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5006575 No.5006575 [Reply] [Original]

>Playing through the Dragon Quest series
>Played through the first five with ease, never once did I feel like the game was just an awful piece of shit
>Get to this gem

What a drop off in quality, holy shit. Oh man. The story is some awful shit, the music is some awful shit, and some of the game design decisions in this game. Like this whole "waiting" shit that happens couple times in the game where you're not actually waiting for something to happen, you've just got to wander around town to either trigger a specific cutscene before you're allowed to leave, or you're forced to talk to every single NPC in the city

>but anon you should be talking to every NPC and exploring every inch town anyway!

You're right, I do do that. Only it turns out it only starts counting all of the people you start talking to the moment you talk to the NPC that tells you to "wait". You can go around the entire village of Amor and speaking to everyone first but if you didnt speak to the priest who tells you to "wait" while they clean the church it doesn't mean fucking shit. Go do it again. Then you can continue playing the game.

And the final straw that broken the camels back was the second fight against marduk in the real world, where his first form is pretty simple, he kasaps your defense, attacks, and summons if you kill his summons. ezpz, ignore the summons and go straight for him, sleeping the summons.

Then there's his second form. As per usual DQ major bosses he gets two turns. But that's not the problem. The problem is his arsenal of abilities contain TWO group wide attacks and a sleep attack. Each doing around 40-50 damage and the sleep attack sending one of your teammates to sleep. Now every Dragon Quest game has the appropriate abilities and items to deal with this sort of spammy shit, Insulatle and multiheal. Here's the problem.


>> No.5006576

No one in this portion of the game can learn those spells AND you cannot cure sleep you HAVE to wait it out. So you have to rely on your two healers using Midheal, a spell that heals at max 75 HP, and the hero with the Ghant Staff which also casts midheal for free. Now your party is in this precariously fragile formation where if even just ONE of your healers gets hit with that sleep spell, you're pretty much fucked.

It was the fight that simply killed my interest in completing these game and I can see why it is one of the most rarely talked about DQ games in the series. I don't know if it was my high coming off of DQ5, that game was absolutely phenominal, but Its easily the worst game in the DQ series I have experienced.

Here's hoping VII isn't shit.

thanks for reading my blog dont forget to hit that mother fucking subscribe button

>> No.5006586

I dropped VI before you - once I saw the second world I was done. I was bored way before that. I couldn't finish VII either. I beat I through V and loved them all except II, which I powered through anyway.

The non-retro titles are excellent.

>> No.5006595

I'l never not love toriyama's dq artwork

>> No.5006637

I liked Milly and the job system best in VI, but IV's my series favorite and I can't abide V.

>> No.5006641

V is the best man. The monster catching, having your kids join you, best girl Deborah...

>> No.5006653

I found VI to be utterly boring for very similar reasons. Especially the characters... most of them are ugly.

>> No.5006820

VI was confusing for me. I wish they made a visual distinction between which world you were in.

I still love DQ but yea... some bad choices made in that one. Surprised you liked 1-2 and more than VI though. I think they're fucking trash.

>> No.5006858

Pleb filter

>> No.5007032

Glad to see I’m not the only one who dislikes VI.
Characters were just not memorable and their personality was just boring compared to IV and V’s excellent cast.

I also dropped the game at the same boss fight as you OP because how shit it was

>> No.5007037


>> No.5007051

>the music is some awful shit
serves you right for playing the shitty DS version.

>> No.5007169
File: 194 KB, 800x600, Dragon.Quest.V.full.184975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will say my dislike is a gut reaction based on first playthrough, where I went with Bianca; second time choosing Deborah, my feelings toward V improved immensely.

>> No.5007175

I'm interested in why you liked VI's job system the most. I felt that VII improved it (then again, I played the 3DS version), and I also liked III and IX's job systems more

>> No.5007294

First, VI had a good progression of power, in that I didn't feel like I was starting from jump with each change in VII.

But my main reason applies in a more general manner: the simpler DQ is, the more my imagination improves it. As VII proved, the outfits I pictured for each class were much better than anything the devs could illustrate. Its the "better in book than on film" argument, I guess; same reason I love DQIV on DS sans party chat.

As for the others, you can glean what I disliked about VII's from above; I haven't yet played III, though it's coming up; and I didn't get far enough in IX to see what it had to offer (the noodly character designs and joke translation turned to eleven, turned me off).

