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5011837 No.5011837 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: The worst way to play a game

>> No.5011856
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This sounds like a fun thread.

>> No.5011857
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>> No.5011876
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>> No.5011878
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>Hey Itoi, you mind if we butcher the audio on this?
>Uh, yeah, I do
>Well fuck you, we're going to do it anyways.

>> No.5011884


>> No.5011889

The worst version of multi-console games.

>> No.5011893
File: 1.39 MB, 1900x2550, Final_Fight_Art_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The SNES version gets so much shit, but it could have been worse, my dudes.


>> No.5011897

thanks but why is it

>> No.5011902
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>> No.5011904

Bad music, graphics that somehow look worse in spite of being an SNES game

>> No.5011909

Also more censored

>> No.5011910
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i heard you like tag teams. sorry not happening here

>> No.5011930
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Damn, I wish you hadn't defined it like this, because I was going to post pic related.
Not because it's a bad port, but because it's a stupid $10,000 cartridge and one should feel bad for buying AES games of course, buying them at their original price was acceptable

>> No.5011936

I can't remember, did that one at least have the crossover option the other two had where it was the tag team mode but it always had one of your two picks as an enemy? (example you pick Spidey and Ryu, your first match is Venom and Ryu, your second match is Jin and Spidey and so forth)

>> No.5011946

Happy 15th anniversary, Sonic!

>> No.5011948
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>> No.5011959
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Fuck, forgot to post it. Still didn't fuck up nearly as bad as they did with this tho. Not even close.

>> No.5011960

I want to hear the Eurocucks justify these. They always have the best rationale.
"at least we got to play pirated versions for free"

>> No.5011963

Yes, the game had this mode on the PSX version. If you played a mirror match you can switch in mid-match. Man, had I bought this after having played the arcade I would have really felt ripped off. How did Capcom even think it was acceptable to release something in this state?

>> No.5011965
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>> No.5011982
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When the 32X version of Doom runs better than the 32-bit Sega Saturn console, you know that something somewhere went horribly wrong.

>> No.5011984
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>> No.5012012

From what I heard, in the development stage, the game actually runs perfectly fine. The reason for the gimping is when Carmack came in, and doesn't looked impressed in the coding.

>> No.5012065

On modern displays

>> No.5012181

it was a lose/lose. Sony had no interest in trying to add the ram by a proprietary add-on feeling it would just muck up the market but the Playstion was a strong selling systems and fighting games were the hot shit of the time so they did what they could and hope for the best. Context to what it was it play fine as a traditional CP System II fighting game but that loss of the tag function really alters the whole game.

>> No.5012204

It was a rush job of the PlayStation port with some of the 32X thrown in. Carmack had no involvement Rage Software/Games was the company that made the Saturn port on Sega's dime. If you believe their story they were drop with a 7 month time window to rush out a Doom port that could compete with the PS version.

>> No.5012209

thanks I couldn't recall because I played MSHvsSF all the time.

>> No.5012216
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All NeoGeo ports on the PS1 are near unplayable

>> No.5012217
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>> No.5012225

Basically John Carmack, being the autist he is, forbade Jim Bagley (lead programmer on Saturn port) from drawing the image with Saturn's hardware acceleration because of his distaste for affine texture mapping. To meet Carmack's demands, Bagley did everything in software on the SH-2s, resulting in the perspective-correct but utterly dog-shit slow version we received. Carmack later admitted he probably should've been more open-minded about using Saturn's sprite hardware.

>> No.5012230

Who is the guy licking the blade?

>> No.5012231
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>> No.5012236

Holly Wood

>> No.5012239

I don't get shit like this. You can buy undumped, truly rare games for a fraction of this price. Yeah, yeah, collecting is collecting, but it baffles me why AES games cost so much when there is the much cheaper and functionally identical MVS equivalent as well as far, far rarer games that can be had for much less.

>> No.5012296 [DELETED] 

fuck you at least our women aren't getting destroyed by black dicks

>> No.5012308

I feel like Carmack is a successful autist who doesn't even like videogames - he liked the technical challenge given by FPS games and was the best in the world at it back in 1995-2000. He even said he can't play his OWN GAMES in deathmatch for hours at a time iirc. And who the hell doesn't love deathmatch once they get into it and get used to it. That's why he doesn't even bluff his way around the e-sports scene or be head of some studio (which he could do without playing games). That's why he joined the failing Oculus VR, has interest in random shit like rockets and hasn't done anything gaming in the past 10+ years. He's an autist and doesn't understand people.

