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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 5 KB, 303x166, ultra64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
500316 No.500316 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We act like we're in the 90's

Guy's! Did you hear about the new console Nintendo's coming out with?! It's gonna be 64-BIT!!! AND THE NAME IS ULTRA 64! WOOOOOAH IT'S GONNA BE RADICAAAL

>> No.500583

>Hey what is that?
>Starfox 64.
>Can I play?
>No, wait till I'm finished.
>Brother beats the game
>Here you go.
>Ehh, no thanks.

i blame karate

>> No.500625
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I wish I knew what happened to mine.

It was one of those transparent orange ones. Fucking beautiful console.

Flying Dragon all day erry day

>> No.500636


>> No.500706

so tasteless
I love it

>> No.500719
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I'll call now.

>> No.500727

Man I still haven't beat Contra on my snes yet!

>> No.500731

>come home from college
>your mom sold all your old consoles (NES, SNES, N64, Gamegear) and all their games (so many, some pretty rare these days) at a garage sale
>for like 20 bucks total

I swear I'm gonna see my old collection on one of those youtube retro garage sale videos.

>> No.500767

I know that feel my mom sold all snes games.

>> No.500927

Did you guys know you can revive Aeris in FF7?

>> No.500959

I heard geno and sonic are gonna be in melee

>> No.500960

>come home from college
>your mom deleted all your old savefiles and made her own
>She did better than you in all of them

>> No.500981
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Still waiting for Duke Nukem Forever. ITS GUNNA BE GREAT YOU GUYS


>> No.501016

Has anyone yet to find out why my nintendo is getting discolored? god damn gypsies and their voodoo destroying my plastic

>> No.501030

Have any of you guys ever heard of Panzer Dragon Saga?

Neither have I, but I saw it at my local Game Exchange. $40 freakin bucks. I didnt pick it up, but I did get Final Fantasy V!!

>> No.501041




>> No.501043
File: 45 KB, 338x300, database-hardware-nintendo64dd01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was about 11, I got myself so ridiculously hyped for the 64DD that I was practically frothing at the mouth. I thought it was gonna be the coolest fucking thing ever.

>> No.501051

b-But it has nights into dreams...


>> No.501057

Hey, NintenDORKS! Didja hear? Mega Man: The Wily Wars. Yeah, that's the first three Mega Man games with better everything and an extra game thrown in exclusively for a Sega console.

Can't wait until Nintendo loses ALL its exclusives. Gonna be nice seeing Mario in a Sega game.

>> No.501052

I just got a copy of Earthbound for $20, I swear to god they ripped me off. Ah well, at least people won't be stupid enough to pay more money for this shit.

>> No.501068

h-hey you guys are my friends because you like me right? not because I have the only link cable, r-right?

>> No.501060

Earth what?

I looked at nintendo power, it says it stinks!
You got ripped off indeed! What the heck is an Are Pay Gee?

>> No.501070


>> No.501075

Heroes of Might and Magic 3 was fucking spectacular, I can't wait until they pump out an even better sequel!

>> No.501076

Wow, what a ripoff of Pilotwings 64!
You know nothing about power nerd, you think your sega multi nuke is cool but the N64 has 64 BITS OF POWER. Sega Saturn has HOW MUCH? Its not in the titel!

>> No.501083

This is /vr/. We exist in a time warp. We're already in the 90s.

And the 80s. And the 70s.


>> No.501084

What the fuck is Melee? Is it a sequel to something?

Oh by the way guys, did you hear about this new site called Google?

>> No.501087

I asked my mom for it and she bought back a floppy disk called Megaman! Its awful, why do nintendorks and segababies like it? Its pink too, girly!

>> No.501094

i'm gay i like boys and it's the 90s

>> No.501095

Sure kid, while you're sitting on your bean bag playing child games and spinning your propeller beanie I'm playing with what NINTENDON'T and what NINTENCAN'T

>> No.501098

What are you playing then? Ports of GENESIS GAMES? Wheres your 3d sonic game? Even SONDONT has a 3d game!

>> No.501101

Nintendo is what Sega Genesisn't

>> No.501108

I just sold all 600 of my shares in Apple. Dodged a bullet there!

>> No.501115
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>> No.501121

THQ, Cyroware, Interplay, these fuckers are going to be around for quite some time. Hell, even Lucas Arts is unstoppable.

>> No.501120

I'm going to get Superman 64 as soon as it comes out! I lov Superman!

