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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5009253 No.5009253 [Reply] [Original]

have you had the 480i "talk" with your kids yet? What's your method of addressing it?

>> No.5009256

pcsx2, which runs ps2 games at 1080p

>> No.5009260

how is that 480i or retro?

>> No.5009269

i assume that's what op is talking about, since 480p and up wasn't common until the dreamcast

>> No.5009271

did you miss where it said 480i?

>> No.5009273

ps2 was 480i
also op pic has a guy in a sony shirt

>> No.5009275

lots of shit before ps2 used 480i

>> No.5009280

most shit was only 240p

>> No.5009284

how does that contradict what I said?

>> No.5009285

u can't tell the difference between 240p, 480i, and 480p?

>> No.5009286


>> No.5009323

got eeem!

>> No.5009331

Why do these memers have a whole channel dedicated to buying expensive shit to get your retro consoles to look good when a raspberry pi outputs HDMI and looks better than any pvmeme or framemeister rig?

>> No.5009332

raspberry pi is not original hardware

>> No.5009343

Literally just the Dreamcast though??

The 6th generation were the only consoles to ever use 480i.

>> No.5009349

3do outputs everything in 480i

>> No.5009358

>Look guys (irrelevant shitty system) does thing see!

>> No.5009361

>3do is shitty

>> No.5009371

No one is disputing that the 3DO is shitty.

>> No.5009389

Good thing most /vr/ stuff is 240p.

>> No.5009405

Input lag, graphical/audio glitches, performance issues and other things.

>> No.5009423

Older consoles like SNES or PS1 used 480i occasionally in some games in tandem with 240p. Usually that was reserved for menus. In fact there were several games on PlayStation which didn't have 240p mode at all. The statement that 480i was used in 6th gen only is false.

>> No.5009426

MLiG makes my dick hard

>> No.5009452

When Tri says upscale it makes my peepee shoot.

>> No.5009456

AKUTUALLY snes outputted 448i

>> No.5009461

But what about 576i?

>> No.5009480
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You mean PAL60?

>> No.5009540

They get a cut of the profits. Also buy a banner you fucking shill I'm not purchasing a pi no matter how hard you wanna make me. Fucking newfag marketer...

>> No.5009569

ps2 games ran at 480i, also the ps2 is 500 years old so it's retro. Also it's the same generation as the DC which is considered retro by the rules here so it's retro.
240p and 480i are technically identical.
Pi's are garbage, they're extremely underpowered and the emulators that do manage to run on them are riddled with input lag that cannot be circumvented. There's a reason they're so cheap.

>> No.5009640

>This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games. Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier. With the release of the 8th generation of consoles, the Sega Dreamcast will now be considered "retro", though the remainder of the sixth generation (Xbox, PS2, GameCube) will not.

>> No.5009689

MLiG and DF Retro are top-tier /vr/ channels.

>> No.5009704

3do was always overpriced shit - paying 700usd just to play the then best port of ssf2t, the best version of star control 2 and a couple interactive movie wing commander games was a mistake

>> No.5009706


>> No.5009716

Framemeister is old news and about to be discontinued. OSSC is where it's at if you don't need a full-on upscaler for wonky (S)NES vertical refresh rates.

>> No.5009719

Does PS2 output PS1 games at 480i or does it keep their native resolution?

>> No.5009725

By the time my kids give a fuck about resolutions 4k will be archaic and light will be controlled by counter vibrations through the air at ultra sonic frequencies to create a life like moving image in front of you. Also, 240p was a designation created after 1999 so to trigger this board's autism I'll declare it doesn't exist in this time line. Honestly though, who gives a fuck about resolution if the shit looks good?

>> No.5009728

it outputs them however they were output on the ps1.

games which render at 480i do not scale well and produce a worse image

>> No.5009729

I am all for OSSC, but I've noticed that the Framemeister is still in stock and was supposed to be discontinued over a year ago. Its like Judas Priest farewell tour.

>> No.5009734


>> No.5009737

Flip the fucking switch on the back. It outputs 240p just fine.

>> No.5009806

>not going the Retrotink + OSSC + Framemeister route

>> No.5009945

Oldest news. Retrotink + OSSC is where it's actually at.