>> No.5012318

It's an snes game that's technologically inferior to the nes game.

>> No.5012339

Ahhh so it is, thanks anon!

>> No.5012348

>He's an autist and doesn't understand people.
I don't see a problem with that when people are insufferable pricks dabbing in Fortnite with nu-Thanos

AES collectors are elitists. back in the day, an AES was like buying an entire cabinet- minus the screen. but now? arcades are probably the best emulated systems there are. there's simply no reason for a Golf cart to cost $10.000

my theory is that, 15 years ago, some salty asshole who spent all his allowance + christmas and birthday presents on an AES decided to get his money back, plus interest, and listed all his shit for outrageous prices on eBay.
after every other listing was gone, people checking for prices would see his and and go "holy shit, MSX is worth gold!"

>> No.5012484

Imagine hand-picking the worst possible samples you can find for each sound featured in the Ninja Gaiden Soundtrack. That's the SNES version.

>> No.5012494
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Not even trying to be an edgy contrarian or saying the game's shit, it's not, but goddamn the English translation is so fucking bad. Steam's really easy to mod/change the translation and PSN ports remove having to switch disks (which isn't a huge deal) and usually come with either portability to the ability to use a better PlayStation controller.

Special mention also goes to FF5 from the Anthology collection and the original FF4 US release.

>> No.5012498

I loved that part in the SNES version

>> No.5012501

> arcades are probably the best emulated systems there are
they're not. real hardware or gtfo.
> there's simply no reason for a Golf cart to cost $10.000
prices for neogeo hardware and software has always been incredibly high since snk did not mass produce any of their carts or machines in very large numbers. so you're going to pay a stupid amount of money for their stuff, if you're a collector.

>> No.5012502

Literally anything on Euro home computers.

>> No.5012515 [DELETED] 

Instead they're getting destroyed by muslim dick you cuck

>> No.5012521


>> No.5012658
File: 20 KB, 380x400, 41LOtUcyJeL._AC_SY400_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: The worst way to play a game
Using this piece of trash.

>> No.5012665

>they're not.
post anything better then
>real hardware or gtfo
"oh gee, I'd love to play some golf but unfortunately I do not have $10.000 in disposable income"

>> No.5012843

Kill yourself you trolling faggot with little girl hands.

>> No.5012909

What would you say is the best version of this game?

>> No.5012950

can we nuke countries that swap periods for commas in mathematics already?

>> No.5012990

Also fucking slowdowns

>> No.5013020

MVS for life.

>> No.5013024

oh go to hell

>> No.5013029
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>> No.5013035

>WW2 game
>M16, M9, and Uzi on the cover
Fucking why

>> No.5013137
File: 13 KB, 226x223, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you should take any knowledge from this thread, it's that GBA versions are almost always the worst way to play something.

>> No.5013139

They are perfectly playable; they simply look like shit and take a week to load

>> No.5013141
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>> No.5013143
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>> No.5013147

3DS gives N64 a run for it's money, but N64 is definitely the worst one for both OOT and MM.

>> No.5013159
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>> No.5013201

Did u mean. To say GameCube?

>> No.5013325

Okay so I begrudgingly owned this cartridge and yes, it's awful. But which is the best version of Pit Fighter? Genesis was just as bad from what I remember.

>> No.5013363

wtf are you on about? that controller is made for babby hands(and babby minds)

>> No.5013378

El gado

>> No.5013639
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>> No.5013671

PC. It's actually suffered remarkably little from software rot over the years; i can still install my cd on win7 and just play with zero issues (i hear you need nglide to run fullscreen on 10 tho).

>> No.5013728

Anyone who's not a literal autist from /k/ won't even notice.

>> No.5013731
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How has no one posted this piece of shit yet?

