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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 97 KB, 750x1000, gits_ps1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4997776 No.4997776 [Reply] [Original]

Games that need more dicksucking.
Let's start with this masterpiece right here. It's so perfect.

>> No.4997793

Bit easy innit? Prefer Armored Core.

>> No.4997796
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>> No.4997803

Difficulty does not a game make.
Also completely different kind of game to AC.

>> No.4997809

I think gits would have been better with some more challenging design. Most of the missions are over before you know it. It's all in one ear out the other if you know what I mean.

>> No.4997817

You can try to get better time/score if you like a challenge.

>> No.4997938


>> No.4997952

AC is too hard to be fun.

>> No.4998646

I always found it easy but you had to stick to specific builds to stand a chance at later levels

Overall I'd say AC is a greater game because of the deep customization and the fact that you can take your memory card and play your AC through three games' worth of content.

I still did like GiTS, though. It was the first game I ever played with an analog controller and I'll never forget the feeling.

>> No.4998771

I would like to own this game, but I am saving for misadventures of Tron at the moment. Gits is a great anime and driving around in a logikoma sounds fun.

>> No.4999031
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Game informer October 1997

>> No.5001487


>> No.5001740

It is.

>> No.5001784

i always wanted to try the PSP game more than this one.

also how different is the rest of GitS from SaC & 2nd GIG? i noticed that the major seems less like blank slate in the earlier stuff i glanced at.

>> No.5001791
File: 174 KB, 801x1149, GitS_GameFan_poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i always wanted to try the PSP game more than this one.
The PS2 and PSP games are way more generic, and the Tachikoma missions don't ever come close to the swift controls on the PS1 game.
They were made by different developers.

>> No.5001796

Gotta be honest, the only reason I keep my copy is because it's relatively valuable.

>> No.5001812

maybe it's because my only real exposure to the series were SaC, 2nd GIG & the live action movie but i always felt GitS would've worked as an FPS.

>> No.5001850

Always wanted a copy of this, played the demo as a kid and it was dank

>> No.5002196

that's almost all people. If this wasn't tied to the anime and was just some generic game it would be like $20 sealed right now, it's entire demand is it's related to tits anime.

>> No.5002656
File: 52 KB, 500x473, gitsmegalp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually value it first and foremost because of the soundtrack, big fan of Takkyu Ishino.
Second, I value it because of the gameplay and the dev company, Exact. I like their other games Jumping Flash and Geograph Seal. They were very creative with early 3D, a shame they dissolved.

>> No.5004204

Try the 1995 movie in its non updated version.

>> No.5004278

jumping flash is aces. nothing like it

>> No.5004280

this, the soundtrack is amazing and the gameplay is fucking fun as hell too, sliding up walls is awesome

>> No.5006287
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>> No.5006741
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I like this more then most games in general. It was one of those things my mom bought out of the discount rack and I've never been so happy.

>> No.5006751

>tfw when u just wanna be a baby and play mc donald again

>> No.5006753

I beat it maybe twice a year

>> No.5008886
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qt mayor

>> No.5011015
File: 107 KB, 600x594, Dragon Seeds [U]-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monster raising at it's finest. It's extremely short, but really fun and replayable. Music is stock, but good, and the designs are fantastic. What's really the best about it is the atmosphere though. I don't really even know how to descibe that.

>> No.5011032

It's worth 50 bucks at auction. That's not really valuable and as anon stated, the value of the game is tied to the gits brand.

>> No.5011037

Lunar 2
I just don't feel like it's as well-acknowledged as Lunar 1, which is a shame since I think it's a much better game

>> No.5011043

Intro was so fappable

It makes me sad to see the phone number on the disc and realize, people don't use video game hint lines anymore, they can just look it up walkthroughs on the internet.

>> No.5011058

This is my white whale. I rented it once as a kid and wanted a copy ever since.
I look for it every time I go to a game store but it's never there.

And I refuse to just buy it online because I've been searching for so long.

>> No.5011094

Magazines used to be a lot cooler. I miss the extra stuff that came with games, like the glossy colour guides. Now you're lucky if you can even get physical mediums of anything, games or media

>> No.5011107

why the f-ck would that make you said...

>> No.5011112
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>> No.5011134

Sad? Because I enjoyed calling them, and it was nice in a way when you actually had to put effort into things. What used to take me half an hour on a tip line takes under a minute now on Youtube, but look at how the situation fundamentally changes:

1. There's no more human contact. Calling a tip line meant talking to an actual human. You know, socialization?
2. The tip line didn't usually give very specific information. It almost added to the game in a way, because they usually didn't give it all away

In a way, gaming has lost a lot of its mystique for me, because the days of not being able to see the endings of games if you aren't good enough to beat them are gone. That's why I don't even bother finishing games anymore.

>> No.5011142
File: 40 KB, 280x280, F401063E-5E88-4D87-B8DF-68055BE6B72E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda like monkey ball, but with very interesting visuals and music.

>> No.5012397

wow, i never knew Kula World was also called Roll Away... What a generic name

>> No.5012426
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>> No.5012530

AC is piss easy if you just emulate and remap all the controls to a modern scheme.

>> No.5014896
File: 354 KB, 516x692, GITSad1352418213111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, by the way this thread is for any game in general, not just PlayStation games.

>> No.5014951


Paying for video game hints is something everyone is happy to see gone. It's like paying for internet usage. No one missed that shit. If you honestly feel that way, go on some forum and ask for help every time you need it.

>In a way, gaming has lost a lot of its mystique for me

While I agree, video game tip lines added nothing of value

>> No.5014962
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>maybe it's because my only real exposure to the series were SaC, 2nd GIG & the live action movie but i always felt GitS would've worked as
an FPS.

As the other Anon said, you need to watch the original 1995 film. It's a classic

>> No.5015018

The weird Nexon online ghost in the Shell game was dope, but garbage boys turned the servers off for good.

>> No.5015101

activate over drive, spin in circles in the air, fire lock on missiles. Win.

>> No.5015119


>> No.5015142
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>> No.5016882
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>> No.5019183

wasn't that just CS with a GitS skin?

>> No.5019187

That combat, though.

>> No.5021732

Play Oni. It's like a Kmart knockoff gots third person shooter by Bungie that was really dope.

>> No.5021740

that gets praised here on /vr/ all the time

>> No.5021742

I can attest to this. One of the few games, if not the only game where I planned something out that I didn't know was possible in the game's engine, and it worked.

It was simply a combat menuver but I went from cover, jumped down to another level, sprinted towards a gaurd before he turned around, slid on the ground andp icked up a gun while sliding, shot the gun while sliding, swapped to the gaurds gun and killed another one before either could shoot me. I didn't know you could pick up guns while sliding but tried it.

>> No.5022921
File: 125 KB, 640x480, Snap7-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nigga.
I thought I was the only person who gave a shit about this masterpiece.

>> No.5022927

deSPIRIA fan translation never ever

>> No.5022962

I recall having a copy of PC Gamer having a neat cut out of a body hanging upside down you could tie with string.

Man, the 90's sound kinda weird when you have to spell it out.

>> No.5022963

>don’t get to play as Kusanagi

I don’t care if the game is 10/10 i’d still consider that a jip.

>> No.5022967
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Just imagine you're playing as her then. You never see the characters in-game anyway, just the Fuchikoma.

>> No.5022973
File: 62 KB, 565x479, C60C8404-901F-49AD-91A4-C51006C2CC0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the same man.