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File: 140 KB, 2720x1990, FUCKTHISGUY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5002792 No.5002792 [Reply] [Original]

Post any boss from any retro game you hate so much.

>> No.5002803

>dude, the boss is bigger than the screen size lmao
>but you can just literally stand still in one of the pillars on the upper corners and just hit his head, one hit at a time, waiting until he drops dead

>> No.5002847
File: 546 KB, 667x932, latest[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beating him with the buster is hell

>> No.5002907

>Find Beryl Circlet
>Equip Beryl Circlet
>(Alternatively) equip the Crissaegrim
>Just slash at him, his electric attacks will constantly refil your HP until he dies
>If you have the Crissaegrim the fight will last no more than 10 seconds

>Start game
>Input password
>Put a red dot on the top right corner
>Start game
>Enjoy your 9 E-tanks

>> No.5003714

Imo this is the only real boss fight in SotN. I can't remember any others that weren't a cakewalk. Sotn is so fucking easy. It's its only flaw

>> No.5003721

>use cheapo shit or a password that's effectively a code

damn why didn't I think of that

>> No.5003739

>Mega Man X3: both Sigma fights
His attacks are so all over the place. I know how to avoid them, but it's just not fun to do, I end up just being intentionally sloppy and getting the fight over with a bit quicker. Also his head is a pain in the ass to hit on the 2nd fight.

>Any FF boss where it has a "don't attack me" phase
The problem with these bosses is that with the ATB system you not only can't attack it during the "stance," you also can't input any commands if you think it might have already input its own command for the "stance." You can make this less of a thing by setting the ATB to Wait, but it still makes for shitty menu management instead of just having a real fucking fight.

I'm not saying he doesn't have several ways to beat him, but I don't want to have to spend an entire chapter or even entire game just thinking about how I'm going to approach this one fight.

>> No.5003749
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>> No.5003859

clarify something for me. is galamoth's eye all green, or is he giving a look in profile? is that little black speck a pupil or not?

>> No.5003864

I literally do not remember any bosses in SotN other than Drac at the beginning, the pair of demons, and Shadow Alucard.

>> No.5003926

Alucard Shield + Shield Rod, then just walk into him until he dies like 5 seconds later...do this for every boss once you have both those items.

>> No.5003928
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Is that as far as you got, because there are far worse bosses in that game, namely this fuckeroo.

Also Vader was tough as nails, but a pretty satisfying sequence of fights.

>> No.5004060
File: 21 KB, 540x405, gfs_40172_2_31_mid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this guy

>> No.5004083

needle man is pretty rough too

>> No.5004932

While this was one of my fav games growing up, I haven't played it in so long that both that boss and which crest you're using to fight him look wholly unfamiliar to me.

>> No.5004939

It's the final crest and a secret boss you need a password to access.

>> No.5005087
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I did not get along with this guy

>> No.5005218
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I hate that conveyor belt so damn much.

>> No.5005271

Pc engine port doesn’t have the razor blade lol

>> No.5005294
File: 324 KB, 600x800, 02D050BF-A65D-40A3-AE35-6679D3B095B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking faggot

>> No.5005319

This game brings PTSD to me.

>> No.5005336

From the time I started to play this game to when i finished it actually took years because of this boss. Got fed up and walked away only to pick up my save many years later and finally after a bit of luck finish it.

>> No.5005463

>Immediate beak dash attack
>The hitbox for the thing is colossal and lingers for ages

Slogra was a highly annoying boss to fight.

>> No.5005547

I've never understood why people bitch about the Star Wars games so much. Outside of the random deaths caused by bad level design on the first one and the Luke on Hoth parts at the beginning of the 2nd they're really beatable games.

Maybe I just loved Star Wars so much as a kid and overplayed them that I now overlook the difficulty on replays but I have more trouble with the MegaMan X games than I do with the Super Star Wars series.

>> No.5005567

I've been seeing this posted a semi-lot lately. But I don't get it.

Just like every other boss in SOTN, you simply overwhelm him with damage, spam shit like shield rod, use spells and items, or even just have your best equips on. He's a fucking pushover, unless you suck completely. But even then, it's hard to actually die to him.

I feel like you'd have to try to lose to him.

>> No.5005570
File: 29 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Final strike delivered
>Battle doesn't finish
>Motherfucker immediately regenerates health

How the fuck was i supposed to know i had to strike it's head for the last blow

>> No.5005579

You've pointed out two of the problems right there, though in the first one, I only heard of problem with the Lava Beast boss and the Cantina boss.
SESB however, was a casual filter of the nth degree. As you say, once you got past the Hoth platforming, you were pretty golden, but you had four(at least) fucking levels to suffer through, including two bosses. Not many people were willing to put up with that shit just to see the rest of the game(which is a shame, as people missed out).

