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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5011996 No.5011996 [Reply] [Original]


>This is the only test we give to people who want to become a Raven. You must battle against the opponent AC and survive. If you survive, you will be considered a Raven. That's all. Good luck.

>> No.5011997

>tfw you didn't fight against an AC in the test but 2 MT's

>> No.5012036

I dare say, I loved live-fire tests that basicallly put you on the spot and determined if you got to be a raven or not. Real sense of danger helped you get the blood pumping.

>> No.5012041

well the opening test isn't too hard, even though all you have is the basic parts and weapons, rifle, small missile, basic laser sword. but I know what you're saying, no tutorial, straight into combat, kill these things or die.

>> No.5012096

how did /vr/ configure their AC's?
I always used humanoid legs and a machine gun. usually missiles on the back. I tried to keep it as light as possible for mobility. but sometimes it was fun to play a heavy tank tread AC with grenade launchers.

>> No.5012113

I usually went with lighter humanoid legs, and used a pulse rifle early on in the game, upgrading to the laser rifle later on. Usually had a laser cannon (the smaller version) strapped to its back.

For the arena, I'd switch between that build and machine gun / missiles. I didn't really use solid weaponry outside of the arena, due to ammo costs.

>> No.5012115

I was a karasawa and missles faggot that boosted all the time

>> No.5012124

did you do the Human Plus trick?
the downside for humanoid legs was they had to kneel to use those cannon-type weapons. unless you did Human Plus.

>> No.5012126

perfectly legitimate play style.
the reason I loved this games was you could customize your AC to youre preferred battle style.

>> No.5012140

I was a dirty, cheating bastard and did Human Plus to maximum, then used an ultra-lightweight reverse-joint set with the longest-range sniper rifle, the hyper-efficient-but-low-power booster, and the big dual multi-missile system.

If I didn't accidentally pull an Icarus and fly too close to the sun (and outside the battle area) you were never bringing me down while I rain missiles on your head.

>> No.5012148

is Human-Plus cheating?
I wish they had it as a bonus for beating the game instead of rewarding you for failing

>> No.5012164

i never played anything from before ac3. In ac3 and acsl it was a midweight mirage build with mgun, sword, lasercannon, and missiles.

i gravitated more towards rifles and sniper rifles for ac nexus since mguns got nerfed so hard. mostly midweight crest stuff with the kisargi core and swapping crest rifles or the mirage snipers as needed

didn't play ninebreaker, i had three main builds i'd run in last raven, the first two were evolutions of the previous two builds mentioned, the third was a heavyweight made specifically for dueling other ACs. I optimized my armor points for maximum survivability but carried a relatively light weaponsload so i still had some mobility, a pistol and pulse pistol in the arms, probably micro missiles and rockets on the back.

>> No.5012170

jk I don't care
on the contrary I feel like this game series is under appreciated

>> No.5012182

nah i don't think so, not given how much the AI cheats in old school ac titles. If you try to duplicate the builds that 90% of the AI ACs use, its gonna be completely unusable because it'll be overweight and/or severely underpowered. H+ and OP-I are just putting you at an even playing field with their cheating asses, that's all.

I'll never forget one of the final mission paths in last raven where you have to fight that purple cunt zinaida.

>she appears to be already damaged when you reach her, but her core's anti-missile system still works perfectly
>flies around indefinitely spamming back mounted pulse cannons, either feat alone would require infinite energy let alone when you put them together plus not having to kneel for back guns.

I though fromsoft grew out of that kind of faggotry for a long time, but they eventually went back to it in dark souls 3 and i hated that game for it. fuck cathedral knights and their poise, but a sl1 deprived with a sword hilt can chain stunlock a sl125 full havel's as long as the former has stamina, fucking genius.

>> No.5012213

FromSoftware seems to be one of those old school Japanese companies that enjoys torturing gamers with difficulty

>> No.5012486


>> No.5012516

Awesome game

>> No.5012529

This game plays great once you've mapped everything to play like Verdict Day...fuck this tank controls looking up and down and strafing with the shoulder buttons shit.

