a scart cable. All you really need is the console connector and each monoprice makes 2 cables if you cut them in half. If you find a source for the console plugs, you can make these cables for like $6-10 each with as good of quality as anyone who makes them.

>> No.5039727


Neck pain looking down. I mean, it's doable but cocktails aren't the most ergo friendly solution.

>> No.5039734

It doesn't have one built in, but I found an old one lying around the house. It kinda looks like shit, but in the VHS cassette kind of nostalgic shit.

>> No.5039741

Just to add onto your explanation, some tvs will not do RGB even if they have an OSD. It got somewhat common towards the end to input y pb pr (component) into the jungle chip. I'd imagine it was either cheaper or required less "work" to design a set that didn't have to deal with the conversion. Most can be rgb modded, but the only way to know for sure is to look up the service manual and/or the datasheet on the set's jungle chip.

>> No.5039753

I would almost guarantee that set could be at least modded with composite, but possibly s-video or rgb. It looks like a very common chassis and probably had different inputs depending on the price range. It would take work and research, but probably possible, just depends on how much time and effort you want to invest in a <$40 tv.

>> No.5039869

bumpty bump

>> No.5039918


>> No.5040118

>VHF/UHF input only
Input? Isn't UHF ultra high frequency? As in, it's a option to pull TV channels out of the air (that no longer exist)

>> No.5040231
File: 94 KB, 960x720, FKDK52FGAPV87SI.LARGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's something like this senpai, you have to use a transformer to plug RF cables.

>> No.5040235
File: 28 KB, 347x350, input-75OHM-Output-300-OHM-UHF-VHF.jpg_350x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The transformer I'm talking about (there was one exactly like this plugged in the TV already)

>> No.5040249


Literally the worst inputs a crt can have. RF can be converted to vhf/uhf which is worse than composite. S video or component is what you want

>> No.5040381
File: 78 KB, 1067x800, 147527fa_7f4ed8d4_vbattach220123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So pic related is a plasma I believe but my CRT has an issue that looks very similar to this. I'm using this as a point of reference because it's a bit less severe on mine, clearer in motion, and I can't get a good pic on my shitty camera. But it's definitely there and the horizontal stripes persist, mostly to the left of game elements set against bright backgrounds. What's the cause of that?

>> No.5040383

>mostly to the left
Meant mostly to the right, as far as I can tell.

>> No.5040418

Retrace lines maybe.

>> No.5040454
File: 2.98 MB, 2672x2004, zgC7FZA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked that up and can't find many images that match what's going on with my CRT, so I'm not sure. But I searched "ghosting" and found this image, which is almost 1:1 what's going on with mine if you note the horizontal shadowy lines being projected to the right of the platforms. So that narrows it down, and if anyone here knows if it's normal or a problem that needs fixed and how to fix it I would appreciate that a lot.

>> No.5040479

I told you before it's somewhat common, people says it's caused by capacitors but I've never seen anyone actually fix it.
I fucking challenge you to find any more info about it. Almost all the people that engineered CRTs are dead.
now either get over your OCD or go find another crt

>> No.5040489

Hey I'm just trying to get the most mileage out of my shit. My problem aside don't you think the fact that we have to rely on scraps and pieced-together information to service these things in general is a little worrying? Few people seem to know a lot about the various defects and faults and their causes and those that do seem keen to not put a lot of information out on it. If it were up to me I'd know how to fix everything short of refurbishing the tube itself. Because these things are getting to the age now where it's going to be more and more common for people to turn on their sets one day and find an actually serious problem they don't know the cause of and don't know how to fix. And if no one knows how to fix shit the rest of the pool of available displays aren't going to fare any better.

>> No.5040496

we're seeing idiocracy becoming reality, all the smart people who built stuff are long gone
just kidding, but yeah if you want answers for this you might have to check out that retired sony tech guy named pat. He might know.

>> No.5040502
File: 77 KB, 852x668, Pat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elusive, just like all other CRT knowledge. But I'll find that guru "pat" and make his knowledge mine.

>> No.5040532


>> No.5040543

Wait you weren't fucking with me? That's awesome

>> No.5040591

>The transformer I'm talking about (there was one exactly like this plugged in the TV already)
Now, you need an RF adapter to go from a video game system to your TV....you would set channel to 3, and enjoy the worst way to connect a video game system to a television system ever. But if it works, and works for you, I can't judge. Svideo would be light years better.