>> No.5007449

Fuck you cunt 6 is one of the best

>> No.5009137

It's good but you gotta accept it was a drop off in quality after 3, 4 and 5

>> No.5009146

It was better than 4-5

>> No.5009149

I like jrpgs, I wish combat was actually interesting, like tactics games (FFT, SF, FE, TO)

>> No.5009152

it was my first dq emulated
followed by 3

>> No.5009192

SNES 6 is a delight, easily a top ten (let's say 20) contender

>> No.5010484

After you get the flying bed, you can literally broke the game's balance by overleveling your classes in Zaxon area. It's the point when any difficulty is completely removed and it's mostly just following the script to the end.

>> No.5011175
File: 1.13 MB, 1534x1859, Dragon Quest VI - Maboroshi no Daichi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DS version is better due to the removal of monster taming, you see in Dragon Quest V it worked because monsters had different abilities but because of the class system from Dragon Quest VI all the monster you catch would end up becoming exactly the same except for stats and looks.

>> No.5011178

Based OP give me a rundown on what versions of the first games you played, I mean the ones not available on the DS and 3DS. Also should I just pick up DQI and go from there?

>> No.5013134

Not an argument.

>> No.5013298

DQVI the same way with FFVII. The series reaches this wonderful plateau and then... regresses in many ways.

>> No.5013539

Doesn't matter, still a pleb filter

>> No.5013557

Not an argument

>> No.5013780

play ffx, its the closest you can get to a perfect classic rpg battle system

>> No.5013850

I didn't think it was horrible, but I definitely didn't like it as much as the others. The job system sounded good at first, but by the end of the game it just became a clusterfuck and your list of skills became pages and pages of shit useless shit you have to scroll through every single time you want to do something other than a basic attack. It felt like an RPG Maker game. VII is a lot better so at least you have that to look forward to.

>> No.5014036

if you don't like JRPG combat, you don't like JRPGs

>> No.5014054

SRPGs are a type of JRPG and most of them are quite good

>> No.5014094

They really aren't you fool. Stop trying to rationalize it, you don't like JRPGs, you like SRPGs.

>> No.5014104

It also took me a few tries to get into it. It isn't a bad game by any means - I do think it is still above average. The problem for me is the game lacks focus, oftentimes the plot is meandering and nothing seems to make sense sequentially. I do think it has a lot of cool set-pieces like other DQ games, but the world is so large and there's so many things going on that it feels sloppy and at times confusing/boring.

>> No.5014163

please. play IX. Its what got me into video gameing hardcore. Its what gets me back in every time. The game is pheominal imo and i think youll love it

and yeah 6 is ass

>> No.5014196

Would be right if we were talking about games like Roguelikes or dungeon crawlers.

>> No.5014203

gee if only there were some sort of command that made you take less damage and be less likely to receive status effects

>> No.5014264

Don't be lazy. DQ1 is definitely better than 2. 2 is a near unplayable slog.

>> No.5016497

VII is sort of brutal. There's a couple parts that are really annoying toward the end where you have to revisit places that take a while to traverse. But on top of that it's just really long.

Aside from burning out on the game just being really long I liked it better than VI though; if anything, seeing how each of the towns change over time was always interesting, and there's tons of different text from NPCs.

>> No.5017768

>>Playing through the Dragon Quest series
>>Played through the first five with ease, never once did I feel like the game was just an awful piece of shit
>>Get to this gem

>What a drop off in quality, holy shit. Oh man. The story is some awful shit, the music is some awful shit, and some of the game design decisions in this game. Like this whole "waiting" shit that happens couple times in the game where you're not actually waiting for something to happen, you've just got to wander around town to either trigger a specific cutscene before you're allowed to leave, or you're forced to talk to every single NPC in the city

>>but anon you should be talking to every NPC and exploring every inch town anyway!

>You're right, I do do that. Only it turns out it only starts counting all of the people you start talking to the moment you talk to the NPC that tells you to "wait". You can go around the entire village of Amor and speaking to everyone first but if you didnt speak to the priest who tells you to "wait" while they clean the church it doesn't mean fucking shit. Go do it again. Then you can continue playing the game.