>> No.5013757
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>> No.5013767
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Gauntlet Legends on Dreamcast

>> No.5013771

because it's the best way to play mario 2 and 3

>> No.5013784
File: 63 KB, 300x300, jesega0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still an ok game, but definately not the best way to play JSR

>> No.5013823

worse than the PS1 version?

i mean, we all know most N64/DC or N64/PS1 multiplats were better on the N64, but the DC had an advantage over the PS1

>> No.5013835

what? snes version sucks

>> No.5013863

But the best way to play Mario 3 is Advance 4 with all the E Reader cards

>> No.5013864

I like this one, and the Tony Hawk games that kind of play like it. But holy shit some of the races in this game are infuriating.

>> No.5013874
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GBA version is still worse

>> No.5013878
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Excuse you?

>> No.5013886


Hey now, who doesn't think George W Bush should have been an action star?

>> No.5013892

The game was apparently running at 60fps with proper HW acceleration on the Saturn too. This would have been the fastest version of Doom for quite some time, as even the PC original was capped at 35FPS.

>> No.5013976

it's interesting that the n64 port is outright better. It not only looks nicer but some of the level design is improved

>> No.5013982

gotta love U.S. Gold!

>> No.5013991

What's with that cover? I could be sworn the snes cover had BJ doing a roundhouse kick or something

>> No.5014048
File: 190 KB, 777x1195, vf-saturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A porting job so bad that they went back and revised it later to make a "Remix" version that was actually decent and offered free replacement copies for people who got suckered into buying the original release

>> No.5014058
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>> No.5014067

Even the 32X version was better.

>> No.5014070

Sega is just a sea of stupid when it comes to porting their own stuff.

>> No.5014083

>the overly zoomed-in, overly bright JUST WHAT I NEEDED version with tin can audio
what am i even supposed to notice here? so what if the cave colors are different? you might as well bitch about how the buzzy beetle is blue or how mario's overalls aren't black

>> No.5014136
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>tfw TENGEN ports your own game to NES better than you do to your own system

>> No.5014137

The NES graphics just look so much cleaner and more distinct than the cluttered, over-done, generic All Stars graphics.

>> No.5014139

How you figure?

>> No.5014162

it's not cluttered, it just has an actual background

>> No.5014185

You just don't get it. Come back in a few years when you have a better understanding of artistic values.

>> No.5014235
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>> No.5014275

come back here when you stop being a faggot who idolizes inferior products because they came first

>> No.5014312
File: 43 KB, 600x649, 1515979876480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a Genesis version that was flat 2D, though. That has to be the worst.

>> No.5014627

Doesn't it have pants on head retarded jump bug that slows down your momentum when you hit a brick? Objectively the worst way to play them.

>> No.5014628

Pit Fighter is a bad game to begin with.
Arcade version is the best version, but it's obviously not very good either.

>> No.5014641

I unironically likes VF2 on Genesis, it's a very solid fighter once you learn how to defend and counterattack properly. still doesn't hold a candle to VF2 arcade/Saturn though

>> No.5015004


I bet they had like 900 of these generic soldier pretty boy artworks laying around from the 80s.

>> No.5015009

>and doesn't understand people.

Or he realized that people are shit and decided to do his own thing, some day you'll get there too anon.

>> No.5015038

That's only for Mario 1

>> No.5015184

Remix version looks like shit. Much rather play the original version

>> No.5015271

Worse, there's a game gear version.

>> No.5015283
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Sorry about your luck SNES owners.

>> No.5016254

>but goddamn the English translation is so fucking bad
At least you didn't played the spanish translation, that shit was a fuckfest.

>> No.5016272

>artistic values

Hardware limitations had a greater influence on the graphics that creativity.

>> No.5016326

Eh, that's arguable. If it's not something like how they added the voice effects in the Super Mario Advance versions of the Mario games, the portability factor could outweigh the detriments. My favorite way to play Super Mario World is with the GBA port because of the fact that your right shoulder button is the spin jump, just makes more sense for it to be there so you don't have to shift your thumb from the two face buttons.

>> No.5016332

Also Lost Levels since it uses the same physics as Mario 1.

>> No.5016616

I don't know why but Conrad's red shirt instead of the regular white pissed me off the most

>> No.5016751

I only played the SNES one, what's wrong with this POS port?

>> No.5017156

Ah, so it was an arcade port. Welp, I'll check it out with low expectations.

>> No.5017175

Have you guys considered that both look good and it is okay to prefer one over the other?

>> No.5017317

They don't care.