>> No.5005602

Does it count if the boss is good but dying to it sucks?

The boss of the shmup level in Gunners Heaven would be great fun if dying to it didn't mean redoing a braindead easy 5 minute autoscroller.

>> No.5005604

Maybe they don't know you can change the difficulty. Also, there's like 3 bugged areas in the lava beast lead up where you can fall in and it doesn't even kill you.

>> No.5005609

doing this with your barehanded punch is pretty funny you gotta admit

>> No.5005615

You actually get a better sequence of battles with Anita, the one you posted isn't even best girl

>> No.5005632

literally the best mm bosses buster-only

>> No.5005654
File: 22 KB, 640x480, KEIO FLYING SQUADRON017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5005667

oh shit i didn't see we were posting best girls! i thought we were discussing the bosses fag

>> No.5005668
File: 1.07 MB, 352x240, 1515649255376.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shield Rod might be the most broken weapon of all time, with the Alucard Shield it makes you literally invincible and completely wrecks every boss in seconds. I guess they figured it wouldn't matter since you get the Alucard shield late in the game anyway, but fuck, it kind of makes the game pointless once you do have it. All you gotta do is walk into anything and it dies.

>> No.5005669

That guy is piss easy once you take out the turrets.

>> No.5005685

I can get the top one when he's coming in, but I'm too bad to get the other after he starts moving. Doesn't help that just prior to the fight I often die to an exploding fish or blow both my options.

>> No.5005753
File: 1.94 MB, 245x305, 1519519667769.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty tough boss by Castlevania IV standards, but at least there was a checkpoint so you didn't have to replay that fucking horrible stair level again.

People give IV shit for not being ass-rapingly difficult but I think its difficulty is actually reasonable and the prior games laid it on a little too thick.

>> No.5005843
File: 162 KB, 1440x1080, bahman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking thing.

>> No.5005851

i like the star wars games. they are also incredibly difficult on jedi difficulty.

>> No.5005852

the boss fights, particularly.

>> No.5005853

They are, but people act as if there isn't an easy difficulty setting you can pick and make the games about as beatable as any other SNES game.

>> No.5005861

Those issues you named are enough to break the games for a lot of people. Unless you're a massive Star Wars fag you have no reason to put up with crap like that when you could play something else.

>> No.5005865

Fuck that thing.

>> No.5005869

There aren't really random deaths though.

>> No.5005870

This boss was effectively where the game ended for me when I was a little kid. I was hype as hell when I finally beat him for the first time. After that the game wasn't nearly as difficult until the last level.

>> No.5005875
File: 41 KB, 400x350, bahmun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only got through that boss once or twice as a kid, but could never get anywhere in the sewer level with the leaping enemies. I couldn't figure out how to avoid them so I never got more than a screen or two in before dying.

>> No.5005907

But anon, the fun of SOTN is in trying not to use all the broken shit the game gives you.

>> No.5005912

I don't understand why people use overpowered abilities just because they're part of the game. It's one thing if you accidentally use something OP without knowing, but specifically choosing to stomp things as effortlessly as possible just seems like it'd ruin the experience.

>> No.5005950

>but specifically choosing to stomp things as effortlessly as possible just seems like it'd ruin the experience.
SotN is like Diablo in one regard: Find the best equipment for the job and use it.

>> No.5005967

Why would it be? The game is piss easy, why would you set out to find the most powerful option when the game gives you so much variety it very much encourages you to use what you like instead? It's hard for me to imagine a person liking just using the most powerful thing they have all the time to negate any form of challenge or effort the game can potentially provide.

>> No.5006041
File: 287 KB, 1080x973, IMG_20180827_113914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one... Almost unbeatable when I was younger, and still difficult today.

>> No.5006618
File: 222 KB, 1280x960, Meet_boss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This boss looks fuckin cool and it's formidable has hell (kakaka) the first time, but as an end boss it's pretty lacking. It's completely static and the only trick to kill it is shooting a rocket at the right height. That's it. And many pwads use it as a final boss as well, even though the fight itself is lame.

>> No.5006703

Kaiser Sigma in X3. It was really tedious trying to damage him if you didn’t have the saber, and you had the annoying escape afterwards.

>> No.5006714

For a moment I thought we were talking Xenosaga 3.