>And the final straw that broken the camels back was the second fight against marduk in the real world, where his first form is pretty simple, he kasaps your defense, attacks, and summons if you kill his summons. ezpz, ignore the summons and go straight for him, sleeping the summons.

>Then there's his second form. As per usual DQ major bosses he gets two turns. But that's not the problem. The problem is his arsenal of abilities contain TWO group wide attacks and a sleep attack. Each doing around 40-50 damage and the sleep attack sending one of your teammates to sleep. Now every Dragon Quest game has the appropriate abilities and items to deal with this sort of spammy shit, Insulatle and multiheal. Here's the problem.

You can use a tank to taunt

>> No.5019146
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I'm playing through Dragon Quest 2, just got the boat and judging by the lines of NPCs in the boat town I'm supposed to go to the islands where DQ1 took place, and I did.
Now the main objective seems to be finding the golden key and that's where uncertainty begins. First I thought that it'll be in the same place first magic keys were sold in DQ1, but there's no town there anymore. I moved south and found the asshole from DQ1 that demands proof of my lineage, some portal behind him that leads to more portals (and sun seal, which I picked up), most of them leading into dead ends, but one goes to an island in south-west of the map that I seem to be woefully underleveled for. There's also an NPC in the DQ1 main castle behind a silver key door that says something about some celestial thingy and where I can find it, but I have no idea what I'd need it for yet.
So, from this point on my choices seem to be:
- get on the boat and try to explore other islands
- try to get into the DQ1 boss castle (I think it's related to the celestial thingy mentioned earlier, but I'm not sure)
- try to explore the south-western island I reached through teleporters, the one that kicked my ass first time I came there
- explore the DQ1 islands around the place the signet proving my heroic bloodline was located in DQ1 (there are no towns in that area according to the map, but maybe it's just buried in the ground again or something)
What should I do? I'd appreciate softer tips rather than clear cut spoilers, I'm still harbouring hopes of beating the game without a walkthrough.

>> No.5020912

Oh boy, if hated VI for the talk to npcs bullshit you're going to hate VII too, VII is basically VI 2.0

>> No.5021143

a lot of people complain about DQ2's storyline at the point of boat acquisition. your overall mission is to collect all the crests / seals, but there's very little direction and the NPC hints are vague, unhelpful, poorly-translated, or all three.

if you don't have the Echoing Flute, go look for it. it's whole purpose is to help you find crests.

if you have a map of the world, make sure you've sailed to every place of interest. if you don't have a map you should probably cheat and get one off gamefaqs - i think a world map would have been included with the original game. but i guess even without the map, if you fuck around long enough with all the way-gates you will notice a town you can't get to without the ship. it's pretty hard to find without the map because it doesn't line up with any other land in the world so you kind of have to wander around in the trackless ocean.

the land of Alefgard from DQ1 is actually not that important in this game other than a place to level up and buy some gear. i don't think anything there advances the storyline in any significant way. it's mostly there as the "next place to go" just because it should be appropriate for your current power level.

>> No.5021151

I'm currently attempting a solo playthrough of DQ3 as a Wizard. It's probably impossible, but I'm going to try anyway.

Looks like I'm pretty thoroughly stuck on Orochi though. I was hoping Blazemost would get me through his regeneration but he's completely immune to fire, not just resistant. So ... yeah. Not sure what other option I have other than leveling up my Strength to whatever the max is for a Wizard and then trying to beat him to death with the Staff of Force and Bikill (which is how I ended up beating Kandar 2).

Fucking stupid regenerating bosses shit dicks assbutt.

>> No.5021217

One of the crests is in Alefgard.

>> No.5021240

you're mistaken. do spoilers work on this board? i guess we're about to find out.

Moon Crest - King Whoozits gives it to you after you beat the Sabertooth.
Sun Crest - in some random shrine full of waygates
Rain Crest - in the underground jail after you beat the two demonites
Star Crest - in Lookout Tower (south of Alefgard)
Life Crest - in the Cave to Rhone

>> No.5021250

Huh. I'm starting to forget things, I guess that means it's time to play the game again.

>> No.5021321


>> No.5021751

how's the patch for snes 6? they mention some crashes on the rhdn page, but are they avoidable enough that i could play on my sd2snes without needing save states?

>> No.5021760

I beat it on a 3ds emulator, the only thing I had to watch out for is not exiting the equipment menu by pressing B. You close it with A instead.