Xpadder, map strafing and forward/backward movement to the left analog, looking and turning to the right analog, then boosting and shooting things to the shoulders and you can leave the face buttons as-is.

It's too bad they weren't playable that way to begin with, because they're fun games when the controls don't suck.

>> No.5012606

Honestly I think the strafe controls are actually really good other than the vertical look shoulder buttons

>> No.5012619

You should play mega man legends, it had a control setup that let you put strafe on L1 and R1.

>> No.5012842

At the very least getting the "can shoot back weapons without kneeling" should have been the first thing you unlocked, it opens up so many options that you normally would never use that it's kind of absurd. There really should have been ways to build your ac to use various back weapons without having to stop.

>> No.5012852

I can't git gud at this game. I keep losing at the third mission where there's these enemies guarding a bridge. I dropped the game, might come back to it sometime. It didn't immediately grab me but I like the collecting and customization aspects.

>> No.5012880

No worries anon, like all From Software games it just clicks after a while. Once you get into the groove it's not that bad.

>> No.5012890

its mostly just getting used to the awkward controls

>> No.5013319
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I hate Armored Core because when I was a kid I really liked it so I drew a picture on my school Pencil Case of a sweet mech and drew a cool graffiti 'A.C' next to it then Andrew Chester said it was his pencil case and the proof they used was that it said A.C on it and they made me give it him.

>> No.5013715

Sometimes I did. I usually do when I replay the games nowadays, because being able to use shoulder weapons while moving is a lot more fun than being plastered to the ground.

>> No.5013776

dude how can you not have realized that the adults did that to you on purpose

>> No.5014245

I can't into this series because of the controls, what's a good setup?

>> No.5015354


>> No.5016138

if you are playing the game I am thinking of, can you tell me how exactly you are losing that mission? your default loadout should easily be enough to complete it even if all you do is walk forward and shoot when you are in range of something

>> No.5016179


yeah isn't that the "Eliminate Strikers" mission? how much of a pleb can you be?

>> No.5016218

PS2 and further more later gens fixed most issues.

PS1 is not fixable.

>> No.5016257
File: 101 KB, 427x647, Toshusai_Sharaku-_Otani_Oniji%2C_1794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>d-pad movement only
Why Fromsoft chose to build every single one of their PS1 games on a crumbling King's Field engine from 1994 escapes me. I've never been able to get into this series because of it.

>> No.5016709

A light-medium humanoid frame with double machine guns and as many extra ammunition boxes as possible. Just circle strafing everything all day while slowly chipping it to death with an endless spray of bullets.


>> No.5016714

>There really should have been ways to build your ac to use various back weapons without having to stop.

IIRC you can fire without stopping by using quad legs (or tank legs obviously), that's meant to be one of their advantages. One of the reasons I always used quad mechs besides looking rad.

>> No.5016767


I already said what good controls are >>5012529

>> No.5016798

git gud

>> No.5017187

Ultralight: literally just the fastest lightest possible parts to use (except generator obviously) with no weapon other than the moonlight

Lightweight: machine gun arms and double medium missiles. This one is pretty obvious and works with any legs that happen to be efficient at the time.

Medium/Medium-Heavy: here we go with a high capacity machine gun and a spare laser blade, this one is for long missions so I tend to put a missiles on both shoulders but obviously if you're in an interior area or you're up against a lot of armor, you gotta switch to grenades or rockets.

I don't have anything against the bunny rifle, but I only use it for the sake of ammo efficiency on missions since machine guns are easier to actually make contact with and the moonlight does the most totally bananas damage per hit.

Heavy: Maximum Dakka. Fire the largest number of missiles possible and pack as many more bazooka and grenade rounds as you can after that.

Energy weapons and Shell weapons are of course interchangeable when one outperforms the other, in AC1 in particular laser beams are pretty devastating

>> No.5018965

>Tfw too much of a brainlet to successfully do that mission where you have to make sure a truck doesn't explode
>Tfw it's like mission 4