>> No.5040614
File: 40 KB, 425x425, 81JBKdh8PZL._SX425_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this CRT trash?

>> No.5040618

I was not. He's 80+ years old and will sometimes answer questions.

>> No.5040759

But without the scart plug, I won't be able to fit all the required electronics (capacitors) into the cable.

>> No.5040760

>built-in VCR

>> No.5040790

Watch this time stamp. Does this have anything to do with it?
Uses fake colors to show the ghosting more clearly in the video.

>> No.5040847


>> No.5041723
File: 341 KB, 960x1019, 1525441922668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know why the onscreen menu on a pvm would yellow? I'm talking about the white letters that come up on the screen when you change the volume or any other setting. The on screen menu just seems darker in general, but the picture on the tube is otherwise the same. Also, the volume seems to be dying, if that's of any help. (Maybe the two are linked?)

>> No.5041893

What is a breakout box.

>> No.5041902


Get a 1 chip snes. Study the stuff on retrorgb and most of your questions will be answered.

>> No.5042015

I read up on what I could find, does the 2chip SNES really cause those horizontal lines though? If it's a SNES fault it doesn't worry me as much, I can deal with it. RetroRGB is a good resource though and I should read it more

>> No.5042042
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>> No.5042120

All right so I upped the brightness 10 notches and whatever is up with the shadowing, it's way way less noticeable at this setting. Dunno if that helps anyone better learned than me verify what it is conclusively but either way this will be my last post bitching about it, promise.

>> No.5042278
File: 126 KB, 481x481, 1527048784120.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I deliver newspapers so I drive around a ton at night. I've been running into CRTs on sidewalks for years now and I always go out of my way to smash them. I bring a slingshot specifically for the time I run into these so I can drive by shoot their screens.

>> No.5042315

Is this pasta? Or did you just post this before.

>> No.5042350

It's the first time I post, I thought for a hot second that /vr/ meant virtual reality. Anyway I'm probably not the only one that does this. Out with the old in with the new.

>> No.5042379

Great! I hope one day glass shatters back at your face and permanently blinds you. That or you forget where your short, stubby legs are taking you on your bike and you collide head first into an SUV.

>> No.5042383

Hope you crash into a break dancer on the street you fucking vandal.

>> No.5042412
File: 215 KB, 1600x1066, RetroTheseNutsGotEEEM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on a car and usually like 10 feet away from the TVs. People shouldn't leave shit on public property famalam. Also most of those TVs are on the side of dumpsters. I actually picked two up and they both worked, then I tossed them. I don't get the love for these things. Flat screens are sexy.


>> No.5042474

OP here. I will have a new thread baked somewhere at 475+ posts. I will grab some OP from this thread for the next one.

>> No.5042486

>475+ posts

Stop making threads if you're going to make them stupidly early.
This isn't /v/ or some other fast board. It can be a full 24 hours before a bump limit threads falls off the board.

>> No.5042492

>Stop making threads if you're going to make them stupidly early.
If you notice, I vaguely left it at 475+. Reading between the lines, that would mean that when my day is done sometime late tomorrow night, I will be checking in. If you must know, I have a busy day tomorrow. See you in 24-30 hours.

>> No.5042610

What's the best readily available soundbar for a 29" CRT TV?
Are soundbars even safe to pair with CRTs?

>> No.5042617

Yes, if their magnets are shielded.

>> No.5042658


Not connector wise

>> No.5042661

Please don't post the new thread until this one is 500+ and has dropped to page 8 at the very least.


>> No.5043150
File: 1.28 MB, 1280x720, output_nosound.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked up an Ikegami TM9-1 recently, but I'm experiencing some strange behavior where the entire picture scrolls up or down. I've tried the V-Hold adjustment, but it's incredibly touchy and difficult to get it to stay just right. And then when it does, after 20 seconds or so, it starts to move again, and soon enough the whole picture is moving again. The V-Hold doesn't seem stable at all. Any ideas on fixing this? My suspicion is that it might take a capacitor replacement or something like that but I figured I'd ask and see if anyone has an easier idea to try first.

>> No.5043215

Found a small tv yesterday, I was excited because it's one of those new ones that come with component which is pretty cool.

Turned it on today and there is sound but screen is black, should I get it to repair or what?