>> No.5017430

>running doom in software on 28 mhz SH2s
wew lad

>> No.5017442

That's the best version of the game you dolt besides dark legacy on PS2.

>> No.5017458
File: 13 KB, 259x194, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. There was a lynx release

It does get worse actually

>> No.5017486

Referring to the Tiger Handheld versions is cheating.

>> No.5017491

>Hardware limitations had a greater influence on the graphics that creativity.

Hardware limitations (and limitations in general) often act as a catalyst that drives creativity.

>> No.5017585

>those traced space marine minis in the background
god damn

>> No.5017883
File: 134 KB, 726x507, snes-doom-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool concept, and the red cartridge makes this a worthy collectible alone, but it's by far the worst console port.

>> No.5017887

You can buy it on Steam anyway. During seasonal sales it goes down to as little as $1.25

>> No.5017924

it has saves though

>> No.5017971

There's no good way to play that abomination.
What's up with the audio? Is it an emulator problem or does it happen on hardware?
They are terrible but i understand why - Capcom did not help euro studios with the porting process. They gave them zero code. The studios had to go out and buy an arcade cabinet and try and recreate the games from scratch - usually with a team of 1 or 2 people and hardly any time at all.
They did that port in 3 weeks just to get it onto shelves so the publisher would stfu. Source - Romero himself.
3DS majora is so superior it's not funny. What are you smoking?
To be fair, that game is utter shit anyway, all of Dave Perry's games are terrible.

>> No.5017985

>What's up with the audio? Is it an emulator problem or does it happen on hardware?
IIRC it's the usual GBA sound stupidity. Emulators with better sound emulation like mGBA still do the same thing I believe.

>> No.5018085

La fiesta te espera.

>> No.5018146

3DO and Saturn are worse... at least the SNES version has all the levels and boss fights.

>> No.5018157

when GBA was current gen a lot of these ports were great to have, but yeah, shitty if you compare them directly

>> No.5018165

I will never understand how bongs could sit down, look at the Spectrum, and think anything about it was okay.

>> No.5018168

Missing animation, ludicrous load times, and sometimes even missing features. The Saturn version were pretty good if you had a RAM cart though.

>> No.5018176

also shit audio samples quality

>> No.5018212

Could've been worse. Carmack suggested he do geometry calculations on the SCU DSP. You know, the thing that runs at half the clock rate of one of the SH-2s, has 2KB of cache, and can only be programmed in assembly. I'm starting to think Carmack wanted the Saturn version to be an abject failure.

>> No.5019142

You aren't supposed to try and hold all three prongs at once, anon. Most people I've seen who dislike the N64 controller were contorting their hands in weird ways like trying to use the analog stick while holding the left prong. There are three ways to hold the N64 controller based on what the game's control scheme is (though control schemes that use the left and middle prongs together are few and far between).

>> No.5019145

No, he's just an autist who wanted it to be done the "right way". And to him programming it the right way is more important than the end consumer experience.

>> No.5019150

Goddamn, Doomguy looks more red than the demons.

>> No.5019352
File: 19 KB, 225x225, 2018-09-02-15-26-18--1664474027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But OP, your picture isn't the PC Engine version with the nausea inducing paralax scrolling stutter

>> No.5019649

>going with console versions when there is a PC one available

>> No.5020326

Holy shit that scrolling IS terrible.

>> No.5020704

Based autism poster.

>> No.5020763


>> No.5020765

it's british, so it must be good

>> No.5020768
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>> No.5020769
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>> No.5020773

should have added
>after 4th gen

>> No.5020832

>Rema i n

This hurts me.

>> No.5020868

they couldn't get miller ball breakers on there could they?

>> No.5020874
File: 1.02 MB, 524x360, outrun spectrum.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The economy was shit in Britain throughout most of the 80s and the Spectrum was cheap. It was the lowest end color computer at launch and prices would be cut further as the decade went on. Games cost as little as £3 and some compilation tapes had decent games for £1 each. The C64 gave it competition in the latter half of the decade, but the prices could never quite match the Spectrum because the latter was a home grown system. Or at least all that's what I've heard as an americlap

Apparently webm related cost £8.99.

>> No.5020924

I'll be honest, that's pretty impressive for a weak old shit like the Spectrum, but I can't imagine anyone wanting to go back to that version of Outrun unless they had it as a kid or something.