>> No.5006731

Yeah, it's lame. The boss is cool as fuck looking but the level looks like shit. Green sludge walls for what? It should have matched the bosse's textures.

>> No.5006734

This fight is complete garbage purely because of the stupid as fuck hitbox.

>> No.5006765

Yeah the hit box sucked. The missiles were a pain too.

>> No.5008768

Not everyone is a guide-reading faggot on their first run

>> No.5008779

yea, and the artwork was amazing, so the difficulty drop was worth it by me

>> No.5008808

If any game in the series was too brutal it was Rondo of Blood. That shit stomps me on almost every screen. Still a great game, but holy fuck can it be mean.

>> No.5009705

I'm glad you brought up the bad level design, I also think this is what makes the game hard. I also think the games are kind of bad. I figure they're widespread popularity comes from them being released during a period when there wasn't all that much official star wars media outside of books/comics.

>> No.5009817

This is true, early to mid-ninties were the Star Wars dark ages.

>> No.5009854

On my first run, I was so over leveled by the time I got to him, all I had to do was spam soul steal, use mist form to dodge attacks and slash the shit out of him to finish him off when I was out of MP and consumables.

If you honestly got to this point in the game and didn't know how to do all that, you have to have been under 10 years old, retarded or actively avoiding learning how to play the fuckng game.

>> No.5009860


Let me get this straight:
>don't use best equipment, spells, etc
>game is harder
>bitch because game is harder
>someone tells you to use best shit
>bitch at them for doing so

Fuck off, niggerling.

>> No.5009863
File: 788 KB, 360x240, galamoth getting owned.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Galamoth is difficult

This meme again. From what I remember you get a lightning absorbing shield immediately prior to fighting him. With that, you just need to pummel him with an autofire.

>> No.5009872

Well switch to Fast speed then, and you can dodge those fishes easily. Spread shot also helps, since the airship is fucking large and closes on you all the time. For damage, just use the mines which fly in the opposite direction of your movement, they do absurd damage, with that and two multiples you can take down one of the turrets immediately.

>> No.5009884

I've tried.

The problem is that it never becomes hard for more than a room or two.
I underlevel and use basic, or no equipment, and I end up WAY over powered somehow, just doing what the game calls for. No grinding or anything.

It's so fucking broken amd unbalanced that it's impossible to add any challenge into it at all. There's no ballast. Nothing to keep all the OP bullshit in check. Even something like scaled leveling would have worked, but no.

Try doing a run where you use fists only, for example. By hopping and punching, you can stay mobile, and get in 2 hits per button press, lacking only the extra little bit of power you get from equipment. But because each punch can hits twice, any loss is negated.
Punches are also a fuckload faster than 90% of weapons, and are uneffected by curse status as well. Do you can just punch away and wipe everything out faster than most early game equipment and even most late game equipment, once you're leveled.

You literally have to go FAR out of your way to try and make this game challenging at all. And enemy ai and patterns are so fucking stupid that even then, it just becomes a chore to slog through, and not actually challenging in any way.

So why not just waltz into a room, wave a gamd and watch everything die? Why not kill the same enemy 100 times in a row to get that rare drop that makes combat entirely trivial? Why not grind up levels against the strongest enemies in the whole game with the shield rod? Why not be god? THAT is the only fun to be had in this game.

>> No.5009896


But just wait. A bunch of retards are about to tell you you're wrong, because using the tools the game fuxking gives you isn't how you're supposed to play.
Nope, you're supposed to struggle somehow, because this 21 year old game built around fucking killer equipment and room clearing spells is SO fucking hard....

>> No.5009928

Yeah I'm not the same dude that complained about SotN's difficulty. Galamoth is a shit boss, though. Not because he's hard, he isn't. He's shit because his health and attack patterns encourage players to cheese him, since any more 'legit' tactic is just really fucking boring and tedious. Either way it's hard as hell to make him fun.

>> No.5009935

you're the kind of faggot who complains about "artificial difficulty"

>> No.5009942

How is that related? I just don't like when a boss has a boring, repetitive attack pattern that takes no effort to avoid and instead gets literally maxed out hit points to 'make it harder'. It's just bad boss design.

>> No.5009947
File: 2.89 MB, 640x480, keio boss.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5010754

>green slime
Yeah it looks like a Nickelodeon game show
>floor is evil mud

>> No.5011004
File: 158 KB, 399x316, 1507813146203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kaiser Sigma in X3.
every time I laugh

>> No.5011220