>> No.501704
File: 47 KB, 350x262, IMG_0978.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didja guys hear about Windows 98?
Full web integration is gonna be great

>> No.501796


>> No.501971
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>> No.502006

Does anyone on /vr/ actually have one of these things?

>> No.502008



>> No.502016


Get a load of this clown.
That'll never happen, chump, Nintendo and SEGA are rivals.

>> No.502035

I heard some secret rumors about a new console comming out. And guess what? From Sony!

People who make WALKMANS are going to make a console? HAHAHA!

>> No.502031
File: 364 KB, 336x391, yurumates_Kumi-Tanaka_laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, and next you'll be saying that Microsoft will make a console too.

>> No.502046

Yeah me too. So looking foward to making my own F Zero X tracks... and then nothing. Shit. It could have been great.

>> No.502123
File: 24 KB, 412x406, Dv64-n64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

V64 master race reporting in.

>> No.502142

So, guys, seems like Nintendo is going with cartridges. I don't mind this personally, but do you think it might cause trouble with third party developers craving for more space?

>> No.502156
File: 6 KB, 250x203, 1364245734794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An electronics chain releasing a game console?
What is this, a dvd or something?

>> No.502150

Weren't we still on II and III? When the hell did V come into the picture!?

>> No.502159
File: 42 KB, 500x375, BIG_My-First-Sony-Casette-Player-TPM-80001-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People who make WALKMANS are going to make a console? HAHAHA!

With their history in mind, it's going to be rather kiddy. If it were to happen that is.

>> No.502165


It's time...for the Windows 95 "cyber sitcom". Can you make it to the end?


>> No.502180

A video? Online?

Dude, it's going to take days for this buffer, if my computer even has enough RAM

>> No.502237

I can't wait for fallout 3. I saw the demo in PC gamer. I'm pumped.

>> No.502257

Pfft. Go spread your lies someplace else. Sega just released a console with cd and full motion video support.

>> No.502293

did you catch that new episode of Seinfeld? he has a 20th anniversary Macintosh now.

>> No.502290

'90s not 90's
hope you have good day

>> No.502335
File: 446 KB, 237x185, AAAAAAAAAAAaaa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That add-one's gonna revive the console for the next few years!
I hear the 32X will be awesome too. Just think about it: 32 Bits!

>> No.502423

Ahahaha oh wow

>> No.502609

N64 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gaystation
Mario >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Faggot the Hedgehog

>> No.502640

I share this view.

But I'm still going to point out that this is bullshit that they expect us to buy memory cards for the new consoles!

>> No.502664


>> No.502670

What's a dvd?

>> No.502686

Nintendo 64 is just a ripoff of the Commodore 64.

>> No.502689

this is why I took everything to college with me.

>> No.503064

>confusing 64 bit and 64k memory
Literally no one would ever say that.

>> No.503094
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At least you only lost home consoles.

>> No.503107

u wanna play some jag

>> No.503110

Man, Killer Instinct on super nintendo looks like crap compared to the arcade. I'm totally gonna wait for it on Ultra 64.

>> No.503114

Apple is going under! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

>> No.503120
File: 236 KB, 950x1377, 150735-steve-jobs-1997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.503129

Why they had to buy NeXT...

>> No.503130

He's still using Windows 3.1


>> No.503137

I used it until 1999 and then got a 98SE box. Totally skipped over 95.

>> No.503145

You wish, Mikro$haft dickriders

>> No.503140
File: 84 KB, 640x745, 963965342-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can your Mac play THIS?

>> No.503141

5 years old
>Dad picks up an NES

10 years old
>Dad picks up a few games for the NES

15 years old
>Parents buy a gamecube for Christmas

We skipped the SNES and N64, and no one told me? ;-; I had no friends

>> No.503159

No but then my Mac can also operate without crashing with General Protection Fault errors every couple of minutes.

>> No.503163
File: 17 KB, 225x300, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bill Gates is the devil.

>> No.504082

>Parody software
>Rated T by the ESRB
What the fuck is that?

>> No.504123

Were you not out of dad's balls in the 90's?

>> No.504134
File: 9 KB, 125x100, EarthBound_Box.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude. 3MB? Fuck off with that. It takes forever to fucking loading this thread without a spaz like you sucking my dial-up dry.