>> No.5020934

I don't know if it is exclusive to this version, but I liked that there was a control scheme that let you pull special moves by pressing the shoulder buttons, and supers by pressing 2 of them at the same time (like L1+L2). Probably worthless to the average FG enthusiast, but as a casual with casual friends, it essentially turned it into a party game and made it quite fun to play, so much that we didn't mind the loading times mid-match.

This always seemed like a shitty compromise to me. I appreciate the effort to at least do something about it, but I feel like there were better options. Why not give you the option to switch mid-match like Rival Schools? Or take the KOF approach and fight one at a time? It's still not the same dynamic as tag but I feel it makes the gameplay a bit more varied than sticking to the same character the entire match. Sure, there would have been loading times, but people that didn't want them could always just play the regular mode with 1 fighter.

>> No.5020938

So it was more in the similar market of those LCD games we had here, rather than a video game console like the Mega Drive?

>> No.5020952

I guess it was a major ball ache to include

>> No.5020968

PC Engine doesn't do parallax in hardware, so it needs to be written in software. They fucked it up.

>> No.5020984

I already knew that.
I've also seen NES games use software-based solutions to simulate parallax scrolling, while actually making it look good, so I don't know what PCE Ninja Gaiden's fucking excuse is.

>> No.5020989



>> No.5021590
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I'd put it a notch above Tiger. A Spectrum +2 itself cost about £99 in 89-90, plus you'd want to spend 10+ quid for a controller that wasn't shit. I've seen listings bundling it with a couple dozen games for £130. The games usually didn't start out that cheap, either, but they'd get rereleased by budget labels with the prices slashed down hard.

>> No.5021595

the ages remake is good

>> No.5021687


The Redux patch is superior imo. It fixes the brick jumping issue and more.


>> No.5021695

Trust me the PC port was worse.

>> No.5021936
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>all of Dave Perry's games are terrible.

>> No.5021948

>To be fair, that game is utter shit anyway, all of Dave Perry's games are terrible.
Shut up, Derek.

>> No.5021960

brainlet opinion

>> No.5021967
File: 847 KB, 1024x818, worst way to play.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheating slightly, but you really can't do worse than this for most ports/emulators.

>> No.5021976

honestly some of the games sound cool as shit, just the action games look like total ass

>> No.5021985

Hey man, engineers gonna engineer

>> No.5021992


>> No.5022086

>can't handle the original save system
Sounds like you're the brainlet.

>> No.5022184

What the HECK is that?

>> No.5022210

The NES version probably had some mappers to help things along but the PCE was stuck with vanilla hardware.

>> No.5022340
File: 391 KB, 1772x1393, final-fantasy-chronicles-chrono-trigger-slus-01363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5022348

this unironically.

>> No.5022368

I can agree on Crono Trigger, but FF IV had an increased difficulty and a retranslation. For the time it came out, it was the best version. If you want the worst version ever try the wonderswan color version of FF IV.

>> No.5022812

At least the Wonderswan version still has the correct language.

>> No.5022895

what the fuck chrono trigger isn't a final fantasy game
that's like calling earthbound "pokemon"

>> No.5022920

Is there a game that's been ported more? It seems like Doom is on every system imaginable

>> No.5022923

I want to get this because 5 was the kq I grew up on and the nes one looks soooo bad

>> No.5023080

Yeah mostly mentioned it for Chrono Trigger. Literally no reason to play it when the DS version is so much better.

>> No.5023095
File: 19 KB, 500x327, 33510-Doom_(USA)-1497230109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought this as a kid when the game was on clearance, didn't have a gaming PC to play DOOM so this was the next best thing... fucking awful.

>> No.5024167


Like the analog stick weapon orientation.
Hate the "playing in the dark" aesthetic.

>> No.5024170

I have ikari warriors still sealed lol

>> No.5024372

That art is fucking sweet

>> No.5024404

the amstrad cpc version is worse, literally unplayable.

>> No.5024434

>Shit voice acting
>Weird-ass fusion of SNES and PS1 stuff
>cut content

>> No.5024443

I don't follow, correct language? It was only released in Japan.

>> No.5024449

The version in>>5022340 is in English which is clearly the inferior.

>> No.5024474

I wish Sega could remake this game with the proper feeling of tension and despair that this game gave off.
Also, the cool body horror bosses were appreciated, bring those back.

