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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 219 KB, 1024x768, 014_super_mario_kart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5014363 No.5014363 [Reply] [Original]

The First Video game you play in your life?
For me it was Super Mario Kart on the SNES and luckily I didn't became a Nintendo fanboy

>> No.5014364

Great thread fag

>> No.5014365

Mario's bros 2 on nes was my first

>> No.5014370

lurk so much more.

>> No.5014381 [DELETED] 
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Hahaha the nintendfag is triggered

>> No.5014382

Gosh just stop I didn't want all that CONSOLE-WARS Shit on my post

>> No.5014428
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Pac-Man on the Atari 2600

>> No.5014447

SEGA RALLY on saturn anon

>> No.5014451


>> No.5014547
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>> No.5014671


>> No.5014693

We used to play Voodoo Castle on the Vic20 as a family.
Vague memories of Atari2600 Pitfall too

>> No.5014697

Super star wars empire strikes back on snes

>> No.5014713
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Can't guess which was the first but my first memories were playing on my parents texas instruments ti-99/4a. Parsec, Alpiner and Q*bert

>> No.5014745

Super Mario Bros.

>> No.5014747

Jazz Jackrabbit apparently,I have no memory of it. First actual memory is probably Mario 2

>> No.5014763
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Pacman on the Apple II was my earliest memory. Good thing it didn't make me an Apple fanboy?

>> No.5014770
File: 138 KB, 1600x800, H2x1_SNES_SuperMarioWorld_image1600w-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was somehow my first game, despite being born in 98.

>> No.5014898

My oldest memory is Mario 2 on a Playchoice-10.

>> No.5014904

This. How many others started with SMB NES?

>> No.5014908

I can't say. The earliest one I REMEMBER playing is Mario Bros. 2, but my older brothers acquired about 8 other games before that as well as an Atari system so it could very well have been something else.

>> No.5015051


>> No.5015564

Donkey Kong cabinet, I was probably 4 or 5 at the time... this campsite resort building had it there. the only reason i remember is because afterwards, we went canoeing, and my young mind thought I was going to fall off the canoe and die.

the 80s were scary sometimes.

>> No.5015681

Sonic on Sega Genesis. Not only am I not a furry today, I'm pretty anti-furry.

I am a huge unironic fan of Shadow the Hedgehog's story and character though

>> No.5015687

Smurf: Rescue at Gargamel's Castle on Coleco Vision.
Luckily I didn't became a Smurfs fanboy.

>> No.5015758
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>Putt Putt
Can't remember which

>> No.5016297

I think it was either Super Mario Land or Link to the Past.

>> No.5016321

From reconstructing memories and asking questions online about 15 years afterwards I believe it may have been Rally-X on an arcade cabinet in a furniture shop while waiting for my. I remember thinking about the cars and how they put out smoke, especially for the two-player game. I definitely can't say for sure it's the first one I ever played though.

>> No.5016372



me too also

>> No.5016375

Mario Land, at least that's the one that I have the most recollection of.

>> No.5016382

Some electronic handheld of Space Invaders my older brother had. Like in '84 maybe?

>> No.5016383
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The first video game sound effect I ever heard was WISE FWOM YO GWAVE

>> No.5017090

first game i ever played was New Super Mario Bros. on the DS

>> No.5017132


>> No.5017586
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Does this even count as a game...

>> No.5017607
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Ms. Pacman on a b/w tv in south beach

>> No.5017643

Well, this is gonna be hard, because i have memories of the following games as way back as when i was 6 (2006 btw):
>me playing my dads copy of doom
>me playing a neogeoragex emulator with my sibling(pirated of course)-think game was aero-fighters 3
>me playing on my gameboy advance sp 101 game was ice age 2

Its one of those 3

>> No.5017674


t. 36 year old boomer

>> No.5017687

I'm pretty sure it was either Altered Beast or Castle of Illusion on Mater System

>> No.5017716

>me at three years old laughing hysterically as I shoot birds in duck hunt

>> No.5017819

it was a yellow cart with 99999 games in 1

>> No.5017825 [DELETED] 

op is a zoomer faggot

>> No.5017839
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First game I ever owned.
I can't even begin to know what the first game I played was. Likely Pong.

>> No.5017876
File: 21 KB, 640x400, Ancient art of war.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was most likely this. In glorious CGA graphics as well.

>> No.5018460
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SMB (1) on the NES.

Still have both.

>> No.5018462 [DELETED] 

I'm >>5018460.

>> No.5018472

>>5018460 Here.

>> No.5018483

SMB2 and SMB3

My parents and I would always play the monopoly NES game together too, such a blasy watching them eat fish bones out of the trash.

>> No.5018759

Winnie the Pooh: The Honey Hunt for V-tech Smile. It was a rocky start...

>> No.5021139

Super Mario Land on a 32-in-1 very with Rare's Amazing Spider-Man game, Jurassic Park, Dr Mario, Motocross Maniacs and some other stuff

>> No.5021141

Way better than that NES shit

>> No.5022201

Arkanoid II on the ApplelIgs.
Also at the same time was:
Zany Golf and Xenocide
I couldn't understand Xenocide at the time and only made it to the second level a handful of time. Zany Golf was the fucking best, though.

>> No.5022202
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Forgot pic :P

>> No.5022254

River Raid for Atari 2600

>> No.5022287
File: 81 KB, 365x500, SMB_DH_box__61365.1398107019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you

>> No.5022310
File: 3 KB, 256x224, Destiny_of_an_Emperor_-_Rise_of_Lu_Bu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my earliest memory is of Destiny of an Emperor. Unique NES game.

>> No.5022334
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Think it was this or Duke Nukem when I was about 3 years old.
mah nigga

>> No.5022356

Duck Hunt or Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest, although I remember Mario 3, but not sure if I got to play it. Also Sonic 1.

>> No.5022834

32 year old fuck here, SMB 1 for me.

>> No.5022840

I'm 25 and my older brother had a NES, was probably my first game too.
Although my Dad has a 20 year old HDD with Command and Conquer saves on it that are mine.

>> No.5024523
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> Pokémon Yellow on Gameboy
> Not a Pokefag

>> No.5025165

dig dug on an arcade machine at a pool party in like 1984 or 5

didn't get a home console until a Nintendo on Christmas 1987

>> No.5025168

In my opinion the best RPG on the system that wasn't a DQ

>> No.5025172

Super Dodgeball on the NES. I cleared the shadow team at the end before playing something else too. It was an easy game but fun and it taught me the basics.

>> No.5025174

What a shitty first game.