Anyway, I heard Zelda 64 is going to have rad time travel in it. I hope they let you go to the far future with like robots and stuff. It would be like Earthbound, which is totally like the greatest game ever made. (If you haven't played it, go to Blockbuster and rent it!)

>> No.504152

the N64 won't take off, the Saturn will blow it out of the water.

I sure hope we get a sequel to Tides of Time.

>> No.504154

Actual comment from my friend
>Dude did you hear that in the next Mario you'll be able to hang off ledges??

I remember going to Toys R Us and assuming he was talking about Super Mario RPG since that was the only new Mario game I saw.

>> No.504284

You mean you didn't use those 10 free hours of AOL? That company will be selling internet forever, I tell ya.

>> No.504297

Down here Hollywood Video let's you rent games for $2 dollars cheaper!
God damnit! I had to try to post this shit like 10 times already! FUK U NETZERO!!!!!!1

>> No.504314

I don't recall ever saying or hearing "radical" in a serious way during the nineties

The late eighties though...

>> No.504350

But then I have to return the games before 6. My dad gets home at like 7, dude.

>> No.504364

I never heard "rad" or "radical" used in the 90s either and one of the early Pokemon episodes has Misty remarking "Does anyone say 'rad' anymore?"

>> No.504376


>> No.504378


Salt in the wounds, you fucker.

>Hey guys Toad is in Melee! Just shoot all the credits!

;_; He should have been in from the start and it's a joke he wasn't introduced on Brawl. Don't give me that "oh but he's Peach's B attack" bullshit. If you can have Dr. Mario and Mario on the same game or 4 Pikachu's on the same screen, you can have Toad as a fucking character. He's iconic enough and he can easily have a good moveset based off NSMBW and Super Mario Bros 2. Fuck you if you disagree. Goodnight.

>> No.504383

NSMBW was released long after brawl.
Sage for offtopic.

>> No.504415


I was saying now. Fight me.

>> No.504425

I remember in the early 90's, we used to refer to everything cool as "bad."

"Have you played Mortal Kombat? That game is baaaaaaaad! You should play it."

Hollywood Video and Blockbuster were located toward the northern outskirts of town where I grew up. The only big business the zoning laws allowed on main street were banks.

There WERE local/regional rental places, but they charged up the ass. One of them had a woman working there who'd tell your parents if a game was too violent (other employees there didn't give a fuck).

>> No.504426
File: 2 KB, 210x187, 1315489131378.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody talked like this in the 90s.

OP in particular sounds like he was born in 1995.

>> No.504431

But then again, Bad Dudes did that in 1988 so it must have been around earlier

>> No.504435

Yeah, I know. "Bad" pretty much went away around 1995 or so.

>> No.504436

Lately I find myself saying "cats" or "those cats" on a disturbing frequency

>> No.504437


If Toad gets in, Wart should get in

Then we get the whole SMB2 crew

>> No.504445


I have no problem with Wart getting in. I don't mind any new character as long as they're not a clone.

>> No.504473

there seems to be some massive underaging this weekend, it's keeps on getting worse every weekend ever since /v/ found out this exists

>> No.504674

South Park on Game Boy Color? Oh man, I can't wait.

>> No.504693


>> No.506089

At least she sold them.

My sister threw away our snes with all the games,
because a cable was broken (which you can get for a dollar).

She also threw away our Commodore 64,
because it was "old".

Absolutely no regard for value.
She always buys cheap crap in discount
stores and wonders why they break so fast.

Know what's the worst part?
She's a kindergarten teacher now.

"No kids, don't keep things.
Just throw them away, you can always buy them again later."

>> No.506097

Sega Saturn has nogaems.

>> No.506136
File: 44 KB, 279x350, Sega Saturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys have you seen those Japenese Saturn adverts?

They're so funny, it's got this guy called Sega Saturn in Japanese or something and he beats people up for not playing Sega Saturn.

It's too bad I can't show you, they don't show the adverts in the UK or America.

It's too bad they never put them over here.

Pic related, Sega Saturn Man.

>> No.506526

Anyone else see Rik Mayall in the Link's Awakening ad on TV last night? How cool was that shit? I bet it's gonna be the best Zelda yet

>> No.506617


>> No.506629

weren't they calling him segata-san?
someone once uploaded a swf on /f/ with one of those commercials
it was probably from YouTube, but it was mildly amusing

>> No.506647


Can't show, eh? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3lCF8O2N50

>> No.506667