>> No.5043216

if V-hold is a physical knob that's touchy, you could try electronics cleaner on the potentiometer

>> No.5043332

Is there a guide to missing TV's to take RGB? Or of which ones you're likely to have success with?

>> No.5043774
File: 964 KB, 3840x2160, IMG_20180914_160825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This monitor (on the right) refuses to use internal composite sync unless choose PAL mode with the switch. This is problematic because I live in America and all my consoles are NTSC, so this causes the screen to be monochrome and vertically squashed. If I feed it its own composite video output as sync, then select external sync, it will sync in NTSC mode, but the portions of the image that should be white are black. I'm totally stumped here. Has anyone encountered this before? It's an Ikegami TM9-1D.

>> No.5043776
File: 1.73 MB, 3840x2160, IMG_20180914_154724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's capable of displaying white, because it does that just fine when it's in PAL mode.

>> No.5043885

>a guide to missing TV's to take RGB? Or of which ones you're likely to

google rgb tv mod and visit the shmpus forum post that comes up, it's pretty much the whole shebang on modding. It's a very long thread with stuff tucked away everywhere. It takes about a week to read and thoroughly comprehend everything. Make sure to read before asking questions.

Make sure you read it all, because about 3/4 through is when they really start discussing modding without "snipping" the osd lines.

>> No.5043964

Sweet. Thank you.

>> No.5044035

Need more info.
Do you here the the 'whine'?
Have you tried giving it a few light smacks?

>> No.5045375

I know that feel. All the PVM listings here are on the east coast, and I live in Chicago. I chanced ordering a 14" from Florida and it arrived fucked up. I got a refund for it, but God damn is it hard to find a pvmeme out here.

>> No.5045546
File: 1.73 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20180916_102810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably going to look retard-tier but does anyone know what these audio connections are? The right speaker on this CRT is fucked and I was wondering if I could somehow buy some new speakers and plug them in here.

CRT only has SCART input, no other audio output unless that's what these are for.

>> No.5045559


Looks like 2 pin din.

>> No.5045634

What does /crt/ think of Loewe as a brand? Found a Planus 4072 online for a nice price and wondering if it's worth getting. 50/60hz and 2 SCART ports

>> No.5045862

Pretty decent Euro/10

Yep, 2 pin DIN. can get plugs with screw terminals to attach speakers with bare wire https://www.amazon.com/Kenable-Speaker-Connector-Screw-Terminals/dp/B07951JXBZ/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1537072750&sr=8-4&keywords=2+pin+din

>> No.5046043

I love my 14M2U that I paid 50 bucks for back in 2014, but man, I wish I had a 20" model that could do 480p. I would be forever content to play retro consoles on that for the rest of my life probably. It's a shame that the market seems so fucked now.

>> No.5046057
File: 1.54 MB, 2296x1724, P1000317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ting some audio buzzing on my PS21 Scart cable. Where can I get the best shielded cable for a slim PS2?

>> No.5046117


>> No.5046118

>20" model that could do 480p

peecee monitors.

>> No.5046120
File: 3.30 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20180916_175232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geomatry on this CRT is about an inch too high, otherwise it seems pretty fine.
Is there any way I can bring the image down some without a service menu? TV was made in the late 80s and as far as I can find, it doesn't have one.

>> No.5046127

Look for a V Size / V Pos pot inside or if you're lucky on the back.

>> No.5046338

I'll pick up some rubber gloves tomorrow and have a look - are there any pictures of what I'm looking for or do pots look different between CRTs? Google's not helping me out.

>> No.5046661
File: 303 KB, 1920x1080, dial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


something like pic related. depending on your crt they could be bunched up or spread out, so try to look up a service manual for your crt before you mess with it.

>> No.5046916

Found a pretty cool 14" tv, it has composite S-video and component which is great for ps2. Connected it and turned it on, there's sound coming from it but screen is showing nothing other than a white flash when I turn it off. Is it fucked or can it be because it probably hasn't been used in years?

I know it's really vague information but if anyone has any idea it could be helpful

>> No.5046971

>Connected it
I have a SD tv with component in.....Is your PS2 set for standard definition 480i or "HD" 480p?

That would be the first thing I would check.

>> No.5046975

stock ps2 menus are always 480i (even if you set dvd play to progressive)

>> No.5046979

>stock ps2 menus are always 480i
Gotcha. I did not know that. I still haven't upgraded to the ps2.