It is depressing to see all that missing dialogue in the latter half though.

>> No.5021864

No way, 3>9>5>7>6>8>4>1>2

>> No.5021939
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Only played IX and it sucked so much dick. FFV wannabe but with no charm, slow gameplay, shitty story.
I haven't played any other DQ game because IX sucked so much fudging dick. Can anyone recommend me something better from the series?

>> No.5022063

if you are a masochist and like real old school stuff start with 1 and work your way through the series.

4 was probably the best story / characters of the NES games. 5 is probably the best everything of the SNES games. the story in 5 is kind of amazing and the monster collecting mechanic is super fun.

1, at least the original NES version, is an unrelenting grindfest with almost no story. 2 is sadistic and cruel and frustrating but it has a special place in my heart anyway and i've probably played it the most. 3 is probably the most customizeable because of the party-building and job-changing mechanics (some of which are unfortunately broken).

6 was supposed to combine all of these into one game but, as others said, the pacing is weird, the story / multiple worlds thing is confusing and it's not that charismatic.

i've never played anything after 6 but the way you're whining about 9 makes you sound like a big whiney crybaby whineman so i suspect most of the early games won't be your thing.

5 is IMO the best game of the entire series so that's my recommendation but as you can see from this thread there are a lot of other opinions. i've only played the SNES version of 5 but i believe it was remade for other platforms - from what i hear the remakes have more story options (3 wives to choose from instead of 2?) but the translations make some of the women sound like retarded hillbillies or valley girls. somebody may jump in and correct me on that though

>> No.5022106

cool, thanks for the detailed response dawg. I think I'll check out 5. Big SNES rpg fan and I like the idea of collecting monsters.

>> No.5022512

The snes/sfc version of III is good, too.

>> No.5022893

I and II are solid and fun RPGs despite being dated as fuck. Something that VI never manages to be

>> No.5023886

Mudo is tedious but he's not hard.

>> No.5023958

Looks like the Boss Troll isn't going to be easy either, as he has about 50% resistance to Blazemost and Explodet. Fucks sake, they made all the bosses resistant to fire and weak against cold, and then didn't make one fucking cold family spell that can damage a boss faster than it regenerates?

My current plan is to see if I can find the Ghost Ship without ever trading the Staff of Change for the Sailor's Thighbone. I'm pretty sure it's possible, but a pain in the ass.

Not really sure what good it's going to do me anyway. Can you jump in the pit and get to the Dark World without beating Baramos? I'm assuming you can't, but I don't think I've ever tried.

At least that way I could buy Water Flying Cloth which would do ... something. Shit. I'm kind of grasping at straws here because it really looks like I just need to get 60 levels and farm Strength Seeds which sounds awful and boring.

>> No.5024023


How is the translation patch for the SFC version of V?

I've been wanting to give V a try. Thought about getting the DS version, but somehow this seems like the type of game that would be cool to play on the TV.

>> No.5024475

stop wasting your time on JRPGs and play something good like Jagged Alliance 2.

>> No.5024721
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Just beat Dragon Quest IV with YYEXVTGE on, only "problem" is that you can't change party members in battle.
Also with the cheat on you use more Kyril but without it, Meena is more reliable, mostly because of the Death family spells that Kyril spams.
Great game cheat on or off, gotta get those Mini Medals (six more to go) and maybe i will try and get the Metal Babble Helmets from the Metal King Slimes.

>> No.5026052

Got to level 40, learned the Chance spell. I was hoping that one or another of the odd effects could help me get past Orochi, but the spell doesn't seem to work on bosses? Is that a thing?

Every time I cast Chance I get some result about my voice echoing around the chamber, and nothing happens. Except like every tenth time I cast it, it heals my wizard for about 35 hp.

I tried casting it in another random fight and it put everybody to sleep. Then I went back to Orochi and same thing. Just my voice echoing over and over.

I don't see anything on Gamefaqs about bosses being immune to Chance. Does the RNG just fucking hate me?

>> No.5027770

Which version of VII should I play? I've never played a DQ game before, but people always meme about VII being one of the longest JRPGs out there and I'd like to give it a try.

>> No.5027943

3ds obviously, not only it has more content but the first dungeon isn't a snoozefest

>> No.5028001

VI and II are considered to be the bad ones.