>> No.5025035

Come on, anon, there's worse you can do than the SNES version. It might not be good but as other anons said there's shit like the 3DO version.

>> No.5027324
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>> No.5027469

Genesis version had better music though.

>> No.5027486

Still not as bad as the TI-83 calculator version, I bet. Also the GBA port was shit from what I've heard.

>> No.5027527


>> No.5027535
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>> No.5027551

Aren't all ultima console games pure garbage?

>> No.5027587

Four Swords is a GOAT co-op game and the bonus content in LttP was pretty cool.
Game just needed a sound option to turn off the HAA YAAH

>> No.5027606
File: 180 KB, 800x1022, 185378-street-fighter-ii-the-world-warrior-dos-front-cover.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a fucking atrocity. Unplayable due to shit controls, but it was the best looking home port back in the day.

>> No.5027686
File: 26 KB, 550x412, bendrowned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No ghost is ever gonna haunt a 3DS cart.

>> No.5027723

Give it a decade.

>> No.5027731

GBA port is actually pretty damn great. The only downer is that blood was replaced with green slime to get the game a lower age rating.

>> No.5027751

The economy was shit, but the speccy's success is more to do with culture than anything. Programming was a big hobby at the time, and the ZX was a hilariously easy way to become an indie developer. Most ports for the system would be considered homebrew these days.
Parents also didn't spend as much on their kids, that's an American trend that took a while to make it across the globe. If you pissed and whined like an American kid in the 80's did over big expensive toys and videogames, you'd get the shit kicked out of you. You had to buy everything out of your own pocket money as a kid, and speccy games fit the budget. Tell your parents you needed it for school (it was still technically a computer), and your be set.

>> No.5027940

This is literally never the case. With any game, ever.

>> No.5027964

Holy shit that’s bad. I want to go give my nes contra cart a hug now.

>> No.5027970

Mate, the game has loading times while the original had none. Would be somewhat acceptable if it at least was a full on remake, but it is the same graphics/sound of the SNES, so it can fuck right off. Any other improvements are worthless if the trade off is loading times.

>> No.5028032

Doesn't this have different sounding music?

>> No.5028067

The Samurai Spirits 3 port has some of the most mutilated animations I've ever seen in a port.

>> No.5028220

At least Four Swords was released seperately and single-player for the DSi.

>> No.5028306

Goddamn shame, really, since the game looks very pretty beyond that.

>> No.5028315

Also, just because action games with complex graphics looked and played somewhat messy doesn't mean everything did.
This game was fucking awesome and looks great.

>> No.5028465

Oh no. The Steam Chrono Trigger is the worst.

>> No.5028481
File: 17 KB, 276x173, megaman31cga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My copy of this came with pic related, which they fucked up *worse*

>> No.5028656

even after all the patches?

>> No.5028661

At least the cover artwork is great.

>> No.5028675

>That art is fucking sweet

It is. Did someone realize the street shoe product placement ? Converse, Nike & Reebook ?

>> No.5028691


>> No.5029559

I played the Genesis one. I unironically like Pit Fighter.

>> No.5029571

At the time when it came out I had no issues enjoying the hell out of the game. To each his own m8.

>> No.5029584

I guess, if you are emulating. Best console version of the game I'm aware of.

Is that what the issue was? I tried a playthrough, got decently far, then got stuck as an NPC who was supposed to follow just stood there.

I never could tell if this was an attempt to cash in on the moderate success of the Macadventures that got ported over, or just trying to shove a popular PC game onto the NES for more sales.

>CGA Mega Man

>> No.5029969

>To be fair, that game is utter shit anyway, all of Dave Perry's games are terrible.

>> No.5030102

>The only downer
If you think the censorship is the only bad part of GBA DOOM you must have played it with the sound turned off.
On top of the covers being garbage (they feel like they're composed for GBC outside the percussion, the rhythms are sometimes wrong, and many parts are missing), every song in the game was displaced backward by one, so E1M2's theme plays on E1M1, E1M3's theme on E1M2, and so on for the entire game.
And DOOM2's OST doesn't fare much better, it sounds almost as bad as DOOM 32X.

>> No.5030106

Actually I take back that last part, after listening to the 32X soundtrack again both GBA soundtracks are much preferable.