>> No.5010015

Help a newfriend here, what was the point of 480i? Was it for LCD? I mean, if I output at lower resolution the games could have better graphics, which would still scale well at higher resolutions, something like 1080i on PS2 is actually incredible (inb4 not retro) but 480i seems pointless.

>> No.5010020

Some games used it so they could display smaller and more readable text

>> No.5010025

480i is the resolution of standard definition NTSC video. It's the output standard for VCR, laser disc, broadcast, and a few video game consoles, namely 3DO, Xbox over composite, dreamcast over anything but VGA, PS2 over composite and gamecube over composite, just as an example. 480i is a little hard to digest, it's not a progressive image where each frame is output one at a time, instead of interlaces two frames together as a way to generate more detail. Something like the PS2 allowed developers to render on a line per line basis, and using field based rendering could achieve excellent visuals and a solid 60FPS where instead of it being frames, it's fields per second. either way a very smooth display. The PS2 is a system which has tons of 480i games that can't be played in 480p or something higher solely because the way the system renders these games on a hardware level.

480i is a notable concern because scalers tend to have a hiccup with the signal unlike 240p, causing either a drop in signal for a few moments which can obviously be detrimental to game play. Interlaced content can not be displayed natively on an LCD as the displays are inherently progressive whereas 480i is basically designed for the way CRTs operate. This means 480i output needs to be deinterlaced by the display into something usable, which as you might guess causes more lag and blurs the image.

>> No.5010034

I love how this thread descended into chaotic arguing almost immediately.

>> No.5010040

I fucking hate how that ps2 humping fagboy from digital foundry taints up every single video they put up now

>> No.5010042

Now I know why native resolution on PS2 emulation looks especially bad.

>> No.5010043

To expand further: 240p is essentially a happy accident that occurs when you send a signal without the half-scanline at the end that tells the display to interlace, rather than a defined standard like NTSC.

>> No.5010064

In addition to that the current method of laglessly deinterlacing 480i, called bob deinterlacing, causes a distracting shimmer effect on the whole picture. Also 480i looks like shit on a BVM.

>> No.5010067

It doesn't look like shit. I'm playing Shadow Hearts on a BVM and it looks like sex. Sharpest video I've ever set. I'll admit it looks fine on a consumer CRT as well. 480i never looked bad to begin with.

>> No.5010075

Only if you have a crappy Sony. Looks awesome on my Panasonics, my Ikegamis, my SD PVMs and my JVCs. Sony just didn't treat 480i well on their multiformats.

>> No.5010091

Must be Sony then. I have a 14F5U that is allergic to the format. It's just a flickering shitshow.

>> No.5010705


>> No.5010707

>and was supposed to be discontinued over a year ago.
not produced anymore, but apparently still in stock.

>> No.5010713

448i doesn't exist.

>> No.5010734

You probably don't though, not many games render at a line basis, and most of them are concentrated around the first couple years of the console's life. Not surprising coming from people who think 480i was something intended for LCD screens.

>> No.5010748
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>> No.5010760

Maybe you're just not conditioned for it. Everyone growing up on interlaced signals gets used to it to the point of not seeing it any more much like how the human brain "deletes" the nose from your vision.

>> No.5011206

>Pi's are garbage, they're extremely underpowered and the emulators that do manage to run on them are riddled with input lag that cannot be circumvented.

im using mine with composite out to a trinitron and a wireless dualshock 3, no complaints whatsoever, git gud

>> No.5011214
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>> No.5011341

No it's definitely not that. I grew up with CRTs and I have no problems with other CRTs and 480i but it looks terrible on the BVM. From what I've seen HD CRTs handle 480i the best with a slick upscaling to 480p. Shadow Hearts looks spectacular on an XBR 970.

>> No.5011352

>wireless controller

Does your handler give you a special clap on the back meant for only especially good people when you're done with your "gaming"?

>> No.5011435
File: 200 KB, 306x431, diarrhea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not just modded Wii?

>> No.5011456

Because the pi is more powerful than the wii, and it can run psx games(even in high res)

>> No.5011469

I'm not telling you it is perfect. But it can definitely run more than the wii, has a native HDMI(if you want to go that route) has composite(with the cords) all usb ports are on the front of the thing. And you don't have to go through the wii garbage menu system. I'm not counting the priiloader wiis since not all Wii's can do the booty menu swap.

