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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 32 KB, 287x500, Valkyrie_Profile_Lenneth_USA_PSP-Coverart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5014065 No.5014065 [Reply] [Original]

Should I play this old sack of shit on PS1 or PSP?

>> No.5014108

whichever one is easier for you to play it. im sure its the same on either one

>> No.5014113

Do you want me to kick your ass?

>> No.5014131

ps1, psp is based on the japanese version which is missing features from the american ps1 release.

>> No.5014361

In general if you haven't experienced something it's very rare that any port is ever as bad as people say they are. It's like when people complain about a game unplayable because they can't run it maxed out at launch with crazy hardware. Just turn it down you fucking picky fuck

>> No.5014597

PS1 version is better, I forget why but my black ex-navy acquantaince who is a huge playstation/square fanboy said the psp version is no good

>> No.5014598

Oh sure this is totally why people go around recommending the gba version of tales of phantasia amirite famalamadingdong?

>> No.5014608

who the fuck does that???

>> No.5014609

do yourself a favor and dont play it, the game is slow and boring af in all versions

>> No.5014621

this actually the sound data is compressed for psp so only the original is suitable for playing on a tv with a real sound system

>> No.5014664

I played (partially) both. The PPSSPP emulation felt much more laggy than the ps1 on mednafen. The PSP also has an weird stretching.

>> No.5014935

I've played it on both ps1 and psp. PPSSPP is the ideal way to go imo; tri-ace games would freeze/crash whenever they felt like it on ps1.

>> No.5014980

This, but the exact opposite. Never play remakes, they are almost always garbage.
Also use an emulator.

>> No.5015021

I'm glad in defense you used the most obvious example against me? I stand by what I said despite there being a few obvious exceptions.

>> No.5016402
File: 161 KB, 1280x720, radicalreggie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was he radical reggie?

>> No.5016416
File: 100 KB, 241x207, noice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes please, only if you eat it out after

>> No.5016485

The PSP version is better. They remade the CGs to actually be impressive and cool. It is now widescreen and there is a way to sort items now. I feel like there was one small downside but I don't remember what it was anymore. Anyway, this game is practically unplayable without a guide. You wanna read up how to get the true ending because if you don't do that you're gonna be wasting your time. Trust me. This game, while incredibly unique, is absolute bonkers when it comes to the endings. Tri-Ace must have wanted people to play the game a million times so they invented the most dumb ass requirements possible

>> No.5016492
File: 52 KB, 900x810, 1 - sqQlid7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being an angry wannabe normie faggot and then put on a jrpg and act like you're above it but you chose to play it in the first place

>> No.5016562

No see an "old sack of shit" is how you'd describe someone who still browses this board.

>> No.5016583

What PSP games should I play in general? Never touched it.

>> No.5016719

Lurk more faggot.

>> No.5016735
File: 3.65 MB, 320x240, groove.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PSP games
not retro lol

>> No.5016743
File: 197 KB, 294x256, 1530184665632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tri-Ace must have wanted people to play the game a million times
Ah yes, let's pretend these games weren't played by hundreds of thousands and every single one of them played the game in the same way and never talked to their friends or share tips and secrets, fucking friendless zoomers.

This is why RPGs and games in general are so fucking boring nowadays, can't put one fucking actual secret in them without you fags sperging about how nobody could figure it out, making games in order to sell guides and whatever.

>> No.5016817

wish more people followed this here
why the fuck are there so many rec threads and posts on this board now?

>> No.5016849

>all these "people" using and recommending emulation
The absolute STATE of /vr/, do any of you actually like playing games?

>> No.5017341

Kill yourselves. This board is a dead piece of shit anyways, might as well help someone out from time to time. Everyone knows about the shittily maintained wikis, everyone has seen the rec images. Sometimes people can have some hidden gems beyond that, but instead you'd rather showcase your garbage CRT in a thread for the thousandth time to validate yourselves.

>> No.5017409

the obsession over the "best version" here is weird to me. y'all act like these things are some magnificent works of high art that must be given the utmost respect and any flaw will harm the artist's message.

These games are mass produced entertainment products created to turn a profit... just chill lol playing a version that has a typo in it isn't going to ruin the experience for you.

>> No.5018543

it's fine if you don't have standards, just don't expect that to actually be the standard. faggot.

>> No.5018558

>encouraging newfags to post for the sake of posting
your board is dead because of you faggot

>> No.5018567

everything out here is playable on whatever. why not play the best version available?

>> No.5018596

psp is stretched and blurry, so ps1

>> No.5018682

Go with the original PS1 version. The PSP version feels crippled and clunky (the CGI cutscenes are nice though).

>> No.5018793

>this old sack of shit
Wrong picture OP? It's not your mother-

>> No.5018804

You can't comprehend why someone would want to know if a port has bad graphics, slowdown, or load times before putting in 30 hours when there's another option? Its a valid question.

>> No.5019109

Emulation is usually better.
Though i like playing on original hardware but i aint got time for load screens

>> No.5019115

Why not eboot it. You can choose the screen res on psp eboots