>> No.5030140
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>> No.5030173
File: 49 KB, 500x500, yoshis-Island-GBA-cover-gameboy-advance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit audio quality, changed yoshi sound effects to the awful vocal ones they still use
>aspect ratio is cropped to the GBA so you can have severe visibility loss at times
>several tricks and glitches from SMW2 no longer work
>theres an extra frame or 2 of input delay
>the timer when you get hit is very much slowed down for babby gamers
>anything that goes off screen no longer exists. eggs just dissapear into nothingness the moment they are offscreen, even if there is a wall it it's supposed to bounce off and return. this doesnt happen in SMW2 and its very annoying.

this is probably one of the shittiest ports of a retro game ever made. If you never played SMW2 you'd probably not notice but if you have and are familiar with mechanics then stay far away.

>> No.5030297

To be fair, I think they were more thinking that due to the reduced screen size and to the high possibility that players were using the non-backlit original GBA screen, that they just wanted to slow the timer down so you didn't get burned as hard.

I won't deny that it's sorely lacking as you pointed out though. Just saying, they were probably thinking of the situation for that change.

>> No.5030321
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The original on SNES is way better than this garbage

>> No.5030324
File: 1.28 MB, 960x640, FFVI_IOS_Vargas_Encounter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>completely butchers the beautiful spritework of the original

id rather play the snes original or the GBA version if i want a portable version

>> No.5030347
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>> No.5030393
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>> No.5030416

The new stages are pretty fun though

>> No.5030421

I still have issues with the PSP FFIV remake or the NDS FFIII remake, but one thing they aren't is lazy remakes. That shit is an insult and Square should be ashamed of itself. "Its mobile garbage" isn't even an excuse. I first played the FFIII 3d remake on mobile phone.

>> No.5030432
File: 76 KB, 495x500, nintendo-game-boy-color-wetrix-gb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5030443


Despite this, GBA is still one of the best classic Doom console ports;

1. PSX Doom - Most complete, has Ultimate Doom. Some issues with tone.
2. GBA Doom - Unlike Jaguar Doom, full strafing is possible rendering the gameplay true to the original
3. Jaguar Doom - Best graphics of the "traditional" doom ports
4. 32X Doom - Gimped version of Jaguar Doom
5. SNES Doom - Technically impressive for an SNES, but unfortunately no fun at all
6. Saturn Doom - Ruined by Carmack, could have been great.
7. 3DO Doom - Unplayably slow, tiny viewing window.

>> No.5030513

It's not just visual either, it has online only DRM on mobile and it controls like horseshit. Mobile easily wins the bad port contest.

FFV is in a similar shit canoe, but it's less bad due to the controls being better, no online requirement, and no polygons. For it I'd still play either GBA or SNES with GBA script though.

>> No.5030524

From what I hear it's buggy as hell.

>> No.5030565

All of the GBA ports of SNES games were similarly bad. I wish they had taken the Metroid Fusion route and just made new 2D entries for Mario, DKC, and Yoshi instead.

>> No.5030581

that shit does not translate will into 2D

>> No.5031428

>7. 3DO Doom - Unplayably slow, tiny viewing window.


>> No.5031449

See, that's the keyword right there. "Overclocked."
It's a miserable fucking experience without some sort of hack.
You can overclock the SNES version, but that doesn't make the original version any more desirable.
Besides, if you're not going to play the original version authentically anyway, why not just use a TC on a source port?
Not only do you remove the framerate problem, you get to use the mouse and keyboard.

>> No.5031484

>WW2 game
>A mecha-hitler is in this game
Fucking why

>> No.5032134

I like Mario 2 on this but the GBA version is better anyway,

>> No.5032138


>> No.5032140

Some NES ports back then made even the arcade version feel weird, at least that's how I feel about this game.

>> No.5032152

Imagine being in charge of this prohect and thinking "yep, looks great", is this design even practical enough to justify it?

>> No.5032159
File: 1.69 MB, 1462x2009, latest[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can this garbage get out of my compilations already? You can fuck up a Doom port and no one actually cares but this gives newcomers a bad taste of the console, at least they included the arcade in that 360/PS3 comp.

>> No.5033296

>Converse, Nike & Reebook
The N is for New Balance.

>> No.5033521

This wasn't that bad