>> No.5011479

Don't you have to use the remote with the wii? How do you make it so you don't have to use that?

>> No.5011485

Last i checked most emulators support the classic controller.

>> No.5011487

Install priiloader, you need a certain serial number. Mine can't do it. That's why I don't count them

>> No.5011512

You can't spells FrameMeister without MEME

>> No.5011513

With priiloader you can hold the eject button on boot(all Wii's) if you're close enough and go right into the homebrew channel. But certain Wii's you can bypass all the bullshit. And replace the boot sequence. I don't use my wii as an emulation system, honestly because my pi is easier. Just turn the thing on and you are there. Can even get an ir remote for it.

>> No.5011738

what should I be using instead?

>> No.5011772

This guy's face and voice are so fucking horrifying. He knows his shit, but goddamn: Why would anyone with such a mug present himself on camera?

>> No.5011780


Go fuck yourself.

>> No.5011781

>I'm not counting the priiloader wiis since not all Wii's can do the booty menu swap.
that direct boot bullshit partly bricked mine, I had to recover and since then I opted not to use any of the boot-up skips

>> No.5011792

That's cause he's bald and fat. Shave it off and grow a beard. Beards are optimal camo.

>> No.5011793

Fuckin' kek.

>> No.5011813

Doesn't get rid of the voice.

>> No.5011849

Anyone using a pi for retro gaming is a facebook-tier retard who needs to leave

>> No.5011853

Maybe I'm just too old for /v/ but too young for /vr/, but I think it's about time the doctrine on "what is /vr/" should be amended to allow discussion of the PS2, and the rest of the sixth gen systems for that matter. We're assuredly halfway through the PS2's successor's successor's lifecycle. What is more, all the major 6th gen systems are older now than even the dreamcast was when when this board first launched; they only endured longer so they still feel more recent than they really are.

>> No.5011914

tons of ps2 games are in 448i

>> No.5012085

Yeah, It's definitely a risk, but if you can do it, you can back up your nand and protect against most bricks. but i just use my wii to play gamecube and wii games, pi for everything else. Opl for ps2 and anything serious in mame on the i7.

>> No.5012302

You don't know what you're talking about. Kindly refer to >>5010025

>> No.5012342

480i is the signal dummy, literally 99% of PS2 games use a vertical resolution 444-448px but the output is still 480i with black overscan.

>> No.5012440

Why in the everloving fuck would I need to have a "talk" with anyone about 480i?

>> No.5012471

no lie, when the music kicks in during the outro I kinda get choked up

good production/editing makes this dull technical shit so entertaining.

>> No.5012620

Top kek kid. My youngest is older than you, knows his way around a scope and could easily tell an underage like you what a signal was just be looking at it.
My method of addressing young dumb broke highschool kids is to take the piss out of them. Especially during summer.

>> No.5012628

/vr/ is so hardcore they can guess people's ages THROUGH TEXT.

>> No.5012650


>putting words in caps to emphasize them

Confirmed for zoomer.

>> No.5012969

it's a both blessing and a curse.

>> No.5013087

>light will be controlled by counter vibrations through the air at ultra sonic frequencies to create a life like moving image in front of you

Non-science guy here, is that some bullshit or is that actually being worked on?

>> No.5013113

You drink the urine of underage, under educated, poor children?

>> No.5013313

No. I do not drink your urine.

>> No.5013761

because interlaced looks like blurry jittery shit and progressive looks sharp af and doesn't need blur filters

>> No.5014660

you've never reproduced and you never will either, now roll back into your mother's basement

>> No.5014869

Line doubling

>> No.5014875

If you play xbox games, it's pretty obvious the 6th gen is very very modern. It's really nothing like traditional retro gaming

>> No.5015001

I don't have kids and the bf doesn't play video games.

>> No.5015023

Interlaced isn't blurry, a simular bitrate progressive scan would give a blurrier image. The whole point of interlaced was to give sharper image while using less bandwidth. But of course interlaced looks much worse when you freeze frame something in motion

>> No.5015031

This. Oldschool gaming died with Sega-CSK's bankruptcy.