>> No.5046984

No, I meant I connected the tv, turned it on and there's no image.

Sorry for the misunderstanding

>> No.5047000

>No, I meant I connected the tv, turned it on and there's no image.
If you connected something and have your inputs correct, and still no image, something may be wrong. If you are getting a white flash, it could be the a blown transformer inside the unit. I couldn't be sure without looking at it myself.

>> No.5047006

Currently doing some basic photo shopping for our next CRT general. I don't know who normally bakes, but I have baked the last few.....I hope I am not stepping on everyone's toes...but I know from other forums that Generals are posted by whoever when they are needed.

almost at 500

>> No.5047023

That's a shame, it looked like a pretty cool little thing. I guess I'll take it to repair but dunno if it'll be worth it sometimes it's more expensive than buying a working one

>> No.5047035

New Thread:

We at 500


>> No.5047051

>That's a shame, it looked like a pretty cool little thing. I guess I'll take it to repair but dunno if it'll be worth it sometimes it's more expensive than buying a working one
I took your response to the new thread just to get it started.

>> No.5047104

Do you legitimately have brain problems?

>> No.5047119

>Do you legitimately have brain problems?
Do I get to question you being a namefag?

>> No.5047130

You wouldn't be the first.

>> No.5047198

>You wouldn't be the first.
So why do you namefag? What do you gain from it on an anonymous board (other then the hatred of other anons). Do you think people care who you are? Is your ego that large?

I really wonder why people use name tags on this site, and my questions are not mean/angry, but are honest simple questions. I like to know the mentality of the people I deal with, especially when they go out of their way to create a perception of being unique.

>> No.5047209

because he can ? (ツ)

>> No.5047213

>brain problems
fuck off Kya, that was uncalled for

>> No.5047225

>because he can ? (ツ)
I will wait for him to answer. Id love an honest answer to the questions I asked. Simply saying "because one can" is the same reason I made a new thread at 500 posts. Because I could.

I will continue to wait for the response to the questions I asked.

>> No.5047228

>fuck off Kya, that was uncalled for
Nah, It just continues to reaffirm the concept that namefags are cancer to this site.

>> No.5047335

>I hope I am not stepping on everyone's toes
You don't need to worry. I appreciate you making the new threads, definitely don't have any complaints as long as they're posted after the current one hits bump limit.

>> No.5047337

I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

I use a trip so I can easily reference back to previously made posts, which often end up being decently lengthy and technical bullshit for hardware (and more often than not, CRT) threads rather than having to rewrite shit repeatedly or manually archiving stuff. It's entirely for easy tracking rather than the name.

If there was an invisible hash that could be tracked instead, that'd work too, but there isn't.

>> No.5047405

>which often end up being decently lengthy and technical bullshit for hardware
So its ego that what you think you are posting is of some sort of long term value to this site?

>> No.5047421

warosu is a thing

>> No.5047436

Do you know what the archive is? Have you ever been in these threads before?

>> No.5047439

>Do you know what the archive is? Have you ever been in these threads before?
Don't misunderstand me. I am very familiar with the archive process of this site. I 0 respect for people who use names and trip codes. Don't take it personal. I simply disregard your opinion based on your trip code.

>> No.5047441

>I 0 respect for people who use names and trip codes
I have*

>> No.5047449

I've never used a trip-code in my life, and don't intend to. If you google quite a few model numbers, it will link you to one of these threads. Therefore the information in them is valuable, and Kya has been frequenting these threads as long as I have, so basically from the very beginning.

>> No.5047453

>I've never used a trip-code in my life, and don't intend to.
Sorry, I confused you for the trip-code user.

>> No.5047494

I already said it was for my personal use, not particularly for other people to search through. If other people find searching them useful, that's fine by me.

It comes down to the matter that the same questions get asked in these threads repeatedly, and often time don't get an answer otherwise. Being able to quickly just jump on the archive and pull up the response from the last time it was answered is much simpler than trying to write it fresh each time. Narrowing it down to shit I've said personally makes it easier than relying on just keywords alone.

On other boards, it was specifically so my posts (image dumps) could be filtered by those who didn't care for them when requested.

If you want to call that having an ego, you're free to do so; If you want to call it lazy, sure you're probably right. You asked why I trip, and you have your answer. You're entirely free to filter/anonymize or otherwise.

Worth noting you're responding to other anons and not me.

>> No.5047797

Give us this day our new thread: