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5018145 No.5018145 [Reply] [Original]

I'm sorry, but it's shit.

>> No.5018203

I remember buying this at Toys R Us and being sour that you didn't get to play the armored versions of the characters by default. I ended up not touching it after maybe 30-45 minutes of play and years later sold it to eStarland. Apparently it is a good game.

>> No.5018207

Legend of Dragoon has one of the most abysmal translations I've had the misfortune to suffer through in a PS1 JRPG, it may as well be machine translated.

It also has the dullest take on timed hits I've seen.

>> No.5018245

You obviously haven't played Wild Arms 2 then.

>> No.5018247

That's a bit harsh but it is slightly overrated

>> No.5018248 [DELETED] 

tbqhafropo i believe all games with the word "dragoon" in them suck

>> No.5018253
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>being this tasteless
I'm sorry to hear that you're incapable of enjoying masterpiece tier titles like a normal person.

>> No.5018260

It's weird. No one really talks about it but when they do, there's sometimes this strange sect of people who rate the game as FAR better than it actually is.

>> No.5018269

you dont sound sorry

>> No.5018271 [DELETED] 

You better lose that attitude before you lose your teeth, kid

>> No.5018272

gimme a kiss, anon.
kiss every little tooth i have

>> No.5018279

There's fun elements to it but it should have never been shilled higher than hidden gem status.

>> No.5018407

This. Many people probably had a similar experience to mine with this game, but as a kid, it blew me away that this FF-like game existed that absolutely no one I knew had ever heard of. To my autistic self, it felt like this game was "mine" in a spiritual sense. Like I gave this game its "just due" and remember overhyping it to people all the way to my late teens. After getting a lot more JRPG experience under my belt, revisiting this game didn't do as much for me as I thought, and now I cringe at people overrating it because it takes away the best part of the LotD experience: finding it yourself.

>> No.5018439
File: 142 KB, 900x600, legend_of_dragoon___50k_views_by_firelilycosplay-d4tfr6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is clearly one of those retards who couldn't pull off a single addition

>> No.5018657

You feel so badass when you successfully pop those endgame ones that have 6 or 7 steps to them.

>> No.5018706 [SPOILER] 
File: 7 KB, 150x193, 1535895288474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is, but at the same time it has good memes.


>> No.5018841

Gust of wind dance or GTFO

>> No.5018848

>Apparently it is a good game.
It isn't. It's a 5/10, the absolute worst score a video game can have.

>> No.5018851

I enjoyed it. It doesn't have the polish or high production values of a final fantasy game, but the combat was really satisfying.

>> No.5018906

Cringe, cosplayers should be euthanized

>> No.5018915

reddit is that way.

>> No.5018918


People who say “cringe” should be euthanized

>> No.5018939

So, you like to orbit low quality females like those, hm?

>> No.5018942

It sure is. It's how I hooked up with your wife.

>> No.5018950

It would have been better with a real.world map, deop the chain attacks and build in some sort of character customization. Other than that, it's fine.

Mediocre, more than bad, honestly.

>> No.5019074

Albert > Lavitz
Fight me.

>> No.5019206

I cannot. I love a good King character who teams up with commoners to kick some ass. I write fanfiction where he and Edgar team up to fight crime.

>> No.5019219

Literally kill yourself.

>> No.5019223

You alright, anon. Also his VA delivered the additions better than Lavitz.

>> No.5019228
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Im getting to tired of this "X you like is shit". Its all over v and vr

If you dont like it, please elaborate. Im sure we can discuss our tastes.

>> No.5019259

Taste is subjective. Nothing to discuss here.

>> No.5019317

I personally love it, but I always hated how unbalanced the characters were and how their development made no sense. Like Lavitz can get his final addition at level 11, while Dart and Meru are sitting around until level 30. WTF Sony.

>> No.5019325

Ok, you may leave then

>> No.5019345

my dad watched me play this game and he'd constantly make jokes about Lavitz and HARPOOOOOOON

>> No.5019956

Same but with my dad it was VOLCANOOOO

>> No.5020101

You don't have to be sorry. Everyone knows it's shit. Even (good) magazines at the time saw through its bullshit immediately and noticed it for what it is - a quickly thrown together piece of trash to make a buck on the back of FF7's success.
Legend of Dragoon holds a special place in JRPG history along with Suikoden 2 for being an utterly textbook example of mediocrity and blandness hoisted up on a pedistal by 9 year old fanboys and nostalgic idiots who are unable to examine old games criticially.

>> No.5020257

Your post SUCKS

>> No.5020385

Why isn't anyone trying to fix Wild Arms 2? That was a fun ass game, and it deserves better.

>> No.5020435


But Meru is ejaculation!

>> No.5020448

I'm making my way through it because I'm a huge sucker for those ps1 prerendered backgrounds
it's decent honestly? chrono cross and xenogears were a lot harder to get through

>> No.5020558

>along with Suikoden 2
off yourself

>> No.5020618

Speaking as a person who honestly does have this game as their all time favorite, I'd say its nostalgia it was a first for a lot of people and while its very generic I feel it I feel it makes for a great starting RPG because it is in essence the quintessential JRPG, not the best (unless your me) but certainly the most pure and distilled experience.

>> No.5020649

>t. someone who thinks Mario 64 still holds up

>> No.5020674

I play through the ds remake every year or so.

>> No.5020746

I liked it. It has a good soundtrack, world map, and most of the characters except Shana are likeable.

>> No.5020767
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I finished this game once, out of sheer spite, after it had been collecting dust on a shelf for over a decade. The game had it's moments, with some cool settings and areas in particular, but the thing I recall best, is how fucking cheesy the final cutscenes were. Also the battle themes reminded me of powerpuff girls

>> No.5020805

This is in the works. I remember being bored with this game, like most people, but I'll give it another shot once this hack is available.


>> No.5020809

I like Legend of Dragoon but it's not flawless by any means. Also Rose belongs with Dart, Shana can be gassed along with the rest of the virage monsters

>> No.5020810

I forgive you.

>> No.5021201

>world map


+Combat is fun and engaging
+Music is good
+Likeable Cast

-Story is meh (like most jrpgs)
-World map sucks
-Normal enemies aren't challenging

>> No.5022332

I have to agree, wa2 was a good game ( also my second experience with RPGs on PlayStation when I got a loan of one from my uncle). wa3 was good as well, how ever the later games in the series never did measure up to the name the bore. If they do ever make another WA game they need to go back and play those.

LOD was certainly an experience.

>> No.5022380

Don't think it's shit however it's nowhere near the masterpiece its cult fanbase claims it is.

>> No.5022550

LOD also has the best looking pre rendered backgrounds

>> No.5022769

Careful with that edge, kid.

>> No.5024345

literally the version that didn't hold up.

>> No.5024789

>along with Suikoden 2
master bait right here

>> No.5024796

It has some strong points (the soundtrack and background art) but the translation completely ruins what could otherwise be an acceptable experience. I loved the game when I was 12, But trying to play it a few ago and fuck, it literally reads they the script was run through Google translate and just stuck right back in the game. It becomes impossible to remotely serious, ruining any sort of character building and tone/tension

>> No.5024801

Here I am complaining about the script while I sit here and write this mess of a post. Should really stop phone posting

>> No.5024812

it sucked that you had to choose one addition per character in the menu and in battle you could only use that one.
seems like they missed an opportunity to make certain combos better in certain situations. looks like they were going for that, since the additions have different power and meter building stats, but then it was just kind of shitty.
other things of note: kongol is overpowered as fuck, rose's black hole vagina attack

>> No.5024961

I always thought the soundtrack was really weak. The synths are just thin and weak sounding, and some of the melodies either don't really make any sense or are incredibly generic.

>> No.5025017

I loved Legend of Dragoon. Me and a friend plowed through it during 4th grade.

>> No.5025094

It's one of my favorite games, but that's due to me playing PSOne a lot as a kid, due to my parents not wanting to buy me a PS2 growing up. I replayed a lot of PSOne JRPGs over and over again. Wild Arms 2, FF7/8, and LoD as the big ones.

Now looking back to them, all those games aged like complete shit. I'd add it on a list of "Best PSOne JRPG games" but not on a list for "Best JRPG games."

>> No.5025516

I'm sorry what? Oh, I think you meant to say


>> No.5025520



>> No.5025656

Kongol is the worst character in the game. He’s incredibly slow, and his addition % is like 300% when everybody else has like 500-600% and twice the speed.

>> No.5025679


I plowed thru your mom when you were in 4th grade

>> No.5025681
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>> No.5025686
File: 303 KB, 900x1200, lod-promo-artwork6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is an interesting difficulty modifier which focuses on addressing balancing in combat:

>> No.5025709

you obviously have not played it

>> No.5025713

you get the power when you get beaten down and an epic scene with epic music kicks in,you then get to transform into your dragoon state and use super attacks

you even upgrade to the divine dragon at the end of the game and get a new outfit that is GOAT



>> No.5025715


>> No.5025732
File: 49 KB, 250x161, Panzer_Dragoon_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5026651

I've been plowing your mom since long before you were born and I go at it until she says Mickey Mouse to me. I'm going to do it again in the next five minutes.

>> No.5026725


>article posted sep 2nd 2018
and tab closed.